of Troy

John Clerk
of Whalley

Glasgow Ubniversity Library
Hunterian MS. 388
copied in about 1540
by Thomas Chtham of Nuthurst, Lancs.
Bailiff of the Earls of Derby

Translated from the Latin
'Historia Destructionis Troiae'
by Guido de Columnis, 1287

The longest of all the medieval alliterative poems, the author's name is given by the initial letters of the first 22 chapters.


1 Maistur in mageste maker of all
2 Endles and on euer to last
3 Now god of þi grace graunt me þi helpe
4 And wysshe me with wyt þis werke for to ende
5 of aunters ben olde of aunsetris nobill
6 and slydyn vppon shlepe by slomeryng of age
7 Of stithe men in stoure strongest in armes
8 And wisest in wer to wale in hor tyme
9 Þat ben drepit w(i)t(h) deth   þ(er)e day paste
10 And most out of mynd for þ(er)e mecull age
11 Soche stories ben stoken vp   straught out of mynd
12 And swolowet into swym by swiftenes of yeres
13 ffor new þ(a)t ben now next at ou(r) hond
14 Breuyt into bok(es) for boldyng of hert(es)
15 On lusti to loke w(i)t(h) lightnes of wille
16 Cheuyt throughe chaunce   chaungyng of peopull
17 Sum tru forto traist triet in þe end
18 Sum feynit O fere   ay false vnder
19 Yche wegh as he will warys his tyme
20 And has lykyng to lerne þat hym list after
21 But olde stories of stithe þat astate helde
22 May be solas to sum þ(a)t it segh neuer
23 Be w(ri)tyng of wees þ(a)t wist it in dede
24 W(i)t(h) sight for to serche of hom þ(a)t suet after
25 To ken all the crafte how þe case felle
26 By lokyng of letturs þ(a)t lefte were of olde
27 Now of Troy forto telle is myn entent euyn
28 Of the stoure   þe stryff when it distroyet was
29 Þof fele yeres bene faren syn þe fight endid
30 And it meuyt out of mynd myn hit I thinke
31 Also wise men haue writen the word(es) before
32 Left it in latyn for lernyng of vs
33 But sum poyetis full p(ri)st þat put hom þerto
34 W(i)t(h) ffables and falshed fayned þ(er)e speche
35 And made more of þ(a)t mater þam hom maist(ur) were
36 Sum lokyt ou(er) litle and lympit of the sothe
37 Amonges þat menye to myn hym be nom
38 Homer was holden haithill of dedis
39 Qwiles his dayes enduret derrist of other
40 Þat w(i)t(h) the Grekys w was gret   of grice comyn
41 He feynet myche fals was neu(er) before wroght
42 And t(ur)net þe truth trust ye non other
43 Of his trifuls to telle I haue no tome nowe
44 Ne of his feynit fare þat he fore with
45 How godd(es) foght in the filde folke as þai were
46 And other errours vnable þ(a)t after were knowen
47 That poyetis of p(ri)se haue preuyt vntrew
48 Ovyd and othir þat onest were ay
49 Virgill þe v(er)tuus verrit for nobill
50 Thes dampnet his dedys   for dull holdyn
51 But þe truth for to telle   þe text euyn
52 Of þ(a)t fight how it felle in a few yeres
53 Þat was clanly compilet w(i)t(h) a clerke wise
54 On Gydo a gome þ(a)t graidly hade wrought soght
55 And wist all þe werk(es) by weghes he hade
56 That bothe were in batell while the batelllast
57 And eu(er)y sawte   assembly see w(i)t(h) þ(er)e een
58 Thai wrote all þe werk(es) wroght at þ(a)t tyme
59 In letturs of þ(er)e langage as þai lerned hade
60 Dares and Dytes were duly þ(er)e namys
61 Dites full dere was dew to þe grekys
62 A Lede of þat Lond   loged hom with
63 The tother was a Tulke out of Troy selfe
64 Dares þat duly the dedys beheld
65 Aither breuyt in a boke on þ(er)e best wise
66 Þat sithen at a Site somyn were founden
67 After at atthenes as aunter befell
68 The whiche bok(es) barely bothe as þai were
69 A Romayn ou(er)raght   right hom hym seluyn
70 That Corneli(us) was cald to his kynd name
71 He translated it into latyn for likyng to here
72 But he shope it so short þ(a)t no shalke might
73 Haue knowlage by course how þe case felle
74 ffor he brought it so breff and so bare leuyt
75 Þat no lede might haue likyng to loke þ(er)appon
76 Till þis Gydo it gate as hym g(ra)ce felle
77 And declaret it more clere   on clene wise
78 In this shall faithfully be founden to the fer ende
79 All þe dedis by dene as þai done were
80 How þe ground first grew   þe grete hate
81 Bothe of torfer and tene þ(a)t hom tid aftur
82 And here fynd shall ye faire of þe felle peopull
83 What kyng(es) þ(er)e come of cost(es) aboute
84 Of Duk(es) full doughty and of derffe Erles
85 That assemblid to þe citie þat sawte to defend
86 Of þe grekys þ(a)t were gedret how gret was þe nowmb(u)r
87 How mony knight(es) þ(er)e come   kyng(es) enarmed
88 And what duk(es) thedur droghe for dedis of were
89 What Shippes þ(er)e were shene   shalk(es) with in
90 Bothe of barges   buernes þ(a)t broght were fro grese
91 And all the batels on bent þe buernes betwene
92 What duke þ(a)t was ded throughe dynt(es) of hond
93 Who fallen was in ffylde   how it fore after
94 Bothe of truse   of trayne þe truthe shalt þ(o)u here
95 And all the ferlies þ(a)t fell vnto the ferre ende
96 ffro this prologe I passe   part me þ(er)with
97 ffrayne will I fer and fraist of þ(er)e werk(es)
98 Meue to my mater and make here an ende

Explicit Prologus
Here begynnes the ffirst Boke How Kyng
Pelleus Exit Iason to get þe ffles of golde

99 In Tessaill hit tyd as thus in tyme olde
100 A prouynce app(ro)pret ap(er)te to Rome
101 A nyle enabit nobli and wele
102 With a man(er) of men mermydons callid
103 There was a kyng in þ(a)t coste þ(a)t þe kithe aught
104 A noble man for þe nonest namet Pelleus
105 That worthy / hade a wyfe walit hym seluon
106 The truthe for to telle Tetyda she heght
107 Þes gret in þ(er)e gamyn / gate hom betwene
108 Achilles by chaunce chiualrous in armes
109 More of thies Mirmydons mell I not now
110 Enabit in ytaile / Etill will I ferre
111 How Mawros were men made on a day
112 At þe p(ra)yer of a p(ri)nse þat peopull hade loste
113 This Pelleus pert prudest in armys
114 Hade a broþ(er) of birthe borne or hym seluyn
115 That heire was   Eldist / and Eson he hight
116 Tyll it fell hym by fortune faintyng of elde
117 Vnstithe for to stire or stightill the Realme
118 And all were   weike wantid his sight
119 Of Septur and soile he sesit his brothir
120 And hym crowned as kyng in þ(a)t kith riche
121 Eson afterward erdand on lyffe
122 Endured his dayes drowpyng in age
123 As Ovid openly in Eydos tellus
124 How Medea the maiden made hym all new
125 By craft þ(a)t she kouth / of hir coint artys
126 Eson þ(a)t eld man þ(a)t I er said
127 Hade a son of hym selfe semly to wale
128 And Iason þat gentill aioynet was to name
129 A faire man of feturs   fellist in armys
130 As meke as a Mayden   mery of his wordis
131 This Iason for his gentris was ioyfull till all
132 Wele louit w(i)t(h) þe lord(es)   the lond hole
133 All worshipped þ(a)t worthy inwones aboute
134 No les þan þe lege / þat hom lede shuld
135 And he as bainly obeyed to the buerne his Eme
136 As þof his syre hade the soile /   septure to yeme
137 Pelleus p(er)sayuit the people anone
138 That the lond so hym loued lord as he were
139 And ay dred hym on dayes for doute þ(a)t might falle
140 Lest he put hym from p(ri)uelage   his place toke
141 Of Tessaile as truthe wold to be trew kyng
142 Thus Pelleus w(i)t(h) payne was p(ri)cket in hert
143 ffull egurly w(i)t(h) enuy   eu(er) hym bethoght
144 W(i)t(h) a course of vnkyndnes he caste in his thoghte
145 The freike vpon faire wise ferke out of lyue
146 And he no daunger ner deire for þ(a)t dede haue
147 He bethought hym full thicke in his throo hert
148 And in his wit was he war of a wyle sone
149 Of a fame þ(a)t fer in fele kyng(es) lond(es)
150 And borne was a brode for a bare aunter
151 Out in the Orient Orible to here
152 In a cuntre was cald Colchos by name
153 Was as aunter in a nyle þat I nem shall
154 Beyonde the terage of troy as þe trety sayse
155 There was a wonderfull wethur weghes to beholde
156 W(i)t(h) a flese þ(a)t was fyne flamond of gold
157 And þe kyng of þ(a)t coste callid was by name
158 Chethes for sothe as sou(er)ayne   lord
159 He was mighty on molde   mekull goode hade
160 His p(ri)de well ou(er)put past into elde
161 This whethur and þe wole were wond(ur)ly keppit
162 By the crafte   the cure   conyng of Mars
163 That w(i)t(h) charmes   enchaunteme(n)t(es) was chefe god
164 Thus coyntly it kept was all w(i)t(h) clene art
165 By too Oxen oribull on for to loke
166 And a derfe dragon drede to be holde
167 These balfull best(es) were as þe boke tellus
168 ffull flaumond of fyre w(i)t(h) fnastyng of logh
169 That gird thurgh the gorge w(i)t(h) a grete hete
170 A nelne brode all aboute þ(a)t no buerne might
171 ffor the birre it abide but he brent were
172 And wo this wethur shuld wyn bud wirke as I say
173 Ayre euyn to þe Oxen entre hom in yok(es)
174 W(i)t(h) striffe or w(i)t(h) strok(es) till þai stond wold
175 Aftur ayre vp the erthe on ardagh wise
176 Sythen drawe to þe dragon   þe derfe qwelle
177 Gird out the grete teth of the grym best
178 And alse sede in þe season / sowe it on þe erthe
179 Than a ferlyfull frute shall he fynd after
180 The tethe shall t(ur)ne tite vnto knight(es)
181 Armyt at all peses / able to were
182 Thai to falle vppon fight as fomen belyue
183 W(i)t(h) depe wondes and derfe till all be dede euyn
184 All thes perels to passe w(i)t(h)outen payne other
185 That the flese wold focche   ferke yt away
186 Of this wonderfull wethur for to here more
187 Why it kept was by craft on so coynt wyse
188 Hit was said oft sythes and for sothe holden
189 That Chethes the same kyng hade a som hoge
190 Of grete gobbett(es) of gold in the ground hid
191 And so kepid it w(i)t(h) craft of his coynt artys
192 And for to get of this gold   the grete somys
193 ffor Couetous þ(er)e come knight(es) full ofte
194 And endit in au(er)ys to ay lastand sorowe
195 This Pelleus w(i)t(h) pyne p(ri)nted in hert
196 Iff he might sleghly be sleght   sletyng of word(es)
197 Gar Iason w(i)t(h) any gyn the io(ur)ney vndurtake
198 He were seker as hym semyd for sight of hym eu(er)
199 And most likly be lofte   his los keppit
200 He p(ur)past hym plainly in his pure wit
201 fforto tyse hym þ(er)to if it tyde might
202 To take it hertely on hond in a high p(ri)de
203 And þe way forto wylne w(i)t(h) wilfull desyre
204 He cast hym full cointly be cause of this thyng
205 In a Cite be syde to somyn a fest
206 W(i)t(h) p(ri)nces and p(re)lates   prise of the lond
207 Thre dayes to endure w(i)t(h) daintes ynogh
208 The iij.d day throly he thought in his hert
209 ffor to mele of this mat(er) þ(a)t he in mynd hade
210 He cald Iason in his iapis w(i)t(h) a Ioly wille
211 Before the baronage at the burde thus þe buerne said
212 Cosyn it is knowen þat I am kyng here
213 And mekyll comford(es) me the crowne of this kyd realme
214 But more it Ioyes me Iason of þi Iust werk(es)
215 Þat so mighty   meke   manly art holdyn
216 Now þi fame shall goo fer   þ(o)u furse holdyn
217 And all p(ro)uyns   p(ar)t(es) þi pes shall desyre
218 To tessayle a tresure tristy for eu(er)
219 Thy selfe to be sene and in suche fame
220 By þi name þus anoisyt   for noble holden
221 Whyle þou rixlis in this reame no riot we drede
222 But all fferd be þ(er)fore and frendship dyssire
223 Hit wold sothely me set as sou(er)ayne in ioye
224 Iff ou(r) godd(es) wold graunt þat þ(o)u grace hade
225 That the fflese þat is ffresshe flamond of gold
226 Were brought throw þi boldnes into þis byg yle
227 And þ(a)t wold doutles be done   no dere In
228 Wold þ(o)u afforce þe þ(er)fore and þe fight take
229 Be of gou(er)n(au)nce graithe   of good wille
230 Yff þ(o)u putt(es) þe p(re)stly þis point for to do
231 Thou shall arayet be full ryolle w(i)t(h) a route noble
232 Of my Baronage bolde   my best wise
233 I shall spare for no spence   þ(o)u spede wele
234 And do þi deu(er) duly as a duke shuld nobill
235 Thou shalt haue holly my hol hert   my helpe alse
236 And be lappid in my luffe all my lyffe after
237 Þ(o)u may be glad for to get suche a good name
238 And haue for þi hardynes a full hegh mede
239 Leve þis for lell me list it p(er)fourme
240 And to hold it w(i)t(h) hert þat I hete nowe
241 I will fayne þe faintis vnder faith wordes
242 When my dayes be done þ(o)u shalt be duke here
243 And haue þe Crowne to kepe of þis kyd realme
244 And while I lyffe in this lond no les þan my selfe
245 Halfe for to haue   hold for þi name
246 And w(i)t(h) all weghis to be worshipt to þe world(es) end
247 When Pelleus his proses hade puplishit on higheto þe end
248 And all soburly said w(i)t(h) a sad wille
249 Iason was Ioly of his Iuste word(es)
250 Þat in p(re)sens of the pepull þo p(ro)fers were made
251 And mony stythe of astate stondyng aboute
252 He hedit not the harme þat in his hert Lurkyt
253 Ne the ffalshed he faynit vnd(ur) faire word(es)
254 He dred no dissayet of his dere vncle
255 But hooped full hertely it come of high loue
256 Þen he trist hym full tyte in his tried strenght
257 Thurghe hardynes of hond hopit to spede
258 He put noght vnpossible Pelleus wordes
259 Ne the kyng(es) couetous cast not before
260 Þen he grauntis to go w(i)t(h) a grete chere
261 And all thies fferlyes to fraist he fursly Awouet Pelleus
262 Pelleus of the p(ro)ffer was proude at his hert
263 And glad of þe graunt before the grete lordys
264 He ertid to anend egerly fast
265 Þat no tarying shuld tyde ou(er) a tyme set
266 And yet ffortune vnderfong(es) þat he feile shall
267 And will put hym fro p(ur)pos þat he p(re)sys after
268 He consydret þat Calcos was closet in a nyle
269 Þat no creature might keu(er) for course of the see
270 But w(i)t(h) ship þ(a)t shapon were for þe shyre waghes
271 Þan he comaundet to come of þe crafte noble
272 A wright þat was wise þis werke forto end
273 And Argus þat aft(ur) was abill of his crafte
274 Sone he dressit to his dede   no dyn made
275 And made vp a mekyll ship þe most vpon erthe
276 Þat after hym avne selfe Argon was cald
277 Sum sayn full sure   for sothe holdyn
278 Hit was þe formast on flete þ(a)t on flode past
279 Þat eu(er) saile was on set / vpon salt water
280 Or eu(er) cariet kairet ou(er) cost to cuntris Ofer
281 Now ordant was althyng onestly þere
282 And abundantly broght þ(a)t hom bild might
283 W(i)t(h) all stuff for þe stremes þat hom strenght shuld
284 Mony noble for þe nonest to þe note yode
285 Tryed men þat were takon of tessayle rewme
286 To this Iourney w(i)t(h) Iason as the gest tellus
287 All entred into Argon after anon

Off Ercules

288 There was hon(er)able Ercules eger of wille
289 As poyetes haue p(ri)cked of his p(ri)se ffader
290 He was getton of a god on of a gret lady
291 Þat aIoinet was iobiter to his iuste nome
292 And his moder full mylde Almena was clepit
293 She was wyffe as I wene to worthy amphitrio
294 This Ercules eu(er)more eger   nobill
295 The word of his werk(es) thurghe þe world sprange
296 So mony ground(es) he for iusted   of ioy broght
297 That no tung might hom telle   þof it tyme hade
298 Hit is told in his tyme wo þ(a)t trawe lyst
299 In his hastines he highyt vnto helle yates
300 A þre hedet hound in his honnd caght
301 That was kep(er) of the close of þ(a)t curset In
302 So dang he þat dog w(i)t(h) dynt of his weppon
303 Þat þe warlag was wete of his wan atter
304 And thurgh voidyng of venym w(i)t(h) vomett(es) grete
305 Mony p(ro)uyns and p(ar)ties were put out of hele
306 All þat poites haue p(ri)cket of his p(ri)se dedis
307 I haue no tome for to telle ne tary no lengur
308 But þe wonders þat he wrought in þis world here
309 In yche cuntre ben knowen vnder criste euyn
310 Tow pyllers he pight in a place lowe
311 Vppon gades ground þat he gotton hade
312 Too whiche pyllers p(ri)ste as p(ro)uyt is before
313 The mighty Massidon kyng maist(ur) of all
314 The Emp(er)oure Alexaunder aunterit to come
315 He wan all the world   at his wille aght
316 That was iocund and Ioly and Iacomed hight
317 Hit was þe sou(er)ayne Citie of the soyle ou(er)
318 Of lenght   largenes louely to se
319 Well wallit for werre watrit aboute
320 Grete toures full toure all þe toune vmbe
321 Well bild all aboute   mony buernys In
322 W(i)t(h) proud pals of p(ri)se   palys full noble
323 There was the sou(er)ayne Cytie of Chetes þe kyng
324 W(i)t(h) his baronage bold   buernes full noble
325 Mony knight(es) in his courtte   company grete
326 The were fyld(es) full faire fast þ(er)e besyde
327 W(i)t(h) grete medoes   grene goodly to shewe
328 W(i)t(h) all odour of herbis þat on vrthe spring(es)
329 The bourders aboute ??? abasshet w(i)t(h) leuys
330 W(i)t(h) shot(es) of shire wod shene to be holde
331 Grete greues full grene gret full of dere
332 Wild best(es) to wale was þ(er)e enow
333 Herd(es) at þe hond ay by holte sydes
334 Vppon laundes þai lay likyng to se
335 Vmbe the sercle of the Citie was sothely aplayne
336 ffull of floures fresshe fret on þe ground
337 W(i)t(h) lefsales vppon lofte lustie and faire
338 ffolke to refresshe for faintyng of hete
339 W(i)t(h) voiders vnder vines for violent so(n)nes
340 There were wellis to wale wat(ur) full nobill
341 In yche place of the playne w(i)t(h) plentius stremes
342 W(i)t(h) a swoghe and a swetnes sweppit on þe ground
343 And all fowles in ffether fell þ(er)e vppon
344 ffor to reckon by right þ(a)t to ryu(er) hauntt(es)
345 Smale bridd(es) aboue in þe bright leuys
346 W(i)t(h) shrik(es) full shrille in the shire bowes
347 The noise was full noble of not(es) to here
348 Thurgh myrth   melody made vppon lofte
349 To this sou(er)ayne Citie þat yet was olofte
350 Iason ioynid and his iust fferis
351 Steppit vp to a streite streght on his gate
352 As þai past on the payme(n)t þe pepull beheld
353 Haden wonder of the weghis   wilful desyre
354 To know of þ(er)e comyng and the cause wete
355 Þat were so rially arait   a rowte gay
356 So faire freik(es) vppon fote was ferly to se
357 So 3onge   so yepe 3yuerus of will
358 ffolke fraynid fast at tho fre buernes
359 Of what cuntre þai come   the cause why
360 Was no wegh þat a word warpid hom too
361 But sewid furth to the sale of Chethes the kyng
362 Þai bowet to the brode yate or þai bide wold
363 The kyng of his curtessy kayres hom Anto vnto
364 Silet furth of his Citie s(er)iauntt(es) hym w(i)t(h)
365 Mony stalworth in stoure as his astate wold
366 Than he fongid þo freik(es) w(i)t(h) a fyn chere
367 W(i)t(h) hailsyng of hed bare haspyng in armys
368 And led hom furth lyuely into a large halle
369 Gaidvp by a grese all of gray marbill
370 Into a chamber full choise chese on þ(er)e way
371 Þat prudly was painted w(i)t(h) pure gold ou(er)
372 And þan sylen to sitte vppon silke wedis
373 Hadyn wyn for to wale   word(es) ynow


374 Then Iason to þe Iust kyng Ioyntly can say
375 All the cause of his come to Calcos was þan
376 ffor the fflammond fles þat fele had desyrid
377 He hade will for to wyn   a way lede
378 By leue of the lord þat þe lond aght
379 Aftur custome to kepe as the kyng set
380 Chethes full soberly   w(i)t(h) sad wordes
381 Has grauntid godely þat he go shuld
382 Soio(ur)ne þ(er)e a season assay whan hym lyk(es)
383 Be þan burdis were bred in the brade halle
384 And þo mighty to meite meuet belyue
385 W(i)t(h) al deintes on dese þ(a)t were dere holden
386 Walid wyne for to wete wantid þai none
387 In grete goblett(es) of gold yche gome hade
388 The kyng was full curtais calt on a maidon
389 Bede his doughter come downe   his dere heire
390 To sit by þ(a)t semely and solas to make
391 This maidon full myld Medea was callid
392 Whan she sought into sale salute hom all
393 W(i)t(h) loutyng full low to hir lefe fadir
394 Sho was eldist   heire etlit to his lond(es)
395 Hym chefet thurghe chaunse child(ur) no mo
396 And she at hond for to haue husband(es) for age
397 Byg ynogh vnto bed w(i)t(h) a bold knight
398 Sho was luffly of lere   of lore wise
399 And kyndly hade conyng in the clene artis
400 Þ(er)e was no filisofers so fyn found in þ(a)t lond
401 Might approche to þ(a)t p(re)cious a point of hir wit

The Crafte of Medea

402 Of nygrama(n)si ynogh to note when she liket
403 And all the fet(es) full faire in a few yeres
404 Wyndis at hir wille to wakyn in the aire
405 Gret showris to shede   shynyng agayne
406 Haile from the heuyn in a hond while
407 And the light make les as hir lefe thought
408 Merke at þe mydday   the mone chaunge
409 To clere Sune into Clippis   the cloud(es) dym
410 The Eleme(n)t(es) ou(er)t(ur)ne   the erthe qwake
411 fflodes w(i)t(h) forse flow agayne the hylles
412 Bowes forto beire in the Bare winttur
413 fforto florisshe faire   þe frute bryng
414 Yong men yepely yarke into Elde
415 And the course agayne calle into clere youthe
416 All thies Iapes ho enioynit as Gentils beleuid
417 All thies maistres   mo she made in hir tyme
418 Als put is in poise and prikkit be ouyd
419 Þat feynit in his fablis   other fele stories
420 Hit ys lelly not like ne ou(r) belefe askys
421 Þat suche ferlies shuld fall in a frale woman
422 But only gou(er)n(au)nse of God þat þe ground wroght
423 And ilke a planet hase put in a plaine cours
424 Þat t(ur)nys as þ(er)e tyme comys trist ye non oþ(er)
425 As he formyd hom first flitton þai neu(er)
426 Ne the clere Sune neu(er) clippit out of course yet
427 But whan Criste on the crosse for ou(r) care deghit
428 Than it lost hade the light as ou(r) lord wold
429 Erthe dymmed by dene ded men roose
430 The gret tempull topt(er)ued to ground
431 This Medea the Maidon þ(a)t I mynt first
432 Þat gay was in garment(es)   of good chere
433 And als wemen haue wille in þ(er)e wild youthe
434 To fret hom w(i)t(h) fyne perle   þaire face paint
435 W(i)t(h) pelur and pall   mony proud rynges
436 Euyn setto þe sight and to seme faire
437 This Ientill by Iason ioinet was to syt
438 As be comaundeme(n)t in courtte of hir kynd ffader
439 Hit is wonder of the wit of this wise kyng
440 Wold assent to þat sytting þ(a)t hym sewet after
441 And his dought(er) to dresse in daunger of loue
442 To sit w(i)t(h) þat semely in solas at þe meite
443 Syn wemen are wilfull   þ(er)e wit chaunges
444 And so likrus of loue in likyng of yowthe
445 Þis vnwarnes of wit wrixlis hys mynd
446 What forthers þi fare and þi false godd(es)
447 And Mars the mighty þat þ(o)u mykill trist
448 Agayne þe wyles of wemen to wer is no bote
449 When this mylde in hir man(er) was at þe meite set
450 Betwene hir ffader and þe freke þ(a)t I first ment

The soden hote loue of Medea

451 Hir shire fface all for shame shot into rede
452 And a likyng of loue light in hir hert
453 Hir Ene as a trendull turned full rounde
454 ffirst on hir ffader for feare þ(a)t she hade
455 And sethyn on þat semely w(i)t(h) a sad wille
456 Smale likyng(es) of loue lurkit in hir mynde
457 And she light on þ(a)t lede w(i)t(h) a loue egh
458 ffirst on his face fresshe to be holde
459 And his lock(es) full louely lemond as gold
460 And all ffeturs to ffynd fourmed oright
461 The sight of þat semly sanke in hir hert
462 And rauysshed hir radly þe rest of hir sawle
463 Sho hade no deintith to dele w(i)t(h) no dere meit(es)
464 And hir talent was takon for tastyng of wyne
465 Soche likyng of luff lappit hir w(i)t(h) In
466 That euen full was þat fre and no fode touchet
467 And þat keppit she close in hir clene hert
468 Þat no wegh þat hir waited wist of hir thought
469 But hir semblaund so sad was semond to hom
470 Mony thought(es) full thro thrange in hir brest
471 And þus sho spake in hir sprete if ho spede myght
472 I wold yonder worthy weddit me hade
473 Bothe to burde   to bed blessid were I
474 So comly so cleane to clippe vppon night(es)
475 So hardy so hynd in hall for to se
476 So luffly so lykyng w(i)t(h) lapping in armys
477 Well were þat woman might weld hym for eu(er)
478 Dissyring full depely in hir derne hert
479 As man(er) is of Maydons þ(a)t maynot for shame
480 ffor to languysshe in loue till þ(er)e lere chaunge
481 Shontyng for shame to shew furth þ(er)e ernd
482 As þai wylne to be woghit þ(er)e worship to saue
483 Mony burdys bene broght to þaire bare dethe
484 Þat wondyn for wondeffull þair(e) wille for to shewe
485 Whan þe fest and þe fare was faren to þe end
486 And burdes borne downe burnes on fote
487 Medea myldly mevet to chaumber
488 Beleue of þe lord and þe ledys all
489 The knight(es) at the kyng cachyn þ(er)e leue
490 Intill a chaumber full choise chosen þ(er)e way
491 Be comaundeme(n)t of þe kyng   þe courtte voidet
492 Medea the mylde þat I ment first
493 Wex pale for pyne in hir pr(i)uey chamb(u)r
494 In a longyng of loue as the lowe hote
495 W(i)t(h) a Sykyng vnsound þ(a)t sonet to hir hert
496 She compast kenly in hir clene wit
497 ffor to bring it aboute   hir bale voide
498 Thus sho drof forth hir dayes in hir depe thoght
499 W(i)t(h) weping and wo all the woke ou(er)
500 Till it fell hir by fortune as I fynd here
501 On a day as the duk(es) were on des set
502 And comynd w(i)t(h) the kyng of knighthode in armys
503 Chethes for þat semly sent into chamber
504 Bade his doughter come down to hir dere fader
505 And sho obeit his bone   of boure come
506 In clothes as be come for a kyng(es) doughter
507 And obeit the bold and bowet hir fader
508 And he assignet hir a seite þ(a)t hir self liket
509 W(i)t(h) chere for cherys tho chiualrus knight(es)
510 As man(er) was of Maidones w(i)t(h) hor myld chere
511 His comau(n)dme(n)t to kepe sho hir cuorse held
512 And Ioynet by Iason iustly to sit
513 And he welcomed þ(a)t worthy as he well kouthe
514 A litill set hym on syde   a seet leuet
515 fforto mele w(i)t(h) þat maidyn   hir mode here
516 The kyng w(i)t(h) other knight(es) hade comford to speike
517 Ercules of armes   auntres to telle
518 Of chyualry   chaunce þ(a)t cheuyt hym before
519 Þat no lede was lelly þo lou(er)s betwene
520 But þai might say by hom self all þ(er)e sad wille


521 The woman was war þat no wegh herd
522 And vnder shadow of shame shewid forth hir ernd
523 W(i)t(h) a compas of clennes to colo(ur) hir speche
524 In sauyng hir seluen and serche of his wille
525 Now frynd q(uo)d þat faire as ye bene fre holden
526 Will ye suffer me to say and the sothe telle
527 Voidis me noght of vicius me vilans of tonge
528 Ne deme no dishonesty in yo(ur) derffe hert
529 Þof I put me þus p(er)tly my p(ur)pas to shewe
530 Hit sitt(es) me semith to a sure knyght
531 Þat ayres into vnkoth land auntres to seche
532 To be counseld in case to comfford hym seluyn
533 Of sum fre þ(a)t hym faith awe   þe fete knoweth
534 This curtysy hytclaymes as for clere det
535 And be chaunce may chere hym   cheue to þe bettur
536 I wot s(ir)r ye are wight   a wegh nobill
537 Auntrus in armes   able of p(er)son
538 A stor(e) man of strenght   of stuerne wille
539 That wilnes for to wyn this wethur of gold
540 And putt(es) you to perell in pointis of armes
541 And likly for litle you(r) lyffe for to tyne
542 I haue pittye of yo(ur) p(er)son   you(r) p(er)t(e) face
543 And 3eu(er)nes of yowthe þ(a)t 3omers in my hert
544 Þat causes me w(i)t(h) counsell to cast for yo(ur) helpe
545 And put yow in plite yo(ur) p(ur)pas to wyn
546 In sound forto saile hom   you(r) sute all
547 Bothe the whethir   þe wolle a way forto lede
548 On a forward before þ(a)t 3e me faith make
549 In dede for to do as I desyre wille
550 And my wille forto wirke if I wele s(er)ue

Thonsuare of Iason to Medea

551 Iason was full ioly of hir iuste wordys
552 And þat comly can clip in his close armes
553 He onswared hir onesty opynond his hert
554 Now louely and leell for yo(ur) lefe speche
555 I thanke you a thowsaund tymes in my thro hert
556 Þat ye kythe me suche kyndnes w(i)t(h)outen cause why
557 And here I put me full plainly in yo(ur) pure wille
558 To do w(i)t(h) me damsell as yo(ur) desyre thynke
559 ffor this gloriose graunt glad(es) me mekyll


560 Than said þat semely to þe sure knyght
561 Sir wete ye not the wothis þat this wethir 3emes
562 The keping in case is vnknowen to yowe
563 And the truthe of the tale vntold to yo(ur) ere
564 The p(er)louse pointt(es) þat passe you behoues
565 Hit is vnlike any lede w(i)t(h) his liffe pas
566 Syn it is gate w(i)t(h) a god   no gome ellis
567 And ye may strive w(i)t(h) no stuerne but of yo(ur) strenght nobill
568 Wo shuld pas out of perell fro þo proud exin
569 Þat w(i)t(h) flamys of fyre han so furse hete
570 Woso bydis þ(er)e bir is brent into askys
571 Or þat dragon so derfe as þe deuyll felle
572 There is no gome vnder god þ(a)t hym greue may
573 And if ye highly haue het in yo(ur) hote yowthe
574 And folily be ffaryn out of fer lond(es)
575 3et turne you(r) entent   be tyme leue
576 Wirk(es) as a wise man   you(r) wille chaunge
577 ffor þ(er)e is doutles no dede / but þe dethe thole

Thonsuare of Iason to Medea

578 The wegh at hir word(es) wrathit a litill
579 And Swiftly to þat swete swagit his yre
580 A damsell full dere w(i)t(h) yo(ur) derffe wordys
581 What lure is of my lyfe   I lyffe here
582 I hope ye found me to fere   my faith breike
583 And if destyny me demys hit is dere welcu(m)
584 Or it were knowen in my contry   costis aboute
585 That I faintly shuld fle and þe fight leue
586 Among knight(es) accountted coward for eu(er)
587 Me were leu(er) here lefe   my life tyne
588 Þan as a lurker to lyue in ylke a lond after
589 I wole put me to p(er)ell and my payne thole
590 Do my deu(er) yf I dar   for no dethe wonde
591 ffor yche wise man of wit þ(a)t wilfully hetis
592 Any dede for to do and dernly avowes
593 Shuld chose hym by chaunce to chaunge out of lyue
594 Er he fayne any faintes   be fals holdyn


595 Medea full myldly vnto þe mon said
596 Is it playnly you(r) p(ur)pos to put you to dethe
597 W(i)t(h) suche fynd(es) to fight till ye fay worthe
598 I haue pitie full playn of yo(ur) proude wille
599 And I shall fonge you to forþ(er)   my faith holde
600 I will shunt for no shame of my shene fader
601 Ne no hede to my heale / þ(a)t I the helpe shall
602 But this forward to fille first ye me sweire
603 And w(i)t(h) no gaudys me begyle ne to grem brynge
604 But in dede for to do as I desyre wille


605 Most worshipfull woman wisest on erth
606 What eu(er) ye deme me to do   my day(es) laste
607 I hete you full highly w(i)t(h) hert to fulfille
608 And you(r) wille for to wirke wittenes o(ur) godd(es)


609 Þen Medea w(i)t(h) mowthe motys þus agayne
610 And ye wed me w(i)t(h) worship   to wiffe holde
611 Lede me w(i)t(h) likyng into you(r) lond home
612 Nogatis me begile ne to grem brynge
613 I hete you full hertely þ(a)t I you helpe shall
614 The flese for to focche and ferke it away
615 And w(i)t(h)stond all the stoure þ(a)t it strait yemys
616 Ou(er)come hom by crafte and no care thole
617 I haue only þat aunt(er) of all þat are quycke
618 The might(es) of Mars make to distroy
619 And hir keping by crafte out of cours bryng


620 A this glorius gyfte   þis grete mede
621 That ye hete me so hyndly to haue at my wille
622 You(r) selfe þat is sothely the semliest on lyue
623 And þe fresshist and fairest fed vpon erthe
624 As the roose in his radnes is richest of floures
625 In the Moneth of May when medowis are grene
626 So passis þi p(ro)purty p(er)te wemen all
627 And help me to haue þ(a)t I hidur seche
628 Out of daunger   drede deliu(er) me to
629 I wot me vnworthy þis wirdis to ffall
630 He þat sadly for soke thoche a sure p(ro)ffer
631 And so gracius a gyfte þat me is graunt here
632 He might faithly for fonnet be a fole holdyn
633 Wherfore I beqwethe me to yo(ur) qweme spouse
634 To lyue w(i)t(h) in lykyng to my lyfes end
635 As wyf for to wed in worship andof ioye
636 And þis forward in faith I festyn w(i)t(h) hond


637 Medea was mery at this mene graunt
638 And to þat sou(er)ayn full soberly said o this wise
639 ffrynd I am ffayne of þis faire hest(es)
640 And wele I hoope þ(o)u will hold þ(a)t þ(o)u here sais
641 More suerty for sothe yet I sue fore
642 Þow swiftly shall sweire vppon swete godd(es)
643 This couen(au)nt to kepe   for no case chaunge
644 But this tyme is so tore   we no tome haue
645 We will seasse till now sone the su(n) be at rest
646 All buernes into bed on hor best wise
647 And yche lede as hym List lullit on slepe
648 I wull send to you sone by a sure maydon
649 Bes wakond and warly wyn to my chamber
650 Þere swiftly to sweire vpon swete haroghes
651 All this forward to fulfill ye fest w(i)t(h) yo(ur) hond
652 So may ye surely   sound to my selfe come
653 W(i)t(h) daliaunce to dele as you(r) dere wyffe
654 I will you faithfully enforme how ye fare shall
655 Yo(ur) worship to wyn / and þe wethur haue
656 All yo(ur) gate and you(r) gou(er)naunse graidly to telle


657 The knight was c(ur)tas   kendly he said
658 Most louesom lady yo(ur) lykyng be done
659 As ye wilne for to wirke   yo(ur) wille folowe
660 In dede be it done as ye deuysed haue
661 The lady w(i)t(h) loutyng first þen hir leue tase
662 ffirst at hir fadir and other fre buernes
663 Past to hir p(ri)ue chamb(ur)   here a pas endis

Thrid Boke how Medea enformed
Iason to get the fflese of Golde

664 Here tellus þe tale woso tentis after
665 How the wethir was wonen   away borne
666 The grete goldyn fles w(i)t(h) a greke noble
667 Thurghe wyles of woman þ(a)t þe wegh louet (668)
668 Whan Medea the Maidon þ(a)t I mynt haue
669 Was chosyn into chambur   on hir charge thoght
670 Of hir Ianglyng w(i)t(h) Iason   hir iuste wordys
671 Hit neght to þe night   the none past
672 Sone the day ou(er)droghe   the derke entrid
673 And all buernes vnto bed as hom best liked
674 Medea full myldly moved aboute
675 Wayuet vp a window the welkyn beheld
676 Persauyt p(er)tly w(i)t(h) hir pure artis
677 When the dregh was don of þe derke night
678 Þat all sad were on slepe s(er)uond   other
679 ffayn was þat fre and forþ(er) ho went
680 Waknet vp a wydow þ(a)t hir w(i)t(h) dwellit
681 And sentto þat semly as ho said first
682 He busket from his bed   þe burde folowid
683 Till he come thurgh a cloyst(er) to a clene halle
684 Þere Medea the mylde met hym hir one
685 And w(i)t(h) myrthe at þ(er)e metyng mowthet to gethir
686 Þen suet þai w(i)t(h) solas into a sure chamber
687 The old wedo on hir way wendys belyue
688 And þo lou(er)s ho leuyt lightly to gedur
689 Medea the maidon meuyt to þe dore
690 Barret it bygly on hir best wise
691 Þan she brought forth þe bold to hir beddessyde
692 In solas full soberly he set hym þ(er)on
693 Sho went from þat worthy into a wale chambur
694 A triet Image she toke all of true golde
695 Halowet was hertly in a highe nome
696 Of Ioue þatthe gentillis held for a iust god
697 And broght to the buerne on þe beddis side
698 W(i)t(h) light that was louely lemyng þ(er) in
699 Of suergys semly þ(a)t set were aboute
700 Þan wightly thies wordes to þ(a)t worthy / ho said
701 Here I aske you hertely þ(a)t ye me het ere
702 W(i)t(h) a solemne sacrement on this sure god
703 All þe forward to fulfille þ(a)t ye first made
704 And þo couenaund(es) to kepe w(i)t(h) a clene hert
705 And for you(r) felow   fere me faithfully hold
706 Eu(er) from this owre to the end of yo(ur) lyffe
707 ffor no chaunce þ(a)t may cheue chaunge yo(ur) wille
708 And I heghly shall hold I het you before
709 Iason grauntid full goodly w(i)t(h) a glad chere
710 And swiftly he sware on þ(a)t shete god
711 All tho couenaund(es) to kepe   for no cause let
712 Whill hym last(es) the lyff he laid on his hond

The poet(es)

713 But vnfaithfull freke w(i)t(h) þi fals cast
714 Þat suche a lady belirt w(i)t(h) þi lethur ded(es)
715 Þat put hur so plainly þi power vnto
716 All þi wille for to wirke / þi worship to saue
717 And þow hedis not the harme of þ(a)t hend lady
718 Ne tent(es) not thy trouth þ(a)t þ(o)u tynt has
719 Soche a maiden to mar þ(a)t þe most louet
720 Þat forfet hir fadir /   hir fre londe
721 When the soile   þe septu(r) was sothely hur owne
722 And þe tresure she toke vntruly for the
723 Auntred hir to Exile eu(er) for þi sake
724 Wan þe thy worship   wilfull desire
725 Keppit þe fro combraunse   fro cold deth
726 Storet the to strenght   þi stythe lond(es)
727 And dawly hir distitut of hir dere fader
728 W(i)t(h) shame may þ(o)u shunt for þi shire othes
729 So fals to be founden /   þi faithe breike
730 To betrant soche a trew þ(a)t þe trust In
731 And þi god has þ(o)u greuit w(i)t(h) þi grete filth
732 Wete for þi werke þ(a)t þe shall wo sl happyn
733 And myschefe full mekill þ(o)u art mansworne
734 Þ(o)u failes not in faith of a fowle end
735 And þow Medea so mad what mynd had þ(o)u þen
736 Syn þ(o)u wist thurgh wit werdis to come
737 What s(er)uit it þi sciense of þe seuon art(es)
738 That þ(o)u segh not þi sorow þat the suet after
739 But þ(o)u sothely may say þat þi sight failed
740 And þow loket not large for lust þ(a)t þe blyndit
741 And oft in astronamy hit auntres to falle
742 Þat domes men dessauis   in doute bring(es)
743 ffor hit passis þe power of any pure mon
744 All þe coursse for to know / þat is to cu(m) after
745 Saue God þat all gou(er)nes w(i)t(h) grase of his hond(es)
746 Now turne to ou(r) tale take þ(er)e we lefte
747 When he swiftly hade sworne to þ(a)t swete maidon
748 Þai entrid full evyn into an Inner chambur
749 Þat was rially arayed w(i)t(h) a riche bed
750 And bothe all bare busket þ(er)e in
751 Þai solast hom samyn as hom seluon liket
752 W(i)t(h) venus werk(es) þat hom well pleasid
753 Þat sorily dessauis   men to sorow bryng(es)
754 Whan þe day vp droghe   the dym voidet
755 Thus Iason full ioyfull to þ(a)t gentill said
756 Hit is best þat we buske   of bed rise
757 Lest þe day vs be daghe   o(ur) ded(es) knowen
758 And we founden in fere   ou(r) fame loste
759 And I vnformet in faith how I fare shall
760 Of my ded(es) to do as ye me dere heght
761 Iff ye any thing haue amyt abill me to
762 Þat ye me faihfully informe /   let me fare hethyn
763 My deu(er) for to do   my deth voide
764 Þat I might lede þe w(i)t(h) luff into my lond home
765 Wed þe w(i)t(h) worship and to wiffe hold
766 Medea to þat mighty myldly answarit
767 A my lord   my loue more lefe þan my seluyn
768 I haue mynd of yo(ur) mat(er) most of all other
769 I will fully enforme yow or ye fare hethyn
770 How ye dewly shall do   no drede haue
771 Ryse we now full radly rest here no leng(ur)
772 And I shall tell you full tyte   tary no thing
773 Þan þai cladde hom clenly vppon clese wise
774 The burd bowet from þe bed / broght hym in haste
775 A nymage full nobill þat he naite shulde
776 Þat qwaint was   qwem all of white sylu(er)
777 Charmet w(i)t(h) Enchauntment   chargit hym to hold
778 Hit was wroght all by wit   wiles to helpe
779 And myghty suche mawme(n)try mad to distroy
780 Sho bade hym kepe it full close on his clene body
781 Anoyntment þ(a)t was noble anon she hym set
782 Toke hit hym full tyte   tolde hym these word(es)
783 This strongly distroy shall þe strenght of þe venyn
784 And fade all thy ffyr and þe furse lowe
785 Þan ho raught hym a ring w(i)t(h) a riche ston
786 Þat no poison enpaire might þe power is soche
787 And if it borne were in batell on his bare flesshe
788 He shuld slyde forth sleghly   vnslayn worthe
789 Achates it cald is w(i)t(h) clene men of wit
790 And in Cicill forsoth sen was it first
791 Eneas it name   in note hade
792 Whan he to cartage come vnknowen w(i)t(h) sight
793 And þan ho broght hym a bref all of brode l(ett)res
794 Þat was comly by crafte a clerke for to rede
795 And enformyt him fayre how he fare shuld
796 When he is deu(er) hade done   drow to þe whethir
797 ffor to knele on his knes to the cold erth
798 And grete all his godd(es) w(i)t(h) a good chere
799 And the rolle for to rede er he rest thry
800 As w(i)t(h) Sacrifice to shew   s(er)uice to godd(es)
801 Þat hym gr(a)untted of grace þ(a)t gifte for to haue
802 Þat he might worthely it weld   awey beire
803 And þan sho gefe hym a glasse w(i)t(h) a good lyco(ur)
804 And bade whan he buskyt to the bold Exin
805 To merke it w(i)t(h) mesure /   in hor mouthe caste
806 And þai clappe shall full clene   neu(er) vnclose aftur
807 Ne neu(er) dere hym a dyse w(i)t(h) no dede efte
808 Thus enfo(ur)met ho þat fre of þe fete euyn
809 How he wyn shuld his worship   his wothe pas
810 And þe(n) he lacches his leue   his loue kyst
811 Past furth p(re)uely and þat pert leuyt
812 Euon lurkys to his loge   laide hym to slepe
813 By the renke hade hym restid ryses the sun
814 Brightis all the burghe and the brode valis
815 Meuyt ou(er) the mounteyns men to be holde
816 Iason feynit w(i)t(h) fare as he hade fast sleppit
817 And now rapis hym to ryse   rom from his bed
818 W(i)t(h) Ercules and oþ(er) mo of his aune men
819 He sues furth on þe soile to Chethes the kyng
820 In company of kyng(es) and oþ(er) clene burnes
821 Whan he was war of þe wegh welcomed hym faire
822 And spird at hym specially what his sped were
823 Than Iason vnioynid to the gentill spooke
824 Lord and it like you longe am I here
825 Wold ye gr(a)unt me yo(ur) grase goodly to wende
826 I wold boune me to batell and take my bare aunt(ur)
827 Yon worthy wethir to wyn /   you(r) wille be
828 The kyng þan full curtesly karpes agayne

The Counsell of Chetes
to Iason

829 Sais Iason this Io(ur)ney is no ioye in
830 I am ferd by my faith of þi frele yowth
831 Þat hit lede þe to losse and þi lyffe tyne
832 And me harme for to haue of thy hegh wille
833 To be sclaundret of þi skathe   þ(o)u skape noght
834 Þerfore ffrynd by my faith vppon faire wise
835 I counsell þe in kyrt / kaire to þi londe
836 And put of þis p(ur)pas for p(er)ille þat may folowe
837 Iason carpes to the kyng / conyngly he said
838 Sir I had counsaill in þis case er I come here
839 And ye shall boldly be blameles / þof me bale happyn
840 Þat I wilne of my wit   wilfull desyre
841 Þan the kyng to þe knight carpes these word(es)
842 ffrynd þ(o)u shall fully haue fauo(ur) to wend
843 And ou(r) godd(es) þe graunt grace of þi hele
844 He lowted the lege kyng   his leue toke
845 Dressit hym for his dede dose hym to goo
846 In a nyle þat was negh þe noble kyng(es) sete
847 This clene fles was inclosed all w(i)t(h) clere wat(er)
848 Euon a forlong þ(er)fro /   fully nomore
849 Iason to þis Iorney ioynes hym belyffe
850 Bowes euyn to þe banke   a bote fonde
851 Entris w(i)t(h) armur   all his other gere
852 ffore to þe fer syde noght aferd was
853 Gird vp to þe ground gripes his weppon
854 Armur   all thing atlet before
855 Þat Medea þe Maiden myldly hym be taght
856 And past furth prudly his p(ra)y for to wyn
857 Mournyng the Maidon made in hir thought
858 Lest þe ffyre shuld hym fere / of þo fuerse best(es)
859 Þat was blasound of brunston w(i)t(h) a brem lowe
860 Sho went vp wightly by a walle syde
861 To the toppe of a toure   tot ou(er) the wat(er)
862 ffor to loke on hirhis luffe longyng in hert
863 So ferd was þ(a)t fre   he faile shuld
864 Sho brast out bright water at hir brode een
865 Thus sykyng ho said w(i)t(h) a sad wille
866 A Iason my ioye   my gentill knight
867 I am ferd lest þ(o)u faile of my fyn lore
868 And for 3eu(er)nes for 3ete þat þe 3eme shuld
869 Thou dauly bes ded   I to doll broght
870 Neu(er) þe comly to kysse ne clippe in myn armys
871 Now full p(re)stly I p(ra)y to my p(ri)se godd(es)
872 Þat I may se the come sound to þis sale enys
873 And me comford of thy coursse kepe I no more
874 When the knight was comyn into þe cliffe ferre
875 He waitis vmbe hym wightly   was war sone
876 Of ij.o orible oxin vgsom to se
877 Þat fyre out fnast w(i)t(h) a fuerse lowe
878 Þat no buerne might abide but he brent were
879 Hit gird from the grym w(i)t(h) so gret hote hete

How Iason Wan the
ffles of Golde

880 The tokyn hym taght was of a tru maiden
881 He for3et not but 3epely 3arkit hym þ(er)fore
882 And anoyntid hym anon w(i)t(h) his noble boyste
883 Bothe the face and þe fete   all þe fore p(ar)te
884 His noble ymage at his necke for neghyng of fyre
885 And his rolle þan he red as he to rest toke
886 ffore evyn to þe fight w(i)t(h) þo felle best(es)
887 So þe fuerse by flamed all w(i)t(h) fyre hote
888 Þai brent vp his brode shilde   his bigge speire
889 And Iason for all þo iapes hade nere his ioy lost
890 Hade his lico(ur) ben to laite þ(a)t þe lede caght
891 And caste it be course into the core hete
892 Hit stake vp the stith lippes as stiff bounden
893 As þai chaltred were choisly w(i)t(h) chenys of yerne
894 Þat abated the breme hete brent it no more
895 All cole it became   the course held
896 Bothe of ymur   aire after I wise
897 ffayne was the freike   fore to þe hornes
898 Of þe balefull best(es)   hom aboute ladde
899 Þai were made als meke as maist(ur) behouet
900 And as bowonde to þe bowes as any best(es) might
901 3yu(er)ly the 3epe knight 3okit hom belyue
902 Pight hom into ploghe pild vp the vrthe
903 Braid vp bygly all a brode ffeld
904 And all the gayre of the ground þ(er) þe gome leuyt
905 Drow euyn to the Dragon dressit hym to fight
906 And he gird hym agayne w(i)t(h) a grym noyse
907 Mony sletyng(es) vnslogh throughe hys slote yode
908 As þe welkyn shold walt a wond(ur)full noyse
909 Skremyt vp to the skrow w(i)t(h) a skryke ffelle
910 W(i)t(h) a smorther   a smoke smult through his nase
911 He rut out roidely w(i)t(h) a rede hete
912 Þat all blasit the bent on a breme lawe
913 And as he tilt out his tung w(i)t(h) his tethe grym
914 He straght fro hym stremes all of styth venyn
915 The freike was a ferd of þat felle beste
916 And raght to his ryng in a rad haste
917 Held it high in his hond þ(a)t he behold might
918 ffor chynyng of the chene stone he shont w(i)t(h) his hed
919 And w(i)t(h) droghe the deire of his dere attur
920 All dropet the dule as he degh wold
921 Þis stone full of strenght as þe story tellus
922 Is erdand in Inde as Isoder sais
923 Be it smethe owþ(er) smert smaragden hit hat
924 Þer(e) is no derffe dragon ne no du edder
925 Ne no best so bold w(i)t(h) no bale atter
926 May loke on þe light but he his lyffe tyne
927 Þis stone w(i)t(h) his stremys stroyed all the venyn
928 And drepit the dragon to the dethe negh
929 Iason gripped graithly to a grym sworde
930 Dange on the deuyll w(i)t(h) a derffe wille
931 Tyll the stremys of stynke   of stythe venum
932 Past out in the place pyne to be holde
933 He laid on þ(a)t loodly lettyd he noght
934 W(i)t(h) dyntt(es) full dregh till he to dethe paste
935 And he Enfecte the ffirmame(n)t w(i)t(h) his felle noise
936 Iason of his iorney was ioifull ynoghe
937 Gryppet a grym toole / gyrd of his hede
938 Vnioynis the Iaumys þ(a)t iuste were to gedur
939 Gyrd out the grete tethe grippet hom sone
940 Sew hom in the soile or he sesse wold
941 Stythe knight(es) and store stert vp agayne
942 Armet at all peses abill to fight
943 Delt dyntt(es) full derfe geuyn depe wond(es)
944 These balefull brether bateld so longe
945 Till none left was alyue ne o lofte stode
946 Now thies charmys   e(n)chauntteme(n)t(es) are cheuit to noght
947 Dede ys the dragon   the derffe knight(es)
948 The exin left on þe lond vnneth lyfe in
949 He past all his p(er)els / and no pyne tholed
950 By the craft(es) so coynt / þ(a)t hym kend were
951 He glydis forth gladly to the golde fflese
952 Wynnes to the wethir wroght hym to dethe
953 fflypit of the fflese / ffoldet it somyn
954 Thonk(es) gretly his goddis þ(a)t hym grace lent
955 The flese for to fonge / and no fay worthe
956 Iason was ioly hade iuels ynogh
957 Busket to the banke and the bote toke
958 Stird ou(er) the streame streght to þe lond
959 Þere he found all his feris fayne of his werke
960 Ercules and oþ(er) þat eu(er) were abyding
961 Þat fayne were to fonge þat freike vppon lyue
962 Iason w(i)t(h) ioy and his ioly ffelowes
963 Soghten euon to the sete of Chetes þe kyng
964 And he as wee full of worship welcomed hom all
965 W(i)t(h) a faynyng fare vnder faire chere
966 Hade no deynte of the dede but dere at his hert
967 Ne of ryches so riall þat the renke hade
968 He assignet hym a sete by hym selfe euyn
969 The flammyng of þe flese was ferly to se
970 3et merueld hym more how Mars was distroyed
971 Geter of his good with and a god holdyn
972 Medea the mayden w(i)t(h) a Mylde chere
973 Was Ioyfull of Iason aioynit hym to
974 Kyst hym full curtesly and of his come fayne
975 By þat semly he sate / as hir syre bade
976 Ho p(ra)yet hym p(re)uely all w(i)t(h) pert word(es)
977 To bow to hir bed boldly at euyn
978 And he hir grauntid þ(a)t gate w(i)t(h) a good wille
979 When it turnyt to þe tyme as I told er
980 He bowes to hir bed þ(er)e he ben hade
981 And lay þ(er)e in lustes / þe long night ou(er)
982 In Solas on soche wise as hom selfe thoght
983 And spekyn of hor spede while þai space hade
984 ffor to fare on þe fome into fer lond(es)
985 But Medea mouet hym a moneth to lenge
986 Þen leuyt þai the lond and no leue toke
987 Stale from þe styth kyng stylle by night
988 W(i)t(h) þe maiden Medea   myche oþ(er) goodes
989 Þai t(ur)ne into Tessaile w(i)t(h)outen tale more
990 Hit vp into a havyn all the hepe samyn
991 Pelleus not prowde hade pyne at his hert
992 Þat Iason of his Iorney Ioifully hade sped
993 And faynet ay faire word(es) vnd(ur) felle thoght(es)
994 Holy het hom to haue þe hestes before
995 Iason of his Iorney was Ioyfull ynoghe
996 Þat he hade fongit þe flese   þe fresshe gold
997 He hedit not the hest(es) ne the hegh othes
998 Ne he keppid no couenaund to þe kynd maydon
999 But a Sourdyng w(i)t(h) sourgrem sanke in his hert
1000 And a loureland lust to Lamydon the kyng
1001 Ercules w(i)t(h) enuy was enmy also
1002 Þai comynd in the case / cast hom þ(er)fore
1003 Comyn euyn to the kyng   þe cause tolde
1004 Of dyshon(er) he did / and his derfe word(es)
1005 Þat the grettyst of Grise gremyt þ(er)at
1006 And heghly to helpe heghtyn þai all
1007 As I shall telle you the trouthe truly here aftur

Here begynneth þe ffourth Boke
Of þe dyst(ru)cc(i)on of þe fyrst Troy
By Ercules and Iason

1008 All charge of þis chaunse chefe how it will
1009 Ercules vpon hond hertely has tane
1010 He sped hym vnto spart / sparit he noght
1011 Þat a cuntre is cald of þe coste of Rome
1012 Tow brether full bold abidyng þ(er) in
1013 Bothe kyng(es) of þe kythe Castor was on
1014 And Pollux þe proude p(re)stly þat other
1015 As poyetis han put plainly þo two
1016 Were getyn by a god on a grete lady
1017 Þe fairest of ffeturs þ(a)t eu(er) on fote yode
1018 And a suster to þe same sothly was Elyn
1019 Getyn of þe same god in a goode tyme
1020 To these kyng(es) he come   his cause tolde
1021 And to haue of hor helpe hertely s dissyred
1022 And þai graunted hym full godely w(i)t(h) a glad chere
1023 Þen he lacches his leue and þai lord(es) þonkit
1024 Suet forth to Salerne in a sad hast
1025 Þat gou(er)net was in gryse by a gome noble
1026 On Telamon trewly as þe text sayse
1027 Þat was kyng in the coste   þe coron hade
1028 A bold man in batell /   byg in his rewme
1029 Ercules of helpe hym hertely bethoght besoght
1030 And he grauntid to goo w(i)t(h) a good wille
1031 W(i)t(h) mony bold men in batell and biggest in armes
1032 To Pelleus pertly þe(n) past he agayne
1033 Assemblid of soudiou(r)s a full sadde pepull
1034 Of the tidiest of Tessaile tor men of strenght
1035 Þen to Philon þe freike ferkit in hast
1036 To a duke þat was derffe   doughti of hond(es)
1037 Nestor a noble man naitest in werre
1038 Þat hade louyt hym of long   his lefe frynde
1039 He hight hym full hertely þ(a)t he haue sholde
1040 fforthoryng to his fight w(i)t(h) a fre wille
1041 Þen leues þe lede   of lond paste
1042 To Pelleus p(re)stly þat p(ur)uiaunce hade made
1043 Of twenty shippes full shene shot on þe depe
1044 All redy to the roode of þe roghe ythes
1045 W(i)t(h) Mony barons full bold   buernes þ(er)e In
1046 Þen comyn thies kyng(es) fro þ(er)e kyth evyn
1047 Saylyng full sound w(i)t(h) seasonable wyndes
1048 At Tessaile full tyte / t(ur)nyt into havyn
1049 ffor to fare to þ(er)e ffoos w(i)t(h) a ffryke wille
1050 Þus it tyd as I telle / þe tyme of þe yere
1051 Þe sun in his sercle was set vppon high
1052 Entrid into Aries vnd(ur) a signe
1053 And euyn like of a lenght / þe light   þe derke
1054 Þe cloudes wax clere clensit the ayre
1055 Wyntt(ur) a way watris were calme
1056 Stormes were still þe sternes full clere
1057 Zeferus softe wyndis Soberly blew
1058 Bowes in bright holt(es) buriont full faire
1059 Greuys wex grene / and þe ground swete
1060 Swoghyng of swete ayre Swalyng of bridd(es)
1061 Medowes   mounteyns myngit w(i)t(h) ffloures
1062 Colord by course as þaire kynd askit
1063 At mid Aprille the mone when myrthes begyn
1064 The season full softe of þe salt water
1065 And the bremnes abated of the brode ythes
1066 Thies kyng(es) w(i)t(h) knight(es) in Companies grete
1067 Past fro port pulled vp þ(er)e sailes
1068 Were borne to þe brode se   the banke leuyt
1069 Sailed fourth soberly w(i)t(h) seasonable windes
1070 Till þai comen the cost as þe course felle
1071 Of the terage of Troy   t(ur)nyt into hauyn
1072 Þat sothly was said Segeas to nome
1073 By thies riall(es) aryven were to rest was þe sun
1074 And neghed to þe night noy was þe more
1075 Kaste ancres full kene into þe cole wat(er)
1076 Cogges w(i)t(h) cablis cachyn to londe
1077 And lay so on lone the long night ou(er)
1078 Wen the derke was done   the day sprange
1079 And lightid o lofte ledis to be holde
1080 The Grekys in hor geyre graithis hom to banke
1081 Launchid vp lightly lordis and other
1082 The kyng had no knawlache þ(a)t the kith aght
1083 Of þe folke so furse þ(a)t hym affray wold
1084 ffor þi vnkeppit were all þe cost(es) all þe kythe ou(er)
1085 Þai hailit vp horses   hernes of maile
1086 Arm(ur) and all thinge euyn as hom liked
1087 Tild vp þ(er)e tentis tomly and faire
1088 Skairen out skoute wacche for skeltyng of harme
1089 Armyn hom at all peces after anon
1090 Er the sun vp soght w(i)t(h) his softe beames
1091 Pelleus full p(re)stly the peopull did warne
1092 To appere in his p(re)sens p(ri)nces and dukys
1093 W(i)t(h)out tarying to his tent tytly þai yode
1094 And were set all samyn þe sou(er)ain before
1095 When the peopull were pesit he p(ro)ffert þes word(es)
1096 Sais ye noblist of nome þ(a)t neu(er) man adouted
1097 The worde of yo(ur) werk(es)   you(r) wight dedis
1098 And the p(ri)se of you(r) prowes passes o fer
1099 Hit was neu(er) herd as I hope sith heuyn was o loft
1100 In any coste where ye come but ye were cleane victo(ri)us
1101 And happet the herre hond to haue at þe last
1102 Lamydon þat is lord has vs ledde hedur
1103 fforto wreike vs of wrathe   þe wegh harme
1104 Þat is the cause   the course þ(a)t we come hidur
1105 And syn ou(r) goddis / haue vs graunt þe ground for to haue
1106 Hit is spede full to speike of ou(r) spede fur
1107 And of gou(er)n(au)nce graith at ou(r) gret nede
1108 fforto fillyn ou(r) fare and ou(r) fos harme
1109 Hald all ou(r) hest(es) harmles ou(r) seluyn
1110 The tresou(r) to take þat to Troy longes
1111 Þat vs abides in the burgh   we þe bett(ur) haue
1112 Hit is knowen in cuntres   costis o fer
1113 Þat the treso(ur) of Troy is of tyme olde
1114 Out of nomb(ur) to nem   nedefull to vs
1115 Iff vs fallus in fight þe fairer at ende
1116 We shall haue riches full riffe   red gold ynogh
1117 Ou(r) ffyne shippes to fille and ou(r) fraght make
1118 Now fraist we be fore how fairest wilbe
1119 And speike for ou(r) spede while we spase haue


1120 Then Ercules the avntrus onswarid anon
1121 Sothely s(ir) kyng ye haue said well
1122 Wise word(es) Iwis   of wit noble
1123 Iff it be worship   wit wisdom to shewe
1124 Hit sothely more sou(er)an to se it in werke
1125 I will say for my self sauyng a bettur
1126 As me think(es) full throly w(i)t(h)outyn threp more
1127 Let vs dres for ou(r) dede er þe day springe
1128 And thrugh lemys of light þe lond vs p(er)seyue
1129 Part we vs p(er)tly þe pupull in two
1130 In the ton shalbe Telamon þ(a)t is a tore kyng
1131 W(i)t(h) all the ferd þat hym folowes furse men of armys
1132 And 3e sothely you(r) selfe þ(a)t sou(er)ain are here
1133 W(i)t(h) you(r) company clene as ye come hider
1134 Iason full iustly aioynet to my seluon
1135 W(i)t(h) a soume of soudiours assignet vs w(i)t(h)
1136 Draw furthe in the derke er þe day springe
1137 Wyn vs to þe wallis wacche þ(er)e vnd(ur)
1138 Vmset all the Citie er þe sun rise
1139 Lurke vnd(ur) leuys logget w(i)t(h) vines
1140 Till tithaund(es) in toune be told to þe kyng
1141 Of ou(r) come to þis coste / and þe case wist
1142 He will aray hym full rad w(i)t(h) a route noble
1143 And shape hym to o(ur) shipp(es) w(i)t(h) his shene knight(es)
1144 Vnwar of ou(r) werk(es) wete vs not þ(er)e
1145 Þat oþ(er) part of ou(r) pupull put we in thre
1146 Nestor w(i)t(h) a nomb(ur) of noble men all
1147 ffare shalbe fore the forward to lede
1148 Castor w(i)t(h) his company come next after
1149 Pollux w(i)t(h) his pupull pursu on þe laste
1150 These batels on the banke abide now here
1151 ffeght w(i)t(h) hym fuersly and his fell pupull
1152 The Citie to sese in þe same tyme
1153 We shall found by my feith or ellis fay worthe
1154 So may we sonyst the sou(er)ain distrye
1155 To wirke on this wise and ou(r) wille haue
1156 I hope it shall happon in a hond wile
1157 Hit liket well þe lord(es) þ(a)t þe lede said
1158 And plainly the pupull p(ur)post þ(er)fore
1159 Then Telamon full tyte w(i)t(h) a triet pupull
1160 Pelleus w(i)t(h) a power   þe p(ri)se Ercules
1161 Iason full iustly and Ioly knight(es) moo
1162 W(i)t(h) all the here þat þei hade highet belyue
1163 Armet at all peces abull to fight
1164 Wonen vp wynly vppon wale hestes horses
1165 Silen to the Citie softly and faire
1166 Lurkyt vnder lefe sals loget w(i)t(h) vines
1167 Busshit vnd(ur) bank(es) on bourders w(i)t(h)oute
1168 Þes oþ(er) batels at the banke abidyng full stille
1169 The kyng for to kepe and þ(er)e course holde
1170 And whiles þese renk(es) þus restyn rises þe sun
1171 Bredis w(i)t(h) his beames all þe brode vales
1172 Hit was noiset anon þ(a)t a noumb(ur) hoge
1173 Of Grek(es) were gedret   þe ground hade
1174 When þe kyng hade knowyng he comaund beliue
1175 Þat the Cite samyn were assemblet in haste
1176 Iche buerne on his best wise batell to yelde
1177 Comyn to þe kyng in companies grete
1178 Mony stith man in stoure on stedis enarmyt
1179 All redy for þe rode arayet for the werre
1180 The kyng dep(ar)tid his pupull put hom in twyn
1181 In batels on his best wise for boldyng hym seluyn
1182 Vnwar of þe weghes þ(a)t by the walles lay
1183 He knew not the caste of þe curste pepull
1184 Ne dred no dissait þ(a)t hym derit after
1185 He busket to þe banke w(i)t(h) a bolde chere
1186 W(i)t(h) his ffreik(es) in filde to þe fight on þe playne
1187 Þe Grek(es) hym agayne w(i)t(h) a grym ffare
1188 ffaryn to þe fight w(i)t(h) a frike wille
1189 Duke Nestor anon nobli arayed
1190 Countres the kyng w(i)t(h) a cant pupull
1191 Bothe batels on bent brusshet to gedur
1192 W(i)t(h) stith strokes and gret store stronge men of armys
1193 Shildis throgh shote shalk(es) to dethe
1194 Speires vnto sprott(es) sprongen ou(er) hedes
1195 So fuerse was the frusshe when þai first met
1196 All dynnet þe dyn the dales aboute
1197 When helmes and hard stele hurlet to gedur
1198 Knight(es) cast doune to þe cold vrthe
1199 Su(m) swalt in a swym w(i)t(h)outen sware more
1200 Mony p(er)ysshet in þe plase er þe p(re)se endit
1201 The Troiens were tyde   tid þ(er)e þe bettur
1202 And the grek(es) on þe ground were gretly astoynet
1203 Þen Castor the kyng comys vpponone
1204 Restoris hom w(i)t(h) strenght þ(a)t distroyet were
1205 Þen þe Crie wax kene crusshyng of wepyns
1206 And the fight so felle of þe fresshe knight(es)
1207 Þe Troiens were torne tynte of þ(er)e folk(es)
1208 Lamydon þ(a)t hom led as a lion fore
1209 Bare don mony bolde   brittoned to dethe
1210 Mony kild the kyng to þe cold vrthe
1211 Mony woundit we / from his weppont paste
1212 So fuersly he fore w(i)t(h) his felle dyntt(es)
1213 Þat þe Grek(es) w(i)t(h) gremþ geuyn hym way
1214 Þen Pollux aperit w(i)t(h) pepull ynogh
1215 Brusshit into batell   moche bale wroght
1216 Also wode of his wit as þe wild ffyre
1217 Mony ??? buerne on þe bent the bold kyng shogh
1218 Mony t(er)uyt w(i)t(h) tene topsayle ou(er)
1219 Þat hurlet to þe hard vrth   þ(er)e horse leuyt
1220 Lamydon at the laste lokit besyde
1221 Segh his folke so fare   his fos kene
1222 ffor wothe of þe worse   of weirdis feble
1223 He w(i)t(h) drogh hym a draght   a dyn made
1224 Gedrit all his gynge and his ground held
1225 Duke Nestor anon nemly p(er)sayuit
1226 Þat he was p(ri)nse of þe pepull   þe power led
1227 He left all his ledis   a launse caght
1228 Launches euyn to Lamydon w(i)t(h) a light wille
1229 Þe kyng consayuit his come keppit hym swithe
1230 Ricchis his reynys   þe renke metys
1231 Girden to gedur w(i)t(h) þ(er)e gret speires
1232 The kyng share thrugh his shild w(i)t(h) þe sharpe ende
1233 And the rod all to roofe right to his honde
1234 The duke hade dyed of þe dynt doutles anon
1235 But the sou(er)ayn hym seluon was surly enarmyt
1236 And the kyng w(i)t(h) the caupe caste to þe ground
1237 W(i)t(h) a warchand wounde thurgh his wedis all
1238 He feynyt not for þe fall ne þe felle hurtte
1239 But stert vp stithly straght out a swerde
1240 And flange at the ffreike w(i)t(h) a ffyn wille
1241 A 3onge knight and a 3epe 3yu(er)is of hert
1242 High Sedar for sothe suet to þe duke
1243 W(i)t(h) a bir on þe brest þ(a)t backeward he 3ode
1244 And fuersly of his foole fell to þe grounde
1245 Þe kyng fayne of þe falle and þe falle sagh freke segh
1246 And bare to þ(a)t bolde w(i)t(h) a bigge sworde
1247 The bourder of his basnet brest(es) in sonder
1248 And videt the viser w(i)t(h) a vile dynt
1249 Gaffe hym a great wounde in his grete face
1250 He hade slayne hym slighly for sleght þ(a)t he couth
1251 But a gret nowmb(ur) of Grek(es) gedrit hym vmbe
1252 And put hym fro p(ur)pas þof þai payn þolit
1253 Þai hurlet hym fro horse fete   of hond toke
1254 Set hym in his sadill þof he vnsound were
1255 Castor the kyng conceyuit beliue
1256 That Nestor w(i)t(h) noy was nolpit to ground
1257 He richet his reynes and his roile stroke
1258 Suet vnto Sedar w(i)t(h) a sore wepyn
1259 To deyre hym w(i)t(h) a dynt for þe duk(es) sake
1260 And er he come to the kyng so his course fell
1261 One caupet w(i)t(h) hym kenely a cosyn of Sedars
1262 And set hym a sad dynt Secorda he hight
1263 His shafte all to sheu(er)it the shalke was vnhurt
1264 And Castor in the caupyng the knight euyll wondyt
1265 A Sore dynt in the syde at the same coursse
1266 Sedar was sory for sake of his cosyn
1267 Carue euyn at Castor w(i)t(h) a kene sworde
1268 Þe shilde away share vnto the shyre necke
1269 And all þe haspes of his helme þ(a)t þe hed 3emyt
1270 W(i)t(h) a swyng of his sworde swappit hym in þe fase
1271 Bare hym ou(er) backeward to þe bare vrthe
1272 When þe freke was fallen   on foote light
1273 He laid vppon lyuely   no lede sparit
1274 3ald hym not 3et for 3yu(er)nes of hert
1275 Than pollux full pertly aprochet in hast
1276 W(i)t(h) seuyn hundrith sad men assemblit hym w(i)t(h)
1277 ffrochit into þe frount   a fray made
1278 Bere backeward the batell   his brother toke
1279 Horsit hym in haste halpe hym olofte
1280 And pollux w(i)t(h) a proude wille p(ri)ckit to a noþ(er)
1281 One Eliacus a lede and hym oliue broght
1282 The kyngesson of Cartage   a knight noble
1283 Aliet vnto Lamydon by his lefe suster
1284 Cosyn to the kyng   he his kyd Em
1285 Pite of þat pert knight / persit his hert
1286 Þat the shire wat(ur) shot ou(er) his shene chekys
1287 Myche woo hade þe wegh for þe wale knight
1288 And assemblet his sad men on a soppe hole
1289 W(i)t(h) a horne þ(a)t he hade in a hond while
1290 Seuyn thousand be sowme all of sure knight(es)
1291 And charget hom chefely for chaunse vppon vrthe
1292 fforto dere for the dethe of his dere cosyn
1293 Þen the Troiens full tite tariet no lengur
1294 Gyrd euyn to the Grek(es) w(i)t(h) a grym fare
1295 Slogh hom downe sleghly   slaunge hom to ground
1296 Wondit of þe wightist warpid hom vnder
1297 Put hom fuersly to flight folowet hom after
1298 To the banke of þe brode see / þ(er)e botis were leuit
1299 Þ(er)e Lamydon þem leuyt for a led come
1300 W(i)t(h) tythynges fro the towne told to þe kyng
1301 On Dotes w(i)t(h) dyntes þ(a)t dedly was wondyt
1302 Said the Citie was sesit   sad men þ(er)e in
1303 Of ou(r) fos full fell fuerse men in armes
1304 A grete nowmber of Grekis   þe good takyn
1305 Þe kyng for þat care coldit at his hert
1306 And sikit full sore w(i)t(h) sylyng of teris
1307 Hentt(es) his horne and hastily blawes
1308 Assemblit his sad men on a sop holle
1309 Left the Grek(es) on þe ground by the gray wat(ur)
1310 Soght to þe Citie on soppes to gedur
1311 Tho þat left were on lyue þogh þai lite were
1312 The kyng in his comyng kest vp his egh
1313 Segh a batell full breme fro þe burghe come
1314 P(ri)ckand full p(re)st vppon proude stedys
1315 He blusshed ou(er) backeward to þe brode see
1316 Se the Grekys come girdand w(i)t(h) a grym noise
1317 Þat fled were before   þe fild leuyt
1318 He was astonyet full stithly to be stad so
1319 Betwene the batels on bent   so bare ??? leuyt
1320 Vmfoldyn w(i)t(h) his fos þat he ne fle might
1321 Þen to batell on bent þai busket ??? anon
1322 A felle fight   a fuerse fell hom betwene
1323 But vnmete was the Macche at þe mene tyme
1324 The Grek(es) were grym / of a gret nowmber
1325 And lite of þ(a)t other lede þ(a)t on lyue were
1326 The Troiens full tyte were tyruyt to þe grounde
1327 W(i)t(h) batell on bothe half(es) blody beronyn
1328 Wyde woundes   wete of hor wale dyntes
1329 Ercules yrefull eu(er) vponone
1330 Pricket furthe into p(re)se and full playne made
1331 Gird gomes vnto grounde w(i)t(h) vngayn strokes
1332 Bere the batell a bake mony buerne qwellid
1333 The freke was so fuerse the fled of his gate
1334 All shodurt as shepe shont of his way
1335 Non so derffe to endure a dynt of his hond
1336 ffor all loste þe lyfe þat þe lyffe lede touchet

The Deth of Lamydon by Ercules

1337 Tyll he come to þe kyng in a kene yre
1338 Dang hym derffly don in a ded hate
1339 Grippit hym grymly gird of his hed
1340 Þrew it into þronge of his þro pepull
1341 Þat moche sorowe for þe sight   sobbyng of teres
1342 When þair(e) kyng was kylt hom be course felle
1343 Sesit was the Cite socour non þere
1344 Þaire fomen so felle / and so few other
1345 The Grek(es) gird hom to ground   to grym dethe
1346 Of the dite   þe dyn was dole to be holde
1347 The Troiens w(i)t(h) tene t(ur)nyt þe bake
1348 ffleddon in fere and þe fild leuyt
1349 Ou(er) hilles   hethes into holte woddes
1350 Þat left were on lyue w(i)t(h) mony laithe hurtes
1351 When the Grekys hade the gre   the grounde wonen

The takyng of þe towne

1352 Thai soght into the Cite vpon sere haluys
1353 Streght into stretis and into stronge houses
1354 There were wemen to wale a wond(ur)full nowmb(ur)
1355 Childer full choise and of chere febill
1356 Wyth olde ffolke vnfere ferly to se
1357 All tight to þe tempull of þ(er)e tore godd(es)
1358 ffor drede of the dethe   myche dynne made
1359 Mony wyues for woo of þ(er)e wit past
1360 And þ(er)e barnes on brest bere in þ(er)e armes
1361 Hyd hom in houles and hyrnys aboute
1362 Maydons for mornyng haue þ(er)e mynd loste
1363 Soche payne of a pepull was pitie to beholde
1364 Hurlet out of houses and no hede toke
1365 Of gold ne of garmentt(es) ne of goode stonys
1366 ffongit no florence ne no fyn pesys
1367 Gemys ne gewellis ne no ioly vessell
1368 But all left in hor lodges   lurkit away
1369 The grek(es) were full gredy grippit hom belyue
1370 P(ra)yen and pyken mony p(re)uey chamb(ur)
1371 ffongit þ(er)e florence and oþ(er) fyn gold
1372 Geton girduls full gay mony good stonys
1373 Wele wantid no wegh wale what hom liste
1374 A monyth on þis man(er) meuyt no ferre
1375 But soughton vp the Cite vpon sere haluys
1376 Grippit vp the ground girdyn doun þe wallys
1377 Prowde pales of p(ri)se puttyn to grounde
1378 Brent vp the byggyng(es)   full bare maden
1379 The temple ou(er) t(ur)nyt tokon þe folke
1380 Dydden all to the dethe   for ne drede lettyd
1381 Wemen wale childur   other weike pupull
1382 Madens full mony   of mete age
1383 Sesit hom sone in s(er)uage to holde

Exiona the kyng(es) doughter Lamydon

1384 When the palis was put doun of þe p(ri)se kyng
1385 Þai fond þ(er)e a fre faire to be holde
1386 Euyn of his owne doughter Exiona was callid
1387 Bannet worth the bale tyme þat ho borne was
1388 ffor the care þat þ(er)e come because of hir one
1389 Ercules egerly euyn vpon one
1390 Betoke hir to Telamon for he the towne entrid
1391 In reward as by right for his ranke wille


1392 But caitif vnclene for thy curst dede
1393 Syn the fortune felle þ(a)t faire into honde
1394 Þat was cu(m)ly and clene and a kyng(es) doughter
1395 Þ(o)u shuld haue holdyn þ(a)t hynd had hir þi selfeto wife
1396 Weddit w(i)t(h) worship and to wife holdyn
1397 And þ(o)u so doggetly has done in þi derfe hate
1398 Þrast hir vnder þraldam w(i)t(h) þi þro hert
1399 To a kyng þat is curst of vnclene lyfe
1400 ffor to lede in his lechery all his lyfe after
1401 Thurgh vnhappe of þat hynde þ(a)t þ(o)u a hore mase
1402 Myche greu(au)nce shall groo   a ground hate
1403 Wer wakyn   wo for þi wicked dede
1404 Mony bold for þat bright in batell be kylde
1405 When the toune was ou(er)tyruyt takyn þe godys
1406 Þe Grek(es) to þe gray water gyrdyn belyue
1407 Shottyn into shippes all þe shene godis
1408 Launchet furthe lightly   the lond passit
1409 Girdon ou(er) the grym waghes into grece samyn
1410 All þ(er)e lond(es) were light þ(a)t þai lyffe hade
1411 ffayne of þ(er)e fortune   þ(er)e fine relik(es)
1412 Didyn sacrifice solempne vnto sere godd(es)
1413 All þ(er)e rewmes wax riche hade relik(es) ynowe
1414 And long tyme w(i)t(h) hom last   þ(er)e lefe children
1415 When the Cite was sesit as I said ere
1416 And Lamydon the lege lefe king out of lyfe broght
1417 Wemyn   wale children vnto wo put
1418 Set vnder s(er)uage sorow for eu(er)
1419 The kyng(es) dought(er) caght   out of kythe led
1420 And in horedam holdyn harme was þe more
1421 Se now the sorow / þat þ(er)e suet after
1422 And yche wegh þ(a)t is wise   of wit stable


1423 Light harmes Let ou(er) passe Lap noght in yre
1424 ffor foly þat may falle of a felle hert
1425 A word þat is wrappid and in wrathe holdenspokan
1426 May feston as a fyre w(i)t(h) a fuerse low
1427 Of a sparke vnaspied spred vnd(ur) askys
1428 May feston vp fyre to mony freike sorow
1429 So lurk(es) w(i)t(h) lord(es) of a light wrathe
1430 Þat growes into ground harme greuys full sore
1431 Happyn is þe here In no hate lengis
1432 Ne letis bele in his brest wherof bale rises
1433 Ne mynnes no malis þat is of mynd past
1434 As yt happes here harme for to come
1435 And wreke to be wroght for wordes a few
1436 Soche a kyng to be kylde a cuntre distroyed
1437 ffele folke for faren w(i)t(h) a ffeble ende
1438 Gyf an end hade ben now   neu(er) noyet efte
1439 Bothe of lure   of los   oure lorde wolde
1440 Hit was euyn bot a venture of ang(ur) to come
1441 And a Sesyn of sorow þat þere suet after
1442 Right as lamydon þe lord was of lyue broght
1443 ffor he grethit w(i)t(h) þe Grekys þ(a)t on his ground lay
1444 So þis Maidon shalbe mater of full mekull harme
1445 And mony lond(es) to lure þat eu(er) ho lyffe hade
1446 Lo how fortune is felle   of fell fer caste
1447 Þat drawes in a ded hate in a derke wille
1448 And of a litill hath likyng a low for to kyndull
1449 Þat hepis into harme in a hond while
1450 By þis mater I meane what myschefe befell
1451 Þere no cause was to ken but vnkynd wordes
1452 And while þis Lady was on lyffe   in lond fer
1453 And all thies maters in mynde þat I mene here
1454 Grete Troye was vp tild w(i)t(h) mony toures vmbe
1455 Þat was m(er)uelously   mykell to shew
1456 And Sesyt was sythen and to sorow broght
1457 And mony kyng(es) were kyld   knight(es) þ(er)fore
1458 What ledys were lost   of lyue done
1459 Now I turne for to telle whill I tyme haue

Off kyng Pryam   his Children

1460 This Lamydon þat was lord hade a lefe son
1461 A pert man þ(a)t was p(ri)nse   p(ri)am he hight
1462 A man witty   wise wight / wildist in armes
1463 Hit felle hym fortune at his fader dethe
1464 He was faryn to fight in a fer londe
1465 To riche hym of rebell(es) þat of þe rewme held
1466 To cache a castell þat was kene holdyn
1467 And to wyn it w(i)t(h) werre wo(n)t þ(er)e a while
1468 W(i)t(h) his houshold hole   here þat he walt
1469 He hade a woman to wyue worthy   noble
1470 Onest   abill   Ecuba she hight
1471 By þ(a)t same hade he sonnes semly men all
1472 ffyue þ(a)t were faire /   fuerse men of armes
1473 And þre deght(er) by dene þ(a)t were dene holden
1474 Of his sonnes to say or I sew ferre
1475 Ector was eldist   heire to hym seluyn
1476 And most is in mynd for his mykyll strenght
1477 The secund of his sonnes sothely was parys
1478 Or Alisaunder owther was his other name
1479 He was fairest of þe freik(es)   a fyne archer
1480 A bowma(n) of þe best   a buerne wise
1481 The þrid was a þro knight þrivand in armys
1482 Deffebus þe doughty on a derfe stede
1483 The fourth was a philosoffer a fyn man of lore
1484 In þe Syense full sad of þe seuyn art(es)
1485 The fyfte of the fre þat I first nemyt
1486 Was Troylus the true tristy in wer
1487 Þat mykell worship wan witnes ye of story
1488 Of his deght(er) by dene þ(a)t were dere holdyn
1489 One Crousa was cald kyndly by nome
1490 Þat Eneas aft(er)ward elit to wed
1491 Þat spokyn is of specially in ou(r) spede after
1492 And V(ir)gill of his werk(es) writis also
1493 After takyng of þe toune how hym tid þen
1494 The secund of þe suster forto say ferre
1495 Cassandra was cald clennest of wytte
1496 Þat Enfo(ur)met was faire of þe fre artis
1497 And hade knowyng by course of þe clere sternys
1498 The last of þos lefe children was a lyffe faire
1499 Polexena the pert p(ri)se of all other
1500 Of hir ffeturs   fairhed is ferly to telle
1501 Also noble for þe nonyst as nature cold deuyse
1502 Bothe of colo(ur)   clennes to declare all
1503 This pris kyng P(ri)am hade of pert childer
1504 Thretty sonnes besydes all other wemen
1505 Þat he gate on his gamen goode men of armys
1506 And felle men in fight as we shall fynd after
1507 Now I turne to my tale   tary here a while

Here begynnys the fyfte boke of
the foundyng new Troye
And of þe qwerell of kyng P(ri)am
ffor hys ffader dethe

1508 Now as þis kyng vmbe the Castell lay closit abute
1509 W(i)t(h) his folke all in fere   his fyn childur
1510 He was enfourmyt of þ(a)t fare   of his fader dethe
1511 How his towne was takon and tiruyt to ground
1512 His Suster sesyd and soght into syde londis
1513 His knight(es) downe kyld vnto cold vrthe
1514 Soche sikyng and sorow sanke in his hert
1515 W(i)t(h) pyte and complaint pyne for to here
1516 He toke vp his tent(es)   the towne leuyt
1517 Teght hom vnto Troy w(i)t(h) tene þ(a)t he hade
1518 Segh the buyldyng(es) brent   beton to ground
1519 Soche wo for þ(a)t werke þan þe wegh thowlit
1520 Þat all his wongys were wete for weping of terus
1521 Thre dayes þroly w(i)t(h) thricchyng of hondys
1522 And drowpet for dole as he degh wold
1523 Þen he sesit o syther   his sorow voidit
1524 Mendit his mode   his mynd stablit
1525 Toke councell in the case   his care leuyt
1526 The styfe towne to restowre   so stronng make
1527 ffor daunger and drede of enny derfe enmys
1528 Gate masons full mony þ(a)t mykull fete couthe
1529 Wise wrightis to wale werkys to caste
1530 Qwariours qweme qwaint men of wit
1531 Myno(ur)s of marbull ston   mony oþ(er) thing(es)
1532 Sone he raght vpon rowme rid vp þe dykis
1533 Serchit vp the soile þ(er)e þe Citie was
1534 And byld vp a bygge towne of þe bare vrthe
1535 In the nome of Neptune þat was a noble god

The disc(ri)pc(i)on of Troye

1536 This Cite was sothely to serche it aboute
1537 Þre iorneys full iointly to ioyne hom by dayes
1538 Was neu(er) sython vnder son Cite so large
1539 Ne neu(er) before as we fynd fourmyt in vrthe
1540 Nonso luffly on to loke in any Lond oute
1541 The walles vp wroght wond(ur) to se
1542 W(i)t(h) grippes full grete was þe ground takon
1543 Bothe Syker   Sad þat selly were þik
1544 ffro the vrthe vpward vne of a mesure
1545 Of the walle for to wete to þe wale top
1546 CC. Cubett(es) be coursse accounttid full euyn
1547 Þat of Marbill was most fro þe myddes vp
1548 Of diu(er)s colou(r)s to ken craftely wroght
1549 Þat were shene for to shew   of shap noble
1550 Mony toures vp tild þe toune to defende
1551 Wroght vp w(i)t(h) the walle as þe werke rose
1552 On negh to a noþ(er) nobly deuyset
1553 Large on to loke louely of shap
1554 In the Sercle of the Cite were sex faire 3ates
1555 ffor entre   yssue   ease of þe pepull
1556 The furst and the fairest fourmet was Dardan
1557 Tricerda / Thetas / Troiana þo foure
1558 Anchinordes hylias heght þe two other
1559 W(i)t(h) grete toures vmb tilde   torettis aboute
1560 Well wroght for the werre wacches O lofte
1561 Ymagry ou(er) all amyt þ(er) was
1562 Of best(es) and babery breme to be holde
1563 Bost out of þe best þe byg toures vmbe
1564 The wallis in wer(e) wikked to assaile
1565 W(i)t(h) depe dikes and derke doubull of water
1566 W(i)t(h)in the Citie for sothe semly to ken
1567 Grete palis of p(ri)se plenty of houses
1568 Wele bild all aboute on the best wise
1569 The werst walle for to wale þ(er)e any wegh dwelt
1570 Was faurty cubett(es) by coursse to count fro the vrthe
1571 And all of Marbill was made w(i)t(h) m(er)uellus best(es)
1572 Of lions   libard(es)   other laithe wormes
1573 The Stretis were streght   of a stronge brede
1574 ffor ymur and aire vpon in þe myddis
1575 By the sydes for sothe of sotell deuyse
1576 Was archet full abilly for aylyng of shoures
1577 Pight vp w(i)t(h) pilers all of playn marbill
1578 Weghis into walke for wetyng of rayn
1579 There were stallis by þe strete stondyng for pupull
1580 Werkmen into won and þaire ware shewe
1581 Bothe to selle and to se as þaim selfe lyked
1582 Of all þe craftes to ken as þ(er)e course askit
1583 Goldsmythes Glou(er)s / Girdillers noble
1584 Sadlers souters / Semsters fyn
1585 Taliours / Telers Turners / of vessell
1586 Wright(es) websters / walkers of clothe
1587 Armurers / Arowsmythis / w(i)t(h) Axes of werre
1588 Belmakers / bokebynders brasiers fyn
1589 Marchand(es) / Monymakers / Mongers of fyche
1590 Parnters / painters / pynners also
1591 Bochers / bladsmythis / baxsters amonge
1592 fferro(ur)s flecchours / fele men of Crafte
1593 Tau(er)ners / tapsters / all the toune ou(er)
1594 Sporiors / Spicers / Spynners of clothe
1595 Cok(es) / condlers coriours of ledur
1596 Carpentours / cotelers / coucheours fyn
1597 W(i)t(h) barburs bigget in bourders of the stretes
1598 W(i)t(h) all maist(er) men þ(a)t on molde dwellis
1599 Onestly enabit / in entris aboute
1600 Thurgh myddis þe mekill toune meuyt a water
1601 And disseuert þe Cite þ(a)t Xanthus hight
1602 There were bild by the bank(es) of þe brode stremes
1603 Mylnes full mony made for to grynde
1604 ffor solas of the Cite þat suet hom to
1605 The water by wisshyng went vnd(ur) houses
1606 Gosshet through Godardys   other grete vautes
1607 And clensit by course all þe clene Cite
1608 Of filth and of fen through fletyng by nethe
1609 In Ensample of this Cite sothely to telle
1610 Rome on a ryuer rially was set
1611 Enabit by Eneas after full longe
1612 Tild vpon Tiber after Troy like
1613 Priam(us) p(er)tly the pupull ylkon
1614 Þat longit to his lond   logit O fer
1615 Gert sue to þe Cite sothely to dwelle
1616 And fild it w(i)t(h) folke fuerse was þe nowmb(ur)
1617 Of lord(es) of þe lond and oþ(er) lesse pupull
1618 In þat Cite for sothe as saith vs the story
1619 Mony gamnes were begonnen þe grete for to solas
1620 The chekker was choisly þ(er)e chosen þe first
1621 The draghtes the dyse and oþ(er) dregh gamnes
1622 Soche soteltie þai sought to solas hom w(i)t(h)
1623 The tables the top tregetre alse
1624 And in the moneth of may mekill þai vsit
1625 W(i)t(h) floures and fresshe bowes fecchyng of somer
1626 Somur qwenes and qwaintans   oþ(er) qwaint gamnes
1627 There foundyn was first   yet ben forthe haunted

The makyng of ylion

1628 Priam by p(ur)pos a pales gert make
1629 W(i)t(h)in the Cite full Solempne of a sete riall
1630 Louely and large to logge in hym seluyn
1631 ffull worthely wroght   by wit caste
1632 And euyn at his etlyng Ylion was cald
1633 Closit w(i)t(h) a clene wall crustrit w(i)t(h) towres
1634 Euyn round as a ryng richely wroght
1635 ffyue hundrith fete fully the heght
1636 W(i)t(h)oute toures full tore torret aboue
1637 Þat were of heght so hoge as I here fynde
1638 Þat the clowdes hom cled in vnclene ayre
1639 In þe heghest to houe and beholde ou(er)
1640 All the lond for to loke when hym lefe thought
1641 To all þe p(ro)uyns þai apperit   p(ar)tis ofer
1642 W(i)t(h) mekyll solas to se in mony syde londis
1643 Of crafty colou(r)s to knaw all in course set
1644 Made all of marbyll w(i)t(h) mason deuyse
1645 W(i)t(h) ymagry full honest openly wroght
1646 In cornels full by course clustret O lofte
1647 The windowes worthely wroght in a mesure
1648 Shapyn full shene all of shyre stones
1649 Coruen in Cristall by crafte of entaile
1650 Pight into pilers prudly to shewe
1651 The bases   bourdurs all of bright perle
1652 W(i)t(h)in this palis of p(ri)se was a proude halle
1653 Þat large was of lenght   louely to shewe
1654 Painted full prudly w(i)t(h) pure gold ou(er)
1655 Drapre&dflourish by den w(i)t(h) a dese rioll
1656 There were bordis full bright aboute in þat sale
1657 Set in a sercle of Sedur tre fyn
1658 Gret vp fro þe ground vppon gray marbill
1659 W(i)t(h) a flore þat was fret all of fyne stones
1660 Pauyt prudly all w(i)t(h) proude colou(r)s
1661 Made after musycke men on to loke
1662 In the cheffe of þe choise halle chosen for þe kyng
1663 Was a grounde vp graid w(i)t(h) gresis of marbill
1664 And a tabill atyret all of triet yuer
1665 Bourdurt about all w(i)t(h) bright aumbur
1666 Þat smelt is   smeth smellis full swete
1667 W(i)t(h) taste for to touche the tabull aboute
1668 ffor the sou(er)ayn hym selfe was a sete rioll
1669 Pight full Of peritoris   of proude gemys
1670 Atyret w(i)t(h) a tabernacle of Eyntayill fyn
1671 At the tother hede of þe halle was hegh vppolofte
1672 A wond(ur)full werke weghes to be holde
1673 W(i)t(h) p(re)ciose stones of p(ri)ce   perll ynogh
1674 A nauter enournet in nome of a god
1675 Goond vp by a grese all of goode stones
1676 Twenty pase vp pight all of pure cristall
1677 Þat were shynyng full shene shalk(es) to deuyse
1678 Vne opon another þe auter was amyt to stond
1679 An ymage full noble in þe nome of god
1680 ffyftene cubett(es) by course all of clene lenght
1681 Shynyng of shene gold   of shap nobill
1682 Dubbet ou(er) w(i)t(h) dyamo(n)des þ(a)t were dere holdyn
1683 That w(i)t(h) lemys of light as a lampe shone
1684 Of Iubit(er) þe iust god þ(a)t þe ioy weldis
1685 In qwhom Priam p(ri)nsipally put his be leue
1686 In sauyng his Cite and hym selfe alse
1687 W(i)t(h) long dayes to endure   fro dethe kepe

The consell for Restituc(i)on of þe Grek(es)

1688 Qwen this Cite was set   full sure made
1689 As priam hade p(ur)post all w(i)t(h) pure wit
1690 Then meuyt to his mynde as yt most nede
1691 Þat his Cite was sure of hym selfe wroght
1692 W(i)t(h) mykell pepull of p(ri)se   proude men of armys
1693 Riches full ryfe   relik(es) þe ??? ynow
1694 All abund(a)unt in blisse ble??? blent w(i)t(h) his folke
1695 Þat weile wantid no wegh ne worship in vrthe
1696 Þan a sorow full sodenly sanke in his hert
1697 A remorec of maters þ(a)t hym mys lyket
1698 How þe Grek(es) hym greuyt and to ground put
1699 His fader   his fryndis ferkit out of lyue
1700 And his sust(er) into s(er)uage þ(a)t hym sore noyet
1701 Then he somond all þe Cite vppon sere haluys
1702 To a counsell to come for a cause hegh
1703 And his wille for to wete as hom wele aght
1704 When the grete were gethurt   þo graithe all
1705 W(i)t(h) his semly sonnes þat hym sate next
1706 Saue Ector was oute as aunt(er) befelle
1707 In a cuntre by coursse þ(a)t of þe coron helde
1708 Assignet by his sou(er)ayne   certen hym w(i)t(h)
1709 ffor play or for p(ur)pos pas we þ(er)fro
1710 When þe sou(er)ayne was set in a sete rioll
1711 As become for a kyng in counsell w(i)t(h) lord(es)
1712 All pese vmbe in þe plase pepull were stille
1713 Be comaundeme(n)t of þe kyng ??? as be come well
1714 Þen he meuyt of the mat(er) all w(i)t(h) mylde wordes
1715 And touchet his entent as I telle shall
1716 Now lordys of my lond   oþ(er) lefe pepull
1717 Hit is knowen to þis court and oþ(er) kyd frynd(es)
1718 Of þe harmys þat we haue   þe hoge lere
1719 That the Grek(es) in hor gremþ vs to grefe broght
1720 Bothe to me   to myne / mykull vnright
1721 And to yow   also yo(ur)s 3om(er)yng for eu(er)
1722 How ou(r) faders were slayne before falsly were slayne
1723 And my suster Exiona in s(er)uage is holdyn
1724 Þat is comen of soche kyn cold(es) my hert
1725 You(r) susters for sothe   oþ(er) sib fryndes
1726 Wyues   wale children þai away led
1727 Þat ben set vnder s(er)uage   sorow for ay
1728 And ou(r) Cite for sothe þ(a)t sum tyme was here
1729 Brent   betyn downe to þe bare vrthe
1730 Ou(r) gold   ou(r) godys gripped in hond
1731 Robbet ou(r) riches ou(r) rentt(es) distroyet
1732 Token all ou(r) tresou(r) trussit into grise
1733 Kyld all ou(r) kynnesmen into cold dethe
1734 And other wrongis vs wroght   to wo put
1735 Thes redurse to riche by red of you all
1736 Hit were sittyng me semys   to sue fore
1737 We haue a Cite full sure   sad pepull in
1738 Well wroght for the werre wallis full high
1739 ffolke of defence and to fight able
1740 Mony knight(es) full kant   kyd men of armys
1741 We haue riches full rife red gold ouer fyn
1742 Clothes full comly and other clene iuellis
1743 Arm(ur) and all thing abill þ(er)fore
1744 Well viteld Iwis for wynturs ynow
1745 ffele frynd(es) and fau(er) out of fer londys
1746 W(i)t(h) a liaunse full large of other lege kyngis
1747 Þat we to helpe vs may haue in a hond whyle
1748 And now tyme by my trauthe to take it on hond
1749 To mene vs w(i)t(h) manhode   ou(r) mys wreke
1750 But the fortune of feghters may be fell chaunse
1751 And siker were to sit and solas vs here
1752 But þe harme and the hethyng of my hynd suster
1753 Þat is set vnd(ur) s(er)uage   in syn holdyn
1754 Greuys me so gretly   my greme ekys
1755 Þat it reuys me my rest   my right hele
1756 But it likis you lordis at a lite wordys
1757 Thus gate to begyn er we goo ferre
1758 Þat I send for my suster on a softe wise
1759 To þe Grek(es) for to goo w(i)t(h) a good wille
1760 And restore w(i)t(h)outyn strif into þis stid home
1761 My sister Exina sobirly   faire
1762 To qwit claym all querels   be qweme frynd(es)
1763 Of all ou(r) dures þai vs did   daunger for eu(er)
1764 All accous and Envy after to voide
1765 Neu(er) to deire for þat dede þe dayes in ou(r) lyue
1766 When the sou(er)ain hade said þen sesit he here
1767 And it liket well the lordys   þe ledis all
1768 Of his wit   his word(es)   his wise speche
1769 In dede thus to do þai demyt it all
1770 When Priam hade p(er)sayuit all þ(er)e pure wille
1771 He chese hym a chere man the charge for to beire
1772 Antenor he toke for his triet wit
1773 He was gret   graithe   a gome noble
1774 Wisest of wordes and wille þ(er)to
1775 He spake to hym specially þ(a)t he spede shuld
1776 W(i)t(h) fau(er) and fair word(es) his frenship to haue
1777 And he lowted his lege w(i)t(h) a low chere
1778 And grauntid to go w(i)t(h) a good wille

How Antenor Went on Message
To the Grekys

1779 Then he shope hym to ship in a sharp haste
1780 And dressit for þe depe as hym dere þught
1781 Halit into havyn in a hond while
1782 Shippit hym full shortly   his shene folke
1783 Grippit vp a gret sayle glidis on þe water
1784 Sailet on soberly and þe se past
1785 Teght into Tessaile t(ur)nyt into hauyn
1786 There Pelleus þe proude was a p(ri)se kyng
1787 At Mansum for mirth in þe mene tyme
1788 A hauyn toun as hap was þ(er)e þe hind lay
1789 Antenor not tariet ne no tome hade
1790 But went to the wale kyng on his way sone
1791 Hailsit hym hendly   he his honde toke
1792 And welcomyt hym worthely as a wegh noble
1793 And fraynit hym w(i)t(h) frenship qwat the fre wold
1794 Antenor full tite told of his wille
1795 ffro P(ri)am full p(re)st put am I hider
1796 As a messynger made at þis mene tyme
1797 Thus he sent me to say to yo(ur) will euyn
1798 ffor to mene to yo(ur) mynde as I most nede
1799 The harmys and þe heuenys hym happit of yow
1800 ffirst of his fader in fight was distroyet
1801 His Cite and his Syb men to sorow for eu(er)
1802 His lond(es) his legemen out of lyue broght
1803 His Suster into s(er)uage   to syn put
1804 And oþ(er) redurs full ryfe in his rewme dyd
1805 His golde and his goodis grippet also
1806 Pilled all his p(ro)uynce   full pore leuyt
1807 W(i)t(h)outen cause but of couetous þ(a)t come of yo(ur) seluyn
1808 Qwherfore to qweme qwyt of all other
1809 To skape out of skathe and sklaund(ur) to falle
1810 In obregyng of batell   buernes to saue
1811 As ye ben wegh full of wit   for wise holdyn
1812 To send hym syster vne in sound home
1813 And all giltis for gyffen   greuanse for ay
1814 When Pelleus p(er)sayuit þis in a proude yre
1815 Sodenly he sourdit into soure greme
1816 And Priam rep(re)uyt as a pure fole
1817 W(i)t(h) hethyng and hate as hys hegh wordes
1818 Antenor full tyte to trusse he comaundes
1819 At the most in a moment of his mold passe
1820 Or he doutles shold degh for his derffe wordys
1821 Antenor vntomly t(ur)net his way
1822 W(i)t(h)outyn lowtyng or lefe lengit he noght
1823 But fast vppon fote ferkyt to shippe
1824 And hasted to the hegh see in a hond while
1825 Sailit on soundly as hym selfe lyket
1826 On dayes and derke night(es) dryuyn on the ythes
1827 At Salerne full sound þai set into hauyn
1828 That tyme in the towne was Telamon þe kyng
1829 To soio(ur)ne a season as hym selfe lyked
1830 Antenor arghly auntrid of ship
1831 And wentto þat worthy his wille for to shew
1832 He welcomyt þ(a)t wegh w(i)t(h) a wille feble
1833 ffor he louet not his lede of long tyme before
1834 Yet he fraynit at þe freike whedur he fare Wolde
1835 And the cause of his come to his courtte þan
1836 The Troiane full tumbly told hym anone
1837 ffro Priam full p(re)st haue I p(re)ssit hedur
1838 And wonen ou(er) the waghis his wille for to say
1839 That in Troy truly is a triet kyng
1840 And lord of þe londe as be lyne olde
1841 Þat now of yo(ur) nobilte newly desyres
1842 His Syster to be sent to his syde rewme
1843 Þat hynd for to helpe hertely he prayes
1844 Þat ye kepe in yo(ur) company on vnclene wise
1845 As subiecte vnto syn vnsemyng for you
1846 Soche a lady of lynage   of lordis comyn
1847 That were knowen for kyng(es) of cuntre fele
1848 Sho might haue bene maried to more þen yo(ur) selfe
1849 ffor worship to wed and as wife holde
1850 That ye haue thus in hething   a hore mase
1851 And oþ(er) dishono(ur) ye did to his dere fader
1852 All he gr(a)unt(es) to forgyue   neu(er) to greue after
1853 Iff ye send hom þat semly þ(a)t I sew fore
1854 That he may menske hur w(i)t(h) mariage þ(a)t ye mart haue
1855 And restore hir astate in su(m) straunge rewme
1856 This is the cause of my come I couet nomore
1857 But a graunt of yo(ur) good wille þ(a)t gret for to haue
1858 When Antenor hade tolde   his tale endit
1859 The kyng was caste into a clene yre
1860 And wrothe at his word(es) as a wode lion
1861 He answares in anger awrthwert agayne
1862 Beusher who so eu(er) þ(o)u be w(i)t(h) þi bold speche
1863 Me m(er)uellis of þi momlyng   þi mad word(es)
1864 Syn he no knowlage ne acoyntaunse of my cors has
1865 Ne I hardely ??? of hym hade in my lyue
1866 That he þis Message wold make to me at this tyme
1867 I am not p(ur)past plainly his p(ra)yer to here
1868 Ne his wille for to wirke wete þ(o)u for sothe
1869 Knowen be it to þi kyng of þ(a)t case wele
1870 That I w(i)t(h) Ercules entrid his rewme
1871 When Lamydon was o lyue   the lond aght
1872 ffor to wreke vs of wrathe   the wegh harmeof skerne as we skylle hade
1873 Bothe of skathe   of skorne as we skylle hade
1874 Ther w(i)t(h) batell at the burgh I my blode shed
1875 Depe woundes to the dethe   mony derffe strok(es)
1876 And the Cite I sesit sonest of other
1877 Was cause of the conquest w(i)t(h) my clene strenght
1878 And for a riche reward of my ranke wylle
1879 All the sou(er)ains by assent assignet me hir
1880 ffor to wirke w(i)t(h) my wille   weld as my nowne
1881 And for lesse hir to leue þen I hir luff boght
1882 I thinke not by my thrifte for no þro wordys
1883 Syn þe fre is so faire   so fele v(er)tus
1884 So corius so conyng   of so clene nurtur
1885 Me is not lefe hir to leue and to lyue after
1886 Therfore say to þi sou(er)ain þ(a)t þe sent hydur
1887 He weldis not that worthy but w(i)t(h) wale strok(es)
1888 And w(i)t(h) swappyng of swerdys þof he swelt wolde
1889 And þ(o)u faithfully a fole   a freke mad
1890 May be countid in this case for þi come hider
1891 Soche a message to make at þis mene tyme
1892 Wete þ(o)u full witt(ur)ly in warnyng of other
1893 Saue I let for my lose þ(o)u shuld þi lyffe tyne
1894 And be done to þe dethe for þi derfe wordes speche
1895 Pas fro my p(re)sens on payne of þi lyffe
1896 And rape of my rewme in a rad haste
1897 Or þ(o)u shall lelly be lost and þ(o)u leng oght
1898 Antenor for ang(ur) auntrit no ferre
1899 Lut not þe lede ne no lefe toke
1900 Shot euyn into ship o þe shire waghis
1901 Hade bir at his bake and þe banke leuyt
1902 Sailet furth soundly   þe see past
1903 Come to Acayon þ(er)e Castor was lord
1904 And pollus þe proude þ(a)t was his pure brothir
1905 Bothe reynit in þ(a)t rem as I red first
1906 To þe courtte of þe kyng come he beliue
1907 His message for to make as I mynt haue
1908 He salut þo semly all w(i)t(h) sad wordys
1909 And told furth of his tale taried no lengur
1910 Of the dole and the dethe of his dere fader
1911 How þe rewme was robbet redurs ynow
1912 His Sister þ(a)t was sesit his Cite distroyet
1913 And couet þ(a)t cleane as I declaret haue
1914 ffor to lede to his lond vppon lyue home
1915 All p(ri)am(us) p(ur)pos plainly he told
1916 Of his message by mowthe as I mynt ere
1917 When castor hade clanly consayuit his wille
1918 He onswared hym honestly w(i)t(h) orryng a litill
1919 Now frynde vppon faithe and at fine wordes
1920 We p(ur)post neu(er) plainly Priam to wrathe
1921 Ne offend his frendeship w(i)t(h) no felle dedis
1922 W(i)t(h)outen cause of vnkyndnes þ(a)t was kyd after
1923 His fader vs forset w(i)t(h) his fowle wille
1924 Did hething and harme to o(ur) hed rewmes
1925 We wrekit vs w(i)t(h) wondis   þe wegh slogh
1926 Did ou(r) lykyng in his lond as vs leue thoght
1927 Qwerfore vs qwemes noght now his qwaint speche
1928 We fors not his frendship ne fere of his hate
1929 We loue noght his lede ne his land nowþ(er)
1930 Ne charge noght his chat(er)yng thogh he chide eu(er)
1931 He loues þe full litull lede as me thinke
1932 To make þe þis message for to mele here
1933 And þ(o)u hardly no hede of þi hele toke
1934 Ne thy lyfe was not lefe ne lusty it semys
1935 When þ(o)u entrid ou(r) Ile þis erende to bere
1936 But loke þat no lettyng ger þe lenge here
1937 Ne no tarying the tyde for tene þ(a)t may folow
1938 ffor and þ(o)u do þ(o)u shalt degh deme þ(o)u no noþ(er)
1939 Qwen Antenor þis aunter ??? ang(ur)ly herd
1940 He t(ur)nyt hym tyte w(i)t(h)outen tale more
1941 Hastit hym hertely highit into bote
1942 Wound vp full wightly ale his wale ancres
1943 Kaght in Cablis of þe calme water
1944 Braid vp a brode saile hade brethe at his wille
1945 ffore euon to Philon w(i)t(h) his feris all
1946 Aroue þ(er)e full radly rest in a hauyn
1947 Þ(er)e Nestor the noble duke was negh at his hond
1948 W(i)t(h) a company clene in his close halle
1949 The man w(i)t(h) his message meuys hym to
1950 As legate and lege from his lord comyn
1951 He mekyt to þ(a)t mighty and w(i)t(h) mowth said
1952 His charge full choise chefe how he might
1953 Euyn fairly byfourme as I first said
1954 Nestor anone noyet þ(er)ew(i)t(h)
1955 And walt at his word(es) into wode yre
1956 He frothet for folle and his face chaunget
1957 His een flammet as þe fyre w(i)t(h) a felle loke
1958 And louret on þe lede w(i)t(h) a laithe chere
1959 Onswaret hym ang(ur)ly w(i)t(h) awthwert wordis

The onsware of Nestor to Antenor

1960 Thou sot w(i)t(h) vnsell s(er)uand of o þe worst
1961 How durst þ(o)u so deruly þis dede vnd(ur)take
1962 To appere in my p(re)sens w(i)t(h) so proude word(es)
1963 Þat my neris shold negh the noise of þi speche
1964 But for noy of my nobilte   my nome gret
1965 I shuld tere out þi tunge and þi Tethe euyn
1966 And chop þurgh þi chek(es) for chat(er)yng so high
1967 Spede the to spille in spite of þi kynge
1968 To be hurlet w(i)t(h) horses vpon hard stones
1969 And drawen as a dog   to deth broght
1970 Brittonet þi body into bare qwarters
1971 And caste vnto curres as caren to ete
1972 Sile furth of my sight in a sad haste
1973 And þ(o)u tary in þis towne or any tide lenge
1974 Þ(o)u shalt havue þat I hete   þ(o)u hent worth
1975 Antenor arghet w(i)t(h) oustere wordes
1976 Hade doute of the duke   of his dethe ferd
1977 Lest the tyrand in his tene hade t(ur)nyt hym to sle
1978 He highit full hastely   of his hond past
1979 Shoke euyn into ship   the shalke leuyt
1980 A stithe man to the stere hade a stoute wynde
1981 Were blouen to þe brode se in a bir swithe

A tempast on þe See

1982 There a tempest hom toke on þe torres hegh
1983 A rak and a royd wynde rose in hor saile
1984 A myst   a m(er)kenes was m(er)uell to se
1985 W(i)t(h) a routond rayn ruthe to be holde
1986 Thonret full throly w(i)t(h) a thicke haile
1987 W(i)t(h) a leuenyng light as a low fyre
1988 Blaset all the brode see as it bren wold
1989 The flode w(i)t(h) a felle cours flowet on hepis
1990 Rose vppon rockes as any ranke hylles
1991 So wode were the waghes   þe wilde ythes
1992 All was like to be lost þ(a)t no lond hade
1993 The ship ay shot furth o þe shire waghes
1994 As qwo clymbe at a clyffe or a clent hille
1995 Eft dump in the depe as all drowne wolde
1996 Was no stightlyng w(i)t(h) stere ne no stithe ropes
1997 Ne no sayle þat might s(er)ue for vnsound wedur
1998 But all the bernes beuernes in the bote / as hom best liked
1999 Besoght vnto saint(es)   to sere goddes
2000 W(i)t(h) knelyng   crie to þ(er)e kynd halowes
2001 And w(i)t(h) solempne sac(ri)fice to seke þai avowet
2002 Þre dayes þroly þai þrappit w(i)t(h) stormys
2003 Eu(er) in point for to p(er)ysshe in tho pale stremys
2004 W(i)t(h) daunger and drede daret vnder hacche
2005 ffor wete of þe waghes þat waftis ou(er) hed
2006 The furthe day fell all þe fuerse wynd(es)
2007 And the wodenes of waghes wightly w(i)t(h) droghe
2008 The se wex sober and the sun clere
2009 Stormes were stille / stremes abated
2010 All calme it be come comford þe pepull
2011 Þai kairen to þ(er)e cordis knitton vp þe saile
2012 Atyrit the tacle tokyn þ(er)e hert(es)
2013 Kachyn on kyndly   þaire course held
2014 Euyn t(ur)nit to Troy taried no lengur
2015 Past into port proude of þ(er)e lyues
2016 Lepyn vp to þe lond leuyn þ(er)e ship
2017 Eu(er)y buerne all bare on þ(er)e best wise
2018 Soghten to saint(es)   to ser(e) goddys
2019 As þai heghly hade het in þe hegh stormes
2020 When þai hade melit w(i)t(h) þ(er)e mowmett(es)   made þ(er)e offrond
2021 P(er)fourmet þ(er)e pilgramage p(ra)yers and all
2022 Antenor amyt after anone
2023 To the palis of p(ri)se of P(ri)am the kyng
2024 Among lordys full light   oþ(er) les pepull
2025 ffull glad of þ(a)t gest and his gayne come
2026 Þat hym happint w(i)t(h) hele hit vnto londe
2027 Whan þe sou(er)ain was set þ(a)t þe soile aght
2028 And þe lord(es) of þe lond w(i)t(h) his lefe children
2029 Antenor his tale titly began
2030 And rekont by row all þ(er)e rogh speche
2031 The proude wordis and þe p(ri)se of Pelle(us) the kyng
2032 The tene   the torfer of Telamo(n) after
2033 The reprofe and p(ri)se of Pollux   castor
2034 The noy and þe new grem of Nestor the duke
2035 W(i)t(h) the fere and the fare of his fell chere
2036 And all þe manas of þo men he w(i)t(h) mowth tolde
2037 As it was said to hym selfe euyn w(i)t(h) sad wordes
2038 When the kyng hade consayuit all his clere tale
2039 And þe authwart answares hym angert full sore
2040 That his messager was manast   þo men all
2041 And reproued w(i)t(h) p(ri)se in þ(er)e proude yre
2042 And of his sust(er) sorili set out of hope
2043 Neu(er) to haue hir at home / þen his hert chaunget
2044 And put hym in p(ur)pas no pease for to make
2045 Now wackons vp werre as ye shall wete after

Here begynnes the Sext Boke How Kyng
Priam toke counsell to Werre on þe Grekys

2046 Now Priam / p(er)sayuit all þese proude word(es)
2047 The greme of þe grekys and þe gret yre
2048 How þai maintene þ(er)e malis w(i)t(h) manas   p(ri)de
2049 Vnc(er)tain of his sister for seyng hir eu(er)
2050 Ne redresse for þe dethe of his dere fader
2051 Ne to harmys þ(a)t he hade was no hede takyn
2052 Soche a sorow   a sourgryme sanke in his hert
2053 Þat his harme as a hote low het hym w(i)t(h) in
2054 More frike to þe fight feller of wille
2055 Þan he p(ur)past plainly w(i)t(h) a proude ost
2056 ffor to send of his sonnes   oþ(er) sibbe frynd(es)
2057 The Grek(es) for to greve if hom grace felle
2058 To wreke hym of wrathe   his wrong riche


2059 But say me s(ir) kyng what set in þi hede
2060 What wrixlit þi wit   þi wille chaunget
2061 Or what happont the so hastely þi w(i)t(h) hardnes of wille
2062 To put þe to p(ur)pas þat pynet þe aftur
2063 What meuyt the w(i)t(h) malis to myn on þi harme
2064 And to cacche soche a counse to comb(u)r þi selue rewme
2065 W(i)t(h) daunger and drede of a dede hate
2066 ffor a lur(e) þat was light   of long tyme
2067 Þat wold 3epely haue bene for3eton in yeres a few
2068 And neu(er) menit w(i)t(h) mouthe but þurgh myshap
2069 Thow se not þ(a)t sothely said ys of olde
2070 And oft happes to hit qwo so hede tas
2071 He þat girdis w(i)t(h) grete yre his grem for to venge
2072 Ofte shapis hym to shote into shame ferre
2073 W(i)t(h) hoge harmes to haue   his hert sarre
2074 Hit is siker for sothe and a sagh comyn
2075 He þat stalworthly stond(es) stir not to swithe
2076 Lest he faile of his fotyng and a falle haue
2077 ffor he þat set is full sad on a soile euyn
2078 And pight has his place on a playn ground
2079 Hym þar not hede to be hurt w(i)t(h) no hegh fall
2080 Ne be lost þurgh his lip to þe low erthe
2081 But þ(o)u put þe p(ri)am to so proude aunt(er)
2082 ffor to heuy(n) on þi harme in a hegh yre
2083 And þi fall was so fuerse w(i)t(h) so fele other
2084 Thy Cite and þi soile sesit of þi hond
2085 Thow dungen to dethe and þi dere sonse
2086 Thi lege men lost and of lyue done
2087 Thurgh vnwarnes of wit þ(a)t þi wirdis cast
2088 Thow ges mat(er) to men mony day after
2089 fforto speke of þi spede   w(i)t(h) spell herkyn
2090 Or þi lure and þi losse for a high wille
2091 Now what felle þe be fortune   þi fre pepull
2092 All in coursse how it come I wille carpe ferre
2093 And t(ur)ne agayne to my tale qwill I tome haue
2094 Priam by p(ur)pos a p(ar)lament assignet
2095 And gedrit all þe grete in his grym yre
2096 Euyn into ylion þai entrid by dene
2097 There þe sou(er)ain was set in a sete rioll
2098 And all þe lord(es) of þe lond w(i)t(h) his lefe childur
2099 The(n) carpes the kyng and his cause tellus
2100 Why the metyng was made at þe mene tyme
2101 fforto s(er)che of þe sonnde /   to say ferre
2102 Now q(uo)d the sou(er)ain as yo(ur) assent was
2103 The man þ(a)t w(i)t(h) message meuyt fro vs all
2104 By assent of my selfe   sythen of þe lord(es)
2105 He is comyn to þis courtte as ye know wele
2106 And þe authwart answares þ(a)t auntrid hym þ(er)e
2107 Ys knowen to þis company be course of his tale
2108 Thai hede not the hething ne þe harde greme
2109 Ne the wrong(es) þai wroght ne wille to amend
2110 But w(i)t(h) sclaunder and skorne to skather ageyn
2111 In þ(er)e pompe and þ(er)e p(ri)de   þ(er)e pure angur
2112 Ou(r) godd(es) w(i)t(h) grace gete vs þ(er)fro
2113 Þat neu(er) vs happon so hard w(i)t(h) hom to be spit
2114 God will noght ywis ou(r) wirdis enpaire
2115 Soche dedis to redresse   ou(r) dethe voide
2116 Let vs p(ur)pos a power pas into grese
2117 Stir furth w(i)t(h) strenght stroy of þ(er)e lond(es)
2118 Get my suster agayn or sum grete other
2119 And wreke we full wele of weghes full nobill
2120 We are bigger in batell haue a burghe a stronge
2121 Wele wallit for þe werre watris aboute
2122 ffew folke to defende fro a fuerse ost
2123 And are knight(es) in ou(r) cuntre kyddist in armys
2124 ffell men to fight a full fuerse nowmbur
2125 Wele vitels ywis for winte(r)s ynow
2126 Stuff of al man(er) store þ(a)t vs strenght may
2127 We full of defense   no faute haue
2128 Help vppon yche hond highond vs to
2129 And now sothly it sittes vs / as semith to me
2130 By assent of yo(ur) selfe   ye so wille
2131 ffor to p(ur)uey a pepull pruddest of werre
2132 And gird furthe into grese w(i)t(h) a gret batell
2133 Pas into þ(er)e p(ro)uyns pray in hor londys
2134 Dyng hom to dethe er any dyn ryse
2135 Er any batell be boune hom to bale worthe
2136 Þat vnwarnyt of ou(r) werk(es) or hom wo happon
2137 Thus I say for my selfe hit sittis vs all
2138 ffor to p(ro)ffer ou(r) p(er)sons   ou(r) pure goodes
2139 To venge of ou(r) velany and ou(r) vile harme
2140 And ou(r) state to restore w(i)t(h) strok(es) of honde
2141 Let not fere you the fray ne the felle chaunse
2142 That the Grek(es) vs greuyt   to ground brought
2143 ffor oft sithe hit is sene and in sere lond(es)
2144 That a victor of a victe is vile ou(er)comyn
2145 So I hope hit shall here w(i)t(h) helpe of o(ur) godd(es)
2146 QWen the kyng had his counsell declaret to the ende
2147 Hit likit / all the legis þat the lord said
2148 And affirmet it fast w(i)t(h) þ(er)e fre wille
2149 To p(re)ue w(i)t(h) þ(er)e p(er)sons   þaire pure goodes
2150 Than was Priam full proude p(ra)yset his lord(es)
2151 Þonkit hom þroly þrappit no lengur
2152 ffull glad of the graunt w(i)t(h) a great ioye
2153 More feruent to fight fuerser in hert
2154 Myche comforth he caght of þaire kynd speche
2155 And þus p(ar)tid þe p(re)sens   p(re)sset to þ(er)e ynnes

Off counsell of the kyng(es) children

2156 When the pepull was dep(ar)tid   the p(re)sse voidet
2157 Saue the kyng and þe courtte w(i)t(h) a clene his clene childur
2158 Þat he wan on his wiffe as ye wist ere
2159 And other sonnes vpon syde all w(i)t(h) faire wemen
2160 Þan Ector was on    as aunt(er) befelle
2161 ffro the parties of payeme p(re)sent at home
2162 By comaundeme(n)t of þe kyng þ(a)t was his kynd fadir
2163 And when þe sons all samyn were the Syre vmbe
2164 Euyn stondyng full still as þaire astate askyt
2165 Thus carpes the kyng to his clene childur
2166 W(i)t(h) weping and wo wateryng of ene
2167 Sobbyng and sikyng Syling of terys
2168 Now synk(es) not in you(r) sowle þe sorow of yo(ur) graunser
2169 And the dulfull dethe of yo(ur) dere frynd(es)
2170 The s(er)uage of Exina þat is in syn holdyn
2171 And hade in horedam for hethyng of vs
2172 And we so mighty on molde   of mayne strenght
2173 Hit is lure of ou(r) lyues and we let sholde
2174 ffor to wreke vs of wrathe for any wegh oute
2175 And ye þat are 3epe knight(es)   in youthe alse
2176 Shuld highly take hede in hert for to venge
2177 The slaght of þe sou(er)ayne þ(a)t was my sure fader
2178 And my wille for to wirke as ye wele aw
2179 Þat greuys me full gretly   to ground bringes
2180 Hit shuld come you by course as of kynd child(ur)
2181 To be sory for my sake /   soner þen I
2182 And part taker of my payne w(i)t(h) p(ri)ckyng in hert
2183 An þ(o)u my son for sothe sonest of other

To Ector

2184 Ector the eldist and heire to my selfe
2185 Antrus in armys ablist of p(er)son
2186 Boldest in batell and best of þi hond(es)
2187 Thou shuld hede to my harmes herkon my wille
2188 Pursew to my p(ur)pos p(re)sent myn astate
2189 To lede all my legis w(i)t(h) likyng in were
2190 Thy brether obey shall thy biddyng vnto
2191 All þe renk(es) of my rewme will þi red folowe
2192 As storest of strenght to stightill thy foose
2193 And soche tyrand(es) to tame þat vs tene wirk(es)
2194 W(i)t(h) hardynes of hond   w(i)t(h) hole might
2195 Ger hom bowe as a berslet   þi blithe seche
2196 I aioyne the this io(ur)ney w(i)t(h) ioy for to take
2197 And the charge of þe chaunse as chef as þ(o)u may
2198 This burthen þ(o)u beire shall bigger þen I
2199 Wightur in werre and of wale strenght
2200 Lusty and likyng and of lite yeres
2201 Mighty and monfull maistris to wirke
2202 And I ournand in elde w(i)t(h) arghnes in hert
2203 My floures bene fallen   my frike age
2204 I graunt the þe gou(er)n(au)nce of þis gret nede
2205 And shake it on þi shulders shape þe þ(er)fore The onsware and the counsell of Ector to Priam his ffader
2206 When Priam hade his p(ro)loge p(re)chit to ende
2207 Ector hym answared esely and faire
2208 W(i)t(h) wordys full wise vnto his wale kyng
2209 Vnder shadow of shame shewed in his chere
2210 Most worshipfull fader   my fre kyng
2211 Hit is kendly by course   custome of men
2212 Þat any hardlaike has or a hede shame
2213 ffor to wreke in hor wrathe of wrang(es) before
2214 And if we þat are worthy   wight men of armys
2215 Take harme other hethyng or hurtys vn3oldyn
2216 Of any erdyng in erthe euenyng to vs
2217 Hit were shortly a shame   a shire greme
2218 ffor þe more he is mighty þat the mysse tholis
2219 The more the greu(au)nce is grete   to gref t(ur)nys
2220 If we desyre no redresse of dedis before
2221 We may boldly vs byld w(i)t(h) bostis out of reason
2222 Now dere fader in faith of all my fre brether
2223 Non is holdyn so highly the harme for to venge
2224 Of my graunsers grefe so gretly as I
2225 ffor I am Eldist and heire aft(ur) hym belyue
2226 And the first of vs fyue as falles by chaunce
2227 So first will I found his fos forto greue
2228 And couet it by course as comys in my hert
2229 W(i)t(h) my body to by and my byg strokes
2230 On right hond shall hom reue þe rest of þe saule
2231 That my graunser w(i)t(h) greme gird vnto dethe
2232 And sloghe all o(ur) Sitesyns   o(ur) sad pepull
2233 Brittoned to bale dethe and þ(er)e blode shed
2234 But faithfull fader   o(ur) fre kyng
2235 I aske of you o thing but angurs you noght
2236 Lettis mene to you(r) mynde at þis mene tyme
2237 And consider to ou(r) cause w(i)t(h) a clene wit
2238 Let ou(r) gate be so gou(er)net þ(a)t no grem folow
2239 Ne no torfer be tyde ne no tene after
2240 Ou(er) lokes all lures to the last ende
2241 What wull falle of þe first furth to þe myddis
2242 Sue forth to þe secund serche it w(i)t(h)in
2243 And loke to þe last end what lure may happyn
2244 Hit is no counsell to encline ne to calle wise
2245 Ne not holsom I hope þ(a)t hedis to þe first
2246 And for ses not the fer end what may falle after
2247 What proffet any p(ro)wes w(i)t(h) a prowde entre
2248 To begyn any goode / on a grounde febill
2249 And fortune it faile and haue a fowle ende
2250 Hit is wit for to wayue soche a wilde counsell
2251 And put of a p(ur)pos þat enpaire might
2252 Or þ(a)t wayueris in wer what shall worthe of
2253 Licker at þe last end in langore to bide
2254 And t(ur)ne vnto torfer þen any triet ioye
2255 A blisfull begynnyng may boldly be said
2256 Þat ffolow to þe fer end and hath a faire yssue
2257 ffull witty to wale   worshipfull kyng
2258 I Say not this sothely to ses of yo(ur) wille
2259 Ne put you fro p(ur)pos ne plaily for fere
2260 Butto wisshe you w(i)t(h) wit þ(a)t worship might folow
2261 And eschew soche a chaunse þ(a)t cheuys to noght
2262 Ye wetyn þis full wele worshipfull fader
2263 Þat all Auffrike   Ewrope are vnd(ur) þ(er)e power
2264 Sithe to hom subiecte   mony syde lond(es)
2265 Þat fild are all full of fuerse men of armys
2266 Of knight(es) full kene   cant men of wille
2267 And of comyns to count out of course mony
2268 ffull wise men of wer and war of hor dedys

The londys of Troy

2269 There are not in Asia to ame all the pepull
2270 So fele fightyng folke be a fuerse nowmb(ur)
2271 As the Grek(es) may gedur   get when hom likes
2272 Hit semes more s(er)tain sothely to me
2273 Yff we wackon vp werre w(i)t(h) weghes so fele
2274 That are bigger in batell boldest in armys
2275 Hit may negh vs w(i)t(h) noy but neu(er) to o(ur) ioye
2276 Lakys to ou(r) lyving and likyng we haue
2277 Of pes   of prowes ou(r) p(ro)uyns aboute
2278 Of riches full ryffe of rest at ou(r) wille
2279 ffull stithe of astate   stondyng at ese
2280 Why couet we comb(ra)unse or cachyng of harme
2281 In enpayryng of ou(r) p(er)sons   pyllyng ou(r) goodes
2282 And to put vs fro pes payne for to thowle
2283 Sothely you(r) suster sitt(es) vs not so harde
2284 To chaunge for hir choisly the cheuyst of vs here
2285 Or all so myght aunt(er) to vtter for eu(er)
2286 To set þis in certayn hit semys not euyn
2287 And put vs all in p(er)ell for pyne of hir one
2288 Þat long sythen was laght   out of lond broght
2289 And may be drepit w(i)t(h) dethe in yeris a few
2290 And all the 3om(er)yng for yeten in yeres alyte
2291 Now hoope ye not hynde fader ne in hert thinke
2292 That I carpe thus for cowardys   be course ferde
2293 Or for the sake of my selfe in sauyng alone
2294 But I doute it for destany and drede at þe ende
2295 ffor lure and for losse of the londe hole
2296 Bothe of soile   of Septor sou(er)aynly of you
2297 That we falle into forfet w(i)t(h) ou(r) fre wille
2298 And chese vs a chaunse a chaunse þat cheuys to noght
2299 Whill we may stithly absteyne   stond at ou(r) ese
2300 Hit is leifull to leue syche lykyng(es) in hele
2301 And put of a p(ur)pos / of a proude sute
2302 Þat harmes at þe hynd(ur)ende   heuy to bere
2303 When Ector hade answaret   endit his tale
2304 He e(n)clynet the kyng   closit his mowthe

The counsell of Paris Alexaunder

2305 Than parys aprochyt and put hym to say
2306 And come w(i)t(h) his Counsell declaret his wit
2307 Now ffader fulfaithfull and o(ur) fre kyng
2308 Will you suffer you(r) son to say at this tyme
2309 And tent to my tale it t(ur)nys to the best
2310 I shall put you to p(ur)pas and plesauns at ende
2311 Who might faithfully be ferd or fortune to drede
2312 Syne we are put in p(ro)sperite   pepull so fele
2313 And riches so rife and reames ??? beside
2314 W(i)t(h) a Site full sure and set for the werre
2315 W(i)t(h) armure and all thinge abill to fight
2316 We might say this for certen   suppose it in hert
2317 Syn we are put in p(ro)sperite and pepull so fele
2318 That any care or confusion shuld come to ou(r) rewme
2319 Therfore faithfull ffader folows you(r) wille
2320 Send(es) furth a soume all of sure knight(es)
2321 Let hom gird into Grise w(i)t(h) a grym fare
2322 ffight w(i)t(h) you(r) foos fonge of your thaire goodes
2323 That vs harmyt so highly   ou(r) hed sloghe
2324 Ou(r) pupull to pyne pild all ou(r) londe
2325 And yf it like you(r) aliegiaunce þ(a)t I yo(ur) lefe son
2326 Be sent from yo(ur) seluon w(i)t(h) sure men of armys
2327 An aioynet to þis Iorney w(i)t(h) iuste men   sure
2328 I am siker for sothe it shall vs wele like
2329 Worship to wyn and ou(r) wille haue
2330 ffor my goddis me gr(a)untid   of grace lent
2331 The Grek(es) for to grefe   of grem bryng
2332 Confound of hor cuntres kylle of hor pupull
2333 And the lustist lady in hor lond wyn
2334 Bryng hur to þis burghe   no bale suffer
2335 That be chaunget by chaunse for yo(ur) choise Sister
2336 And yf ye wilne for to witte how hit worth shulde
2337 I shall telle you the trewth how me tyd euyn
2338 And all the case how yt come know yf ye lyste

The visyon of Paris

2339 Hyt is not meuyt of mynde ne mony day past
2340 Syn I was lent in a londe þat is lese ynde
2341 You(r) biddyng to obey as my blithe ffader
2342 In the season of somer er the sun rose
2343 As it come into canser and be course f Entred
2344 Hit fell me on a fryday to fare vppon huntyng
2345 W(i)t(h) myrthes in the mornyng   mony other pupull
2346 All went we to wod the wilde for to cacche
2347 And laburt full long laytyng aboute
2348 Till mydday   more myght we not fynde
2349 ffor to wyn as for waithe in þat wode brode
2350 Tyll hit entrid to euyn   euynsong was past
2351 Þen it fell me by fortune fer on a playne
2352 As I beheld þurgh a holte a hert for to se
2353 Þat pastured on a playn pertly hym one
2354 And I cast me be course to cu(m) hym before
2355 ffast fro my felowes   fuersly I rode
2356 Eu(er)y lede hade I lost   left me behynde
2357 And swaruyt out swiftly might no swayne folo
2358 So I wilt in the wod and the wild holtis
2359 ffer fro my freik(es) feres and no freike herde
2360 Till I drowgh till a derke and the dere lost
2361 He þrong into þicke wod þest(er) w(i)t(h)in
2362 ffor thornes and tres I tynt hym belyue
2363 Than I sesit of my sute   softly doun light
2364 Beheld to my horse þat hote was of rennyng
2365 All swoty for swyme and his swift course
2366 That stremys from hym straght   stert vpon þe erthe
2367 And dropis as dew or a danke rayne
2368 All wery I wex and wyll / of my gate
2369 And raght to my reyne richet o lenght
2370 Bound vp my blonke to a bogh euyn
2371 And graithed me to ground as me gode liked
2372 In a shadow of shene tres   of shyre floures
2373 Ou(er) hild for þe hete hengyng w(i)t(h) leues
2374 My bow þat was bigge   my bright qwyuer
2375 Arowes and other geire atled I a non
2376 Pight as a pyllow put vnder my hede
2377 And sleghly on slepe I slypped be lyue
2378 I drow into a dreme   dreghly me thought
2379 That m(er)cury the mykill God in þe mene tyme
2380 Thre goddes hade gotten goyng hym bye
2381 That come in his company clere to beholde
2382 Ven(us) the worthy þat wemen ay plesyn
2383 And Palades w(i)t(h) pure wit þat passes all other
2384 And Iono a iustis of ioyes in erthe
2385 These ladis he lefte alitill besyde
2386 And sothely hym seluyn said me thies word(es)
2387 To the Paris I appere w(i)t(h) þre p(ri)se godd(es)
2388 That are stad in a strife here stondyng besyde
2389 And haue put hom full plainly in þi pure wit
2390 To deme as þe dere thinke   þai in dede holde
2391 When trouth is det(er)mynet   tried by the
2392 Thus it be fell hom by fortune faire as I telle
2393 As þai sate in hor solas samyn at a fest
2394 An appull of a new shap þat neu(er) man hade sen
2395 Coyntly by craft was cast hom amonge
2396 Hit was made of a mater m(er)uell to shew
2397 W(i)t(h) gret letturs of Grew grauyn þ(er)e vmbe
2398 To rede it by reson renk(es) might se
2399 That the fairest of þo fele shull þat fe haue
2400 And duly this dome haue þai done o þi selfe
2401 And put on þi p(er)son hor pese for to make
2402 The is hight for to haue highly by me
2403 A mede of þo mighty to mend the w(i)t(h) all
2404 As in rewarde for to ricche of hir þ(a)t right has
2405 That þe faithfully shall falle   not faile of
2406 Yf þ(o)u Iuge it to Iono this ioye shall þ(o)u haue
2407 To be mightiest on molde   most of all other
2408 This ho grauntis þe to gyffe of hir good wille
2409 And if þ(o)u put it to Palades as for þi p(ri)se lady
2410 Thou shalbe wisest of wit this wete þ(o)u for sothe
2411 And know all the conyng þat kyndly is for men
2412 Iff þ(o)u deme it in dede duly to Venus
2413 Hit shall falle the to fortune þe fairest of Grice
2414 To haue and to holde to þi hegh mede
2415 When m(er)cury hade menyt this mater to ende
2416 And g(ra)unt me þise gyftis hit gladit my hert
2417 I onswaret hym euynly esely euyn vpo non
2418 This dome is in dowte to demyng of me
2419 The certayn to say but I hom segh naked
2420 And waitid hom wele þo worthy to gedur
2421 The bodies aboute w(i)t(h) my bright Ene
2422 Than shuld I full sone say as me thought
2423 And telle you the truthe   tary no lengur
2424 Then m(er)cury w(i)t(h) mowthe þus menit agayne
2425 Be it done euyn in dede as þi dissire is
2426 Than naknet anon full naitly were all
2427 And broght to me bare I blusshet hom on
2428 I waited hom witt(er)ly as me wele thoght
2429 All feturs in fere of þo fre ladys
2430 Hit semit me for c(er)tayn   for sothe dom
2431 Þat Venus the v(er)tuus was verely the fairest
2432 Most exulent of other and onest to wale
2433 And I duli be dom demyt / hir the appull
2434 And ho fayn of þat faire   frely me het
2435 That the mede shuld be myne þ(a)t m(er)cury saide
2436 Þen wightly þai went I wackonet w(i)t(h) þat
2437 And gripet my gayre   my gate helde
2438 Now howpe 3e not hertely þ(a)t þis hegh godd(es)
2439 Will faithly fulfille þaire forward to ende
2440 I am certen and sure be I sent forthe
2441 The brightiest lady to bryng of þo brode londys
2442 Now meke fader and mylde þis message to do
2443 Ye deme you(r) dere son   dresse me þ(er)fore
2444 Hit shall glade you full godely agaynes yo(ur) gret ang(ur)
2445 And fille you w(i)t(h) faynhed in faithe I you hete
2446 When he told hade his tale tomly to þe ende
2447 He enclinet the kyng and Carpit no More

The counsell of Deffebus

2448 Then Deffebus drogh negh dressit hym to say
2449 Com before the kyng   carpit on highe
2450 All soberly for sothe   sylens he hade
2451 Now dere fader vppon dese   ou(r) due kynge
2452 Suffers yo(ur) son to say at this tyme
2453 And þe dome of yche dede were demyt before
2454 To grepe at þe begynnyng what may grow after
2455 To serche it full suerly and se to þe ende
2456 W(i)t(h) due dileb(er)ac(i)on for doutis of angur
2457 Who shuld hastely on hond an heuy charge take
2458 And he cast be course what shuld come after
2459 Shuld neu(er) p(ur)pos vnperisshit be putto a yssu
2460 Ne neu(er) no man no note to no end bryng
2461 Iff tylmen toke tent what shuld tynt worth
2462 Of sede þat is sawen be sesyng of bridd(es)
2463 Shuld neu(er) corne for care be caste vppon erthe
2464 Ne neu(er) dede shuld be done but drese furth to noght
2465 Therfore fader it is fairest þat ye a flete ordan
2466 W(i)t(h) a nauy full nobill þis note to begynne
2467 Puttis it to Parys   let hym passe furthe
2468 As he said you hym seluyn is sothely the best
2469 No pure man may p(er)tly preue it for other
2470 And if it happon hym to haue any hynde lady
2471 Or any worthy to wyn   away lede
2472 Hit may chefe you be chaunse to chaunge hir agayne
2473 Yo(ur) suster to sese and in sound wyn
2474 Þat ou(r) fame so defoules   is in filthe holdyn
2475 When deffebus hade done he dressit hym to sit
2476 Byleue of the lord þat liket his word(es)

The counsell of Elin(us) the Bysshop

2477 Then Elin(us) eftesones was Eldist of birthe
2478 After Deffebus by destyny he drest hym to say
2479 Come before the kyng declarit his wit
2480 And warpet these wordes as ye wete shall
2481 A comly kyng coronid þ(a)t þis kith aw
2482 Let no blyndnes you blenke ne yo(ur) blisse faide
2483 Vnwisely to wirke in yo(ur) wild yre
2484 I know me so konyng in the clene artis
2485 Thurgh gift(es) of god   you(r) good fyndyng
2486 Þat I wot all the wirdys   the wilde angres
2487 Þat be course are to come   the cause why
2488 Yo(ur) seluyn sothely asayet haue before
2489 I told you neu(er) tale in tyme þ(a)t is past
2490 But ye faithfully haue found it fore as I said
2491 Therfore putt(es) of this p(ur)pos let Paris not go
2492 On no wise in this world for woo þat may happyn
2493 I say you for certen   it so worthe
2494 That Paris be put furth his p(ur)pos to holde
2495 Gird vp into grese   any grem wirke
2496 This Cite full solempne sesit be þen
2497 W(i)t(h) the Grek(es) to ground gird vnder fote
2498 And we exiled for eu(er) this aunt(er) shall falle
2499 Abstene you stithly þat no stoure happon
2500 Þat drawghes to ou(r) dethe vndoyng for eu(er)
2501 Soche bargens are bytter þat hase a bare end
2502 Turne yo(ur) entent lest it tyde after
2503 Þat ye be drepit w(i)t(h) dole and done out of lyue
2504 And Ecuba you(r) owne wife angur to þole
2505 You(r) sones vnsoberly slayne in the place
2506 All thies cases shall come I know it full wele
2507 Yf Paris pas furth as p(ur)pos is takon
2508 This is sothe þat I say s(ir) w(i)t(h) you(r) leue
2509 Now wirkys by wit as you well likes
2510 Then he bowet the buerne   busket to syt
2511 Seijt furth w(i)t(h) sory chere and his sete toke
2512 When the kyng hade consayuit of his clere wit
2513 And his wordys full wise all his wille chaunget
2514 He was stonyt full stille   in a stody sate
2515 And ferd of þo ferd felle word(es) þat þe freike saide
2516 All the buernes aboute abasshet þ(er)w(i)t(h)
2517 Be cause of the kyng þ(er)e counten(au)nse failed
2518 Was no wee þat a worde warpit þat tyme
2519 But all stodyn full stille astoneid þai were
2520 ffor þe wordys of wit þat þe wegh tolde
2521 And doute of his dome for destyne febill

The counsell of Troylus

2522 Than Troilus full tyte talk(es) w(i)t(h) mowthe
2523 Þat was þe yongyst of yeris   a 3epe knight
2524 Brake Sylense belyue and a brode saide
2525 A nobyll men of nome what noyes yo(ur) hert(es)
2526 Why are ye trowblit þis tyme and yo(ur) tung lest
2527 And meuyt so mykell for a mad p(re)ste
2528 That neu(er) colde of no knighthode but in a kirke / chyde
2529 Hit is p(ro)purte for a p(re)ste perellis to drede
2530 fferd be for fight and O fer shunt
2531 Melle hym w(i)t(h) mekenes þat he most louys
2532 Delyte hym in dry(n)ke and oþ(er) dere meyt(es)
2533 Set hym to solas as hym selfe lik(es)
2534 Who may tell it for tru or trust haue þ(er)in
2535 Þat any gome shuld be graithe of o(ur) godd(es) wille
2536 Or haue knowyng of case for to come after
2537 There is no wyse man I wene þ(a)t will it suppose
2538 Þat a foole shuld be forwise soche ferlies to know
2539 If Elen(us) be argh   ournes for ferde
2540 Let hym tegh to þe tempull talke w(i)t(h) his godd(es)
2541 Deuyne s(er)uice to do and fro drede kepe
2542 And let other men aunter abill þ(er)fore
2543 ffor to shut vs of shame shend of ou(r) foos
2544 And venge vs of velany   of vile gremþ
2545 Why fader in faithe are ye so fer troublet
2546 At his wordis of waste   his wit febill
2547 Comaund s(ir) kyng þ(a)t a clene nauy
2548 Be redy to rode on þe rughe see
2549 All well for þe werre w(i)t(h) wight men ynogh
2550 Syn the Grek(es) w(i)t(h) greme may grefe vs no more
2551 But it syt hom so sore þ(a)t þai     sororow eu(er)
2552 When Troilus hade told   his tale endit
2553 Hit blithet all the buernes þ(a)t aboute stode
2554 Of his wit   his wille   word(es) full bolde
2555 And confermyt his counsell by comyn assent
2556 Than comaund the kyng the courtte for to ryse
2557 Askit water wightly wentton meyte
2558 Bothe hym selfe and his sonnes w(i)t(h) sere lord(es) vmb
2559 Maden all mery meuyt þ(er)e speche

The ordin(au)nse for Paris into Grese

2560 When etyn hade all men   at ese bene
2561 Bordys away borne buernes on fote
2562 The kyng syttyng hym selfe   his sete helde
2563 He comaund for to cu(m) of his kynd sons
2564 Parys apperit pert Deffebus alse
2565 Comyn to the kyng knelit full low
2566 ffor to wete of his wille   þe wegh saide
2567 I bid þat ye buske and no bode make
2568 Pas into Payom þ(er)e p(ri)se knight(es) dwellis
2569 Doughty of dede derfe men in armys
2570 Assemble yow soudiou(r)s sure men   noblill
2571 Shapyn in shene ger w(i)t(h) shippis to wynde
2572 The Grekys to greue   in grem brynge
2573 Þan þai lacchyn hor leue lowton hor kyng
2574 Cayren forth to þe coste   hor coste course helde
2575 Assemblit soudiou(r)s anon mony sad hundrith
2576 And lengit while þem list þe lond was þ(er)e owne
2577 The secund day sothely for to say ferre
2578 When he his sons hade he somond his lord(es)
2579 And all the knight(es) to come   clene men of wit
2580 To appere in his p(re)sens a p(ur)pos to take
2581 When þe sou(er)ain was set w(i)t(h) sere lord(es) vmbe
2582 Then carpis the king his knight(es) vntill
2583 Now lord(es) of my lond   lege pepull
2584 The case is well knowen to yo(ur) clene mynde
2585 How þe Grek(es) vs greuit   to ground broght
2586 And put vs w(i)t(h) hor p(ri)de to pou(er)te full low
2587 Of ou(r) sou(er)ans   sib men s(er)uondis to be
2588 Ay hengis in my hert þe hething I thole
2589 Of my Sust(er) in s(er)uage   in syn holdyn
2590 Hit meuys into mynd   mekill me noyes
2591 And I sothely haue sent as ye see all
2592 Antenor to aske hir   angur no more
2593 He hade not of hom but hethyng   skorne
2594 Grete wordis   gref   moche grym þrote
2595 Þat doublis my dole   to deth bryngis
2596 Now wondys shalbe wroght weghes to sorow
2597 And dynt(es) full dedly for þe dere sake
2598 I haue p(ur)past Parys w(i)t(h) p(ri)se me(n) ynow
2599 Into Grese for to go   hom to greme
2600 Kylle of hor knight(es) knocke hom to dethe
2601 Grype of hor godes and agayne wyn
2602 Hit may chefe hym by chaunce to get som choise lady
2603 Or su(m) woman to wyn þat worthy is holdyn
2604 Bryng to this burghe   other / brode godes
2605 Ou(r) worship to wyn   ou(r) will haue
2606 That may chefe by chaunse chaunge for Exina
2607 This I will þat ye wete   yo(ur) wille shewe
2608 If ye deme it in dede þus I do will
2609 And pursue on my p(ur)pos plainly to ende
2610 And if ye list it be lefte let me wete sone
2611 And I will soberly sese   sue it no ferre
2612 Þof þai touche me w(i)t(h) tene all these tore harmes
2613 All the comyns be course haue cause for to say
2614 ffor it angurt hom all   out of ese brought
2615 And as wise men witnes   in writ shewes
2616 Þat at longis to lenge on a lell comyns
2617 Shuld p(ro)purly be a preuyt by the pepull hole
2618 When tale of the trew was triet to þe ende
2619 And silens on yche syde sittyng full stille
2620 A stuerne of þo stithe were stondyng aboute

The counsell of Protheus

2621 A Pratymon of pure wit protheus he hight
2622 Þat was sothely the son of sou(er)an Ewsebij
2623 A phylosofer fyne fele yeres past
2624 Þat Ouyd in old tyme oponly tellus
2625 Had all the crafte   þe conyng in his clere wit
2626 Þat pictagoras the pure god possessiant was of
2627 This protheus pertly put hym to say
2628 To the kyng in the court carpis thies word(es)
2629 A nobill kyng   nomekowthe not(es) in yo(ur) hert
2630 And suffers me to say Symple þof I be
2631 Let mene to yo(ur) maiesty þe mynd of my tale
2632 Hedys me w(i)t(h) heryng   in hert kepe
2633 I will telle myn entend vpon trew wise
2634 And say you in s(er)tain þat ye mon sure fynde
2635 Hit is knowen to you kynd lord   yo(ur) courthole
2636 That my fader was a philisofer   of fele yeres
2637 To the nowmb(ur) of nene skowre   his nome kouthe
2638 And fully was enformet of fortune deuyse
2639 What be course was to cu(m) of care   of ioye
2640 Ofte he said me for sothe   for sure tolde
2641 Þat yf Parys w(i)t(h) a pupull past into grese
2642 In p(ur)pas to pray or profet to gete
2643 An wan þ(er)e a wife   a way led
2644 Þat gret Troye shuld be tane   tyruyt to ground
2645 And all the buyldyng(es) brent into bare askys
2646 You(r) selfe   you(r) sons sothely be dede
2647 W(i)t(h) the Grek(es) in hor grefe   þis ground lost
2648 Wherfore wheme kyng for what þ(a)t may come
2649 Let you(r) lordship lystyn w(i)t(h) a loue ere
2650 And wirk(es) after wit þat worship may folow
2651 Syn wordys of wise men is no wit to dispise
2652 And nomely in this note þat noise not yo(ur) selfe
2653 Ne hurtt(es) not yo(ur) heghe astate ne no harme dos
2654 And p(er)siu(er)aunse of p(ur)pos may put you to lure
2655 Yo(ur) landys to lose   lang(ur) for eu(er)
2656 Why couet ye be course to cu(m) out of ese
2657 Yo(ur) rest into robery   to ryfe p(er)ellis
2658 Bothe in daunger and drede   may dryfe of
2659 Absteyne you stithly þat no stoure fall
2660 And endure furth you(r) dayes at yo(ur) dere ese
2661 In lykyng to lyue   you(r) ledis all
2662 W(i)t(h)outen heuynes or harme hedis to þat
2663 And puttis of þat p(ur)pos let Paris not wend
2664 Let anoþ(er) do þat note if hit nede shall
2665 This is my counsell s(ir) kyng carpe I no fer
2666 At Protheus profesi þe pupull made noise
2667 Myche rum(ur)   rud speche at his red sonne
2668 His old fader fantasi þai filet in hert
2669 And repugnet þo pointt(es) w(i)t(h) a proude wille
2670 As lord gyffe þai leuyt hade for lure þ(a)t come after
2671 Hit might by fortune haue failet of þ(a)t foule end
2672 But it was desteynid by dome   for due holdyn
2673 Hit plesit wele the pepull at parys to wende
2674 Thay affermyt hit fully   faren to þ(er)e Innes

The sorow of Cassandra the kyngys dought(ur)

2675 Hit come to Cassandra þ(a)t was the kyng(es) doughtur
2676 That be counsell of the kyng   comyns assent
2677 Parys was p(ur)post w(i)t(h) pouer to wende
2678 Into Grese for a gay all on grete wise
2679 All in sikyng   sorow w(i)t(h) syling of teris
2680 Ho brast out w(i)t(h) a birre / from hir bale hert
2681 And all fontly ho fore in hir fyne wittes
2682 Warpet out word(es) wond(ur) to here
2683 W(i)t(h) a carefull crie carping O sayde
2684 A nobill Troye þe noy / þ(a)t neghis þe at hond
2685 What vnhappe   hyndship hapnes the to
2686 All þi toures   tild(es) shalbe tyruyt vnder
2687 And thy buyldyng betyn to þe bare erthe
2688 A vnhappy hegh kyng what hardship is to the
2689 Priam   þi pepull be putto þe dethe
2690 Vnder s(er)uage set   sorow for ay
2691 What defense has þ(o)u done to ou(r) dere godd(es)
2692 And þ(o)u qwene þat vnqwemyt has / on su(m) qwaint wise
2693 The ang(ur) the is Ecuba entrond on honde
2694 Þat all þi sons with þi shall þ(o)u se slayn w(i)t(h) þi nene
2695 Why putt(es) þ(o)u not Parys his p(ur)pos to leue
2696 That shall be cause of suche care þ(a)t wull come after
2697 Ho ros þan full radly   ran to þe kyng
2698 W(i)t(h) teris don trickelyng of hir tore ene
2699 And a sembland full ??? soure sorow to be holde
2700 She p(ra)yet hym full pitously his p(ur)pos to leue
2701 As ho þat wise was of wit   wist it be fore
2702 Thurgh craft of hir conyng   course of þe sternys
2703 Sho said hym full sadly w(i)t(h) sorowfull wordys
2704 All shuld t(ur)ne hym to tene   þe towne lose
2705 Bot fortune þat is felle forthers his tyme
2706 Hastis to vnhappe having no rewarde
2707 Ordans an yssew euyn as hym lyst
2708 Turnys all entent þat hym tary wold
2709 Caches furthe his cold wirdis w(i)t(h) cu(m)pas to ende
2710 But I may sothely say   for sure holde
2711 Hade the counsell ben kept of the knight Ector
2712 And the Ernyst speche Eftward of Elin(us) the Bysshop
2713 Cassandras care considret w(i)t(h) all
2714 W(i)t(h) the prophesy of Protheus put into hertys
2715 Troy w(i)t(h) þi toures hade bene a toune noble
2716 And wond in his weile to the world(es) ende
2717 But noman tent(es) to tene er þe tyme come
2718 Ne ferd is for fortune till it falle to
2719 And oft hit chaunses to chefe þ(a)t men charge litill
2720 To grow into ground harme   greuys full sore
2721 When the tene is be tyd   t(ur)nys to þe werst
2722 Men demyn hit for destyny   for due holdyn
2723 And takon yt to þat entent   here a tale endes

Here begynnes the Seuynt Boke
How Parys went into Grese for Elan

2724 Envy þ(a)t Eu(er)more ertis to skathe
2725 Ryxles full ryfe in hir ranke hertis
2726 This forward was festynit w(i)t(h) a felle wille
2727 And all the p(ur)pos plainly w(i)t(h) pouer to wende
2728 Hit betid þus in tyme as I telle shall
2729 When it was Sun þese signes betwene
2730 Entred in yades efter as it fell
2731 And the planet of pliades w(i)t(h) his playn course
2732 Into tauro was t(ur)nyt as the tyme asket
2733 In the moneth of May when medoes bene grene
2734 And all florisshet w(i)t(h) floures þe fildes aboute
2735 Burions of bowes brethit full swete
2736 fflorisshet full faire frut(es) were knyt
2737 Greuys were grene   þe ground hilde
2738 Hit was likyng in Laundys ledus to walke
2739 Parys the pert knight and his pure brother
2740 Comyn vnto courtte w(i)t(h) company grete
2741 Of thre thowsaund þro knight(es) þriuond in armys
2742 The pruddist of payone p(ri)se men of honde
2743 Shippes were shot furth on the shyre water
2744 All boune on the brode see w(i)t(h) botys amonge
2745 To nem you the nowmber naytely be tale
2746 There were twenty and too / to twyn hom in sonder
2747 Stithe shippes   stoure stuffet w(i)t(h) vitell
2748 All full vpon flete w(i)t(h) fyn pepull in
2749 The kyng comaund to come   cald hom anon
2750 Antenor alstite and aunteros Eneas
2751 And Polidam(us) p(ri)st a full pert knight
2752 Antenor aune son aldist of yeris
2753 Bade hom buske   be boun   no bode make
2754 To pas furth w(i)t(h) Parys   hor p(ri)se knight(es)
2755 Bowne on hor best wise in hor bright wedis
2756 And þai grauntid the grete w(i)t(h) a glad chere
2757 And shope hom to ship in a sharpe haste
2758 All the pepull to appere Pryam comaundit
2759 That were p(ur)past to pas on the pale stremys
2760 And wightly thies word(es) warpit hom to
2761 W(i)t(h) a sembland full sad er he ses wold
2762 Hit nedys not now ou(r) noyes to telle
2763 Ne mony word(es) to warpe for it is well knowen
2764 All wete ye my wille why ye wend shall
2765 The Grek(es) for to grefe if you(r) grace happe
2766 And harme w(i)t(h) yo(ur) hond þat ou(r) hed sloghe
2767 To venge of ou(r) velany   ou(r) vile grem
2768 And hardlaike we hade of hom in þis londe
2769 And most is my mynd   I might haue
2770 My Sister Exiona / fro s(er)uage to brynge
2771 That shalbe choisly yo(ur) charge chese   ye may
2772 W(i)t(h) all yo(ur) might(es) to meue   most to pursew
2773 On hom þat hir holdis   vs harme dyd
2774 Wetys hit all wele w(i)t(h)outen any cause
2775 Þat þe dayens you derit   to drede broght
2776 And for redur   ranke harme of vnright dedis
2777 We may tyre vs w(i)t(h) truthe to tene hom agayne
2778 And wreke vs of wrathe   wranges before
2779 I bid you now barly w(i)t(h) besines at all
2780 Þat ye set you most sou(er)ainly my suster to gete
2781 Now is tyme most tore to tente þ(er)e aboute
2782 And to aunt(er) on ou(r) Enmys w(i)t(h) armes in were
2783 Ou(r) knighthode to kythe   ou(r) clene strenght
2784 And mene vs w(i)t(h) monhode maistry to wyn
2785 Wetis all wele   you wont oght
2786 Or any case to you come comford to haue
2787 To be suppoueld by selfe   my sad helpe
2788 And if it falle you be fortune to forþ(er) yo(ur) wille
2789 My Syster to sese or any sure lady
2790 Ye haue shall my helpe   my hole strenght
2791 To pas w(i)t(h) a power to þaire playne londys
2792 Þat all the dayens vs doute shall for o(ur) derfe strok(es)
2793 And be war vs to wrathe to þe world(es) end
2794 P(ri)nse of þis pouer parys shalbe
2795 And leder of these ledys   the lefe pepull
2796 And Deffebus my dere sun I dem hym þe next
2797 W(i)t(h) counsell   comford of clene men of wit
2798 Of Antenor   Eneas   other full noble
2799 Þat fare shall in fere   feliship to gedur
2800 When the kyng hade declarit all his clene wille
2801 Than entrid þe oste evyn into shippe
2802 Paris w(i)t(h) pyne   his pure brother
2803 Toke leue at þ(er)e lege w(i)t(h) loutyng   teris
2804 Shot into ship w(i)t(h) shene men of armys
2805 Lauset loupis fro the le lachyn in ancres
2806 Brode sailes vp braid bonkis þai leuyt
2807 W(i)t(h) Iono the Iuste god Ioynet to þe see
2808 And Venus the worthy þ(a)t hom well plesit
2809 Thay sailed furth soundly w(i)t(h) seasonable wyndes
2810 Tyll þai comyn of the cost of Crawleda in spart
2811 Of the regione of Rone   rode þ(er)e in havyn
2812 Gayn vnto Grese on þe gray water
2813 By the regions of Rome rode þai ferre
2814 Streit by tho stremys of tho stithe londys
2815 Ay boun to the banke when hom best thoght
2816 ffor to light on þe londe   leng on hor ese
2817 Now it felle hom by fortune as þai fore so
2818 Monolay for to mete the mightiest of Grese
2819 Come sayland by syde   the see held
2820 Purpost vnto Pire by p(ra)yer of Nestor
2821 To soio(ur)ne solas hym a season   soio(ur)ne w(i)t(h) the duke
2822 This Menelay þat I mene the mighty before
2823 To Agamenon the graithe was a gay brother
2824 And had weddit Iwis   to wif held
2825 Elan þat aft(ur)ward angert hym sore
2826 Of hir feirehed   feturs is ferly to here
2827 I shall telle you when I tyme haue tomly heraft(ur)
2828 Ho was suster for sothe as I said ere
2829 To pollux the pert kyng   his pere castor
2830 Þat soio(ur)net the same tyme at the Cite Emstor
2831 As legis in ou(r) owne lond   louely hom w(i)t(h)
2832 Ermonia a Mayden þat þai moche louyt
2833 A doghter full dere of dame Elan the quene
2834 When the Grek(es) se the grete nauy þai girdon O rowme/
2835 And meuyt fro þ(er)e metyng at the mene tyme
2836 Nawther company by course hade kennyng of other
2837 But past to þ(er)e p(ur)pos   no p(re)se made
2838 And sailet vpon syde vnto sere costys
2839 Parys and his pepull past by the stremys
2840 Hadyn wynd at hor wille   the wedur calme
2841 And sailet to Sithera and set into hauyn
2842 A ground of the Grek(es) as hom grase felle
2843 And now cald is by course of hom þ(a)t cost(es) hauntyn
2844 Sytriu(us) forsothe w(i)t(h) Sailers to nome
2845 There arofe all the rowte as þai red toke
2846 And halit into hauyn   houyt full stille
2847 Caste ancres full kene w(i)t(h) cables to ground
2848 ffestonit the flete as hom fayre thoght
2849 Buskys into botys were borne to þe lond
2850 To solas hom a season as hom selfe liked
2851 And waited vpon hor wirdes for wyn(n)yng of godys
2852 In Sytheria for sothe was a solempne temple
2853 Of Venus Iwis þat worthe was holdyn
2854 ffoundet before fele yeres past
2855 And enabit of old þ(er)e auntres were sene
2856 W(i)t(h) riches full rife   myche ranke godys
2857 The yle well enabit   onest w(i)t(h) in
2858 And lyuet after law of þe lel gentils
2859 Þat Venus the worthy worshippit for god
2860 And most hono(ur)et of other w(i)t(h) oneste þ(er)re
2861 There aunt(er)ed hom oft onsware to haue
2862 When þai put hom w(i)t(h) p(ra)yer þ(a)t p(ri)se for to seche
2863 Thus tyd hit þ(a)t tyme as I telle wille
2864 Þat the p(ri)ncipall of p(ri)se fest of þ(er)e pure goddys
2865 Was holdyn þo high dayes w(i)t(h) hom þ(a)t þ(er)e dwelt
2866 And other folke vpon fer fell thedur thicke
2867 W(i)t(h) mykull p(re)se of pupull of p(ro)uynce aboute
2868 Soght to þat solenite sacrifis to make
2869 Worthy wemen to wale wete ye forsothe
2870 Þat p(ri)st are of pilgrymes to pas ou(er) land
2871 To waite after wonders   wilfull desyre
2872 More Ianglyng of Iapes þen any Iuste werk(es)
2873 And for solas   sight þen sacrifice to do
2874 When parys p(er)sayuit had the pepull anon
2875 He cacchis a company clenly arayed
2876 And to the tempull the buernes full tyte toke he þe gate
2877 ffull mylde on his man(er) meuit w(i)t(h) in
2878 On a side he hym set as semyt for a straungior
2879 In p(ra)yers full p(re)st the pepull be held
2880 He offert offert onestly in hono(ur) of Venus
2881 A gobet of gold þat gyngys might se
2882 And sylu(er) for sothe on the same wise
2883 ffor solempnite of sacrifice in sight of þe pepull
2884 Paris was     pure faire   plesaund in sight
2885 A store man   a stoute full stithe hym be semyt
2886 ffairest beferr(e) of his fre buernes
2887 Wemen waited hym well hade wond(ur) of hym one
2888 That of shap for to shew was shene to be holde
2889 And clad as a kyng in clothys full fyne
2890 He was louyt w(i)t(h) ladys lappit in hert
2891 As course is of kynd   comyn dessire
2892 Ichon fraynet at his fere þe frekys to know
2893 Of what lond were þo louely hit list hom to wete
2894 And p(ri)nsipall of Parys the pepull dessiret
2895 Of þat comly to ken   his cause here
2896 And o sither it was said   for sothe tolde
2897 That Parys was pryam son þ(a)t p(ri)nse is of Troy
2898 By comaundeme(n)t of his kyng comyn into Grese
2899 W(i)t(h) a company clene his cosyn to gete
2900 Exiona sothely he soght for to haue
2901 That Telamon hade takon   w(i)t(h) tene held
2902 And set vnd(ur) s(er)uage þ(a)t hom sore greuyt
2903 This speche furth spred   sprange vppo ferre
2904 Ou(er) all into yles so aunter befelle
2905 Into the Eres of Elan hit entrid belyue
2906 The prishod of parys was praisit so mekyll
2907 W(i)t(h) folke of his fairnes   his fre buernes
2908 Sho was lappit in longyng þ(a)t louely to se
2909 And to wete of þ(a)t worthy w(i)t(h) wilfull desyre
2910 As wemen are wount in Wantonhed yet
2911 W(i)t(h) a likyng full light in loue for to falle
2912 That hetys into hertys and hurtes sone after
2913 So le(n)gid this lady w(i)t(h) lust to the Temple
2914 W(i)t(h) Sac(ri)fice solempne to seche vnto ven(us)
2915 This ho tolde hir entent as þe tyme asket
2916 And to stare o þo stoute   hir astate shewe
2917 To the folke of the frigie w(i)t(h) a ffrike wille
2918 Heldur þen holynes happont so then

The Poiet

2919 Hit is wond(ur) to wit of wemen dissyre
2920 Þat shunt not for shame to shake ou(er) lande
2921 To glogh vppon gomes at gedering of folke
2922 And p(re)se vnto playes pepull to be holde
2923 Yong men   yepe yeu(er)us in hert
2924 Þat ledis vnto loue w(i)t(h) lustes þ(a)t folowes
2925 Rauisshe hom radly   þaire red t(ur)nys
2926 Putt(es) hom to p(ur)pos þat pynes hom after
2927 Soche stirryng(es) ger stumble þ(a)t stidfast wold be
2928 W(i)t(h) sight at assemblis   sythen w(i)t(h) speche
2929 W(i)t(h) flat(er)y and faire wordys fallyn to gedur
2930 Acoyntyn hom w(i)t(h) kyssyng   clippyng in armes
2931 W(i)t(h) Soffyms   Sotelte Settyng of cases
2932 The willes of wemen wightly þai chaunge
2933 To falle vppon foly   hor fame lose
2934 Now fey be þe freke þat it first ordant
2935 Soche riot   reuell so ryuely to haunt
2936 Of yonge men   yeu(er)us þ(a)t yurnes to gamnes
2937 To daunse amonge damsels / drawing of glovis
2938 W(i)t(h) comonyng in company þ(a)t comys butto harme
2939 Gers Maidnes be mart mariage for done
2940 Bryng(es) wyues into wond(ur) þaire worship to lose
2941 And ertis ay to euyll end   ernyst by the last
2942 Throgh whiche treason betydes   tenys vmqwile
2943 Bolde men to batell and biker w(i)t(h) hond
2944 Þat draghes vnto dethe   deris full mony
2945 Therfore saintes to seche and to sere holowes
2946 And turne vnto Templis atyrit w(i)t(h) p(ri)de
2947 Þof it belaifull to ladys and oþ(er) les wemen
2948 3et it ledis vnto laithnes and vnlefe werk(es)
2949 And shotis into shame as shen&dflourish+ has ben ofte
2950 But þ(o)u Elan þat haldyn was hed of all ladys
2951 And the fairest of feturs formyt in erthe
2952 What wrixlit þi wit   þi wille chaunget
2953 In absens of þi sou(er)ayne for saghes of pepull
2954 To pas of þi palays   þi p(ri)se chamb(u)r
2955 To loke on any lede of a londe straunge
2956 Þat might faire haue refraynit w(i)t(h) þi fre wille
2957 Haue sauyt thy septur   þi selfe alse
2958 Hade þ(o)u holdyn þe at home hedit þin astate
2959 And not cayret fro court þ(er)e company was gedurt
2960 To waite aftur wondurs for a worde light
2961 Hit were sittyng for sothe   semly for wemen
2962 Þaire houses to haunt   hold hom w(i)t(h)in
2963 Kepe hom from company   comonyng of folke
2964 And ou(er) all þ(er)e onesty attell to saue
2965 Whethir a ship þat is shot on þe shire wawes
2966 Shuld drowne in the depe   it drye / stode
2967 Halyt into havyn harlit w(i)t(h) ropes
2968 Ne a woman I wis þat wisely wull gou(er)ne
2969 Shall not into fame but of hir fre wille
2970 Thou dissyret full depely dame Elan þi seluon
2971 To pas fro þi palis   þi p(re)uey chamb(u)r
2972 And seche to Sytheria w(i)t(h) solempne avowe
2973 In colo(ur) of þi cause þ(o)u couet to se
2974 Þat straunge þ(a)t was stoute   stare hym vppon
2975 So þ(o)u light in vnlefulnes þ(a)t leffully semyt
2976 Thurgh þi Licrus lust þat Lurket in þi hert
2977 fforþe sight of þat semely sotheli was venu(m)
2978 Þat enfecte þe faire loue to þe fairist of Grise
2979 And mony Greke w(i)t(h) grem vnto ground broght
2980 All the ffrigies vnfaire vnd(ur) fight endit
2981 Now furr(e) how it felle I will faire telle
2982 Sho assemblid hir s(er)u(au)nd(es) w(i)t(h) a sad wille
2983 Hade hom radly arayed for þe rode furth
2984 Bryng horses to ground and hernes anon
2985 To seche to Sitheria for solempne avowe
2986 And ven(us) to worship as hir wele awe
2987 As ho heghly hade het for helping before
2988 This Sitheria for sothe from þe same yle
2989 Of Menelay þe mighty was but a mene spas
2990 And he sou(er)ain hym selfe   þe soile aght
2991 Tite w(i)t(h)outyn tariyng atirit were all
2992 Horses in haste   to hond brought
2993 The lady full louely was lifte vppon on
2994 A palfray of p(ri)se prudly atyrit
2995 And glod on full gayly þe gaynist to the bonke
2996 There light þai full lyfely lept into bote
2997 And were set ou(er) soundly into the same yle
2998 Right w(i)t(h) a rother and rayket to bonke
2999 In hir atire to þe tempull tomly ho yode
3000 Þ(er)e onestly sho offert hono(ur)t hir godd(es)
3001 W(i)t(h) gift(es) of golde   of gode stones
3002 Tariet in the temple tentit to gomnes
3003 Ho segh not þ(a)t semly þen set hir to ground
3004 And proffert hir p(ra)yers to þe p(ri)se goddes
3005 These tythand(es) full titely told were to Parys
3006 Þat hon(er)able Elan was entrid in þe tempull
3007 Menelay mody wife þ(a)t he most louyt
3008 He araiet hym full riolly w(i)t(h) a route noble
3009 And past thurgh þe p(re)se into þe proud tempull
3010 He was enformyt before of þat fre lady
3011 Þat ho to Castor þe kyng accounttid was euon
3012 And to Pollux pure sust(er) p(re)stly to bothe
3013 Of hir fair(e)hed feltymes hade þe freike herd
3014 ffro he þe semly hade sene he set so his egh
3015 He proffert no p(ra)yer to no p(ri)se goddis
3016 Ne hedyt noght hertely but þe hend lady
3017 Ne no lede on to loke saue lelly hir one

The ffairnes of Elan

3018 All the feturs of þ(a)t fre was fourmyt so well
3019 And ho of fairnes so fele was ferly to se
3020 The hore of hir hed huyt as the gold
3021 Bost out vppon brede bright on to loke
3022 The shede þurghe the shyre hore shone as þe lilly
3023 Streght as a strike straght þurgh the mydd(es)
3024 De p(ar)tid the proudfall pertly in two
3025 Atiret in tressis trusset full faire
3026 Hir forhed full fresshe   fre to be holde
3027 Qwitter to qweme þen þe white snaw
3028 Nouþ(er) lynes ne lerk(es) but full lell streght
3029 W(i)t(h) browes full brent brightist of hewe
3030 Semyt as þai set were sotely w(i)t(h) honde
3031 Comyng in Compas   in course rounde
3032 ffull metly made   mesured betwene
3033 Bright as the brent gold enbowet þai were
3034 Hir ene wull full onest euyn of a mesure
3035 Shynyng full shene as þe shire sternys
3036 Or any staring stone þ(a)t stithe is of vertue
3037 ffull sutelly set Serklyt w(i)t(h) horis
3038 On the browes so bryght borduret full clene
3039 Stondyng full stepe and stable of chere
3040 Hir nase for the nonest was nobly shapyn
3041 Stondyng full streght   not of stor     lenght
3042 Ne to short for to shew in a shene mesure
3043 Noght growen to grete ne to grefe smalle
3044 W(i)t(h) thrilles noght thrat but thriftily made
3045 Nawther to wyde ne to wan but as hom welsemyt
3046 Hir chek(es) full choyse as the chalke white
3047 As the rose was the rud þat raiked hom in
3048 Mongit w(i)t(h) mesure in hir mylde face
3049 To the lippus full luffly as by lyn wroght
3050 Made of a meane vmb þe mowthe swete
3051 As it were coruyn by crafte colourd w(i)t(h) honde
3052 P(ro)porcionet p(er)tly w(i)t(h) paint(er) deuyse
3053 To telle of hir tethe þ(a)t tryetly were set
3054 Alse qwyte   qwem as any qwalle bon
3055 Wele cumpast in co(ur)s   clenly to gedur
3056 By rule in þe rede gomys as a faire rose faire
3057 Þat w(i)t(h) lefes of þe lylly were lappit by twene
3058 Hir chyn full choise was the chekys beneth
3059 W(i)t(h) a dympull full derne daynte to se
3060 In the hew of þat hond was a hegh ioye
3061 Of faiernes so fele in hir face shewid
3062 The slote of hir sleghbrest sleght for to shewe
3063 As any cristall clere þat clene was of hewe
3064 Shene for to shew   of shap noble
3065 W(i)t(h) a necke for þe nonest of naturs deuyse
3066 Glissonond as the glemes þ(a)t glentt(es) of þe snaw
3067 Nawþ(er) fulsom ne fat but fetis   round
3068 ffull metely made of a mene lenght
3069 W(i)t(h) shulders full shaply shenest of hew
3070 ffull pleasaund   playn w(i)t(h) a plase lawe
3071 Goyng downe as a goter fro the gorge euyn
3072 Hir armys were auenaund   abill of shap
3073 Large of a lenght louely to shewe
3074 Hir hond(es) fetis   faire w(i)t(h) fyngurs full smale
3075 W(i)t(h) nailes at the neþ(er) end as a nepe white
3076 The brede of hir brest bright on to loke
3077 Was pleasaund   playne pluttid a litull
3078 ffresshe and of fyne hew as þe fome clere
3079 W(i)t(h) two p(ro)pur pappes as a peire rounde
3080 ffetis and faire of fauo(ur) full swete
3081 Hir corse comly   of clene shap
3082 Euyn metely made of a medill deuyse
3083 As nobly to þe neth(ur) mast as nature cold shape
3084 Parys stode in a stody   streght on hir lokit
3085 ffaste by þ(a)t fre fresshe of araye
3086 Beheld hir full hertely hade no rewarde
3087 To p(ra)yer ne pepull ne p(ra)yer w(i)t(h)in
3088 So he hedit þat hynde   ho hym agayne
3089 W(i)t(h) a lokyng on lenght in hor loue Ene
3090 Þat Paris ho p(ra)yset in hir pure mynde
3091 Of feturs   fo(ur)me fairer by myche
3092 Þan he vppon hir hertely couthe fynde
3093 And thus ho thought full thrange in hir thro hert
3094 Þat so semely a sight ho se neu(er) before
3095 Ne so comly a creature to hir clene wit
3096 Ne no lede to hir lykyng halfe so luff able
3097 Ho tentit not in Tempull to no tall p(ra)yers
3098 Ne no melody of mouthe made at þe tyme
3099 Ne speke of no spiritualtie w(i)t(h) speciall ne other
3100 But ay staryt O þat stoute w(i)t(h) hire stepe Ene
3101 There most was hir mynd in þat mene qwile
3102 And Parys p(er)ceyuit the p(ri)nt of hir sight
3103 And lokit on þat louely w(i)t(h) a light chere
3104 Till aither sight was sadly set vppon other
3105 So be lokyng of lenght w(i)t(h) a loue chere
3106 Ayther kyndly by course knew oþ(er) wille
3107 Then Parys p(er)tly p(ro)ffert a seigne
3108 ffor to telle his entent yf ho tome hade
3109 And ho onswaret þat abill after agayne
3110 By seignes on the same wise soburly to come
3111 And beckonet hym boldly when bourdys were thicke
3112 And pepull in play his place to remeve
3113 Parys listinet lyuely let for no shame
3114 But drogh to þ(a)t dere   dressit to sitte
3115 And softly by hom selfe said what hom liket
3116 While oþ(er) tentid in the temple tomly to playes
3117 And noght hedit þat hynde hertely in loue
3118 And þai hade laisure at lust þ(er)e likyng to say
3119 And wrixle þ(er)e wit   þ(er)e wille shewe
3120 Ayther vnto oþ(er) arghit hom noght
3121 Þai were assentid full sone sittyng to gedur
3122 And festoned þ(er)e forward how þ(er)ai fare sholde
3123 Þan p(ar)tid þai p(re)uely Paris toke leue
3124 And loutid þat louely   ho hur luf kyste
3125 The knight w(i)t(h) his company kayred froto þe tempull
3126 And sho beheld to þat hynd houyng full stille
3127 Lokyng on lenght w(i)t(h) a loue ee
3128 Ay folowyng on fer till he was forthe past

The Rauyshyng of Elane

3129 Then Parys forthe past proud at his hert
3130 Wele laburt w(i)t(h) loue longit full sore
3131 Evyn shoke to his shippes þ(er)e shene men were in
3132 And gedurt all the great greidly to gedure anon
3133 And said hom full soberly er he sese wolde
3134 Thes wordys Iwis as ye wete shalle
3135 Now faithfull felows   my fre buernes
3136 Hit is knowen to you kendly þe cause of o(ur) io(ur)ney
3137 Why Pryan has put vs þes partis vnto
3138 This was truly his entent   takon vs in charge
3139 His sister Exiona to sese   we might
3140 By any Way in this worlde   Wirdis vs demyt
3141 And if vs happynt not hir to haue at o(ur) wille
3142 The Grek(es) for to greue on su(m) gret wise
3143 W(i)t(h) all þe might þat we may ou(r) malice to kythe
3144 And o nowise may we wyn þ(a)t woma(n) to gete
3145 W(i)t(h)outen batell full bigge   a breme oste
3146 Telamon the tore kyng tent(es) hir so wele
3147 And is fuerser of folke by a felle nowmbur
3148 And lappis in hir loue þ(a)t leue hir he nyll
3149 But w(i)t(h) strenght of strokys or w(i)t(h) store fight
3150 And we ledis to lyte þat lady to wyn
3151 Or any Cite to sese by a sawte now
3152 Þ(er)e pepull are so plaintiose   placis of strenght
3153 And sers syn he so is be sou(er)ans of goddis
3154 Vs may falle here by fortune a fulfaire gifte
3155 Þat shuld lelly be laght as me leue thinke
3156 Here is a tempull atyret all w(i)t(h) triet godys
3157 And the grettist of grise gedrit þ(er)in
3158 As of wemen to wale worthy   nobill
3159 And p(ri)se of þis p(ro)uynse are in yond proude yle
3160 The most of tho mighty is menelai wife
3161 Lady of þis lond full louely to shew
3162 The grettist of grese and agai qwhene
3163 Yf we take this full tite   tary no leng(ur)
3164 Bothe pepull   pilage   put into ship
3165 Hit is a p(ro)ffitable pray of p(er)sons me thinke
3166 And godis full grete of gold   of sylu(er)
3167 ffor the tempull is atyret all w(i)t(h) tryet clothes
3168 Bassons of bright gold   oþ(er) brode vessell
3169 Chaundelers full chefe   charbokill stones
3170 And other riches full rife þ(a)t we may rad haue
3171 What fairer shuld vs falle and we fer soght
3172 Yf ye deme it to do be deuyse of you all
3173 Hit sitt(es) me semes sone in the night
3174 We arme vs at all peces   aunt(er) þ(er)e on
3175 The temple to take and all the t(ri)et ladys
3176 Golde and oþ(er) good gripe it by dene
3177 And shote into ou(r) shippes shake on ou(r) way
3178 And Elan of all thing we aunter vs to take
3179 Yf we þat luffly may lacche   lede vnto troy
3180 Priam ou(r) p(ri)se kyng may p(re)stly suppose
3181 His sust(er) to sese sone by eschaunge
3182 And his couetyng to cacche be cause of þ(a)t bright
3183 Lokys now lyuely what list you to do
3184 To melle in þis mater or to meue ferre
3185 And assai if we suffise ou(r) seluyn of might
3186 Yf we put vs to pillage er we pyne þole
3187 At þe last when the lede hade left of his speche
3188 ffele of þe folke febull it thughten
3189 But yche lede by the last aliet þ(er)to
3190 And assentid to his saw   suet his rede
3191 When counsell was kaght of knight(es)   oþ(er)
3192 And all thinge examynt so aunt(er) befell
3193 The night drow negh anon vppon þis
3194 And the mone in the merke myghtely shone
3195 As come it by course   cast a gret light
3196 Þai armyt hom at all peces abill to werre
3197 To the tempull full tite token þ(er)e gate
3198 Prayen   piken all the pure godes
3199 Affrayet the folke fuersly by dene
3200 Sesit   slogh slongen to ground
3201 Grippit the godys and the gay ladys
3202 And all the company clene closit hom w(i)t(h)in
3203 Parys þen presit to þe proude qwene
3204 And sesit hir sone as hir assent was
3205 Led hir furth lyuely lefte hir in shippe
3206 Vnder sight of sure men set hir to kepe
3207 And to the tempull full tyte t(ur)nyt agayne
3208 To rob of þe riches and renk(es) to helpe
3209 Clamo(ur)   crie was Comyns amonge
3210 Hoge noise for þe nonest in night for to here
3211 Lelly of tho ladies þ(a)t leu(er) were degh
3212 Þan be led out of lande lowde was þe noise
3213 The noise vppon none neghit to þe Eris
3214 Of Soudio(ur)s besyde in a sure castell
3215 That the tempull was takon   tulk(es) þ(er)in
3216 And su(m) þat were slayne   slu(n)gen to ground
3217 By frekys þ(a)t fled for ferd to þe holde
3218 Distracte were þai stithly   stonyt by dene
3219 And braid to þ(er)e bright gere buskit hom furthe
3220 The soudio(ur)s by assent soghten to þe tempull
3221 In the castell were a cu(m)pany kyd men of armys
3222 Þat enfo(ur)met were of fyght   the fet couthe
3223 Þai turnyt to the troiens tarit hom longe
3224 ffoghten w(i)t(h) hom felly frusshit hom abake
3225 Hopit w(i)t(h) hondis to hew hom to dethe
3226 P(ri)soners to pike   the p(ra)y lyu(er)
3227 ffell was þe fight þo fuerse men betwene
3228 Mony derfe þ(er)e deghit   dungen to ground
3229 But the Troiens were Torer   tentymes moo
3230 And greuit the Grek(es) gretly w(i)t(h) strokys
3231 Opp(re)ssit hom w(i)t(h) pyne put hom to flight
3232 ffolowed hom fuersly felle hom w(i)t(h) swerdys
3233 Till þai come to þ(er)e castell   caght hade þ(er)e strenght
3234 Then t(ur)nyt the Troiens tariet no lengur
3235 And went vnto water w(i)t(h) þ(er)e wale godys
3236 Lefte noght vnlaght þat lykyng was in
3237 Myche riches full rife and relik(es) ynow
3238 Þai shot into shippe the sheltru(n) to gedur
3239 Þat fild were w(i)t(h) folke   fyne gold to wale
3240 Sesit vp þ(er)e sailes set hom to wyndes
3241 Cairet on the colde ythes cogges   other
3242 Aght dayes be dene   the derke night(es)
3243 Till þai comyn by course to the cuntre of Troy
3244 Hit hom into hauyn as hom hap shope
3245 At the castell þat cald was kyndly by name
3246 Tenydon and     tomly tariet þ(er)e in
3247 Þat sothely was sex myle fro the Cite euyn
3248 There arofe all the rowte   restid a while
3249 And were welcom Iwis as weghes to þ(er)e owne
3250 Hono(ur)t w(i)t(h) all men as þ(er)e astate wolde
3251 Parys full p(re)stly puruait a message
3252 And sent to his sou(er)ain in a sad haste
3253 Of thies tythand(es) to telle how hom tyd hade
3254 The messanger maynly meuyt to the kyng
3255 To Troy or he t(ur)ne wold / and told hym in haste
3256 Þat his sons were in sound   hor sute holl
3257 At Tenydon / and told how hom tyd hade
3258 As hym seluyn hade sene þ(a)t sothely was þ(er)e
3259 Priam was proude of these pert dedis
3260 The fainest freike in faithe þ(a)t on fote yode
3261 And gedrit w(i)t(h) gamyn the grettist of Troye
3262 And su(m) of the citizens assemblit w(i)t(h) all
3263 ffestid hom faire frely w(i)t(h) hym
3264 And tolde hom þose tything(es) tomly to end
3265 All maden þai mery   mekyll ioye haden
3266 As Parys and his pepull were in hor p(ri)de somyn
3267 At Tenydon þ(a)t tyme talkyng to gedur
3268 Hit auntrid þat Elan w(i)t(h) other of hir lede
3269 Þat were takon in the tempull as I told first
3270 Were sorowfull sobbyng w(i)t(h) syling of Teris
3271 All tourmet w(i)t(h) tene tremblit in hert
3272 Wailyng   weping wringyng of hondys
3273 Hit was pite to the pepull the pyn þat ho þolet
3274 And said in hir sikyng w(i)t(h) a softe speche
3275 A my husband full hynd   my hed brether
3276 My doughter my derlyng   my dere rewme

To late

3277 Whethur I se you in solas or in sound eu(er)
3278 Þus bemournet full mekull   no meite toke
3279 But w(i)t(h) care   complaint comford away
3280 Parys hade pyte hir payne for to se
3281 On þat lady his loue w(i)t(h) lango(ur)   wo
3282 He kairet to þ(a)t comly w(i)t(h) comfortable wordys
3283 And meuyt hir in man(er) hir mournyng to voide
3284 Yet sesit not hir sorow for solas of hym
3285 Ne noght glad of þat geste but greatly anoyet
3286 Paris greuit at þat grete   gird out in yre
3287 Saide hir full soberly sittyng these wordes
3288 What lyffe is þis lady to lede on þis wise
3289 Noght sesyng of sorow   sobbyng vnfaire
3290 On dayes to Endure w(i)t(h) drouping on night(es)
3291 Who sothely might suffer þe sorow þ(a)t þ(o)u mase
3292 W(i)t(h) care   w(i)t(h) complaint comynly ay
3293 Lamentac(i)on   lango(ur) the long night ou(er)
3294 Thus tourmet w(i)t(h) tene   tides no nend
3295 Ne hopis þ(o)u not it harmys   thy hew chaunges
3296 And enpaires thy p(er)son   p(ro)ffett(es) no more

The wordes betwene Parys   Elan at
tenydon in the castell

3297 In faithe the burde fell of falling of of terys
3298 And þ(o)u drunkyn hade dewly as mony du sopis
3299 As shott(es) of shire water has shot fro þi nene
3300 Thou faithfully were fillid vnto þi faire swyre
3301 Therfore lady   it like you lighten yo(ur) chere
3302 Comford you kyndly kacches su(m) rest
3303 ffor in this riall reme of my riche fader
3304 Ne faute shall ye ffynde ne yo(ur) fre buernes
3305 Tho truly þat are takon and temyn to you
3306 Shalbe plesit w(i)t(h) plenty at þ(er)e playne wille
3307 And haue riches full ryfe red ye no noþ(er)
3308 And ye sothely you(r) selfe sou(er)ain of all
3309 Shalbe worshipped worthely   yo(ur) wille haue
3310 And hono(ur)t of all men as yo(ur) astate shuld
3311 To be gou(er)net in yo(ur) grettenes most godely of other
3312 All daintes to you dight þat are dere holdyn
3313 Plaintiouse in yche place as a p(ri)se qwene
3314 And all yo(ur) ledys deliu(er)t and lose out of bandys
3315 At yo(ur) comaundeme(n)t clene all yo(ur) cloise pepull
3316 And lyue in þis land w(i)t(h) lust(es) at ease
3317 Also syker and sure als þai set were at home
3318 Þen onswared Elan easely agayne
3319 And driet the dropis of hir dregh teris
3320 I wot s(ir)r witt(ur)ly will I or noght
3321 Yo(ur) wille I moste wirke waite I no nother
3322 Syn weikenes of wemen may not wele stryve
3323 Ne haue no might taward(es) men maistries to fond
3324 And nomely in a nu(n)kyth lond nedys hom so
3325 And what daunger or dysese þat done is vs here
3326 Auther me or to myne at this myschefe
3327 Hit may happon you in haste haue suche another
3328 Thurgh giftes of ou(r) goddys þ(a)t vs g(ra)ce leuys
3329 We most suffer all hor sonnd(es)   soberly take
3330 Than Parys w(i)t(h) plesaunce apperit agayne
3331 Dere Lady full leell yo(ur) lykyng to do
3332 And all yo(ur) wille forto wirke yche wegh shall
3333 Þen he hent hir by the hond hastely there
3334 And a littyll agayne lust lifte hir vp swithe
3335 Silet furth w(i)t(h) þat semly   hir sete leuyt
3336 Into a place well appareld all w(i)t(h) p(ri)se clothes
3337 And moche onesty ordannt for esment of hir
3338 Þat þo sou(er)ains by hom selfe might say what hom liket
3339 Aither vnto other as onesty wolde
3340 Þen Parys to þat pure p(er)tly can say
3341 Hope ye now hynd Lady þat yo(ur) hegh goddis
3342 Haue put you to þis p(ro)uynse pyn for to thole
3343 And let you be led vnto this lond hydur
3344 Þat suche a chaunge shuld you chefe to a choise febill
3345 And don fro delit(es) depely to ang(ur)
3346 Noght abundonet in blis ne blithe in yo(ur) hert
3347 Trowe ye not Troy is tore of all godis
3348 As plaintiouse in yche place as þe p(ro)uynse of Achaia
3349 At is doublit of delitis   druris at all
3350 Ne trawes not tru lady þat I take wolde
3351 Thy ladyship to losse ne in lust holde
3352 Thou shalt haue riches more rife   ranker of godis
3353 Þen any lady in þi lond leue me for sothe
3354 And more likandly lyf   þi lust haue
3355 Bothe in weile   in worship as a wee noble
3356 And me þat am mete   of more power
3357 Þen hym þat þ(o)u hade and held for þi lorde
3358 Wynly to weld   I the wed shall
3359 To lede w(i)t(h) þi lyf as a leale spouse
3360 This I p(ur)pos me plainly in plesauns of godd(es)
3361 Vnder Sacramen solempne yo(ur) sou(er)ain to be
3362 And so lede þe w(i)t(h) likyng to my lyues ende
3363 Suppos not þi seluyn ne for sothe holde
3364 Þof þ(o)u left haue a litle lond lightly at home
3365 Þat þ(o)u ne hertely shall haue here a well larger
3366 And þi chaunge to chefe choisly the bettur
3367 Syn Asia is auenond of yles ynow
3368 Þat are attendant to Troy w(i)t(h) tresou(r) ynogh
3369 Þat obey þe shall bainly   bow to þi wille
3370 Ne for þe mysse of þi maist(ur) make þ(o)u no sorowe
3371 That neu(er) yet of nobley aneuenyng to me
3372 Ne of dedis so doughti þe dayes in his lyue
3373 Ne so luffly to a lady w(i)t(h) lokyng at egh
3374 And I in longing am Laght   Lappit full sore
3375 W(i)t(h) hete of þi hegh loue þat my hert warmys
3376 And of hym þat þ(o)u hopis most hertely þe louys
3377 Wete þ(o)u full wele most worshipfull to haue
3378 Ses now of sorowe sobur þi chere
3379 Wond of þi weping whipe vp þi ??? teris
3380 Meue þe to myrthe   mournyng for sake
3381 Cast þe to comford keu(er) þi wille
3382 Thys I p(ra)y þe full p(re)stly w(i)t(h) all my pure hert
3383 Þat þ(o)u hede me w(i)t(h) heryng   my hest kepe


3384 Than answared þ(a)t hon(er)able onestly agayne
3385 Who might stithly absteyne or stable of teris
3386 Þat p(re)stly were p(ri)cket w(i)t(h) paynes so fele
3387 And w(i)t(h) sorow ou(er)set sothely as I
3388 But syn hit now bes no nother nomly of me
3389 I shall appres me w(i)t(h) pyne yo(ur) p(ra)yer to here
3390 Syn me botis not barly yo(ur) biddyng w(i)t(h)stonde
3391 Ne of power to put of ne of playn strenght
3392 Þen ho sesit of sykyng sobirt hir chere
3393 At the p(ra)yer of Parys and his p(ri)se wordys
3394 When þat semely was sesit   sorow for yetyn
3395 The lorde toke leue w(i)t(h) full lowe speche
3396 And went fro þat worthy his weghis vntill
3397 When hyt seyit to Sop(er)tyme he s(er)uyt hir well
3398 W(i)t(h) all daintes on dese   drynk(es) ynow
3399 And cherisshed hir full choisly w(i)t(h) chere of hym seluyn
3400 When þe derke was done   the day comyn
3401 Parys full p(re)stly w(i)t(h) p(re)ciouse araye
3402 Worshippit þ(a)t worthy in wedys full riche
3403 As qwemet for a qwene   qwaintly atyret
3404 Þat Priam hade purueit   to þe place sent
3405 He broght furth þat bright w(i)t(h) buernys full nobill
3406 To a palfray of p(ri)se full prudly arayet
3407 Set hir in a sadill serklyt w(i)t(h) golde
3408 ffret ou(er) w(i)t(h) fyne perle fresshest of hew
3409 W(i)t(h) a bridell full bright bothe of a sewte
3410 Other tulk(es) þat were takyn atirit were alse
3411 Hastely on horses as hor astate askit
3412 A Company clene of knight(es) hom w(i)t(h)
3413 And Paris full p(re)ste on a proude stede
3414 Deffebus dight on a dere horse
3415 Antenor Eneas all other grete
3416 Polidamas þe pert   payems ynow
3417 All arayet in a rowte ryden to þe qwene
3418 Worshippit þat worthy   wenton all samyn
3419 Turnet fro tenydon taryt no lengur
3420 Soberly a soft pas samyn þai rode
3421 Euyn talkand to Troy tomly o þe way
3422 And er þai comyn to courte þiscu(m)pany faire
3423 Priam full prudly w(i)t(h) mony pert knight
3424 To welcom to þat worthy went on þe gate
3425 And fonget full feire all hir fre buernes
3426 To þe lady þat lege kyng w(i)t(h) a light wille
3427 Past full pertly all w(i)t(h) p(ri)se wordys
3428 Obeit þ(a)t bright all w(i)t(h) blithe chere
3429 W(i)t(h) worship   wyn welcomyt þe grete
3430 And somyn to þe Cite softly þai rode
3431 At the burghe we(re) abyding w(i)t(h)oute the brode 3ate
3432 Gret plenty of pepull all the place full
3433 So mony on molde was m(er)uell to se
3434 W(i)t(h) synging   solas and sitals amonge
3435 W(i)t(h) myrthes of mynst(ra)lsy musike w(i)t(h) all
3436 Daunsyng of damsels Dynnyng of tru(m)pys
3437 W(i)t(h) a ledy full lusti   lykyng to here

Here he dotid

3438 Priam the p(ri)se kyng p(re)stly down light
3439 And was first vpon fote of all of his fresshe knight(es)
3440 He raght to the reynes of þe riche qwene
3441 And led furth þat louely long vpon fote
3442 Softe into þe Cite hym seluyn w(i)t(h) honde
3443 On a worshipfull wyse w(i)t(h) mony wegh noble
3444 Vnto the palaies of p(ri)ce þ(er)e pepull full fele
3445 And led hir vnlight into a large halle
3446 Vp into ylion w(i)t(h) hono(ur) ynogh
3447 And toke hir full tite into a triet chamb(u)r
3448 Þ(er)e s(er)uaund(es) full subiecte assingnet hir to
3449 And noblay ynogh was nothyng to laite
3450 In the Cite for sothe was solempnite made
3451 W(i)t(h) myrthes   melody   mony gret feste
3452 ffor ioy of þis iornay and þis gentill lady
3453 And þat Parys in point repairit was hom
3454 W(i)t(h) his felowes in fere fayne was þe pepull
3455 And lyuys in hor lykyng þe long night ou(er)
3456 The secund day suyng sais me the lyne
3457 All the grete were gedret as hom g(ra)se felle
3458 Paris w(i)t(h) p(ri)de and þis p(ri)se lady
3459 At Appolynes owne tempull after were weddit
3460 Þere made was þat mariage w(i)t(h) myrthes ynow
3461 W(i)t(h) solempnite   sac(ri)fice þe Cite þurghe out
3462 And double fest þat day derely was holdyn
3463 W(i)t(h) all þe reuell   riolte þ(a)t rink(es) couthe deuise
3464 Þat endurit by dene w(i)t(h) daintes at will
3465 Aght dayes ou(er) all after the dede
3466 When Cassandra hade knowyng how þe case stode
3467 Þat the mariage was made þo mighty bet wene
3468 Sho brast out in a birre bale to be holde
3469 W(i)t(h) a nugly noise noye for to here
3470 Playnond w(i)t(h) pytie no pleas(a)unce at all
3471 W(i)t(h) sykyng   sorow said O this wise
3472 A fonnet folke why fare ye thus now
3473 W(i)t(h) solas full sere and sunges of myrthe
3474 At the weddyng of the weghes þ(a)t shall to wo t(ur)ne
3475 W(i)t(h) hardlayke   harme þat happyn shall after
3476 Ye dowtles mu(n) degh for ded(es) of þo two
3477 And yo(ur) frynd(es) full fey fallyn to ground
3478 Yo(ur) sonys be slayne in sight of yo(ur) ene
3479 Yo(ur) husband(es) hewen w(i)t(h) hondys in pesis
3480 Wyues made wedowys   wayling for eu(er)
3481 A Troy þat is tore w(i)t(h) toures full hegh
3482 Myche baret shall þ(o)u bide   betyn to ground
3483 And be stithly destroyet   þi strenght lost
3484 A Modris so mylde what myschefe is to you
3485 Moche care is to come to yo(ur) cold hertys
3486 Moche baret on yo(ur) birthe you bese for to se
3487 Dyssmembrit as marters   murtheret to dethe
3488 And the bowels out braide of hire bare sydes
3489 A Ecuba þ(a)t eu(er)more easely hase leuyt
3490 What gretyng   gremþ growis vnto þe
3491 To se þi sones be slayn in sight of þi nene
3492 And the blode of þo blithe blent w(i)t(h) the erthe
3493 A balefull buernes   full blynd pepull
3494 The hard dethe is you dight þat ye doute litle
3495 Why wrought ye so wantonly in yo(ur) wilde yre
3496 fforto rauysshe vnright wisely þis riche out of Grece
3497 ffro a man þ(a)t neu(er) mys did to þis mene lond
3498 Why hast ye not heturly to haue hir agayne
3499 And restore hir stithly to hir strenght hom
3500 To hir lord þat is lell   no lede harmys
3501 Venions and vile dethe to voide fro þis rewme
3502 Er ye w(i)t(h) swerdis in swym be swongon to ground
3503 Hope ye Parys playn þefte vnponysshet wilbe
3504 W(i)t(h)outen sorow   sourgrem sewyng þ(er)after
3505 And you ang(ur) for eu(er) enles to worthe
3506 A Elan vnhappy hardist of chaunse
3507 Soche sorow   sikyng þi seluyn vs bringes
3508 Myschaunse   euyll chefe þi child(ur) shalbe
3509 A Sory Sytizins sendis you fro
3510 The smoke   smorther þ(a)t smyt(es) to dethe
3511 Qwyle ye lawfully lefe may   yo(ur) lyf haue
3512 Þoche dole ho dregh w(i)t(h) mony depe terys
3513 W(i)t(h) pyte   complaint þ(a)t pyne was to here
3514 Þat priam out of pes put ay anone
3515 And neu(er) sesit of saghis   sorowfull wordys
3516 The kyng þen comaund to cacche hir belyue
3517 And fetur hir fast in a fre p(ri)soune
3518 A stithe house of stone to still hir of noise
3519 Hit said was for sothe ho sate þ(er)e full longe
3520 And suffert moche sorow for hir sothe tales
3521 Þus kept the kyng vnkyndly his doughter
3522 ffor hir tales of truthe teghit hir in yernes
3523 But hade þai herkont þat hynde   in hert keppit
3524 Troy hade bene truly out of tene yet
3525 And þ(er)e fortune full felle faire ou(er) paste
3526 Þat all the world hade warnyng of þ(er)e wo sythen
3527 And eu(er) mynde wulbe made of þaire myshap
3528 Enduryng till domysday for doole þat þ(er)e was
3529 Now what felle of hor foly ferre will I tell
3530 And ye hastely shall here and ye houe stille

Eght boke of the counsell of the Grekys
ffor Recou(er)yng of Elayne

3531 Sone after þis saute sothely to telle
3532 Þat the Troiens in the Temple tokyn þe qwene
3533 And the riches hade robbed w(i)t(h) relik(es) ynow
3534 Er þai tenydon hade takon   t(ur)nyt into hauyn
3535 The speche of hom sprange   spred into Grise
3536 And gret noise of þ(er)e noie naitly ou(er) all
3537 Vnto Menelay the menetyme mowthly was told
3538 Of the rape vnrightwis of his riche qwene
3539 And he stythely astonyt stroke into sorowe
3540 3it p(re)sent at pire w(i)t(h) the proude duke
3541 The pite of his pepull pricket hym so sore
3542 The murthe of his men   his mylde qwene
3543 The robbyng of his riches   his riall temple
3544 Of his subiect(es) sesit in s(er)uage to dwelle
3545 ffor tene   for torfer of his t(ri)et lady
3546 Þat he luffit so lelly no lesse þen hym seluyn
3547 Thes harmes so het(er)ly hepit in his mynde
3548 W(i)t(h) sorow so sodainly þat his sight failet
3549 ffainted for febull and felle to þe ground
3550 In a swyme   a swogh as he swelt wold
3551 When he past of his payne   his pale hete
3552 And resort to hym selfe   his sight gate
3553 He plainted full pitiously was pyn for to here
3554 Of the harme   the hethyng hym happont to thole
3555 And for his worshipfull wife that hym worst liket
3556 Þat faren was ou(er) the fome   hir fame loste
3557 And other freik(es) shuld fonge in a fer londe
3558 W(i)t(h) þat semly to solas hit sate in his hert
3559 And of delit(es) full dere þ(a)t dight were at home
3560 Lest hir lackit suche lustis in a lande straunge
3561 Thoche mones he made   mournyng ynoghe
3562 W(i)t(h) wailyng   weping wo for to here
3563 Þat it neght to no nend þe noie þat he tholet
3564 Vnto Nestor anon þis naytly was tolde
3565 Of þe mornyng   myscheffe to Menelay was comyn
3566 Vnto þ(a)t worthy he went wisly anon
3567 W(i)t(h) sorow for þat syre   sylyng of teris
3568 He comford þat kyng w(i)t(h) his clene speche
3569 To sober hym somwhat   sese of his chere
3570 Þen hyet he w(i)t(h) haste home to his rewme
3571 And Nestor anon w(i)t(h) a nowmb(u)r grete
3572 Of knight(es)   cant men cairyt hym w(i)t(h)
3573 Lyuely to his londe   leuyt hym noght
3574 And by assent of hym sone sent for his brother
3575 Agamynon þe graithe in a gret haste
3576 By a message on molde þ(a)t he mekyll triste
3577 In his cause for to cu(m) w(i)t(h) counsell of wit
3578 As he þat was helply and highest of other
3579 To pollux the proude   his pere castor
3580 Þat all highit in haste houyt no lengur
3581 But comyn to þe kyng þ(a)t the care tholit
3582 To helpe hym in haste   here of his noye

The counsell of Agamynon to Menelay

3583 When agamynon the grete the greu(au)nce /// behelde
3584 And the bale of his brother þus the buerne saide
3585 Why dreghis þ(o)u þis dole   deris þi seluyn
3586 Leue of þis Langore as my lefe brother
3587 Þat putt(es) þe to payne and peires þi sight
3588 If þ(o)u haue cause for to care for vnkynd werk(es)
3589 And w(i)t(h) sykyng ou(er)set   sorow at þi hert
3590 Hit were wit as I wene to were it ffro noise
3591 And fro knowing of comyns   of course opun
3592 ffor a sorow þ(a)t is sene on a sib frynde
3593 Mas þe mo(ur)nyng more of men þ(a)t hym luff(es)
3594 Mikull comford(es) his care all his kene fos
3595 And engendres þaire ioy all his iuste sorow
3596 ffayne eu(er) feire chere in þi felle anger
3597 Whan sorow is most sad set all at litle
3598 Lete of it lightly þat no lede wete
3599 Þi sorow   þi sikyng set all at noght
3600 And in maters þat meuys þe w(i)t(h) might for to stir
3601 There is no worship in weping ne in wan teres
3602 But desyre þi redresse all w(i)t(h) derfe strokis
3603 W(i)t(h) þi swerde is to swinke   not w(i)t(h) swym thoght(es)
3604 ffor in sorow may be sene who is sad wise
3605 ffull p(ro)purly to preue in his pale angre
3606 When hym comys by course cont(ra)ry thing(es)
3607 He þat opressit not w(i)t(h) payne his p(ri)nsipall witt(es)
3608 Ne ou(er)sett(es) not his saule w(i)t(h) sorow full hoge
3609 Þerfore wackon þi wille into wight dedis
3610 And þ(er)e as siking   sorow slees the w(i)t(h)in
3611 Þ(a)t þe harme þ(a)t þ(o)u has and hething w(i)t(h) all
3612 Pas noght vnponisshed for pite ne other
3613 But þe dede þ(a)t vs deirus be full dere boght
3614 Þerfore sobbyng   sorow ses at þis tyme
3615 And wreke þe on weghis þ(a)t þe wrathed hase
3616 Þow knowis þ(a)t ou(r) kyngdomes are of clene strenght
3617 And we haue felowes full fele þ(a)t vs faith owe
3618 To wreike vs of wrathe   ou(r) wronge ricche
3619 All Grece for þis grefe w(i)t(h) þ(er)e grete ostis
3620 Wilbe redy to ryse w(i)t(h) a ranke pepull
3621 Eu(er)y kyng for to cu(m) w(i)t(h) knight(es) enarmyt
3622 ffull stoutly w(i)t(h) strenght to stir on ou(r) fos
3623 W(i)t(h) a nauy full nobill naite for þe wer(e)
3624 We shall tyre vs to Troy tomly to gedur
3625 And if hit tyde vs ou(r) tentis tild on þ(er)e londe
3626 Hit shalbe hevi   hard   happi vnlike
3627 Þat any frigies vs fere or to flete dryue
3628 But it happon hom harder in a hond while
3629 And the deruyst be dede w(i)t(h) dynte of o(ur) hond(es)
3630 Þaire pepull   hor power to pyne as vs liste
3631 Troy and þe tresoure take at o(ur) wille
3632 Bete downe the bildyng(es) to þe bare erthe
3633 And paris þat is p(ri)nsipall of ou(r) pure hate
3634 Iff hit happe vs to hent hongit shalbe
3635 As a felon falsest foundyn w(i)t(h) thefte
3636 Hit is sothely to sese of sorow in mynde
3637 And to all the kyng(es) by course þ(a)t knowen are in Grece
3638 Duk(es) by dene   oþ(er) derfe Erles
3639 Let vs send to hom salus solemli by l(ett)re
3640 Praiand hom p(re)stly w(i)t(h) all ou(r) pure hertis
3641 To helpe vs in hast ou(r) harmys to venge
3642 And dyshono(ur) and daunger down to ou(r) rewmes
3643 When Agamynon the graithe hade yeuen þus to red
3644 Menela mightily made for to w(ri)te
3645 To all the grete of Grece fro Agamynon   hym
3646 Vnder sailes of those sou(er)ains samyn     to wend
3647 By currou(ri)s to yche cost kyng(es) to warne
3648 And all agreit to þe gate w(i)t(h) a gode wille
3649 The first of þo freik(es) þat to the fight come
3650 Was Achilles a choise kyng   cheuallrus in armys
3651 And patroculus the proude a p(ri)se mon of werr(e)
3652 W(i)t(h) Diomed a doughti mon   deruist of hond
3653 A stronge man in stoure   stuernist in fight
3654 Sone the cause was declaret w(i)t(h) a clene wit
3655 Of the dede ilke a dele to þo derfe kyng(es)
3656 And opunly by on assent þai ordant hom all
3657 W(i)t(h) grym ost for to go   a grete nauy
3658 Elan fuersly to focche and hor fos qwell
3659 And veng on þ(er)e velany   þ(er)e vile harme
3660 And for explait of þ(er)e spede þai spekyn in fere
3661 To chese hom a cheftayn to be chefe of þem all
3662 To be p(ri)nse in þ(a)t p(ri)se and þe p(re)se haue
3663 All the ost for to hono(ur)   his hest kepe
3664 And be gou(er)net by the grete by greme(n)t of hom
3665 Þen by assent of þose sou(er)ans somyn þai yode
3666 And walit hom a wegh by wit as hom thoght
3667 To Agamyno(n) þai giffen þe gou(er)n(au)nce hole
3668 ffor worthiest of wit þat worship to haue
3669 And ordant hym Emp(er)ou(r) by opyn assent
3670 W(i)t(h) power full playn þe pepull to lede
3671 And obey to þat bolde his biddyng to wirke

The drownyng of Pollux   Castor

3672 Pollus the pert kyng and his pere Castor
3673 When hor sister was sesit saies me the story
3674 In hope for to hent hir highit to þe se
3675 W(i)t(h) a nauy full noble anon by hom seluyn
3676 The Troiens to take was þ(er)e intent euyn
3677 And hor sist(er) to sese w(i)t(h) sailyng þai wend
3678 Su(m) tellyn þis tale   for true holdyn
3679 Þat þai bode not the biddyng of þe buerne Menelay
3680 But when tithyng was told of hor t(ri)et sister
3681 Þai fore to þe fome as I before saide
3682 But how it tid of þ(a)t tale þis is tru sothe
3683 To þe wat(ur) þai went þo weghis to gedur
3684 Paris to pursew w(i)t(h) p(ri)se men of armes
3685 Thai sailit not sounde sothely to telle
3686 Two dayes by dene as hom dere felle
3687 When the heuyn in hast hepit w(i)t(h) cloudis

A Storme

3688 Wex merke as þe mydnight mengit þe ayre
3689 No light but of Laite þat Launchet aboue
3690 Thunret full throly thrappit the windes
3691 Sode(n)ly þo sailes were sorely bestad
3692 W(i)t(h) a ropand rayne rugh was the se
3693 The wyndes full wodely wackont anon
3694 Rut vp the rughe se on rokkes aboute
3695 As hilles hit hepit in a hond while
3696 So þe bre   the brethe burbelit to gedur
3697 Þat hit spirit vp spitiously fyue speire lenght
3698 W(i)t(h) walt(er) and wawes þ(a)t þe wynd dryues
3699 All fore as a fyre þe firmament ou(er)
3700 W(i)t(h) anugli noise noye for to here
3701 Hit sundrit þ(er)e sailes   þ(er)e sad ropis
3702 Cut of þ(er)e cables were caget to gedur
3703 All þ(er)e takyll was tynt tylue(er) ou(er) borde
3704 The nauy wex nakit noy was on hond
3705 The shippus w(i)t(h) shire wynd shodert in twyn
3706 Dryuen furth on the depe dole to be holde
3707 The two breþ(er) were abidyng bothe in a shippe
3708 Þat was stird w(i)t(h) the storme streght out of warde
3709 Rut on a rocke rof all to peces
3710 The bordes all to brast busshet in the water
3711 The duk(es) were drounet   oþ(er) dere folke
3712 All the sort þ(a)t hom suet sunkyn to ground
3713 A brode in the breme se barges   other
3714 And syn þe dethe was in doute of þo dere kyng(es)
3715 Ne non certayn cold say ne for sothe telle
3716 What worth of þo wight in the wilde se
3717 The gentils a iuges hom two iuste goddis
3718 Lyuond in the lefte w(i)t(h) lordships in heuyn
3719 Tranlate truly into triet ioy
3720 And poites haue put of þo p(ri)se brethir
3721 Þat þai rauichit were radly into þe red ayre
3722 And set in a seigne þat zodias is calld
3723 That demyt is to þis day duly w(i)t(h) clerk(es)
3724 Gemini aiugget in þ(er)e iuste artis
3725 ffor the sun vnder zodias settis hym to leng
3726 Two dayes betwene   dryues no ferre
3727 Mo in his meuyng þen any mene other
3728 But what as sothely be said of þo sure brethur
3729 ffor þe sute of þ(er)e suster somyn were þai drounyt
3730 Let Poyetis go play hom   passe to o(ur) tale
3731 Here Darys in his dyting duly auisys
3732 ffor to telle in his tale þe tulk(es) of Grece
3733 Of þ(er)e shap for to shew and þ(er)e shene colo(ur)
3734 Of þe worthiest þere were to wale hom be nom
3735 Þus he breuyt in his boke of þo brem kyng(es)
3736 ffor he segh hom in sight at sembles full ofte
3737 As in tymes of tru þaire tent(es) w(i)t(h) in
3738 And waited hom wele for þe wegh thoght
3739 To myn hom in makyng in man(er) as þai were

The Shape and Colou(r) of the Kyng(es) of Grece

3740 Agamynon þe gay was of a gode mykull
3741 His colou(r) of þat kyng all of clene qwite
3742 He was store mon of strenght stoutest in armes
3743 W(i)t(h) lymes full large light of his will
3744 Meke as a maidon mery w(i)t(h) all
3745 Wode in his wrathe wild as a lion
3746 He was witty þ(er)w(i)t(h)   wegh hardy
3747 And of facund full faire fre of his speche
3748 Menelay the mighty was of meane shap
3749 Noght so large of his lymys as his lefe brother
3750 In mesure was made of a medull sise
3751 Betwene the large   the litill likyng of colo(ur)
3752 Auntrus in armys eger of wer
3753 A bolde man in batell   of breme wille
3754 Achilles the choise was of chere faire
3755 Likyng   luffly a large man w(i)t(h) all
3756 Lykand   louely a large mon w(i)t(h) all
3757 Crispe horit was the kyng colouret as gold
3758 Stokyn ene out stepe w(i)t(h) a streught loke
3759 His loke was full louely when ledys were opyn
3760 W(i)t(h) a brest þat was brode byg of his shulders
3761 Grete armys in the gripe growen full rounde
3762 A large man of lenght w(i)t(h) lindis full brode
3763 A stythe man in stoure storest of wille
3764 Was no greke on þat grounde of so great strenght
3765 Ay bowne vnto batell boldist in armys
3766 Godely of giftes grettist in expense
3767 Ay furse on his fos and to fight redy
3768 Tantelus the tore kyng was a tulke hoge
3769 Borly of brede   of big strenght
3770 Wele colouret by course clene of his face
3771 Rede raikond in white as þe roose fresshe
3772 W(i)t(h) grete ene   gray gleyit a litill
3773 Meke of his man(er)s   manly in werre
3774 Aiax oelius / was outrage grete
3775 Brode of his brest byg in his armys
3776 A large man of lyms lengest of stature
3777 Costi(us) clothyng ay þe kyng weiret
3778 Noght lowrand w(i)t(h) laithe chere lefe for to speike
3779 Telamon truly was a tulke f?? faire
3780 Blake horit aboue breghis and other
3781 Serklyt of hom seluyn semly w(i)t(h) all
3782 A Sotell man of song w(i)t(h) mony sere notys
3783 And mellit hym w(i)t(h) musike   myrthes also
3784 He was doghty of dedys derfe of his hond
3785 Pompe and proude wordis ay þe p(ri)nse hated
3786 Vlexes the lefe kyng was loueliest of other
3787 He was the fairest by ferre of all the felle grek(es)
3788 And falsist in his fare and full of disseit
3789 Vndurtaker of treyne of talkyng but litull
3790 Neu(er) myrth in his mouthe meuyt w(i)t(h) tong
3791 Sad of his semblaund sober of chere
3792 And of facound fairest w(i)t(h) a fre speche
3793 He hade no make of þo men in meuyng of wordys
3794 Dyamede þe doughty was a dere kyng
3795 Stronge of his stature stithe in his armys
3796 Brode in his brest byg in his shulders
3797 W(i)t(h) a loke þat was laithe like out of wit
3798 ffals of his forward felle of his hond
3799 A derffe mon in dede dyssirus to batell
3800 Vnsober w(i)t(h) s(er)u(au)nd(es) sorofull in hert
3801 Dredfull in dole for dissait þ(a)t he vsit
3802 Lusty to lechery vnlell of his trouthe
3803 And mony harmes hepit for hete of his loue
3804 Of Duke Nestor to deme dughty in werre
3805 He was long   large w(i)t(h) lemys full grete
3806 A ffreike þat was fre and a feire speiker
3807 Wise in his wordys witte of counsaille
3808 Tru of his trowthe tristy to leue
3809 Meke of his man(er)s malise to pese
3810 And if he walte into wrathe wode as a lyon
3811 But he lengit not long in his lothe hate
3812 ffaithfull of frendship to frekys þat he louyt
3813 The hertiest to helpe of all the high kyng(es)
3814 Protheselus the pert kyng was of pure shap
3815 Semely for sothe   of Syse faire
3816 Doughty of dedis derfe of his hond(es)
3817 None wighter in werre ne of wille bettur
3818 Neptolon nobill was non of þe lest
3819 A store man of stature stabill of chere
3820 His hore was hard blake on his hed stode
3821 Grete Ene and gray w(i)t(h) a grym loke
3822 Rounde sydes for sothe sober of wille
3823 His shulders were shapon of a clene brede
3824 Bytill browet was the buerne þ(a)t a boue met
3825 And stutid full stithly þat stynt hym to speke
3826 But he was lernyd of þe lawe   in his lond wise
3827 ffor to comyn in a case hade a clere wit
3828 Palomydon the pure he was p(ri)nse faire
3829 Naulus son þe nobill kyng   his next childe
3830 Vne made of a mene in the medyll shap
3831 Large of a lenght lyuely   small
3832 Noght borely ne brode but as hym best semyt
3833 A stythe man of his stature stirond of wille
3834 Meuyt hym to mony thing(es)   of mynd gode
3835 Nobill talker w(i)t(h) tales tretable alse
3836 Curtas   kynd curious of honde
3837 Polidarius was pluttid as a porke fat
3838 ffull grete in the grippe all of grese hoge
3839 So bolnet was his body þ(a)t burthen hade ynoght
3840 The fete of þat freke to ferke hym aboute
3841 Or stond vppo streght for his strong charge
3842 Agparty was he proude p(re)sit after s(er)uys
3843 He wold not glally be glad ne glide into myrthe
3844 But eu(er)more ymaginand   entrond in thoght(es)
3845 Machaon the mody kyng was of a mene stature
3846 Noght to long ne to litle lusty to se
3847 Proude   p(re)sumpti(us) prouyt of wille
3848 Ballit was the buerne w(i)t(h) a brode face
3849 Neu(er) slept þat slegh for slouth vpon day
3850 Dares in his dytyng duly þus tellus
3851 Þat for the helpe of these hende   hertely of oþer
3852 Of Perse come the proude kyng w(i)t(h) pepull full mony
3853 And a company of knyght(es) comly to se
3854 Þat tellis his atyre   his triet strenght
3855 He was large   long   of lene shap
3856 W(i)t(h) a face somwhat fat fellist of colo(ur)
3857 The hore of þat hathell was huet as þe fire
3858 Bothe o berde   a boue all of bright rede
3859 Of the tulk(es) of Troy telle we now ferre
3860 Bothe of mesure   mykkyll whill I mynde haue
3861 As breuyt is in boke and aboue set
3862 ffull duly by Dares endited of olde
3863 Priam þe p(ri)se kyng was of pure shap
3864 A large man   a longe lyuely   small
3865 A faire man of feturs   hade of furse steuyn
3866 Wight in his werk(es)   of wit redy
3867 Delitid to the den(er) on dayes be tyme
3868 Noght ferfull ne furse fau(or)et full wele
3869 Louet he no lede þat lustid in wrange
3870 He rulit hym by reason   the right spake
3871 Songis of solemnite an songes of myrthe
3872 He wold herkon full hertely in his high wit
3873 Was neu(er) kyng vnder cloude his knight(es) more louet
3874 Ne grett(er) of giftes to his goode men
3875 Ne lellier louyt ledys of his a une
3876 Ne w(i)t(h) riches so rife rewardet his pepull
3877 Of all his sones for sothe þat semely were holdyn
3878 Non was so noble ne of nait strenght
3879 As Ector þe eldist   aire to hym seluyn
3880 He was truly in his tyme tristiest of other
3881 Þat leuit in any lond   a litle he stotid
3882 This p(ri)nse w(i)t(h) his pure strenght plainly ou(er)come
3883 All auntres in armys þat he ou(er) raght
3884 Non so stuerne þ(a)t w(i)t(h)stode a stroke of his hond
3885 He was massy   mekull made for þe nonest
3886 Neu(er) Troy no tyme soche a tulke bred
3887 So graithe ne so good ne of so gret myght
3888 Ruly   rightwise a roghe man of hore
3889 He spake neu(er) dispituosly ne spiset no man
3890 Ne warpit neu(er) worde of wrong w(i)t(h) his mowthe
3891 Ne sagh þ(a)t was vnsemond slipped hym fro
3892 But ay meke as a maydon   mylde of his speche
3893 Neu(er) hatfull to hym to hygh into batell
3894 Neu(er) wery of þat werke ne of wegh fferde
3895 He swat neu(er) for þ(a)t swynke ne in swayme felle
3896 Was neu(er) red in no romanse of renke vpon erth
3897 So well louyt w(i)t(h) all ledys þ(a)t in his lond dwelt
3898 Parys was pure faire and a port knight
3899 Hore huet on his hede as haspis of silke
3900 And in sighkyng it shone as the shyre golde
3901 He was bowmen O þe best bolde w(i)t(h) a speire
3902 A wild man to wale wode on his fos
3903 ffull siker at asaye   a sad knight
3904 Of hunters he was hed   hauntyd it ofte
3905 Deffebus was doughty   derfe of his hond
3906 The þrid son of þe sute   his sure brother
3907 Elen(us) the eldist euyn after hym
3908 Þo freik(es) were fourmet of feturs like
3909 Bothe of hyde   of hew to hede of a mykell
3910 fforto loke on þo ledys w(i)t(h) a light egh
3911 The ton fro þe tother was tor(e) for to ken
3912 In sight at þat sodan somyn   þai were
3913 The fourme of þo freik(es) was faithfully to se
3914 Right suche as the syre þat I said first
3915 Vndifferent to deme fro þ(er)e dere fader
3916 Saue Priam the p(ri)se was past into eld
3917 And þai of yeris full yong 3eu(er)us of wille
3918 The ton was a triet knight tristy in armys
3919 A wight man forto wale   wise of his dedis
3920 The tother sotels of syense to seke in a lond
3921 And a corius clerke w(i)t(h) a clene wit
3922 Troilus þe tru was full tore mekull
3923 ffull massely made   of mayn strenght
3924 And yet hoger of hert   of her wille
3925 He demenyt well his man(er)s   be mesure wroght
3926 A Mirour vnto Maidens   mony hym louyt
3927 And delited hym in dole w(i)t(h) damsels ofte
3928 But he mesuret his man(er)s þof he þe myrth vsid
3929 Þat it Impairyt not his p(er)son ne his p(ur)pos lettid
3930 In strenght ne in stryfe þ(er)e strok(es) were delte
3931 He was Ector eftsones or ellis suche another
3932 In all the kyngdome   cuntre þat to þe coron longit
3933 Was no yong man so 3epe ne 3eu(er)us of dedis
3934 Ne so hardy of hond holdyn in his tyme
3935 Eneas was eu(er)more eger of wille
3936 Brode in his brest   of body litill
3937 Wise in his werk(es)   of wordis sober
3938 A faire speiker in a spede speciall of wit
3939 A clene man of counsell w(i)t(h) a cloise hert
3940 Of lett(er)ur(e)   langage lurnyt ynoghe
3941 A mon full of mekenes   mery of his chere
3942 ffaire ene hade þe freke   of fyn colour
3943 Glemyt as þe glasse and gliet a litle
3944 Of all the tulk(es) of Troy to telle þem by name
3945 Was non so riche of rentt(es) ne of ronke godes
3946 Of castels full close   mony clene tounes
3947 Antenor also was abill mon of wit
3948 Long mon   large lyuely   small
3949 Mony wordys hade þe wegh wise of his dedis
3950 In fele thing(es) forwise   a fer caster
3951 Wele louyt of his lege delited hym in myrthe
3952 Bourdfull emong buernes blithe of his wordis
3953 Hethyngfull to hathels but it harmyt not
3954 Polidamas þe pert þat was his p(ri)se son
3955 ffull 3eu(er)   3epe and a yong knight
3956 ffaire man of fassure   of fyn strenght
3957 Worshipfull in wer(e) wise of his dedis
3958 A Large man of lenght delyu(er)e   small
3959 Euyn fourmyt as his fader of fetur(e)   other
3960 A full strong man in stoure sturnyst in Armys
3961 Wrothe w(i)t(h) a worde   away sone
3962 His colou(r) blent was in blake w(i)t(h) a blithe chere
3963 Merion the mighty kyng / was massely shapen
3964 A faire man of fourme   a fre knight
3965 Grete sydes to gripe growen full sad
3966 Brode shulders a boue big of his armys
3967 A harde brest hade þe buerne   his backe sware
3968 Crispe horis   clene all in cours yalowe
3969 All the borders blake of his bright ene
3970 A felle man in fight fuerse on hys enmys
3971 And in batell full bigge   myche bale wroght
3972 Grete worship he wan while the wer laste
3973 Ecuba the onest   on(er)able qwene
3974 Was shewyng in shap of a shene brede
3975 Massily made as a man lyke
3976 She hade a wond(ur)full wit a woman to bere
3977 Alse sad in þe syens as semyt for a lady
3978 Wele norisshed þ(er) w(i)t(h) wise of hir dedis
3979 Meke of hir man(er)s mildest myldest of chere
3980 Onest ou(er)all as aght hir astate
3981 And delited hir deply in dedis of charite
3982 Andromaca / auenond abill of p(er)son
3983 Worthy Ector wyfe was a we faire
3984 Long body hade the burdde bright of hir colou(r)
3985 Ho was mesurably made as þe mylke white
3986 Hir ene flamyng fresshe as any fyne stones
3987 Rud as þe roose raiked in hir chekes
3988 Hir lippes were louely littid w(i)t(h) rede
3989 Gilde hores had þat gay godely to se
3990 Most onest of other eu(er) in hur tyme
3991 And all hir dedis full duly done by a mesure
3992 Cassandra the clere Was a Clene Maydon
3993 Semly of a Sise as the silke white
3994 Womo(n)ly wroght waike of hir colou(r)
3995 Godely of gou(er)n(au)nce and gleyit a litle
3996 Of wemen werk(es) wilnet ho none
3997 Most was hir mynd hir maidonhed to kepe
3998 Mony cas forto cu(m) ho be course wiste
3999 By artys of astronomy   ame of hir wit
4000 By staring on the sternys thurghe hir stithe lore
4001 Polexena the pert was p(ri)se of all other
4002 Of feturs   fourme þe fairest on lyue
4003 ffull tendur of hir tyme triet of hewe
4004 Of hir fairnes fele may no freike telle
4005 Ne no wegh has wit ne wordys þ(er)fore
4006 ffor to labur so longe of hir lefe shap
4007 But truly I telle as þe text sais
4008 Ho was of bewte aboue all / borne in hir tyme
4009 To wale þurgh the world of wemen bedene
4010 Alse noble for þe nonest as natu(re) cold deuyse
4011 To paint in yche place thurgh his pure study
4012 Þat errit not in anythyng of abilte þer(e)
4013 Saue he demyt hyr dedly when hir day come
4014 To þat aband(a)unse of bewte ho was best norisshed
4015 And ay cheriste hir chastite w(i)t(h) a choise wille
4016 Witte to wale wantid no thewes
4017 Voidet all vanities   v(er)tus dissyret
4018 Þus dares in his dyting deuyses þe shap
4019 Of þese freik(es) in fere þ(a)t I before tolde
4020 Of kyng(es)   knight(es)   oþ(er) clene     ladies
4021 Of duk(es) by dene þat were dere holden
4022 Of the grettist of Grece   of gret Troy
4023 Þat he had comyng w(i)t(h) in company   knew well þe p(er)sons
4024 As the worthiest to wale   Wildest in Armys
4025 Of these nomly to neuyn   nobill men other
4026 How þai bere hom in batell I buske me to say
4027 And tell how hom tyd whill I tyme haue
4028 Stir fuorth to ou(r) story   stynt here a while

Neynt Boke of the Nowmber of Shippes
and the Navy of the Grekes

4029 Comyn was by course þ(a)t the cold wynt(ur)
4030 Was wastid   went w(i)t(h) his wete shoures
4031 ffrostes were faren and the fell cold
4032 The slippond slete slidon of the ground
4033 fflodys were fallyn into furse vales
4034 And into caues be course clensit the erthe
4035 Wyndis wastid away warmyt the ayre
4036 The rede beames aboue blusshet w(i)t(h) hete
4037 Ver entrid full evyn eger w(i)t(h) all
4038 The su(n) in his serkill set in þe last
4039 Passing fro pisshes vnder playn course
4040 ffeu(er)yere faryn w(i)t(h) his fuerse windes
4041 At the Metyng of Marche w(i)t(h) his mayn droghte
4042 The grete Nauy of Grekes w(i)t(h) a grym oste
4043 Entrid into Attens euyn at hor wille
4044 And holly in hauyn þ(er)e houyt þai to gedur
4045 ffor to rest in þe rode   hor rede take
4046 Now wete yche wegh þ(a)t writyng beholdis
4047 Or þat stares vpon stories   stirs in bokys
4048 Þat syn the firmame(n)t was fourmed   folke vpon erthe
4049 Syche a Nauy was neu(er) of nowmb(u)r to gedir
4050 Ne soche a company clene of knight(es)   other
4051 Ne so fele feghtyng men in a fflete samyn
4052 Of the worthy þ(er)e were thus þe write sais
4053 Agamynon the gret was gide of hom all
4054 Leder of þo lordis fro his lond broght
4055 A hundrith shippes full shene w(i)t(h) sharp men of armys
4056 Pight full of pepull   mony p(ri)se knight
4057 Menelay the mighty þat was his mete brother
4058 Com fro his kyngdom w(i)t(h) clene shippes Sixti
4059 W(i)t(h) nobill men for þe nonest a nowmb(u)r full hoge
4060 And sped hym fro spart his awne spilte rewme
4061 Out of boyse was þ(er)e brought w(i)t(h) bold men two
4062 Archilacus was on auntrus in werre
4063 And Protheno a p(ri)se kyng p(re)stly þat other
4064 In hor company com ??? clene shippes fyfte
4065 W(i)t(h) abill men of armys auntrus in fight
4066 Þer suet out of Sithe semly men two
4067 Ascalaphus a skathil duke   skaut mon in wer(e)
4068 And Helin(us) a hede vrle hadyn to gedur
4069 Thretty shippes full shene o þe shire wat(er)
4070 W(i)t(h) barons of the best   bold men w(i)t(h) in
4071 Ephistaphus a pert kyng   p(ri)nse out of force
4072 And Tedius þ(a)t tothir þ(a)t was his trew felowe
4073 ffyfty shippes in fere folowet hom two
4074 W(i)t(h) a company of knight(es) cast for þe wer(e)
4075 Telamon / the tore kyng tid for to haue
4076 ffifty shippis full faire of his fuerse rewme
4077 And of the Cite of Salerne þ(a)t suyt hym after
4078 In his company come mony clene duke
4079 And Erles also w(i)t(h) other gret lordis
4080 The duke of Teucon to tell truly was þ(er)e
4081 Amphimak / also auntrus in wer(e)
4082 Darion / the derfe Erle   doughty Theseus
4083 Nestor / the nobill duke þ(a)t was anold mon
4084 ffore out of Philon w(i)t(h) fyfti gret shippes
4085 Toax fro toyle þat was a true kyng
4086 ffyfte shippes in fere to the fflete broght
4087 Aiax oelius aunterous in armys werre
4088 Thretty shippes full thrifte throng into hauyn
4089 And sex of a sort þat suyt hym after
4090 Polibat aproude kyng   his pere Amphias
4091 Þai come out of Calsidon w(i)t(h) a clene pepull
4092 And foure scoure fyne shippes to the flete broght
4093 Out of Trasy þ(er)e turnet triet Vlexes the kyng
4094 W(i)t(h) fyfty in a furthe all of fuerse vesell
4095 Duke Melioz the mighty met in a hauyn
4096 And soght fro his Cite sothely of Pygre
4097 W(i)t(h) Eleuon od shippes abyll to werre
4098 Potechas   Protesselon þo proude dukes twoo
4099 Þai focchid out of Philard þ(a)t was þ(er)e fre lond
4100 ffyfte shippes in fere   fore vnto Attens
4101 Machaon   Polidus pris kyng(es) bothe
4102 Turnyt out of Trision   triet shippes broght
4103 Two   thretty full thryuo(n)d   þrong into p(re)se
4104 Out of Phithes þe faire Cite folowet Achilles
4105 ffifte shippes ful shene strode fro þe depe
4106 Kyng Thelephus tomly toke from his hauyn
4107 Twelue shippes well shapon   shalk(es) w(i)t(h) in
4108 Of his rewme noght riche Rodan was cald
4109 Rufirus the ryche raght fro his rewme
4110 Þat Sicham was said sothely to nome
4111 And fyfte shippys full shene folowed hym after
4112 Two duk(es) full derke droghen in fere
4113 I shall neme you þ(er)e nomes now er I pas
4114 Antius   Amphimake auntirous in werre
4115 Þay were lord(es) of a lond þ(er)e ledis in dwelt
4116 That were bioustious of beiryng byg men w(i)t(h) all
4117 Enerdond by hor one   Elyda hit hight
4118 Þai broght to the brym .xj. bigge shippes
4119 Polibethes a proud kyng pert of his dedis
4120 He broght to the brym barges eleivon
4121 Prothylus a pert kyng put on þe water
4122 ffyfte shippes fyn full of folke all
4123 Of Deymon duly his owne drie lond
4124 Kyng Sapmon for soth soght to þ(a)t hauyn
4125 W(i)t(h) alsmony abill shippes auntrid hym seluyn
4126 Þat Capidoise cald is þe cuntre so all hat
4127 Teori(us) a tryet kyng toke fro his rewme
4128 And broght of his brode lond þ(a)t boisa is callid
4129 Two   thretty thred shippes þrast full of pepull
4130 And when thiez sou(er)auns were somyn sothely to telle
4131 Of kyng(es) full kene   of kyd duk(es)
4132 The sowme for to set was sexty   nene
4133 The noumber of the noble shippes þat to þe note yode
4134 ffor to telle hom by tale was truly a thowsaund
4135 Twohundreth   twenty   twelue o þe last
4136 W(i)t(h)out Palomydon þe proude þ(a)t p(re)set hom after
4137 W(i)t(h) a nauy full noble Nawlus son of the grete
4138 When thes graidly were gedret   gird into hauyn
4139 Þen come þai to counsell as I shall kythe after

Tent Boke How the Grek(es) sent vnto
Delphon to haue onsware of a god
of thayre Iournay

4140 Lenge We a little w(i)t(h) lykyng to telle
4141 How thies kyng(es) w(i)t(h) hor knight(es) carpyn to gedur
4142 When all were at attens aunt(er) befell
4143 Agamynon the gret gedrit in fere
4144 Into a place þat was playne w(i)t(h)out the p(ri)se Cite
4145 There Setis for þo sou(er)ans Sothely was maked
4146 ffor kyng(es) þat þ(er)e come   other kyd duk(es)
4147 Bothe Erles   almen after þ(er)e astate
4148 When all set were in sercle þe sou(er)ayn aboute
4149 And silence on yche syde the serkyll w(i)t(h) in
4150 Agamynon the graithe þat the gomes led
4151 These wordes he warpid þo worthy vnto
4152 Ye p(ri)nces full prest þ(a)t p(re)sent are here
4153 Þat w(i)t(h) pouer of pepull p(re)sit are hider
4154 And aioynt to þis Iorney Iustly to gedur
4155 Considirs to this company   the clene strenght
4156 What bolde ye haue broght into þis brode hauyn
4157 What fighting folke yche freike has
4158 Who sothely hath sene soche a pepull ere
4159 Neu(er) wegh as I wene syn þe world stode
4160 Se at a Semly soche a sight hoole
4161 Of kyng(es) in a company   of kyd duk(es)
4162 Erles and other men all of assent
4163 Ne of one p(ur)pas in a place pepull so fele
4164 So mony yong men   3epe 3eu(er)us of wille
4165 So od men in armys   egur to fight
4166 To fare in a furde ou(r) fos to distroy
4167 Þai are blyndit w(i)t(h) baret   w(i)t(h) bare sorow
4168 Þat wackons vp werre   wrathus vs in hert
4169 Or stiris vs w(i)t(h) strenght vpon stuerne wise
4170 ffor in this semly for sothe soche men I know
4171 A hundrith þ(a)t w(i)t(h) hond(es) ou(r) harmys might wreike
4172 Perfourme ou(r) p(ur)pos   put it to end
4173 Þat we so mony and so mighty are meuyt to do
4174 Ye weton all full wele þe worthy ben here
4175 Of daunger   desese is don to ou(r) londis
4176 Of shame   of shenship shapyn vs alate
4177 Ou(r) fryndys defelet and fonget ou(r) godys
4178 Þe harmys we haue   hethyng w(i)t(h) all
4179 Hit sitt(es) vs full sore to suffer on lyue
4180 Hit meuys vs w(i)t(h) mo(n)hode þ(a)t malis to venge
4181 And aunter vs in armys ou(r) Enmyes to greue
4182 W(i)t(h) strenght for to stryve   strok(es) to dele
4183 The Troiens to tene þ(a)t trespas haue done
4184 All somyn by assent w(i)t(h) a sad wille
4185 To venge of ou(r) velany   ou(r) vile greme
4186 And þat is rightwise   reasonable to riche vs þ(er)to
4187 ffirst to refrayne the fame þ(a)t men speik(es)
4188 And wipe of ou(r) wranges   wirdis vs dem
4189 So þ(a)t Troiens fro þis tyme take not on honde
4190 To aspye vs w(i)t(h) spite in no spede efte
4191 Þat all þe weghes of þe world be warnit by hom
4192 And þ(a)t no tale may be told in tyme for to come
4193 Ne witnes in w(ri)tyng by weghes herafter
4194 Þat any lord of ou(r) lond shuld lacche soche a skorne
4195 Vnwrokyn w(i)t(h) wondis þ(a)t weghes may knowe
4196 Ne we þat are so worthy   wight men ynogh
4197 Shall not slely let slid ne slip out of mynd
4198 Þat ou(r) successou(r)s may say sothely in elde
4199 Dyssehono(ur) of ou(r) dedys   dem vs for feble
4200 Syn we now ben of noble men in nowmb(u)r so fele
4201 And of strenght so stor(e) stondyng in one
4202 Who is now so qweme or qwaint of his wit
4203 That couthe mesure ou(r) myght or w(i)t(h) mouthe tell
4204 The pouer of ou(r) pupull   ou(r) playn strenght
4205 Wo so hardy durst hede or on hond take
4206 To wrathe vs be any way or wirk vs dysses
4207 Saue þes fonnet folke þe frigies of troy
4208 Þat vnwysely has wroght w(i)t(h) wyttis full febill
4209 And offendit ou(r) frenchyp thurght foli of ho(m) seluy(n)
4210 Ne mynd not þos me(n) of þe mykyll harme
4211 That a fone of ou(r) folke before hom has done
4212 Whe(n) lamydon was lord   þe lond eght
4213 That was fader to the freke that offens mas
4214 Kyld all his knyghtes cu(m)brit his rewme
4215 Sesit his site slong hit to ground
4216 And fele of his folke fongit on lyue
4217 Led into ou(r) londys þ(a)t lengis þ(er) het 3et
4218 In seruage and sorow set for to dwelle
4219 Þ(er)fore sotly hyt semys not surfetus harde
4220 No vnpossibill thys pupull p(er)fourme in dede
4221 That fyuetymes fewer before home has done
4222 Þai wetyn full wele þe wyllys of vs here
4223 That we p(ur)pos a pouer to put in hor lond
4224 To noy hom w(i)t(h) note and negh ho(m) belyue
4225 Su(m) helpe forto haue hast hom þay wyll
4226 Of ledys of othyr lond lyond hom gayne
4227 To w(i)t(h) stond vs w(i)t(h) strenght   stroy of ou(r) pupyll
4228 And þaire cu(n)tre to kepe w(i)t(h) cu(m)pany grete
4229 Þerfor sotly me semys   yow so lyke
4230 Er we passe fro þis port or pul vp ou(r) saylys
4231 That we make vs a message of men of astate
4232 Duly to Delphon deuoutly to wende
4233 To the yle þ(er)e Appolyn erdis w(i)t(h) in
4234 In hast forto herkyn of þo hend goddes
4235 What shall falle vs by ffortune er we ferre pas
4236 Of þis mater þat vs meuys   mo of ou(r) dedys
4237 Þis is clerely my councell conceyuis hit all
4238 When the sou(er)ayn hade said he sesit anon
4239 Of hor willes to wete þo worthy by dene
4240 Bothe kyng(es)   knight(es)   other kyd duk(es)
4241 All assentid hom sone þat his saw herd
4242 This message to make þo mighty deuyset
4243 Achilles the cheualrous by þ(er)e choise witt(es)
4244 And Patroculus the proude his pere forto be
4245 ffor proffet of þo p(ri)nses and hor p(ri)se folke
4246 Þai were demyt vnto Delphon this dede to p(er)forme
4247 Of þ(er)e noyus note a no(n)sware to haue
4248 W(i)t(h) offryng at appolyn if aunt(er) might falle
4249 Worship to wyn and wreke on hor fos
4250 W(i)t(h)out tarying full tite þai t(ur)nyt into hauyn
4251 Achilles full chere and his choise felow
4252 And saylet furth soberly as hom selfe lyket
4253 Hade wedur at þ(er)e wille and the wat(er) calme
4254 Dryuon vnto Delphyn   no deire þolit
4255 Vmclosit w(i)t(h) a course of the colde ythes
4256 W(i)t(h) a sercle of þe sea þ(a)t soght þ(er)e aboute
4257 Not Delphon but Delos su(m) demyt hit to hat
4258 Þat is the myddis   þe most of mony smale yles
4259 Set in a sercle þe same place vmbe
4260 As þai are fourmet w(i)t(h) the flode fyfte   thre
4261 To reckon by row þe rodys is the moste
4262 In þat yle sais ysidir euyn on a hylle
4263 Ys Appolyn hono(ur)t and also Diana
4264 There was foundyt a faire temple of a fyn werke
4265 W(i)t(h) wallis vp wroght wyn to be holde
4266 Þere Appollo the pure god was p(ri)ncipally worshippid
4267 Delos who demys hit is duly to say
4268 Shortly to shalk(es) a shewyng on opun
4269 And fro þ(a)t soile for sothe the su(n) first aperit
4270 And the mone in the merke to men of þe lond
4271 Þerfore gentils aiugget   for iuste held
4272 Þat in þ(a)t bare yle / bothe borne were þai first
4273 Þat lede in þ(er)e langage lyuely can call
4274 The pure su(n) in his p(ri)de appollus doughter
4275 And ediana also þai amyt hit to nome
4276 The mone in his myldnes þai menyt to hat
4277 Ortigia ou(er) all honouret w(i)t(h) grek(es)
4278 Of þis mater Nomore but meue to o(ur) tale
4279 In this Temple was a tor ymage all of t(ri)et gold
4280 In hono(ur) of Appolyn þat I ere saide
4281 Þof it defe were   doumbe ded as a ston
4282 The gentils hit aiugget as a iust god
4283 W(i)t(h) errou(re) vnable þ(a)t erst hom began
4284 And worshippit hom wofully for hom wit lacket
4285 Of þe Godhed giffen þ(a)t grew from the sun
4286 Þat all mightyle made   m(er)ket of noght
4287 ffor lacke of beleue þai light into erro(ur)
4288 And fellon vnto fals godd(es)   faithly hono(ur)t
4289 W(i)t(h) worship on all wise as weghis vppon lyue
4290 Þat no pouer hade plainly but of ??? pale fynd(es)
4291 Þat entrid into ymagis eu(er) for dissayet
4292 Spekand to specyals þat spede for to aske
4293 Thurgh falshed of fyndes þe folke to dissayue
4294 And to ert hom in errou(r) eu(er)more to lenge
4295 I will tell here a tale er I turne furre
4296 Of þe fyndyng of false godd(es)   the foule vse
4297 How sprittis in hom spake to qwho þ(a)t spirre wold
4298 And how fowle þ(a)t þai faylit at the firre end
4299 Throgh the glorious gyfte of godd(es) son of heuyn
4300 That come to ou(r) kynd thrugh a cleane Mayden
4301 All maumentre in my ddelerth myrtlit to pes
4302 And wastid away þurgh wit of hym one
4303 As the gospell of God þat gabbis not says
4304 When Heraude in angre atled to sle
4305 Cryste þurgh his curstnes as þe clause tellus
4306 Anangell anon neghed to Iasep
4307 Sent fro the sou(er)ayn þat in s Cele Dwelles
4308 To take the childe for a chaunse   his choise moder
4309 And euyn into Egipt entre on his way
4310 When Criste in þat contre come w(i)t(h) his dame
4311 The false goddes in fere fell to þe ground
4312 Bothe mawhown(us)   maume(n)t(es) myrtild in peces
4313 Isai also oponly tellus
4314 When Ih(es)u Egipte Ioynit w(i)t(h)in
4315 All Symylacres for sothe soghtyn to ground
4316 Þat was a tokyn he tellus fro tyme of his come
4317 Þat sacrifice shuld sese vnto ser goddis
4318 Þus the Iewes aiugen   for iust holdyn
4319 Þat ysmaiell of all men erst hom began
4320 Maume(n)t(es) to make of moldes   clay
4321 And the gentils aiuggen Iustly anoþ(er)
4322 Promothe(us) p(ri)nsipall of þat pure art
4323 Þat folke are fourmyt faithly to gentils
4324 ffor no law in hor lede list hom to holde
4325 But folowit þ(er)e foule wille as fyndis hom taght
4326 Nawther c(er)cunsiset sothely in sort w(i)t(h) the Iewes
4327 Ne comyn w(i)t(h) criste(n) men ne on Criste leuyn
4328 But barly as þai borne were bydon þai stille
4329 And nauther law ne belefe louton hom to
4330 The furst þat was founden of þes fals godd(es)
4331 Was wroght on this wise as weghes can tell

Off beall the god   belsabub

4332 By on delus a derfe kyng þat deghit in eld
4333 Or belus as þe boke says bothe were his namys
4334 Hade a son þat hym sewit sesit in his lond
4335 Nine was his nome   his next heire
4336 He brought hym to berynes on his best wise
4337 As be come for a kyng closit hym faire
4338 W(i)t(h) solempne sepulcre sothely wroght
4339 And for his fader shuld faithly be fer in his mynd
4340 Anymage anoble anon gert he make
4341 All g(ra)uyn of gold   of good stonys
4342 Vne of mesure   mykyll of his myld fader
4343 ffull solemly set in sight of the pepull
4344 W(i)t(h) worship on all wise þat worthy comaundit
4345 To all the pepull of his p(ro)uyns as a p(ri)se god
4346 Þat ymage to hono(ur) he ordant hym seluyn
4347 And gert the ledis to beleue þ(a)t in his lond dwelt
4348 Þat the gome was a god groundet in blisse
4349 And so the ffigur of his fader was falsly hono(ur)yt
4350 By assent of hym selfe þat the soile aght
4351 And þen the fynd w(i)t(h) his falshed   his fer cast
4352 E(n)trid in þat ymage   onswaret the pepull
4353 Who þ(a)t any thyng asket after his dissyre
4354 Þ(er)e onswaret opunly the Aungell of helle
4355 And so the ledis of the lond lyuely hym cald
4356 Su(m) beall / su(m) belus / su(m) bell þe god
4357 Su(m) belphegor   belsabub as hom best likes
4358 In ensample of þat same sithym other folke
4359 Haue feynit mony fals godd(es) þ(a)t þe fynd pleit
4360 Did hono(ur) to dede men   for dere heldyn
4361 And þe su(n) the saidon sothely a god
4362 Þat appollo the pepull put vnto nome
4363 Þat is hono(ur)it in the yle þat I of tolde
4364 Delphon or delos dem as ye list
4365 And þan ven(us) the worthy is worshippit w(i)t(h) su(m)
4366 Þat of planett(es) of p(ri)se has hor pure nome
4367 Þen m(er)cury a mighty god is most in hono(ur)
4368 Þat þai saidon was sun sothely to Iobiter
4369 Then the mone was most made forto please
4370 That Diana full duly þai demyt to hat
4371 And þus in cost(es) and cuntreis of þe cursit gentils
4372 Þai sought w(i)t(h) sac(ri)fice vnto sere godd(es)
4373 In Egipt was hono(ur) ysum asas god
4374 An in the cuntre of Crete cald vpon Iubiter
4375 The men of Mawsom most hono(ur)t ymbam
4376 And þe latyn led loutid to flawm
4377 At Rome þai reu(er)enst vppon riche wise
4378 One qwirion a qwicke fynde   qwemly did s(er)ue
4379 At attens all folke aykewardly worshippid
4380 Minera a maument   most on hym leuyt
4381 A pauy a pure god the pepull cald venus
4382 At Lenno þai loutid to a laithe fynde
4383 On volcanu(m) þai worshippt on þ(er)e wise most
4384 At Vaxor þe vayn pepull voidly hono(ur)it
4385 Bachian a bale fynd as a blist god
4386 And at Delphon duly for derrest of other
4387 Appollyn was hono(ur)it as I here said
4388 In yche yle vppon erth Eftur hor deuise
4389 Thai made mowme(n)tt(es) of mold in mynd of hor godd(es)
4390 And hono(ur)it ou(er) all thyng as þ(er)e belefe askit
4391 Thus þurgh falshed of þe fend þe folke was dissayuit
4392 Vnder daunger of þe dule droupet full longe
4393 Of whose falshed   fourme in his first makyng
4394 Will I somwhat say   sithen of his falle
4395 But þe fader þat first fourmyt all thinge
4396 Both the ayre   Element   angels in heuyn
4397 Water   wynde   welkyn aboue
4398 In the highest heuyn as holy writ sais
4399 He ordant angels after his deuyse
4400 And set hom in s(er)uice hym seluon to hono(ur)
4401 But on the oddist of other ordant ou(r) lord
4402 Brightist of bemes in blisse forto dwelle
4403 Of whom the p(ro)ffet of p(ri)se plainly can say
4404 Þ(er)e was no sterne in astate stode hym aboue
4405 Ne no pert tre in p(ar)adise apperi(n)g to hym
4406 Ne burione ne braunche to his beamys like
4407 God fou(r)met hym so faire as I fynd here
4408 Þat mony legions his light launchit aboue
4409 Thurgh his fairhed as fast he felleinto p(ri)de
4410 When he said of hym selfe his sete he wold make
4411 ffull noble in þe north þat non shuld be her
4412 Like to þe lord þat the light made
4413 Euynyng in all thing euyn w(i)t(h) hym selfe
4414 Sone he fell of his faire hed   fele of his peres
4415 Þat assenttid to þat syn sonkyn in fere
4416 Mony legion þ(er)e light vnto laithe fend(es)
4417 W(i)t(h) lucifer þat lyuet in delitis aboue
4418 Þat wofully welt   woundit to the dethe
4419 Thus the gospell of God of þat grym tellis
4420 I segh satan hym selfe slippe out of heuyn
4421 As þe leuenyng(es) light þat laches to ground
4422 This fend was þe first þat fell for his pride
4423 And lost has his lykyng þat lyuyaton is cald
4424 And for the case is vnknowen be course to þe lewd
4425 Here su(m)what I say er I sew ferre
4426 And ysidre in ethemolige openly tellus
4427 Þat bemoth in Ebrew ys opunly to say
4428 A roid beste vnreasonable þ(a)t no rule hold(es)
4429 And for þe fend was so fals   full of dissait
4430 God at the begynnyng of his gret falle
4431 Wroght hym to a worme in wildurnes like
4432 Writhen as the writte sayes like a wilde eddur
4433 And for grettnes of þat Grym in his grete filthe
4434 He is demyt a dragon w(i)t(h) Dauid the p(ro)phete
4435 In his song of the sawter þ(er)e he sais þus
4436 This dragon of dissait þ(a)t þ(o)u derfly hath fo(ur)met
4437 Go seche in the sauter the Salme to the end
4438 And loke of lyuyatan in the lyffe of saynt Brandon
4439 There þis warloghe Iwis a wat(ur) eddur is cald
4440 Þat þis saint þ(er)e seghe in the se occiane
4441 full large   long of a lawe depnes
4442 Closet þ(er)e be comaundeme(n)t of his clene maker
4443 Vnto the day of dom dulfully to abide
4444 Writhyn is þat warlaghe w(i)t(h) wilis ynoghe
4445 Monnes saule to dissaiue   in Syn holde
4446 Þis lyuyatan leder of all thies laithe fyndes
4447 To ou(r) fader the first felle in Envy
4448 And put hym to p(ar)adise p(re)stly anon
4449 To tempt hom w(i)t(h) trayn þ(a)t trist of no neuyll
4450 To forfet þat faire place   offense make
4451 Hade a face vne fourmet as a fre maydon
4452 And as a sprite in hor spake þ(a)t sped to ou(r) harme
4453 Or barly toke body of þat bold eddur
4454 And so w(i)t(h) falshed   faire ou(r) faders dissayuit
4455 And all þ(er)e successo(ur)s sorily sent vnto pyne
4456 Of this mater of mawme(n)try nomore at this tyme
4457 Þis sufficis forsothe ses we now here
4458 And turne to ou(r) tale   take þ(er)e we lefte
4459 Thus be dissayt of the deuyll as I declaret haue
4460 This appollo apperit to pepull full ofte
4461 In Delphon or Delos dem as ye list
4462 To þis appollo þe pure god þ(a)t pepull hono(ur)et
4463 Thies kyng(es) by course comyn anon
4464 Þat messengers were made fro þe maisters of Grece
4465 And t(ur)nyt into tempull fro þ(er)e tore shippis
4466 Be counsell of the kepers when the course felle
4467 Þat s(er)ued þat Synagod to the sory fyndes
4468 Than entrid þai w(i)t(h) hono(ur)   offerond made
4469 Grete soumes for sothe of sylu(er)   of golde
4470 Did þ(er)e deuoc(i)on as hom dere thought
4471 And frayned at the fynd how þai fare shuld
4472 Of þaire Io(ur)nay full Iustly a Iuggeme(n)t to haue
4473 And þen Appollo apperith w(i)t(h) a p(ri)ue voise
4474 To þo worthy o this wise as þe writ sayes

The answare of Appollo to Achylles

4475 Achilles Achilles a litle to þe Grek(es)
4476 Sew to the same þ(a)t þou art sent fro
4477 Tell hom for truth þat hom tyde shall
4478 In sounde for to saile somyn vnto Troy
4479 And mony batels on bent w(i)t(h) buernes to thole
4480 And the tent yere truly tell hom for sothe
4481 Þ(er)e worship to wyn   þ(er)e wille haue
4482 All the Cite to sese and the syde londis
4483 Kyng P(ri)am to pyne   his pure wife
4484 All his sonnes to slo w(i)t(h) sleght of yo(ur) honde
4485 Þaire riches to robbe   þ(er)e rife goodis
4486 And no lede for to lyue but þat hom selfe thinke
4487 When Achilles this chaunse choisely hade herd
4488 He was glad of þe graunt and the god answared
4489 And er he t(ur)nyt fro the temple thus he tid euyn
4490 A tulke out of Troy testor aune sone
4491 Þat was a bisshop of the burghe   a buerne wise
4492 Calcas by course was his kyd nome
4493 A Sad man of siens sought to þe temple
4494 ffrom p(ri)am his pure kyng p(ri)uely sent
4495 To haue answare at Appollin what aunt(er) shuld falle
4496 Of the tulk(es) of Troy and the t(ri)et pepull
4497 He meuyt to the mowme(n)t(es) w(i)t(h) his mayne giftes
4498 P(ra)iond hym p(re)stly as a pure god
4499 To warne hym full wightly what wirdis shuld happyn
4500 And þusgatis to the gome þen the god saide

Thonsware of Appollo to calcas Bysshop of Troy

4501 Calcas calcas cair þow not home
4502 Ne t(ur)ne neu(er) to Troy for tene þ(a)t may falle
4503 But go w(i)t(h) the grek(es) into the gret nauy
4504 W(i)t(h) achilles the coise kyng chose on þi way
4505 Part neu(er) fro þat pepull ne the p(ri)se leue
4506 ffor it is gr(a)untid of goddis the grek(es) for to haue
4507 The fairer of þ(a)t fight vnto the ferre end
4508 All Troy for to take   tirue at hor wille
4509 And þi graithnes may gretly the grek(es) auaile
4510 W(i)t(h) councell   comyng in cas þat will falle
4511 Till þai haue wonen hor will wete þ(o)u for sothe
4512 And when Calcas w(i)t(h) comyng hade kyndly p(er)sayuit
4513 Þat Achilles the choise was in the chere temple
4514 He wentto þ(a)t worthy his wille for to shewe
4515 And euyn told hym by tale as hym tid hade
4516 And felle of affynite and frynd(es) be come
4517 Achilles w(i)t(h) chere cherisshed hym full mekull
4518 And hight hym hoge thinge to haue at his wille
4519 Þus went þay to water þose wise men to gedur
4520 Cacched in cables   þ(er)e kene ancres
4521 Sesit vp þ(er)e sailes   in sound rowet
4522 Past ou(er) the pale stremes   no payne tholit
4523 Ent(er)it into Attens þ(er)e þe oste lay
4524 Þo shene out of shippe shoke into bootes
4525 Houit to þe bonke the Bisshop hym w(i)t(h)
4526 To agamynon þai gon w(i)t(h) other gaye kyng(es)
4527 Bothe duk(es) and derfe Erles droghen to gedur
4528 That were blithe of þat bisshop þ(a)t þai broght hade
4529 Achilles to tho choise men all the chaunse tolde
4530 The answare of Appolyn what aunt(er) shuld happon
4531 How hom grauntid was the gre by the godd(es) all
4532 And how calcas the cont(ra)ry cachit of hym
4533 That fro P(ri)am was putto haue a pure onsware
4534 And how in batell hym bydon was abide w(i)t(h) the grek(es)
4535 Till troy all takyn were   tiruet to ground
4536 When thies tything(es) told were tomly to end
4537 All the grek(es) were glad   þ(er)e god þanked
4538 And for ioy of þ(a)t iornay aioynet a fest
4539 As a high day to holde   halowet it all
4540 W(i)t(h) worship to wale goddis on þaire wise did
4541 And of the Bisshop þo buernes beldid were þen
4542 Thai cherisshed hym choisly all þo chere kyng(es)
4543 W(i)t(h) riches   reward raght hym ynogh
4544 And heghten hertely þ(er)e hestes to kepe
4545 Þan þai solast hom samyn as hom selfe liked
4546 And dryvon furth þat day w(i)t(h) dalians to end

The XJ. Boke How the Grekys sailet
ffro attens to Troy

4547 Every wegh þ(a)t will wete of þ(er)e werke more
4548 Listen a litle leng here a while
4549 Let vs karpe of thies kyng(es) or we cayre ferre
4550 When thies worthy hade worshipped all þ(er)e wale godd(es)
4551 And the day w(i)t(h) deuoc(i)on dryuen to þe end
4552 The secund day suyng somyn were þe grete
4553 In Agamynons gay tent gedrit for sothe
4554 fforto speke of hor spede whill þai space hade
4555 This calcas in company com w(i)t(h) Achilles
4556 And patroclus the pure kyng into the proude tent(es)
4557 Þai hailset þat hynd   hertely hym welcomyt
4558 And sithen to sit all samyn þai yode
4559 Among þo kyng(es) in Company as þaire course fell
4560 When all the pepull were pesit þe p(re)sens full still
4561 Calcas to the kyng(es) carpes thies wordes
4562 Ye noble men of nome þ(a)t to note wendyn
4563 In þis company clene kyng(es)   duk(es)
4564 Erles   other men onest of astate
4565 Þat are ad aioynet to þis Io(ur)ney w(i)t(h) ioynyng of wer
4566 Is not the cause of yo(ur) comyng w(i)t(h) company grete
4567 To t(ur)ne vnto Troy þat you tenit has
4568 And are opunly yo(ur) enmys   eu(er)more you noies
4569 Why tary ye so tomly   turnys not furthe
4570 And are redy to þe rode   restis þus longe
4571 Þ(er)e as all thing is ordant hit angris to abide
4572 Or tary ou(er) a tyme when tulk(es) ben redy
4573 Ne hope ye not highly þ(a)t here are su(m) fals
4574 And aspies yo(ur) spede w(i)t(h) spit þ(a)t þai may
4575 To write to þ(a)t wale kyng yo(ur) werk(es) by den
4576 Þis fenyond fare is forthoring to hom
4577 To assemble on yche syde saudio(ur)s ynogh
4578 And fret hom w(i)t(h) frynd(es) þ(er)e fos to w(i)t(h)stond
4579 Of kyng(es)   knight(es) in contres abowte
4580 Syn ye haue tarit ou(er) tyme tomly at home
4581 And noght hastid w(i)t(h) harme yo(ur) hething to wenge
4582 Ye shuld haue soght to þe Cite sone oponone
4583 Mony wek(es) are went   þis wale som(ur)
4584 And monythes full meuyt of þe mylde aire
4585 Of seasonable sailyng of þe salt water
4586 Syn wintur was went   wind(es) were lithe
4587 The course of the cold see calmyt w(i)t(h) all
4588 Zeferus w(i)t(h) softe wyndes soberly blew
4589 Planett(es) in the pure aire pullishet full clene
4590 And all softe was the see to sailers þ(er)in
4591 Why leng ye ??? so long   lose all this tyme
4592 When ye might soberly haue sailet   set on yo(ur) fos
4593 And haue flayet the freiks w(i)t(h) yo(ur) felle hast
4594 When tythand(es) hade ben told of soche a tore pepull
4595 Hit wold haue noyet hom anon þe nomb(ur) to here
4596 Thoche tarying ou(er) tyme t(ur)nys hom to ioy
4597 And hertis hom highly to hold you for faint
4598 Ne hope ye not hertely þe hest of yo(ur) godd(es)
4599 Wilbe faithly fulfilled   not faile of
4600 But if ye tary ou(er) tyme þai ten hom þ(er)eat
4601 And in case to þe cont(ra)ry cast yo(ur) auent(ur)
4602 Yo(ur) chaunse for to chaunge   chef yow þe worse
4603 Þerfore hefe vp yo(ur) hertis hast you to saile
4604 Sett(es) furthe to þe se sitt(es) no leng(ur)
4605 Has harnes ou(er) hacche highes in after
4606 ffolows to yo(ur) fos w(i)t(h) a frike wille
4607 Syn yo(ur) godd(es) haue it gr(a)untid þe gre shalbe yo(ur)s
4608 Highes you in hast houes here no lengur
4609 This is clerely my counsell kithe if you list
4610 When Calcas his counsell had carpit to þe end
4611 Iche lede hym alowet þ(a)t listnet his word(es)
4612 And his counsell to kepe keston hom all
4613 Agamynon the gret his gomys did warne
4614 Iche burne to be boune at the blast of a trumpe
4615 fforto pas into port   pull vp hor sailes
4616 And dryue on þe depe se þe doughti comaundes
4617 All the company enclinet cairyn to ship
4618 Cachyn in cables knyt vp hor ancres
4619 Sesit vp hor sailes in a sad hast
4620 Richet þ(er)e ropes rapit vnto see
4621 Hokit out of hauyn all the hepe samyn
4622 Had bir at hor bake blawen to þe depe
4623 Sailyn forthe soberly somyn but a while
4624 Noght fyftene forlong fairly to the end

A. Storme on the Se

4625 When sodenly the soft aire vnsoberly rose
4626 The cloudis ou(er) cast claterrit aboute
4627 Wyndes full wodely walt vp the ythes
4628 Wex m(er)ke as the mydnighte myst(es) full thicke
4629 Thunret in the thestur throly w(i)t(h) all
4630 W(i)t(h) a launchant laite lightonyd the water
4631 And a ropand rayne raiked fro the heuyn
4632 The storme was full stithe w(i)t(h) mony stout windes
4633 Hit walt vp the wild se vppon wan hilles
4634 The ffolke was so ferd þat on flete were
4635 All dred for to drowne w(i)t(h) dryft of the se
4636 And in p(er)ell were put all the proude kynges
4637 Then Calcas the curset þat come out of Troy
4638 To the worthy þ(er)e were warpit anon
4639 The cause of ou(r) care I know it right well
4640 The godd(es) is greuyt þat we are gon fro
4641 At hon(er)able atthens auntrus diana
4642 ffor we soght notto sac(ri)fice hir seluyn is wrothe
4643 And has wroght vs this wedur þ(a)t wote I for sothe
4644 My counsell ys kyndly kythe if ye list
4645 Þat we seche to þat same er we sew ferre
4646 Into the Ile of Awlida all men to gedur
4647 There Diana the dere ys duly hono(ur)t
4648 Ou(r) Emp(er)ou(r) hym owne selfe offeraund to make
4649 Be ho plesid w(i)t(h) p(ra)yers   other pure giftes
4650 This tempest will t(ur)ne into tyme faire
4651 And we haue wedur at o(ur) wille   ou(r) way holde
4652 Þen keppit was the counsell of Calcas belyue
4653 All t(ur)nyt þaire tacle w(i)t(h) trussyng of sailes
4654 And stird hom full streight w(i)t(h)outen stad more
4655 Into Awlida þe yle to hono(ur) Diana
4656 Þat was fast by the flete but a forlonge
4657 Agamynon in grete hast gird to the lond
4658 Turnyt to the Temple taried no Lengur
4659 To Diana full derely did his honowre
4660 W(i)t(h) Sac(ri)fices full solempne   mony sad giftes
4661 And worshippet þat worthy as a wale godd(es)
4662 Then the se wex sober sesit the wyndis
4663 Calme was þe course clensit the ayre
4664 The derke ou(er)drogh   the dym voidet
4665 The bremnes abatid blusshit the sun
4666 Hade wedur at þaire wille wentton to ship
4667 And past fro þat port the pepull in fere
4668 Halit to the high se in a honde while
4669 Sailit on soundly as hom selfe list
4670 Tyll þai comyn to the cost   countre of Troy
4671 And þ(er)e hyt into hauyn as hom happe felle
4672 Vnder a castell of þe cuntre þ(a)t cald was Saratbla
4673 There þai fastnet the fflete   tho furse shippes
4674 Cagit hom w(i)t(h) cables   castyng of ancres
4675 And logget hom to lenge in þat le hauyn
4676 The kepars of the castell caghten þ(er)e armys
4677 Wentton out wightly the wat(er) to kepe
4678 Bowet to the banke in hor bright geire
4679 To put of þat pepull p(re)stly þai wend
4680 And foryn as folis for þai but few were
4681 Þai w(i)t(h)stode hom a stoure but it stad litle
4682 The folke were so fele þ(a)t fell to þe londe
4683 Armyt at all peces angarly mony
4684 The troiens þai tokon   tiruyt to dethe
4685 And fell to the flight in fere to þe castell
4686 But the Grek(es) on þe ground grymly pursueyt
4687 Swappit hom w(i)t(h) sword(es) till the swalt all
4688 Comyn to the castell vnclose were the yatis
4689 The cuntremen for to kepe as þai cu(m) wold
4690 The Grek(es) Ingijd gripped the wardes
4691 And all tho fonnet folk fell to þe dethe
4692 Slogh hom doune sleghly slang hom to ground
4693 Robbit þ(er)e riches raght to þ(er)e shippes
4694 Wonen to the wallez walt hom to ground
4695 Betyn doune the buyldyng(es) to þe bare erthe
4696 Tokyn the tresure turnyt into hauyn
4697 When þis castell was caght kylled the pepull
4698 And all the shalk(es) to ship w(i)t(h) the shene godes
4699 Þai past fro þat port w(i)t(h) pillage þai hade
4700 And t(ur)nyt vnto tenydon taryt no lengur
4701 Þ(er)e arof all the rowte w(i)t(h) þ(er)e ranke shippes
4702 Cast ancres w(i)t(h) cables þat kene were of byt
4703 Lete sailes doune slide slippit into botis
4704 ffestnet w(i)t(h) fuerse ropis the flete in þe hauyn
4705 And buskit vnto banke the boldist ay first
4706 At this tenydoun truly was a tried castell
4707 Wele wroght for þe werre w(i)t(h) walles full stronge
4708 Evyn fild full of folke fuersemen   noble
4709 And riches full rife rank men w(i)t(h)in
4710 Wele viteld Iwisse for winturs ynoghe
4711 Hit was sothely but sex myle fro the Cite euyn
4712 As I told haue tomly in a tale here before
4713 The folke in þ(a)t fuerse hold were ferd of hom selfe
4714 Arait hom full radly right to þe werre
4715 In defense of hor fos þat on flete lay
4716 Wenton out wightly wale men of armys
4717 And bateld hom on the banke as hom best thught
4718 Whe(n) the Grek(es) were gethurt   to ground comen
4719 Mony fightyng folke in a fuerse nowmbur
4720 The pepull w(i)t(h) hor power put hom agayne
4721 And faght w(i)t(h) hym felly þof þai few were
4722 Bold was þat biker opon bothe haluys
4723 Mony deid by dene of the derfe grek(es)
4724 And Troiens w(i)t(h) tene tynt of hor pepull
4725 But not so fele at þe first as of the ferre side
4726 The Grek(es) full greatly greuyt þ(er)at
4727 Opp(re)sset hom w(i)t(h) payne   p(re)set þ(er)e fafter
4728 ffought full felly and fele were þ(er)e þai slayne
4729 Of the Troiens þ(a)t tyme tynt were þe mo
4730 The frosshe was so felle of the furse grek(es)
4731 And the nowmber so noyous þ(a)t neghed in hast
4732 That the ffrigies floghen and the fild leuyt
4733 Turnyt vnto Troy and the toune entrid
4734 And þo at for(e) not to flight ne of forse were
4735 The grek(es) gird hom to grond w(i)t(h) hor grym sword(es)
4736 And brittenit on the bent þ(a)t abide wold
4737 Comyn to the castell vnclosit it aboute
4738 ffoghten w(i)t(h) the folke þat defens made
4739 Shottyn vp sharply at the shene wallis
4740 W(i)t(h) glayues   gonnes girdyn doun toures
4741 Dryuen vp dart(es) gyffen depe wond(es)
4742 W(i)t(h) alblasters also amyt full streght
4743 Whappet in wharels whellit of the pepull
4744 W(i)t(h) speris full dispitiously spurnit at the yat(es)
4745 Dongen on deruly w(i)t(h) mony dede hurtt(es)
4746 In diffens of þe folke þat affrai made
4747 But the wallis the were for all the wo yet
4748 And fele of hor fos fellyn w(i)t(h)out
4749 Þen gone furthe the greg grek(es) graithet engynes
4750 Batold hom all abrode vmbe the bare walles
4751 Layn ladders alenght   oloft wonnen
4752 At yche cornell of þe castell was crusshyng of weppon
4753 ffell was the feght þo fuerse men among
4754 Mony greke in þ(er)e gremþ gird on the hed
4755 Till þai lept of the ladder light in the dyke
4756 The brayne out brast   the brethe leuyt
4757 And mony dongen to dethe w(i)t(h) dyntt(es) of hond
4758 The Troiens full tit were terghit for fight
4759 Wondit   were þat þai were mvght
4760 And the grek(es) in so grete nowmb(u)r gedrit hom till
4761 Wonyn on the wallis wightly w(i)t(h) ladders
4762 At wyndous on yche syde wise a wond(ur)full nomb(ur)
4763 The grete toures þai toke tiruyt the pepull
4764 Was no lede opon lyfe þat a lofte stode
4765 The chese into chamb(ur)s   oþ(er) chere hallis
4766 And yche freke þat þai found felly þai slogh
4767 Oldmen   other w(i)t(h) ournyng to dethe
4768 Tyll no lede of þat lynage vpon lyfe was
4769 All the caves in the castell clenly þai sought
4770 Robbet the riches   the rife goodes
4771 P(ra)yet   piket þat proffet was in
4772 And wonnyn it wightly þe wallis w(i)t(h)oute
4773 Till all was bare as a bast to þe bigge woghes
4774 Myno(ur)s than mightely the moldes did serche
4775 Ou(er)tyruet the toures   the tor walles
4776 All dusshet into the diche doll to be holde
4777 Betyn doun the buyldyng(es)   brent into erthe
4778 Tyll the place was playne   out of plite broght
4779 And hegh Tenydon w(i)t(h) tourys tyruyt all vnder
4780 When þai hade wasted the won   wonen the gre
4781 All the tresou(r) thay toke   t(ur)nyt to ship
4782 This fight is the first and firre as vs likes behou(us) Boke how the Grekys sent two kyng(es)
in Message to kyng Priam. ffor Restituciou(n) of þaire Harme

4783 Robbet was þis ronke hold   ryuyn to ground
4784 All the kepars kild vnto colde dethe
4785 ffull glad were the grek(es) the godis to fonge
4786 And þat hom happit so hastely the haldis to distroy
4787 Mery was the menye   maden gret ioye
4788 As þai houyt in hauyn holly to gedur
4789 Then Agamynon graidly þaire gay emp(er)ou(r)
4790 Chargit hom as cheften all his choise peopull
4791 Þat any godis hade goten at the gret hold
4792 ffor to bryng it belyue   no bode make
4793 And cu(m) wightly þ(er)w(i)t(h) the weghes hom selfe
4794 To a place þat was playne on þe pure ground
4795 And þai obeyt his bone the buernes þe anon
4796 Past to the playne þ(er)e p(ri)nce vntill
4797 Yche gome w(i)t(h) his gode þ(a)t he gotyn hade
4798 Þai comyn forth clenly w(i)t(h) clothes   other
4799 And pight it on a playne in a place faire
4800 Þan the sou(er)ain hym seluon soberly deuidet
4801 Tho godes to his gomes as hym graith thoght
4802 And dep(ar)tid the p(ra)y to his p(ri)se folke
4803 To the weghes þat hom wan w(i)t(h) wound(es) before
4804 And put hom in p(er)ell dep(ar)tid þai were
4805 He þ(a)t boldist was in batell the best for to haue
4806 When þis duly was done by dom of þe lorde
4807 The cheftayn full choisly charget the gret
4808 All the kyng(es) of his company   his kyd duk(es)
4809 Erles   all men þ(a)t of astate were
4810 The secund day suyng or the su(n) rose
4811 To appere in a place p(er)tly hom seluon
4812 ffor a counsell to carpe   comyn to gedur
4813 And to speke of hor spede whill the space hade
4814 When the derke was don and the day sprange
4815 Gedrit were the grete   to þe ground comyn
4816 On a place þat was playn plenty of setis
4817 Evyn set in a serkyll þe soferain before
4818 And pes in yche place p(ri)nces were stille
4819 Agamynon the gou(er)no(ur) godely did say
4820 These wordis full wisely to his weghes all

The counsell of Agaminon aft(ur) þe
takyng. Tenydon

4821 Ye frend(es) faithfull þ(a)t fuerse ben in armys
4822 Princes   p(ri)se kyng(es) preuyt of astate
4823 That are gedrit on this ground   fro grece comyn
4824 The pouer of ou(r) pepull is plainly full hoge
4825 And the fame of ou(r) fuersnes fares abrode
4826 The word of ou(r) werk(es) thurgh the world spring(es)
4827 Is not accounttid of kynght(es) ne kyd men of armys
4828 Thurgh the world for to wale so worthy of dedis
4829 By the grace of ou(r) godd(es) as grek(es) are now
4830 And no p(ri)de in ou(r) pepull for ou(r) p(ri)se werk(es)
4831 That happis vs to haue þurgh ou(r) hynd godd(es)
4832 Hom þroly we thanke þan thrive we þe bettur
4833 And put away p(ri)de fro ou(r) p(ri)se hert(es)
4834 ffor it knowen by course   custome of to all
4835 What harmys   vnhap has hastid þurghe p(ri)de
4836 And what cumbraunse   care in mony kyd lond(es)
4837 Syn it haten thus hegh godd(es)   hogely w(i)t(h)stondyn
4838 And ay the p(ur)pas enpayres w(i)t(h) p(ri)de is be gonen
4839 Hit is wit for to wayue or vs worse happon
4840 ffor proude men in p(ar)te haue playnly no frynd(es)
4841 But eu(er)y mon w(i)t(h) enuy ertis hom skathe
4842 And who so frend is   felow to þ(a)t foule vise
4843 Myche hate on hym highis   harmys w(i)t(h) all
4844 And mak(es) fos of his frend(es)   fele þ(a)t hym louys
4845 Let vs waive now wisely in ou(r) werk(es) all
4846 And namly in þis note þat now is in honde
4847 Þat no p(ri)de fro ou(r) p(ur)pas put vs abacke
4848 And rule vs by rightwisnes in o(ur) rank(es) dedis
4849 W(i)t(h) a lyue of lewte þat as a laump shynes
4850 Þat no fawte w(i)t(h) vs founden be ne fylyng of p(ri)de
4851 Now wete ye right right well þ(a)t all this wale pepull
4852 Are comyn to this cost w(i)t(h) cu(m)pany grete
4853 And pursuyt to þis p(ro)uynse in p(ur)pos to venge
4854 Of harmys   hegh grem w(i)t(h) hethyng full mekull
4855 Þat P(ri)am and his pepull hath plainly vs done
4856 Syn we arofe in þis rewme in a rad haste
4857 We haue ournyt hym w(i)t(h) ang(ur)   ertid hym mykill
4858 Yf he were fully ou(r) foo forwith this tyme
4859 To hate vs in hert now here is ou(r) cause
4860 This wot I full well þai warnyt are before
4861 And haue gedrit of gyngys mony grym batell
4862 But þai wete not ou(r) werk(es) ne ou(r) wilde fare
4863 Þat we be neghit so negh ne noy þ(a)t is fallyn
4864 ffor if þai might be so mony   of mayne strenght
4865 We mut bye it full bitterly þe baret we make
4866 Þai haue a Cite for sothe a sure   a noble
4867 Well wallit to wale w(i)t(h) water aboute
4868 And þ(er)fore sothly I say hit semis vnto vs
4869 Þai are feler of folke   fuerser by the halfe
4870 W(i)t(h) more plenty of pepull   þe p(ro)vince hor owne
4871 And yche freike is þ(er)e frynd to filson þ(er)e spede
4872 Þis I say not for sothe supposyng in hert
4873 Þat of ou(r) dede shuld be dute I dem it not so
4874 Ne I put not vnpossible 3on place for to take
4875 And all þ(er)e folke in fight w(i)t(h) forse to distroy
4876 Ne the Cite to sese and cerche w(i)t(h) in
4877 And all the toures of the toun tumbell to ground
4878 But þat louyng   lose shuld lenge of ou(r) dedis
4879 And ou(r) werk(es) all wisely wroght by discrec(i)on
4880 Þat we fare w(i)t(h) no foly ne fonnyng of p(ri)de
4881 Hit has fallyn vnto fele men fer in tymes past
4882 Þat hastely on hede has highit to anote
4883 And keppit no counsell ne no clene rule
4884 But put hom w(i)t(h) p(ri)de a p(ur)pos vnto
4885 Hit rapit to repentaunse   mony ranke harmys
4886 This knowis all this company þ(a)t the kyng p(ri)am
4887 Noght long sithen but late a lede of his owne
4888 Made on a message vnto ou(r) menes londis
4889 ffor his suster Exiona to send hym agayne
4890 This couet the kyng keppit he no more
4891 And we as vnwise men welt into p(ri)de
4892 Answarth hym awthwart w(i)t(h) ang(ur)   skorne
4893 W(i)t(h) thretyng vnth(r)iuau(n)d of ou(r) thro hert(es)
4894 And manast his messanger w(i)t(h) malice   p(ri)de
4895 Hade we herkont hym hyndly hedit his wille
4896 Done his dissyre deiret not ou(r) seluyn
4897 The harme   the hardgrem þ(a)t highet vs after
4898 And this sorow in Sitheria had sothely not fallyn
4899 Ne Elan ne other mo hon(er)able of grece
4900 Had not laithly bene ??? laght   led vnto troy
4901 Ne we þ(a)t are wonyn ou(er) the wale streames
4902 Þat worthy to wyn w(i)t(h) weppon in fight
4903 Hade not faren so fer ou(r) fos to distroy
4904 Ne so long fro ou(r) lond(es) lengit a way
4905 And what all shalbe fortune no freke can vs telle
4906 Wethur worship or wo wete we not all
4907 Þ(er)fore s(ir)s me semys if you so like
4908 Yf ye deme it be don   in dede holde
4909 To put of all p(er)els   ou(r) pepull saue
4910 All chaunse to exchew   cheue vs the bettur
4911 Ou(r) worship to wyn   no wegh hurt
4912 Þat we may saile hom in sound   ou(r) sute haue
4913 Let make vs a message to the mon P(ri)am
4914 Þat is kyng of the coste   the kythe ow
4915 And wilne hym wisely þat worthy to send
4916 Hon(er)able Elan   other of ou(r) pepull
4917 And redresse vs ou(r) domage þ(a)t he don has
4918 By Paris his proude son in ou(r) p(ri)se londis
4919 If þat sou(er)ayne accept this sothly w(i)t(h) hert
4920 And do it in dede as ou(r) dissyre will
4921 We may wend hom w(i)t(h) worship   ou(r) wille haue
4922 And saue so ou(r) seluyn   ou(r) sute all hole
4923 Nauthe ruder ne repaire rape to þis rem do
4924 And if P(ri)am w(i)t(h) p(ri)de this p(ur)pos refuse
4925 Two frend(es) haue fully to fight in ou(r) cause
4926 On is right þ(a)t vs riches for rape of ou(r) godes
4927 And pes þ(a)t we proffer ou(r) pouer to extaint
4928 Thurgh the world shall it wend o(ur) werke at þis tyme
4929 Ay the mo þ(a)t ou(r) mesure maynly may here
4930 The leng(ur) vs luff shall till ou(r) last end
4931 And the Troiens be told as for triet foles
4932 We excusit of skathe and sclaunder of p(ri)de
4933 To macche vs w(i)t(h) monhode   might of ou(r) selfe
4934 And wyn hom in wer w(i)t(h) weppon in fight
4935 Neu(er) buerne will vs blame ne ban for o(ur) dede
4936 Ne wegh will vs wite to þe world(es) end
4937 Ses now yo(ur) seluyn my saghis vnto
4938 And demys of þis dede as yow dele dere thinke
4939 When the sou(er)ain hade said þen sesit he here
4940 And mony of þo mighty menyt þ(er)agayn
4941 Noght semond þai said ne settyng to do
4942 And part of þat pepull p(re)uyt hit for wit
4943 And O sithir all samyn assentid þ(er)to
4944 Two chere men þai chose on þis choise erend
4945 Onest   abell vlexes was one
4946 A(n)d Dyamede þ(a)t derfe kyng demyt þat other
4947 Aionet to þis ioonay iustly to gedre
4948 Stiden vpon stithe horse stird to the Cite
4949 And wenton in wightly þo worthy hom seluon
4950 Entred into Elion þat hon(er)able palis
4951 Lightyn at the low leftyn þaire horses
4952 Gone vp by the greses all of gray marbill
4953 Hit into the halle of the high kynge
4954 Hade m(er)uell full mekull of þ(a)t mayne place
4955 Of the walles þ(a)t wroght were wond(ur)ly faire
4956 W(i)t(h) high toures full torrit all the tountombe vmbe
4957 Yet m(er)uelt hom more ymyddis the halle
4958 Was a tre þ(a)t was tried all of tru gold
4959 Meruelous   mekyll men to be hold
4960 The bole was of bright gold bret to þe myddes
4961 Largior þen a lawriall   leng(ur) w(i)t(h) all
4962 cubett(es) by coursse all of clene heght
4963 Þat fourmyt was full faire to þe fre boghes
4964 The brede of his bowes borly to se
4965 Large and longe light as the sun
4966 ffro the dese to the dorse dobbit on brede
4967 And the sidys by a sercle of þe same hall
4968 The braunches were borly su(m) of bright gold
4969 Su(m) sylu(er) for sothe semlist of hew
4970 W(i)t(h) leuys full luffly light of þe same
4971 W(i)t(h) burions aboue bright to be holde
4972 And frut on yt fourmyt fairest of shap
4973 Of mony kynd þat was knyt knagged aboue
4974 Þat shem(er)t as shire as any shene stonys
4975 Long abodyn thies buernes in the bright hall
4976 Or þai comyn to the kyng by course for to speike
4977 Led were þo lord(es) þro mony long chaumb(u)r
4978 Goand vp by degres þurgh mony gay alys
4979 And past into a proude chaumb(ur) þ(er)e P(ri)am was set
4980 Among lord(es) of his londe   ledis of his avne
4981 Þai salut not þ(a)t sou(er)ain w(i)t(h) no sad wordes
4982 Ne worshippit no wegh þat hym w(i)t(h) stode
4983 But euyn agaynst þ(a)t gret þai gone forto sit
4984 In the ffrount of þo folke   þe fre kyng
4985 Þen auntred Vlexes and his ernd said
4986 And warpet þies wordes as ye wete shall

The Wordes of Vlixes to the kyng P(ri)am

4987 Sais P(ri)am thof we p(re)se not þi p(er)son to hailse
4988 Ne worship the as worthy no wonder þ(o)u haue
4989 ffor we haue þe in hate as ou(r) hed ffoo
4990 And anenmy to anoþ(er) nothing it semys
4991 Hailsyng ne hynd speche w(i)t(h) no hede bare
4992 Agamynon the gret þat on þi ground lys
4993 Hase made vs as messengers at this mene tyme
4994 Hyder send vs to say to þi selfe evyn
4995 He bidd(es) the full barly the bright qwene Elan
4996 That þow caght fro his kyng   oþ(er) kyd pepull
4997 Send hom in sound   safly to hym
4998 And stifly restore othe stithe harmys
4999 All redurs to riche w(i)t(h) þi ranke goodes
5000 That þow pild in his p(ro)uynse by Paris þi sun
5001 Iff þow do þus in dede hit doghis the bettur
5002 And yf þ(o)u set noght ou(r) saghe se what will fall
5003 Of harme in a hond qwhile highand the to
5004 Thou bes ded for þe dede deruly þi selfe
5005 All þi pepull be perisshit   put out of lyue
5006 Thy Cite   þi Sidlond sesit in were
5007 Betyn and brent doun vnto bare askes
5008 The rewme þurgh riden robbed þi goodis
5009 Set vnder s(er)uage   sorow for eu(er)

The onsware of P(ri)am to Vlexes

5010 When P(ri)am p(er)sayuit had all his proud wordes
5011 He onswared Vlixes vne vponone
5012 W(i)t(h)outen counsell of knight(es) or any kyd lordis
5013 ffull soberly he said all in sad speche
5014 Me meruels full mekill of yo(ur) mayne þrote
5015 And angers me full euyll yo(ur) angard desyre
5016 When ye couet by course w(i)t(h) vnkynd fare
5017 Satisfacc(i)on to be sent fro my selfe euyn
5018 Syn ye are cause of þis care   curstly haue don
5019 My sou(er)ayn ye slogh   my sybbe frynd(es)
5020 My folke put into pyne pild all my rewme
5021 Moche disseese ye me did no redresse made
5022 Exiona my suster in s(er)uage ye put
5023 And fele of my ffrynd(es) into fer lond(es)
5024 In hordam   harlatry vnhyndly to lye
5025 Not keppit hir kyndly as a kyng(es) doughter
5026 But laithly in lechery lengyng to dwelle
5027 And meue(n) me w(i)t(h) manas amend(es) to bede
5028 I wold sothely my Selfyn sittyn w(i)t(h) the harme
5029 Of the dethe   the dole of my dere fader
5030 In obriggyng of batell   blode to be shed spilt
5031 And on message I made a mon of myn owne
5032 Antinor I ordant þ(a)t erende to wende
5033 And sent for my Suster sothely to you
5034 And all gilt(es) for gyffen   greuans of old
5035 And of the awthwart onswares   ang(ur) to hym
5036 All the wise how it was ye wetyn yo(ur) selfe
5037 Hit is knowen to yo(ur) kyng(es)   comyn w(i)t(h) all
5038 Of the dishono(ur) ye did to my dere legat
5039 And w(i)t(h) spite in yo(ur) speche dispiset my name
5040 Here is plainly no place in þis plit now
5041 You(r) wille for to wirke for no wild throte
5042 I hope the grek(es) in hor gre shall neu(er) so gret worthe
5043 To opp(re)sse me w(i)t(h) power ne my plas take
5044 Ne my godis to gripe agaynes my wille
5045 I will Agamynon hit wete   his weghes all
5046 Þat for pes to his pepull p(ra)y will I neu(er)
5047 Ne folow on hor fre(n)ship frendship þ(a)t me so foule hindryt
5048 And ye so rebell and roide w(i)t(h) yo(ur) rugh speche
5049 But I wond for my worship as wetheuns wetheruns shuld die
5050 Wynnes yow now wightly for wothe of my sight
5051 While I se you in c(er)tain I sourde full of yre
5052 And bolne at þe brest all for bale angre

The wordes of Diamed to P(ri)am

5053 When the worthy hade his wordes warpit till end
5054 Diamed full depely drough out a laughter
5055 And said to þ(a)t suffrayn sittyng agayne
5056 Now kyng yf we be cause of þi kene yre
5057 And þ(o)u vnsaght of þi sight sothely of v(us) two
5058 While þ(o)u lyues in þis lond leue for trew
5059 W(i)t(h)outen noy by þ(o)u neu(er)   þi nene opon
5060 Syn the grek(es) on the ground are of so gret pouer
5061 And þ(o)u faithly shall fynd in a felle haste
5062 A hundrith thowsaund þrome(n) þriuaund in armys
5063 The weghis to wound   warpe vnto dethe
5064 And if þ(o)u sothely of sorow set be so full
5065 ffor two buernes all bare   of body nakyd
5066 I hope þi bolnyng w(i)t(h) brest   þi brethe leue
5067 To qwhiche pouer playnly þ(o)u p(re)ues no strenght
5068 Ne no suertie may saue fro þ(er)e sid harmys
5069 Mony knight(es) in the courte þ(a)t by the kyng stode
5070 Wex wroth at his word(es) walt into yrefull swithe at þe kyng
5071 Warpit out word(es) full swite at the kyng
5072 And drogh taward Diamede to dere hym anon
5073 ffor to britton þ(a)t buerne for his bolde speche

The wordes of Priam agayn

5074 P(ri)am þen p(re)set vp fro his proude sete
5075 Bade hom blym of hor brathe or hor bare lyues
5076 Þat no gome shuld hym greue w(i)t(h) no grym weppon
5077 Ne negh hym w(i)t(h) noy for noght þat he said
5078 Syn the wit of no wise man shuld walt into yre
5079 Ne be fuerse on a fole þ(a)t fontly hath wroght
5080 ffor it falles to a fole his foly to shew
5081 And a wise man witterly his word(es) to suffer
5082 As it is fre to a fole foly to carpe
5083 So is it wit / a wiseman his wordis to listyn
5084 Laghe at it lightly and let it ou(er) pas
5085 ffor in speche may men spie the speker to know
5086 And wete by his word(es) the wit þ(a)t he beires
5087 I wold sothely my seluyn suffer full harde
5088 Or any messanger were mysdon or marrit w(i)t(h) hond
5089 W(i)t(h)in my courtte or my cu(m)pany for any cause here
5090 ffor lightly   litil thyng a lose may be tynt
5091 And a fame be defouled   fatid for eu(er)
5092 Þerfore set you full sone sober yo(ur) wille
5093 And non p(ro)ffer apon payne to p(re)se hym no more
5094 Ne to warpe hym no worde þ(a)t worship may hy(n)dur
5095 Þen set þai sone as said hom the kyng

The wordes of Eneas to Diamed

5096 And Eneas eft(er)ward etlid to say
5097 Þat sate by the sou(er)ayne no(n) sothely betwene
5098 Breke out full boldely all in breme wordis
5099 And spake full dispitously w(i)t(h) a sprete felle
5100 Sir kyng it sitt(es) not sothely for right
5101 A fole to be fau(or)et folili to speke
5102 But wo vnwisely w(i)t(h) wordis walis his speche
5103 Hit is skille for his skorne þ(a)t he scathe thole
5104 And not cherist but chastist by charge of his foly
5105 I might sothely so say here syttyng by yow by
5106 Þat ye wold deme to dethe for my derfe word(es)
5107 Þat right wold   reason by rewle of my seluyn
5108 And saue yo(ur) magiste so mykell þ(a)t men will obey
5109 He þat warpes thies wordes in his wild foly
5110 Shuld degh for his derfenes by domys of right
5111 Þat so dispitously hath spokon in spit of yo(ur) p(er)son
5112 And meuyt you(r) magesty w(i)t(h) his mad word(es)
5113 And angert vs all angardly sore
5114 W(i)t(h) p(re)sumpc(i)on   p(ri)se of his proud hert
5115 I bid þ(er)fore barly þat he bowe hethyn
5116 And pas fro this place o payn of his lyfe
5117 If he faine will foly for a fyn wit
5118 And gyrt out no grete wordis to reue vs nomore

Thonsware of Diamed to Eneas

5119 Then Dyamed the derfe kyng w(i)t(h)outyn dyn said
5120 Þou frynd w(i)t(h) þi fare what freike so þ(o)u be
5121 I wote by þi word(es) þ(o)u ert no wise Iuge
5122 But I deply dissyre in dedis to come
5123 Þat I may fynd þe before þi frendship to þonke
5124 And mede the after mesure of þi meke wille
5125 To thanke the of þi throt and þi þro wordis
5126 Now I se well for sothe sely is the kyng
5127 Þat kepis the for counsell clene for hym seluyn
5128 Þat well con his worship wisshe hym to saue
5129 And rede hym to redurs þat rixles to shame
5130 Þen vlixes w(i)t(h) vtterans vne vpponone
5131 The derfe wordis of diamede dullit w(i)t(h) speche
5132 And wysely he wayuet all his wild yre
5133 Þat he nomore in þe mat(er) shuld meue at þ(a)t tyme
5134 And to p(ri)am to prest price kyng p(re)stly he said
5135 Kyng we haue clenly consaiued þi wille
5136 To Agomynon agayne w(i)t(h) we go w(i)t(h) ou(r) onsware
5137 All þi saghes for sothe þat sou(er)ain to telle
5138 And so þai past fro þ(a)t pales p(re)set vnto horse
5139 Lepyn on lightly launchet on hor way
5140 Gone to þe grek(es) in a grete hast
5141 Lighten at þ(er)e logges leuyn þ(er)e horses
5142 And ferdon on fote fail fairly to gedur
5143 Into the emp(er)ou(r)s owne tent entrid belyue
5144 Thor(e) all the grete were gedrit agamynon before
5145 And toldyn all tomly as hom tid hade
5146 The p(ur)pas of P(ri)am tho p(ri)nses vntill
5147 Thai hade m(er)uell full mekyll in hor mynd all
5148 Of his authwart onswares þ(a)t hym arghit nomore
5149 Then þo kyng(es) in counsell castyn hom anon
5150 And ordant on all wise þaire enmeis to greue
5151 Be wiles of wer as ye shall wete after

XIIJ. Boke How the Grekys sent Achilles and
Thelefon for vitaill ffor the ost into

5152 Kyngys and knyght(es) and other kyd duk(es)
5153 All the sou(er)ayns hade selly as I said ere
5154 Of p(ri)am the p(ri)ce Kyng þ(a)t prudly hade saide
5155 Than gedrit all were the grek(es) on a ground faire
5156 Besyde tenydon truly to talke of hor dedis
5157 Ordant by the emp(er)ou(r) op(er)unly to holde
5158 A counsell in the case w(i)t(h) knowyng to all
5159 And p(ro)cede on hor p(ur)pos as p(ri)se men of wer(e)
5160 When the sou(er)ayns assemlit were as I said first
5161 Agamynon the gou(er)no(ur) graithet hym to speike
5162 To þo worthy thiez wordis warpit anone
5163 Noble s(ir)s in this note hit nedis vs to haue
5164 ffode till ou(r) folke the formast of other
5165 Þat no hong(ur) vs happyn to harme in o(ur) werre
5166 While ou(r) buernes in batell abiden here stille
5167 Þat we faint not in fight ne feble ??? of strenght
5168 And mykyll is the mete so mony bus haue
5169 If we shall proffet w(i)t(h) proues or any p(ri)se wyn
5170 ffor þ(er)e as failes the fode faint is the pepull
5171 And þ(er)e hong(ur) is hote hertis ben febill
5172 Þ(er)fore highly in hast I hold for þe best
5173 If ye deme it in dede duk(es) and other
5174 Þat we mightily to Messam o(ur) men send
5175 To focche vs som fode or we firre passe
5176 In þat p(ro)uyns is plenty all of p(ri)se vitell
5177 Of corne   of catell   mony kid rewme
5178 Þ(er)fore sone let vs send su(m) of ou(r) folke
5179 Worthy to wale   wise of hor dedis
5180 To trie of the trewist   turne into ship
5181 And set forth to þe se w(i)t(h) soudio(ur)s ynow
5182 Pas to þat p(ro)uyns p(re)se to þe londe
5183 And make p(ur)uiaunce plentie while p(re)se lastis
5184 That may cu(m) vs by course to comford ou(r) ost
5185 And abundantly broght w(i)t(h) buernes betwene
5186 ffor to stall ou(r) astate and ou(r) strenght hold
5187 When þis counsell was kyd he carpis no ffere ferr(e)
5188 Was alowet w(i)t(h) the lordis   all þe ledis after
5189 By assent of þo sou(er)ain   sithen of all
5190 Achilles was chosyn chefe of þis erend
5191 And Thelephus þat tother tan to his fere
5192 Was Ercules aune son eldist for sothe
5193 Þes assignet for þe se w(i)t(h) saudio(ur)s ynogh
5194 And fuersmen in fight þ(a)t a felle nowmb(u)r
5195 Þes drest for þe dede and droghen to ship
5196 And merkit vnto Messam w(i)t(h) a mekyll nauy
5197 In þat yle was onest an hon(er)able kyng
5198 As men told in his tyme and Teutra his nome
5199 Þat his cuntre in kvit hade keppit full longe
5200 And regnit in rest w(i)t(h) riches ynogh
5201 He hade fighting folke fele of his owne
5202 And knight(es) full kene   konyng of werre
5203 Su(m) sain it for sothe and for sure holdyn
5204 The same yle I said you Cicill is calt
5205 Ay abundond of blisse   bret full of vitaill
5206 And menyt was w(i)t(h) men Messa to nome
5207 ffor a cite in the same lond sogat was cald
5208 Bild on a bonke at a brede hauyn
5209 ffull longe   large louely w(i)t(h) all
5210 And a pesable port pight full of shippes
5211 Þat comen for corne to contres aboute
5212 And be cause of þe corne cald was it Messa
5213 Þat past fro þe port to p(ro)uyns o fer
5214 And su(m) of hit sain   for sure holdyn
5215 Þat the Cite was so calld by a sure kyng
5216 That biggit the burgh bigly hym seluyn
5217 And callid it Messa be mowthe in mynd of his nome
5218 But Dares in his dyting dewly noght tellus
5219 Of þe Cite for sothe ne the selfe lond
5220 But how þo mighty were made to messa to wende
5221 ffode forto focche to þe felle ost
5222 Som othir Cicill hit sothly myght be
5223 Þat was geyner to grece þen the grete yle
5224 Þat ferly was fer be 3ond fele / rewmes
5225 Into this p(ro)uynce past þo pepull to gedur
5226 Achilles the choise and his chere felow
5227 W(i)t(h) thre thowsaund triste all of þro knight(es)
5228 And mony shippis full shene shot o þe depe
5229 Þat hit into hauyn houyt not longe
5230 But bounet to þe bonke þo buernys anon
5231 Then the kyng of þe cuntre w(i)t(h) cu(m)pany grete
5232 Of fell fighting folke þat on fote were
5233 Past to þe port þ(er)e þe p(re)se lay
5234 The grekys þat were gedrit   to ground comyn
5235 W(i)t(h) all þ(er)e cu(m)pany clene of the cloise shippes
5236 Segh the kyng of þe cuntre cu(m) hom agayne
5237 W(i)t(h) fele folke vppon fote þ(a)t hom fray wold
5238 Þai wan to þ(er)e weppon wightly anon
5239 In defense of þe folke þai fuersly were armyt
5240 And girden to gedur w(i)t(h) mony grym dyntus
5241 Bigge was the batell opon bothe halues
5242 Mony fallyn were fey of þe fell grek(es)
5243 But mo of the meny þ(a)t mellit hom w(i)t(h)
5244 Þof the grek(es) were grym   of grete myght
5245 Þai hade no strenght to w(i)t(h)stond þe striff of þe pepull
5246 Þat were þro men in the thre men threpe   þretyms mo
5247 Þere the grek(es) hade grymly ben gird vnto dethe
5248 Hade not Achilles ben cheualrous   choise of his dedis
5249 He shot thurgh the sheltrom   shent of hor knight(es)
5250 Mony doughty was ded thurgh dynt of his hond
5251 All þ(a)t warnyt hym þe way he warpet to ground
5252 Till he come to þe kyng be course as hym list
5253 And flang at hym fuersly w(i)t(h) a fyne sworde
5254 The haspis of his helme heturly brast
5255 Braid of his basnet to þe bare hed
5256 Woundid hym wickedly warpit hym to ground
5257 He was wode of his wit wild as a lione
5258 World haue brittonet the bold w(i)t(h) a bare sword
5259 Hef vp his hond het(ur)ly to strike
5260 W(i)t(h) a fouchon felle to ferke of his hede
5261 And thelephus þe tothir titly p(er)sayuit
5262 That Teutro w(i)t(h) torfer shuld tynt haue his liff
5263 He stert vnder the stroke w(i)t(h) a store shild
5264 And keppit by course the caupe of his sword
5265 And achilles the coise kyng cherly he p(ra)yit
5266 To let the lorde haue his lyffe for lewte of hym
5267 That woundit was wickedly to þe wale dethe
5268 Þat he graunt wold godly þat f gome for to leue
5269 Þen to thelaphus þe tor kyng tomly can say
5270 What causes þe by course so kenly to p(ra)y
5271 This syre for to save þat is ou(r) sad enmy
5272 And has wackont vs wer þurghe will of hym seluyn
5273 And harmyt vs hogely w(i)t(h) his hond one
5274 Syn he boldly w(i)t(h) bate þis baret began
5275 Gode faithe will he first fall in his turne
5276 Þen thelaphus tomly talkyt agayne
5277 He was a frynd to my fader   a fyn lou(er)
5278 Worshippit hym on allwise   his will did
5279 Hit felle me be fortune forw(i)t(h) þis tyme
5280 Into this coste forto come vnknowen my selfe
5281 And he worship me worthely   his weghis all
5282 W(i)t(h) gift(es) full gay   of his gode mekyll
5283 Assignet me sou(er)aines sure men ynogh
5284 Hit sothely w(i)t(h) sorow sounys to my hert
5285 To se þat doughty be ded   don out of lyue
5286 Þen Achilles to þ(a)t chere choisly can say
5287 Take hym here tyt   tent as þe list
5288 And wirke w(i)t(h) þat worthy as þe wele likes
5289 Thus halpe he þat hynd fro hond of achilles
5290 And dro hym fro dethe as for þ(a)t due tyme
5291 So the batell was barly broght to an end
5292 The grek(es) hade þe gre   gone into ship
5293 And Teutra the true kyng was trust on a litter
5294 Had hom to his halle halfe out of lyue
5295 At whose p(ra)yer full p(re)stly þo p(ri)se men two
5296 Wentto w(i)t(h) þ(a)t worthy vnto his won riche
5297 Receyuit w(i)t(h) reu(er)ence   renk(es) of astate
5298 Hono(ur)t w(i)t(h) all men onestly   well
5299 And all dainteths hom dight dere for þe nonyst
5300 When few dayes faren were þe fre kyng Teutra
5301 Wex weike of his wound   widrit to dethe
5302 ffeblit full fast of his fyn strenght
5303 Se his deth on hym dragh dressit hym þ(er)fore
5304 He sent aft(ur) sothely þe sou(er)ain achilles
5305 And thelapho þat tothir vnto his owne chaumb(ur)
5306 When þai comen to þe kyng þo curtes to gedir
5307 Þen fond þai þ(a)t fre febill in his bed
5308 All in point for to pas w(i)t(h) paynes of deth
5309 Then Teutra þo triet men tretid o þiswise
5310 Ye worshipfull weghes welbe you eu(er)
5311 And gode hele mot ye haue w(i)t(h) hop of yo(ur) lyues
5312 I say you now sothely as my sad frynd(es)
5313 My lif is not long lastand in erth
5314 Done are my dayes I draw to an end
5315 And no neire of myn owne neu(er) yet I hade
5316 Þat I my lond(es) might leue lyuely to kepe
5317 That I getton haue   gate w(i)t(h) Moche gret trauell
5318 And holdy(n) of hard   w(i)t(h) my hond werit
5319 Vnto now þ(a)t w(i)t(h) noy is my nend comyn
5320 The whiche lond I hade lost long tymes past
5321 Hade not helpe ben of hym was hardiest of other
5322 Most doughty of dedis dreghist in armys
5323 And the strongest in stoure þ(a)t eu(er) on stede rode
5324 Ercules þat hon(er)able odist of knight(es)
5325 He was þi fader so fuerse þat me faith eght
5326 Þat p(re)set at my p(ra)yer to this pure rewme
5327 In hast me to helpe w(i)t(h) his hed strenght
5328 When my fos were so fell   fuerse me agayn
5329 Þat þai occupiet ou(er) all euyn as hom list
5330 And I vnsertayn for sothe to sese it on lyue
5331 But he sothely hym selfe of his sad strenght
5332 Thurgh hardynes of hond   helpe of hym one
5333 All my fos in fight felly distroyet
5334 Breke all þ(er)e batels britned hom to dethe
5335 And so rid he this rewme of my ranke fos
5336 Eu(er) sythen for sothe to þis same tyme
5337 And deliu(er)t me þis lond   left it in pes
5338 Thus the septur   the soile sithyn haue I 3emyt
5339 Noght sothely þurgh my selfe ne my sad dedis
5340 But þurghe ffrendship of þi fader   his fre helpe
5341 Now son I will say the as my sad frynd
5342 Syn þi fader is fuerse w(i)t(h) his fre will
5343 Rid me þis rewme out of ronke Enmys
5344 And wan it full worthely w(i)t(h) worship hym seluyn
5345 Hade he lyuyt in lede he hade ben lord here
5346 Duly after my day be domys of right
5347 And syn ou(r) goddis wold not gr(a)unt g(ra)ce to be so
5348 This soile   the septur þi seluyn shall haue
5349 ffor to reigne in this rewme by right of þi fader
5350 Thus ou(r) godd(es) the grauntt(es) of hor g(ra)ce now
5351 Here qwemly I beqwethe þe to be qwem kyng
5352 Of all my lond(es) full large   my ly lef godis
5353 ffor to gou(er)ne   to get as þe good þinke
5354 This I take the be testament as my true aire
5355 And bryng me to berenes on þi best wise
5356 As be comys for a kyng in his kyd rewme
5357 And hono(ur) me w(i)t(h) obit as ogh myn astate
5358 He wrote thus his wille   wightly asselit
5359 And deght þen full dawlily as destyny asket wold
5360 And thelaphus a toumbe trietly gart make
5361 A riche   a riall w(i)t(h) mony ronke stonys
5362 On a worshipfull wise warpit hym þ(er)in
5363 W(i)t(h) all the p(ri)nces of þe p(ro)uyns   other prowde folke
5364 And sac(ri)fices full solemne soche as þai vsit
5365 He puruait a proude stone of a p(ri)se hoge
5366 His course for to cou(er) clenly aboue
5367 Þus the wegh gert w(ri)te vmbe the wale sid(es)
5368 W(i)t(h) letturs full large ledis to be holde
5369 Teutra the true kyng here in tombe lis
5370 Þat Achilles w(i)t(h) a chop chaunsit to sle
5371 Þat to thelaphon betakis all his triet rewme
5372 Bothe septur   soile as sou(er)ain to haue
5373 When þes dedis were done   the dede leuyt
5374 All the lord(es) of the lond   the lege pepull
5375 Thurgh the citis dyd send and þe soile ou(er)
5376 fforto come to the coronyng of þe kyd lord
5377 W(i)t(h) hono(ur)   homage as aght hom of right
5378 And to call hym as kyng þis in cuntres to wild aboute
5379 Þat before þurghe his fader right fell to be duke
5380 So cald in his cuntre be course of his lond(es)
5381 Now coronyd is the kyng this cuntre to weld
5382 Hade homage of all men   hono(ur) full grete
5383 And began for to gou(er)ne as gome in his owne
5384 Þan fild þai w(i)t(h) fraght all þ(er)e fuerse shippes
5385 And stuffe of all man(er) store þ(a)t hom strenght might
5386 W(i)t(h) corne   w(i)t(h) clene flowre   othir kid vitaill
5387 Achilles w(i)t(h) choise men chese into ship
5388 And thelaphon the tothir wold haue t(ur)nyt after
5389 Agayne to the grek(es) w(i)t(h) his grete folke
5390 In batell to byde as a buerne noble
5391 And be course to his cuntre comyn agayne
5392 Þen the choise kyng Achilles chaunget his wille
5393 Spake to hym specially for sped of hom all
5394 In his lond for to leng w(i)t(h) his lege pepull
5395 And puruey for þe pure oste plenty of vitaill
5396 Here at talaphon he toke leue   t(ur)nyt to ship
5397 And halet to þe hegh se in a honde while
5398 Wan þurgh the waghis hade wind at his ese
5399 Sailet on soundly   the se past
5400 To þe gret Navy of þe grek(es) graidly he come
5401 At tenydon full tomly t(ur)nyt into hauyn
5402 Lept into a litle bote launchit to bonke
5403 To Agamynon gay tent gos on his way
5404 In company clene of mony kyd lord(es)
5405 All the gret to hym gedrit w(i)t(h) a good chere
5406 And welcomth þat worthy tho weghes ychon
5407 As derrest be don to þe duk(es) all
5408 And he tomly hom told þe tale to þe end
5409 All the man(er) in Messa how þo men ferd
5410 ffirst how þai faght fuersly to gedur
5411 And how thelaphus tid to be treu kyng
5412 And of the cariage of corne comyn by ship
5413 Þat no wegh shuld wa(n)t while þe werre laste
5414 Ne no fode for to faile but the fulthe haue
5415 Sent fro the same lond by þe selfe thelaphon
5416 All worshippit the wegh for his wale dedis
5417 And he t(ur)nyt to his tent tomly   faire
5418 To the Mirmydons his men þ(a)t mekill ioy hade
5419 And fayn(er) of þ(a)t fre þen any folke ellis
5420 Now here will I houe a litle hond qwhile
5421 Or any maters mo into mynd fall
5422 Of the Troiens to telle   þ(er)e triet helpe
5423 After Dares indityng as I did first
5424 Of the Grek(es) þat gedrit to þe grete nauy
5425 Sone will I say   in the same kynd
5426 What kyng(es) þ(er)e come of countres aboute
5427 What duk(es) by dene and other derfe Erles
5428 Þat soght s to þe citie w(i)t(h) hor sad helpis
5429 ffor to comford þe kyng w(i)t(h) hor cant pepull
5430 Here nem will I now the nomes by dene
5431 And the soume of the saudiou(r)s er I sue ferre

Of the kyng(es) þat come to Troy for
Socur of Priam

5432 Of the worthy to wale as the writ shewes
5433 Thre kyng(es) þ(er)e come out of kyd londys
5434 Þat holdyn were of hom as þ(er)e hed lord(es)
5435 W(i)t(h) thre thowsaund þrome(n) þriuound in armys
5436 Pendragon þe pert p(re)stly was on
5437 And Thabor þat tother a tor mon of strenght
5438 Adasthon the doghti þ(a)t derfe was the þrid
5439 And of a cuntre was cald colophon to nome
5440 Þat faire was   full all of fre townes
5441 ffoure kyng(es) þ(er)e come w(i)t(h) a cant pepull
5442 W(i)t(h) ffyve thowsaund full / all of fyn knight(es)
5443 To a counte of þo kyng(es) Caras was on
5444 And Nestor another to neuyn of þo same
5445 The thrid ymas yrfull eger of wille
5446 And amphymac(us) þe fourt a felle mon in werre
5447 Out of lice come lyuele þe Lege kyng Thaucon
5448 W(i)t(h) his son Soppidon a sad mon of strenght
5449 Þat to priam was pure sib a p(ri)se mon of ded(es)
5450 And þre thousaund thro knight(es) þrifty in armys
5451 Out of Lachan a lond come a light kyng
5452 Emphym(us) the fuerse fell of his hond(es)
5453 And Capidus þe kene kyng(es) were bothe
5454 W(i)t(h) a thousaund thro men þrifte in armys
5455 And fyue hundrith ferre all of fyn knight(es)
5456 There come of a cuntre cald was tebaria
5457 On bann(us) a bold kyng and broght w(i)t(h) hym seluyn
5458 Þre thousond þro knight(es) þriuound in werre
5459 And vij Erles sothely in his sort were
5460 And foure duk(es) dughty   of dede nobill
5461 Þat to priam the p(ri)se kyng all were pure syb
5462 All hor colou(r)s to ken were of clene yalow
5463 W(i)t(h)outen more in the mene or mellit w(i)t(h) other
5464 To be knowen by course thurghe the clere ost
5465 As bold men in batell and of breme will
5466 Out of Trasy þ(er)e come þe tru kyng w(i)t(h) a triet pepull
5467 Philon the fuerse w(i)t(h) fele men of armys
5468 Þat is out in the Orient hon(er)able faire
5469 And a duke þat was derfe   of dede felle
5470 W(i)t(h) a .M. þro men   þrifty of hond
5471 And a hundrith hole all of his knight(es)
5472 Out of Paynon com p(re)st p(re)tomysses the kyng
5473 And a duke þat was derfe   his dere cosyn
5474 Þat stith was   store   stupex he heght
5475 W(i)t(h) þre thowsaund þrifte þrepond in werre
5476 ffor his kyngdom was clene clustrit w(i)t(h) hilles
5477 All m(er)kyd w(i)t(h) mounteyns   w(i)t(h) mayn hylles
5478 And no playne in no place ne plentie of vales
5479 Þ(er)e auntrid hom oft aunsware to haue
5480 Of mowme(n)tt(es) in þe m(er)ke þurghe might of þe fynd
5481 Þat w(i)t(h) gomes of þe ground godd(es) were cald
5482 And mony m(er)uell to mete   mysshapon best(es)
5483 Out of Beyten broght bold men two
5484 Þat were kyng(es) in the coste and also kyd brether
5485 On boetes þat was ??? bigge   his brother Ephistri(us)
5486 And in his hor company come knight(es) a thowsaund
5487 That is out in the orient the vtmast syde
5488 ffull is þat fre lond all of fyne spices
5489 Out of Paffegon / þ(a)t pight is in þe playn est
5490 And is set on a syde þ(er)e þe su(n) ryses
5491 And so ferre out of folke full of fyn gold þ(a)t no freke sese
5492 Bothe of gemmys   iuellis Come the richest renke þat reigned in Erthe
5493 On philmene a freke full of fyn gold
5494 Bothe of gemmes   iuellis Ioly for þe nonest
5495 Þat fonden are in Evfraton   þe flode tyger
5496 Þat passyn out of p(ar)adis þurghe the playn rewme
5497 He broght to þe burghe all of bold knight(es)
5498 Two thowsand þrifte   þro men of wille
5499 Iche shalke hade a shild shapyn of tre
5500 Wele leddrit o lofte lemond of gold
5501 Pight full of p(ri)se stonys vmbe þe pure sydes
5502 This philmen this ffreke fre was a fuerse man of shap
5503 Of largenes   lenght no lesse þen a giaund
5504 Of More ynde com Merion a mighty kyng alse
5505 W(i)t(h) P(er)ses a proude kyng and a pert knight
5506 W(i)t(h) duk(es) full doughty and derfe erles mo
5507 Þat subiect were sothely to þe sam p(er)ses
5508 W(i)t(h) þre thowsaund þro knight(es) þrepand in wer
5509 And Symagon sothely com w(i)t(h) the same kyng
5510 Þat was mighty   monfull Mirions brother
5511 Out of Tire come Theseus triste of hond
5512 And archillacus also þat was his aune son
5513 W(i)t(h) knight(es) in hor company clene men a thowsaund
5514 He was cosyn be cosyn by course to the kyng p(ri)am
5515 Two kyng(es) þ(er)e come of a clene yle
5516 Þat agestra þe ground geuyn is to nome
5517 Of tho kyng(es) þat I carpe know I no nomes
5518 ffor in þis boke of tho bold breuyt are none
5519 Þai broght to þe burghe buernes a thowsaund
5520 And two hundrith by tale all of triet knight(es)
5521 There come of a kyngdome callid is Delissur
5522 Of an yle be 3onde amysones an abill mon of wit
5523 A discrete man of dedis dryuen into age
5524 And a sad mon of sciens in the seuyn artis
5525 Epistaphus to p(re)ue was his pure nome
5526 He broght to þe bate of boldmen a thowsaund

A meruelouse archer

5527 And anarcher anugly þ(a)t neu(er) mon hade sene
5528 He was made as a mon fro þe myddell vp
5529 And fro the nauyll by neithe vneab vne anabill horse
5530 And cou(er)t as a capull all the corse ou(er)
5531 ffro þe hed to þe hele horit full thicke
5532 His Ene flammet as the fire or a fuerse low
5533 fferfull of fase   hade a felle loke
5534 Þat þe Grek(es) oft greuit   to grem broght
5535 Mony woundit þat wegh   warpit to dethe
5536 ffor he was boumon of the best   bold of his dedis
5537 The nowmb(ur) of þes noble men þ(a)t I nemmyt haue
5538 Þat come w(i)t(h) thes kyng(es) and other kyd duk(es)
5539 W(i)t(h)oute p(ri)ams pouer of his p(ri)se rewme
5540 Were thretty thowsaund þro knight(es) þriuond in armys
5541 And two for to tell þ(a)t to þe toune soght
5542 ffor to comford that komford þ(a)t kyng   his cause forþ(er)
5543 Syn þe world was wroght   weghis þ(er) in
5544 Was neu(er) red in no romans ne in ronke bok(es)
5545 So fele fightyng fighting folke in hor fuerse yowthe
5546 Of knight(es)   clene men comyn to gedur
5547 Of tried men   trusty þat to troy come
5548 And of the grek(es) þat were gedrit in a grym ost
5549 Of knighthed to count þ(er)e was the clene floure
5550 ffor to wale þurghe the world as þe writ tellis
5551 Wo so staris on þis story or stodis þ(er)in
5552 Take hede on þe harmys   the hard lurs
5553 What mighty were marrit   martrid to dethe
5554 Of kyng(es)   knight(es)   oþ(er) kyd duk(es)
5555 That þaire lyues here lost for a light cause
5556 Hit is heghly to haue   of hert dryue
5557 Soche sklaund(ur)   scorne þat skathis to mony
5558 And meue vnto mekenes for þe more harme

XIIIJ. Boke How the Grekys sailet from
Tenydon to Besege the Cite of Troy
And of stronge fight at þe Ariuaill

5559 Dresse will I duly to dem of my werk(es)
5560 How thai wenton to werre tho worthy to gedur
5561 Er þai t(ur)nyt fro Tenydon   token þe se
5562 Palomydon the proude kyng p(re)sit into hauyn
5563 That was naulus son þe noble   his next aire
5564 W(i)t(h) XXX.ti shippes full shene shot full of pepull
5565 ffull onest   abill of his owne lond
5566 At wose come all the kyng(es) kyndly were fayn
5567 Þat were heuy to hym for houyng so longe
5568 W(i)t(h) anger at Attens þ(er)e all were assemblit
5569 And he excuset the skathe þ(a)t he skape might
5570 ffor sore sickenes   sad s þat hym selfe þolit
5571 Þis palomydon was pert mon   p(ri)se of his dedis
5572 He was gret w(i)t(h) the grek(es)   godely hono(ur)it
5573 ffor he was most full of men   mighty of lond(es)
5574 Bothe of fuersnes of fight   of fre counsell
5575 And of riches full rife   rankist of knight(es)
5576 Þai p(ra)yet þ(a)t p(ri)nse all þo p(ri)se kyng(es)
5577 To be close in hor cause for his clene wit
5578 And he grauntid full godely all w(i)t(h) glad chere
5579 All thonkid hym þo þrifte þroly to gedur
5580 Then the grete of the Grek(es) gone into counsell
5581 How þai best might in batell þe burgh to assaile
5582 And þen þai p(ur)post hom plainly in the pure night
5583 ffor to dresse for þat dede er þe day sprange
5584 But the ffreik(es) were ferd of hor fre shippes
5585 ffor to caire by the coste   knew not the wothes
5586 Or to remew fro rode for rokkes in þe se
5587 Or to wyn to þe walles wothis hom thoght
5588 ffor los of hor lyues and hor lef knight(es)
5589 And so þai put of þat   p(ur)pas   past to another

The Counsell of Dyamede to stir to þe Cite

5590 When all counsels were kyd and carpit to end
5591 Þai didyn after Dyamede   demyt hit þe best
5592 Þat said hom full sadly all in softe word(es)
5593 Ye worthy to wale wonder me thinke
5594 Of ou(r) dedis so dull why we dare here
5595 Now is 3epely a yere yarket to end
5596 Syn we light in this lond   logget ou(r) seluyn
5597 And neu(er) dressid ne drogh to no dede ferre
5598 Ne so hardy fro þis hauyn to hale on ou(r) fos
5599 ffor to t(ur)ne vnto Troy ne on þe toun loke
5600 What dede haue we don or dryuen to anend
5601 Or þe furre in ou(r) fare for therit ou(r) seluyn
5602 But ertid ou(r) Enmyes   angert hom noght
5603 Made hom wiser of werre war of ou(r) dedys
5604 And by compas to cast to conquere vs all
5605 We sothely haue sene   ou(r) selfe knowen
5606 Syn we come to þis cost   cairet no ferre
5607 The Troiens haue atiret hom w(i)t(h) myche tor(e) strenght
5608 Þaire Cite to saue and hom selfe alse
5609 W(i)t(h) new wallis vp wroght watt(er) before
5610 And pals haue þai pight w(i)t(h) pittis and caves
5611 The hard And other wilis of werre wroght for o(ur) sake
5612 That may hast vs to harme   hynd(ur) ou(r) spede
5613 W(i)t(h) all fare þ(a)t may forthir   filsyn ou(r) seluyn
5614 Þai holdyn vs vnhardy hom for to negh
5615 Or w(i)t(h) note forto noye now at þis tyme
5616 And ay the ferr(e) þat we fay ou(r) fare opon longe
5617 The more we p(ro)cur(e) ou(r) payn   ou(r) pure shame
5618 Þis I hope in my hert and holly beleue
5619 Had we sailit all somyn to þe Cite euyn
5620 In ou(r) couorse as we come   cast vs þ(er)fore
5621 We shuld lightlier haue laght þe lond at o(ur) wille
5622 Or any we hade ben warre wonen of ship
5623 W(i)t(h)outen hurt other harme to haue in the dede
5624 Or any lede to be lost or hor lyf tyne
5625 Now are the war of ou(r) werk(es) wetyn vs at hond
5626 Vs will gayne mykell greme er we ground haue
5627 And ay the fir þat we fit ou(r) fore be þe harder
5628 Therfore sothly me semys yf ye so will
5629 Þat we dresse to ou(r) dede when þe day spryng(es)
5630 All redy to rode aray for ou(r) shippes
5631 Iche wegh in his wede as hym well likes
5632 All boune vnto batell on his best wise
5633 Row forthe in a rape right to the banke
5634 Tit vnto Troy tary no lengur
5635 And monly w(i)t(h) might meve vnto londe
5636 The ground for to get gaynis vs no nother
5637 If the Troiens w(i)t(h) tene t(ur)ne for to fight
5638 We wynnyt //ofer not of water but w(i)t(h) wight strok(es)
5639 And w(i)t(h) fightyng full fell w(i)t(h) a fuerse pepull
5640 To set vp on yche syde vppon sere haluys
5641 Þerfor lause of ou(r) lyuys leng we not here
5642 Put of all p(ur)pos p(re)se on ou(r) gate
5643 This bus duly be done dem we no nother
5644 Syn we wyn to ou(r) will be no way ellis
5645 All plesit the p(ri)nse w(i)t(h) his p(ri)se word(es)
5646 And the dom þ(a)t he dulte duly was kept
5647 When the derke was done and the day sprange
5648 All the renk(es) to row redyn hor shippes
5649 Halit out of hauyn to the hegh see
5650 There plainly thaire p(ur)pos putto anend
5651 Who fare shuld be fore of þo felle kyng(es)
5652 And wo kepit his co(ur)s for to caire after
5653 Thus demyt thos duk(es) on the depe watur
5654 A hundrith of hed shippes to hale on before
5655 Sadly to saile on þe salt waghes
5656 W(i)t(h) baners o brede bret for þe werre
5657 The forcastuls full of fuerse men of armys
5658 W(i)t(h) shot   w(i)t(h) shildis shalk(es) to noy
5659 Anoþ(er) hundrith a non negh sone aftur
5660 W(i)t(h) sailes vp set on þe sam wise
5661 All wroght for the werre   wight men þ(er)in
5662 Þen folowet all the flete fast oponon
5663 Euyn kepyn hor course as þai kend were
5664 Turnet euyn to þe toune tariet no leng(ur)
5665 Till o sither þai segh þe Cite at hond
5666 And the bonk(es) aboute to þe bare walles
5667 Þen þai t(ur)nyt hor tacle tomly to ground
5668 Leton sailes doun slide slippit into bot(es)
5669 Launchet vp to the lond lyuele beden
5670 Buernes buskit vnto bonke boldmen in hast
5671 Thoght þe ground for to gete   no grem suffer

The hard Arivall of the Grek(es)

5672 But the Troiens truly þes to rfer beheld
5673 How the fflete of þ(er)e fos fell to þe bonke
5674 And armyt hom all peces abill to fight
5675 Lepon vpon light horses lappit in stele
5676 W(i)t(h)outen leue of the lege or þe leffe p(ri)nce
5677 Bowet euyn to þe banke er þai bide wold
5678 Out of rule or a ray raungit on lenght
5679 The Grek(es) in the gret shippis graidly beheld
5680 Segh the pepull so plaintiouse p(re)saund in armes
5681 The bonke to for bede bold men ynow
5682 Thai hade m(er)uell full mekyll in hor mynd all
5683 To se the gou(er)na(u)nce graithe   the grete chere
5684 How wisely þo werrio(ur)s wroghten vnd(ur) shild
5685 There was no greke so grym ne of so gret wille
5686 Durst abate on þo buernes ne to bonke stride
5687 Ne afforse hym w(i)t(h) fight to ferke out of ship
5688 But for hom gaynet no ground to get at þe tym
5689 But þurghe strenght of strok(es)   of strong fight
5690 And w(i)t(h) batell full big on a breme wise
5691 Þai armyt hom at all peces all the ost well
5692 Wonyn to þ(er)e weppons wyghtly by dene
5693 And girdyn vp to the ground w(i)t(h) hor grete shippes
5694 Prothesselon the proude of philard was kyng
5695 He was formast on flete w(i)t(h) the first hundrith
5696 Þat boldly to bonke braidis to fight
5697 But his shippes were shent w(i)t(h) a sharpe wynd
5698 Gird on the ground w(i)t(h) so grym wille
5699 Till þai rut on a rocke   rent all to peses
5700 Þat meny was mard   the men drownet
5701 Vne sunkyn in þe se mony sure knight(es)
5702 And who þat lacchit þe lond w(i)t(h) the lyf þen
5703 Were takon w(i)t(h) þe troiens   tyruet to dethe
5704 Martrid   murthrid maglit in peses
5705 Þen the fight wex fell þo fuerse men emonge
5706 W(i)t(h) shot fro the shippes and the shire banke
5707 Of arowes   awblasters þe aire wex thicke
5708 And dynnyt w(i)t(h) dyntis þat delte were þ(a)t tyme
5709 The rynels wex red of the ronke blode
5710 Þat were slayne in the slicche   in slym lightyn
5711 There sothely was sene what sorow   pyne
5712 And how balfull   bittur the banke was to wyn
5713 How the grek(es) were gird vnto grym dethe
5714 Neu(er) red was in romanse w(i)t(h) no renke yet
5715 That any weghes in the world þ(a)t to werre yode
5716 W(i)t(h) soche baret fro þe bote vnto banke wan
5717 As hit happit here w(i)t(h) so hard fight
5718 But the secund sort sothely þ(a)t sewet hom aft(ur)
5719 Were graither of gou(er)n(au)nce grippet hor sailes
5720 And light vnto lond lyuely   sound
5721 More wisely þai wroght þurgh warnyng before
5722 Þai p(re)set vp prudly w(i)t(h) pauys in hond
5723 In refut of hor felowes þat were foule mart
5724 And the Troiens tyt t(ur)nyt hom agayne
5725 ffor bede hom the banke w(i)t(h) mony bale dintus
5726 Þai braid to þ(er)e bowes bold men in hast
5727 W(i)t(h) albrastis also atlet to shote
5728 W(i)t(h) big bowes of brake bykrit full hard
5729 Lacchet on þe ledis þat on lofte stode
5730 Hurt hom full hidiously hurlet hom abake
5731 There were ded of þo dynt(es) mony derfe knight(es)
5732 The shalk(es) for þe shot shont fro þe banke
5733 And the grek(es) vp gird in a gret nowmbur
5734 ffell fuersly to fight   hor felowes halpe
5735 Þo þat left vpon lyue þof þai lyte were
5736 Þen gird þai to gedur w(i)t(h) a grym fare
5737 ffull fell was the fight w(i)t(h) þo fuerse troiens
5738 Prothesselon þe p(ri)se kyng p(re)uyt his strenght
5739 There wond(ur)fully wroght his weghis to helpe
5740 Mony Troiens w(i)t(h) tene tyruyt to ground
5741 Thurgh swap of his sword swaltyn belyue
5742 Mony doughty were ded w(i)t(h) dynt of his hond
5743 And myche fortherit his feris in hor fell ang(ur)
5744 Hade not the freike ben so fuerse w(i)t(h) his fell dynt(es)
5745 All the grek(es) hade ben gird vnto grym dethe
5746 And all brittnet yche bon þ(a)t were to banke comyn
5747 But what fortherit his fight þof he fell whe were
5748 W(i)t(h) vij. thowsaund þro men þrongen to gedur
5749 Þ(er)e a hundrith hole were on a sop hep samyn
5750 All t(ri)et men of Troy þat hom tene wroght
5751 Mony dyntt(es) full dedly delt were anone
5752 The grek(es) were gird doun   on ground lay
5753 Mony swonyng   swalt   in swym felle
5754 The grek(es) were so greuyt   to grem broght
5755 Þai wold fayne haue ben forthe fled on hor way
5756 But no wise might þo weghis wyn into ship
5757 Ne to lepe fro þe lond into þe low se
5758 Hit was not holsom for hom so hard was the stour(e)
5759 Hom was leu(er) on þe lond leng at hor aunt(er)
5760 And be brittnet in batell þen burbull in the flod
5761 Þai fell fuersly to fight þo few þat þ(er)e were
5762 And put all þ(er)e pouer pynyt hom sore
5763 The Troiens dong hom dou(n) in the depe sliche
5764 Mony left hor lyves   light in the water
5765 And were ded in the depe w(i)t(h)outen dyn more
5766 The might was so mekyll of þo mayn Troiens
5767 Þai hade no strenght to w(i)t(h)stond ne hor stid halde
5768 But all borne were þai backe to þe buerne syde
5769 And hade deghit by dene w(i)t(h) dyntt(es) of hond
5770 But Archelaus in armys auntrid to banke
5771 And fell vnto fight his feris to helpe
5772 New batell on bent þo buernes betwene
5773 The grevans was gret þo grek(es) among
5774 Assemblit were sone þe same in þe fight
5775 And restorit full stithly þe stuff of þe grek(es)
5776 ffell was the fight   fuerse hom agaynes
5777 And mony deghyt w(i)t(h) dynt of þo derfe pepull
5778 Mony harmys þai hent er hor helpe come
5779 Þen Nestor anon neghit to lend
5780 W(i)t(h) his shippis full shene   sharpe men of armys
5781 Hard hastid to helpe w(i)t(h) heturly wille
5782 And sodainly w(i)t(h) his sort soght into batell
5783 Speiris into sprott(es) spronge ou(er) hede
5784 Arowes vp in the aire ysshit full þicke
5785 Swordis w(i)t(h) swapping swaruyt on helmes
5786 The dede vnd(ur) dyntt(es) dusshit to ground
5787 Cloudis w(i)t(h) the clamo(ur) clat(er)et aboue
5788 Of the dit   þe dyn þ(a)t to dethe went
5789 Prothenor the p(ri)se kyng   proud Archelaus
5790 Mony tolke of þe Troiens tyruet to dethe
5791 Þen Ascalus   Alacus auntrid to lond
5792 And aryuen full rad w(i)t(h) þ(er)e ranke shippes
5793 W(i)t(h) þ(er)e pouer full p(re)st past fro þe wat(ur)
5794 Brusshet into batell   myche bale wroght
5795 So felly in fere foghtyn þo two
5796 Obacke went the batell of þe burghe folke
5797 But þ(er)e were fele other fresshe þ(a)t no fight touchit
5798 Þat gird into the grek(es) w(i)t(h) a grym will
5799 And all backward hom bere to þe buerne side
5800 Þat fer from þe flode might no freke wyn
5801 Then Vlexes come vp vne w(i)t(h) his folke
5802 Wan out of þe wat(ur)   his weghis all
5803 And braid into batell w(i)t(h) a brem wille
5804 Sharpe was the shoure the sheltru(n)
5805 The grek(es) geton hor ground þ(a)t
5806 And myche comford hom the co
5807 Mony wound(es) þai wroght
5808 Vlixes w(i)t(h) Vtteraunse vnder
5809 Mony stithe in stoure stroke on
5810 Launsit as a lyoun þ(a)t were
5811 And of the ffrigies fell w(i)t(h)
5812 Su(m) he stroke in the stoure streght to þe erthe
5813 Su(m) dange to the dethe   derit full mykyll
5814 The proud kyng of pafigon p(er)sayuit his dede
5815 One philmene a freke of the ferre halue
5816 He gird hym to ground w(i)t(h) a grym speire
5817 And he fell vppon fote faght w(i)t(h) the kyng
5818 And philmene the fuerse w(i)t(h) a fell dynt
5819 Vttrid Vlixes vne in the place
5820 Þat hit shot þrough the shilde   þe shire maile
5821 To þe bare of þe body þ(a)t the blade folowet
5822 And he gird to þe ground w(i)t(h) a grym hurt
5823 Hade no strenght for to stond 3et he stert vp
5824 And frusshit at philmene w(i)t(h) a fyn launse
5825 W(i)t(h) all the might   the mayn þ(a)t the mon hade
5826 He hit hym so hitt(ur)ly on hegh in the shild
5827 Þat he breke þurgh the burd to the bare ??? throte
5828 Hurlet þurghe the hawbergh hurt hym full sore
5829 The gret vayne of his gorge gird vne ysond(ur)
5830 Þat the freike w(i)t(h) the frusshe fell of his horse
5831 Halfe ded of the dynt dusshet to ground
5832 The Troiens for þ(a)t tulke had tene at hor hert
5833 Kayron euyn to the kyng caght hym belyue
5834  urlet hym fro horsfet had hym away
5835   for ded of þe dynt was drest on his shild
5836    rne on the burde to þe burgh hom
5837     the of þis duke doll was ynogh
5838      Troiens w(i)t(h) tene t(ri)st þai no nother
5839       happit here at þis tyme
5840       so grym þ(a)t were to ground comyn
5841        ded of þe derfe Troiens
5842         x of toile Telemon the kyng
5843         Aix Aiax   all oþ(er) shippis
5844           lound and hor ledis all
5845 And Menelaus the mighty   his men hole
5846 ffull radly arofe raiked to lond
5847 Halet vp horses highet olofte
5848 And fellon vnto fight þ(er)e feres to helpe
5849 Þat were strongly be stad in a stoure hoge
5850 To the Troiens þai t(ur)nyt   mekill tene wroght
5851 The frusshe was so felle þo fuerse men betwene
5852 Crakkyng of cristis crusshyng of speiris
5853 The clynke   þe clamo(ur) clat(er)et in the aire
5854 And w(i)t(h) dyntt(es) of derfe men dynnet the erthe
5855 Mony Troiens w(i)t(h) tene were tyruyt to grond
5856 Su(m) ded of þo dyntt(es) su(m) depe woundit
5857 Restoret the stithe batell strongly onon
5858 And mony dongen to dethe of þe derf Troiens
5859 The(n) Prothessalon þe p(ri)se kyng þ(a)t p(re)set to lonnd
5860 ffirst in the forward þat his folke lost
5861 He was wery for wroght   wondet full sore
5862 Hade laburt so longe hym list for to rest
5863 And bowet fro the batell to þe bonke side
5864 ffor to beld hym on þe bent   his brethe take
5865 And o sither he soght to þe se euyn
5866 There þe fight was first   the folke drounet
5867 Þen he plainly p(er)sayuet his pepull were ded
5868 Þat no lede of þ(a)t lord(es) vppon lyue was
5869 Soche a sorowe of þ(a)t sight sanke to his hert
5870 Þat his wedis wex wete of his wan teris
5871 And he stithely astonyt stert into yre
5872 More breme to þe batell his baret to venge
5873 Of his folke þ(a)t were fallyn vnto fell dethe
5874 Hard highet vnto horse w(i)t(h) a hert þro
5875 fforto felle of þe ffrigies felly he þoght
5876 Onon w(i)t(h) anakid sword neghit to batell
5877 Vne wode of his wit as a wild lyon
5878 Mony breme on þe bent brittoned to ground
5879 Mony kild the kyng in his ckene yre
5880 Myche tene þe Troiens tid of his hond
5881 Then p(er)ses the proude kyng p(ri)se mon of ynde
5882 W(i)t(h) a batell of blomen fro the burgh come
5883 And w(i)t(h) a feruet fare fell to þe stour(e)
5884 At whose come the cuntre men comford were all
5885 And restorit the stith fight stuernly agayn
5886 As fresshe to þ(er)e fos as at the first tyme
5887 Gird to the grek(es)   moche grem wroght
5888 Woundit hom wikkedly walt hom to ground
5889 Opp(re)sset hom w(i)t(h) pyne put hom abake
5890 All the batell to þe bonke   mony buerne slogh
5891 Þ(er)e the grek(es) hade ben grymly gird vnto dethe
5892 Ne hade hade Palomedon the p(ri)se kyng p(re)set to lond
5893 W(i)t(h) fele fightyng folke of fuerse men of armys
5894 Halet vp horses hard out of bote
5895 Wonyn on wightly wentyn to batell
5896 His folke to refresshe w(i)t(h) a fyn will
5897 The assembly was sor(e) o þe se banke
5898 Mony deghit full deruly dole to be holde
5899 Then the grek(es) agayne geton þ(er)e hert(es)
5900 And myche comford kaght of his come þen
5901 This Palomydon paynyt hym pepull to slee
5902 And mony woundys he wroght in his wild ire
5903 He soght to on Synagon a sad mon of armys
5904 Kyng Merion þe mighty was his met brother
5905 Þat fele hade confoundit of the fuerse grek(es)
5906 He bere to þe bold w(i)t(h) a big sworde
5907 And rof thurgh the ribbes right to þe hert
5908 Þat he fell of his foole flat to þe ground
5909 Deghit of þe dynt   deiret nomoo
5910 Palomydon p(re)set furth into þe p(ri)se batell
5911 Mony tulke out of Troy tyruit to dethe
5912 Mony knight don cast to þe cold erthe
5913 All were ferd of þe freik fled of his way
5914 Durst no buerne on hym bate for his bold dedis
5915 Myche clam(ur)   crye was kyd in þe ost
5916 Þat the Troiens for tene might tary no leng(ur)
5917 But w(i)t(h) p(ri)se of palomydon put all abake
5918 And fer in the fight fell hom the worse
5919 Vne boun fro þe batell busket to ffe fle
5920 Vntill Ector eris hit entrid belyue
5921 The great noise   þe noy þ(a)t in now note was
5922 He lepe on a light horse lyuely enarmyt
5923 And soght to þe se banke to socur his pepull
5924 Wode in his wrathe wynnys into batell
5925 All shone his shilde   his sheme arm(ur)
5926 Glissenond of gold w(i)t(h) a glayue hoge
5927 Thre lions the lord bare all of h light goulis
5928 Þat were shapon in his shild shalk(es) to be hold
5929 He gird to the grek(es) w(i)t(h) a grym yre
5930 In the brest of the batell þ(er)e buernes were thicke
5931 He ffrusshet so felly freik(es) to ground
5932 Made wayes full wide þe weghis among
5933 Shot thurgh the sheltrons shent of þe pepull
5934 To prothesselon he p(re)set þ(a)t pepull hade pepi slayn
5935 And myche wo had wroght on þe wild troiens

The dethe of Prothesselon by Ector slayn

5936 He swappit at hym swithe w(i)t(h) a swerd felle
5937 Hit on his hed a full hard dynt
5938 Clefe þurghe the criste   the clene maile
5939 Slit hym down sleghly thurghe the slote euyn
5940 Bode at þe belt stid and the buerne deghit
5941 The(n) leuet he the lede launchet on ferre
5942 Mony dange to þe ded w(i)t(h) dynt of his hond
5943 Who happit hym to hitte harmyt nomo
5944 Mony brem in the batell britnet to dethe
5945 Sundrit the soppis vnsarkonly w(i)t(h) hond(es)
5946 All gird of his gate gevyn hym the way
5947 Iche freke of þat furse fraynit at other
5948 Þat ou(r) folke þus felly flyng(es) to ground
5949 Þen þai knowen by course of his clene shap
5950 Þat it was Ector the hon(er)able oddist of knight(es)
5951 Thai fled fro þe fase of his fell dyntt(es)
5952 So bold was no buerne his bir to w(i)t(h)stond
5953 Ne þe caupe of his kene sword kast hom to mete
5954 Whill he bode in the batell þe buerne w(i)t(h) his honde
5955 Mony grek(es) w(i)t(h) grem he gird to þe dethe
5956 All failit þ(er)e forse feblit þ(er)e hertt(es)
5957 The batell on backe was borne to þe se
5958 Then wery he wex   of his werke hote
5959 Bowet fro the batell   his buernes ??? leuyt
5960 The sun in his sercle set vnd(ur)nethe
5961 The light wex las he leuyt the fild
5962 Soght to þe Cite soberly   faire
5963 Left his feris in þe fild fightond full hard
5964 Then grek(es) agayne getton þ(er)e hertt(es)
5965 ffrushet þe ffrigies felly to ground
5966 So hit tid hom tensithe betymys þ(a)t day
5967 But þe Troiens full tore t(ur)nyt agayn
5968 ffoghten so felly frunt hom o backe
5969 Kyld mony knight(es) cacchit on hard
5970 Greuyt so the grek(es) þai graithet to fle
5971 Were borne to þe banke w(i)t(h) baret ynogh
5972 Then Achille the choise cheuyt to lond
5973 W(i)t(h) his shippis in a sheltru(n)   shalk(es) w(i)t(h)in
5974 Gird vp to þe ground w(i)t(h) a grym fare
5975 W(i)t(h) þre thowsaund þro men þrifte in armys
5976 ffell to þe fight on a fuerse wise
5977 Miche tene the Troiens tid of his hond
5978 The grek(es) keu(er)yt hor comford by comyng of hym
5979 ffell was the fight þo frekes betwene
5980 Mony gird to þe ground and to grym dethe
5981 Mony led out of lyue light on þe erthe
5982 The stoure was so stithe þo strong men among
5983 That full mekull was the murthe   mony were ded
5984 The Troiens full tyte were tyruit to ground
5985 Thurghe Achilles chiualry hom cheuyt the worse
5986 Mony fell þat freike w(i)t(h) his fuerse dyntt(es)
5987 Myche blode on the bent bale forto se
5988 Of myrth   of mynnyng thurgh might of hym one
5989 Then the last of þo lefe shippis launchit to bonke
5990 And all the fighting folke fell to þe lond
5991 Gyrdyn in grymly into grete batell
5992 The multitude of was so mykyll at þe mene tyme
5993 Of the grek(es) vppon ground   of grym folke
5994 The Troiens for tene tyruyt the backe
5995 ffleddon in fere   the filde leuyt
5996 All somyn to the Cite soghten by dene
5997 W(i)t(h) myche clam(ur)   crie for care of hor dethe
5998 Mony warchont wound   were at all
5999 Mony chyualrus achilles choppit to dethe
6000 As þai flaghe in the fild þe freke w(i)t(h) his hond
6001 All his wedis were wete of þaire wan blode
6002 So he gird hom to ground w(i)t(h) a grym sword
6003 To þe Cite forsothe cessit þai noght
6004 Moche angre at the entre auntrid to falle
6005 To the Troiens w(i)t(h) tene er þai toun entred
6006 Myche slaghte in the slade   slyngyng of horse
6007 Mony derfe þ(er)e deghit was dole to beholde
6008 ffull myche was the murthe   more hade þ(er)e ben
6009 Hade not Troilus the tene t(ur)nyt to fight
6010 And paris the p(ri)se w(i)t(h) pepull ynogh
6011 W(i)t(h) Deffebus the derfe of dedis full felle
6012 Þat fell to þe frusshe of þe fuerse grek(es)
6013 Issuet out egurly angret full mony
6014 And so sesit the suet soghtyn no ferre
6015 The night was so nigh noye was the more
6016 The day was done dymet the skyes
6017 The Troiens full tite tynyt the 3ates
6018 Barret hom bigly w(i)t(h) barres of yrne
6019 Achilles w(i)t(h) his chiualers chose to þe bonke
6020 All the grek(es) agayn Agamynon vnto
6021 The Emp(er)oure hym owne selfe assignet the grete ordant onon
6022 fforto bilde vp tentt(es) taret no lengurto graide as your degre askes
6023 Sithen hym selfe assignet the gret
6024 Placis of pauylions for þe p(ri)se kyng(es)
6025 Grete tentt(es) to graide as þaire degre askit
6026 Logges to las men w(i)t(h) leuys of wod
6027 Iche buerne on his best wise busket to lenge
6028 ffor the night was so neghe noyet hom all
6029 Stablit vp hor stedis   hor stithe horses
6030 On suche man(er) as þai might for þe mene tyme
6031 And all necessaries for þe night þ(a)t þai naite shuld
6032 ffocchit fro the flete   ferkit to bonke
6033 Thaire shippes in sheltrons shotton to lond
6034 Knyt hom w(i)t(h) cables   w(i)t(h) kene ancres
6035 And bound hom full bigly on hor best wise
6036 As agamynon the grete the gomys com(m)aundyt
6037 Brode firis   brem beccyn in þe ??? ost
6038 Torchis and tendlis the tentt(es) to light
6039 That yche freike in the fild his felow might know
6040 Also light on to loke as þe leue day
6041 Other feris opon fer the freik(es) w(i)t(h)oute
6042 W(i)t(h) skowte wacche for skathe   skeltyng of harme
6043 The Troiens w(i)t(h) tene þ(a)t in the towne were
6044 Neghit hom not negh ne no noy did
6045 But closit the clene yat(es) keppit hom w(i)t(h)in
6046 This Agamynon the grete gaynit no slepe
6047 Bise was the buerne all the bare night
6048 To ordan for his ennyes as I er saide
6049 ffolke opon fer the firis w(i)t(h) oute
6050 ffor to wacche and to wake for wothis of harme
6051 W(i)t(h) qwistlis   qwes   other qwaint gere
6052 Melody of mowthe myrthe for to here
6053 And men of armys full mony made for to stond
6054 In soppes on ser halfe the serch to kepe
6055 The ost out of ang(ur)   aunt(ur) to were
6056 Wacche word(es) to wale þ(a)t weghis might know
6057 Sore men   seke soundly to rest
6058 Þat were felket feblet in fight   hade fele f woundes
6059 To lie in hor lodges a littell at ese
6060 Armet were all men for aunt(ur) to come
6061 Till the derke was don   the day sprange
6062 And the sun in his sercle set vppo lofte
6063 This fight was the first þo felons betwene
6064 Syn thay light on the lond lord giffe vs ioye

XV. Boke of the Ordin(au)nce of the Troiens
to the Secund Bate&lbar;&lbar;

6065 Ector the Hon(er)able erly at Morne
6066 When the Sun vp soght w(i)t(h) his softe beames
6067 Ledar of the ledis þat longit to Troy
6068 He p(ur)post his pepull w(i)t(h) his pure wit
6069 ffor to fare to the fight   the fild take
6070 He somond all the Cite vppon sere haluys
6071 Eu(er)y buerne to be boun on hor best wise
6072 Armyt at all peses abill to fight
6073 And assemblit in sad hast hym seluyn before
6074 On a place þ(a)t was playn plesaund w(i)t(h) all
6075 There a temple was tild of tide diana
6076 ffull worthely wroght wheghis to beholde
6077 Thid(ur) comyn the kyng(es) w(i)t(h) knight(es) enarmyt
6078 And were p(ar)tid full p(re)stly put into batels
6079 By deuyse of the duke þat doghtie was aye
6080 As for the fight at the full on the first day
6081 ffor to 3arke vp the 3ate he 3epely comaund
6082 Þat hight Dardan by dom duly to nome
6083 Of his cosyns he cald kyd men two
6084 On Glaucon a gome þ(a)t graithe was in armys
6085 He was a knight full kant the kyng(es) son of lice
6086 And a wight mon in wer wild of his dedis
6087 And Synabor forsothe the secund was he
6088 Ector owne brother abill to fight
6089 To hom assignet the sou(er)ain all of sure knight(es)
6090 A thowsaund full thro þriuaund in wer
6091 Strong men in stoure sturnest of will
6092 Witty and wild waled men all
6093 Of the ledis of Lice   of leue troy
6094 In Neptune nome   nobill goddis other
6095 Bad hom wend for hor worship tho worthy to gedur
6096 And þai glode forth gladly at the grete yate
6097 Taward(es) the grek(es) on the ground in a grym ost
6098 Þen ordant Ector of hon(er)able knight(es)
6099 Of wise men in wer wightly a thowsaund
6100 Betaght to Teseus of trasy was kyng
6101 W(i)t(h) archilacus a choise knyght in his cher Sun
6102 Gaf loue to þo lordys let hom pas on
6103 bed hom fare to þe frekys þ(a)t before were
6104 And bothe in a batell as hom best lyket
6105 The secund batell sothly þe sou(er)an araiet
6106 Of Thre thowsond þro knyghtis þryuo(n)d to gedur
6107 And assignet hom for sou(er)an xancip(us) þe kyng
6108 And alcane also abill of dedys
6109 Þat of frigie þe faire þai were fre kyng(es)
6110 Þen be leue of þe lord þo ledys in fere
6111 bowet to þe brode 3ate hor burnys hom w(i)t(h)
6112 And gon toward þe grekis w(i)t(h) a grete chere
6113 The þrid batell in þe burgh þ(a)t þe beurne made
6114 Was asmony abyll knyghtis auntrus of hond
6115 Of þe tulkys of troy tide me(n) all
6116 W(i)t(h) troilus to t(ur)ne furthe truest of knyght(es)
6117 And ector full onestli his aune brother taght
6118 W(i)t(h) fayre wordis in faythfull of hys fre wyll
6119 Dere brother and derfe I dout me full sone
6120 lest þi friknes so furse in þi fell hert
6121 brynge þe to bale for þi bold dedys
6122 Þat þ(o)u couet be curse to caire into wothe
6123 And ou(er) fer on þi fose fare by þi seluyn
6124 I pray þe full p(re)stli w(i)t(h) all my pure saule
6125 Þat þ(o)u kepe þi corse for cas þ(a)t may fall
6126 And fare not w(i)t(h) foli oure fos for to glade
6127 Ne wirknot vnwysly in þi wilde dedis
6128 Þat þi ma(n)hod be marte thurgh þi mysrewle
6129 but ber þe in batell as a burne wyse
6130 Þat þi fose thurgh þi foli þe fayner not worthe
6131 Ne be cheryst w(i)t(h) chere thurgh our chau(n)se febyll
6132 Go furthe now w(i)t(h) fortune þ(a)t þe fayre happy(n)
6133 Ou(r) goddis the gou(er)ne   soche grace leue
6134 Þat þ(o)u the victorie wyn the worship to saue
6135 And to þis Citie in sound þi seluyn may come
6136 Than Troilus tomly talket agayne
6137 Dere s(ir) of my dedis dout(es) nothing
6138 W(i)t(h) grase of ou(r) godd(es) in ou(r) gate furthe
6139 Your comaundeme(n)t to kepe as my kynd brother
6140 And my lord þ(a)t is lell my lust shalbe ay
6141 Than he past w(i)t(h) his pepull to þe playn fild
6142 Thre thowsaund thromen w(i)t(h)out þrepe more
6143 This the bold knight bare for his bright armys
6144 All his shelde was to shew shynyng of gold
6145 W(i)t(h) þre lions lyuely launchiondd þ(er)in
6146 Ou(er) gilt full gay gomys to behold
6147 And so he fore to his fos w(i)t(h) a fyne wille
6148 The Furthe batell in the burghe the bold knight arayet
6149 Of fell fightyng men full þre thowsaund
6150 All of knight(es) full kene kyddest in armys
6151 And vij. hundreth besyde of all of sure knight(es)
6152 Vnder ledyng of a lord in Larrys was kyng
6153 Hupon the hoge a hegh mon of stature
6154 And in batell full big bold of his hond(es)
6155 Dissyrus was the duke in ded(es) of armys
6156 Of all the Troiens to tell torest in fight
6157 Saue Ector the hon(er)able oddist of knight(es)
6158 And in his company come a kyd mon of armys
6159 On Ardelaus full auntrus abill of p(er)son
6160 Þat come w(i)t(h) the same kyng fro his kyth riche
6161 And was doughty of his dedis derf on a stede
6162 Þes laughten þ(er)e leue at þe lefe p(ri)nce
6163 And gone to þe grek(es) w(i)t(h) a grym chere
6164 Soghten the same yate softly to ged(ur)
6165 And on Damake by dom þ(a)t was dere brother
6166 To Ector hym owne selfe auntrid hom w(i)t(h)
6167 As for doghty of dede   for dere holdyn
6168 The ffyfte Batell of bold men þ(a)t the buerne made
6169 He ordant on oysom the hon(er)able kyng
6170 Of the ledis of the lond the ledyng to haue
6171 W(i)t(h) polidam(us) of p(ri)se the p(ri)nses owne brother
6172 Þes oysoms all were od men of strenght
6173 Massily made mykell as giauntt(es)
6174 And all þ(er)e colou(r)s to ken was of clene yalow
6175 W(i)t(h)outen difference to dem dubbit þ(er)in
6176 All luttyn the lord   þ(er)e leue toke
6177 And foren euon to þe fild þaire fos to assaile
6178 The Sexte Batell þat was sent fro þe Cite þen
6179 Ordant by Ector odmen   noble
6180 The pepull of poyem w(i)t(h) þ(er)e pure kyng(es)
6181 And Seripes a sad duke of the same lond
6182 Þat were fous to the fight fell of hor dedis
6183 Vnarmyt were þai all aunt(er) was the more
6184 No helmys ne hawberghes ne no hard shildes
6185 Bowmen of the best þo buernes were all
6186 Well enfourmet of þe fet   hade fyne takell
6187 Mony woundis þai wroght wete ye for sothe
6188 Bothe on horse   on here harmyt full mekull
6189 By ordinaunce of Ector þes odmen to lede
6190 Was deffibus demyt of his dere brether
6191 Þen þai lacchen þ(er)e leue at the lord euyn
6192 fforen to the fild w(i)(h) a fyn will
6193 To þes bowmen bold þ(a)t of burgh went
6194 Ector did ordan od men of armys
6195 A gret nowmb(ur) for the nonest nobill knight(es) all
6196 Vnder cure of two Kyng(es) þat þai come w(i)t(h)
6197 Philon the fuerse faithly was on
6198 And esdras þat other oddist in wer
6199 W(i)t(h) all the gomes of Agresta gode men   all abill
6200 This Philon the fre kyng þ(a)t I first neuenyt
6201 Hade a chariot full choise as þe chalke wyte
6202 All of yu(er) full onest ordant for hym
6203 And the whelis full whem all of white aumb(ur)
6204 Cou(er)t w(i)t(h) a cloth all of clene golde
6205 Dubbit full of diamondis   oþ(er) dere stones
6206 fframet ou(er) fresshly w(i)t(h) frett(es) of p(er)le
6207 Two dromoudarijs drowe hit dressit þ(er)fore
6208 And led it furth lyuely w(i)t(h) light men of armys
6209 Vne full for the fight   fuerse men   nobill
6210 W(i)t(h) the kyng(es) in company comaund the p(ri)nse
6211 His aune brother full bold barly to wend
6212 Þat hym fell on his fader side a fight(er) full nobill
6213 Nowthir lut the he þe lord ne no leue toke
6214 But kaires fourth w(i)t(h) the kyng   his course held
6215 The Seuynt / þat assignet was the sou(er)ain before
6216 Was auntrus Eneas abill of p(er)son
6217 In his company clene the knight(es) of the lond
6218 Þat heldyn in hede of þ(a)t high Cite
6219 W(i)t(h) fele fightyng folke of the fuerse comyns
6220 Þat were gou(er)net by a gome þ(a)t was graith holdyn
6221 A fyne squier   a fuerse Eufemi(us) he hight
6222 At Ector þai asket leue   yssuit furth somyn
6223 The Eghtid Batell in the burgh þ(a)t the buerne set
6224 Vnder serces for sothe the sou(er)ain of perce
6225 W(i)t(h) al the pepull of his p(ro)uynce p(ri)se men   nobill
6226 And his brother of blod þ(a)t he best loued
6227 Paris he putto þ(er)e pure hed
6228 And said hym full soberly all in soft word(es)
6229 Þof he bownet fro the burgh to the batell euyn
6230 Þat he fell not to fight w(i)t(h) no felle grek(es)
6231 Till hym selfe were beside for soco(ur) at nede
6232 And Paris to the p(ri)nse ??? pertly aunsward
6233 Sir you(r) comaundeme(n)t to kepe I cast me for sothe
6234 W(i)t(h) all the might þ(a)t I may at þis mene tyme
6235 He lut hym full lelly   his leue toke
6236 And past furth w(i)t(h) his pepull to þe playn fild
6237 Then Ector hym owne selfe ordant belyue
6238 The last batell to lede of his lege pepull
6239 Of the truemen of Troy   his triet brother
6240 He toke w(i)t(h) hym ten most tristy in wer
6241 And fyue thowsaund fuerse all of fyn knight(es)
6242 Wise men of wer   of wit nobill
6243 ffor to fare to þe fight w(i)t(h) þaire fre p(ri)nse
6244 Hym selfe on a sad horse surely enarmyt
6245 Þat Galathe w(i)t(h) gomys gyuen was to nome
6246 Of whose mykill   might   his mayn strenght
6247 Dares in his dytyng duly me tellus
6248 When the lede was o lofte as hym list be
6249 Armyt well at peces as I er said
6250 He caires furth to þe kyng   his kynd fader
6251 Lowtis euyn to þe lord   on lowde saide
6252 Dere fader full faire   my fre kyng
6253 Ye shall haue in a here of hend men a thousaund
6254 All of knight(es) full kene   kid men of armys
6255 W(i)t(h) all the fotemen in fere þ(a)t are to fight able
6256 Abidis here at the border buske ye no fer
6257 Lokis well to þe listis þ(a)t ne lede passe
6258 If any stert vpon stray strike hom to dethe
6259 Oure Cite to saue fro ou(r) sad fos
6260 I haue messangers w(i)t(h) me made for þe nonest
6261 Þat ffor p(er)ell or p(ur)pos shall pas vs betwene
6262 Bodword forto bryng as vs best lykys
6263 All tythondys to tell as tydis vs in fyght
6264 How vs happys to haue in hast shall ye wete
6265 And wysly bes war waytys to þe toune
6266 On yche half forto hede þ(a)t no harme fall
6267 Þat ou(r) fos w(i)t(h) no faulshed in þe fyght tyme
6268 Sese not ou(r) Cite ou(r) seluy(n) to pyne
6269 Ne rob not ou(r) ryches ne ou(r) ryf godys
6270 Be ye wayt for þe wallis warden of all
6271 And a post for all p(er)ellis you(r) pupul to saue
6272 As stuf of ou(r) strenkyth yf we stond hard
6273 Þen p(ri)am to þe p(ri)nse p(re)stly onswart
6274 Der(e) so all be don as þ(o)u demyt has
6275 I haue no hope of no help after hegh goddys
6276 But in stuf of þi strenkyght   þi stythe arme
6277 In þi wyt and þi warnes   þi wyght dedys
6278 W(i)t(h) þi gou(er)nanse graythe   þi gode rewle
6279 Þ(er)for(e) p(re)stly I pray to ou(r) pur(e) sanctys
6280 Þat þai saue þe in sound sent to þi hele
6281 Kepe þe fro cumbranse   fro cold dethe
6282 And leue me þi lyf in lykyng to se
6283 So þe lede toke leue lut to hys fad(ur)
6284 Past furthe to hys pupull   hys pas held
6285 He was wyght and wylfull wysist in batell
6286 Strongest in stour sturnest of other
6287 Eu(er) frike to þe fyght fayntyd he neu(er)
6288 leder of þe ledys þ(a)t longyt to troy
6289 Hys armys were auenond abyll to fyght
6290 Hys feld was of fyngold freche to behold
6291 W(i)t(h) þre lyons launchond all of lyght goulys
6292 Þus he glod on hys gate and hys gomys all
6293 W(i)t(h) hys ban(er)s o brode and þe burght past
6294 penons   penselles proud me(n) of armys
6295 ffore euyn to þe feld   hys feris leuyt
6296 prykyd furthe p(re)stly past on hys way
6297 Þof he lengyt to þe last er he leue toke
6298 He was foundy(n) þe fyrst þ(a)t in feld stroke
6299 And þe sonest at assembly in þe sad fyght
6300 All þe worshypfull weme(n) of þe wale toune
6301 Wentyn to þe wallys þe weghys to behold
6302 Þe kyngys doghter beden drogh in hom alofte
6303 W(i)t(h) hono(ur)able Elan þ(a)t arghit in hert
6304 Miche fere had þ(a)t fre   full was of þoght
6305 All droupond in drede and in dol lengyt
6306 Þof Ector þe hono(ur)able had ordant hys folke
6307 And bateld hom bygly on hys best wyse
6308 Vnd(ur) gou(er)nanse graythe all hys grym ost
6309 In rewle and aray redy to fyght
6310 Agamynon hys grekys graythyt to feld
6311 xx batels full bold of byg me(n) of armys
6312 And vj other besyde all of sure knyghtys
6313 Patroclus þe proud kyng put to þe first
6314 W(i)t(h) all þe folke þ(a)t hym folowet   fele other moo
6315 Achylles choise me(n) cheuyt hym w(i)t(h)
6316 Hym selfe for(e) to no fyght for(e) hys fel wondys
6317 But lay in hys loge lechit his sores
6318 Þis patroclus þe proud kyng was full pure ryche
6319 Of aunsetr(e) olde abyll of kyn
6320 Wel man(er)t   meke myghti of pupull
6321 Achilles þe choise kyng cherist hym mekill
6322 And louyt hym no lesse þe(n) hy(m) lef seluyn
6323 Þay wer so festnyt w(i)t(h) faythe   wyth fyn loue
6324 Þat bothe þaire saulis   þaire self were set on a wyll
6325 And qwat so tendit to þe totheris was all{DT.6326} The secund batell forsothe assingnet was þen
6327 To merion amody kyng þat mekull couth of were
6328 W(i)t(h) þre thousond þro knyghtis þrepond in armys
6329 And Menestaus the mighty w(i)t(h) his men of Attens
6330 To Atholapo a tore kyng takyn was the þrid
6331 And Philmene his fere faire son for(e) in his hond
6332 W(i)t(h) all the company clene of comaynes pepull
6333 Wise men in wer wight of hor ded(es)
6334 The ffourthe batell in feld he fourmet to leng
6335 W(i)t(h) Archelaus a lede lyuely in armys
6336 And Prothenor a p(ri)se kyng w(i)t(h) his pepull holl
6337 In the same was Segurda w(i)t(h) sad men   noble
6338 The fyfte þat was fourmit of þo fuerse batell
6339 Was Menelay the mighty w(i)t(h) his men all
6340 W(i)t(h) the pepull of his p(ro)uynse   his pert knight(es)
6341 The Sext of þat sort þat soght to þe fild
6342 Was kyng bisshop the bold w(i)t(h) his buernes felle
6343 And Selidis for sothe soght in his hond(es)
6344 W(i)t(h) all the here þ(a)t he hade highit hym w(i)t(h)
6345 The Seuent of the soum þ(a)t I said ere
6346 Was Telamon þe tide w(i)t(h) mony tried knight(es)
6347 Þat suett hym from salerne sad men   noble
6348 W(i)t(h) Erles in fere fell men of wer(e)
6349 Theseus the tru   tide Amphimake
6350 And on Domys the doghty doutid in fild
6351 W(i)t(h) polisarius the pert of p(er)son full abill
6352 Thes comyn w(i)t(h) the kyng in his clene batell
6353 The viij. ffreke þ(a)t to feld fore w(i)t(h) his batell
6354 Was Toax a tore kyng and tide of hondwith odmen to wale
6355 The ix. of þe nowmb(ur) to nem you full euyn
6356 Was Aiax oeli(us) w(i)t(h) odmen to wale
6357 And philot the fell kyng fore w(i)t(h) the Tenth
6358 Nestor the noble duke a nold man w(i)t(h) all
6359 The xj. w(i)t(h) odmen auntrid to fild
6360 The xij. vnthwynond þat twyet not in fight
6361 Was Maumbert mayn son mightfull Henex
6362 The xiij. thro batell þrong w(i)t(h) Vlixes
6363 That past to the playn w(i)t(h) proude men of armys
6364 The xiiij. to þe fight fore w(i)t(h) Arestes
6365 Humeli(us) the hasty highit w(i)t(h) the fyftene
6366 Prothessalons proud son p(re)sit w(i)t(h) the xvj.tene
6367 ffor to dere for the dethe of his dere fader
6368 Polidari(us) the porknell   his pere Machaon
6369 Suet w(i)t(h) the xvij. sadmen   noble
6370 The riche kyng of the Rodes raiked w(i)t(h) the xviij.
6371 W(i)t(h) fell men in fight to the fild past
6372 The xix. of the nowmbur a nobill mon toke
6373 One Gumpli(us) a gome þ(a)t mony greke led
6374 And philot the freke fore w(i)t(h) the xx.ti
6375 Þat of Larris was lord   a lege kyng
6376 W(i)t(h) xxj. auntrid abill men two
6377 Amphimas a fre kyng and hys fere Cepton
6378 W(i)t(h) xxij. vnthwynond twyet to filde
6379 Dyomede the derfe kyng and doughty Celernis
6380 Eneus the nobill kyng þ(a)t neghit fro Sypris
6381 W(i)t(h) xxiij. þriuond þronge to the playne
6382 Protholus a p(ri)se kyng p(re)sit w(i)t(h) another
6383 Now xxiiij. fully are faren to þe batell
6384 Cupenor a cant man come w(i)t(h) the next
6385 The xxv. fully all of fyn knight(es)
6386 The xxvj. of the soume þ(a)t I said first
6387 Of bold batels   bigge þat to bent come
6388 Led Agamynon the grete w(i)t(h) grek(es) full mony
6389 And fore euyn to þe fight   the fild toke
6390 When the batell on bothe haluys were to bent comyn
6391 ffor to fight in the fild all þo fuerse pepull
6392 Ector the auntrus ablist of knight(es)
6393 Was the first in the fild þ(a)t to fight entrid
6394 Toke his horse w(i)t(h) his helis hasted before
6395 Gird euon to the grek(es) w(i)t(h) a grete yre
6396 ffrusshet to þe forward felly anon

The deth of Patroclus by Ector Slayn

6397 Patroclus p(er)sayuit þ(a)t the pepull led
6398 Þat was formast in fight w(i)t(h) a felle speire
6399 He auntrid vpon Ector alt atlit hym a dynt
6400 W(i)t(h) all the forse of his fole   his fuerse arme
6401 He shot þrough the shild   the shene maile
6402 To þe ynmast of his armur angardly fast
6403 Hit neghit to þe nakid but no noy did
6404 Ector for þ(a)t od dynt ournyt in hert
6405 Wode for the wap as as a wild lyon
6406 His speire into sprott(es) sprongyn was before
6407 But he braid out a brond w(i)t(h) a bill felle
6408 Carve euyn at the kyng   þe crest hit
6409 Slit hym full slighly to þe slote euyn
6410 Þat he dusshet of þe dynt dede to þe ground

The ffoly Desyre of Ector

6411 When the kyng was kyld cast to þe grene
6412 His shene armys to shew shone in the filde
6413 Ector to þe erth egurly light
6414 The gay arm(ur) to get of the gode hew
6415 And to spoile that spilt kyng he sped ferr(e)
6416 That he duly dressit in his depe hert
6417 His horse in his hond held by the reyne
6418 And come to þe kyng þ(er)e the corse lay
6419 Wold haue robbet the renke of his riche wede
6420 W(i)t(h) the tonhond in the toile tyruyt it offe
6421 But Merion the mighty w(i)t(h) a mayn pepull
6422 W(i)t(h) þre thousaund þro men þrong hym vnto
6423 In defence of the freike þat on fild lay
6424 To Ector in ernyst full ang(ur)ly said
6425 Nay warloghe wolfe in þi wode hongur hor angur
6426 Þat neu(er) of forray art full w(i)t(h) þi foule vse
6427 The tydis notto taste of þis triet meite
6428 ffor bode the firke þi fode forto wyn
6429 Sone shall þ(o)u se in a sad hast
6430 A .C. thowsaund on horse highande þe to
6431 Thy hed forto haue   hew þe to dethe
6432 And put þe fro p(ur)pos þi payn to encres
6433 Sone by the same kyng   his sad helpis
6434 He was borne fro þe body backward agayn
6435 His horse for to haue þai hasted bydene
6436 And mony strok(es) in þat stoure þo stithe men hym gefe
6437 Till þe knight vnd(ur) knappis vppon knes fell
6438 Then he stert vp full stithly w(i)t(h) his store might
6439 Was on hys wight horse for wepyn or other
6440 ffor all the grefe of þe grek(es)   þe grete þronge
6441 Was no led might hym let þof hom lothe were
6442 He meuit taward Merion his malis to venge
6443 Wode of his wit in his wan yre
6444 But Glaucon the grete w(i)t(h) a grym batell
6445 Theseus þe tore kyng t(ur)nyt hym agayn
6446 W(i)t(h) iij. M. þro men þronge hym aboute
6447 And socurd the same kyng w(i)t(h) hor sad holpis
6448 But the first of þo frek(es) þat he fell to

The dethe of Archilacus by Ector Slayne

6449 Was archilacus a choise kyng hym cheuit full ille
6450 The buerne w(i)t(h) his bare sword bere hym to dethe
6451 Þat he felle of his fole flat to þe ground
6452 Monyon he martrid at the meane tyme
6453 The pruddist þ(a)t hym p(re)set plainly he slogh
6454 Breme was the batell on the bent þan
6455 Mony stithe in the stoure stale fro þ(er)e lyues
6456 Yet Ector eftsones ettillit to assay
6457 And Patroclus proud grer(e) p(re)set to haue
6458 He light doune full lyuely lettid he noght
6459 And bounet to the body þ(er)e the buerne lay
6460 Þen come þ(er)e a kyng w(i)t(h) kene men of armys
6461 Idymy(us) full deruly   dressit hym to
6462 W(i)t(h) two thowsaund þro knight(es)   þronge hym aboute
6463 And Myrion þat I mynt w(i)t(h) his men all
6464 Thay p(re)set so þe p(ri)nce w(i)t(h) power of knight(es)
6465 Þat þai warnit hym his wille   away put
6466 But fele dyntt(es) he delt   to dethe cast
6467 And other weghis hym w(i)t(h) woundet the grek(es)
6468 When he segh þat hym selfe was set vppon fote
6469 And so fele of his fos fuerse hym aboute
6470 All horset but he   on hegh set
6471 He aforset hym felly w(i)t(h) his fyn strenght
6472 Gird to the grek(es) in his gret yre
6473 Mony woundis his wroght weghis to dethe
6474 Hond(es) of hew heturly fast
6475 Mony foteles freke of his fell dint(es)
6476 ffele horses w(i)t(h) his hond hew he to deth
6477 Till all shont fro þat shene   þe shalke leuyt
6478 So he rid hym a rowme in a rad hast
6479 Of þo tulk(es) w(i)t(h) tene þ(a)t hym take wold
6480 Than Merion þe mighty mody kyng þat I mynt first
6481 Presit to Patroclus in place þ(er)e he lay
6482 Braid vp the body on his big horse
6483 And so the freike hym before ferkit to his tent
6484 Now the grek(es) w(i)t(h) grem gedrit vnto Ector
6485 His horse for to haue   hym away lede
6486 Thay caupit at the knight kene men of armys
6487 Þat the wegh on no wise might wyn on his horse
6488 In þat Company kene was a knight noble
6489 That Carion was cald by his kynd nome
6490 ffull ernestly w(i)t(h) Ector auntrid to fight
6491 Gaf hym dintt(es) full dedly   derit hym mekill
6492 But a sou(er)ain s(er)uand of þe same p(ri)se
6493 Segh his maist(ur) at mischefe among(es) his fos
6494 Two speirus full dispitus he sparet to cast
6495 Þat fuerse were before   of fell bit
6496 At the knight Carion cast he þat one
6497 As he mellit w(i)t(h) his maist(ur) merkit hym euyn
6498 Hit hym so hitt(er)ly w(i)t(h) a hard dynt
6499 Þat he gird to þe ground   þe gost yalde
6500 Þen anoþ(er) þat was next noyet hym alse
6501 Mellit w(i)t(h) his maist(ur) at þe mete mene tyme
6502 The tother speire þat he sparit spent vpon hym
6503 Brochit hym þrough þe body þ(a)t þe buerne swalt
6504 Then criet he full cantly þe knight(es) vpon
6505 And the tyde men of Troy w(i)t(h) a tore steuyn
6506 In hast for to hye to þ(er)e hed p(ri)nse
6507 Þat in p(er)ell was put in plite to be slayn
6508 Þen Synabor forsothe w(i)t(h) a sad pepull
6509 Neghit to þe note his naturall brother
6510 He come to þe crye w(i)t(h) a cant will
6511 And gird to the grek(es) mony grym dynt
6512 ffull mony fuerse men w(i)t(h) his fyne strenght
6513 Made wais full wide wan to his lord
6514 Halpe hym full hertely hurt of his fos
6515 Gird hom to ground   to grym dethe
6516 Thretty of þe þroest he þronge out of lyue
6517 Mony weghis he woundit   warpit to erthe
6518 Þen the troiens full tyt tokyn þ(er)e hert(es)
6519 ffell of hor fos w(i)t(h) a frike wille
6520 Getyn þ(er)e ground w(i)t(h) a gret strenght
6521 And frusshet þ(er)e fos fer vppo abacke
6522 ffuerse Ector was fayn of his fyn helpe
6523 And as wode as a wild bore wan on his horse
6524 He shouuyt þurgh his sheltrun shent mony greke
6525 And mard of þo men out of mynd fele
6526 Gird hom to ground w(i)t(h) mony grym hurt
6527 All þat met hym w(i)t(h) malis in þe mene tyme
6528 Auther dyet of his dyntt(es) or were ded wondit
6529 The grek(es) for þe greu(au)nce gyuen hym þe way
6530 ffled all in fere ferd of hor dethe
6531 Mony batell he breke myche bale wroght
6532 All his wedis wex wete of hor wan blode
6533 Þen found he no frek(es) to fraist on his strenght
6534 Ne non so derfe to endure a dynt of his hond
6535 Then Menestaus þe mighty w(i)t(h) his men hole
6536 The duke of Athens full derf drogh into batell
6537 W(i)t(h) þre thowsaund þro men þriuond in armys
6538 And other folke full fuerse þ(a)t the freike hade
6539 He launchit in O þe lift side w(i)t(h) his ledis all
6540 There Troilus thege the tried t(ur)nyd to fight
6541 W(i)t(h) the frigies fell þat þe freike lad
6542 Þat myche greu(au)nce   grem to þe grek(es) did
6543 W(i)t(h) Alcan(us) a kyng a kid man of strenght
6544 And Machaon þe mighty w(i)t(h) his men als
6545 Xancipus the same batell sothely was þen
6546 There mynget þai þ(er)e men machit hom to gedur
6547 Mony dedly dint delt hom amonge
6548 Big was the batell vpon bothe haluys
6549 And myche slaght in þe slade   slynging to ground
6550 Troilus in the toile tyruit was of hors
6551 ffaght vppon fote felly agayne
6552 Mony woundet the wegh of his wale fos
6553 Menestaus the mighty mainly beheld
6554 Segh Troiell in toile   tynt had his horse
6555 ffaght vpon fote in þe fuerse batell
6556 And myche harme w(i)t(h) his hond happit to do
6557 Then aforsit hym the freike w(i)t(h) his fuerse knight(es)
6558 Troilus to take and to tent lede
6559 Presit hym full prudly w(i)t(h) his p(ri)se folke
6560 Halit hym fro horse fet   in hond toke
6561 Then he led hym furth lyuely   his wille hade
6562 But a mon of þ(a)t mighty þat my seres was hade cald
6563 To the frigies in fere felly he saide
6564 Alas ledis of þis lond þ(a)t ye lyfe haue
6565 Wherto bounet ye to batell in yo(ur) bright geire
6566 Whethur worship to wyn or willfully shame
6567 Se ye not the sun of þe youre sure kyng
6568 W(i)t(h) torfer be takon   t(ur)nyt a way
6569 If ye let hym be led furth yo(ur) lose haue ye tynt
6570 And of sham þ(a)t bes shapyn you shut bene neu(er)
6571 Mellis you w(i)t(h) mo(n)hod   might of yo(ur) seluyn
6572 To rescow the rynke in a rad hast
6573 Er he be led out of le(n)ght leght lost of yo(ur) sight
6574 And past fro you(r) pouer thurgh the p(re)se hoge
6575 Then Alcanus þe kyng kyndlit in yre
6576 Gird after the grek(es) w(i)t(h) a grete speire
6577 Þat Troilus hade takon hym tenyt full ylle
6578 So he frusshet to a freike þat the fre led
6579 Þat sodenly he seit doun soght out of lyue
6580 And anoþ(er) anon he nolpit to ground
6581 Shent of þo shalk(es) shudrit hom I twyn
6582 So fuersly he fore and freik(es) þ(a)t hym halpe
6583 Þat troilus was takyn   t(ur)nyt furth louse
6584 And don out of daunger for þe due tyme
6585 The freke þen in fuerse hast ferkit on horse
6586 Grippit to a grym sword gird on his fos
6587 ffor to comford þe kyng þ(a)t hym caght hade
6588 Þis Xancipus soght forth w(i)t(h) a sad dynt
6589 To Mynestaus w(i)t(h) might   þe mon hit
6590 That þe freike hade ben fay but for hys fyn arm(ur)
6591 Then Menestaus mo(ur)nyt   mykell sorow hade
6592 That troilus þe triet was takyn of his hond
6593 And afforsit hys frekys to þe fyght harde
6594 He gedrit all hys gomys in a grete hate
6595 Þe fyght wex fel þo frekis betwene
6596 Mony derf to þe deth vnd(ur) dyntys yode
6597 Mony buerne on þe bent bytt(ur)ly wondyt
6598 Mony knyghtys were kyld to þe cold deth
6599 Ector was eu(er)more Eger w(i)t(h) all
6600 Mony weghis in his wrath welt to þe ground
6601 Mony Slogh in þe slade thurght sleght of his hond
6602 And sore greuyt þe grekys w(i)t(h) his grete dyntys
6603 Menestaus þe mighty þat mekill was in yre
6604 ffor he faylit of þe freke þ(a)t he first toke
6605 As he rod thurght þe rout w(i)t(h) his roid fare
6606 Þe troiens to tene w(i)t(h) his tor strenkyth
6607 He met w(i)t(h) þis myseres at þe mene tyme
6608 by qwom he lost þe lord þ(a)t he laght hade
6609 He knew hym full kynely by colore of is armys
6610 And frunt euyn to þe freke w(i)t(h) a fell spere
6611 Hurlet hym to hard vrthe vnd(ur) horse fete
6612 but þe led vppon lyue leuyt he þen
6613 And nolpit to anothir þ(a)t hym noiet at
6614 Gird hym vne to þe ground in hys gret yre
6615 Þen / hupon / þe hoge kyng highit to batell
6616 W(i)t(h) mony tulkys of troy tryet in were
6617 And Eripa also auntrit hym w(i)t(h)
6618 W(i)t(h) all þe ledys of larris led hom betwene
6619 And fro þe grekys com gyrdond agaynes þo two
6620 Prothenor a p(ri)se kyng   pert Archelaus
6621 W(i)t(h) all þe burnes of boyes bold me(n) of hond
6622 Þen þe fyght wex fell   mony freke deghyt
6623 Sone after forsothe o þe Cite halue
6624 Polidamas a prochit w(i)t(h) a proud ost
6625 Antenor aune son abill of dedys
6626 He segh þe troiens so tore   t(ur)nyt so þik
6627 All pyght in a place on a playn feld
6628 Anon to anothir side naitli he dryuys
6629 W(i)t(h) all þe here þat he hade highit aboute
6630 And fell to þe fyght w(i)t(h) his folke hole
6631 Þen yssit furth also yrfull in dedys
6632 Remys þe ryche kyng w(i)t(h) a rught batell
6633 And p(re)sit in prudly w(i)t(h) a proud wyll
6634 And fell to þe fyght w(i)t(h) þe freke als
6635 Þere was kyllyng of knyghtis crusshyng of helmys
6636 bold me(n) bakward borne of hore horses
6637 Þat assembly was sor(e) of þo sad knyghtis
6638 Mony hurlit doun hedstoupis to þe hard vrthe
6639 Polidamus þe pert p(re)sit vnto Merion
6640 Þat was auntrus in armys Elan aune cosyn
6641 He was a duk in hys day   for dere holdyn
6642 A 3ep knyght   a 3onge of 3erys but lite
6643 So he gyrd to þ(a)t greke w(i)t(h) a grym spere
6644 Þat he seyt to þe soile   soght out of lyue
6645 Whe(n) Menelay þe myghty þ(a)t myschef beheld
6646 Myche sorow for þe syght sank in his hert
6647 He t(ur)nyt to þe troiens his tene for to venge
6648 W(i)t(h) all þe bir in hys brest for his bale ang(ur)
6649 He raght vnto remys w(i)t(h) a roid dynt
6650 Alto hurlit his helme harmyt hy(m) euyll
6651 Wondyt hym wykkydly walt hym to ground
6652 Half ded of þe dynt þ(er) þe duk lay
6653 Hys weghys all wend for þe wale stroke
6654 Þat þe kyng had ben kyld   myche care had
6655 sone Non soght hym to socore w(i)t(h) no sad holp
6656 but all p(ur)post hom playnly to pas of þe fyld
6657 Polidamas p(re)stly þe pupull gert lenge
6658 And warnet vppon all wyse his weghis to go
6659 ffond w(i)t(h) hor forse þe freke for to wyn
6660 Hurle hym fro horse fet haue hym a way
6661 ber hym out fro þe batell to þe burgh euy(n)
6662 W(i)t(h) myche wepyng   wo weghis of hys aune
6663 Luggit hym out to þe laund lefte hym for ded
6664 And fore agayne to þe fyght þaire feris to help The dethe of Celidis the kyng by Polidam(us)
6665 Kyng Celidis for sothe semliest of knight(es)
6666 All folke in þat fild of fairhed he past
6667 Of whom Daries in his dyting duly me tellus
6668 All the shap of þat shene in his shire bok(es)
6669 The qwene of femyne þ(a)t freike so faithfully louyt
6670 More he sat / in hir soule þen hir selfe ay
6671 This Celidis forsothe sought w(i)t(h) a speire
6672 Polidamas to put doun   his p(ri)de felle
6673 And he wode of his wit for þe wale dynt
6674 Corue euyn at the kyng w(i)t(h) a kene sword
6675 Hurlit þurghe the helme   the hed bothe
6676 That he braid ou(er) backeward   on bent light
6677 Hon(er)able Ector eu(er) vppon one
6678 ffell of þo fuerse men   þurgh the fild rode
6679 Mony batels he breke buernes he slough
6680 And made wayes full wide þurgh the wale ost
6681 Þen he soght to a syde þ(er)e salerne folke
6682 Were fightyng full fell w(i)t(h) the fuerse troiens
6683 W(i)t(h) Thessall the tried kyng   hor true hed
6684 That was lord of þe lond   the led(es) aght
6685 This Thessall in the toile myche tene wroght
6686 Tyruit doun Troiens w(i)t(h) mony toure dyntt(es)
6687 Mony woundit the whe /   warpit to ground
6688 Myche dere he hom dyd w(i)t(h) dyntt(es) of hond
6689 Þen Teusor w(i)t(h) tene t(ur)nyt vnto Ector
6690 Sparrit to hym w(i)t(h) a speire spitusly fast
6691 Woundit hym full wickedly in his wild yre
6692 Hurt hym full hidiously hastid away
6693 Ector ricchet his reyne the renke forto mete
6694 ffor to wreike of his wound   the whegh harme
6695 But the freike for ferd fled of his gate
6696 ffrusshet þurgh the folke forth of his sight
6697 Then for wrath of his wound   for wild sham
6698 He gird to a greke þat was a grym syre
6699 W(i)t(h) a swyng of his sword swappit hym of lyue
6700 And mony other martrid at the mene tyme
6701 A gret nowmber of grek(es) gedirt hym vmbe
6702 Hym tyte for to take or tyne vnto dethe
6703 Among all the meny was mighty teseus
6704 Þat onestly to Ector þus esely said
6705 Sir busk(es) fro the batell or you bale worthe
6706 Lest you happyn w(i)t(h) hond here to be slayne
6707 Of soche a mon were amysse þurgh the mekyll world
6708 Ector full onestly þat on(er)able þanket
6709 And yet the batell on bent was breme to be hold
6710 The Troiens w(i)t(h) tene t(ur)nyt to the grek(es)
6711 Polidamas w(i)t(h) p(re)se p(re)stly can fight
6712 W(i)t(h) his Enmeis full egurly eu(er) vpon one
6713 Menelay the mighty in the mene tyme
6714 And Telamon the tore kyng tally to gedur
6715 To Polydamas þai p(re)set all in pure angur
6716 The freike for to felle   ferke out of lyue
6717 Telamon hym tacchit on w(i)t(h) a tore speire
6718 Bare hym downe backeward w(i)t(h) a bir hoge
6719 P(re)set hym w(i)t(h) payne   w(i)t(h) proude strok(es)
6720 Tokyn hym full tyte þof hym tene thoght
6721 Brokon was the blade of his bix big sword
6722 His helme of hurlit   his hed bare
6723 Þai led hym forth lightly þof hym loth thught
6724 To the tent(es) full tomly þair(e) entent was
6725 But Ector as aunter fell euyn was beside
6726 Segh the grek(es) w(i)t(h) þ(a)t gome gedrit full þicke
6727 The p(ri)se knight put doun the pepull among
6728 Takon w(i)t(h) torfer hym tenyt full euyll
6729 He hurlet forth vnhyndly harmyt full mony
6730 Of þe ledis þat hym led luskit to ground
6731 Made waies full wide wan to þe knight
6732 And xxx. in the throng thricchet to dethe
6733 The remnond full radly rid hym the gate
6734 fflagh all in fere and the freike leuyt
6735 He highit of þ(er)e hond(es) and his horse toke
6736 Wan on hym wightly   of wothe past
6737 The Kyng Bisshop the bold byg menelaus
6738 And Thelamon the tor(e) kyng w(i)t(h) theire t(ri)et batels
6739 All assemblet on a sop in a sad hast
6740 The kyng Bisshop And fell to the ffrigies in a fuerse wille
6741 Þai foghton so felly w(i)t(h) the freik(es) þen
6742 Derit hom w(i)t(h) dyntt(es) delt mony wound(es)
6743 Hurlet hom on hepis hurt of hor knight(es)
6744 fferkit hom to flight fuersly by dene
6745 All þof Ector was on þat odmony slogh
6746 And wond(ur)fully wroght w(i)t(h) wepyn at the tyme
6747 Hym selfe might not suffise to þ(a)t soume hoge
6748 His horse in þat hete was hurlit to dethe
6749 And he foght vpon fote w(i)t(h) þo felle grek(es)
6750 Were hym full wightly   myche wo did
6751 Was non so bold in þat batell of þo buerne all
6752 fforto deire hym w(i)t(h) dynt ne þe duke touche
6753 Ne negh hym w(i)t(h) noy for nolpis of his hond
6754 His nobill brether nat(ur)ile nemly p(er)sayuit
6755 Þat þe troiens in the tole toile had t(ur)nyt þe backe
6756 And segh not þ(er)e sou(er)ain þair(e) sorow was þe more
6757 Wend þ(er)e lord hade ben lost or of lyue broght
6758 Þai assemblit in a sop sone vpone one
6759 ffrusshet to þe fight þe fraike for to laite
6760 ffull bremly þurgh the batels þe buernes can pas
6761 And wan to þat worthy þat in wothe stode
6762 Telamon the tor(e) kyng þai tenfully woundit
6763 Gird mony to the ground of þe grek(es) felle
6764 Dynadron a derf knight of his dere brother
6765 P(re)set to Polexunia þat hade a proude stede
6766 Gird hym euyn to þe ground grippit his horse
6767 Raght to þe reynes ricchit hom belyue
6768 Broght hym his brother þe best vpon erthe
6769 And he launchit o lofte w(i)t(h) a light wille
6770 All the nobill onon þo nat(ur)ill brether
6771 Wond(ur)fully wrought w(i)t(h) wepyn in hond
6772 Gird doun of the grek(es) vnto grym dethe
6773 And stird hom in the stoure stight lit vnfaire
6774 Then deffibus drogh negh w(i)t(h) a derfe pepull
6775 Þat by ordyn(au)nse of Ector was etlit to hym
6776 The p(ri)se folke of Poyeme p(re)sit hym after
6777 Bowmen of þe best big in hor armys
6778 Myche greu(au)nce   grem to þe grek(es) did
6779 Mony woundit þo weghis   warpit to ground
6780 Mony shalke þp þurgh shot w(i)t(h) þ(er)e sharpe armys gere
6781 And myche hyndrit the hepe w(i)t(h) þ(er)e hard shot
6782 Deffibus the doughti w(i)t(h) a derfe wepyn
6783 Tachit vpon Teucre a full tore dynt
6784 Vne fourme in the face foule to be holde
6785 Þen the troiens full tite tokyn þ(er)e hert(es)
6786 ffelly vnto fight þat were fled er
6787 ffull stithe was þe stour(e) for þe stuffe new
6788 Mony bold on the bent brytont to dethe
6789 Mony lym of lept w(i)t(h) lasshyng of swerdis
6790 As Theseus the tor(e) duke the troiens anoyet
6791 And mony fell of þe folke w(i)t(h) his fuerse wepon
6792 On of Ector owne brether þ(a)t I erst neuenyt
6793 And madernus the mayn kyng on þe mon set
6794 Theseus þai toke þof hym tene þoght
6795 And wold haue slayn hym in þe slade sleghly anon
6796 But Ector aurthwart þis auntrid to se
6797 Bade hom leue of lightly let hym pas forth
6798 W(i)t(h)outen hurt owþ(er) harme hast hym agayn
6799 And so he kyd hym counsell of kyndnes before
6800 At biddyng of þe bold þe buerne was rescowet
6801 He launchit furth lightly   þe lede þonket
6802 Gird furth to þe grek(es) w(i)t(h) a glad chere
6803 And Ector eu(er) more egerly þonkit
6804 Then þe kyng of Calsidon com into batell
6805 Toax a tide mon of þat oþ(er) side
6806 And Philot a fuerse kyng w(i)t(h) a fell pouer
6807 A grete nowmbur of grek(es) w(i)t(h) a glad chere grym fare
6808 Toax in his tene w(i)t(h) a tore speire
6809 Caupit to cassibilan þe kyng(es) son of troy
6810 On of Ector aun brether þat I er said
6811 And þe lede on lokond hym launchit to dethe
6812 ffor whose dethe he duke moche dole þolit
6813 As wode in his wit as a wild bore
6814 Gird euyn to þe grek(es) in his gret yre
6815 And mony knight doun kyld in his kene hate
6816 Su(m) wondit full wide walt to þe grounde
6817 Su(m) hurlit to þe hard yerth   on hed light
6818 Sum þe lymes of lep / sum þe lyf tynt
6819 And myche wo in his wodenes wroght at þe tyme
6820 So fuersly he fore in his fight þen
6821 W(i)t(h) other helpe þat he hade his harmys to venge
6822 Þat þe grek(es) gyuen bake   the ground leuyn
6823 And were forsit to þe fight er þai fay worthit
6824 Þen gird in on þe grek(es) half w(i)t(h) a grym fare
6825 Nestor the noble duke w(i)t(h) a new batell
6826 Of .v. thowsaund fuerse men   felle to þe stour(e)
6827 Þat mony warchand wound wroght on hor fos
6828 ffull tyte fro þe toun t(ur)nyt hym agayne
6829 Philon a felle kyng   his fere Esdras
6830 Þat shot þurgh þ(er)e sheltruns   shent mony knight(es)
6831 This Philon in fight mony freike slogh
6832 Þen the grek(es) w(i)t(h) grym gedirt hym vmbe
6833 Wold haue kyld the kyng w(i)t(h) a kant wille
6834 But on Iacomas a Iolimon as the gest tallis tellis
6835 To Esdras in ernyst egirly saide
6836 Se Philon the fre kyng is w(i)t(h) his fos takon
6837 High we vs hastely help hym away
6838 Let vs reskow the renke refe hym his fos
6839 Þen the Troiens w(i)t(h) ten tidely þai faght
6840 Sore greuit the grek(es) gird hom abacke
6841 Wonen to the wale kyng   a way toke
6842 W(i)t(h)outen hurt other harme in a hond while
6843 Þen Ector Eftirsones entrid agayne
6844 W(i)t(h) the noble men þat I neuenyt his nat(ur)ell brether
6845 And Deffebus the duke dughty of hond
6846 Polidamas þe pert knight p(re)set in als
6847 Thes wond(ur)fully wroght in hor wale strenght
6848 W(i)t(h) þ(er)e company clene of kyd men of Troy
6849 Þat the grek(es) of þe ground gird were onon
6850 fflagh fro the frek(es)   the fild leuyt
6851 But menelay the mighty   the mayn telamon
6852 So sturnly w(i)t(h) stod w(i)t(h) þair(e) strenkyth holl
6853 Þat þe troiens tit / tynt of hor p(ur)pos
6854 And were foghtyn w(i)t(h) felly folut no lengur
6855 Þen entrid Eneas egur to fight
6856 W(i)t(h) the comyns full clene in a close batell
6857 Þat were led by the lede þ(a)t I lefe saide
6858 Euferm(us) the fuerse þat was a fyin sqwier
6859 W(i)t(h) þes Ector   other so odly þai faght
6860 That the grek(es) gaf bake   þaire ground leuyt
6861 Þan Aiax the auntrus þ(a)t angardly wroght
6862 W(i)t(h) mekill sorow þis ??? segh in his sad yre
6863 With mykell sorow þis segh He lokit bak on þe bent þ(er)e þe buernes were
6864 Segh soppes of sad men in a sad whyle soum hoge
6865 Þat neghit no note ne no noy feld
6866 W(i)t(h) ban(er)s on brede   bold me(n) of armys
6867 Þer(e) all þe grete of þe grekys   þe grym knyghtys
6868 And þe chose of hor chyualry was chargit to lenge
6869 Þen he said to þo sou(er)ans þ(a)t þe saut lefte
6870 Abide burnys on þis bent buskys no ferre
6871 Here seches vs socour(e) in a said haste
6872 Þen gyrd in þe grekys w(i)t(h) a grete wyll
6873 Restorit þe stith fight stalwertly þen
6874 Eneas to aiax angarely rode
6875 And he keppit hym cantly w(i)t(h) a kene sper(e)
6876 Þat bothe were þai bakeword borne to þe grene
6877 Þen gyrd in þe grekys syde w(i)t(h) a grym pupull
6878 Philothetes a freke w(i)t(h) a freshe batell
6879 Þat kyng was of calsidon a kid mo(n) of were
6880 W(i)t(h) .iij .M. þro knyghtis þronge into p(re)se
6881 Þe troiens to þis tymtyd ay þe bettur
6882 And þe fairer of þe fyght in þe feld had
6883 But þes batels so big þ(a)t þe burne led
6884 Philot þe freke þ(a)t I first saide
6885 Tenyt þe troiens w(i)t(h) mony tor(e) dent(es)
6886 And to put hom fro p(ur)pos pynyt hym sore
6887 Þe freke w(i)t(h) a fel sper(e) frunt vnto Ector
6888 Þat hit shok alto schyu(er)s   þe schalk holl
6889 But Ector aurthewert hy(m) auntrid to hyt
6890 Þat he frunt of his fol flat to þe grund
6891 Half ded of þe dynt derit no mo
6892 Þen Henex w(i)t(h) hese me(n) happit to come
6893 Gird in w(i)t(h) grekys as a grym syr(e)
6894 Vlixes also w(i)t(h) angarely mony
6895 Of tulkis of t(ra)ci torme(n) of strenkyth
6896 Humelius w(i)t(h) hast highit hom after
6897 And all þe kyngis clene þ(a)t comy(n) out of grice
6898 W(i)t(h) .x .M. þro knyghtis þriftiest of all
6899 Þes bounyt vnto batell   to bent droghyn
6900 Wat schall tyde of þes troiens to þes tor(e) pupull
6901 Þat so were wroght of weghis before
6902 And so bysy in batell er þo bold come
6903 Þen paris aprochit þe percians hy(m) w(i)t(h)
6904 Radli on þe rightsyde raikit he furth
6905 And bounet into batell w(i)t(h) a brym will
6906 Vnto frigie þe fell kyng he frusshit onon
6907 W(i)t(h) þe strenkyth of his stroke   his stor(e) arme
6908 Þat þe kyng to þe cold erthe cayrs out of lyue
6909 Þen þe grekys for greme of þe gay kyng
6910 Miche dyn   dol for þat deth made
6911 Vlixes his aune cosyn angrit full sore
6912 To venge o þat vilany vili dissirit
6913 He put hym to paris w(i)t(h) a proud will
6914 Sparrit at hym w(i)t(h) a sper(e) spitusly fast
6915 He myst of þe mo(n) w(i)t(h) his mayn dynt
6916 But he hit on his horse hurt hy(m) full sore
6917 Þat he deghit of þe dynt dusshit to ground
6918 And paris in þe plit pight vppon fote
6919 Troiell þat tyme was truly besyde
6920 Segh þe bold at his brother boun forto strike
6921 He spapt at hym Swyth w(i)t(h) a sword fell
6922 Hit brake thurgh þe basnet to þe bare hed
6923 And frunt hym in þe fase a full fel wond
6924 Þ(a)t þe blod out brast   on his brest lyght
6925 Þe lede for þ(a)t laith dynt leuyt not hys horse
6926 But sound in his sadill he his sete held
6927 Turnyt vnto troilus þ(a)t hym tenyt had
6928 And wondyt hym wickydly in hys wale fase
6929 Þen þe troiens full tit had t(ur)nyt þe bat
6930 Had not hon(er)able Ector   his aune brethir
6931 Deffibus þe doughti   þe derf troilus
6932 And þe nobill brethir nat(ur)ill þ(a)t naitli w(i)t(h)stod
6933 All þe day w(i)t(h) outy(n) doute to þis du tyme
6934 Ector was Eu(er)mor(e) Eger in fyght
6935 His aune batell full breme vppon bent leuyt
6936 Hym self leuely o þe launde launchit about
6937 Þen he segh þat þe soume of þe said grekys
6938 Were þe stithir in þe stoure   strong(er) of pupull
6939 He bounet to his batell bod he no leng(ur)
6940 Þat fayn were in fer(e) of þiar(e) fre p(ri)nse
6941 Þat þai had hym at hond   in holl qwert
6942 Then the lord to his ledis vpon lond said
6943 Now bold men in batell buske you to fight
6944 Hath mynd of þe malis   the mykell harme
6945 Þat vs wold happon to haue in a hond while
6946 And the grek(es) may vs gripe   to ground bryng
6947 Therfore feris bex bes fell fraist(es) yo(ur) strenght
6948 Let you(r) hert(es) be hoole hold you to gedur
6949 Bes frike on yo(ur) fos fell of you(r) dyntt(es)
6950 Sett(es) hom full sadly sekir for to hit
6951 W(i)t(h) all the might   þe mayn of yo(ur) mekill strenght
6952 Þen he led hom furth lyuely by a law vale
6953 Raikid in full radly on þe right side
6954 There deghit mony derfe of þe due grek(es)
6955 Miche slaght in þat lade of þo slegh knight(es)
6956 Hit is wonder to wete of þe wode stoure
6957 What knight(es) were kild vnto cold dethe
6958 Toax þ(a)t tyme þurght the toile rode
6959 Þat Cassibilan had kyld the kyngisson of troy
6960 He fell of þe fregies w(i)t(h) his fuerse dyntt(es)
6961 And myche wo w(i)t(h) his weppon wroght at þe tyme
6962 Cassibilan kynd brother þen þe kyng segh
6963 Wonyn to þe wegh in hor wode hate
6964 Vmset hym full sone in a sop hole
6965 And gird hym euyn to þe ground in a gret ire
6966 Brokyn was the blade of his bright swerd
6967 Hade no wepyn hym to weire fro þ(er)e wild harmys
6968 The haspes of his helme were hurlit in sonder
6969 All bare was þe buerne aboue on his hed
6970 He hade lelly ben lost   of lyue done
6971 Ne hade þe derfe duke of Athens drawin hym to
6972 W(i)t(h) fuerse men in fight   fell to þe stour(e)
6973 To qwitilion the qwem he qwithit a dynt
6974 Woundit hym wickidly warpit hym to ground
6975 Dressit hym w(i)t(h) de(re) to dele w(i)t(h) a nother
6976 Þen paris þe p(ri)se knyght a pile scharp
6977 Rut hym in thurgh þe rybbis w(i)t(h) a roid wond
6978 Yet þe duk for þe dynt derit hym but a littell
6979 Toax in þe toile out of tene broght
6980 Wan hym wightly away wondit full sore
6981 As Ector rod thurgh þe rout w(i)t(h) his roid dynt(es)
6982 Miche greuanse and grem to þe grekys dyd
6983 Humeri(us) þe mighty w(i)t(h) a mayn bow
6984 ffrunt hym euy(n) in þe fase w(i)t(h) a fyn arow
6985 Þe worthi at þe wond wrathit hym sore

The deth of Humeri(us) by Ector slayn

6986 ffore euyn to þe freke w(i)t(h) a fyn sworde
6987 Hit þe hathill o þe hede in his hote ang(ur)
6988 And rent hym doun roidly ryght to þe sadill
6989 He bend neu(er) bow mor(e) ne no burne hurt
6990 But was ded of þe dynt er he doun lyght
6991 Þen hastid on het(er)ly   a horne blew
6992 VIJ. M. said grekys semblit hym vmbe
6993 To Ector full egerly w(i)t(h) enuy þai drogh
6994 fforto lache þe lede or of lyue brynge
6995 And he were hym full wightly wondit full mony
6996 Mony derf to þe deth of his dyntis 3ode
6997 Þen he bounet fro batell and þe bent leuyt
6998 Issit out of þe ost angarely fast
6999 ffore euy(n) to his fad(er) in a furse hast
7000 bad hym socore hom sone w(i)t(h) his sur(e) knyghtis
7001 And he fore to þe fyght w(i)t(h) a fryke wyll
7002 W(i)t(h) þre þousond þro knyghtis þrong into batell
7003 ffurse me(n)   fel   of fyn strenkyth
7004 Þai gyrd to þe grekys   myche grem wroght
7005 Slogh hom doun sleghly in þe slade moue
7006 Ector and Aiax auntrid to mete
7007 W(i)t(h) fyn spers in þe frount frochit toged(ur)
7008 Þat aythir bakword was borne to þe bare erthe
7009 Menelaus a myghti out of mayn troi
7010 W(i)t(h) his wepyn he wondit   warpit to deth
7011 Selidonas a son of þe self p(ri)am
7012 Slogh moles þe myghty amo(n) out of oreb
7013 Þat to Toax þe tore kyng was a tru cosyn
7014 Madon a myghty kyng þe Medion was cald
7015 Of þe grekys full gret he gaf soche a dynt
7016 Þat bothe his Ene out brast   on bent light
7017 Serdill anoþ(er) son of the same kyngis
7018 Slogh a grete of þe grek(es) þ(a)t was a grym syre
7019 Margariton a mighty of þo mayn brether
7020 Tachet vpon Thelamon   tenfully woundit
7021 ffamen a fuerse of þo fell children
7022 Presit to Protheus   put hym to grond
7023 So all the noble brether nat(ur)yll of þe naite kyng(es)
7024 P(ri)am sons the p(ri)se kyng(es) p(re)stly þai foghton
7025 And mony buerne in the batell broght vnto ground
7026 Anglas the able kyng auntrus of dede
7027 To menestaus mightyly þe maist(ur) of Attens
7028 He gird w(i)t(h) a gret speire greuit hym sore
7029 And the duke w(i)t(h) a dynt derit hym agayn
7030 Þat the viser   the ventaile voidet hym fro
7031 The noble kyng in the nase hade aneuyll wound
7032 Then Diamor the doughty þ(a)t þe dede segh
7033 How his brother on the bent was blody beronyn
7034 He m(er)kit to Menestaus w(i)t(h) a mayn dynt
7035 That he hurlit fro his horse to þe hard erthe
7036 But the renk vp rose w(i)t(h) a rad wille
7037 And faght vpo fote as a freke noble
7038 Anoþ(er) brother of þo bold to þe buerne rode
7039 And faght w(i)t(h) hym felly as he on fote was
7040 Throly the thre men þroght hym aboute
7041 The bold for to britton or to burghe lede
7042 But manly he macchit hom w(i)t(h) his mayn strok(es)
7043 Garment(es) full gay all of gret furris
7044 Bright beidis   Brasse broght þai w(i)t(h) all
7045 And voidit all as victors avauntage to haue
7046 And euyn laiked as hom list lettid hom noght
7047 Þat was duly the day   desteny wold
7048 Þat for eu(er) hade ben end angur to voide
7049 And þai wonen þaire wille neu(er) the werre aftur
7050 Ne neu(er) greke hom haue greuyt ne to grem broght
7051 But wirdis þat is wicked waitis hir avauntage
7052 W(i)t(h) ffortune so felle þat is of fer cast
7053 All þat desteny w(i)t(h) dole has demyt to falle
7054 Ay putt(es) of þe p(ur)pos þat it enpaire shuld
7055 And ay ert(es) to þe end ordant before

Off hym þ(a)t not(es) not his tyme When God
hase gr(au)ntid By Ector

7056 And Ector of all men euyll hit dissayuet
7057 Þat his pepull and his p(ro)uyns   he pure hele
7058 Might soundly haue sauit w(i)t(h) his sad strenght
7059 And all his fos in the fight felly distroyet
7060 Doutles þat day w(i)t(h)outen deire aftur
7061 And all p(er)els ou(er) put plainly for eu(er)
7062 Hit is lelly not louable in no lede oute
7063 Of no wise mon to wale / when wirdes has grauntid
7064 ffor to tary on his tyme when hym tyd(es) faire
7065 And put of a p(ur)pas þat enpaires after
7066 Or þat draghes to dethe and deres at þe end
7067 He þat tas not his tyme when þe tyde ask(es)
7068 But lett(es) it dauly ou(er)dryve w(i)t(h) delling to noght
7069 Wite not his wirdis þof hym woo happyn
7070 And he þat kepis not kyndly the course of his heale
7071 But sodainly forsak(es) þat sent is of god
7072 Hit shalbe gright hym þ(a)t grace in his grete nede
7073 So happit hit here to þis hed p(ri)nse
7074 Hon(er)able Ector oddist of knight(es)
7075 That holly the herhond hade at his wille
7076 And haue vttred his Enmyes ang(ur) þ(a)t tyme
7077 His worship haue wonyn   his wille hade
7078 And all his fos in the fild fuersly ou(er) comyn
7079 Then it cheuyt þus by chaunse of þ(a)t choise knight
7080 Þat the sun of Exiona þ(a)t was his sib mon
7081 And Telamon þe t(ri)et kyng þ(a)t was his true fader
7082 Þat cald was be course of the kyng(es) syde
7083 Telamoni(us) Aiax truly to nome
7084 Þat amon was of might   of mayn strenght
7085 He auntrid hym to Ector ernystly w(i)t(h) fight
7086 The stour(e) was full stithe of þo stuerne knight(es)
7087 As þai fughtyn in fere w(i)t(h) þ(er)e felle swerdis
7088 Hit auntrid þ(a)t Ector be am(e) of his speche
7089 Knew hym for his cousyn comyn of his aunt
7090 And syb to hym selfe sewyng of blode
7091 He was glad of þe gome   a goode chere
7092 Voidet his viser auentid hym seluyn
7093 And said to þ(a)t semly all in sad wordis
7094 P(ra)yond hym p(re)stly as his pure frynd
7095 Turne vnto Troy and talke w(i)t(h) his cosyns
7096 His hon(er)able em   other of his ffrynd(es)
7097 He denyet hym anon w(i)t(h) a nait wille
7098 His ledis for to leue hym list not as þen
7099 But he p(ra)yet the p(ri)nse w(i)t(h) his pure hert
7100 Iff he louyt hym as he let to leue for þe tyme
7101 Þat þe troiens in hor tentt(es) shuld tene hom nomore
7102 Ne dere hom w(i)t(h) dintt(es) whill þ(a)t day last
7103 Ne folow hom no furre ne felle of hor pepull
7104 Þen vnhappely hys hest he hastid to do
7105 Þat angart hym after angardly sore
7106 T(ur)nyt hym to tene   all the t(ri)et rewme
7107 W(i)t(h) the tuk of his a trump all his tore knight(es)
7108 He assemblit full sone   sad men of armys
7109 And Comaundit hom kyndly kyng(es)   all
7110 To go bake fro þe batell   buske vnto troy
7111 And meue hym nomore ne hor men kylle
7112 the Troiens þaire tor(e) shippis hade t(ur)nyt o fer on ffyre
7113 Wold haue brent hom barly botis   other
7114 Haue grippit the goodis   the gomes qwellet
7115 And no lede vpon lyue left in þe fild
7116 But at the biddyng of þe bold þ(a)t þe buernes led
7117 Þai were assemblit full sone   myche sorow hade
7118 Wentton to þe wale toun wailyng in hert
7119 Entrid w(i)t(h) ang(ur) and to þ(er)e Innes 3ode
7120 Thus curstly þ(a)t knighthode for a cause light
7121 Voidet þ(er)e victory for vanite of speche
7122 Þat neu(er) auntrid hom aft(ur) so ably to wyn
7123 But þurgh domys of destany dreuyt to noght
7124 And ay worth vnto werre vnt as ye shall wete aft(ur)

XVJ. Boke of a Trew Takyn two Monethes
and of the thrid Batell

7125 Wen fortun wyth fell ang(ur) festis on hond
7126 ffull tid in hir(e) tene t(ur)nys ho þe qwell
7127 Wen þes ffonnet folk wer(e) faryn to toune
7128 And entryd full Esely erdyng in sorow
7129 After settyng of þe Sun þai Seyn to þe 3ates
7130 Braidyn vp þair(e) briggis barrit hom fast
7131 Iche rink to þair(e) rest richit hom seluyn
7132 And esit hom all myght after þair(e) deuyse
7133 Wen þe day vp drogh   þe dym voidit
7134 All þe troiens full tit tokyn þair(e) armys
7135 That were hoole and vnhurt hastid to ffild
7136 By the ordin(au)nce of Ector erly at morow
7137 To fare to þe fight þ(er)e fos to distroy
7138 And make anend of þ(er)e note naitly þai thoght
7139 But the grek(es) in the gray day graidly did send
7140 A message full myldly to þe maist(ur) of Troy
7141 Of a true for to trete of a tyme short
7142 Two moneths and no more þo mighty dessirit
7143 Hit was grauntid agayn of þo grete all
7144 Of P(ri)am   the p(ri)nse   the pert duk(es)
7145 Then þe grek(es) were glad gedrit þ(er)e folke
7146 That were brittnet in batell broght hom to gedur
7147 Thai gird into graves þe grettist of astate
7148 And beriet hom bainly on hor best wise
7149 All the remnond on a roke radly þai broght
7150 And brent vp þe bodies vnto bare askis
7151 Consumet the corses for vnclene aire
7152 As the custome was comynly in cuntres of grece
7153 Achilles the choise kyng was of chere febill
7154 ffor Patroclus his pere þat put was to dethe
7155 Myche weping   wo waylyng of teris
7156 And lamentac(i)on full long for loue of hym one
7157 He araiet for þ(a)t rioll all th of riche stones
7158 A faire toumbe   a fresshe all of fre marbill
7159 There closet he the kyng vppon cleane wise
7160 W(i)t(h) Sacrifice and solempnite vnto sere godd(es)
7161 And Prothesselon the pert kyng put in another
7162 Wroght for þ(a)t worthy vppon wise faire
7163 And Merion the mighty in to mold put
7164 W(i)t(h) soche worshipfull werk(es) as þe weghis vsit
7165 All the Troiens on the tother side while the tru last
7166 Helit þ(er)e hurt men thurgh helpis of leche
7167 By two monethes were myldly mouit to end
7168 Iche freike was fyn hole of þ(er)e fell hurtt(es)
7169 Care hade the kyng for Cassibilon his son
7170 ffor he was noblist   next of his naite children
7171 ffull tend(ur)ly w(i)t(h) teris tynt myche wat(ur)
7172 And mo(ur)net full mekull for he þe mon louyt
7173 In Venus temple þ(a)t worthy in a wale toumbe
7174 He bereit that bold on his best wise
7175 Cassandray the kyng(es) dought(ur) consayuit the dole
7176 Weping and woo þat þe weghis made
7177 Sho brast out in a birre   to þe bold said
7178 A wrecches vnwar woo ys in on hond
7179 Why Sustayn ye þat sorow þat Sowes for eu(er)
7180 W(i)t(h) care for to come   cumbrans to all
7181 Why proffer ye not pes or ye payne thole
7182 And be done to þe dethe w(i)t(h) dyntt(es) of swerd
7183 This Citie and þe soile be sesit you fro
7184 Ou(er)tyruet w(i)t(h) tene temple and other
7185 Modris þ(er)e myld childer   w(i)t(h) mo(ur)nyng behold
7186 Be set vnder s(er)uage   sorow to byde
7187 Elan was neu(er) hono(ur) auenaunt so mekyll
7188 Ne so p(re)cious of p(ri)se to pay for all vs all
7189 So mony to be martrid for malice of hir
7190 All ou(r) lyuys to lose for lur(e) of hir one
7191 When the kyng hade consayuit cassandra noise
7192 He comaundet hir be caght   closit full hard
7193 In a stithe house of ston stake hir vp fast
7194 There ho lengit full longe as þe lyne says
7195 Palomydon the proude kyng p(ri)se of þe Grek(es)
7196 Made m(ur)m(ur) full mekyll in the mene tyme
7197 Agamynon the grete was of no gre chere
7198 To beire the charge as cheftan of þo choise kyng(es)
7199 More syttyn he saide hym seluyn to haue
7200 As richer of rentt(es)   riollier of astate
7201 Held hym for no hede ne wold his hest kepe
7202 ffor he Shrigyt was for no sheftain ne chosyn by hym
7203 Ne of XXX.ti other þro kyng(es) þat þriuand were all
7204 Was non assentyd to þ(a)t sou(er)ain sothely but thre
7205 W(i)t(h)out ordin(au)nce of other only or assent
7206 But of þat mater was meuit nomore at þ(a)t tyme
7207 When þe tyme was ou(er)turnyt and þe tru vp
7208 Agamynon þe grekys gedrit in þe feld
7209 Armyt at all pes abill to fyght
7210 Araiet on a rout redy to batell
7211 Achilles the choise charget to batell
7212 And Diomede the derfe drogh next aft(ur)
7213 Monelay the mighty meuit w(i)t(h) the þrid
7214 The duke of Athens after auntrid w(i)t(h) the iiij.
7215 Þus ordant were all men angardly mony
7216 In batels full big all boune to þe werre
7217 ffaire yche furde folowand on other
7218 And past furth prudly into þe plainle feld
7219 Ector on ther other syde eger hym selfe
7220 Dressit for the dede deuydyt his pepull
7221 Troiell the tru knight betakon was the first
7222 In his company to kayre mony kene buerne
7223 Other batels full bigge w(i)t(h) bold men to ride
7224 He arait full riolly by red of hym seluyn
7225 Then the prise prinse kyng w(i)t(h) his power past to the lond
7226 And gird furth on his gate w(i)t(h) a grym chere
7227 He met hom full monly w(i)t(h) his mayn dyntt(es)
7228 And gird hom to ground   to grym dethe
7229 Ector to Achilles amyt hym sone
7230 Þat he knew welbe course was hys kene fo
7231 And he keppit hym kenely and kaupid to gedur
7232 That bothe went bakward   on bent lay
7233 But Ector the hon(er)able erst was on fote
7234 Lepe on a light horse leuyt Achilles
7235 Breke þurgh batels britnet the grek(es)
7236 Kyld mony knight(es) kest hom to grond
7237 Mony hurlet to þe hard erthe and þ(er)e horse leuyt
7238 Mony woundit wegh fro his wepyn past
7239 So he hurlit hom on hepis w(i)t(h) his hard dyntt(es)
7240 Till he was blody of þe buernes   his bright wedis
7241 Achilles also afterward rose
7242 Hit on his horse hurlit into fight
7243 Mony Troiens ou(er)tyruit tumblit to dethe
7244 And shot þurgh þ(er)e sheltrons shent of þe pepull
7245 Þen auntred it eftsones þ(a)t Ector hym met
7246 As he fore þurgh the feld he ferkit hym to
7247 And aither lede full lyuely lachit vpon other
7248 Þat his speire alto sprott(es) sprent hom betwene
7249 And he hurlet doun hedstoupis to þe hard erthe
7250 Ector þ(a)t od kyng auntrid to take
7251 But he was put fro his p(ur)pos w(i)t(h) p(re)se of þe grek(es)
7252 And reskowet full radly by renk(es) of his owne
7253 Achilles highit in hast   on horse wan
7254 And auntred vppon Ector a full od dynt
7255 He hit on his helme w(i)t(h) a heuy sword
7256 Þat greuit hym full gretly gert hym to stoupe
7257 But in his sadell full sound þe sou(er)ain hym held
7258 Vne wode of his wit for the wale stroke
7259 A choppit to Achilles w(i)t(h) a chere felle
7260 Heturly his helme hurlit in sonder
7261 Þat the fas in the fell hast femyt on blode
7262 ffull big was the batell þo buernes betwene
7263 Hade hit last but a litle on þe laund so
7264 Auther doutles had deghit of þo derfe knight(es)
7265 But other batels full big vppon bothe haluys
7266 ffrusshet in fuersly þo frek(es) betwene
7267 And dep(ar)tid hom w(i)t(h) p(re)se of þaire pale dyntt(es)
7268 Þen Diomede the derfe drogh into batell
7269 W(i)t(h) mony grek(es) full grym of a gret will
7270 And troiell w(i)t(h) a tore folke t(ur)nyt hym agayne
7271 Boldly tho buernes brekyn to gedur
7272 That aither backeward was borne   on bent lay
7273 But Diomede full deruly dressit vp first
7274 And wightly for all the woo wan on his horse
7275 Swynget out a sword swappit at þ(a)t other
7276 Sundret the sercle of his sure helme
7277 Þat other freke vpon fote þurgh his fyn strenght
7278 Diomedes dere horse vnto dethe broght
7279 And so the freik(es) vpon fote foghton to gedur
7280 But the grek(es) þaire gay kyng(es) getyn appo loft
7281 And the Troiens þ(a)t tother on a tried stede
7282 Þen foght þai in fere w(i)t(h) þere felle swordes
7283 And delt mony dyntt(es) þo doughty in fere
7284 But Diomede in daunger duly hym toke
7285 And t(ur)nyt w(i)t(h) the Troien tomly away
7286 Wold haue broght furth þe buerne to his big tent
7287 But he was tariet w(i)t(h) the Troiens   tenit full euill
7288 And wernit of his wille þof hym wo þoght
7289 His p(ra)y fro hym puld   his pepull slayn
7290 Then to batell was w boune bold Menelaus
7291 Hurlit in hastely w(i)t(h) a hoge folke
7292 W(i)t(h)outyn tarying O þe tother side titly cam paris
7293 W(i)t(h) mony t(ri)et knight of troie   the toile entrid
7294 So bygnettye batels vpon bothe haluys
7295 And restoret w(i)t(h) stithe men þe stoure was full hoge
7296 Mony doughty þat day deghit in the fild
7297 Mony wofully woundit   wappid to ground
7298 There was crie of kenmen crussing of wepyn
7299 All the bent of þo buernes blody beronnen
7300 Ector eu(er)more egerly foght
7301 Breke of þ(er)e batell britnet þ(er)e knight(es)
7302 Mekyll greuit the grek(es) w(i)t(h) his grete strenght
7303 And kild all to kold dethe þ(a)t countrid hym w(i)t(h)
7304 There come launcchand O þe lond alyuely yong knight
7305 Now made at the note   nomely nomet boethes
7306 He auntrid him to Ector euyn at the tyme
7307 And þe mighty hym met w(i)t(h) a main dynt
7308 Carve hym euyn fro the creste cleane to þe nauellnaueld
7309 Þat he gird vnto ground   the gost lev yalde
7310 And sesit hys sure horse   a s(er)u(au)nd ??? betaght

The dethe of Archilacus the kyng by Ector slayn

7311 Aarchilacus a choise kyng   cheftain of grece
7312 Se his cosyn so kild   cast to þe dethe
7313 Wold venge o þat velany in a vile hast
7314 And ayres vnto Ector angardly swithe
7315 The p(ri)nse hym p(er)sayuit   p(re)set hym agayn
7316 W(i)t(h) the bit of his blade he bobbit hym so
7317 Thurgh the might of þe mon   the mayn strenght
7318 He clefe hym to þe coler   the kyng deghit

The dethe of Prothenor by Ector Slayn

7319 Prothenor apert knight p(re)set hym ner
7320 Set hym a sad dynt Sydlyng by hynd
7321 Vnhorsit hym het(ur)ly er he hede toke
7322 But Ector in ang(ur) egurly rose
7323 Was horset in hast hentto his sword
7324 P(re)set to prothenor in a proude yre
7325 He m(er)kit hym in mydward the mydell in two
7326 Þat he felle to þe flat erthe flote he no leng(ur)
7327 Achilles þan authward þis auntre beheld
7328 How prothenor was p(er)ysshet his aune pure cosyn
7329 He angurt hym full euyll   egerd hym w(i)t(h)
7330 ffor the dethe of þe deth dere his dole was þe more
7331 Þen he gedrit the grek(es) w(i)t(h) a grete yre
7332 Of þo kyng(es) þat were kild   oþ(er) kene mony
7333 Wold haue vengit of þe velany   the vile harme
7334 Þen p(re)set þai full prudly   pynet hom selfe
7335 The Troiens hom t(ur)nyt / and tyruit to dethe
7336 Wet hom w(i)t(h) woundes warpit hom doun
7337 Greuit hom full gretly gird hom abacke
7338 Þen fled all in fere   the fild leuynt
7339 Turnyt to þ(er)e tentt(es) þe troiens hom aftur
7340 Slogh hom in the slade slang hom to ground
7341 Wondit hom wikkidly walt hom of horse
7342 Þus neghet hom w(i)t(h) noye till þe ??? night come
7343 Left hom for late launchet to towne
7344 Entrid in all somyn euyn at hor wille
7345 ffor(e) to þ(er)e Innes   þus the fight endit

xvij. Boke off the Counsell of the Grek(es)
ffor the dethe of Ector   þe iiij. Batell

7346 Herknys now a hondqwile of a hegh cas
7347 And I schal tell you full tomly how hom tid aft(ur)
7348 When the day ou(er) drogh and the derk entrid
7349 The sternes full stithly starond o lofte
7350 All merknet the mountens   mores aboute
7351 ffowles þ(er)e fethers foldyn to gedur
7352 Nightwacche for to wake wait(es) to blow
7353 Tore fyres in the tentt(es) tendlis olofte
7354 All the gret of the grek(es) gedrit hom somyn
7355 Kyng(es) and knight(es) clennest of wit
7356 Duk(es)   derffe erles droghen to counsell
7357 In Agamynon gret tent gedrit were all
7358 There only was ordant of Ectors dethe
7359 W(i)t(h) all Soteltie to serche opon sere wise
7360 ffor sothely þai saidon and for sure holdyn
7361 But þat doghty were ded   his day comyn
7362 Thaim happynt not the her hond to haue of hor fos
7363 He was fully the fens   the fyn stuff
7364 Of all the tulk(es) of Troy þat hom tene wroght
7365 ffuers on his fos fellit of other
7366 And dethe to þe derfe grek(es) delt hym aboute
7367 Then by ordin(au)nce of all men as abliste þ(er)fore
7368 Achilles by chaunse may chefe to þe worse
7369 And be ded of his dyntt(es) but if desteny let
7370 When this p(ur)pos was plainly putto an end
7371 Then partid the p(ri)nsis and þe p(ri)se duk(es)
7372 Turnyt to þ(er)e tentt(es) tarit no leng(ur)
7373 And rapit to þ(er)e rest rioll   other
7374 When the light vp launchit littid the erthe
7375 The derke ou(er) done and þe day sprange
7376 All the grek(es) in hor geire gedrit to feld
7377 Were boun on the bent on hor best wise
7378 And þe stithest in stoure sturnyst of knight(es)
7379 Hon(er)able Ector þ(a)t eger was ay
7380 Eu(er) waker and vnwar wightist in armys
7381 Past furth w(i)t(h) his pepull fro the pure Cite
7382 ffore euyn to þe fild w(i)t(h) fuersmen of Troye
7383 Þat hym selfe hade assignet surest of other
7384 Eneas aft(ur)ward w(i)t(h) abill men ynow
7385 Paris þen put furthe w(i)t(h) a proude folke
7386 Deffebus drogh next w(i)t(h) a derfe pepull
7387 Troiell the tru knight w(i)t(h) a triet menye
7388 And other þat Ector had ordant before
7389 Suet furth to þ(a)t semely as þai assignet were
7390 The first of þo fuerse men þ(a)t to fight past
7391 Was Ector hym aune selfe w(i)t(h) odmen of troye
7392 As Dares in his dyting of his dedis tellis
7393 ffro the Citie the same day soght to þe fild
7394 W(i)t(h) the p(ri)nse to þe plase and his p(ri)se brether
7395 A .C .M. thro men þriuond in armys
7396 And .V .M. fer // fuersmen   noble
7397 Þen gird thai to gedur w(i)t(h) a grym will
7398 The store was full stith þ(er)e starf mony knight(es)
7399 Paris w(i)t(h) the p(er)seans p(re)sit in first
7400 W(i)t(h) his bowmen full bold bykrit w(i)t(h) the grek(es)
7401 Mony woundit tho weghis   wroght vnto dethe
7402 And harmyt full hogely w(i)t(h) þ(er)e hard shot
7403 Than Agamynon the grete gird into batell
7404 Ector full egerly etlit hym to mete
7405 Gird hym Euyn to þe grond w(i)t(h) a grym hurt
7406 Halfe ded of þe dynt þ(er)e þe duke lay
7407 Than Achilles w(i)t(h) a choise sword choppitto Ector
7408 Alto hurlet the helme of þe high p(ri)nse
7409 But hym seluyn was safe   his seate helde
7410 Than troilus full tite   tide Eneas
7411 Chesyn to Achilles w(i)t(h) choise men ynogh
7412 Hurlit hym hastely harmyt hym full mekull
7413 Bere hym bak o þe bent   his buernes all
7414 Then Diomede the derfe kyng drof to Eneas
7415 Wondit hym wykkidly   to þe whe saide
7416 Now welcu(m) I wysse for þi wale counsell
7417 Þat in p(re)sens of p(ri)am pursuet me to sle
7418 Wete hit full well for þi wyll febill
7419 If þ(o)u contynu be course   cum into batell
7420 Þow chall happyn in my handis hardly not faile
7421 And be ded of my dyntis for þi dissir(e) old
7422 Þen he drof to þe duk w(i)t(h) a dynt fell
7423 Vnhorsit hym in hast had hym to ground
7424 Ector eftirsons Ettlyt on Achilles
7425 And greuit hym full gretly w(i)t(h) a grym stroke
7426 Alto hurlit his helme hurt hym full euyll
7427 Wold haue takyn hym full tit but at ten fell
7428 A sadman full sone þe sun of theseus
7429 Segh Achilles Mischeuyt choppit to Ector
7430 W(i)t(h) a swyng of his sword swagit on þe p(ri)nse
7431 Ector for þe stithe stroke stoynyt no thyng
7432 Grippit to his gode sword in a grym yre
7433 Drof vnto dyamed þat deryt hym before
7434 Þat hed stoupis of hys horse he hurlit to ground
7435 Þat troilus in þe toile þis torfer beheld
7436 Segh dyamed w(i)t(h) a dynt dryuy(n) to fote
7437 He lyght doun full lyuely leuyt his horse
7438 An dressit to dyamed w(i)t(h) a derf cher(e)
7439 Þe freke hym defendit w(i)t(h) a fyn wyll
7440 Wer(e) hym full wightly and his wothe past
7441 Achilles and Ector angrarely faght
7442 furse was þe far(e) þo fyn me(n) betwene
7443 but þ(er) hastid on hond help vnto bothe
7444 W(i)t(h) batels full byg þ(a)t on bent met
7445 Þen Menelay þe myghti   mo(n)ly Vlixes
7446 Palomydon philomytes philothetes þe grete
7447 Neptolon þe nobill   nestor þe duk
7448 Theseus and Thoax and mony tryed knyght
7449 Menestaus þe myghty   mode Girili(us)
7450 Stelle(us) þe stythe kyng w(i)t(h) a sturne wyll
7451 Þes gyrd in o þe grekys syd w(i)t(h) a grym ost
7452 On the tothir Side fro Troy t(ur)nyt in swith
7453 All þe kyngis þ(a)t were comyn by cause of þ(er)e helpe
7454 W(i)t(h) þ(er)e batels full big   mony buerne felle
7455 As hon(er)able Ector hade ordant before
7456 Hit is wonder to wete of þo weghes þen
7457 How fell was þe fight of þe fuerse peopull
7458 How stith men of stedis were strikon to grond
7459 And mony derf þ(a)t was ded er þe day endit
7460 Agamynon þe grete   his gay brother
7461 Menelay w(i)t(h) mayn macchit hom in fere
7462 And p(re)set vnto Paris all w(i)t(h) pale hate
7463 The duke for to deire   to dethe bringe
7464 Menelay hym met w(i)t(h) a mayn speire
7465 And woundit hym wickedly warpit hym doun
7466 But his armo(ur) was od good   angardly þicke
7467 And sauit þ(a)t Syre socurd his lyfe
7468 Then shamet þe shalke for þe shene Elan
7469 Þat he held in his hate fro þe hed kyng
7470 Þen Vlixes   Arest angardly faght
7471 Vlixes gird hym to grond grippit his horse
7472 Sent hym by a s(er)u(au)nd sone to his tent
7473 Polimytes þe proud kyng p(re)sit vnto Hupon
7474 Wondit hym wickedly warpit hym to dethe
7475 Neptolom(us) the noble nolpit to Achilagon
7476 That both went backeward   bult vppon the erthe
7477 Polidamas to Palomydon p(re)sit so fast
7478 Þat he gird hym doun grymly w(i)t(h) a grym wound
7479 Spake to hym spitously dispisit hym foule
7480 ffor(e) w(i)t(h) hym fuersly all in fell ang(ur)
7481 Stelle(us) the stith kyng stroke vnto Carax
7482 Hurlet hym of horse hade hym to ground
7483 Philmen the fuerse w(i)t(h) a fell dynt
7484 Drof to the derfe duke doughty of Athens
7485 Hurlit hym doun hedlyng(es)   his horse toke
7486 Raght hym full radly to a rynke of his owne
7487 Philot w(i)t(h) felle ang(ur) frusshet to Reno
7488 Till bothe welt backeward of hor bare horses Sadles
7489 Theseus a tore kyng tachit on Eurialon
7490 That aither wegh other woundit   welt to þe grene
7491 The noble brether nat(ur)ell naited þ(er)e strenght
7492 Mony woundit in wer(e) wroght þo þat day
7493 Mony grek(es) thurgh þ(er)e hor grefe on þe ground leuyt
7494 Mony woundit þo worthy of þaire wale kyng(es)
7495 Telamon the tore kyng w(i)t(h) a togh speire
7496 W(i)t(h) the kyng of Capadoys caupit so harde
7497 Þat bothe were þai bold men borne to þe grene
7498 Woundit full wickedly in wer(e) of hor lyues
7499 In the brest of þe batell þ(er)e þe buernys lay
7500 Þen Achilles cherfull   his choise cosyn
7501 Toax þat other a tor(e) mon of strenght
7502 Ayren vnto Ector angardly sore
7503 W(i)t(h) the strenght of hor strok(es)   hor store fare
7504 The helme of his hed þai hurlit in peces
7505 Woundit hym wickedly w(i)t(h) wepon aboue
7506 Þat þe rinels of red blode ran doun his chek(es)
7507 But Ector in angur aykeward he stroke
7508 Tachit vpon toax toke hym in the face
7509 He hade of þe halfe nase to þe hard chek(es)
7510 And he for dere of þe dynt droppid on þe laund
7511 Þen his noble brethir nat(ur)ill neghit hym aboute
7512 Socurd hym full sone w(i)t(h) þaire sad helpis
7513 Mony grek(es) þai gird doun w(i)t(h) þ(er)e grym fare
7514 Kyng toax þai toke   to toun led
7515 Telamon þat tor(e) kyng so tenfully wondit
7516 Þat he was borne on his brode sheld w(i)t(h) buernes to his tent
7517 As for ded of þe dynt dressit of þe fild
7518 And left halfe lyues w(i)t(h) ledis of his aune
7519 Menelay w(i)t(h) Malys Mouuyt hym to paris
7520 Þe freke forto fell fondit at all
7521 but paris w(i)t(h) a p(ri)se arow put into venu(m)
7522 Hurt hym so hidously þ(a)t he his horse leuyt
7523 And was borne to his bare tent w(i)t(h) his bold knight(es)
7524 As for ded of þe dynt so derit hym sore
7525 But leches full lyuely lokid his wound
7526 W(i)t(h) oile and w(i)t(h) ointment abill þ(er)fore
7527 Bond it full bigly on ou(r) hor best wise
7528 And menelay w(i)t(h) malis meuit vnto batell
7529 To venge on his velany   his vile harme
7530 P(re)sit vnto paris w(i)t(h) a p(ri)se speire
7531 Wold haue hurt hym full hidusly or had hym to ground
7532 But Eneas come ou(er)twert as aunter be felle
7533 And keppit the caupe on his clene shild
7534 ffor the buerne was bare of body vnarmyt
7535 And so went he to wer wilfully hym selfe
7536 Þat wist well the wale kyng þ(a)t waited hym soo
7537 To haue slayn hym full slegly w(i)t(h) sleght of his hond
7538 Eneas eftir w(i)t(h) abill knight(es) mony
7539 Send hym to þe Citie for the same cause
7540 ffor marryng of Menelay at þe tyme
7541 Þen Ector come egurly euyn vpon one
7542 Merkit hym to menelay the mon for to take
7543 But þe multitude was so mekill þ(a)t marrit hym sone
7544 And put hym fro p(ur)pos w(i)t(h) a p(re)se hoge
7545 The(n) he leuit the lede launchit aboute
7546 Gird doun of þe grek(es) grymly w(i)t(h) strok(es)
7547 ffrusshit þurgh the frount fell hom to dethe
7548 Thurghe the pou(er) of þe p(ri)nce   his pert knight(es)
7549 Þen fled all in fere   the fild leuit
7550 Turnit to þ(er)e tentt(es) w(i)t(h) tene at þ(er)e hertis
7551 Thai sesit of þe sute þe sun was to rest
7552 And turnyt to þe toune taried no lengur

XVIIJ. Boke of the ffyuet Batell
in the ffelde

7553 Aas hit happit of þes hynd herkyn a while
7554 When the derke was don   the day sprang
7555 Thes kyng(es) and knight(es) kid men of arms
7556 Were assemblit full sone in hor sure wedis
7557 Then p(ri)am full plainly p(ur)pos hade takon
7558 That no freike to þe fight shold fare out of toun
7559 But yche renke take his rest right as hym liked
7560 And of maters to meue in þe mene tyme
7561 The kyng sent for his sons and sou(er)ans of Troy
7562 Ector   Eneas and Alexsaunde Paris
7563 Troilus þe tru knight tristy of hond
7564 Deffebus þe doughty   derf palidamas
7565 When the knight(es) were comyn þus the kyng said
7566 Wot ye not worthy þe wale kyng toax
7567 Is put in ou(r) power ou(r) p(ri)son w(i)t(h)in
7568 Þat myche harme w(i)t(h) his hond happont to do
7569 And w(i)t(h) his pouer hath p(re)set ou(r) pepull to sle
7570 Ou(r) Citie to sese and ou(r) side lond(es)
7571 ffor his hardines here   his hegh malis
7572 He shold be done to þe dethe by domys of right
7573 To be hongit in hast or his hed tyne
7574 Thus me semyth for certain / now sais me yo(ur) witte
7575 The answard Eneas easely agayne
7576 Lord w(i)t(h) yo(ur) leue þ(a)t were alaith dede
7577 Syche a chaunses for to chefe choisly of yow
7578 The noise of yo(ur) nobilte were noyet for eu(er)
7579 Syn he is gret of degre groundit of old
7580 And mony syb to hym selfe of sou(er)ans   other
7581 Ye haue ledis þat ye loue   lightly may happyn
7582 Of yo(ur) sons to be sesit or sum sib other
7583 Þen the grek(es) for grem in hor grete yre
7584 Wold dight hym to dethe yo(ur) dole to encrese
7585 Hit might sothely be siche on as yo(ur) selfe nold
7586 ffor mykill of þis medill erthe þ(a)t myschefe to se
7587 Therfore sothely me semeth sauyng yo(ur) wille
7588 Hit is bettur þis bold kyng in this burgh hold
7589 He may be chaungit by chaunse for sum choise other
7590 Þat is takon of Troy if hit tyde so
7591 And the lur(e) be þe les þen the lyf tyne
7592 Ector to Eneas egerly assentid
7593 And confermyt his counsell in cas for þe best
7594 And lowet the lede for his leue speche
7595 Then P(ri)am to þe p(ur)pos p(re)stly can say
7596 If we leue hym on lyue   the lede kepe
7597 Ou(r) fomen in faith for faint will vs deme
7598 And hold vs vnhardy ou(r) harmys to venge
7599 But neu(er)theles as you list of þ(a)t lord wirke
7600 And as ye counsell in the cas I comaund be don
7601 When this speche was sped speke þai nofferr(e)
7602 Eneas to Elan Etlit to wend
7603 To se hir in sight and solas þ(a)t fre
7604 He toke w(i)t(h) hym Troilus   trusty Antenor
7605 And went in full wightly into a wide halle
7606 There was Ecuba þe hon(er)able   Elan to gedur
7607 W(i)t(h) women of worship the worthiest of Troy
7608 Ther(e) segh þai þat semly   w(i)t(h) soft wordys
7609 Comford hur kyndly w(i)t(h) carpyng of mowthe
7610 The grek(es) for þe greu(au)nce   the grete harmys
7611 ffor the tene þ(a)t hom tyd   tynyng of pepull
7612 Made myche m(ur)mur   menit hom sore
7613 As folis þ(a)t folily hade faren fro home
7614 To put hom in p(er)ell to p(er)ysshe þ(er)e lyues
7615 Myche gold   good(es) vngraidly dispendit
7616 W(i)t(h) mony harmys þat hom hepit of hor hed p(er)sons
7617 And might haue lengit in hor lond   þe lak voidet
7618 The same night was a note noyet hom all
7619 A thondir w(i)t(h) a thicke rayn thrublit in þe skewes
7620 Ou(er)shotyng w(i)t(h) shoures thurgh þ(er)e shene tentt(es)
7621 As neu(er) water fro the welkyn hade waynit before
7622 The flode was so felle w(i)t(h) fallyng of rayn
7623 Hit was like by the lest as ou(r) lord wold
7624 W(i)t(h) water haue wastid all þe world efte
7625 So kene was þe course of the cold shoures
7626 And more greuit the grek(es) of þe grym windes
7627 Þat wacknet so wodely walt ou(er) the logges
7628 Ou(er)tyruit the tentt(es) teghit vp the ropes
7629 And alto raset   rent all the riche clothes
7630 When the derke ou(er)drogh and þe dym voidet
7631 The stourme wex still stablit the course
7632 The sun in his sercle sette vpo lofte
7633 All clerit the course clensit the aire
7634 The grek(es) hor geire grippet onone
7635 Bounet vnto batell and to bent droghe
7636 Achilles of all men auntrid hym first
7637 ffore euyn to the fild w(i)t(h) a felle pepull
7638 The(n) Diomede the doughty   derf menelaus
7639 Agamynon the grete þe goode duke of Athens
7640 W(i)t(h) the kyng of Larris full cantly caupit Achilles
7641 Þat he droffe hym to dethe w(i)t(h) athe dynt of a speire
7642 Octin(us) on Ector full egurly met
7643 But er he past fro the p(ri)nse he was pale ded
7644 Then diomede the derfe kyng deghit out of lyue
7645 Xancipus þe same tyme þat was a sure kyng
7646 Two kyng(es) þ(er)e come þat were kyd brether
7647 Epistafus þe pert was p(ro)purly þat one
7648 And Tedius þat tothir tyde men bothe
7649 Vppon Ector ernistly þos egir men set
7650 Ephistafus hym p(re)sit w(i)t(h) his proude word(es)
7651 As a ribold w(i)t(h) reu(er)ay in his roide speche
7652 Sythen spurnit hym dispitously w(i)t(h) a speire fell
7653 But he hurt not þ(a)t hynd ne hade hym to ground
7654 Ne the deire of his dynt dasit hym but litle

The dethe of Ephistafus by Ector Slayne

7655 Ector wrathed at his wordis waynit at the kyng
7656 Þat he gird to þe ground and the gost yald
7657 Þen warpit he þes wordes in his wild hate
7658 ffor þ(o)u of flytyng was fuerse w(i)t(h) frek(es) vppon lyue
7659 Go dresse þe to dedmen   dyn þ(er)e a while
7660 This Tedius the tother full tomly beheld
7661 Gret pytie w(i)t(h) payne persit his hert
7662 ffor the dethe of þat dere doublit his sorow
7663 He cald of his knight(es) of clene men a thowsaund
7664 That all hastid to þat hend hertly   mo
7665 He bade hom full boldly for bale vpon erthe
7666 All folow to þ(a)t freke þat his fere slogh
7667 On his broder bale dethe baldly to venge
7668 All suyt on þ(a)t syre in a sad hast
7669 And laited aft(ur) þe lede w(i)t(h) a light wille
7670 Soght þai the sure p(ri)nse thurgh the syde batell
7671 fforsit hym w(i)t(h) fight fellyn hym aboute
7672 Vnhorset hym in hast hade hym to fote
7673 Tedius the tore kyng in a tene yre
7674 fflappit at hym felly w(i)t(h) a fyne swerde
7675 The worthy to wound   warp vnto dethe
7676 Then auntrid þat Ector aurthwert beheld
7677 The stroke of þe stith w(i)t(h) a streught arme
7678 He keppit the caupe on his clene sheld
7679 And britnet þe bold w(i)t(h) a breme dynt
7680 The right Arme w(i)t(h) a rappe reft fro þe shuldurs
7681 Hurlit hym to hard erthe hue hym to dethe
7682 Eneas to Amphimak angurdly drof
7683 And the lede w(i)t(h) a launse out of lyue broght
7684 Then the grek(es) full grymly gredrit in samyn
7685 Menelay the mighty w(i)t(h) a meane maine batell
7686 The duke of Athens full derf   dyamede the kyng
7687 Telamon the tyde   tristy Vlixes
7688 Archillaus also / agamynon hym selfe
7689 And Machaon þe mighty meuit hym with
7690 All þes bold w(i)t(h) þ(er)e batels brochet in swithe
7691 ffell was the fight at the first stoure
7692 Buernes vpon bothe halues brittoned full mony
7693 Gret slaght in þe shlad   slyngyng to ground
7694 And mony lost hade þe lyffe or þe larke endit
7695 Be þat the Sun in his Sercle sef set was o loft
7696 At the merke of þe mydday w(i)t(h) his mayn course
7697 When the grek(es) were gedrit   gird into fight
7698 W(i)t(h) all the forse of þe fell ost frusshet by dene
7699 That þe Troiens w(i)t(h) tene t(ur)nyt to flight
7700 ffor oppressing w(i)t(h) payne   of pale strok(es)
7701 Than Achilles w(i)t(h) a chop chaunset to sle
7702 Philles a fre kyng w(i)t(h) his fyn strenght

The dethe of Amphenor and Durius
by Ector Slayne

7703 Ther(e) at Ector was angry   out of his wit
7704 Two kyng(es) he kyld of the kene grek(es)
7705 Amphenor the fuerse and the freike Durius
7706 And wond(ur)fully wroght at þe wode stoure
7707 Thurgh power of þe p(ri)nse   his pert knight(es)
7708 The Troiens t(ur)nyt in full tyte tokyn the fild
7709 ffoghtyn full fuersly fell mony grek(es)
7710 Beron hom abacke w(i)t(h) a brem wille
7711 Then kyng Bisshop the bold fro the burghe come
7712 W(i)t(h) thre thowsaund thro knight(es) þrong into batell
7713 All wight men in wer willy to fight
7714 And boldly the bekirt britnet þ(er)e fos
7715 There come w(i)t(h) this kyng a coynt mon of Shappe
7716 ffellist in fight and a fyn archer
7717 ffro the Nauell netherward he was anable horse
7718 And euyn made as a man fro the medill vp
7719 The fell of þ(a)t freike fuerse to be holde
7720 ffro the hede to þe hele horit as a capull
7721 Thof his face were fourmyt as a fre mon
7722 Hyt was colurt by course as a kowle red
7723 His Ene leuenaund w(i)t(h) light as a low fyn
7724 W(i)t(h) stremys full stithe his in his step loke
7725 He was a ferfull fre in fas to be holde
7726 And mony led(es) w(i)t(h) his loke laithet full euyll
7727 He neyt as a nagge at his nose thrilles
7728 No hawberke he hade ne harnes of mayle
7729 But bare into batell w(i)t(h) a bowe stronge
7730 W(i)t(h) gret arowes   grym in a gay qwyuer
7731 When this feerfull freike frusshet into batell
7732 The grete horses on the grene girdon abacke
7733 Sparit for no Spurse speddyn to the flight
7734 And grete affray in the feld for feare of hym one
7735 Thurghe the birre of his bowe   his big arme
7736 Mony wondit the whe to þe wale dethe
7737 And myche greuit the grek(es) w(i)t(h) his grym fare

The Dethe of Polexenar by Ector Slayne

7738 Ector faght in the fild felle of his Enmys
7739 Polexenar a pert kyng duke þ(a)t þe p(ri)nse met
7740 He dang to the dethe w(i)t(h) his derfe weppon
7741 And wond(ur)fully wroght in his wyld yre
7742 This orribell archer so angardly wroght
7743 Renyng thurgh the rout(es) w(i)t(h) his roid arowes
7744 W(i)t(h) the Troiens so tore tyde men alse
7745 That myche greuit the grek(es) gird hom abacke
7746 Then flagh all in fere and the fild leuyt
7747 T(ur)nyt to þ(er)e tentt(es) tariet no leng(ur)
7748 Thaire Enmys hom after angardly sore
7749 Pursuet hom w(i)t(h) pyne put hom to ground
7750 Ther(e) it felle hom by fortune a ferfull cas
7751 As þis mysshapon man marrit of þe grek(es)
7752 The Troiens in the tentt(es) tenyt hom also
7753 Oppressit hom w(i)t(h) payne   w(i)t(h) pale strok(es)
7754 Diamede the derfe kyng þ(a)t don was to flight
7755 Presit to a pauilyon the pepull before
7756 Wold haue wonen away   of wothe past
7757 And haue sauet hym selfe   he so might
7758 There met him þis mawhown þ(a)t was of mysshap
7759 Euyn forne in his face as he fle wold
7760 He myght nowise away for wothe of his dethe
7761 But auther aunt(er) vppon hym or angardly moue
7762 He se his fomen so felle and fuerse at his bake
7763 Þat wold lelly the led out of lyue bryng
7764 And if he t(ur)nyt hade tyte þen hym tyde shuld
7765 The warlagh w(i)t(h) a wicked arowe wondit hym behynd
7766 He auntred on this vnbest angardly fast
7767 As the shalke shuld haue shot at þe shene kyng
7768 Dyamede w(i)t(h) a dynt dang hym to ground
7769 W(i)t(h) a shwap of his swerd he swalt in the place
7770 Then the grek(es) w(i)t(h) grym chere gedurt þ(er)e hert(es)
7771 ffrusshet out felly and the ffild toke
7772 Bore backward the batell of þe bold troiens
7773 Kyld of hor knight(es) and kene men of armys
7774 Ector to Achylles angardly rode
7775 And he keppit hym full kenely þai caupit togedur
7776 That bothe were þ(er)e backward borne of þ(er)e horses
7777 And light on the lond the lord(es) in fere
7778 But achilles aftir auntrid to rise
7779 Highit to his horse in a hote yre
7780 Grypit vnto galathe þ(a)t was the gode stede
7781 Of hon(er)able Ector   etlit away
7782 Ector cryed on his knight(es) w(i)t(h) a kant wille
7783 Bade hom hast hom in hygh and his horse take
7784 Þen highet furth in haste of his hed knight(es)
7785 ffellyn vmbe the fuersse kyng foghtyn full hard
7786 His nobill brether nat(er)ell naitly þai strekyn
7787 Gird downe of the grek(es) grippit þe roile
7788 Raft hym the renke w(i)t(h) a roide fare
7789 Restorit þe stithe horse to þe stuerne p(ri)nse
7790 He was fayne of þe fole fongit hym anon
7791 Wan on hym wightly   his way held
7792 Þen fell he to fight w(i)t(h) a fyne sworde
7793 Kyld mony knight(es) vnto cold dethe
7794 Oppressit hom w(i)t(h) payn put hom to ground
7795 And mony deghit þ(a)t day thurgh dynt of his hond
7796 Antenor the auntrus angardly faght
7797 Thurghe might of his manhode mony distroyed
7798 And in batell full boldly bare hym þ(a)t day
7799 Then the grek(es) on hym gedrit in so grete nowmbur
7800 Oppressit hym w(i)t(h) pyne   w(i)t(h) pale strok(es)
7801 He hade no forse hym to fend of so fele othir
7802 Þai toke hym full tite   to tentt(es) led
7803 Polidamas the pert knight þ(a)t was his p(ri)se son
7804 Myche sorow for his syre sothely did make
7805 Mony stithe men in stoure stroke he to ground
7806 Wold haue fongit his fader but þe freike ne might
7807 ffor the day wex dym doun was þe sun
7808 The night was so nighe þ(a)t noyet hom sore
7809 Merkit the mountayns   mores aboute
7810 Iche freke to his fre hold   so þe fight endis

XIX Batell Boke of the vj. Batell

7811 Lystenes a lyttyll of þis laike more
7812 How hit happit in hast of thes hed kyng(es)
7813 Sone as þe sonne rose   set vppon hegh
7814 Bothe þe grekis on þe grene   þe grym troiens
7815 Mettyn w(i)t(h) mayne þair(e) myghtis to kythe
7816 Þer was fyghtyng full fell þe furseme(n) betwene
7817 All þ(a)t day w(i)t(h) dole to þe derk nyght
7818 Mony lyueles lede leuyt on þe bent
7819 And mony wondyt whe þ(a)t a way past
7820 Mony knyghtis wer kyld of the kene grekys
7821 But mo wer(e) þer(e) mard of the mayn troiens
7822 Þe grekys fellyn in fyght þe fagh(us) feghur þ(a)t day
7823 And þe bigg(er) in batell as þe boke saise
7824 When þe nyght come onon þo nobill dep(ar)tid
7825 And bounet fro batell vppon bothe haluys
7826 The secund day suyng as sais vs þe story
7827 Þe grekys by agrent of þe grete all
7828 Sent to þe Cite sou(er)an me(n) two
7829 Dyamed þe derf kyng   dughty Vlixes
7830 Þai past furth to p(ri)am pertly to ged(ur)
7831 Of a tru forto trete in þe t(ri)et Cite
7832 To be grauntid of þe grete by grement of all
7833 Þes Messangers met w(i)t(h) a mayn knyght
7834 A derf mo(n) to dem   delon his nome
7835 He was borne in þe burgh a bold mo(n) of hond
7836 Went w(i)t(h) þo worthy   þe way taght
7837 P(re)sent hom to p(ri)am þat was prise lord
7838 Þer(e) menyt þai þere þair(e) message   w(i)t(h) mouthe told
7839 P(ri)am to þe p(ri)se me(n) p(re)stetly onswart
7840 I wyll haue consell in þe case of clene me(n) of wit
7841 By assent of Senio(ur)s   sum of my knyghtys
7842 And of oure wyll in þis werk I wete 3ow say
7843 He was ymyddis þe mete w(i)t(h) me(n) of astate
7844 Kyngis in his cu(m)pany   knyghtis full nobill
7845 Þen gedrit were þe grete to þe gay kyng
7846 And assentid full sone samy(n) to þe dede
7847 All affermyt hit fast w(i)t(h) a fyn wyll
7848 Saue Ector þe hono(ur)able þ(a)t egerly w(i)t(h) stod
7849 Disasent to þe dede   deruely he sayde
7850 Hit his falshed in faythe   of fer cast
7851 All þaire tretyng of tru t(ur)nys vs to harme
7852 Þai colourne hom coyntly w(i)t(h) a cause febill
7853 fforto beri þe bodys of hor bold frendys
7854 And lighyng by my lewte now lakkys hom þe fode
7855 Þai wold stuf hom full stithly strenkyth ho(m) agayn
7856 W(i)t(h) mete in þe meneqwile   mony othir thynges
7857 And we oure store schall distroi   stynt of oure sped
7858 We are ar(e) folke full fele in þis fre hold
7859 Of lordis and Ladies and other lesse pepull
7860 Assemblit in this Cite ou(r) seluyn to kepe
7861 And þof we maitles marre may we no fer
7862 But syn the sou(er)ain the sou(er)ain assentid w(i)t(h) other sad lord(es)
7863 He agreet to the grete   grauntid w(i)t(h) all
7864 ffor þ(er)e as men are so mony   of might grete
7865 And of wit for to wale wisest of other
7866 All put in a p(ur)pas w(i)t(h) a plain wille
7867 Þof the syngle mon say   it sothe be
7868 Hit is demyt for dulle   done out of heryng
7869 Syn it is sothely said   for sure holdyn
7870 Þof a yong mon be 3epe   of yeres lite
7871 His wit shuld be waled of wise men in age among
7872 So the p(ri)nse to þ(er)e p(ur)pas p(re)stly assent
7873 Þof hit worthe to þe worse þ(a)t wist be hym seluyn
7874 Then takyn was the true and w(i)t(h) trauthe fest
7875 Thre monethes   nomore þo mighty betwene
7876 By assurans full Sad vpon suche wise
7877 Þat non offens shuld þ(er)e fall þo freik(es) betwene
7878 But yche kyng   knight comyn w(i)t(h) other
7879 Bothe in tent   in towne while the true last
7880 Than þai spekon in spase of hor spede after
7881 Made a chaunge by chaunse of hor chose choise lord(es)
7882 Toax fro Troy was t(ur)nyt to the grek(es)
7883 ffor Antenor aunterous þat aft(ur) was takyn
7884 Deliu(er)t were þo lord(es) lawsit of p(ri)sone
7885 ffro ayther syde by assent   suet to þ(er)e frynd(es)
7886 Than calcas the clerke þat come out of Troy
7887 Hade a doughter full dere a damsell faire
7888 Þat bright was of ble and Breisyd Breisaid she hight
7889 So cald was the clere w(i)t(h) comyns and other
7890 W(i)t(h)in the Cite forsothe þ(er)e hir selfe dwellit
7891 This calcas to the kyngis contynually p(ra)yet
7892 Bothe agamynon the grete   the grek(es) all
7893 That þai to Priam Shuld pray for this p(ri)se lady
7894 To be sent to hir Sire if he so lyked
7895 And þai the bisshoppis bone bainly haue gruntid
7896 And sent to þ(a)t sou(er)ain for þe same cause
7897 Dessirond full depely delyu(er)ans of hir
7898 W(i)t(h) Speciall speche to spede at the tyme
7899 But the triet men of Troy trait(ur) hym cald
7900 And mony pointt(es) on hym put for his pure shame
7901 Þat diss(er)uet full duly þe dethe for to haue
7902 P(ri)am at the p(ra)yer of þo p(ri)se kynges
7903 Deliu(er)t the lady w(i)t(h) a light wille
7904 In eschaunge of þo choise þ(a)t chaped before
7905 Toax þat I told and þat tother duke
7906 In the tyme of the true as þe trety saith
7907 Ector w(i)t(h) other egurly went
7908 ffro the burghe to þe bastels of þe bold grek(es)
7909 ffor to sport hym a space   speike w(i)t(h) þo kyng(es)
7910 To se the man(er) of þo men   mirth hym a stound
7911 Achilles the choise kyng w(i)t(h) a chere faire
7912 Welcomyt þat worthy as a whe noble
7913 He hade solas of þe sight sothely of hym
7914 ffor his body was bare out of bright wed(es)
7915 He toke hym to his tent talket w(i)t(h) hym fast
7916 ffraynet at the freike of his fell dedis
7917 And as þai spekon of þ(er)e spede in hor spell þ(er)e

The wordes betwene Achilles and Ector in þe tent(es)

7918 Thies word(es) to þat worthy warpit Achilles
7919 Now Ector in ernyst I am euyn fayn
7920 Of þe sight of þi Self to se þe vnarmyt
7921 Syn þat fortune before fell me neu(er) ere
7922 To se þi body all bare out of bright wedis
7923 But it shall sitte me full sore w(i)t(h) sorow in hert
7924 But the happyn of my hond hastely to degh
7925 Thurgh strenght of my strok(es) in ou(r) stoure enys
7926 And I thi bone for to be w(i)t(h) my brond egge
7927 I haue feld of þi forse   þi felle dyntt(es)
7928 Thy might   þi monhode mykell hath me greuit
7929 My body hath þ(o)u brisit   my blode shed
7930 W(i)t(h) thy strok(es) full store of þi stithe arme
7931 Þof my wille be so wilde to waite on þi nend
7932 ffor the sake of my selfe and othir sib frynd(es)
7933 More feruent in faith þi falle I dessyre
7934 ffor patroclus my pure felow þ(o)u put vnto dethe
7935 I louet hym full lelly no les þen my seluyn
7936 And þ(o)u partid ou(r) p(re)sens
w(i)t(h) þi p(ri)se wepyn 7937 Þat w(i)t(h) faith and affynite where festinyt to gedur
7938 And dang hym to dethe þ(a)t deires me full euyll
7939 But trust me for tru and þis tale leue
7940 Er hit negh to anend of þis next yere
7941 The dethe of þat doughty shalbe dere yolden
7942 W(i)t(h) the blode of þi body baldly me leue
7943 And in so myche for sothe I say þe 3et ferre
7944 Þat I wot the in witte to waite on my nend
7945 My wonsped to aspie in dispite ay
7946 And to deire me w(i)t(h) dethe yche day new

The answare of Ector to Achylles

7947 THan Ector hym answared Esely agayn
7948 W(i)t(h) wordis full wise vnto the wegh said
7949 If aunt(ur) be s(ir) achilles I am the to sle
7950 And hate þe in hert as my hed foo
7951 W(i)t(h)outen couenable cause or cast for þi dethe
7952 Thow might m(er)uell the mykill of my misrewle
7953 But þ(a)t wott(es) in thi wit by wayes of right
7954 Þat þ(er)e long(es) no loue ne lewte to ryse
7955 To hym þ(a)t dressis for my dethe w(i)t(h) a ded hate
7956 And pursewis to my p(ro)uyns my pepull to sle
7957 ffor of werre by no way wackons þ(er)e loue
7958 Ne neu(er) charite be cherisst þurghe a chele yre
7959 Luff ingendrith w(i)t(h) ioye as in a iust sawle
7960 And hate in his hote yre hastis to wer
7961 Now I will þ(a)t þ(o)u wete þi wordes me not feryn
7962 Ne thy boste me abaistes w(i)t(h) þi bold speche
7963 But I hope w(i)t(h) my hond   my hard strok(es)
7964 Thurgh might of ou(r) mykell godd(es)   of mayn strenght
7965 Thy body to britton vnto bale dethe
7966 And all the grete of þe grek(es) þ(a)t on ou(r) ground lyu(n)
7967 ffor to fell in the feld fay w(i)t(h) my hond
7968 Grete folie by my faithe fell in yo(ur) hedis
7969 ffor to hent vppon hond soche a hegh charge
7970 That passes you(r) power   proffett(es) nomore
7971 But the losse of you(r) lyues   yo(ur) ledis all
7972 This wot I full well bewar if þe lyste
7973 Þou bes ded of my dyntt(es)   þi day past
7974 Er hit hap the w(i)t(h) hond my harmys to forther
7975 To deire me w(i)t(h) daunger   or to dethe put
7976 And if þ(o)u hopys in hert w(i)t(h) þi hegh p(ri)de
7977 To oppresse me w(i)t(h) power   to payn bring
7978 Get graunt of the grek(es)   the grete all
7979 Of kyng(es)   knight(es)   other kyd duk(es)
7980 Þat all the dere of the ded be done on vs two
7981 To vttranse   yssue vne at this tyme
7982 W(i)t(h)outen meuyng of moo or marryng of pepull
7983 And if hap the þe herre hond to haue in the plase
7984 Of me thurgh þi might by maistry of hond
7985 I shall fast the þis forward all w(i)t(h) fyne othes
7986 All the londis to leue þat longyn to troy
7987 And ou(r) grond to þe grek(es) graunt as for right
7988 And we exiled for eu(er) more ou(r) easement to laite
7989 All ou(r) p(ro)uyns   parties put in yo(ur) wille
7990 And if it falle me by fortune the feirer to haue
7991 Make vs sekur on the same wise ou(r) soile for to leue
7992 Of ou(r) p(ro)uyns to pas   paire vs nomore
7993 Ne neu(er) dere vs in dede ne ou(r) due lond(es)
7994 Achilles was angret angardly sore
7995 Wrathet at his wordes warmyt in yre
7996 Chaunget his chere chauffit w(i)t(h) hete
7997 That the droupes as a dew dankit his fas
7998 He approchet to þe p(ri)nse p(re)sit hym ner
7999 And affyrmit w(i)t(h) faith   w(i)t(h) fyn chere
8000 All þo couen(au)nd(es) to kepe w(i)t(h) his cleane trauthe
8001 This he sadly assurit at the same tyme
8002 Ector toke hit full tyd w(i)t(h) a triet wille
8003 More dessyrous to the dede þen I dem can
8004 But Agamynon was gayn at þis gret dyn
8005 W(i)t(h) other kyng(es) in company comyn to þe tent
8006 Þat hasted for the high noise   hopit in haste
8007 Of þo mighty full mony the mater to here
8008 When the knewen all the cause þo kyng(es) bydene
8009 All denyed it anon nomon assentid
8010 Þat Achilles in chaunse shuld be chosen for hom all
8011 W(i)t(h) þ(a)t fuerse for to fight þurgh folye of hym seluyn
8012 Ne so mony   so mighty men of astate
8013 ffor to coupull of hor cause on a knight one
8014 Bothe of lond(es)   lyffe for lure þat might happon
8015 And the Troiens on the tothir syde torely w(i)t(h) stode
8016 Dysasent to þe dede duk(es)   other
8017 Saue p(ri)am the p(ri)se kyng þ(a)t the p(ri)nse knew
8018 Bothe his strenght   his stuerne wille stondyng in hert
8019 Wold haue put hym to þe plit for p(er)ell of all
8020 ffor þe will   þe worship of his wale strenght
8021 But for so mony   mighty menit þ(er)e agaynes
8022 He put of his p(ur)pos   passis þ(er)fro
8023 Þen the p(ri)nse at the p(ri)se kyng(es) p(re)stly toke leue
8024 Turnit fro the tentt(es) and to toune yode
8025 Past to his palais   his pale entrid

The Sorow of Troilus for Breisaid his loue

8026 When hit told was Troilus the tale of his loue
8027 How þat faire by his ffader was fourmet to wend
8028 To the grek(es) by graunt of þo grete kyng(es)
8029 ffor breisaide the bright vnblithe was his chere
8030 ffor he louit hir full lelly no lesse þen hym seluyn
8031 W(i)t(h)all the faithe and affecc(i)on of his fyn hert
8032 Myche sykyng and sorow sanke in his brest
8033 He was tourment w(i)t(h) tene tynt was his hew
8034 All wan was the weghe for his wete teres
8035 W(i)t(h) lamentac(i)on   lang(ur) vnlusty to se
8036 Was no knight in the court kouth comford hym oght
8037 Ne ses hym of sorow sothely þat tyme
8038 And breisaid the bright blakenet of hew
8039 W(i)t(h) myche weping   waile waterid hir ene
8040 All fadit that faire of hir fyn colou(r)
8041 W(i)t(h) shedyng of shyre water of hir shene chek(es)
8042 All to tugget hir tresses of hur triet hore
8043 Hir faire fyngurs w(i)t(h) forse femyt pp of blode
8044 And all to raset the red chekys ruthe to be hold
8045 That the blode out brast   on brest light
8046 And ay swonit in swyme as ho swelt wold
8047 In þ(er)e hond(es) þat hir held   halp hir to stond
8048 And þes wordes ho warpit as hir wo leuit
8049 I hade leu(er) my lyf leue in this place
8050 Than any leng(ur) to lyffe   my lyff luff tyne
8051 No lengur of thies lou(er)s list me to carpe
8052 Ne of the feynit fare of þ(a)t faire lady
8053 Who so wilnes to wit of þair(e) wo fir
8054 Turne hym to Troilus   talke þ(er)e ynoghe
8055 Hyt is a p(ro)p(ur)tie apreuit   put hom of kynd
8056 To all wemen in the world as þe writ sayth
8057 To be vnstable   not stidfast styrond of wille
8058 ffor yf the ton ee w(i)t(h) teres trickell on hir chek(es)
8059 The tothur lurk(es) in lythernes   laghes ou(er)thwert
8060 So full are þo faire / fild of dessait
8061 And men for to mad is most þ(er)e dessyre
8062 There is no hope so vnhappy þ(a)t hast(es) to noght
8063 Ne so vnsikur at a say as to set vppon wemen
8064 A ffoole is þ(a)t freike in his frele yowthe
8065 And myche more þ(a)t man is meuyt into age
8066 That in wordes of wemen wastyn þ(er)e hope
8067 Or in faire hot(es) of þo fre fully will trust
8068 This breisaid the burde by byddyng of þe kyng
8069 In apparell full prowde p(ur)post to wend
8070 Troilus the true knight w(i)t(h) t(ri)et men other
8071 ffro the Cite w(i)t(h) þat semely soghtyn on þe gate
8072 Then the grek(es) com girdand fro the gay tent(es)
8073 Resayuit hir w(i)t(h) reu(er)ense   riden furth samyn
8074 And the Troiens to the towne t(ur)nyt agayne
8075 The derf kyng Diamed drugh the lady ner
8076 Beheld hur full hertely / het hir in loue
8077 W(i)t(h) ven(us) woundit Iwis in his wild hert
8078 He rode to þ(a)t riall and the reyne toke
8079 Then he said to þ(a)t semly all on soft wise
8080 All his corage by corse of his cole hert
8081 W(i)t(h) full speciall speche to spede of his erned
8082 Then breisaid the bright bainly onswart
8083 ffor to hold hym in hope   hert hym the bettur
8084 Nauther list me my luff lelly the graunt
8085 Ne I refuse the not fully þi frenship to voide
8086 ffor my hert is not here holly disposit
8087 To onsware on otherwise ne ordant þ(er)fore
8088 At hyr word(es) Iwis the worthy was glad
8089 Hengit in hope held hym full gayne
8090 At hir fader fre ??? tent fongit hir in armys
8091 And set hir on þe soile softly w(i)t(h) hond
8092 A gloue of þ(a)t gay gate he belyue
8093 Drogh hit full dernly the damsell fro
8094 None seond but hir selfe þ(a)t suffert full well
8095 Hit pleasid hir p(re)uely playntyd ho noght
8096 Let hit slip from hyr slyly slymyt þ(er)at
8097 Than Calcas the clerke came fro his tent
8098 ffongit hir faire and w(i)t(h) fyne chere
8099 Toke hir into tent talket w(i)t(h) hir fast
8100 And meuit of hor maters as þai in mynd hade

The wordys of Breisaid / to Calcas hir fader

8101 When the burde in hir boure was broght w(i)t(h) hir fader
8102 Thes wordes ho warpet w(i)t(h) wat(er)yng of ene
8103 How fader in faith failet þi wit
8104 That was so conyng of clergy   knowen in Troy
8105 Myche louet w(i)t(h) the lord(es)   the ledis all
8106 And worshippit of yche we as a wale god
8107 All the gret of þe ground gou(er)nit by the
8108 And þ(o)u riches full riffe rentt(es) ynow
8109 Now art ??? þ(o)u trewly hor traito(ur)   tainted for fals
8110 Thy kyn   thy cuntre vnkyndly forsakyn
8111 Þat þ(o)u shuld faithly defend w(i)t(h) a fre hert
8112 And fro wothes haue werit   þi wit shewed
8113 Hit is cheuit the a chaunse of a choise febull
8114 Leu(er) forto lyf in a lond straunge
8115 In pou(er)te   pen(au)nce w(i)t(h) thy pale fos
8116 Then as a lord in þi lond lengit at home
8117 A thy fall and þi faith is foule loste
8118 And þi worship is went   wastid for eu(er)
8119 Of Shame   shentship shut bes þ(o)u neu(er)
8120 Eu(er)y lede will þe lacke and þi lose file
8121 And þe fame of þi filth so fer wilbe knowen
8122 Ne hopis þ(o)u not hertely for þi hegh treason
8123 If men laith w(i)t(h) þi lyf lyffyng in erthe
8124 That the shall happon in helle hardlaik(es) mo
8125 ffor thy filthe   þi falshed w(i)t(h) fynd(es) to dwlle
8126 Hit were bettur the to byde w(i)t(h) buernes of þi kyn
8127 In sum wild(ur)nes wild   won þ(er)e þi lyf
8128 Then the ledys vpon lyue to laithe w(i)t(h) þi shame
8129 Hopis þ(o)u fad(ur) in faith in þi faint hert
8130 Þat þ(o)u betakon for treu w(i)t(h) thies triet kynges
8131 Or be holdyn in hert of þi hest stable
8132 Þat art founden so fals to þi fre lond(es)
8133 Now appolyn w(i)t(h) answare / hase euyll the begiled
8134 And belirt þe w(i)t(h) lesyng(es) þi lose forto spille
8135 Gert the fall fro þi frynd(es)   þi faire godis
8136 And sorily to syn / and þi selfe lose
8137 Hit was neu(er) appollo the pure god þ(a)t put the in mynd
8138 But sum fend w(i)t(h) his falshed faren out of helle
8139 Þat onsward the aykewardly ornond þi skathe
8140 fforto set þe in sorow and þi soule tyne
8141 Thus the lady at the last left of hir speche
8142 W(i)t(h) myche sobbyng   sorow sylyng of teris
8143 Than the bisshop to his barne barely onswart
8144 And shend to þ(a)t shene all in short word(es)
8145 Ne hopis þ(o)u noght hend doughtur þ(a)t ou(r) hegh godd(es)
8146 Wold be wrothe at ou(r) werk(es)   wisshe vs to skathe
8147 If we bowet not hor biddyng   hor bone kept
8148 And nomly in þis note þat noyes to þe dethe
8149 Ou(r) seluyn to saue and ou(r) saule kepe
8150 Out of daunger   drede   ou(r) dethe voide
8151 This wot I full well thurgh wisshyng of hom
8152 That þis sorow wilnot sese ne the saute leue
8153 Tyll the toun be ou(er)t(ur)nyt   tumblid to ground
8154 And the wallis ou(er)walt into þe wete dyches
8155 All the folke w(i)t(h) þ(er)e fos frusshet to dethe
8156 Therfore bett(ur) is a byde in þis bare fild
8157 Then be murthert w(i)t(h) malis   to mold put
8158 All the grek(es) were glad of þ(a)t gay lady
8159 And comyn in companys þ(a)t comly to se
8160 All the sou(er)ans for sothe into hir syre tent
8161 And spird at hir specially of hor spede ay
8162 Of the tulk(es) of Troy and the toun selfe
8163 Of the pepull full p(ri)st   þe p(ri)se kyng(es)
8164 And all the man(er) of þo men the maidon hom told
8165 ffrely w(i)t(h) faire chere þ(a)t thei frayn wold
8166 The kyng(es) full curtesley cald hir þ(er)e doughter
8167 And heght hir to haue all þ(er)e helpe þen
8168 To be worshypt well w(i)t(h) welthis ynow
8169 And grete giftes hir gafe all þo grete kyng(es)
8170 Er þis day was done or droghe to þe night
8171 All chaunget the chere of this choise maidon
8172 And hir leu(er) to leng in lodge w(i)t(h) the grek(es)
8173 Then t(ur)ne vnto Troy or to toun wend
8174 Now is Troiell hir trew luff tynt of hir thoght
8175 And yom(er)yng for yeton   yettyng of teres
8176 Lo so lightly ho left of hir loue hote
8177 And chaunget hir chere for cherisshing a litle
8178 Tristly may Troiell tote ou(er) the walle
8179 And loke vpon lenght er his loue come
8180 Here leue we this lady w(i)t(h) hir loue new
8181 And turne to ou(r) tale   take þ(er)e we lefte

The XX Boke Of the vij. Batell and
Skarmiches Lastyng xxx. dayes
Betwene the Towne   the tentt(es)

8182 After the monethis wer(e) meuyt of þe mene tru
8183 Þen waknet vp wer(e) and myche wale sorow
8184 Þe secund day suyng says me þe lyne
8185 There bownet vnto batell from the burgh euyn
8186 Mony triet men of Troy and tokyn þe fild
8187 Evyn ordant by Ector after his deuise
8188 The p(ri)nse w(i)t(h) his pouer past on first
8189 W(i)t(h) .XV .M. fully all of fyn knight(es)
8190 In his batell full bold boun to þe feld
8191 And Troiell w(i)t(h) .X .M. turnit furth aft(ur)
8192 Than paris put furth the p(er)cians hym w(i)t(h)
8193 Abill men of archery auntrus in wer
8194 Thre .M. thro and thrifty of hond
8195 Vppon horses full hoge hardy men all
8196 Then deffibus drogh furth   to þe ded dede went
8197 W(i)t(h) thre .M. thro men þrepond in armys
8198 Eneas afturward w(i)t(h) angardly mony
8199 And oþ(er) kyng(es) full kant as þ(er)e course fell
8200 As Dares in his dyting duly me tellus
8201 The sowme of the sowdiou(r)s of that fro þe Cite came
8202 ffor to tell at this tyme of triet men   noble
8203 A .C .M. all hoole herty to stryke
8204 ffro the tentt(es) come tyte of the t(ri)et grek(es)
8205 Menelay full monly w(i)t(h) a main pepull
8206 Seuyn .M. be sowme assignet for hym
8207 Then meuit w(i)t(h) asmoy mighty Dyomydes
8208 And Achilles w(i)t(h) choise men chosen of the same
8209 Than sought furth Xancipus w(i)t(h) sad men a hepe
8210 Thre thowsaund thrifty þrong to the fild
8211 Than Agamynon the grete gird on the last
8212 W(i)t(h) a anoyus nowmbur nait men of strenght
8213 The first þat to fight past was philot the kyng
8214 Put hym furth prudly p(re)sit to þe Troiens
8215 Ector met macchet hym w(i)t(h) mayn macchit hym so hardeThe dethe of philot the kyng by Ector
8216 That he gird to the ground   the gost past
8217 Myche clam(ur)   crye for the kyng(es) sake
8218 And dyntt(es) full dedly delt hom betwene
8219 Then girde o the grek(es) halfe w(i)t(h) grym fare
8220 Xancipus a sure kyng w(i)t(h) a sad wepyn
8221 ffor to der for þe dethe of his dere vncle
8222 He suet furth sadly to þe sure p(ri)nse

The dethe of Xancipus by Ector Slayn

8223 And stroke hym full stithly w(i)t(h) a stiff sworde
8224 Ector t(ur)net w(i)t(h) tene toke hym on þe hed
8225 Þat he slode doun sleghly   sleppit eu(er) after
8226 Then the grek(es) were greuit for the grym kyng
8227 Oppressit hom w(i)t(h) pyne p(re)sset hom full hard
8228 Turnit to the Troiens tenit hom full euill
8229 Mony woundit full wickedly   warpit of horse
8230 Achilles mony choise men choppit to þe erthe
8231 Mony led(es) w(i)t(h) his launse out of lyfe broght
8232 Two duk(es) full derue vnto dethe kyld
8233 Þat were comyn to þe kyng w(i)t(h) þ(er)e kyd helpis
8234 ffull bold men in batell   myche bale did
8235 Hit auntrit þat Ector was angrit full euill
8236 Woundit full wickedly wist not of woo
8237 Vne before in the face w(i)t(h) a fell stroke
8238 Þat myche blode fro þe buerne on þe bent fell
8239 And þan backeward was borne all þe bold Troiens
8240 W(i)t(h) myche noye for þe note of þ(er)e noble p(ri)nse
8241 But the knight in his kene y(er)e cast vp ??? his egh
8242 Brusshet on the burgh   the bright walles
8243 Segh the ladies o lofte leghen to waite
8244 Elan an other the oddest of Troy
8245 His worshipfull wife þat he well louet
8246 W(i)t(h) his Suster beside the semliest on lyue
8247 Þat were sory for þe sight Semple of chere
8248 And the grek(es) so grymly had gird hom abacke
8249 Þat euyn borne were þai bigly to þe bare wallis
8250 Than shamet was the shalke for the shene ladies
8251 And euyn wode of his wit wex he be lyue

The Dethe of Myrion by Ector Slayn

8252 He kyld þ(er)e a kyng cosyn to Achilles
8253 On Merion the myghty thurgh he mayn dynt
8254 He hurlet thurgh the helme þ(a)t the hed yemed
8255 Þat the brayn all to brast   on bent leuyt
8256 Achilles þis aurthwert this aunt(er) to se
8257 Grippet to a grete speire w(i)t(h) a grym wille
8258 Pight on the p(ri)nse persit his wede
8259 Mart of his mailes meuit hym noght
8260 And nauth(er) hurt he the hathe hathell ne hade hym to ground
8261 Þen Ector in ang(ur) angardly fast
8262 W(i)t(h) the bit of his brond on the bold light
8263 Hurlit þurgh the helme   the hard maile
8264 But it breke not the brayn ne the buerne woundet
8265 Achilles w(i)t(h) a chop cheuyt on syde
8266 All in wer for to walt wayu(er)onde he sete
8267 But he held hym on horse houyt o lofte
8268 Euyll masit of the mynt   the mayn stroke
8269 Thes wordys to the whe warpit the p(ri)nse
8270 Achilles Achilles þ(o)u cheses þe fast
8271 ffor to p(re)se me w(i)t(h) pyne ??? in thy proude yre
8272 The next tyme þ(o)u noyes me þ(o)u neghis to þe fir
8273 Thow dowtles shall dye w(i)t(h) dynt of my hond
8274 But or hit auntrid hym to aunsware Ector agayne
8275 Come Troilus full tyte w(i)t(h) a tore pepull
8276 ffrusshet in felly þo frekes betwene
8277 Dep(ar)tid the p(ri)nse   the p(ri)se kyng
8278 So he greuit the grek(es) and gird hom abacke
8279 Þat fyue houndrith were fay /   in fild leuyt
8280 Off knight(es) full kene kild in the stoure
8281 And O backe fro the burghe / bere hom anon
8282 Menelay w(i)t(h) his men meuyt in swithe
8283 Thre thowsaund full þro þrang into batell
8284 Restorit hom stithly stuffet hom anon
8285 And cobbyt full kantly kaghten the fild
8286 Then Sedymon w(i)t(h) a sowme from the Cite come
8287 Of fell men in fight freik(es) of his owne
8288 He macchit hym to menelay   met on þe kyng
8289 Woundit hym wickedly in his wale face
8290 And gird hym to ground of his grete horse
8291 Than Troiell hym toke þurgh his tried helpe
8292 Of Sedymon the same kyng þ(a)t þe syre felle
8293 Wold haue led the lord O lyue to þe towne
8294 But the stoure was so stithe   stedis so thicke
8295 Thai pullid hym w(i)t(h) pyne but passid þai noght
8296 Then Diamed full deruly w(i)t(h) a dyn hoge
8297 On Troiell w(i)t(h) tene tachet belyue
8298 Bere hym backe to the bent of his big stede
8299 Raght to þe reynes in a rad hast
8300 Sent hym by a s(er)u(au)nd or he ses wold
8301 To Breisaide the bright   bad hym to say
8302 That þat was lelly a ledis þ(a)t ho louet well
8303 The whiche fro Troiell he toke   t(ur)net hym besyde
8304 W(i)t(h) a stroke in the stoure of his stith arme
8305 Prayaund hir p(re)stly w(i)t(h) all his pure hert
8306 Þat hir s(er)u(au)nd were sadly set in hir mynd
8307 Dyamed the derf kyng in daunger of loue
8308 Þen the s(er)uond full sone w(i)t(h) the same horse
8309 Went to þe woman fro the wale kyng
8310 And the palfray of pr(is)e p(re)sent hir to
8311 Ho receyuit hym w(i)t(h) reu(er)ence   to þe renke said
8312 To þi lord þat me loues lelly þ(o)u telle
8313 I may not hate hym by heuyn þ(a)t me in hert tas
8314 ffro the maidon w(i)t(h) his message he meuyt anon
8315 And the bodeword broght to þe bold kyng
8316 ffayne was the freike of the fre answare
8317 Past furth into p(re)se paynet hym the sar
8318 The grek(es) þan were gird backe to þ(er)e grete tentt(es)
8319 W(i)t(h) Swym vnder swerd swalton full mony
8320 Ne hade Agamynon the gret oste / gird in onon
8321 The fight in the fild hade ben fynisshed for eu(er)
8322 Than restoret was the stithe batell stuernly agayn
8323 The grek(es) full grymly girdon agayne out swithe
8324 Harmet hom hogely in a hond while
8325 Polidamas the pert knight p(re)sit in þen
8326 W(i)t(h) a batell full breme britnet the grek(es)
8327 ffaght w(i)t(h) hom felly frunt hom abacke
8328 Droff hom vnto dyk(es) w(i)t(h) dyntt(es) of sword
8329 Then Diamede the doughty duly beheld
8330 Segh þe freke in his felnes his folk so distroy
8331 He ffrusshit at hym felly w(i)t(h) a fyn spere
8332 And the knight hym kept caupit w(i)t(h) hym so
8333 That bothe the hathell and his horse hurlit to ground
8334 Dyomed was derit w(i)t(h) a depe hurt
8335 Euill frusshet w(i)t(h) the fall   on feld lay
8336 Polidamas the p(ri)se kyng horse p(re)sit vnto
8337 Raght to þe reyne and the roile toke
8338 Broght hym full bainly to þe bold troiell
8339 Þat was fightand on fote in þe fell stoure
8340 The triet knight Troiell titly wan vp
8341 As fayne of the fowle as a freike might
8342 Then achilles w(i)t(h) ang(ur) angardly p(re)set
8343 Troiell to tene w(i)t(h) a triet wepyn
8344 And he keppit the kyng w(i)t(h) a kant wille
8345 Hurlit hym to hard yerthe hurt hym full sore
8346 The bold kyng vp braid   the bent leuyt
8347 ffor deire of his dynt dut hym but litle
8348 Þen Ector come au(er)thwert as aunt(ur) be fell
8349 P(re)set hym to þe place w(i)t(h) a p(ri)se sworde
8350 Brittonit the bold men þat aboute stode
8351 And mony dange to the dethe   deyret full mekyll

Here ector kylde a thowsaund

8352 Thus Dares of his dedis duly vs tellus
8353 A thowsaund full throly he þrang to þe dethe
8354 All the knight(es) full kant þat keppit Achilles
8355 To haue wonen to þat worthy so wodely he fore
8356 There Achilles w(i)t(h) choppes chaunset so hard
8357 W(i)t(h) myche wo he hym werit in wothe of his lyffe
8358 Then the night come onon neghit w(i)t(h) merke
8359 And for lacke of the light the ledis dep(ar)tid
8360 ffro the batell on bothe halues busket onon
8361 And turnyt to towne   to tentt(es) all
8362 Than thretty dayes þroly þai þrappit in feld
8363 And mony bold in the be kur were on bent lay leuit leuit
8364 Mony doughty were ded of the derfe Troiens
8365 But mo were þ(er)e marrit of þe mayne grek(es)
8366 W(i)t(h)in thies dayes w(i)t(h) dole was to dethe broght
8367 Sex sonnes for sothe of the sure kyng(es)
8368 Of the noble brether nat(ur)ill þ(a)t nait were in feld
8369 And Ector wondit Iwis in his wale face
8370 Þen p(ri)am the p(ri)se kyng p(re)stly can sende
8371 To Agamynon the grete gomys of his awne
8372 ffor a trew to be takon of a tyme short
8373 Sex moneth   no more his men for to rest
8374 Þat the grek(es) hym grauntid grucchet þai noght
8375 Hit was festenit w(i)t(h) faithe   w(i)t(h) fyn othes
8376 On bothe halues to hold holly assentid
8377 W(i)t(h)outen fight or affray to þe fer end
8378 Er þes dayes were done the doughty p(ri)nse Ector
8379 Was hole of his hurt(es) þurgh helpe of a leche
8380 In a halle þat was hoge þ(er)e þe hend lay
8381 In hon(er)able ylion eset hym a qwile
8382 Of whiche fairehed   fourme the fyneth clerke Dares
8383 Tellys in his trety vppon trew wise
8384 Hit was pight vp w(i)t(h) pelers all of pure stones
8385 Palit full prudley and a proude flore
8386 Rowchet all w(i)t(h) cristall ??? the as the clere sonne
8387 The walles vp wroght on a wise faire
8388 W(i)t(h) stones full stoute stithest of vertue
8389 ffavre pillers were þ(er)e proude / all of pure coper
8390 In ffoure hyernes of the house hogely fest
8391 Olofte on tho louely were loget to stond
8392 ffaure ymages full fresshe all of fyn gold
8393 Wond(ur)fully wroght weghis to be hold
8394 W(i)t(h) gematry Iustly aioynet to gedur
8395 Miche soteltie for sothe settyng of not(es)
8396 Crafte þat was coynt knawyng of tymes
8397 And other faynet fare   fantasy olde
8398 W(i)t(h)in the tyme the of tru the t(ri)et kyng P(ri)am
8399 His noble sonnes naturell naitly gert bery
8400 W(i)t(h) hor brether in the burgh on his best wise
8401 Eu(er)son by hym selfe sais me the lyne
8402 In a p(re)cius place   in p(ri)se toumbis
8403 When the sex monethes were meuit of þe mene true

Here þai ffaght twelue dayes to gedur

8404 Than faght þai in feld felly to gedur
8405 Twelue dayes be dene dole to be holde
8406 ffull myche was the murthe of þo mayn knight(es)
8407 On bothe Sydes for sothe sayes me the lyne
8408 And myche blode on the bent of tho bold leuyt
8409 Than the hete was so hoge harmyt the grek(es)
8410 W(i)t(h) a pestylence in the pepull pynet hom sore
8411 Thai fore out to the fildes fellyn to ground
8412 And droppit to dethe on dayes full thicke
8413 ffor þat Agaymynon by grement graidly did send
8414 To the toun for a true of a tym shorte
8415 Thretty dayes to endure and no deire wirke
8416 Hit was grauntid þat grete by grement w(i)t(h) in
8417 Of P(ri)am   p(ri)nse   the prise all
8418 Kyng(es) and Comyns and of kyd duk(es)
8419 Therto sworne were þai swiftly on hor swete haloes
8420 And affermyt hit fast and here a ffyt endes

The XXJ. Boke Of the viij. Batell
and of the Dreme of Ector Wyffe

8421 Lengys here at / a litill lystyn my word(es)
8422 I shall tell you full tyte how hom tyd after
8423 When thes dayes were done   dryven to a nend
8424 All þai fforen to þe fight   the fild toke
8425 Of andromaca drem I dresse me to telle
8426 How hir noyet in the night er þai to note yode
8427 As þis burde was in bed w(i)t(h) hir blythe lorde
8428 And sleppit vpon slepe slom(er)yng a while
8429 Sho was affrayet full foule w(i)t(h) a fuerse dreme
8430 That she met of hir maist(ur)   masit full euyll
8431 At hir wakonyng ho wist as the writ sayes
8432 Iff þe bold vnto batell busket þat day
8433 He shuld doutles be ded   drepit for eu(er)
8434 Andromaca for drede of her drem felle
8435 Miche water ho weppit and wackont the p(ri)nce
8436 As þai bothe were in bed þe burd to hym saide
8437 And told hym by tale as her tyd hade
8438 Sho prayet the p(ri)nse w(i)t(h) hir pure hert
8439 ffor drede of hir drem   deire þat might falle
8440 On nowise in thys world the walles to passe
8441 ffor to bowne vnto batell ne of burghe wend
8442 Þan the worthy at his wife wrathet a litle
8443 And blamyt the burde for hir bold speche
8444 Hit was vnsittyng he said a sad man of wit
8445 Any dremys to drede or deme hom for trew
8446 Syn þai feble are   faint   falsly dissayuyn
8447 And be lirten yche lede þ(a)t leuys þ(er)apon
8448 When they day vp drogh   the derke voidet
8449 The burd bownet fro bed   of boure past
8450 To his fader ho for(e)   hys fre moder
8451 All ho told hom in tale as her tyd hade
8452 Besechis the sou(er)ain w(i)t(h) sykyng in hert
8453 Hir lord for to let for lur(e) þat might happyn
8454 On nowise þat he went for wothe of his lyf
8455 When the sun vp set w(i)t(h) his softe beames
8456 All the batels of the burghe bownet to feld
8457 Ordant of Ector / Efter his deuyse
8458 Troiell the triet knyght toke the feld sone
8459 Then paris full p(re)st put hym next aftur
8460 Deffebus drogh furth w(i)t(h) a derfe pepull
8461 Eneas aft(ur)ward auntred to feld
8462 Polidamas the proud knight past on swithe
8463 Then the fuerse kyng fforcius folowet onon
8464 And Philmen the freke w(i)t(h) a ??? felle batell
8465 Then all the kyng(es) by course þ(a)t comyn were to Troy
8466 The Citie to socou(r) w(i)t(h) þ(er)e sute hoole
8467 Passet furth fro p(ri)am to þe playn feld
8468 W(i)t(h) leue of þe lord þat the lond aght
8469 Then P(ri)am to þe p(ri)nse p(re)stly can send
8470 That he bownet to no batell ne þe burgh past
8471 On nowise in this world for worship or other
8472 Therat Ector was angry   angardly wrothe
8473 Rep(re)suet the p(ri)nses w(i)t(h) a pale face
8474 W(i)t(h) his worshipfull wife wrathit hym þen
8475 W(i)t(h)outen leue of the lord þat hym let wold
8476 To his souerundes s(er)uond(es) he said in a sad hast
8477 To bryng hym his bright geire bownet ??? to fild
8478 And arayed for the rode w(i)t(h) a ronke wille
8479 Than his wif was war of his wille sone
8480 Myche wat(ur) he weppit wailyng ffor sorow
8481 Two sonnes hade þat semly w(i)t(h) the sure p(ri)nse
8482 On Lamydon was litle and his leue brother
8483 Astionac also þat after was borne
8484 Þat were bothe at the brest of the bright norse
8485 Noght put fro the pappe to no p(ri)se fode
8486 The ton toke ho full tyte in hir true armys
8487 To the fote of þat fre fell ho belyue
8488 W(i)t(h) myche weping   woo þes word(es) ho said
8489 Hit was dole   deire þat dere to be hold
8490 A my lord   it like yow at thys lefe tyme
8491 I be seche you for my sake sober you(r) wille
8492 Put of you(r) p(ur)pos p(re)ses no fer(e)
8493 ffor all the loue in our lyue þ(a)t light vs betwene
8494 He denyet hir anon hir noy was the more
8495 And sho braid w(i)t(h) the barne to þe bare erthe
8496 Vmbfoldyt his fete felle vnto swone
8497 And when ho wacket of wo thies wordes ho said
8498 If ye no m(er)cy haue on me for mysse þ(a)t I thole
8499 Haue pite on you(r) pure sonnes þ(a)t mone payne thole
8500 To be done to þe dethe w(i)t(h) hor dere moder
8501 Or be shot out w(i)t(h) shame fro þair(e) shene lond(es)
8502 Exiled for eu(er)more endles to sorow
8503 Pight vnder pou(er)t and pen(au)nce to lyue
8504 Then his moder the myld qwene   his ??? meke syster
8505 Cassandra the clene   clere polexena
8506 And hon(er)able Elan also w(i)t(h) hom
8507 Thies fellyn hym to fete w(i)t(h) a foule chere
8508 Prayond the p(ri)nse petie was to se
8509 To put of his pale wedis   his pale entre
8510 And abyde in the burgh to þe bare night
8511 He had no ruthe of hor remyng ne þe rank teris
8512 Ne þe prayer of þo p(ri)se persit not his hert
8513 But past furth prudly his p(ur)pos to hold
8514 And bounet toward batell bode he no leng(ur)
8515 Þen Andromoca for dol drogh out of wit
8516 Vne fore as a fole fonnet at all
8517 Past vnto p(ri)am þe p(ri)nsis aune fad(ur)
8518 W(i)t(h) a rufull rore rent of hir clothis
8519 Rasit þe red chekis roidly w(i)t(h) hond
8520 And þe hore of hir hede het(er)ly pullit
8521 So þat ffre w(i)t(h) hir face for(e) at þe tyme
8522 Þat all blod was þe bryght in hir ble qwit
8523 Ho was vnkyndly to knaw of hir kyd frendis
8524 So disfigurt of face   febill of hew
8525 To þe fete of þe fre kyng fel ho belyue
8526 Besechond þ(a)t sou(er)an in a sad hast
8527 ffor to high to þat hynd   hold hym w(i)t(h)in
8528 Þat he fore not to fight ne the fild toke
8529 Than p(ri)am in pure hast p(re)set to horse
8530 Lept vp full lyghtly   the lede folowet
8531 Ou(er)toke hym full tyte taried hym þan
8532 Raght to the reynes of his riche bridell
8533 Vne wrothe in his wille weppet full sore
8534 Comaundand þat comly as his kynd fader
8535 By all hor godd(es) so gret   greuyng of hym
8536 Þat he fare shuld ne ferr(e) ne the feld entre
8537 At the last þurgh the lugyng of the his lege kyng
8538 And offence of his ffader the freke agayne t(ur)nyt
8539 Past euyn to his palais   the place entrid
8540 He wold put of no plate of his p(ri)se arm(ur)
8541 But abode in the burgh in his bright wedis
8542 Then the batell was brem in the brode feld
8543 Mony fely(n) in the fight at the first tyme
8544 Dyamede that duke and the derfe Troilus
8545 Evyn macchit hom to mete w(i)t(h) two mayn speires
8546 W(i)t(h) all the bir in hor brest and hor byg horses
8547 So þai cast hom to caupe w(i)t(h) a course felle
8548 The ton hade doutles be ded   drepit for ay
8549 Hade not Menelay mightyly met hom betwene
8550 W(i)t(h) a batell full big bere hom in sonder
8551 He frunt to a fuerse kyng of frigies lond
8552 A mon full of might þat Meseron was cald
8553 He had hym of horse hyndward onon
8554 And he was takon full   t(ur)nyt away
8555 Polidamas the p(ri)se knight come p(ri)kand belyue
8556 W(i)t(h) a folke þat was fell   the fight entrid
8557 He reskowet the renke russhet vnfaire
8558 And myche baret on bent to the buernes dyd
8559 Yet the grek(es) agayne grippit the kyng
8560 Wold haue of his hed in a hast þ(er)e
8561 But Troiell full tydely t(ur)nyt hom agaynes
8562 Kyld doun þ(er)e knight(es) and the kyng toke
8563 He deliu(er)t the lord lete hym of hond
8564 And fell of his fuerse foos fuersly þ(a)t tyme
8565 Telemoni(us) Aiax come angardly fast
8566 W(i)t(h) þre thowsaund þro men þrang in to batell
8567 Gird in w(i)t(h) the grek(es)   myche grym wroght
8568 And mony tulke out of Troy tyruit to ground
8569 Þen þurghe chaunse of Achilles   his choise helpe
8570 Þai bere the burgh men abacke to the bare walles
8571 Þai bounet fro bent batell   the burgh bent leuyt
8572 ffled all in fere frikly to toune
8573 Margeron the mighty macchet

w(i)t(h) Achilles

8574 Wold haue takon the talle kyng   to toun led
8575 He was a proude son of p(ri)am   a p(ri)se knight
8576 And a prise wight man in wer þof hym woo happnit
8577 Achilles were hym full wightly   the wegh slogh
8578 Bare hym bak to þe bent   the buerne deghit
8579 Þen was clam(ur)   crye for care of hym one
8580 And myche dole for his dethe þat derit hom all
8581 Telamon the toure kyng þe Troiens pursuet
8582 Paris hym put of   p(re)set hym sore
8583 W(i)t(h) other kyng(es)   knight(es) and the kyd brether
8584 But hom worthe to þe worse wete ye for sothe
8585 And soghtyn to the Citie in a sad hast
8586 Than kaght þai the corse of þe kyng(es) son
8587 Broghtyn into burgh w(i)t(h) baret   crye
8588 When Ector herd of þ(a)t hynd vnhappely was ded
8589 Þan fraynit þat fre who þe freike sloghe
8590 Achilles the choise kyng oon chaunsit to say
8591 ffell hym in fight   fele of ou(r) knight(es)
8592 Ector wode of his wit for woo of his brother
8593 Haspit on his helme   his horse toke
8594 Went out wightly vnwetyng his fader
8595 Two duk(es) full derue he to dethe broght
8596 And manly w(i)t(h) mayn mellit w(i)t(h) other
8597 Kyld downe knight(es) karve hom in sondur
8598 Mony wondet the weghe   to woo caste
8599 Britnet hom on bent and on bake put
8600 The grek(es) for his greffe girdyn hym fro
8601 Thay knew hym full kyndly be caupe of his sword
8602 Then the Troiens full tyte to ??? towne floghon
8603 Issuet out egurly Ector to helpe
8604 Gird evyn to the grek(es) and hor ground toke
8605 ffoghten full felly and hor fos harmyt
8606 Polidamas the pert was p(re)sset so fast
8607 Þat he was wonen in wer   a way led
8608 Than Ector in yre Egerly fast faght
8609 And the grek(es) in his grem gird he to dethe
8610 Two Hundreth / in hast þat the hend led
8611 And deliu(er)t the lede lede w(i)t(h) his lyfe hole
8612 This a grete of the grek(es) graidly beheld
8613 Had m(er)uell full mekyll macchet hym to Ector
8614 Liochydes the large so þe lord hight
8615 He wend the p(ri)nse in the p(re)se haue put out of lyue
8616 Ector wrathit hym w(i)t(h) / and the wegh hit
8617 Þat he deghit of the dynt er he doun fell
8618 Achilles this chaunse choisly beheld
8619 Þat so mony of þaire men were marrid by hym
8620 He hopit but if happely þat hardy were slayne
8621 Þat neu(er) greke shuld haue grace the ground for to wyn
8622 Ne neu(er) Troye for to take terme of hor lyue
8623 He bethoght hym full thicke in his thro hert
8624 And all soteltie soght serchit his wit
8625 On all wise in this world þ(a)t werke for to end
8626 And the p(ri)nse w(i)t(h) his power put vnto dethe
8627 As he stode þus in stid starit hym vpon
8628 Policenes a pert duk þat in p(re)se rode
8629 Þat was chere to Achilles cherisit w(i)t(h) loue
8630 And thid(ur) soght for his sake his sistur to haue
8631 A mon he was of more Ynde mighty of god(es)
8632 Þere hit auntrid full euyn þat Ector hym met
8633 And the lede w(i)t(h) a launse out of lyue brought
8634 Achilles the chaunse cheuit for to se
8635 Vne wode of his wit walt into angur
8636 The duke dethe of þat duk he dight hym to veng
8637 To Ector full egurly he etlit onon
8638 Ector keppit the kyng er he caupe might
8639 Drof at hym w(i)t(h) a dart   þe duk hit
8640 Hit was keruond   kene   the kyng hurt
8641 And woundit hym wickedly thurght the wast euyn
8642 Þat he sesit of his sute soght he no ferre

The dethe of Ector by Achilles t(ra)yt(ur)ly slayn

8643 Achilles for the chop cherit hym not litle
8644 Braid out of batel / bound vp his wounde
8645 Stoppet the stremys stithly agayne
8646 Lep vp full lyuely launchit on swithe
8647 To þat entent truly as the trety sais
8648 To deire Ector w(i)t(h) dethe or degh þ(er)e hym seluyn
8649 As Ector faght in the fild fell of þe grek(es)
8650 He caupit w(i)t(h) a kyng caght hym anon
8651 Puld hym as a p(ri)soner of p(ri)se for to wyn
8652 W(i)t(h) strenght thurgh the stoure as the story tellus
8653 His sheld on his shulders shot was behynd
8654 And his brest left bare so the buerne rode
8655 To weld hym more winly þat worthy to lede
8656 Achilles grippit a gret speire w(i)t(h) a grym wille
8657 Vnp(er)sayuit of the p(ri)nce prikit hym to
8658 Woundit hym wickedly as he away loked
8659 Thurgh the body w(i)t(h) the bit of the bright end
8660 That he gird to þe ground   the gost yald
8661 This Sedymon sogh þat soght out of Troy
8662 Evyn wode for þ(a)t worthy was of lyue done
8663 He cheuet to Achilles w(i)t(h) a chop felle
8664 Þat he braid to þe bent w(i)t(h) a brem wound
8665 And for ded o þat dynt the duke þ(er)e hym leuit
8666 The Myrmaidons his men þaire maist(ur) can take
8667 Bere hym on his brode sheld to his big tent
8668 There left hym as lyueles laid hym besyde
8669 But yet deghit not the duke þof hym dere tholet
8670 Then the Troiens w(i)t(h) tene t(ur)nyt the backe
8671 Soghten to þe Citie w(i)t(h) sorow in hert
8672 Entrid all samyn angardly fast
8673 And the body of the bold p(ri)nse broghtyn hon w(i)t(h)
8674 When the corse of þat comly comyn was to toune
8675 Miche dole   dyn was dole to here
8676 W(i)t(h) Sobbyng þro the Cite   Syling of teris
8677 W(i)t(h) gawlyng   grete the grettist among
8678 All the Citiesyns for sothe for sorow of the p(ri)nse
8679 Miche water þai weppit wringyng of hond
8680 The dit   the dyn was dole to be hold
8681 All the wemen of wit thurgh the wale toune
8682 Wyfes   wedowes   worshipfull maidnes
8683 W(i)t(h)in houses   hallis hard was þ(er)e chere
8684 Wyth myche dole vppon dayes   on derke night(es)
8685 Sum walt into wodenes   of wit past
8686 The petie   the playnt was pyn for to here
8687 Eu(er) thai said in hor sagh as þai se might
8688 Þai hade no hope of þ(er)e heale ne þ(er)e hed children
8689 All hor trust þan was tynt truly þai said
8690 Thurgh the dethe of þ(a)t dere   done out of hope
8691 Alasse the losse and the lure of ou(r) lefe p(ri)nse
8692 Now sesit be ou(r) Citie w(i)t(h) ou(r) sad fos
8693 Ou(r) husband(es) to hard dethe   ou(r) hed slayne
8694 We set vnd(ur) s(er)uage in sorow to abyde
8695 On this wise all the weke / woke þai w(i)t(h)in
8696 W(i)t(h) remyng   rauthe renk(es) to be hold
8697 The body of þat bold was brought to his fader
8698 W(i)t(h) all the kyng(es) full clene   þe kid duk(es)
8699 W(i)t(h) myche care   crie þai comyn hym w(i)t(h)
8700 Rent of þ(er)e riche clothes ryuyn þ(er)e chek(es)
8701 And setton hym full sorily þat sou(er)ain before
8702 When p(ri)am the p(ri)se kyng on the p(ri)nse loked
8703 Soche a sorow full sodenly sanke in his hert
8704 Þat he fainted for feble fell on his corse
8705 In a swone   a swogh as he swelt wold
8706 He was ded as to deme þat day mony tymes
8707 ffor the dole   the deire of his dere sone
8708 Ne hade the buerne from the body bigly ben draghen???
8709 He hade doutles be ded   his day comyn
8710 Miche bale hade his brether and his blithe sister
8711 Hom hade leu(er) then the lond out of lyue be
8712 What of Ecuba the hon(er)able þ(a)t was his aune moder
8713 The sorow þat ho suffert were selly to here
8714 A the dole of Andromaca þat was his dere wife
8715 What blod   bright watur on hir brest light
8716 A the sobbyng   the sorow þat sought hir w(i)t(h) in
8717 Hit were tore any tunge tell hit w(i)t(h) mouthe
8718 The dole for þat doghty of his dere frynd(es)
8719 Of weping   wayle   wryngyng of hond(es)
8720 Clamur   crie crakkyng of fyngurs
8721 Of þo ledis þat hym louyt no lett(ur) might tell
8722 The body of this bold þat barely is ded
8723 Most folow by fourme the freeltie of man
8724 Hit may not long vpon loft ly vncorruppit
8725 Ne be keppit thurgh kynd for vnclene ayre
8726 Then p(ri)am the p(ri)se kyng p(re)stly gert come
8727 Maisturs full mony   men þ(a)t were wise
8728 He fraynet at þo fre w(i)t(h) a fyn wille
8729 How the korse might be keppit in his kynd holl
8730 ffresshe vndefaced   in fyne hew
8731 As a lede vpon lyue likyng to se
8732 And not orible ne vgly of odir to fele
8733 Then þo maisturs gert make a meruelous toumbe
8734 Hon(er)able   auenand in Apolyn temple
8735 At the p(ra)yer of P(ri)am of a p(ri)se werke
8736 Beside Tiberian þat in Troy was a triet yate
8737 ffoundit full faire fele yeres past
8738 There set was full solenly besyde the hight aulter
8739 A tabernacle triet   tristyly wroght
8740 Of faure pillers vp pight all of pure gold
8741 Like ymages were all abill of shap
8742 Lokend full lyuely as any light angels
8743 ffro aboue to þe base bright to be hold
8744 W(i)t(h) full corius kerfe   craftely grauen
8745 Hit was atiryt vmb the top all w(i)t(h) triet stones
8746 Of all kyndes to ken þat clerk(es) cold deuyse
8747 Þai lemet so light þat ledes might se
8748 Aboute midnyght merke as w(i)t(h) mayn torches
8749 And on dayes to deme as by due sight
8750 As beamys of bright sun þat braunchis olofte
8751 This tabernacle tristy was tyrit on hegh
8752 Vpon Cristall full clere clustrit w(i)t(h) greses
8753 As a gate fro the ground to the gay herse
8754 Þat weghes might walke   waite þ(er)apon
8755 Aboue on þis bright as the boke sayes
8756 Thos maisturs gert make a m(er)uelous ymage
8757 All grauen of gold a gret   a longe
8758 Amyt after Ector abill of shap
8759 W(i)t(h) a noble swerd   a nait naked in his hond
8760 Vp holdand on hegh as he þat wold stryke
8761 Turnyt to þe tent(es) of the tore grek(es)
8762 W(i)t(h) a lyuely loke ledis to be hold
8763 The same fawchon full fell þ(a)t þe freke bare
8764 Þat hade greuit mony grek(es)   to ground broght
8765 Hit was burnisshed full bright   of blade kene
8766 And in mynd of þat man for manas was holdyn
8767 The body of þat bold as buerne vppon lyue
8768 Was full solemly set in a seate vnder
8769 Ymydward the mayne towmbe w(i)t(h) maistres deuyse
8770 All the feturs of þat fre fresshe to be hold
8771 Iche lede on to loke lemys   other
8772 All set for to se saue the fete one
8773 In soche apparell full pure as the p(ri)nce vsit
8774 Þan þo maisturs gert make amydd(es) his hed
8775 A hole þurgh his horne pan hertely by craft
8776 There in put was a pipe w(i)t(h) a p(ri)se oyntment
8777 Of bavme   of balsamom þat brethed full swete
8778 W(i)t(h) oþ(er) maters mynget þat most were of strenght
8779 Conseruato(ur)s by craft þat cointly were made
8780 The bavme þurghe his brayn all on brod ran
8781 And the for??? forhed before fresshly w(i)t(h)in
8782 So hit entrid to þe Ene   evyn to his nase
8783 And so be craft   by course come to his chek(es)
8784 Goyng to his gomys and the ground of his tethe
8785 Þat keppit hom be crafte all in clene vertue
8786 So the face of þ(a)t frike was fresshe to be hold
8787 W(i)t(h) the hore on his hed þat hogely was mekyll
8788 And grew fro the ground þat gomys might know
8789 As a lede opon lyue lefe if ye will
8790 ffro thethen the lyco(ur) belyue launchit doun evyn
8791 Thurgh the goters of his gorge   the grete pype
8792 To the brest of the buerne and the bare shulders
8793 And past so by proces to his p(ri)se armys
8794 Bret thurgh the bones and the big senowis
8795 Eu(er) folowand the fell to þe fyng(ur) endys
8796 So hit soght to the sydes   serchit w(i)t(h)in
8797 And keppit hom full cleane in hor kynd hew
8798 Þat as a lede vpon lyue to loke on þai ware
8799 Þen hit sewit furth soberly   sanke fro aboue
8800 By the lynd(es) of the lede to the leell theghes
8801 Passond by poris into þe pure legg(es)
8802 And so be corse of the craft com to his ??? fete
8803 In whiche fete þ(er)e was formyt fresshly another
8804 ffull of bawme þat was bright   of brethe noble
8805 Thus keppit was this corse of the clene p(ri)nse
8806 As a lede vpon lyue a full long tyme
8807 Yet þos maisters gert make all w(i)t(h) mayn crafte
8808 ffavre lampis full light ledis to beholde
8809 Þat gay were   grete all of gold fyne
8810 ffild vp w(i)t(h) fyre þat fynet notto bren
8811 Þat no watur þen wete in world might hom let
8812 Ne the light make lesse ne the law fade
8813 When this taburnacle atyrit was tally to end
8814 Thai closit hit full clanly all w(i)t(h) clene aumbur
8815 Vmbe the borders aboue þat no buerne entrid
8816 W(i)t(h) a dore þat was derne all for dere frynd(es)
8817 ffor to loke on þat lede whan hom lefe þought
8818 Or þat soght hym to se in hys sete holl
8819 Then p(ri)am the p(ri)se kyng puruait to leng
8820 Mony s(er)uondis full solemne in the same temple
8821 Of p(re)st(es) to p(ra)y and pure men of lyffe
8822 W(i)t(h) worship to wale goddis   wakyng on night(es)
8823 He gafe rentt(es) full rife   myche ranke godis
8824 All þo ledis on to lyf þat longit þ(er)to
8825 Bothe p(re)st(es) and p(ri)se clerk(es) prudly to fynd

The consaill of Agaminon after the deathe of Ector

8826 When Ector done was to dethe   his day past
8827 Achilles woundit full wothely in wer(e) of his lyff
8828 All the grete of the grek(es) gedret were sone
8829 By ordin(au)nce of the Emp(er)ou(r) þat after hom sent
8830 Thus he spake for his spede his specials vnto
8831 Now frynd(es) in faith vs is faire happont
8832 And þroly me thinke we thonke shuld o(ur) godd(es)
8833 Þat hase grauntid vs þat grace of þe gome Ector
8834 To be drepit to dethe thurgh dughty Achilles
8835 ffor while the lede was on lyf   his lymes holl
8836 We hade hertely no hope here for to spede
8837 Yonder toun for to take ne tene hom w(i)t(h)in
8838 Ne in this lond at ou(r) lust lykyng to haue
8839 ffor he hase kyld of ou(r) kyng(es) to count hom by nom
8840 Prothesselon / patroculu(m) /   policene(n) als
8841 Mak Myrion the mighty   the mayn Sedymu(n)
8842 Prothenor the pert   the p(ri)nse Xancipu(n)
8843 Alphenor the fuerse flung he to dethe
8844 Archillagon the choise choppit to ground
8845 Domen the doughty   derf polexenar
8846 Isum also abill of his dedys
8847 Polipheten a p(ri)se mon he put out of lyue
8848 Letabion on the laund þ(er)e left he for ded
8849 And mony grete of ou(r) grek(es) he to ground broght
8850 Syn he be destany is ded what dem þar vs ellus
8851 But the Citie to sese   slyng it to ground
8852 All the pepull to pyne and put vnto dethe at o(ur) lust
8853 And þat shall douteles be done in dayes a few
8854 And syn vs botis notto batell but vs bale worthe
8855 W(i)t(h)outyn the helpe and the hond(es) of herty Achilles
8856 Hit is best þat we byde barly me thinke
8857 Tyll he be hole of his hurt hast we no ferr(e)
8858 Let vs p(ur)uay to p(ri)am p(ri)se men of wit
8859 ffor to trete of a tru in trist of the bettur
8860 Till two monethes   more be meuit to end
8861 ffor to bery þies bodies þat brittnet are to dethe
8862 That storis vs w(i)t(h) stynke   ou(r) state harmys
8863 And ou(r) hurt men to hele þat harmys han kaght
8864 When his speche was spokyn   sped to þe last
8865 All the lordes hit alowet   loten þ(er)to
8866 Then sent were þ(er)e sone sonndismen two
8867 To p(ri)am the p(ri)se kyng purpos to hold
8868 And he grauntid vngright w(i)t(h) a good chere
8869 And affirmet hit w(i)t(h) faith to þe fer(e) frekis all
8870 W(i)t(h)in the tyme of þis tru as the trety sais
8871 Palomydon the proud kyng playnet hym ofte
8872 Of Agamynons gou(er)n(au)nce in a grete yre
8873 And as hit tid on a tyme þes triet kyng(es) hoole
8874 Were somyn at a semly the sou(er)ain before
8875 Palomydon put hym full p(re)stly to say
8876 And meuit of his mater þat I mynnet ere
8877 Þan Agamynon full godely agayn to hym said
8878 Before þo kyng(es) in comyn on a cleane wise
8879 Now palomydon pure ffrend pertly I aske
8880 Whethur þ(o)u hope it in hert or hold in þi mynd
8881 That I am glad of þis gou(er)n(au)nce þat to be gyde here
8882 Syn I w(i)t(h) p(ra)yer ne w(i)t(h) pursuet p(re)set not þ(er)aft(ur)
8883 Ne desyret hit in dede þe dayes of my liff
8884 Ne neu(er) fortherit me a ferthing to fylsy my goodes
8885 But oft wandrit   woke   in my wit caste
8886 And my p(er)son enpayret pynet me sore
8887 ffor thes lord(es) þat I led and the ledis all
8888 And my suete all somyn sound for to kepe
8889 Out of daunger and dole   fro dethe hold
8890 And yf this power be putto any p(ri)se kyng
8891 Or any lord in ou(r) lonnd hit likes me full well
8892 His biddyng to obey and his bone here
8893 And be gou(er)nyt by þat graithe as his degre askes
8894 Wele I hope in my hert   heghly Suppose
8895 I haue not errit in anythyng of all my tyme yet
8896 In any cas to acount þ(a)t comyn is before
8897 Þat hase skapet vs to skathe ne to skyre harme
8898 Syn me to chose as for cheftan þ(o)u no charge hade
8899 Meruell the not mekell ne in mynd haue
8900 ffor þ(o)u apperit not in p(re)sens ne p(re)uyt not þi wit
8901 Ne entrid not the ost till after two yeres
8902 If we barly hade abiden w(i)t(h) ou(r) buernes hole
8903 We hade asseld ben at Attens all ou(r) ost Somen
8904 And not past out of port ne ou(r) p(ur)pas haldyn
8905 Nenon hertly shalle hope þ(a)t I am here fayn
8906 Of his gou(er)n(au)nce be glad ne haue gret Ioye
8907 ffor hit is lykyng by my lyf   lusty for me
8908 To chose another cheftan by charge of vs all
8909 And his alligiaunce lelly I will loute to
8910 W(i)t(h) all the might þat I may to maintene o(ur) werr(e)
8911 Ne þi self may not say ne for sothe telle
8912 W(i)t(h)oute assent of all somyn sothely till now
8913 Þat any dede has be don or to dom past
8914 But þ(o)u in p(er)son apperit   all ou(r) pure prise kyng(es)
8915 And by agrement of the gret   þi graund hoole
8916 When the sou(er)ain hade said þen he sest here
8917 And of this mater nomore was meuyt at þ(a)t tyme
8918 THe same day sothely sais me the lyne
8919 At euensangtyme afterward agamynon hym ??? seluyn
8920 Somond all þo sou(er)ains somyn to appere
8921 And the knight(es) by course Comyns   other
8922 In presens of þat p(ri)nse w(i)t(h) þ(er)e pure witt(es)
8923 The secund day sewyng before hym self euyn
8924 Þen gedret were the grete w(i)t(h) þ(er)e gyng all
8925 Comyn to þe kyng and þ(er)e course held
8926 Þen þo worthy þes wordes warpit hom too
8927 Now frynd(es)   ffelowes fayrly to þis
8928 I haue ben chargit as cheftain be chaunse of o(ur) godd(es)
8929 And haue t(ra)ueld w(i)t(h) tene oft t(ur)nyt my wit
8930 All ou(r) wayes to wale þ(a)t worship might folow
8931 Þat the grete on þis ground   þaire gomys hole
8932 Might suerly be sauyt   þaire sute haue
8933 Hit has happont me hiderward thurgh help of o(ur) godd(es)
8934 Þat all ou(r) fare   ou(r) fortune hath fallyn to þe best
8935 Syn hit is reason   right þat renk(es) somony
8936 Noght ay obaye to on buerne ne his bone kepe
8937 Þat are so mony   mighty   mor(e) of astate
8938 Now is tyme in this tru or any toile rise
8939 To discharge me as cheftain   chaunge my lif
8940 That haue maintened w(i)t(h) monhode mony yere past
8941 Let sum kyng of ou(r) company or sum clene p(ri)nse
8942 By assent of all somyn set hym þ(er)to
8943 And gou(er)ne vs w(i)t(h) graithnes   w(i)t(h) gret wit
8944 To be charget as cheftain by choise of vs all
8945 Þen assentid full sone sou(er)ain   other
8946 And were glad of þe graunt þ(a)t the gret said
8947 ffor hit is couyt by a comyn by co(ur)se of þ(er)e wit
8948 Ay hor cheftain to chaunge þof hit chefe wors
8949 And ay fayne of the freike in his first tyme
8950 Þof hit worthe to þe worse wete ye for sothe
8951 Þan þes lordys to Elecc(i)on lyuely þai went
8952 To chese hom a cheftan w(i)t(h) charge of hom all
8953 Who shuld falle it by fortune of the fre kyng(es)
8954 Palomydon for p(ri)se the pert kyng(es) toke
8955 And ordant hym Emp(er)ou(r) by oppyn assent
8956 The ost for to hono(ur)   agh hym as lord
8957 And his alligiaunce to loute liked hom all
8958 When cause of thies kyng(es) was comyn to an nend
8959 All t(ur)nyt to þ(er)e tentt(es) when the tyme asket
8960 Then hit chaunsit þat Achilles of þe choise herd
8961 That Palomydon was p(ri)nse   put doun the tother
8962 Hit heuet hym hogely of þat hard chaunce
8963 Hit was vnsittyng he said þ(er)e sou(er)ain to voide
8964 ffor the graithnes of Agamynon   the gret wit
8965 Was passand Palomydon   the p(ri)nses all
8966 And a choise shuld in chaunge / be chosen for the bettur
8967 But it comyn was be course of comyn assent
8968 And confirmit by the kyng(es) he keppit hit for goode
8969 No more in the mater mellit hym as then
8970 But past furth to his pale   here a pase endis

Here begynneth the XXIJ Boke the
Elleuynt Batell of the Citie

8971 Euery Wegh þat will wete of this werke ferr(e)
8972 Lengis here a litle lysten my word(es)
8973 When tyme of this tru t(ur)nyt was to end
8974 Two monethes meuyt as I ment first
8975 P(ri)am the p(ri)se kyng p(ur)past hym seluyn
8976 ffor to deire for the dethe of his dere son
8977 He bounet hym to batell on his best wise
8978 And assignet hym self sou(er)ains aboute
8979 Tho ledis to lede as hym lefe thoght
8980 XX. M. thro knight(es) þryuond in armys
8981 He assignet for hym selfe at the same tyme
8982 As Dares breuyt in his boke   barly con tell
8983 A .C. M. þro men þrifty of hond
8984 And ffyfty .M. fer(e) fell men of will
8985 T(ur)nyt out of Troy w(i)t(h) the t(ri)et kyng
8986 Deffibus drogh furth w(i)t(h) his derfe pepull
8987 Then paris w(i)t(h) p(re)se put next after
8988 Þen the sou(er)ain hym selfe the sure kyng p(ri)am
8989 Eneas afterward etlit onone
8990 Þen Mirion the mighty kyng meuit to feld
8991 Polidamas the pert knight p(re)sit on the last
8992 When thies batels full bold were to bent comyn
8993 Thay hurlit furth hard to the hegh lannd
8994 ffrickly þ(er)e fos found for to greue
8995 Palamydon þ(a)t was p(ri)nse of the proude grek(es)
8996 All his renk(es) had arayet as he red toke
8997 And met hom w(i)t(h) mayn Machit to gedur
8998 ffell was the frusshe fey were þ(er)e mony
8999 Mony kyng(es) were kyld   kant men of armes
9000 P(ri)am to Palamydon p(re)set so fast
9001 Þat he gird hym to ground of his grete horse
9002 There leuyt he the lede launchet aboute
9003 And fell in the feld mony fyn knight
9004 Mony woundet þ(a)t worthy   wroght vnto dethe
9005 Mony gird vnto ground w(i)t(h) his grym dyntt(es)
9006 Hit is wonder to wete in his wode anger
9007 How doghtely he did þat day w(i)t(h) his hond
9008 Or þat any freike vpon fold of so fele yeres
9009 So mightely w(i)t(h) mayn shuld marre of his fos
9010 Deffibus the derf knight dang hom to ground
9011 ffuersly   fast w(i)t(h) a fell weppon
9012 Kyng Seppidon for sothe a sad mon of strenght
9013 Bounet vnto batell w(i)t(h) a brem wille
9014 And to Neptilon anon anoble mon of grese
9015 As by stowrnes of stre(n)ght streght on hym met
9016 This Seppidon for sothe he set soche a dynt
9017 That he gird w(i)t(h) the grone to the ground euyn
9018 But the freke vpon fote fuersly can wyn
9019 Braid out a big swerd bare to hym sore
9020 W(i)t(h) a dedly dynt   derit hym full euyll
9021 Throgh the thicke of the thegh throly w(i)t(h) hond
9022 The kyng of persy came full p(re)st w(i)t(h) a proud batell
9023 And Seppidon fro the Soile set vpo lofte
9024 Thurgh the tulk(es) of Troy   hor triet helpe
9025 The duke of Athens drogh in   derf menelaus
9026 W(i)t(h) anoyus nowmbur nowble men all
9027 Vmcloset the kyng and his knight(es) als
9028 The kyng of Persy þai put down vnto pale dethe
9029 Bare the Troiens abacke   myche bale did
9030 In defence of his folke the fuerse kyng Sepidon
9031 ffull worthely wroght w(i)t(h) his wale strenght
9032 Thedur p(ri)am can p(re)se w(i)t(h) his p(ri)se knight(es)
9033 And his noble sons nat(ur)ell þat naitly hym folowet
9034 On yche syde for his soco(ur) soght hym aboute
9035 Then the Troiens full tyte in hor tore angur
9036 Girdon to the Grek(es) w(i)t(h) a grym fare
9037 The noble p(ri)am full p(re)st put hom to ground
9038 Slogh hom doun sleghly w(i)t(h) sleght of his hond
9039 Of all the Troiens so tore   tyde of wer
9040 Was non so doughty þat day ne did halfe so well
9041 Ne so wight in his werk(es) as the wale kyng
9042 Þat for sorow   sorgrym of his sonnys deth
9043 Restouret hym his strenght as in stuerne yowthe
9044 Then the Grek(es) by a grement gedrit hom somyn
9045 Betwene the Troiens   the towne yf þai t(ur)ne wold
9046 In companys cleane knight(es) full mony
9047 All pight on a playn þ(er)e þai passe shuld
9048 When the grek(es) w(i)t(h) grem gird hom abacke
9049 fforset were þai sone w(i)t(h) a sad pepull
9050 Þat faght w(i)t(h) hom felly   mony freke slogh
9051 Hard hurlyng in hast highet hom betwene
9052 Mony buernes of the bent blody beronen
9053 Ne hade P(ri)am the p(ri)se kyng p(re)set hom about
9054 Þat was feghtyng in the feld on the fer syde
9055 Myche murthe of his men   myschefe hade fallyn
9056 And of his ledis ben lost mony lell hundrith
9057 Parys þen p(re)set in w(i)t(h) a p(ri)se batell
9058 Of noble men for the nonest naitist of wille
9059 All w(i)t(h) bowes full big   mony bright arow
9060 Gird euyn to the grek(es) greuit hom full sore
9061 Mony wight men þai woundit   walt vnd(ur) fote
9062 Mony birlt on the brest   the backe þirlet
9063 So greuit were the grek(es) þurgh the gret shot
9064 Þat þai fled all in fere   the feld leuit
9065 T(ur)net to þ(er)e tentt(es) the Troiens beheld
9066 Was no freke vpon fele folowet hom after
9067 But soghten to þe Citie w(i)t(h) a softe pas
9068 And entrid in Easely efter þ(er)e wille
9069 And all worshiptin the werke of þe worthy kyng p(ri)am
9070 As for best of the batell boldest of hond
9071 The secund day suyng when the sun ros
9072 The Troiens to the tentt(es) tristy men send
9073 ffor a treu to be tan as the trety sais
9074 Whethur long othir littull list me not tell
9075 ffor no mynd is þ(er)e made in o(ur) mene bokes
9076 Ne noght put in o(ur) proses by poiett(es) of old
9077 W(i)t(h)in the tyme of þis tru the Troiens did aske
9078 The corse of the kyng to come out of pers
9079 ffor to bery in the burghe on hor best wise
9080 ffor whom mournyng was made mekill ynogh
9081 And p(ri)nsipall of paris that the p(ri)nse louit
9082 Þat of faith   afinytie were festnet to gedur
9083 Þat ordant on all wise after his dethe
9084 The sou(er)ain to send into his soile hom
9085 On a bere to his burgh broght hym belyue
9086 To be entiret trietly in a toumbe riche
9087 As be come for a kyng in his kythe riche
9088 In p(re)sens of his p(ri)se sonnes as the prose tellus

The Solempnite of the obit of Ector and
How Achilles fell in þe Mom(ur)dot for luff

9089 That shuld be ayres after hym auenond of lyne
9090 Duryng the dayes of this du pes
9091 The p(ri)se kyng P(ri)am p(re)stly gert ordan
9092 A gret solenite for sothe all the cite thurghe
9093 XJ. dayes to endure as for dere holy
9094 In hono(ur) of Ector oddist of knight(es)
9095 W(i)t(h) Sacrifice   solenite vnto sere godd(es)
9096 When þies dayes were done of the du fest
9097 Þen ordant was on oddist of all
9098 A ffyn(er)all fest þat frek(es) þen vset
9099 Þat become for kyng(es)   for kyd p(ri)nses
9100 That most were of might   of mayn state
9101 That in tymes of the tru the Troiens might wend
9102 In to the tentis by tymes and tary while þem list
9103 And the grek(es) agayne go to þe toune
9104 To sporte hom w(i)t(h) speciall   a space lenge
9105 Achilles hade appetite   angardly dissiret
9106 The Citie for to se and the solemne fare
9107 At the entierment full triet of þe tru p(ri)nse
9108 Þan vnarmyt he entrid euyn to þe citie
9109 To appollo pure temple passit onon
9110 There the body of the bold blithly was set
9111 Of hon(er)able Ector as I he ere said
9112 There were plenty of pepull p(ri)se men   noble
9113 And worthy wemen to wale weping w(i)t(h) teris
9114 In sykyng   sorow syttyng aboute
9115 The tab(ur)nacle titly vntild was aboue
9116 On yche syde as I say who þ(a)t se wold
9117 Þ(er)e the body was aboue of the bold p(ri)nse
9118 In his sete as I said sittyng full hoole
9119 Þat arayet was full richely as I red haue
9120 W(i)t(h) bame   w(i)t(h) balsaum þ(a)t brethid full swete
9121 At the fete of þat fre was his faire moder
9122 Hon(er)able Ecuba oddist of ladys
9123 And polexena the pert þ(a)t was his p(ri)se suster
9124 W(i)t(h) mony worshipfull wemen to wale in þe towne
9125 The hore of þ(er)e hedd(es) hynging on brede
9126 On backe   on brest bare for to shew
9127 W(i)t(h) remyng   rauthe   myche rife sorowe
9128 Sobbyng   sourcher(e) soght fro þ(er)e hertt(es)
9129 Polexena the pert pairet of hir hew
9130 All fatid hir face w(i)t(h) hir fell teris
9131 Þat was red as the roses richest of colou(r)
9132 Hit was of hew to be hold w(i)t(h) hend men aboute
9133 The teris þat trickilt on her tryet chek(es)
9134 As pure wat(ur) pouret vn polishet y(er)in
9135 Þat blaknet w(i)t(h) bledyng all hir ble qwite
9136 The faire horis of þat fre flammet of gold
9137 All abouen on hir brest   hir bright swire
9138 Þat sho halit w(i)t(h) hond hade it in sonder
9139 And puld hit w(i)t(h) pyn pite to be hold
9140 When the hond of þat hend to þe hed yode
9141 Hit semyt by sight of sitters aboute
9142 As the moron mylke meltid aboue
9143 When ho hasted w(i)t(h) hond þe hor(e) for to touche
9144 Whe(n) Achilles the choise maidon w(i)t(h) chere can behold
9145 He hade ferly of hir fairhed   fell into thoght
9146 To hym seluyn he said in his saule þen
9147 Þat neu(er) wegh in this world of woma(n)s kynd
9148 Hade fairnes so fele / ne so fyne shap
9149 Ne so pleasaund of port ne of pure nurt(ur)
9150 As Achylles this choise in chapell be held
9151 A fell arow in his frunt festnet of loue
9152 Woundit hym wickedly by will of hym seluyn
9153 And lurkid doun lagher to his low brest
9154 All hatnet his hert as a hote fyre
9155 Made hym langwys in Loue   Longyng(es) grete
9156 Ay the more on þ(a)t maidon the mighty beheld
9157 The sarre woundit he was   his wille hatter
9158 Lo so sodainly w(i)t(h) sight in a sad hast
9159 A whe may be woundit þurgh wille of hym seluyn
9160 Thus achilles by chaunse is chaltrid in grym
9161 W(i)t(h) loue of this lady þat ledis to þe dethe
9162 All the care of his cure the kyng has forgeton
9163 And all meuit out of mynd saue the maidon one
9164 When þe day ou(er)drogh to þe due tyme
9165 Ecuba the hon(er)able   hir avne doght(er)
9166 Turnyt from the temple   to toune yode
9167 Wentton hom wightly weppit nomore
9168 The lede loked hir after w(i)t(h) a loue egh
9169 ffolowand on fer þ(a)t fre to
beholde 9170 Þat was cause of his combranse   his cold dethe
9171 Þan w(i)t(h) lang(ur) of lust   of loue hote
9172 He was stithly astoneid stird into þoght
9173 So he passid the port   his pale entrid
9174 T(ur)nyt into tent takon full hard
9175 The buerne vnto bed busket onon
9176 Seke   vnsound set out of hele
9177 Mony thoght(es) full þro þrang hym w(i)t(h)in
9178 And was laburt full long in his lefe saule
9179 He feld in his fare   his fell hert
9180 Þat the cause of his combraunse was the clere maidon
9181 Thies word(es) in his wo witt(ur)ly he said
9182 Soberly to hym selffe þat no saule herd
9183 Now wrecche full vnworthy wo mot I þole
9184 Þat mony stalworth in stoure   stuerne men haue kyld
9185 Might non abate of my blysse ne my ble chaunge
9186 Noght Ector of all other oddist of other knight(es)
9187 Hade no sleght me to sle ne to slyng vnder
9188 Ne ou(er)come me by course w(i)t(h) his clene strenght
9189 A ffrele woman me fades   my fas chaunges
9190 And has gird me to ground   my gost feblit
9191 Syn ho is cause of my care   my cold ang(ur)
9192 Att what leche vppon lyue might I laite hele
9193 There is no medcyn on mold saue the maiden an
9194 Þat my sors might salue ne me sound make
9195 The whiche þof I loue   langwisshe to dethe
9196 W(i)t(h) p(ra)yer w(i)t(h) p(ri)se ne w(i)t(h) pure strenght
9197 Ne for worthines of wer(e) ne of wale dedis
9198 What wildnes or worship waknet my hert
9199 ffor to ??? hap hir in hert þat hat(es) my seluyn
9200 In hir cuntre to come   hir kyn sle
9201 Hir fadur   hir fryndis fond to distroy
9202 And hir brother haue britnet þe best vpon erthe
9203 On what wise in this world wilne shuld I hir
9204 Most exilent of other on(er)able of kyn
9205 Of rent   of riches ronkir þan I
9206 And passes of pertnes pure men wemen all
9207 Hit semith me vnsertain all serchyng of wayes
9208 Ys stokyn vp full stithly shuld streche to my hele
9209 Þen he t(ur)nys in his tene   terys on his chek(es)
9210 Ronen full rifely for his ranke sorow
9211 Þen he driet vp the dropes   dreghly can syle
9212 On all wise in this world he his wit cast
9213 ffor to wyn to his will if werdis noght let
9214 Þen he rose fro his rest in a rad hast
9215 Asket water at his weghes wesshed hym onone
9216 Refresshing his face for fatyng of teres
9217 And dride vp his dropes for dymyng his ene

How achilles sentto Ecuba ffor hir
Doghter Polexena

9218 Anon as the night passid   neghid the day
9219 Yet lastoon the lell tru the lord(es) betwene
9220 He ordant to Ecuba the hon(er)able qwene
9221 A message for þe maiden by a mene frynd
9222 P(re)uely to passe to the p(ri)se lady
9223 Þat worthy to wilne to his wif euyn
9224 And mell w(i)t(h) a mariage   mat(er)mony hole
9225 As a lady to lyue to hir lyues end
9226 On suche couenaund to kepe yf þ(a)t clere wold
9227 He shuld p(ro)co(ur) the p(ri)nse   the p(ri)se grek(es)
9228 To pas fro þat p(ro)uyns payre hom nomore
9229 And nought tary on the towne ne no tene wirke
9230 W(i)t(h)oute condisc(i)on or cause for to come after
9231 The mon þ(a)t this message meuit for to do
9232 Was a s(er)uond full sure of the same kyng(es)
9233 When he hade told hym þis tale taght hym to go
9234 He made hym redy full rad ran to þe toun
9235 Esely to Ecuba etlit he onon
9236 And all his charge to þ(a)t chefe choisly he said
9237 The worthy to þat wegh þ(a)t was of wit noble
9238 Depe of discreciou(n) in dole þof sho were
9239 Sho herknet hym full hyndly   w(i)t(h) hert gode
9240 And onswaret hym esely and w(i)t(h) hert gode euyn on this wise
9241 ffrend þ(o)u shall fairly fare to þi lord
9242 And say hym vpon sewertie thy seluyn w(i)t(h) mouthe
9243 In þat at menys to me w(i)t(h) my might hole
9244 I shall filsyn þis forward in faith þat I can
9245 But I will say the my son or þ(o)u sew ferr(e)
9246 I most wete all the wille of my wale kyng
9247 And my sonnes for sothe or I say more
9248 Yf þai graunt will þis gate w(i)t(h) a goode wille
9249 ffull onsware in faith I forme þe not here
9250 But com the thrid day full þroly w(i)t(h)outyn þrepe more
9251 Sew to my selfe   I the say wille
9252 Vne faithly before as hit fare shall
9253 When the messang(er) hade melit w(i)t(h) þe myld qwene
9254 Than he lut to þe lady   his leue toke
9255 Meuit to his maistur   the mater told
9256 Þen comford he caght cast in his cole hert
9257 Thus hengit in hope   his hele mendit
9258 Mor(e) redy to rest / ricchet his chere
9259 This hon(er)able Ecuba eft when hir liked
9260 P(re)set vnto P(ri)am   Paris hir son
9261 Caght hom in counsell   hir cause told
9262 All the man(er) of the message from þe main kyng
9263 When P(ri)am p(er)sayuit the proffer of þe greke
9264 Long he stode in a stody or he stode stir wold
9265 Doun herkenand hengond his hed herkonyng the qwene
9266 Mony thoght(es) full thro þrang hym w(i)t(h)in
9267 Thus onswart þat honerable euyn to his wif
9268 A how hard were my hert to hold hym as frend
9269 That so highly me hyndert   my hate s(er)uet
9270 All the last laght has he lost fro my leue Ene
9271 Thurgh slaght of my son þat my sore ekys
9272 ffor whose dethe vppon dayes all the derfe grek(es)
9273 Hertyn hym full hogely my harmys to encres
9274 Butto fle all the offence   fortune to come
9275 In sauyng of my sons selffe   my sons als
9276 Þat I may lyff in my lond in my last dayes
9277 Out of batell   baret in my bare eld
9278 I assentto þi sagh vpon soche wise
9279 Þat he þis forward fulfille   before do
9280 And w(i)t(h) no gawdes me begile ne to greue sar
9281 The p(ri)se word(es) of p(ri)am paris alowet
9282 And demet to be don as the duke said
9283 So þ(a)t his wiff onowise worshipfull Elan
9284 Shuld be sent to hir sou(er)ain ne seche vnto grece
9285 But leng in þat lond to hir lyues end
9286 The þrid day full þroly þriuond Achilles
9287 Sent his message full mekely to þe myld qwene
9288 He past to hir p(re)uely and the pert fond
9289 And asket of þat on(er)able onsware to haue
9290 Thus answart said hym þ(a)t sou(er)ain w(i)t(h) a softe speche
9291 I haue wetyn the wille of my wale kyng
9292 And of paris my pure son p(re)stly also
9293 Bothe assenton to þis sound sothely to me
9294 On suche couen(au)nt to kepe þ(a)t the kyng shall
9295 All þo forward(es) fulfill first of hym seluyn
9296 All ys holly in hym hold yf hym lyst
9297 ffor to sew hit hym seluyn say hit fro me
9298 So hit keppit be in cou(er)t carpit no ferre
9299 Tyll yssu be ordant after his deuyse
9300 Þen be leue of þe lady the lede on his way
9301 Past at the port   the pale entrid
9302 To his maistur of his mat(er) meuit onon
9303 All the truthe of the tale tomly to end
9304 Achilles was choise fayne cherit hym the bettur
9305 And now hatnes his hert all in hote loue
9306 Myche myndit the mater in the mene tyme
9307 And to bryng hit aboute besit hym sore
9308 Hit heuet his hert of his hegh p(ro)ffer
9309 Þat passit his pouer to p(ri)am the kyng
9310 ffor his longis to a louer soche a light vice
9311 In the hete of his hert for his hegh lust
9312 To proffer soche p(ri)se thing þ(a)t passis his might
9313 And festyn in forward þat hym for think(es) after
9314 Yet hopit he full hertely for his hegh prowes
9315 And doghtenes of dede w(i)t(h) his dregh strok(es)
9316 If he gright w(i)t(h) the grek(es) to graunt hom his helpe
9317 Þat þai the lond shuld leue   lightly go hom
9318 Þen Achilles did cherisshe the cheftan of all
9319 Palomydon the p(ri)se by p(ur)pos of hym
9320 All the grete of the grek(es) gedrit hym samyn
9321 To a counsell to come for the comyn p(ro)ffet
9322 When p(ri)nses   p(ri)se kyng(es) were in pale samyn
9323 Among tho mighty w(i)t(h) mouthe menit Achilles
9324 Now frynd(es) faithfull in feliship here
9325 Kyng(es) and knight(es)   other kyd duk(es)
9326 That the charge   the chaunse hase of þis choise wer(e)
9327 Thurgh ou(r) might   ou(r) monhod maintene to gedur
9328 What whylenes or wanspede wryxles o(ur) mynd
9329 Þat for menyng of a man Menelay the kyng
9330 And the wille of a woman as ye weton all
9331 Ou(r) lond(es) haue leuyt   ou(r) lefe godys
9332 Ou(r) child(ur) ou(r) choise folke   chosen fro hom
9333 Vnto a cuntre vnkynd w(i)t(h) care at ou(r) hertt(es)
9334 Ou(r) godys ou(r) gold vngaynly dispendit
9335 And ou(r) p(er)sons be put vnto pale dethe
9336 Ou(r) kyng(es) are kyld   ou(r) kyd duk(es)
9337 Ou(r) buern(es) w(i)t(h) baret britnet into dethe feld
9338 Þat might haue leuit in hor lond as lord(es) at hom
9339 And my selfe sothely suffert full hard
9340 Wickedly woundit wasted my blode
9341 At the dethe of the derfe p(ri)nce soche a dynt hade
9342 I wend neu(er) witt(ur)ly walked on fote
9343 Hit greuys me full gretly   to ground bryng(es)
9344 Whethur Elan be so hon(er)able or of so hegh p(ri)se
9345 ffor hir ou(r) duk(es) to dethe   ou(r) derfe kyng(es)
9346 In yche lond lelly þat lith vnder heuen
9347 Are wemen to wale of worship full mony
9348 Þat Menelay may mightily mell hym to haue
9349 And chose hym a choise w(i)t(h)outen charge heuy
9350 And not so mony be mard ne on mold ded
9351 Ne all grece for to greve w(i)t(h) no ground harme
9352 Hit is not light for vs lite / þis lond to dystroy
9353 Þat haue a Cite full sure   ??? surffetus mony
9354 Bothe of kyng(es)   knight(es)   kid men of armes
9355 And we the worthiest in wer(e) haue wastid in dethe
9356 Kyld of ou(r) kyng(es) and other kyd duk(es)
9357 This suffises me semys to ses w(i)t(h) ou(r) worship
9358 Kayre to ou(r) cuntre   couet nomore
9359 Þof Elan leue in þis lond   not noght laght worthe
9360 Hit greues not full gretly ne no ground harme
9361 Syn we Exiona the suster of the sure kyng(es)
9362 At hom holdyn for hir þat is a hed lady
9363 And more hon(er)able þan Elan of auncetre grete
9364 When the wegh hade thies wordis warpitto end
9365 Here he seset full sone said he no more
9366 Þan Toax the tor(e) kyng talkys agayne
9367 W(i)t(h) Menelay   mo mighty of astate
9368 Gright w(i)t(h) the gret   agayne stode
9369 All the most of þo mighty w(i)t(h) a mayn wille
9370 Dyssaisent to the dede demyt hit for noght
9371 Achilles at tho choise men cheu(er)t for anger
9372 Vne wrothe at hor word(es)   wightly he send
9373 To all the Mermydons his men   his mayn pepull
9374 Þat no freke to the feld fare shuld to batell
9375 Ne to go w(i)t(h) to þe grek(es) to greue hom w(i)t(h) hym in
9376 Þen hit auntrid in the ost of þe od grek(es)
9377 Þat hom failed the fode and defaute hade
9378 Hongur full hote harmyt hom þen
9379 And fayntid þe folk failet þe strenkith
9380 Palomydon a p(ar)lement puruait onon
9381 And the grete of the grek(es) gedrit he somyn
9382 Þan ordant thei all men Agamynon the kyng
9383 W(i)t(h) mony shippes full shene shapon þ(er)fore
9384 To focche hom som fode   filsyn hor strenght
9385 Agamynon full goodly by grement of all
9386 Meuyt vnto Messam w(i)t(h) mayn shippes fele
9387 A rofe þ(er)e full radly raiket to the kyng
9388 And Thelaphon hym toke w(i)t(h) a triet chere
9389 ffylde all his fyne shippes   his fraght made
9390 Stuffit hym w(i)t(h) store þat hom strenght might
9391 Toke leue at þe lord and the lond past
9392 Sailet hom soundly to the sure tentt(es)
9393 Was welcom Iwis to the weghes all
9394 ffayne were þo freik(es) of þo fre kyng
9395 Palomydon the p(ri)se kyng p(re)stly gart ordan
9396 All the shippes full shene shapyn to rode
9397 And all the navy full noble naitly aray
9398 Atyrit w(i)t(h) takell   trussyng of ropes
9399 To be redy for the rode yf þai red toke
9400 And so þai lyue þ(er)e in legh ou(r) lord gyf vs ioye

Here begynnys the xxiij. Boke of the
xij. and xiij. Bate&lbar;&lbar;

9401 The tyme of the tru t(ur)nyd to end
9402 Vnto batell þai busket vppon bothe haluys
9403 ffuersse was the folke þatto feld come
9404 And w(i)t(h) a stoure þat was stronge stryken to gedur
9405 Deffibus derfly drof to a greke
9406 Þat Cresseus was cald kyng of Agresta
9407 He gird hym thurgh the gutt(es) w(i)t(h) a grym speire
9408 Þat he light on the lond   the lyue past
9409 Myche sorow was þ(er)e sene for þe sure kyng
9410 Sore greuyt the grek(es) for grefe of hym on
9411 All fous to þe fight febill of hertis
9412 The bold men on bake were borne w(i)t(h) the troiens
9413 And mony kant man kyld w(i)t(h) caupyng of swerd(es)
9414 Then Dyomede the derfe kyng drogh into batell
9415 Palomydon full prudly w(i)t(h) p(ri)se men of armys
9416 W(i)t(h) auntrus Aiax abill of dedis
9417 And xx.ti M. þro men þrang in w(i)t(h) thes
9418 The stoure was full stithe þo stuerne men betwene
9419 Mony dyet in þe dale dole to be hold
9420 Hit auntrid þat Aiax so angardly met
9421 On fyson a fyn knight w(i)t(h) a fell dynt
9422 A p(ri)se son of P(ri)am w(i)t(h) a proud wille
9423 He woundit hym wickedly in his wale face
9424 And vnablit after w(i)t(h) ang(ur) to fight
9425 When Deffibus w(i)t(h) dole of þe dede segh
9426 ffor bale of his brother brest out to wepe
9427 He walte into wodenes for his wan ang(ur)
9428 And tachit vppon Thelamon w(i)t(h) a tor(e) speire
9429 Hurlit hym to hard yerth hurt hym full sore

The dethe of Deffibus by Palomydon slayn

9430 Palomydon p(er)sayuit   p(re)set hym to venge
9431 He droffe vnto Deffibus w(i)t(h) a dynt felle
9432 Shott þurgh the sheld   þe shene mayle
9433 Bare hym þurgh the brest w(i)t(h) a bright end
9434 Þat þe rod alto rofe right to his hond
9435 A trunchen of the tre /   the triet hed
9436 Abode in his body   in his body brest stake
9437 Þan paris p(er)sayuet the pyn of his brother
9438 Þat was stad in the stoure   the strong fight
9439 Miche water he weppit wailyng of sorow
9440 W(i)t(h) pyne out of p(re)se and pite in hert
9441 Deffebus he droghe furth   drissit to light
9442 By a syde of Cite set hym to ground
9443 Laid hym on the lannd w(i)t(h) a laith chere
9444 W(i)t(h) myche wepyng   woo for want of hym one
9445 As Deffibus w(i)t(h) dole of his ??? depe wound
9446 Thus lay on the lonnd he lift vp his hegh
9447 Blusshet on his broder   bailuffy said
9448 A dere brother er I degh er dumpe to in helle
9449 And er þis trunchyn me tenys betakon of my brest
9450 Go buske vnto batell my bon for to venge
9451 And opp(re)sse the w(i)t(h) payn   p(re)sent   present hy hym dethe
9452 Þat he so sleghly be slayn w(i)t(h) sleght of þi hond
9453 Þat I may wete how hit worthes or I wend hethyn
9454 Parys for pytie of his pale word(es)
9455 Sweyt into swym as he swelt wold
9456 And all his wedis were wete of his wan ters
9457 There left he þe lede and launchet to fild
9458 Dessyrus to degh for dole þat he hade
9459 He shot þurgh the sheltruns þe shalke for to mete
9460 Palomydon to p(re)se and put vnto dethe
9461 Þen found he the freike in a fell stoure
9462 Seppidon the sure kyng assaylet full hard
9463 And the freke hym defendit w(i)t(h) a freike wille
9464 To Palomydon he p(re)set w(i)t(h) a proud prise weppyn
9465 The bold for to britton   on be(n)t leue

The dethe of Seppidon þe Kyng by Palomydon

9466 Palomydon the p(ri)se w(i)t(h) a proude sworde
9467 O kyng Seppidon for sothe set soche a dynt
9468 He gird hym so grymly on his gret theghe
9469 Þat he karve hit of cleane   the kyng deghit
9470 And fey of his fole felle to þe ground
9471 Parys segh in his sorow how the sir wroght
9472 Þe freike in his felnes the fuerse kyng hade slayne
9473 And mony Troiens w(i)t(h) tene tyruit to dethe
9474 What for dyntt(es) of þat duke   of derfe other
9475 Þai were boun to gyffe bake   the bent leue

The dethe of Palomydon by Paris

9476 Paris bend vp his bow w(i)t(h) his big arme
9477 Waited the wegh in his wit ou(er)
9478 In what plase of his p(er)son to perse of his wede
9479 And to deire hym w(i)t(h) dethe he duly deuyset
9480 W(i)t(h) a narow full noble of a nait shap
9481 Þat put was in poison ou(er) the pale hede
9482 He woundit þat worthy in his wide þrote
9483 Gird þurgh the gret vayne grusshet the necke
9484 Þat he hurlyt doun hedlong(es) harmyt no moo
9485 And deghit of þe dynt deirit neu(er) after
9486 Þen the crie was full kene crusshyng of wepyn
9487 Myche grem hade the grek(es) for gref of hym one
9488 When þai lost hade the lede þat hom lede shuld
9489 All astonyt þai stode starond aboute
9490 Þen fled all in fere and the fild leuit
9491 Bowet to þ(er)e bastels w(i)t(h) bale at þ(er)e hertt(es)
9492 The frigies felly folowet hom after
9493 ffell of hom fews fuersly felle hom to ground
9494 Dang hom to dethe w(i)t(h) dyntt(es) of swerd
9495 And moche wo on hom wroght wastid hor blode
9496 At the tentis þai t(ur)nyt w(i)t(h) Troiens to fight
9497 W(i)t(h) stode hom full stithly in a stour(e) hoge
9498 ffoghten w(i)t(h) hom felly   fele were þ(er)e slayne
9499 The Troiens lighten doun lyuely lefton thair(e) horses
9500 Girdyn to þe grek(es) w(i)t(h) a grym fare
9501 Greuit hom full gretly w(i)t(h) mony grym wound
9502 Alto ter(e) of hor tentt(es) tokyn þ(er)e godes
9503 Sylu(er) and Sarrigold sadly þai grippet
9504 Bassons full brode   other bright vessell
9505 Pesis of plat(es) plentius mekyll
9506 Other Iewels so ioly iowels full ioly   mekill iust arm(ur)
9507 Paris the prise knight   the pert Troilus
9508 Bowet to þe bonke þ(er)e þe barges lay
9509 W(i)t(h) XXX.ti M. þromen þryuo(n)d in armys
9510 The Shippes on a shene fyr(e) shot þai belyue
9511 That the low vp lightly launchit aboute
9512 And all thickened w(i)t(h) thest(er)ne þurgh the grym ost
9513 ffor the smorther   the smoke of þe smert loghys
9514 Þat waivet in the welkyn wappond full hote
9515 All the Citie might se the sercle aboute
9516 Þan Aiax the aunterus came angardly fast
9517 The tore son of Thelamon w(i)t(h) t(ri)ed men   noble
9518 He t(ur)nyt to the troiens tenit full mony
9519 In deffence of þe folke þ(a)t the feld leuyt
9520 ffell was the fight w(i)t(h) foynyng of speires
9521 Mallyng þurgh metall maynly w(i)t(h) hond(es)
9522 Kyllyng of knight(es) knockyng þurgh helmys
9523 Dedmen full dauly droppitto ground
9524 On yche halue in þ(a)t hete hurlit to fote
9525 Mony bold was þ(er)e britnet vpon bothe haluys
9526 There all the Navy w(i)t(h) noy   the naite vessell
9527 W(i)t(h) fflamys of fyre hade fully ben brent
9528 Ne hade aunterus Aiax angardly don
9529 And w(i)t(h) hardynes of hond holpyn his feres
9530 And withstondyng the stour(e) w(i)t(h) his strenght on
9531 ffyve hundrith fully of þ(er)e fyne shippes
9532 And mony mo were þ(er)e mated   marred w(i)t(h) fire
9533 Consumet full cleane clothes   other
9534 The Troiens þat tyme tenet hom so euyll
9535 Dong hom to dethe   derit hom mekyll
9536 Þat no sith might þai suffer the sorow þ(a)t thai hade
9537 But t(ur)nyt vnto tentt(es) tenit full euill
9538 One Eber an od man   hon(er)able of kyn
9539 Of tracy þe tru kyng was his t(ri)et fader
9540 He was brochit þurgh the body w(i)t(h) a big speire
9541 Þat a trunchyn of þe tre tut out behynd
9542 To Achilles aune tent angardly ran
9543 That lay in his loge all w(i)t(h) loue boundon
9544 And fore to no fight for faire polexena
9545 He chalinget Achilles w(i)t(h) a chere fell
9546 Rep(re)ued hym prudly of his proud wille
9547 Þat lurket in his loge list notto helpe
9548 And segh his folke so fallyn   in fight end
9549 Þat w(i)t(h) his monhode so mykell   w(i)t(h) his mayn strenght
9550 Might socou(r) his Soudiours   saue hom alyue
9551 Þen the trunchyn of the tre þai tuggit hym fro
9552 Braid it out bigly and the buerne deghet
9553 Sone after sothely a s(er)uond of Achilles
9554 Come bremly fro batell brait to his tent
9555 He fraynit at the freike how þai fore þere
9556 And spird at hym specially of þaire sped fer
9557 Syr q(uo)d þe s(er)uond in s(er)tan full euyll
9558 Ou(r) grek(es) vnto ground are gird wond(ur) þicke
9559 And myche dole is v(us) dight to day as I wene
9560 Þe Multytud ys so myche of the mayn troiens
9561 An so fuersly in fight fellis ou(r) knight(es)
9562 Alto swappon vs w(i)t(h) swerd(es)   w(i)t(h) swym strok(es)
9563 In the Citie forsoth no saudio(ur) is leuit
9564 Ne no freke of defense but in feld all
9565 To oppresse hom w(i)t(h) payn o(ur) pepull to sle
9566 And yf hit liked you lord at þis lell tyme
9567 To bowne you to batell on yo(ur) best wise
9568 Syn þai fainted are w(i)t(h) fight   feble of strenght
9569 And wery of þ(er)e werke ye worship might haue
9570 Whyth a lose eu(er)lastond when yo(ur) lyff endis
9571 ffor by socou(r) of yo(ur) selfe   yo(ur) sad helpe
9572 We might holly the herrehond haue ??? now for ay
9573 The worthy at his word(es) wonyt no chere
9574 Ne noght hopet in hert of his hegh speche
9575 Ne þe sight of Seber þ(a)t sadly was ded
9576 But faynet all fantasy as he no freike segh
9577 And as a lede þ(a)t w(i)t(h) loue was lappit full hard
9578 As þe man(er) is of men þ(a)t mellyn w(i)t(h) loue
9579 To be blyndit w(i)t(h) the byt þof hom bale happyn
9580 Nowther waite vnto worship ne to wild aunter
9581 But laityn ay w(i)t(h) lykyng þ(er)e luff for to please
9582 The batell was big brytnet were fele
9583 Mony greke vnto ground gird vnto dethe
9584 Mony stithe in the stoure starf vnder fote
9585 Till the blode   the brayn blend w(i)t(h) the erthe
9586 Then neghit the night noy was the more
9587 At the settyng of þe son sesit the fight
9588 Paris the p(ri)se knight w(i)t(h) his pepull all
9589 Soght to the Cite softly   faire
9590 Er Deffibus was ded his dere bredur two
9591 Troilus the tru knight   the t(ri)et paris
9592 ffore euyn to þe freke febill of chere
9593 W(i)t(h) mykell sobbyng and sorow set hym before
9594 Þat leuer were to be to be lyueles   then to lyue after
9595 ffor dole   for doute of hor dere brother
9596 Then Deffibus dauly drogh vp his ene
9597 Pletid vnto Paris w(i)t(h) a pore ??? voise
9598 Whether the duke were ot ded þ(a)t hym deiret so
9599 Þan he fraynet at the freike as he hym faith aght
9600 And he the tale how hit tid told hym full euyn
9601 Of the dethe and the dynt þat the duke þolit
9602 W(i)t(h) the bir of his bow and a big arow
9603 Þen bade he to a buerne þ(a)t hym by stode
9604 The trunchen of the tre tug fro his brest
9605 And he deghit w(i)t(h) dole when he done hade
9606 Vne past in the place vnto pale dethe
9607 Myche mo(ur)nyng was made for þ(a)t mayn knight
9608 W(i)t(h) his ffader vnfaire   his fre moder
9609 His brether vnblith vnblithe   his bright suster
9610 W(i)t(h) sobbyng þurgh the Cite   sorow full hoge
9611 And for Seppidon the sure kyng Syling of teres
9612 Myche weping   wail wringyng of hond
9613 Bothe of buernes of the burgh   his bold knight(es)
9614 P(ri)am a p(ri)se towmbe p(re)stly gart make
9615 And the bodyes of þo bold buried þ(er)in
9616 W(i)t(h) solenite   Sac(ri)fice suche as þai vsit
9617 Cou(er)t hom clanly closet hom to gedur
9618 Myche tene in the tentt(es) w(i)t(h) tulk(es) was made
9619 W(i)t(h) dynnyng   dole for dethe of hor lord
9620 Þai broght hym to berynes þo buernes onon
9621 And closit hym clanly in a clere towmbe
9622 Þen to gedur thai gone the gret by assent
9623 To chese hom a cheftain by charge of hom all
9624 By assent of hom selfe a sou(er)ain to make
9625 Syn Palomydon þe p(ri)se put was to dethe
9626 By agrement of þo grete   the good Nestor
9627 Þai grauntid Agamynon the gre for to haue
9628 Ches hym for cheftain   chargit hym þ(er)with

xxiiij. Boke of the xiiij. and xv. Batell of þe citie

9629 The Secund day suyng sais me the Lyne
9630 Þe Troiens full tymli tokyn þe feld
9631 All boun vnto batell on hor best wyse
9632 And þe grekis home agayn gyrdyn w(i)t(h) yre
9633 Brem was þe batell vpon both haluys
9634 Mony gyrd to þe ground and to grym deth
9635 Mony stoute þ(er)e was storuen vnder stel wedis
9636 And mony britnet on bent   blody by ronnen
9637 That day was full derke dymmyt w(i)t(h) cloudes
9638 W(i)t(h) a ropand rayne rut fro the skewes
9639 A myste   a m(er)kenes in Mountains aboute
9640 All donkyt the dales w(i)t(h) the dym showris
9641 Yet the ledis on the laund left not þ(er)fore
9642 But thrappit full throly thryngyng thurgh sheldis???
9643 Till the bloberond blode blend w(i)t(h) the rayn
9644 And the ground þat was gray gret vnto red
9645 Mony knight(es) were kyld of þe kene grek(es)
9646 Mo were þ(er)e mart of þe mayin troiens
9647 Then Troiell full tite t(ur)nyt into batell
9648 W(i)t(h) a company cleane of cant men of armys
9649 The freike was so fuerse   fell of his dyntt(es)
9650 There was no buerne on the bent his birre to w(i)t(h)stond
9651 But fled hom in fere ferd of hor dethe
9652 Turnit to þ(er)e tentt(es) tenyt full euyll
9653 Thurgh the rug   the rayn þ(a)t raiked aboue
9654 All wery for wete   for wan strok(es)
9655 And ay the troiens w(i)t(h) tene tyruyn hom doun
9656 ffelly w(i)t(h) fauchons folowet hom after
9657 Dang hom to dethe in the dym water
9658 Pursewit hom w(i)t(h) pyne vnto þ(er)e pure tentt(es)
9659 There leuit thay laike and the laund past
9660 ffor the wedur so wete and the wan showres
9661 Soght vnto the Citie soberly   faire
9662 And Entrid full easely euyn as hom liked
9663 The next day full naitly the noble men of troy
9664 ffore euyn to þe fight   the fild toke
9665 And the grek(es) hom agayne w(i)t(h) a grym fare
9666 Launchit furth to þe laund lepon to gedur
9667 Speires vnto sprott(es) sprongyn ou(er) hedd(es)
9668 Sheldis thurgh shot w(i)t(h) the sharpe end
9669 Swyngyng out swerd(es) swappyn on helmys
9670 Beiton þurgh basnett(es) w(i)t(h) the broun egge
9671 Mony derf þ(er)e was ded and to dole broght
9672 Troiell in þat tyme t(ur)nyt to batell
9673 W(i)t(h) a folke þat was felle fightyng men all
9674 He gird doun the grek(es) w(i)t(h) so grym fare
9675 Þat no buerne vpon bent his buffett(es) might thowle
9676 Mony knyght(es) he kyld comyns by dene
9677 Barons of the best and of the bold vrles
9678 Deghit þat day w(i)t(h) dynt of his weppyn
9679 Thus macchit þose men till the m(er)ke night
9680 The store was full stith þen stynt þai for late
9681 And aither syde after sun soght to þ(er)e hold
9682 Then .vij. dayes euyn þai semblit in þe felde
9683 W(i)t(h) strong batell   brem till the bare night
9684 And yche day was þ(er)e ded mony derfe hundrith
9685 Þen hit greuit the grek(es) of the gret murthe
9686 Of the bodies on bent brethit full euyll
9687 The corses as caryn corit hom w(i)t(h) stynke
9688 ffor the murthe was so mykull in þe meane tyme
9689 Þan to p(ri)am the p(ri)se kyng p(re)stly the sent
9690 ffor a tru to be takon of a tyme short
9691 Two monythes   nomore þaire men for to bery
9692 And to frete hom w(i)t(h) fyre þat were fey worthen
9693 Hit was gr(a)unted agayn by grement w(i)t(h)in
9694 And affirmyt w(i)t(h) faith the freik(es) betwene
9695 W(i)t(h)in the tyme of the tru as þe trety says
9696 Agamynon the gret full gredly did send
9697 Nestor the noble duke another Vlixes
9698 And Dyomede the derfe kyng   to doghty Achylles
9699 Prayond hom full p(re)stly by þo p(ri)se kyng(es)
9700 ffor to buske hym to batell   þo buernes helpe
9701 In offence of hor fos and his fuerse soco(ur)
9702 Thurgh might of his monhode   his mayn strenght
9703 When þai comyn to þe kyng þo kyd men in fere
9704 He welcomyt þo worthy w(i)t(h) a wille faire
9705 And solast hom somyn syttyng w(i)t(h) hym
9706 The first of þo fre þat to þe freike said
9707 Was Vlixes the lord w(i)t(h) his lythe wordes
9708 Ne was hit not yo(ur) wille   you(r) weghes all
9709 W(i)t(h) other kyng(es) in company   kyd men of worship
9710 ffro ou(r) prouyns to passe and ou(r) p(ri)se lond(es)
9711 W(i)t(h) a pouer full p(re)ste on P(ri)am to venge
9712 His body to britton   his burgh take
9713 All his stith stid to distroy and his stith holdis
9714 What will is þ(er)e waknet in yo(ur) wild hert
9715 Or what putt(es) you in plite þis p(ur)pos to leue
9716 To enclyne to þe cont(ra)ry   no cause haue
9717 Syn hit happis vs / suche harmes to haue now alate
9718 Ou(r) kyng(es) beyn kyld and ou(r) kyd duk(es)
9719 Ou(r) bachelers on bent brittynet full thicke
9720 Ou(r) tentt(es) to torne takyn ou(r) godes
9721 Ou(r) barges brent vnto bare askes
9722 And other harmes full hoge hent in a whyle
9723 Hit was hopit full hertely of ou(r) hegh pepull
9724 Thurgh p(ro)wes of you(r) p(er)son   yo(ur) p(ri)se dedis
9725 Þat vs hap shuld the herhond haue of ou(r) fos
9726 Syn ye hon(er)able Ector auntrid to sle
9727 That all the Troiens trust truly was in
9728 And now Deffibus is ded deires nomore
9729 Þat furse was in fight and oure folk sloght
9730 So that holli þaire hope is in hard deth
9731 And febill in hor fight faynt in hor hertis
9732 Syn 3e alosit ar of longtym lusti in armys
9733 And oure folke has defendit w(i)t(h) 3o(ur) fyn strenkith
9734 W(i)t(h) þe blode of 3o(ur) brest thurgh þe bright maill
9735 And oft reskowet ou(r) renk(es) or þai ruthe ??? þolit
9736 If hit like you now lell s(ir) lyft vp yo(ur) hertt
9737 Mayntene you(r) manhode   yo(ur) men helpe
9738 ffaris into fight yo(ur) folke to releue
9739 Þat w(i)t(h)outyn helpe of yo(ur) hond happis the worse
9740 Therfore hent vp you(r) hert   yo(ur) high wille
9741 Mene you w(i)t(h) manhode to mar of yo(ur) fos
9742 To wyn vs ou(r) worship   ou(r) wille haue
9743 And þat hope we full hertely thurgh helpe of yo(ur) ??? one

The answare of Achilles to Vlixes the Kyng

9744 To þat hon(er)able onestly answaret Achilles
9745 W(i)t(h) wordis full wise in his wit noble
9746 If vs auntrid Vlixes thurgh angard of p(ri)de
9747 To þis kith for to come   ou(r) kyn leue
9748 Hit was folly by my faith   a fowle dede
9749 Masit were ou(r) myndes   ou(r) mad hedis
9750 And we in dotage full depe dreuyn by faith
9751 ffor the wille of a woman   no whe ellis
9752 All ou(r) lond(es) to leue   to laite hedur
9753 Ou(r) barges brent vnto bare askys kyng(es) be kild   ou(r) kid duk(es)
9754 All ou(r) lond(es) to lose and ou(r) lyfe als
9755 In a cuntre vnkynd to be cold ded
9756 Hade not Palomydon the p(ri)se kyng p(re)vet þe bett(ur)
9757 To haue lengit in his lond   his lyf hade
9758 And haue deghit in his duche as a duke noble
9759 Then be britnet on bent w(i)t(h) a buerne strong
9760 And fele other fre kyng(es) frusshet to dethe
9761 Þat might haue leuyt as lord(es) in þ(er)e lond yet
9762 Syn the worthiest of þe word to wale hom by dene
9763 Are assemblit to þis sege in a sad ost
9764 If hit happyn hom here w(i)t(h) hond to be slayn
9765 And þaire londis to lose lightly for ay
9766 All þe world shall haue wond(ur) of hor wit febill
9767 And charles Carles þaire ??? cuntre cacht as þaire aune
9768 To weld all þe worchip þo worthy me(n) aght
9769 Was not hono(ur)able Ector oddist of knyghtis
9770 In this batell on bent britnet to deth
9771 And lightly his lif lost in a stound
9772 ffor all his fursnes in faith had a febill end
9773 Þe Sam to my Self Sothli may happyn
9774 Þat am febeller be fer þe(n) þe fre p(ri)nse
9775 Both of myght   of makyng   of mayn strenkith
9776 Þis trauell is tynt I tel 3ow before
9777 Me to prese w(i)t(h) 3o(ur) p(ra)ier p(re)stly to feld
9778 Or any troien to ten trist 3e no nother
9779 Hit is playnly my p(ur)pos neu(er) in plase efte
9780 fforto boun me to batell þe burnes Schul fight
9781 Ne þe as doute is of deth ffro þis day efte
9782 Me is leu(er) forto lyue w(i)t(h) losse þat I haue
9783 Þen Mi p(er)son be put vnto pale deth
9784 Hit is wit soche wildnes wayue out of mynd
9785 And pas ou(er) a p(ur)pos enparis at þe end
9786 Þen diamed þe derf kyng and þe duk nestor
9787 Tretid hym trietly all w(i)t(h) tru wordis
9788 fforto t(ur)ne his entent   his tyme kepe
9789 But all þaire wordis þa wast   þaire wynd alse
9790 Noght stird hym þo stith in his stalle hert
9791 Ne the p(ra)yer of the p(ri)nse þ(a)t the p(ri)se hade
9792 Agamynon the gret þat the gomes sent
9793 Noght meuyt his mynd for no myld speche
9794 Ne put of his p(ur)pos for p(ra)yer ne other
9795 Þan laght þai hor leue þo lord(es)   other in fere
9796 Ayryn to the Emp(er)ou(r) angardly fast
9797 All þai toldyn hym tale as þai tid euyn
9798 Of þaire answare in ordur those od men to gedur
9799 Agamynon full graidly gedrit all samyn
9800 Duk(es) and derfe Erles doughty of hond
9801 Caght hom in councell and the cause told
9802 The authwart answares of Achilles the kyng
9803 And the p(ra)yer of the p(ri)nses þat p(re)stly were sent
9804 By assent of hym selfe þo sou(er)ains vnto
9805 And how he counceld the kyng(es) to kayre Into grece
9806 W(i)t(h) the Troiens to trete   tene hom nomore
9807 All hor lond for to leue   hor lyue saue
9808 Lakys now ledys what you lefe thinke
9809 And what ye deme to be done at this du tyme
9810 When the sou(er)ain hade said sone opponon
9811 Menelay meuyt vp   w(i)t(h) mouthe saide
9812 fforto trete w(i)t(h) the troiens ys no tyme now
9813 Ne no worship Iwis but a wit feble
9814 Syn Ector ded is of dynt   Deffibus the knight
9815 And other kyng(es) ben kyld þ(a)t cleane were of hond
9816 The Troiens full truly trusten no bettur
9817 But deruly to degh þai demyn nonother
9818 I am sekir for sothe and sadly beleue
9819 W(i)t(h)outen helpe of þat hathell vs hastis anend
9820 Then Nestor þe noble duke another Vlixes
9821 Saidon to the sou(er)ayn sadly agayn
9822 Þof þow wylne to þe wer wonders vs noght
9823 Syn þi hert is holly thy harmys to venge
9824 Thy wyf for to wyn þat þou well loues
9825 And to grefe hom agayne yf þ(o)u grace hade
9826 But yet trust not þ(a)t Troy will titly be wonyn
9827 Þof derfe Ector be ded and deffibus alse
9828 There is another als noble   nait of his strenght
9829   als wondurly wyrk(es) in wer(e) vppon dayes
9830 That is Troilus the t(ri)et þat tenes vs full euyll???
9831 And fuersly in fight fellis ou(r) pepull
9832 Þof Ector were eftsones ordant olyue
9833 He kylles ou(r) knight(es) kerues hom in sonder
9834 And paris a p(ri)se man pert of his dedis
9835 Was neu(er) Deffibus so doughty   derfe of his hond(es)
9836 Therfore s(ir)s vs semyth sothely the best
9837 W(i)t(h) the Troiens to trete   t(ur)ne to o(ur) lond(es)
9838 W(i)t(h) the harme þat we haue of ou(r) hed kyng(es)
9839 In Sauyng of ou(r) selfe   ou(r) sure knight(es)
9840 Then Calcas the curset þat was the kyd t(ra)yto(ur)
9841 The Bysshop of the burgh þat I aboue said
9842 Negh wode of his wit walt into sorow
9843 Brast out w(i)t(h) a bir(e)   a bale noile
9844 A noble men of nome nayet of yo(ur) werk(es)
9845 Worthiest in worde wanttis no hertt(es)
9846 What thinke ye so þroly this þrepe for to leue
9847 You(r) goddis to greue þat grauntt(es) you anend
9848 Leuys hit full lelly the laike is you(r) owne
9849 And the p(ri)se of the play plainly to ende
9850 Thurgh the graunt of yo(ur) godd(es)   no grem þole
9851 What thinke ye so þroly þis þrepe for to leue
9852 Heyue vp you(r) hertt(es) hentt(es) yo(ur) h armys
9853 Wackyns vp you(r) willes as worthy men shuld
9854 Bes fuerse on yo(ur) fos to the ffer(e) end
9855 And lett(es) no dolnes you drepe ne yo(ur) dede let
9856 ffares w(i)t(h) nofaintyng till yo(ur) fors lacke
9857 Tristis me full truly you tyd(es) the bettur
9858 Yonder won for to wyn and yo(ur) wille haue
9859 And þerfore greue not yo(ur) godd(es) for grem þ(a)t may folow
9860 At the word(es) Iwis of this wickyd t(ra)ytor
9861 All the grek(es) w(i)t(h) grem gedret þ(er)e hertt(es)
9862 Noght charget Achilles ne his choise helpe
9863 But were frekir to þe fight þen at the first tyme
9864 And þus in rigo(ur) þos renk(es) restyn tyll efte

XXV. Boke off the Sextene   þe .xvij. Batell

9865 When the Monethis were meuyt of the mene tru
9866 The Grek(es) w(i)t(h) a grym fare gedrit to feld
9867 Mony bold vppon bent in hor bright wedys
9868 All ffuerse to the fight felle men of hond(es)
9869 Þan soght fro the Cite w(i)t(h) a sum hoge
9870 Troiell the triet knight   þe toile entrid
9871 The stoure was full stith starf mony knight(es)
9872 Dedmen w(i)t(h) dyntt(es) droppit full thicke
9873 And mony lede on the laund out of lyfe past
9874 ffor tene of his tru brother Troiell the knight
9875 Dressit hym the dethe of Deffibus to venge
9876 Mony greke vnto ground he gird out of lyue
9877 And fele w(i)t(h) his fauchon þ(a)t fyn knight slogh
9878 As Dares of his dedis duly me tellus
9879 A thowsaund thro knight(es) þrong he to dethe
9880 Þat day w(i)t(h) his dyntt(es) of the derffe grek(es)
9881 All ffrickly his fos fled at the last
9882 Þai t(ur)nyt to þ(er)e tentt(es) w(i)t(h) tene at þai hade
9883 The ffrigies hom folowet fell hom w(i)t(h) sword(es)
9884 Þan the day ou(er)drogh to þe derke night
9885 The Troiens t(ur)nyt to toun   the toile leuyt
9886 When the sun w(i)t(h) his softbeames set vpolofte
9887 The grek(es) out gird þ(er)e grem forto venge
9888 And the Troiens full tyte on the tother halue
9889 ffull mekill was the murthe   m(er)uell to here
9890 The derf kyng Dyomede þat doghty was ay
9891 ffore w(i)t(h) his fos as a fuerse lyon
9892 Mony britnet the buerne of the bold troiens
9893 Mony lede out of lyue w(i)t(h) his launse broght
9894 Troiell þat torfer titly beheld
9895 Kayres euyn to the kyng þat he knew well
9896 W(i)t(h) all the corse of his caple   a cante kene speire
9897 He tachit on the tulke w(i)t(h) a tore dynt
9898 And he keppit the caupe w(i)t(h) a kant wille
9899 On the brest of the buerne brake he þe launse
9900 But he woundit not the wegh ne nowise hurt
9901 Dyomede w(i)t(h) the dynt of the derfe Troielus
9902 Halfe lyueles along on the laund felle
9903 W(i)t(h) a wicked wound thurgh the wast euyn
9904 Þan troiell the tore kyng titly vmbraid
9905 Of breisaid the bright w(i)t(h) his breme word(es)
9906 The grek(es) w(i)t(h) grem   w(i)t(h) gret strenght
9907 Hurlit hym fro horsfete hade hym a way
9908 The shalke on his sheld shoke to his tent
9909 As for ded of þe dynt dressit hym to ly
9910 Menelay þe mighty þis myschefe beheld
9911 The dethe of Diamed dressit hym to venge
9912 He thoght troiell to take or tene w(i)t(h) his hond
9913 And rode to þe renke w(i)t(h) a roide fare
9914 Troiell keppit the kyng w(i)t(h) a kant wille
9915 Woundit hym wickedly walt hym to ground
9916 His hed vnderhorfete hit on the bent
9917 The men of þat mighty þaire maist(ur) can take
9918 Braid hym on a brode sheld bere to his tent
9919 As a lyueles lede left hym for ded
9920 Agamynon the grem of þe grek(es) beheld
9921 Segh his weghis be woundet   þe werse haue
9922 He cald hym a company of knight(es) full noble
9923 And fell to the fregies fuersly anon
9924 Greuit hom full gretly and to ground broght
9925 Woundit hom wickedly warppit hom doun
9926 And myche harme w(i)t(h) his hond happitto do
9927 Troiell w(i)t(h) tene t(ur)nyt w(i)t(h) the kyng
9928 Gird hym to grond   greuit hym euill
9929 Woundyt hym wickedly but no woth in
9930 Þat he light on the laund þof hym lothe were
9931 Þan he hasted to horse thurgh helpe of his knight(es)
9932 ffore out of fight and his folke ??? hoole
9933 ffor the day ou(er) drogh dymmet the skewes
9934 And all the buernes of the burgh busket to rest
9935 Than to P(ri)am þe p(ri)se kyng p(re)stly þai sent
9936 ffor a tru to be takon w(i)t(h) treatyng of mowthe
9937 Sex monethes and no more þo mighty dessyret
9938 All parties in pes for to put ou(er)
9939 Of þis þe kyng and his councell carpit to gedur
9940 By assent of his senio(ur)s   sum of his knight(es)
9941 Hit was grauntid agayn   greteme(n) asurit
9942 And sum lacked the lede for þe long graunt
9943 In tyme of the tru as tretis þe boke
9944 Breisaid the burd vnbidyn of hir fader
9945 ffull duly to dyamed dressit to wend
9946 Þat abode in his bed of his bale wound
9947 Oft tymes in the tru ho to his tent yode
9948 To comford the kyng in his cold angur
9949 Yet wist ho full f well þe wound þ(a)t he hade
9950 Betid hym of Troiell þat was hir tru luff
9951 Oft ho waivet hir wit   hir wille chaunget
9952 And meuyt hir mynd as maydons done yet
9953 Ho trust neu(er) w(i)t(h) Troiell terme of hir lyue
9954 To mell w(i)t(h) in mariage / ne more of hir lust
9955 Ho p(ur)post hir plainly w(i)t(h) all hir pure hert
9956 W(i)t(h) dyamede to dele   do all his wille
9957 Neu(er) the grete for to grucche ne the greke werne
9958 All his lust   his lykyng as hym lefe thught
9959 So hatnet hir hert in his hegh loue
9960 And all 3om(er)yng for yeton of hir ??? yore ded(es)
9961 Agamynon the gret and the good Nestor
9962 To this the choise Achilles chose on þ(er)e way
9963 And he welcomyt þo worthy on a wise faire
9964 As glad of thos gret as his degre wold
9965 W(i)t(h) full speciall speche þai spake to þe kyng
9966 ffor to force hym to fight   hys feris help
9967 But his hert was so hardonet all in hote loue
9968 He wold not meue to his mynd ne þe men here
9969 But for lewtie of longtyme þ(a)t þe lede hade
9970 To Agamynon the gret growen of old
9971 He hight hym full hertely to haue at his wille
9972 The Mirmydons his men þ(a)t were of mayn strenght
9973 Þan he þankit hym þicke in his þro hert
9974 Toke leue at the lord lengit nomore
9975 Turnyt to his tent talkit noferr(e)

Of .xviij. and þe xix Batell

9976 When the dayes were don of þe du pes
9977 Agamynon w(i)t(h) his grek(es) graithed to feld
9978 All the Mirmydens men were mightyly arayed
9979 By charge of Achilles þat was þ(er)e cheffe lord
9980 He assentid assingnet yche Sege sekurly to haue
9981 As dropis of dew droppyng of rede
9982 In hor colo(u)rs to ken all on care wise
9983 As remyng w(i)t(h) ruthe by right of hor hede
9984 Þat lappit was in luf longit full sore
9985 So þai lutten þaire lord   þ(er)e leue toke
9986 ffore euyn to þe fight   the fild entrid
9987 W(i)t(h) soft pas all samyn in a sop hooll
9988 Þan þe Troiens w(i)t(h) tene tachit on þe
grek(es) 9989 And oppressid hom w(i)t(h) payn put hom to ground
9990 The duke of Attens full derf doghty of hond
9991 ffaght w(i)t(h) hom felly   hor foes Noyet
9992 Troiell the tru knight t(ur)nyt to þe duke
9993 And bare hym ou(er) backeward he bult on þe erth
9994 Gird to þe grek(es)   myche grem wroght
9995 Mard of þe Myrmyden w(i)t(h) his mayn strenght
9996 Woundit hom wickedly walt hom of horse
9997 Myche harmyt the hed men w(i)t(h) his hond one
9998 Thus þai laiket O þe laund the long day ou(er)
9999 Till the sun in his sercle set vnd(ur)nethe
10000 Than p(ar)ted þe pepull p(re)sit to þ(er)e hold
10001 And loget the long night till the larke sang
10002 The Secund suyng / sais me the lyne
10003 Bothe the batels full brem on bent met
10004 Kene was the Crie cusshing of weppyn
10005 Blode flemyt O fer in flatt(es) aboute
10006 Philmen the fuerse fre kyng   fuerse polydamas
10007 Kyng toax þai toke   t(ur)nyt a way
10008 But the Mirmydons w(i)t(h) mayn met on hom sone
10009 Refte hom the renke w(i)t(h) a roide fare
10010 Hent hym of hond(es) hade hym at ese
10011 And alto hurlit þo hedmen harmyt hom euyll
10012 Þan come troiell ffull tyte w(i)t(h) a tore weppyn
10013 Mony of þo Mirmydons maynet for eu(er)
10014 Hew hom doun het(er)ly hade hom to ground
10015 W(i)t(h) mony hidious hurt harmyt hom mekill
10016 Þai p(re)set vmbe the p(ri)se knight p(re)stly onon
10017 And the horse of þat hathell hewen to dethe
10018 Wold haue fongit the freike w(i)t(h) hor fyne strenght
10019 And haue led the lede the lystis vnto
10020 Þan paris the p(ri)se knight p(re)set in swithe
10021 W(i)t(h) his noble brethir nat(ur)ell nait men of werr(e)
10022 Þai met on the Mirmydons macchit hom hard
10023 Pallit thurgh the pusans put hom beside
10024 Hurlit þurgh the hardmaile hagget the lere
10025 And deliu(er)t the lede / lawse of hor hond(es)
10026 Horsit hym in hast þurgh helpe of his brether
10027 Þan wacknet þ(er)e wo   mony whe sorow
10028 The mirmydons for malice of the mayn troielus
10029 ffoghten so felly the fregies among
10030 On Swargadon þai slogh a sure mon of armys
10031 A p(ri)se sum of P(ri)am   a pert knight
10032 The noblest of þe nat(ur)ell þat noiet hom all
10033 Troiell weppit for woo w(i)t(h) wat(ur) of his Ene
10034 And brochit in bremely his brother to venge
10035 W(i)t(h) Parys the priseproude knight   proud men of troye
10036 Mony warchond wound wroght at þ(a)t tyme
10037 The Mirmydons were mony   of mayn strenght
10038 Wise men in werr(e) wight of hor dedis
10039 Graithe of hor gou(er)n(au)nce grym in a feld
10040 Of all fetis enfourmyt þ(a)t to fight longit
10041 Thai segh the troiens so tore   tentymys moo
10042 Þai hade no might ne no mayn þe men to w(i)t(h)stond
10043 But assemblet on a sop sadly to geder
10044 And ay droghen o dregh as hom deirit lest
10045 On nowise in this world weir(e) hom þa might
10046 But troylus w(i)t(h) tene ay t(ur)nyt hom doun
10047 Sundrit the soppis w(i)t(h) his sad dyntt(es)
10048 Shot thurgh the sheltrons   shent of hom mony
10049 Than Agamynon the grete   grym menelaus
10050 Telamon the tore kyng   tide Vlixes
10051 And Diomede the doughtie þ(a)t duly was hole
10052 All gird in full grymly w(i)t(h) a gret pepull
10053 Restorit the stith fight stuernly agayn
10054 Hard was the hurtelyng tho herty betwene
10055 And mony bold vpon bent brittonet to dethe
10056 Then Troiell w(i)t(h) tene t(ur)nyt in swithe
10057 Gird to the grek(es) w(i)t(h) a grete yre
10058 Woundit hom wickedly walt hom to ground
10059 Oppressit hom w(i)t(h) payn   w(i)t(h) pale strok(es)
10060 Thurgh the helpe of þat hynd   his hond one
10061 The grek(es) fleddon in fere   þe fild ??? leuyt
10062 T(ur)nyt to þ(er)e tentt(es) taried no leng(ur)
10063 W(i)t(h) all the hast of þ(er)e horses houet þai noght
10064 Than Aiax the auntrus come angardly fast
10065 Þat was Telamon tore son   of troy comyn
10066 He gird in w(i)t(h) the grek(es) greuyt full mekill
10067 Þan the grek(es) w(i)t(h) grym fare getyn the feld
10068 ffellyn to þe fight felly agayne
10069 As breuyt is in boke   moche bale wroght
10070 ffull sharpe was the shoute shent were þ(er)e mony
10071 Of knight(es) and comyns   othir kyd dukes lord(es)
10072 Troilus so toilus w(i)t(h) his triet strenght
10073 Marrit of the Mirmydons meruell to wete
10074 Breke þurgh the batels w(i)t(h) his bronnd fell
10075 And mony gret of þe grek(es) vnto ground broght
10076 W(i)t(h) the might of his monhode   his mayn swerd
10077 So wond(ur)fully þe wegh wroght at þat tyme
10078 The grek(es) flowen in fere   the feld leuyt
10079 And t(ur)nyt to þ(er)e tentt(es) tenyt full euyll
10080 There troiell w(i)t(h) his troiens myche tene wroght
10081 ffolowet on hom fuersly frunt hom to ground
10082 ffell hom w(i)t(h) fawchons foynet hom þurgh
10083 A hundreth hed men he w(i)t(h) hond toke
10084 And sent to þe Cite w(i)t(h) suremen to kepe
10085 Þan leuit the laike for late of þe night
10086 Aither p(ar)tie full p(re)st p(re)set to þ(er)e hold
10087 The Mirmydons w(i)t(h) mournyng meuit to Achilles
10088 W(i)t(h) woundis full wete   wofully dight
10089 Thai told hym full tite þe tene þ(a)t þai þolet
10090 And the murthe of his me(n) þurgh the mayn troiell
10091 There were fellit in the feld ??? founden of hom
10092 A hundreth w(i)t(h) hond hewen to dethe
10093 The chere of Achilles chaunget w(i)t(h) þat
10094 ffor care of his knight(es) þat were cold ded
10095 The buerne to his bed busket onon
10096 As hit come hym by coursse of þe kynd night
10097 And lay in his log litill he sleppit
10098 But wandrit   woke for woo of his knightes buernes
10099 Mony thoght(es) full þro þrang þrappit in his hert
10100 And gird hym in grefe his grem for to venge
10101 ffor his men þat were mart meuyt hym so
10102 Þat he was frike to the fight his fos to anoye
10103 But pollexena the pert w(i)t(h) hir pure loue
10104 Enfecte so þat fre in his felle angur
10105 Abated the brenne bremnes in his bale yre
10106 And stoppet the strif of his strong hert
10107 ffor hit meuyt to his mynd in the meane tyme
10108 If he fore to þe fild and þe fight entrid
10109 That the Loue of the Lady lost were for ay
10110 W(i)t(h)outen hope of þat hynd to haue in his lyue
10111 And vntrew of his trawth trust neu(er) after
10112 Of the forward he fest w(i)t(h) his fre wille
10113 To P(ri)am in p(ri)uete and his p(ri)se qwene
10114 Neu(er) in feld to be founden ne his folke harme
10115 Mony day he endurit in his depe thoght
10116 And ay compast þe cases in his clene hert

Here þai faght vij. dayes to gedur þat ys not
reckont no batell

10117 Than the troiens on a tyme tokyn the feld
10118 And the grek(es) hom agayn w(i)t(h) a grym fare
10119 Seyuyn dayes somyn seset þai noght
10120 Mony doghty w(i)t(h) dynt vnto dethe yode
10121 And mony in the mene tyme marrit of the grek(es)
10122 Yet the lede in his loge w(i)t(h) his loue hote
10123 Neu(er) bownet vnto batell ne to bright armys
10124 But in thoght(es) full þro þrappit w(i)t(h) hym seluyn
10125 As amon out of mynd maset full euyll
10126 Þan Agamynon the grete by grement of all
10127 To the toun for a trew tristy men sent
10128 ffor the murthe was so mykull of þe mayn grek(es)
10129 Þen dut hym the duke for destany felle
10130 But the troiens full tite of the trew hym denyet
10131 Any tyme for to tary for tene þ(a)t might happyn
10132 But a space for his spilt men spedely to graue
10133 And bryng hom to berynes and barly nomore

The XXVJ. Boke of the xviij. Batell
of the Cite

10134 When paste was the pes p(ar)ties were gedirt
10135 ffro the tentt(es)   the toun takyn the feld
10136 Assemblit were sadly soudiou(ru)s full noble
10137 And in a stoure þ(a)t was stith stuernly þai foghtyn
10138 Menelay met vpon mayn paris
10139 That bothe were þai backeward borne of þ(er)e horses
10140 W(i)t(h) the lippe of þ(er)e launsis so launchet þai somyn
10141 Polydamas the pert p(re)set to Vlixes
10142 W(i)t(h) the caupe of a kene swerd kerue on his helme
10143 The freike w(i)t(h) a fouchon fendit hym well
10144 And faght w(i)t(h) the fuerse knight felly agayne
10145 Menestaus the mighty w(i)t(h) a mayn dynt
10146 Anteno(r) in ang(ur) angardly stroke
10147 Vnhorset the here hade hym to ground
10148 W(i)t(h) the lip of a launse þof hym lothe were
10149 Philmen the fuerse kyng w(i)t(h) a fyne speire
10150 Gird to Agamynon   the gome hit
10151 Greuit hym full gretly gert hym to stoupe
10152 Þat he wau(er)it þ(er)w(i)t(h)   weikly he sete
10153 Telamon com tyte   the tother met
10154 Bare hym ou(er) backeward w(i)t(h) a big dynt
10155 Woundit hym wickedly   the we halpe
10156 Achilacus a choise son of the cheffe Nestor
10157 P(re)sit to a p(ri)se son of P(ri)am the kyng
10158 One Byn(us) the bold as the boke sais
10159 And the lede w(i)t(h) a launse out of lyue broght
10160 ffor the dethe of thys dere myche dole rose
10161 The Troiens w(i)t(h) tene toiled full hard
10162 W(i)t(h) a rumo(ur) full roide   a roght hate
10163 And to troiell was told hym tenyt þ(er)w(i)t(h)
10164 W(i)t(h) a fouchon full felle fuersly he stroke
10165 Mony britnet the bold for his brother sake
10166 Of the grek(es) in his grem   to ground past cast
10167 All the pepull hade he put to þe pure fight flight
10168 Ne hade the Mirmydons mightely his malismight mightely w(i)t(h)stound
10169 Than troilus w(i)t(h) tene t(ur)nyt hym swithe
10170 Mellit w(i)t(h) the mirmydons marrit hom thicke
10171 Gird hom to ground and to grym dethe
10172 Woundit hom wickedly walte hom besyde
10173 His dyntt(es) so dedly durit so longe
10174 Þat all the mirmydons men meuit hym fro
10175 ffell to þe fight flight and the feld leuyt
10176 Hyet hom hedlynges   þaire hold toke
10177 Troiell w(i)t(h) the troiens t(ur)nyt hom after
10178 Woundit hom wickedly in hor wale tentt(es)
10179 ffellyn to fote foghten full sore
10180 And mony at the mene tyme murtherit to dethe
10181 The clam(ur) was kene crying of pepull
10182 ffor the murthe was so mykell amonge the grek(es)
10183 The skrew for þe skrykyng   skremyng of folke
10184 Redoundet w(i)t(h) dyn drede for to here
10185 The noyes noise neighit to Achilles
10186 As he lay in his loge of ledis were hurt
10187 He spird at those speciall(es) that sped hom to fle
10188 The cause of hor care   the crie hoge
10189 Thei told hym full tyte the troiens w(i)t(h) forse
10190 Gird doun the grek(es) the grekes   the ground wan
10191 Takyn þ(er)e tentt(es) tyruit hom vnder
10192 Oppressit hom w(i)t(h) payn   w(i)t(h) pale strok(es)
10193 And þai no pouer had plainly to put hom abake
10194 And 3e that hopyn in hele here for to leng
10195 Sekir of you(r) selfe   no sore þole
10196 Hit shall hap you to haue in a hond while
10197 ffyfty thowsaund fell / folke out of troy
10198 To take you w(i)t(h) tene   tirue you to ground
10199 Mony of yo(ur) Mirmydons are marrit for eu(er)
10200 Thai haue no forse hom to fend þair(e) fos are so kene
10201 W(i)t(h)outen soco(ur) of su(m)mon þai sothely bene ded
10202 Achilles for angur angardly swat
10203 So hatnet his hert in a hote yre
10204 Þe loue of his lady þan left was behynd
10205 Welt into wodnes wan to his armys
10206 Strode on a stithe horse stroke into batell
10207 He fore w(i)t(h) his fos in his felle angur
10208 As a wolfe in his wodenes w(i)t(h) wethurs in fold
10209 He hurlit of helmys hedis w(i)t(h)in
10210 Rent thurgh ribbis russhit vnfaire
10211 Tenyt so the troiens w(i)t(h) his tore weppon
10212 That þe bent was??? on blode blent w(i)t(h) the erthe
10213 ffor britnyng of bewernes w(i)t(h) his bright sword
10214 Þan troiell w()t(h) tene the torfer beheld
10215 Knew well the kyng by caupe of his hond
10216 Reiches his reynis   his roile stryk(es)
10217 Caires to þe kyng w(i)t(h) a kant wille
10218 The kyng met hym w(i)t(h) mayn macchit hym sore
10219 Derf dyntt(es) þai delt þo doghty betwene
10220 W(i)t(h) þaire fowchons fell femyt of blode
10221 Troiell carue at the kyng w(i)t(h) a kene sword
10222 Woundit hym wickedly in wer of his lyf
10223 Þat he was led to the loge laid as for dede
10224 But he langurd w(i)t(h) lechyng long tyme after
10225 Troiell in the toile truly was hurt
10226 But not so dedly his dyntt(es) deiret as Achilles
10227 Thus þai bykirt on the bent till the bare night
10228 Þan left þai for late lordis and other
10229 Turnyt vnto towne   the toile leuyt

Here faght þai xx.ti dayes to gedur

10230 XX.ti dayes by dene w(i)t(h) dyntt(es) in feld
10231 Þan mett þai w(i)t(h) mayn   mony were kild
10232 Þat neu(er) restid þo renk(es) fro risyng of sun
10233 Of þat noyus note till þe night come
10234 Þan p(ri)am the p(ri)se kyng hade payn at his hert
10235 ffor Achilles by chaunse hade chaungit his wille
10236 And breme was in batell his buernes to qwelle
10237 He blamyt full bitt(ur)ly þan hys blithe qwene
10238 Þat eu(er) he tentid he tentid hir tale for trifles of hym
10239 He said þat his suranse sothely was fals
10240 And done for dissait demet he nonother
10241 Polexena the pert hade pyne in hir ??? thoght
10242 ffor ho p(ur)post plainly in hir pure hert
10243 Hym to husband haue hade / yf and hir hap shope
10244 In sex monys   more at the most þe mighty Achilles
10245 Was hole of his hurt he hade in the feld
10246 Of troiell in the toile as I told haue
10247 Bothe sound   saf set forto fight
10248 Þan hatnet his hert in a hote yre
10249 To troiell w(i)t(h) tene þ(a)t tiruit hym vnder
10250 And woundit hym wickedly þes word(es) he said
10251 Doutles w(i)t(h) dyntt(es) he deghes of my hond
10252 And er he fare out of fight haue a fowle end

The dethe of Troilus by Achilles t(ra)yturly
Slayne in the XXJ. Bate&lbar;&lbar;

10253 When hit t(ur)nyt to þe tyme torfer shuld rise
10254 Tho doghty mighti on mold metton to fight
10255 W(i)t(h) thaire batels full breme bret full of pepull
10256 And mony bold were þ(er)e britnet vpon bothe halues
10257 Achilles the coise kyng chargit his knight(es)
10258 Or þai busket to batell for baret on erthe
10259 Þat þai holly on a hepe held hom to gedur
10260 And mynd of no mater for myschef ne othir
10261 Saue troiell to take w(i)t(h) torfer þat day
10262 P(re)se hym w(i)t(h) pyne in p(ar)ties aboute
10263 Cacche hym fro company close hym w(i)t(h)in
10264 In myddes his Mirmydons þat mighty to hold
10265 Stuff hym w(i)t(h) strenght þat he ne stir might
10266 But hym self / hym to sle sleghly w(i)t(h) hond
10267 When he meuyt his men þis malis to wirke
10268 He fore to þe fight w(i)t(h) ??? his fell grekes knight(es)
10269 All his Mirmydons mightely meuit hym after
10270 And put hym in p(re)se his p(ur)pos to hold
10271 Þan troiell full tidely t(ur)nyt into batell
10272 W(i)t(h) a folke þat was fell fuerse of assaute
10273 Hardy men of hond hed knight(es) all
10274 And wond(ur)fully wroght on hor wale fos
10275 Troiell the tru w(i)t(h) his triet strenght
10276 So britnet w(i)t(h) his brond   brisit the grek(es)
10277 Þat þai foundyt to flight for ferd of hym one
10278 And lefton þai lond þof hom lothe thught
10279 Then þe mirmydon mightely meuet in hole
10280 Two thawsaund by tale as taght hom Achilles
10281 His comaundeme(n)t to kepe kaston hom þen
10282 And assemblit on a sop sadly to gedur
10283 The troiens w(i)t(h) tene þai tiruyt to ground
10284 Kyld of hor knight(es)   comyns full mony
10285 Wet hom w(i)t(h) woundis warpit hom doune
10286 And myche baret on bent to þe buernes did
10287 Þan the grek(es) agayne getton the feld
10288 ffell was the fight foynyng of speires
10289 Miche harme in þat hete happit to falle
10290 On aither p(ar)te w(i)t(h) pyne þat put were to dethe
10291 The Mirmydons hade mynd of þe mayn troiell
10292 And laited hym on the laund as the lede faght
10293 The compast the knight closit hym w(i)t(h)in
10294 On yche syde vppon hepes hastely strikon
10295 But many of þo mirmydons þe mayn knight slogh
10296   woundit hom wofully a wond(ur)full noumbur
10297 Þai hurlit of his helme hade hit to ground
10298 Harmyt the hode þ(a)t was of hard maile
10299 Rofe hit full roidly rent hit in peses
10300 Þat all bare was the buerne aboue on his crowne
10301 Yet he fendit hym fuersly fele of hom kild
10302 And gird hom to ground þat greuyt hom most
10303 THan Achilles w(i)t(h) ang(ur) / come angardly fast
10304 Segh the hathell all to hurlit   his hed bare
10305 And no helpe of his hynd mend hastid hym to
10306 W(i)t(h) a fauchon felle he flange at the knight
10307 Slough hym full slawthly w(i)t(h) sleght of his hond
10308 And hade of hed vnd(ur) horse fete
10309 He light doun lyuely leuit hym not so
10310 ffestnyt hym vp fuersly by his fete euyn
10311 Hard by the hore of his horse fete tayle
10312 And hurlit hym w(i)t(h) hethyng þurgh þe hoole ost
10313 Thow Omer þat oft tymes openly writis
10314 Of þat buerne in þi boke as best of his hond(es)
10315 Or wegh þ(a)t is worshipfull   wight of his dedis
10316 He comendith hym kyndly as a knight noble
10317 How be reason or right or rewle may þ(o)u p(re)ue
10318 To deme hym so doghty in dedis of armys
10319 And nomly in þis note so noblely þ(o)u sayes
10320 Thurgh strenght of his strok(es) stroyet he hase
10321 Two Ectors eg(ur)   to end broght
10322 The p(ri)nse of þat p(ro)uynse þat no pere hade
10323 And Troiell the triet knight his owne tru brother
10324 One the strongist in stoure þat on stede rode
10325 Lelly þi lesyng(es) þ(o)u lappis full faire
10326 Thurgh affecc(i)on   faithe þ(o)u fest w(i)t(h) the grek(es)
10327 As þou said by þi selfe þurgh Sibradyn first
10328 Thou was aliet to þ(a)t lynage as by lyne olde
10329 Or ellis wodenes þe wrixlet   þi wit failet
10330 And no reason by rewle þ(a)t renke to comend
10331 Ne fell he not first w(i)t(h) his fals trayne
10332 Hon(er)able Ector oddist of knight(es)
10333 The strongest in stoure þat eu(er) on stede rode
10334 Þat mon hade no make of might in his lyue
10335 Ne so worthy in world wist I neu(er) sithen
10336 When he caght hade a kyng as come hym by chaunse
10337 And to pull hym of p(re)se paynit hym fast
10338 W(i)t(h) all besenes aboute   his brest naked
10339 His shild on his shulders shot was behynd
10340 He hedut no hathell ne no harme thought
10341 Saue the kyng to his company company clenly to bryng
10342 Hade the p(ri)nse of his p(ur)pos p(er)sayuet before
10343 He hade keppit hym full cantly cawpit w(i)t(h) hym so
10344 Þat þe greke shuld haue greuyt   þe gre lost
10345 And troiell the tru knight t(ra)yturly he slogh
10346 Noght þurgh stowrenes of strok(es) ne w(i)t(h) strenght one
10347 But a .M. þro knight(es) þrong hym aboute
10348 Þat noyet þat noble   naked his hed
10349 And shamfully a shent mon he shope to the dethe
10350 There he found no defens ne fightyng agayn
10351 But as a ded mon to deme þat deiret noght no wight
10352 Neuer hond vnto hond harmyt he nother
10353 But as a caiteff a coward no knyghthode at all
10354 Now loke if þis lede soche longyng be worthe
10355 As þ(o)u w(ri)tis in þi word(es) or were to alow
10356 Þat so worshipfull a wegh as þe wight troilus
10357 Þat was comyn of a kyng þe clennest on lyue
10358 Neu(er) a bettur of blode borne on þis erthe
10359 Shuld traile as a t(ra)ytor by þe taile of his horse
10360 Hade monhode hym meuyt maynly w(i)t(h) in
10361 Or gentilnes aiugget iustly his werk(es)
10362 Sum pytie hade p(ri)cket his p(ur)pos to leue
10363 Þat neu(er) so filthy a fare hade fallyn in his hond
10364 When paris p(er)sayuit the plit of his brother
10365 How he was dolfully ded   drawen in the ost
10366 Ofte he swonet for swym as he swelt wold
10367 And myche dole was þat day þe duke to be hold
10368 The troiens w(i)t(h) tene trauailed full sore
10369 ffor þe body of þat bold w(i)t(h) baret was slayne
10370 The corse to rekou(er)   kary to toune
10371 But the grek(es) were so grym þai gird hom abake
10372 And w(i)t(h)stode hom full stithly stonyt hom euyll
10373 The mighty kyng Menon mikill sorow hade
10374 ffor þe dethe of þ(a)t dere w(i)t(h) dole at his hert
10375 He ches to Achilles w(i)t(h) a chere felle
10376 And warpit þes wordis in a wild yre
10377 Thou t(ra)ytor vntru þat trust was in neu(er)
10378 ffor shame may þ(o)u shunt for as shent of all knight(es)
10379 How found þ(o)u þ(a)t filthe in þi fals wille
10380 Of so dogget a dede in þi derf hert
10381 So worshipfull a wegh   worthiest of blode
10382 Þat is comyn of a kyng the clennest on lyue
10383 To tegh as a t(ra)ytor and traile vpon þe erthe
10384 And hurle at þi horse taile in hethyng of vs
10385 Leue me now lelly all þi lyfe after
10386 Neu(er) kepis þ(o)u þi corse out of cold angur
10387 Þen þe kyng at hym campit w(i)t(h) a kene spere
10388 Hurt hym full hidusly harmyt hym sore
10389 Þat bisi was þe burne to bide in his sadill
10390 Or olofte forto lenge in his large sete
10391 Þen he swange out a sword swith w(i)t(h) þat
10392 Hurlit thurgh þe helme had hym to ground
10393 With a wond þ(a)t was wikkid walt of his horse
10394 Half lyueles on þe laund light vnd(ur) fote
10395 Þen þe troiens w(i)t(h) tene tokyn þe body
10396 Of troiell þe tru knight   to toun led
10397 Þe Mirmydons þaire maist(er) masit on þe grene
10398 Lyfton vp lyuely led hym away
10399 Horsit hym in hast hade hym a lofte
10400 His strenkith restoris stitly agayn
10401 And he ffore to þe fight w(i)t(h) a fell wyll
10402 Machit hym monly to menan þe kyng
10403 And he keppit hym full kenly þai caupit toged(ur)
10404 Menon was myghtier   met on hym so
10405 Þat he greuit þe greke and geue hym þe worse
10406 Þen þe batels come bigli vppon bothe haluys
10407 Sundrit hom sone þai soghtyn in twyn
10408 Þe day wex dym droupit þe sun
10409 Þe lyght wex lasse and þe laik endit
10410 Soghtyn to þe site   sun to þe tentis
10411 And logget þe long nyght layd hom to rest
10412 Then seuyn daies somyn sothly þai met
10413 Bateld on bent as hom best likid
10414 ffell was þe fight þo fome(n) betwene
10415 And mony derf þer was ded er þo dais past
10416 Þe vij day sothly saise me þe lyne
10417 Achilles thurgh chaunse was cherit of his wond
10418 Kyng Menon to mare w(i)t(h) Molys he þoght
10419 And bounyt into batell w(i)t(h) his burnes all
10420 He meuyt to his myrmydons in man(er) before
10421 Þe kyng to vmbcast   close hym w(i)t(h) in
10422 Asaile hym on yche side til hym self come
10423 His vilany to venge and his vile hurt
10424 Þen þe stour was full stithe sturne me(n) were Slayn
10425 burnes on þe bent blody be ronen
10426 And mony hathill in þ(a)t hete of his horse fell
10427 Achilles hym ches to þe choise menon
10428 And monly þai met w(i)t(h) hor mayn speris
10429 Þe dentis of þo derfe derit hom so

The deth of Menon þe Kyng by Achilles
Vnmonfully Slayn

10430 Þat aythir light on þe laund leuyt þaire horse
10431 Swange out swordys swappit toged(ur)
10432 And ffelli on fote fughtyn þai bothe
10433 Þe Mirmydons to Menon Myghtly þronge
10434 Vmbset hym on yche side sesit hym onon
10435 He(n)t hym in hond for no help come
10436 Ne no rynk hym to rescow but his ronk fos
10437 Þen achilles come chaseond w(i)t(h) a choise wepyn
10438 Segh menon w(i)t(h) his me(n) myghtile holdyn
10439 He stroke hym ful stithly mony store dynt
10440 Till he britnet þe burne   broght hym to deth
10441 Hit was not lik þ(a)t þe lede thurgh lust of hym one
10442 Schuld haue killit þis kyng w(i)t(h) his clen strenkith
10443 Syn Menon w(i)t(h) myght had marrit hym ofte
10444 Þat ffro þe hede to þe hele þe hote blode ran
10445 And he likkir be lost þen to lyue after
10446 Þerfore ses of þi saghis þ(o)u sore homer
10447 Þat writis of hym worchip þat worthy is non
10448 Neu(er) kyld no kyng ne no knyght 3et
10449 Þat a countid was kene but w(i)t(h) cast treson
10450 And if treson w(i)t(h) trume(n) be told as for worchip
10451 Þen is þat led worthe lose for his lithir dedis
10452 Menelay w(i)t(h) myght meuyt In þen
10453 Diamed þe dughti and derf telamoni(us)
10454 Þes gird in full grymli w(i)t(h) a grete ost
10455 ffrusshet to þaire fos w(i)t(h) a fell schoure
10456 Greuit hom gretly gird hom to fote
10457 ffull Mony were Marrit   maymyt ffor eu(er)
10458 Þen ffled all in fere and þe feld leuyt
10459 Soghtyn to the Cite w(i)t(h) sorow þai hade
10460 Theire fos on hom folowet fell hom full thicke
10461 Hew on w(i)t(h) hard stele hurt of hom þan
10462 And mony kild on þe cliffe vnto cold dethe
10463 Þai wan in wightly warpit to þe yatis
10464 Barrit hom full bigly w(i)t(h) boltis of yerne
10465 Braid vp the brigges in a breme hast
10466 The tother to the tentt(es) t(ur)nyt agayne
10467 Þan was sorow in the Cite sobbyng of teres
10468 W(i)t(h) P(ri)am the p(ri)se kyng   his pure wif
10469 Wailyng of wemen weping of knight(es)
10470 ffor the losse   the lure of þe lele childer
10471 Hon(er)able Ector oddist of dedis
10472 Deffibus the doghty   the derf troilus
10473 Now dem þai no dede but the dethe þole
10474 Þan P(ri)am the p(ri)se kyng p(re)stly did send
10475 To Agomynon the gret for graunt of a tru
10476 And he assentid full sone asurit w(i)t(h) hond
10477 And affirmyt hit fast w(i)t(h) a fyne othe
10478 W(i)t(h)in the tyme of þe true for troiell was made
10479 A Sepulcre Solempne set full of stones
10480 ffor Menon the mighty / was made þ(er)e another
10481 And the corse of þat cleane close þ(er)ein

The dethe of Achilles in the temple by Paris slayn

10482 W(i)t(h)in the tyme of þe tru as the trety sayes
10483 Hon(er)able Ecuba Ectors moder
10484 ffor the dethe of hir dere sonnes moche dole hade
10485 W(i)t(h) sykyng and sorow selly to here
10486 Þat worthy in hir wit warly bethoght
10487 On all wise in this world þe worthy for to sle
10488 Þat hir greuit so gretly and to ground broght
10489 All þo fuersmen in fight w(i)t(h) his false cast
10490 Parys full p(re)uely sho pulled into councell
10491 Thies wordes to þat wegh wepyng she said
10492 Dere sun myche vs deres the dethe of þi brether
10493 Þat falsly in fight are fellit by Achilles
10494 ffirst Ector w(i)t(h) envy evill he dyssayuet
10495 Dang hym to dede   the derfe troilus
10496 Þat my lykyng hase lost   left by but the none
10497 Of all my semly sons þat my solas was in
10498 Therfore sothely me semes O þe same wise
10499 Þat he w(i)t(h) treason were takyn   tiruyt to dethe
10500 And done for to dregh by domys of right
10501 Soche wirdes   wo as he wroght has
10502 He has ser(e) men send and sadly me p(ra)yed
10503 And deply desyred my doghter to wed
10504 Pollexena the pert by p(ur)pos of olde
10505 I will hete hym full hertely his hest for to kepe
10506 My doghter full dere to his due wyf
10507 A sonnd will I send by a sad frynd
10508 On all wise in this world warn hym fro me
10509 To appollo pure temple p(er)tly to come
10510 Þat we may speike of ou(r) spede specially þ(er)e
10511 Thus I will þat þi wirke wete þ(o)u forsothe
10512 Sure knight(es) of assent assemble þe to
10513 T(ur)nys into the temple trystily enarmyt
10514 Kepis you in cou(er)t cleane out of sight
10515 Tyll the kyng and his company by comyn w(i)t(h)in
10516 ffallys on hym fuersly frap hym to dethe
10517 That he pas not yo(ur) pouer for p(ra)yer ne other
10518 The knight at þe comaundeme(n)t of his kene moder
10519 W(i)t(h) Sykyng   sorow asentid þ(er)to
10520 He dressit for þe dede by dom of þe qwene
10521 XX.ti knight(es) full kene of his kyd frynd(es)
10522 Choise of his chere men chargit hym selfe
10523 His councell in cou(er)t to kepe for the tyme
10524 Þen Paris    and his pepull past to þe temple
10525 Keppit hom in cou(er)t aclosit hom þ(er)in
10526 Armyt at all pesis abill to fight
10527 And a bode till þe buerne vnto burgh come
10528 Þen    Ecuba esely ordant a message
10529 Sent to þat sou(er)ain by a sad frynde
10530 Spake to hym specially to spede of his erend
10531 To t(ur)ne to the temple and tary not longe
10532 Than the hed kyng vnhappely hastid belyue
10533 Laburd w(i)t(h) loue þat lodly dissayuis
10534 And mony worthy and wise hase to wo broght
10535 Put vnto pou(er)t and to pale dethe
10536 Achilles w(i)t(h) archilagon ches on þe way
10537 The noble sun and next heire of Nestor the duke
10538 Soghtyn to þe Cite somyn onon
10539 And to Appollyns aune temple angardly yode
10540 Paris w(i)t(h) his pert knight(es) p(re)syt hym agayn
10541 W(i)t(h) all his might   his malis the mon for to sle
10542 Swordis out swiftly þai swappit belyue
10543 And vmset hym full sore vpon sere halfes
10544 Achilles braid out a brand w(i)t(h) a brem wille
10545 And fast vmbe his fist foldit his mantill
10546 All bare was the buerne out of bright wedis
10547 Yet seyuon of þat sorte he slew w(i)t(h) his hond
10548 Parys kast at the kyng w(i)t(h) a kene will
10549 Þre dartt(es) noght dole and dedly hym woundit
10550 There kyld was the kyng   the knight bothe
10551 And by treason in the temple tiruyt to dethe
10552 Þan paris to þe pepull p(re)stly comaundit
10553 The bodies of þo bold to britton onone
10554 And cast hom to curres   to kene foghles
10555 On þ(er)e flesshe hom to fede on a foule wise
10556 The corses of þo kantmen were kast into strete
10557 Iche lede on to loke as þai lust hade
10558 ffayne of þat fare / were the felle troiens
10559 To se þe corse of þ(a)t kyng þat hom care wroght
10560 Be dongen to dethe for deiryng of other
10561 Agamynon the gret by greme(n)t of all
10562 To P(ri)am by p(ri)se men p(er)tly he send
10563 Þat he wold graunt to þe grek(es) by grace of hym selfon
10564 The bodies of þo bold to bery as hom liked
10565 Archillagon the choise knight was chere to his fader
10566 The noble duke Nestor þat noyet full sore
10567 Myche sorow hade his Syre the sun to be hold
10568 And oft swonyt that swete   in swyme felle
10569 The kyng graunttyd þo grek(es) þo grete for to haue
10570 The bodies to þe bastell barly to lede
10571 ffor the choise kyng Achilles þai cherit hom euyll???
10572 W(i)t(h) mych dole for his dethe and dele drede of hom more
10573 Þai hopid full hertely for þat hed losse
10574 Neu(er) the Cite for to sese ne hor sutethe cite haue
10575 ffor the losse and the lure of þat lele kyng
10576 Myche water þai weppit þat worthy to mysse
10577 Þan þai p(ur)uait of p(ri)se w(i)t(h) p(re)cious aray
10578 A sepulcre solempne set full of stonys
10579 Praying to P(ri)am þo p(ri)se men all
10580 W(i)t(h)in the Cite to be set w(i)t(h) safferans sufferans of hym
10581 He grauntid þo grete agraunt for to haue
10582 In the entre of the est halfe euyn at the yate
10583 That troiens in old tyme tyberia did call
10584 Þ(er)e þai tild vp a toure tryedly wroght
10585 Meruelously made w(i)t(h) masons deuyse
10586 W(i)t(h) Iemmes   iuwels   other ioly stonys
10587 There closit þai the kyng vpon cleane wise
10588 W(i)t(h) mykill sorow and sykyng and soghtyn agayn
10589 Þan Agamynon all the gret gedirt onon
10590 Kyng(es) into counsell   oþ(er) kyd duk(es)
10591 Erles   all men oght of astate
10592 Thies wordes to þo worthy warppit þe p(ri)se
10593 Lok(es) now lord(es) ou(r) lure is full hoge
10594 On the mysse   the murthe of þe mighty Achilles
10595 Whethur is bettur in batell abide in this lond
10596 Or kaire to ou(r) cuntre and the kythe leue
10597 Iche whe in þis world werke has hor wit kast
10598 Þaire domes were full dyuers doublit full þicke
10599 Sum lordes to lenge lusty þai were
10600 Sum frike to þe fare þ(er)e frynd(es) to se
10601 Osythir þo sou(er)ains were of a sent hole
10602 Þ(er)ein atell to byde   the burghe sege
10603 Þof hom auntrid Achilles w(i)t(h) ang(ur) to lese
10604 And faile hom in fight w(i)t(h) his fyn strenght
10605 Þaire goddis will not gab þat grauntid hom first
10606 The Cite to sese as hom selfe lyked
10607 Troy w(i)t(h) his touris tyrue vnto ground
10608 And hewyn vppon hom þ(a)t þe hold kepis
10609 Þan Aiax the auntrous atlet to say
10610 In myddes of þo mighty meuit to stond
10611 Lord(es) yf hit like you lystyn my wordis
10612 And hedis me w(i)t(h) heryng herkyn a litle
10613 Þof auntrus Achilles abill of dedis
10614 Be drepit w(i)t(h) dethe and done fro o(ur) helpe
10615 Let send for his son a sadmon of hond
10616 Oddest in armys   auntrus in were
10617 A fuerse mon in fight   in frike youthe
10618 Ou(r) knight(es) to comford   ou(r) kid pepull
10619 Of þis toun ellis truly tidis vs no nend
10620 On no wise forto wyn ne ou(r) wille haue
10621 And then affirmyt hit fast all þe fyn councell
10622 And assentid to þe sound þo sou(er)ains all
10623 On þis message was made Menelay the kyng
10624 By agrement of þo grete as for graith holdyn
10625 He was chosyn for chere of his choise wedis
10626 Neptolyn the nobill son Naitly to seche
10627 Of þe duke þat was dede doghty Achilles
10628 Held was hengyng in lond w(i)t(h) licomed the kyng
10629 He was graunser of þat grete   for graith holdyn
10630 Now hit tid forto tell þe tyme of þe yere
10631 The sun vnd(ur) zodiake set was olofte
10632 At þe poynt forto passe   put into canser
10633 When þe season of som(ur) was set at the last
10634 And the day of þe dreight / dryuyn vppo long
10635 By domys of deuyno(ur)s þat delyn with vs þ(er)w(i)t(h)
10636 Abill of astronomy þat auntris oon se
10637 Sad men of Syens þat settyn hom þ(er)to
10638 Solstuciou(n) for sothe sayn hit to hat

Off the xx. Batell

10639 In the monyth to merke the myddis of Ioyne
10640 The sextene day sothely sais me the lyne
10641 The bold men to bent bounet full þicke
10642 Sadly on aither syde soghtyn to ffild
10643 The grek(es) hom greithed the grettist   other
10644 Dyomede the doughty   derf Menestaus
10645 Agamynon also auntrid hym w(i)t(h)
10646 Menelaus among meuit to ffeld
10647 All buskes hor batels on hor best wise
10648 And past furth to the pase þo pouer to gedur
10649 Þan p(ri)am the p(ri)se kyng puruait onon
10650 His knight(es) in companyes cantly to wend
10651 Vnd(ur) gou(er)n(au)nce graithe how þai go shuld
10652 And assingnet hom hym selfe as sou(er)ain   lord
10653 Moche dole and doute þo doghty men hade
10654 Syn hom lacked the lede of the lorde Ector
10655 Þat was stithist in stoure stabill of hert
10656 And the wit þat hom wantid of the worthy deffibus
10657 W(i)t(h) the truthe and the trist of troiell the knight
10658 In defaute of þe fuerse the fyne duke paris
10659 ffore to the fight w(i)t(h) a fell pouer
10660 Myche watur he weppit of his wale ene
10661 Ou(er) flowet his face fell on his brest
10662 W(i)t(h) streamys out straght þurgh his stithe helme
10663 The m(ur)m(ur) / was mykell of his mayn knight(es)
10664 W(i)t(h) gronyng   gref for þ(er)e gret angur
10665 Ay in doute of the dethe dredyng hom seluyn
10666 Than polidamas full p(re)st put next after
10667 Philmen the fuerse kyng w(i)t(h) a folke hoge
10668 Esdras also auntrid hom w(i)t(h)
10669 Eneas also after hom went
10670 All the ledis to the listis on the ??? laund past
10671 Paris w(i)t(h) the percians p(ri)se of all archers
10672 Assemblit full sone with a sad pepull
10673 Mony wondit þat wegh of þe wale grek(es)
10674 And mony slogh in þat slade w(i)t(h) sleght of his bowe
10675 Dyamed full deruly drof to the kyng
10676 Phylmyn the fuerse w(i)t(h) a frike wille
10677 Hym keppit þat kant on a kene speire
10678 W(i)t(h) p(re)se of þe pafigons his oune pure men
10679 Mony grek(es) þo grym vnto ground broght
10680 Woundit full wickedly walt hom to dethe
10681 Þai hurlet hom full hard w(i)t(h) hor hoge dyntt(es)
10682 Þat Diamed full deruly was dryven abacke
10683 Menestaus þe mighty maist(ur) of Athenes
10684 Presit Polidamas   put hym of horse
10685 W(i)t(h) a spar of a speire in dispit felle
10686 Þan he braid out a brand bikrid hym hard
10687 Wold haue kyld the knight to þe cold erthe
10688 But þ(a)t philmyn þe fuerse kyng fell to þe duke
10689 Halpe hym of hond(es) hade hym away
10690 Paris full p(re)stly put hom to ground
10691 W(i)t(h) sharpnes of shot shent mony knight(es)
10692 And greuit full gretly þe grek(es) þat day
10693 Þan Aiax the auntrus come angardly faste
10694 W(i)t(h) bornysshed bronnd britnet his folke
10695 Mony troiens w(i)t(h) tene he tiruit to dethe
10696 And angart hom euyll vnarmyt þai were
10697 And he vnwoundit Iwis out of wothe paste
10698 To the percians he put hym þat paris did lede
10699 Britnet of þo bold   myche bale wroght
10700 Þat all flagh hym in fere for ferd of his dyntt(es)

The dethe of Aiax by Paris Slayne

10701 Paris w(i)t(h) pyne was p(ri)cket at his hert
10702 To se his men so be mard   murtherit to dethe
10703 W(i)t(h) the bir(e) of his bowe   a big arow
10704 Þat put was in poison he pairet his arm(ur)
10705 Rut þurgh his rybbes rent hym w(i)t(h)in
10706 Betwene the lyu(er)   the light(es) launchit hym þurghe
10707 Þat all blackonet his blode   his ble chaungit
10708 Þan feld wele the freike þat he fey was
10709 Aand ded of þe dynt or þe day past

The dethe of Paris by aiax Slayne

10710 He p(re)sit vnto Paris in his pale ang(ur)
10711 And as he faght in þe feld to þe freke said
10712 Paris þ(o)u p(re)stly hath put me to dethe
10713 And shent me w(i)t(h) shot of þi sharp geire
10714 But I degh of þi dynt   dump into helle
10715 Þow shall first go be fore   fraite of ou(r) way
10716 Hit is reason   right for þi ranke loue
10717 Þat þ(o)u part now w(i)t(h) pyne fro þi p(ri)se Elan
10718 Þat is cause of þis care   this cold ang(ur)
10719 And mony doght ben ded of duk(es)   knight(es)
10720 Than he bere to þe buerne w(i)t(h) a bigge sworde
10721 Hurlyt þurgh þe helme   the hard chekys
10722 And he girt to þe ground   þe gostground yalde
10723 Euyn ded of þe dynt deirit no mo
10724 Þan Aiax also angardly swithe
10725 ffell of his fole flat to þe erthe
10726 ffor payne of his pale wound passit olyue
10727 Euyn ded of þe dynt   to dole went
10728 The troiens w(i)t(h) tene for tiruyng of paris
10729 Myche mournyng   myschefe in hor mynd hade
10730 The korse þai rekou(er)yt w(i)t(h) þair(e) kant fight
10731 And broght hit to burgh w(i)t(h) bale at þ(er)e hert
10732 Dyomed the duke   derfe Menestaus
10733 W(i)t(h) a folke þat was fuerse felly w(i)t(h)stode
10734 Till þe troiens w(i)t(h) tene t(ur)nyt the backe
10735 The sun in his sercle set vnto rest
10736 And the day ou(er) drogh to þe derke night
10737 The troiens w(i)t(h) torfer into toun entrid
10738 W(i)t(h) myche lure   los of hor lefe knight(es)
10739 Þai 3arkit to þe yatis 3epely onon
10740 Barrit hom bigly on hor best wise
10741 Passit on p(re)stly w(i)t(h) payne to þ(er)e innes
10742 When the light was lesse the ledis w(i)t(h)oute
10743 Thurgh gou(er)n(au)nce graithe of Agamynon the kyng
10744 Laidon wacche to þe wallis þ(a)t no wegh past
10745 Pavilions and pure tentt(es) pightyn aboute
10746 And þ(er)e logget hom to leng while hom lyfe lefe thoght
10747 The troiens in toures   on toun walles
10748 Laidon spies specially   spekon hom to
10749 On all wise for to wacche   waite on horfos
10750 ffor gawdis other gile þat hom grefe might
10751 The same night sothely sais me þe lettur
10752 The corse caried was to courtte of þe knight paris
10753 W(i)t(h) myche weping   wo of his wale frynd(es)
10754 And sorow in the Cite was selly to here
10755 Now all the brether w(i)t(h) bale were britnet to dethe
10756 Þat the folke shuld defend   hor fos harme
10757 Was no lede þ(a)t hade lust on lyue for to be
10758 Ne hope of hor hele in hor hert thoght
10759 Myche pite was of p(ri)am   his p(ri)se qwene
10760 W(i)t(h) sobbyng of syster þat semly were eu(er)
10761 And Elan of all wemen angardly fast
10762 Swonyt full swiftly   in swym fell
10763 XX.ti tymes hit tid truly þat night
10764 Þat was draghen fro the duke all in ded swone
10765 Myche leu(er) for þat lure out of lyue passe
10766 Þan any lengur to lyffe /   hur luff want
10767 Hir wordes   weping wo to be hold
10768 Of care   complaint coldyng in hert
10769 Hit wold haue persit w(i)t(h) pyte any pure sawle
10770 And tendrit w(i)t(h) teres hor torfer to se
10771 Hit were labur to long hir lotis to tell
10772 Or any wegh for to w(ri)te þof he wit hade
10773 The sorow of þat semly as sais me the lyne
10774 Both of kyng   of kythe   the cleane qwene
10775 Abriget of baret for bale þat sho tholet
10776 And hade pitie of þat pure hir payne for to here
10777 ffor the luff þat she ??? laid on þ(er)e pure lefe sun
10778 And the dole þat she dregh for his dethe one
10779 Thai worshippit þat worthy as þ(er)e wale doghter
10780 And lelly no lesse louyt hir in hert
10781 Þan in Iono ioly temple as the iest tellis
10782 Atyret was a tabernacle triet for þe nones
10783 Made all of marbill of mason deuyse
10784 W(i)t(h) mony staryng stone stondyng aboute
10785 Therin paris was put w(i)t(h) p(re)stis of þe laghe
10786 And closit vp his corse vpon clene wise
10787 W(i)t(h) Sacrifice and solenite suche as þai vsit
10788 And come to corupc(i)on as his kynd asked

The XXVIJ. Boke of XXJ. Batell
of þe Cite of Troy

10789 Paris Priamvs for pite of his pure sons
10790 Hade no wille for to weire ne the wallis pas
10791 Two monethis w(i)t(h) might er he meue wold
10792 The yates to yeme he yepely comaundit
10793 The troiens in the tyme as the text sais
10794 W(i)t(h) myche sorow in the Cite sobbyng vnfaire
10795 Hade no hope of þ(er)e hele þan þ(er)e hert failet
10796 And þai dropit in dole as þai degh shuld
10797 Agamynon by graith men to þe gret send
10798 Oft sythes for sothe in the same tyme
10799 Bade hym send furth his soudiou(r)s asse(m)ble to feld
10800 And buske vnto batell or his burghe yelde
10801 The noble hym denyet for noy þ(a)t might happon
10802 He dred hym full depely for desteny feble
10803 Lest his folke in the feld were fynally distroyet
10804 And for hope þat he hade of a helpe sone
10805 Of Amysones auntrus atlet þe qwene
10806 Þat was boun to the burghe in the bate tyme
10807 Hon(er)able Ector in armes to helpe
10808 There out in the Orient in old mens dayes
10809 A p(ro)uynse of p(ri)se þ(a)t p(re)stly was cald
10810 Amysone w(i)t(h) all men aft(ur) full longe
10811 Ther(e) wond in no wegh but wemen allone
10812 W(i)t(h)outen man owther make to medill hom w(i)t(h)
10813 Þai were strong of hor statur(e) stithest in armys
10814 And well enformet of the fete þ(a)t to fight longit
10815 Euen before in þ(a)t frunt of þat faire yle
10816 Was a p(ro)uynse of p(ri)se   praty men in
10817 ffull of all frute   fode of þe best
10818 Wond þ(er)e no wemen ne no wegh ellis
10819 But men on þ(a)t mold   mony þai were
10820 Now the man(er) was most of þo mylde wemen
10821 Thre mones w(i)t(h) mirthe þo men for to viset
10822 Eu(er)more in au(er)ill auntrid hom so
10823 W(i)t(h) the monith of May   the mery Ione
10824 There to leng w(i)t(h) hor louys in lykyng a while
10825 Oft in wanton werk(es) wex þai w(i)t(h) childe
10826 And sithen of solas soghton to þ(er)e lond(es)
10827 When þo burdis þair(e) birthe hade borne of þ(er)e syd(es)
10828 If hit a woman were w(i)t(h) worship hit keppit
10829 And fostred hit furthe vpon faire wise
10830 And if þat sam had a sun of hir selfe borne
10831 Hit shuld be keppit full cleane as þe clause tellus
10832 Thre yere thriftely throngen to end
10833 Than sent to þe syre and soio(ur)ne w(i)t(h) hym
10834 Thus tid hit þat tyme as I telle of
10835 There was a lady in þ(a)t lond þat be lyne aght
10836 All the kythe   the crowne   the klene soile
10837 A maidon full of might   monly in armys
10838 Boldest in batell best of hir hond(es)
10839 Pantasilia þat pert p(re)stly was cald
10840 That hon(er)able Ector / od myche louyt
10841 ffor his prowes of p(ri)se and his pert dedis
10842 And for wightist in wer of þis world þen
10843 Hit was told w(i)t(h) a true of a tryet ost
10844 Of grek(es) þat were gedrit to þe great troye
10845 P(ri)am to oppresse   his pure lond(es)
10846 And ho come for þat cause þ(a)t kyng for to helpe
10847 W(i)t(h) hir maidons full myld mightily in armys
10848 A thowsaund full þro þrepand in wer(e)
10849 ffor loue of þat lede þ(a)t was of lyue past
10850 To þe Cite ho soght w(i)t(h) hur sute hoole
10851 Noght knowing the case of þe kyd p(ri)nse
10852 Þat the doghty was ded   drepid for ay
10853 Whan þat worthy hit wist of his wale dethe
10854 Myche sorow   sykyng sanke in hir hert
10855 And mony dayes for dole þat doghty can wepe
10856 This lady at the last lefte of hir sorow
10857 And prayt vnto p(ri)am all w(i)t(h) pure word(es)
10858 His buernes vnto batell bainly to ordan
10859 And pull vp a port let hom passe furthe
10860 Sho p(ur)post hir plainly w(i)t(h) hir pure maidons
10861 The grek(es) to greue   she grace hade
10862 In fight for to fele of hir fell dyntt(es)
10863 And of maidyns might make hom to know
10864 Þan p(ri)am his p(ri)se men p(re)stly comaundit
10865 Philmen the fuerse kyng   his feres all
10866 Eneas also abill of dedis
10867 Polidamas the pert w(i)t(h) a p(ri)se batell
10868 W(i)t(h) Pantasilia the pure p(re)stly to wend
10869 Dardan to vndo þe doghty comaundit
10870 And all fore to þe fight in a frunt hole
10871 The grek(es) gird hom agayn w(i)t(h) a grym fare
10872 And w(i)t(h) launses on the laund lepyn to gedur
10873 Breme was the broche in the brest þan
10874 Pantasilia so p(re)sit proud Menelaus
10875 Þat ho gird hym to ground w(i)t(h) a grym dynt
10876 The horse of þat hathell hent ho belyue
10877 Aand raght by the reynes to a ranke maiden
10878 Dyomede the derfe drofe to þe qwene
10879 W(i)t(h) a course of his caple   a kene speire
10880 Þat mighty hym met w(i)t(h) a mayn stroke
10881 Þat he bend in the backe to þe bare sadell
10882 Vnneth held hym on ??? horse for harme þ(a)t he tholit
10883 Ho raght to hym radly reft hym his sheld
10884 And betoke full tite to a triet maiden
10885 Telamon w(i)t(h) tene t(ur)nyt to þe lady
10886 To venge of hir velany   voide hym of harme
10887 He launchit to þat louely w(i)t(h) a light wille
10888 And ho keppit the kyng kest hym to ground
10889 Till his hed w(i)t(h) the hard yerthe hurlit full sore
10890 So faght þ(a)t freike w(i)t(h) hur fyne strenght
10891 Þat ho knowen was for kene of w(i)t(h) kaupe of hir swerd
10892 And myche dut for hir dyntt(es) or þe day endit
10893 So þat worthy in wer(e) wroght at þ(a)t tyme
10894 Þat telamon ho toke   t(ur)nyt away
10895 Diomede þat duke was duly beside
10896 Negh wode of his wit for þe wale kyng
10897 So he fore þ(er)e in fight w(i)t(h) his fell strok(es)
10898 Þat the lede fro the ladis lawse away past
10899 Þan Pa(n)tasilia the pert w(i)t(h) a pure steuyn
10900 Criet on hir company w(i)t(h) a cant wille
10901 Assemblit hir sorte on a sad hepe
10902 And so fuersly þai faght w(i)t(h) the felle grek(es)
10903 Thurgh helpe of þ(a)t hynd   hir hed maidons
10904 Þat all fell to þe flight   the feld leuyt
10905 The wemyn as the went welt hom to ground
10906 W(i)t(h) swappis of hor swerd(es) swelt mony knight(es)
10907 Chasit hom w(i)t(h) choppis þo chyuallurs ladis
10908 To the side of the sea / or þai sesse wold
10909 There the grek(es) w(i)t(h) grem had the gre lost
10910 And endit for eu(er) euyn at þat tyme
10911 Hade not Dyomede w(i)t(h) dyntt(es) done w(i)t(h) hond(es)
10912 So wond(ur)ly well at the wat(ur) side
10913 There delt þai w(i)th dyntt(es) till þe derke night
10914 All left þai for late   lackyng of Sun
10915 Pantasilia the pert and hir p(ri)se maidnes
10916 Kyng philmyn the fuerse w(i)t(h) his fyne knight(es)
10917 The p(ri)se men of Pafigon fro þe prese went
10918 Soghtyn to the Cite w(i)t(h) hor sute hole
10919 Entrid full esely euon as hom liked
10920 Þan P(ri)am was proude   p(re)stely beleuyt
10921 ffor to cou(er) of care thurgh hir kyd helpe

Here faght þai two Monethes

10922 Two monethis w(i)t(h) might þai metton on bent
10923 Bothe the batels full breme as the boke sais
10924 Duly yche day delton þai strok(es)
10925 Till menelay the menetyme hade the mere past
10926 To lycomede þe lell kyng   the lede broght
10927 Neptolon the noble nextto Achilles
10928 He was sun to þ(a)t same as I said er(e)
10929 Þat is Pirrus in proses p(ro)p(ur)ly cald
10930 Two nomys had þ(a)t noble þ(a)t I neuynt haue
10931 Knowen in his cuntre kyndly by aither
10932 When he come to þe cost þ(er)e þe kyng(es) lay
10933 Hym welcomyt tho worthy as a wegh noble
10934 And the myrmydons mighty for maist(ur) hym toke
10935 Were glad of þe gome   gretly hono(ur)yt
10936 The grek(es) fayne of þat freike and w(i)t(h) a frunt light
10937 Recayuit hym w(i)t(h) reu(er)ence þo riche men all
10938 And hon(er)et hym by ordin(au)nce w(i)t(h) order of knight
10939 Telamon full tyte tristy of dedis
10940 Gird hym full graidly w(i)t(h) a gay sworde
10941 Bad hym nait hit nemly   noy of his fos
10942 And dere for the dethe of his dere fader
10943 Two spurres full spedely spent on his helis
10944 Þat were gaily ou(er)gilt þo grete w(i)t(h) hor hond(es)
10945 Þai betoke hym the tent of his tried fader
10946 And all the harneis hoole of þat hed kyng
10947 There þai fourmyt a fest w(i)t(h) a fyn wille
10948 Serten dayes by dene duly to hold
10949 W(i)t(h) Sacrifice solemne soghten þ(er)e halowes
10950 And all glad were þo grete of þe gome þan

The XXIJ.   XXIIJ. Bate&lbar;&lbar; of the Cite

10951 When hit drogh to þe day the duk(es) w(i)t(h)oute
10952 Busket vnto batell and the burgh alse
10953 Tho mighty w(i)t(h) mayn metton in the ffeld
10954 And girdon to gedur on a grym wise
10955 Pirrus vnto prese put hym anon
10956 In the hon(er)able armys of his owne fader
10957 Polidamas he preset w(i)t(h) a p(ri)se swerd
10958 W(i)t(h) sleght for to sle   slyng vnto ground
10959 But hit passit his pouer for his pure helpe
10960 Of phylmen the fuerse kyng fendit hym wele
10961 Pirrus that proud kyng presit so fast
10962 Þat he gird hym to ground of his gret horse
10963 He macchit hym w(i)t(h) might þe mon for to take
10964 As by witnes in wer   away led
10965 Put the pafigons prudly put hym agayn
10966 Thaire lord to deliu(er) w(i)t(h) his lyf hoole
10967 The mirmydons mightely mellit hom w(i)t(h)
10968 Þat þai caght not the kyng þof þai care þolit
10969 Pantasilia come pertly w(i)t(h) hir pure maidnes
10970 Brusshet into batell w(i)t(h) a breme fare
10971 All þair(e) colou(r)s by corse were of cleane white
10972 As the glyssenond glemes þ(a)t glentt(es) on þe sknowe
10973 Tho myld w(i)t(h) the myrmydons mellit so hard
10974 Þat mony worthy þai woundit   warpit to dethe
10975 Þan    telamon come tyte w(i)t(h) a tried wille
10976 To pantasilia p(re)set w(i)t(h) a proud dynt
10977 He gird hir to ground and greuit hir yll
10978 And ho stithly in the stoure start vppon fote
10979 T(ur)nyt hir to telamon tite w(i)t(h) a swerd
10980 Hit hym so het(ur)ly w(i)t(h) a hert wille
10981 Þat he hurlit down hedlong(es) to þe hard erthe
10982 And lay gronond on ground w(i)t(h) a grym noyse
10983 Than the maidnes w(i)t(h) might at the mene tyme
10984 Theire lady vppoloft lyftyn onon
10985 Þat was ffrike to the fight   of fyne strenght
10986 And as lion on the laund launchit aboute
10987 Þat worthy was war of þe woo sone
10988 How philmen the fre kyng was fongid in hond
10989 Sho macchit hir manly the Mirmydons to
10990 W(i)t(h) hir maydnes of might   of main strenght
10991 So þo wemen in wer(e) welton doun the knight(es)
10992 Deyrit hom w(i)t(h) dyntt(es) dryvon hom abacke
10993 Þat all fled hom fere / ferd of hor dethe
10994 Pirrus þis prowes pertly beheld
10995 How his Mirmydons w(i)t(h) might were mellit to ground
10996 Philmen the fre kyng þat he in fyst hade
10997 He lete to þe large lause of his hondis
10998 He criet on his knight(es) w(i)t(h) a kene wille
10999 Ne shamys you not shalk(es) to shunt of þe fild
11000 ffor þe weiknes of wemen woundis alitell
11001 T(ur)nes yow full tyte   taries a while
11002 Let vs wend to yon wemen walt hom of horse
11003 W(i)t(h) swyng of ou(r) swerd(es) swap of hom in sonder
11004 And dyng hom to dethe for deyring of other
11005 Pantasilia the pride of pirrus ou(er)herd
11006 Of his mote   his manas not mykell ho roght
11007 When he neighed hur negh naitly ho said
11008 Þes wordes to þe wegh þat he well herd
11009 I am not ferd of þi fare ne þi fell speche
11010 Þof þi fad(ur) w(i)t(h) falshed   w(i)t(h) foule treason
11011 Hon(er)able Ector / egurly slogh
11012 Whose vilany to venge   þe vile dede
11013 All the world shuld wilne wemen   oder
11014 And we þ(a)t in wer(e) wemen ye call
11015 Of ou(r) dyntt(es) dedly dele shall dele w(i)t(h) we you sum
11016 Pyrrus wex pale at hir pure word(es)
11017 And come w(i)t(h) a course of his clen kene yre
11018 Þat doghty to dere w(i)t(h) a ded stroke
11019 The womon was was war of his wille sone
11020 And keppit hym full cantly þai caupit to gedur
11021 W(i)t(h) þaire glaiues full grym on the grene land
11022 Þat pirrus w(i)t(h) pyne was putto þe erthe
11023 And his speire vnto sprott(es) spraungen on þe qwene
11024 He launchit vp lyuely lacchit a swerd
11025 Bere to þ(a)t bold w(i)t(h) a breme fare
11026 And ho keppit hym full kantly kobbit w(i)t(h) hym sore
11027 Woundit hym wickedly in hir wode angur
11028 Wold haue dongyn hym to dethe hade þai delt long
11029 Þan þe myrmidons his men mightely comyn
11030 Lepyn to þ(er)e lord lugget hym a way
11031 Halpe hym to horse in a hond qwhile
11032 Thurgh strenght of þ(a)t stoure   of stithe fight
11033 Þan Agamynon the grete w(i)t(h) grek(es) ynow
11034 Dyomede drogh nere w(i)t(h) a derfe pepull
11035 Antenor also auntrid to batell
11036 W(i)t(h) a company clene of kid men of armys
11037 Phylmen þe freke þat fuersly w(i)t(h) takon
11038 Þat passit fro pirrus by the p(ri)se qwene
11039 Lut to þe lady   of his lyff þanket
11040 Mony sithes for sothe er he sese wold
11041 Þan he semblid his sorte on a sop holl
11042 And pantasilia full pertly all hir p(ri)se maidnes
11043 Palidamas the pert knight þ(a)t put was to fote
11044 Was þrast þrough the þrong   of þrepe past
11045 Horsit in hast highit agayne
11046 W(i)t(h) fuerse men in fight a full fell nowmber
11047 Eneas also w(i)t(h) angardly mony
11048 Kyng Remys the riche w(i)t(h) a roghe batell
11049 Thies hurlet on a hepe w(i)t(h) a hard shoure
11050 Dyntt(es) full dedly were ded delt hom among
11051 And mony freike vnd(ur)fote frunt of hor horse
11052 Pyrrus hym paynet to pyne of his fos
11053 And the wemen wightly walton doun to þe grek(es)
11054 On Glaym a gome gird was to dethe
11055 W(i)t(h) pirrus in p(re)se Polidamas brother
11056 Antenor avne sun aldist but he
11057 Getton in his gomyn on a gay lady
11058 Pantasilia p(re)sit pirrus full fast
11059 And the freike hym defendit w(i)t(h) a fyn chere
11060 So burly þo big brusshit to gedur
11061 Þat backe to þe bent borne were þai aither
11062 Stithly þai start vp strekyn to gedur
11063 Tyll the p(re)se of þe pepull partid hom sonder
11064 Polydamas for payne of his pure broder
11065 Gird doun the grek(es) and myche grem did
11066 W(i)t(h) wound(es) full wide walt hom of horse
11067 And wond(ur)fully wroght to wreke of his grem
11068 Thurgh helpe of his hond   the hed qwene
11069 The grek(es) of þe ground were gird to þe flight
11070 Þai folowet fast on þe fare w(i)t(h) hor fell dyntt(es)
11071 Dang hom to dethe   deiret hom mekill
11072 Pirrus w(i)t(h) pyne and the proud Thelamon
11073 Dyamed the doughty deruly w(i)t(h)stode
11074 Gert the grek(es) w(i)t(h) greme on þe ground stad
11075 Þat fled were before   the fild leuyt
11076 Þan the sun wentto set seset the fyght
11077 Aither halfe to þ(er)e hold highet onone
11078 Bothe to toun   to tent taried no leng(ur)
11079 ffor the derke vp drogh and the day endit

Here thay faght a monethe

11080 Than a moneth w(i)t(h) might þai met in the fild
11081 W(i)t(h) strok(es) full stith starf mony knight(es)
11082 W(i)t(h)in tyme of þis toile tellis the story
11083 Ten thawsaund by tale were tiruyt to ground
11084 In batell on bothe haluys þat on bent lay
11085 And mony of hir maidnes misset the qwene
11086 Þat were lost on the laund or þat laike endit
11087 Aftur a moneth   more on a myld day
11088 Bothe the batels to bent bounet full swithe
11089 Restorit full stithly opon stoure strong wise
11090 Shot into sheltrons shoggond full þicke
11091 Kene was the crie w(i)t(h) crusshyng of weppyn
11092 Sted(es) doun sticked stith men vnder
11093 Pantasilia   pirrus p(re)sit to gedur
11094 W(i)t(h) dyntt(es) full dedly in hor depe hate
11095 The roddis all to roofe right to þair(e) hond
11096 And in hor sadles full sound setyn þai still
11097 But a trunchon of a tre w(i)t(h) a triet hed
11098 Abode in the body of the bold pirrus
11099 Þan the crie wex kene for care of þe grek(es)
11100 Mony p(re)set w(i)t(h) pyne to the pert qwene
11101 To dere hir w(i)t(h) dethe for dole of his hurt
11102 Þai frusshet hir so felly w(i)t(h) hor fyne swerd(es)
11103 Þat þe haspis of hir helme hurlit in sonder

The deth of Pa(n)tasilia by Pyrrus

11104 Than pirrus w(i)t(h) payne in his pale angur
11105 ffor all the trunchyn of þe tre þat tenit hym sore
11106 Noght hedit his harne ne his hurt menyt
11107 And meuyt w(i)t(h) malis to þe myld qwene
11108 Sho was bare of hir brest to þe brith bright mayll
11109 Hade no helme on hir hed fro harmys to weire
11110 Yet sadly ho sete sewit hym agayne
11111 Thoght the freike w(i)t(h) a fouchon first for to strike
11112 But pirrus hym paynet w(i)t(h) all his pure stranght
11113 And flang at hir felly w(i)t(h) a fyn swerd
11114 Share of þe sheld at a shyre corner
11115 Vnioynet the Iawmbe of þe iust arme
11116 Þat hit light on þe laund lythet full euyn
11117 Þen deghit þ(a)t doghty doll to be hold
11118 ffell of hir fole to þe flat erthe
11119 And pirrus w(i)t(h) payn puld of his brest
11120 The spyll of his speire in a space short
11121 Myche blode of his body bosshet out after
11122 And he gird to þe ground gronond full sore
11123 Halfe ded of þat dynt drogh into swone
11124 The myrmydons mightely þ(er)e maist(ur) þan toke
11125 W(i)t(h) the shalke on a sheld shoke to his tent
11126 As a lede out of lyue laid hym to ground
11127 W(i)t(h) weping and wo for his wale harme
11128 The maidnes of þe mighty qwene masit were all
11129 ffor the dole   the dethe of hor dere lady
11130 Thai afforset hom felly w(i)t(h) hor fyn might
11131 The vilany to venge of þe vile grek(es)
11132 Þai mellit w(i)t(h) the myrmidons þat maist(ur)les were
11133 Put hom doun p(re)stly pallit hom thurgh
11134 Slogh hom full sleghly for sleght þ(a)t þai couthe
11135 And other grek(es) in hor greme gird to þe deth
11136 Two thawsaund full þroly þai þrang out of lyue
11137 So fuersly þai fore in hor fell Ire
11138 ffor the losse of hor lady þ(a)t hom lede shuld
11139 But what fortherit the fight of þo fell maidyns
11140 Syn the grek(es) on hom gedrit in so gret nowmb(u)r
11141 There murtherit were mony of þe mayn troiens
11142 All þat the bent of þat bir(e) blody beronnen
11143 As Dares of the dede duly me tellus
11144 X. M. full þroly in the threpe endit
11145 Þan flagh all in fere   the feld leuyt
11146 T(ur)nyt vnto toune w(i)t(h) tene at þ(er)e hert
11147 All the worthy þ(er)e were wemen   other
11148 The yates w(i)t(h) yomeryng 3epely þai stake
11149 Barrit hom full bigly on hor best wyse
11150 Neu(er) with in p(ur)pas w(i)t(h) p(ri)se to pas at hom efte
11151 To no batell on bent but the burgh kepe

The XXVIIJ. Boke of the Counsell of
Eneas. and Antenor. of the treason of the Cite

11152 Now þe troyens w(i)t(h) tene all þe toun 3atys
11153 Keppit full cloyse w(i)t(h) care at hor hertes
11154 W(i)t(h)outen hope of any helpe holdy hom w(i)t(h)in
11155 Or any socour(e) to be send out of sere londys
11156 All the burgh is full bigge ou(er) the brode wallis
11157 Wacchemen ??? forto wale wacches to kepe
11158 Of trewmen in towres for treason of other
11159 The Cite to saue for saute of hor fos
11160 ffor the heght is so hoge of the hegh touris
11161 W(i)t(h) dykes so depe draghen a boute
11162 Þat no werrio(ur) hit wyn may to þe world(es) end
11163 But þurgh failyng of fode þat faintt(es) þe pepull
11164 ffor Pantasilia the pert pytie was made
11165 Þat offendit þ(er)e fos w(i)t(h) hir fyne strenght
11166 Mony doghty þat derfe vnto dethe broght
11167 And britnet on the bent w(i)t(h) hir bale maidnes
11168 Myche tene hade the troiens for þe tryet lady
11169 ffor þai the corse might not cacche as þe kynd wold
11170 ffor to bery in the burgh hor bale was the more
11171 Ne to forther þat fre w(i)t(h) fyn(er)all s(er)uys
11172 The grek(es) gedrit full grymly to þe gret yates
11173 Of sure men in soppes sadly enarmyt
11174 The close for to kepe when care was on hond
11175 Þat no freike vpon fote forther shuld pas
11176 The corse þan þai comaund of þe clene qwene
11177 To be cast vnto curres and to kene fowles
11178 But pirrus þ(a)t p(ur)pos pertly w(i)t(h)stode
11179 Bade bery the burd on hir best wise
11180 As was due to the dede to delue in þe erthe
11181 Dyamede the derfe demyt nonothir
11182 Hit is vnsytting he said þat hit so be
11183 ffor the worthy þat wicche hase wastid to dethe
11184 Of ou(r) grek(es) on ground   to grem broght
11185 Let hir bones w(i)t(h) baret abide in this aire
11186 As a caren vncleane for hir curst dedis
11187 Þan the gret of the grekes agreit hom all
11188 The corse for to cast in a clere t(er)ne
11189 Vnd(ur) a syde of the Cite   synke hit þ(er)in
11190 A stanke full of stynke standyng besyde
11191 When the troien in þe toune were tynet þ(er)in
11192 W(i)t(h) myche wandreth   wo in wer(e) of her(e) hele
11193 Antenor   Eneas w(i)t(h) þair(e) avne sons
11194 Serchid by hom selyuyn in sauyng hor lyues
11195 ffor deiryng w(i)t(h) dethe of the derfe grek(es)
11196 And yf þo weghes on no wise might of wo pas
11197 The toune to be tray truly þai thoght
11198 And the gome to be gyle þat the ground aght
11199 Þai p(ur)post w(i)t(h) p(ri)am preuely to speike
11200 The kyng for to counsell in the case so
11201 ffor to p(ro)ffer hom pes or he payne þolet
11202 And to restore þem stithly all the store harmes
11203 W(i)t(h) the deire þat was done by the duke paris
11204 In Sytheria for sothe at Sesyng of the qwene
11205 And the lady to hir lord delyu(er) agayne
11206 If þo gret wold agre for þat grym dede
11207 But happyn were þat hed kyng   he haue might
11208 This acord in the case w(i)t(h)outen care more
11209 ffor all the deth   the dere of his dere sons
11210 3et the lord in his lond might lyue in his age
11211 W(i)t(h) his worthy wiff   his wale doght(ur)
11212 And his noble sonnes nat(ur)ell þat hym next were
11213 W(i)t(h) sou(er)ains of the Cite   other sad pepull
11214 This accord might the kyng haue cacchit before
11215 When the grek(es) hym to grefe were on his ground euyn
11216 And tenydon hade takon as I told haue
11217 Hit is said oft sithes and for sothe holdyn
11218 He is happy þat a harme hastely amend(es)
11219 Or any p(ar)ties haue pyne or put vnto dethe
11220 Or be trauailed w(i)t(h) tene or tyne of þ(er)e goodes
11221 Who hertely might hope or hold in his mynd
11222 Þat the grek(es) wold agre or graunt to þis end
11223 ffor the losse and the lure of hor lege kyng(es)
11224 And the harmys full hoge of hor hegh hed knight(es)
11225 And namly now when noght may hom let
11226 All the worship to wyn   hor will haue
11227 The toune for the to take   tyrue tirue to þe ground
11228 All the bildyng(es) to bren   the buernes qwell
11229 Therfore cast is hit cointly by thies kene t(ra)yto(ur)s
11230 Vnder proffer of pes pryam to lose
11231 Hor Cite to dissaiue in sauyng hor lyuis
11232 And all troy to be tray and the triet londis
11233 Than the kyng into counsell þay cacchyn onone
11234 And his son was besyde at the same tyme
11235 Amphimake a freike of the fre brether
11236 And other bold of the burgh þat aboute were
11237 Þan the t(ra)ytours vntrew told to þe kyng
11238 How the best was fro bale his burgh for to kepe
11239 ffor to trete for a trew or we tene þole
11240 And to proffer hom pes or we payn dregh
11241 Whan p(ri)am p(er)sayuit in his pure hert
11242 The fare of þo faito(ur)s w(i)t(h) þ(er)e fals cast
11243 Eu(er) hit meuyt hym in mynd þe malis þai þoght
11244 Þat the cast of þo cointt men come for no loue
11245 He onswart full esely efter his entent
11246 I will haue counsell in this case   comy(n) w(i)t(h) other
11247 Sertan days for doute er I do more
11248 On all wise in this world   wirke to þe best
11249 Kantly to þe kyng þen carpis Antenor
11250 If þ(o)u will mel of this mat(er) mene hit till v(us)
11251 Of our(e) talis take tent trist þ(a)t we say
11252 And if þ(o)u hold hom not holsom herkyn another
11253 Þen þe kyng full of care carpit agayne
11254 I repreue not 3o(ur) p(ur)pos ne 3o(ur) p(ri)se counsell
11255 Hit is lelly me lef to listyn 3o(ur) wordis
11256 And as 3e demyn to do if hit be due best
11257 And if hit be not þe best but to bale worth
11258 Wrath 3ow not wheghis þof I wale other
11259 Þen þe t(ra)ytur Antenor titly con ryse
11260 fferkyt on fote   to þe fre sayde
11261 Sothly Syr kyng hit sittis not now
11262 3o(ur) disc(re)sion to dem w(i)t(h) no du reason
11263 3o(ur) self and 3o(ur) cite is set all aboute
11264 W(i)t(h) 3o(ur) fome(n) furse foldyn w(i)t(h) in
11265 Þai kepyn þe Cloyse of this clene burgh
11266 W(i)t(h) 3ep men at þe 3atis 3arkit full þik
11267 In qwose cumpany kid ar kyngis full nobill
11268 ffifte full fell   of furse dukis
11269 Þat noght wilnen in word ne waytyn to haue
11270 But þi sete to sese and þi selfe alse
11271 And we no folke of defense ne no fyn stuf
11272 Haue in this holde fro harmys to were
11273 Ne so derfe of our(e) dedis on dayes fro now
11274 Any port fforto pas or to put opyn
11275 Ne 3ow sechis no soco(ur) ne no sad helpe
11276 Of no lede vppon lyue fro no lond straunge
11277 Ne no conford to cache of no kyngis once
11278 Syn 3o(ur) sones ar slayn   3o(ur) sur(e) helpes
11279 And 3o(ur) pupull all perichit vnto pale deth
11280 Syn vs cheuys this chaunse of a choise febill
11281 Þe les euyll forto laite and leng þer vppon
11282 Er we degh in this daunger   to dol passe
11283 Let vs proffer hom pes   for hor p(ri)se qwene
11284 Þat myld vnto menelay as make to restore
11285 Þat myche dere has vs done for hir dede one
11286 Syn paris hir(e) pur(e) loue is p(ar)tid of lyue
11287 Þat hir walt as his wyf qwil wirdis hym demyt
11288 Þen Amphimac(us) fursly vppon fote rose
11289 A nobill sone nat(ur)yll of þe nayt brether
11290 Wrathit at his wordis   wightly he sayde
11291 To þe t(ra)ytur full tit all in tru wyse
11292 Qwat hope may we haue of þi helpe now
11293 Þat þi kyng and his cu(m)pany castyn to dissayue
11294 Þi cite and þi sibme(n) settis by hynd
11295 Þat þ(o)u loue schuld w(i)t(h) lewte and þi lyf spend
11296 Now we se þe be set on a sliper ground
11297 Of þi fotyng to faile and þi faith breke
11298 And þi nome þ(a)t was nobill noiet for eu(er)
11299 ffull hard is þe heryng of þi high wordis
11300 And the tale þat þ(o)u tellis of þi trist feble
11301 XX.ti .M. full thro shall in threpe end
11302 Er hit pas to the plyt þi p(ur)pos is in
11303 ffor no luff hit is lelly þ(o)u lappis thies tales
11304 But for treason   trayn trust we no nother
11305 Eneas efter þis Egurly said
11306 Refraynit Amphimac(us) of his frike wille
11307 Agaynes the grek(es) to go vs gaynes nomore
11308 To no fight in the feld ne ou(r) fos mete
11309 Ne to pas of þis place ne no port opun
11310 Hit nedis vs another way now for to laite
11311 And proffer hom pes ou(r) pepull to saue
11312 The kyng at his karping cast was in ire
11313 To Eneas   Antenor egurly said
11314 How may ye thus meane you / w(i)t(h) malis for shame
11315 You(r) dedis me dullis   dos out of hope
11316 And all cold(es) my comford by cause of yo(ur) willes
11317 Syn I did neu(er) dede duly to tell
11318 Ne plainly no p(ur)pos put vnto ende
11319 Ne neu(er) comynd in þis case vnknowing to you
11320 And ay wroght by you(r) witt(es) witnes yo(ur) seluyn
11321 Truly Antenor þes tales þou knowes
11322 When þi Selfe for exiona soght into grise
11323 Made on a message in mene fro vs all
11324 And come fro þat countre vnto court home
11325 Thy councell was kenely kyddest of other
11326 That paris by p(ur)pos shuld passe ou(er) the se
11327 The grek(es) to greve and get if he might
11328 Sum lady of the lond   lede into troye
11329 The cast ne the couytise come not of me
11330 In pes   p(ro)speritie to put me to wer(e)
11331 But of falsyng   flat(er)y w(i)t(h) þi fer cast
11332 And þi curset counsell þat comburt vs ofte
11333 And þ(o)u Eneas also angardly fast
11334 Of all buernes in þis burgh byset þerfore
11335 When þ(o)u passit w(i)t(h) paris tho parties vnto
11336 And Ertyd hym egurly Elan to bryng
11337 Hade þ(o)u counceld the cont(ra)ry   comynd hit þan
11338 Shuld neu(er) lady of þat lede vnto this lond comyn
11339 And now after the dethe   deire of my dere sones
11340 Thou rises as a rebell to my ranke harmys
11341 Syche counsell as þ(o)u kythes kepe I none of
11342 Þat will lede me to losse   my lond hoole
11343 Neu(er) of shame to be shut when shalke is on lyue
11344 Eneas w(i)t(h) envy egurly rose
11345 And kantly to þe kyng karpis agayne
11346 Mony wordis in wrathe warpes full loude
11347 And so parted the p(ri)se all in pale angur

Here the kyng counseld his son to sle
Eneas and Antenor

11348 The prise kyng p(ri)am was pricket w(i)t(h) sorow
11349 And myche water he weppit of his wale ene
11350 ffor he se hit him seluyn the sorow was the more
11351 The trayn of þo t(ra)ytours þ(a)t truly were fals
11352 He p(ur)post hym plainly for p(er)ell to come
11353 Tho faito(ur)s w(i)t(h) falsyng to fonge yf he might
11354 He said to his son on a sad wise
11355 Amphymake the fre þat hym faith aght
11356 Dere sun I haue doute þat dethe vs depart
11357 Þat of lyne   of loue are lappit to gedur
11358 Syn I am fourmyt þi fader   þ(o)u my fre child
11359 Let vs suffer ou(r) self w(i)t(h) suffer(au)nce of godd(es)
11360 I wotte hit full wele thies wicked men bothe
11361 Haue p(ur)post hom plainly to perisshe o(ur) lond(es)
11362 Ou(r) Cite to sell   ou(r) selfe alse
11363 Hit is nedefull for noy þat neghis on hond
11364 Þat þai droppe in the dike þai deghit haue for vs
11365 I haue takon intent þo t(ra)ytou(r)s to sle
11366 Er þai begyle vs w(i)t(h) gawdis   ger vs to degh
11367 To morn when þo men are meuyt to counsell
11368 I will þ(o)u be wise   wirke as I bid
11369 Kepe þe in cou(er)t w(i)t(h) knight(es) a few
11370 Of ledis þat vs loues of lewte to forther
11371 Kacche hom þan kenly   bryng hom to ground
11372 He assenttid full sone the sagh to p(er)fourme
11373 And to kepe hit as in councell kendly assurit
11374 But oftsythes hit is sene and sum men hath feld
11375 Þat spokyn is in speciall spredis ofer
11376 In yche company is comynly a claterer of mowthe
11377 Þat no councell can kepe ne no close talis
11378 To þes t(ra)yto(ur)s was told the entent of þe kyng
11379 On what wise in this world no writ me declaris
11380 Þai assemblit full sone of assent other
11381 Þat knew of hor cast   comynt to gedur
11382 All sweire þai full swiftly vpon swete halowes
11383 Neu(er) to councell to come but in cleane armes
11384 W(i)t(h) a pouer of pepull p(ur)pos þerfore
11385 If eu(er) the sou(er)ain hym self sent for hom efte
11386 This Eneas of abell men was angardly grete
11387 Of kyn and of cosyns   kydmen of strenght
11388 He hade frynd(es) full fele fild of all goodis
11389 And as plentu(us) of pepull as p(ri)am hym seluyn
11390 Antenor also was also abill of ffrynd(es)
11391 Large of aliaunce louet w(i)t(h)in
11392 A riche mon of rentt(es) relik(es) ynow
11393 And fele of affynite þat folowet hym after
11394 Thies curset of þe case / hade comynt w(i)t(h) the grek(es)
11395 Hom seluyn to saue   hor sad frynd(es)
11396 Hor rentt(es) hor riches / hor relik(es) also
11397 ffor daunger or deire depely assuret
11398 Þan the kyng vnto councell comaund hom bothe
11399 To appere in his p(re)sens þat p(ur)pos to end
11400 ffor to trete of a trew qwill the tyme hade
11401 And to dere hom w(i)t(h) dethe yf destany wold
11402 Þan þai comyn to þe kyng w(i)t(h) company grete
11403 Of armyt men all somen abill to fight
11404 This p(ri)am p(er)sayuet of the p(ri)se hoge
11405 And sent to his son to??? ses at þ(a)t tyme
11406 The next day anone the noble kyng p(ri)am
11407 Somond all the Cite somyn to appere
11408 To carpe of a councell   kyth hym hor wit
11409 And to mell in the mater w(i)t(h) his men all
11410 When thei comyn were to courtte this curset Eneas
11411 fferkit vpon fote and to þe folke said
11412 Now s(ir)s hit is sothely me semes for þe best
11413 ffor to p(ro)ffer hom pes and purvey þ(er)fore
11414 All his Citizens sothely assenttid þ(er)w(i)t(h)
11415 ffor þai knew not the caste of the curset thefe
11416 The kyng to the komyns carpit agayne
11417 To put of þat p(ur)pos he paynet hym sore
11418 Eneas w(i)t(h) Envy egerly saide
11419 Sir kyng of this case carpe þ(o)u no ferre
11420 We wull treate of a trew I tell the for sothe
11421 Whethur þ(o)u will or þ(o)u wilnot wit þ(o)u for sothe
11422 Than p(ri)am p(er)sayuit all the pepull hertis
11423 And feld well hit fotherit not the freike to w(i)t(h)stond
11424 Hym was leu(er) to the ledis lelly assent
11425 Than grucche þ(er)e agayne   greue hym þe sarre
11426 He said hom full soberly w(i)t(h) a sore hert
11427 Dos of þis dede as you dere thinke
11428 I assent for my selfe and sadly afferme
11429 Þan þai comynd in the cas castyn hor wittes
11430 And w(i)t(h) charge of þat choise ernet chosyn Antenor
11431 As grettist by agrement w(i)t(h) the grek(es) to trete
11432 And pursew for pes this p(ur)pos þai tokyn
11433 Þan þe troiens full tyte t(ur)nyt to þe walles
11434 W(i)t(h) braunches full brode all of bright Olyue
11435 As in proffer of pes puttyn Olofte
11436 All the ledis on to loke þ(a)t lay in þe feld
11437 Than the grek(es) by agrement gyffen hom assigne
11438 By cundeth to come   carpe what hom liste
11439 Than went fro the walles worthy Antenor
11440 Past at a port to the pale tentt(es)
11441 The grek(es) on þe grene greidly hym met
11442 To Agamynon gay tent gone all in fere
11443 And p(re)sent hym p(re)stly to þe p(ri)se kyng
11444 Agamyno the grete   the grek(es) all
11445 To dyamed the duke   doghty Vlixes
11446 Assenttid full sone all the sad pepull
11447 To trete w(i)t(h) Antenor trustid hom þan
11448 This forward to fulfill faithly thai swere
11449 Vppon solempne sacrife soche as þai vset
11450 Þan the kyng(es) into counsell caghton Antenor
11451 And meuyt of þair(e) mater more at þe tyme
11452 There he hight hom to haue holly at þ(er)e wille
11453 All the toun þurgh his trayne   the tru kyng
11454 ffor to bete doun   bren vnto the bare erth
11455 Hym seluyn to saue and his sib frynd(es)
11456 And Eneas also and all his sute hoole
11457 W(i)t(h) rentt(es)   riches   all his ranke godes
11458 This in counsell to kepe for knowing of other
11459 Lest hit put of hor p(ur)pos   paire at þe end
11460 All affermyt in faith of þo fawre somyn
11461 And knit vp þ(er)e couert couen(au)nt in cou(er)t to hold
11462 Kyng Taltill þai toke as tristy to seme
11463 Þat was greuit on ground grouand in age
11464 ffor he shuld lightly be leuyt w(i)t(h) ledis of troy
11465 Be cause of his corage was kelit w(i)t(h) age
11466 He shuld t(ur)ne to the toun þo trayto(ur)s w(i)t(h) all
11467 To spir at hom specially of hor spede fer(e)
11468 If þai hade wille to þe werke wete hom to say
11469 W(i)t(h)outyn gawdyn or gyle glose hit not lenger
11470 And what godes þai wold gyffe to the gret harmes
11471 To afferme hit as fast fynally for eu(er)
11472 Antenor also angardly desyret
11473 The body of þe bold qwene þ(a)t in the ??? burne lay
11474 Pantasilia w(i)t(h) pyne to put into graue
11475 W(i)t(h) myche labur at the last þo lord(es) thai hit grauntid
11476 Þan the t(ra)ytor vntrew trust me for sothe
11477 Toke leue at the lord(es)   lowted hom all
11478 W(i)t(h) Taltillus þ(a)t other þat I told first
11479 And soghtyn to þe Cite somyn belyue
11480 Past vnto p(ri)am p(re)sent hor wille
11481 All the case of hor come cantly w(i)t(h) mowthe
11482 The secund day suyng sayes me the lettur
11483 P(ri)am the p(ri)se kyng p(re)stly comaundit
11484 All the buernes of the burghe bacheler   other
11485 To appere in his p(re)sens the p(ro)fer to make
11486 And the tale of Antenor vntristy to here
11487 Of his message by mouthe what he meue wold
11488 When þai comyn were to court comyns   other
11489 Antenor his tale tombly began
11490 He thoght his falshed to feyne vnd(ur) faire word(es)
11491 And his cautels to colou(r)couer vnder coynt speche
11492 He said in his s(er)mond þ(a)t sothely the grek(es)
11493 Were of pepull   pouer plaintius mony
11494 And how þai depely desyrit w(i)t(h) a due hert
11495 To haue suertie full sad of a syker pes
11496 Thus sotelly w(i)t(h) soffhym he set hom a cas
11497 What fortune might falle vnd(ur) fals colo(ur)
11498 Þan nem(m)yt he what noy the noble men of troy
11499 Enduret on dayes dole for to se
11500 W(i)t(h) weping   waile wo to be hold
11501 And myche sykyng   sy sorow on ou(r) sad knight(es)
11502 To abstene of þis stoure   ou(r) stithe harmes
11503 Soche lang(ur) to let   lotis vnfaire
11504 Hit is wit as I wete wene wayes to seche
11505 Soche dole   deire to dryue to anend
11506 Þan he said in his saw þ(a)t sothely the grek(es)
11507 Wold not agre to þ(a)t gr(a)unt but for a grete sowme
11508 Of gold   of godis   of gay iuellis
11509 W(i)t(h) stuff to restore for hor stith harmys
11510 Wherfore to qwheme   to white vs of skathe
11511 Eu(er)y buerne in this burgh þ(a)t is best storit
11512 Of meblys   money   of main syluer
11513 Helpis now hertely þis harme to redresse
11514 ffor bettur is a buerne by hym sum pes
11515 Þan in wandreth   woo to wepe all his lyue
11516 And for he kowth not by course come to anend
11517 All þ(er)e wille for to wete at þe wale tyme
11518 He couet at the kyng   all the kyd pepull
11519 Eneas eft sones þat erend for to wend
11520 W(i)t(h) hym seluyn for sothe on þe same ??? nedis
11521 All þ(er)e wille for to wete   wayue at þe last
11522 And for þe grete of þe grek(es) shuld no gawde wene
11523 But leue hit more lelly   listyn the bettur
11524 All the pepull in þ(a)t p(re)sse þat the proseprofe herd
11525 Afermyt hit as fyn þat þe freike said
11526 Eneas after this euyn w(i)t(h) þat other
11527 And taltilus tombly to þe tentes yode
11528 All the councell fro kourtt was clenly dep(ar)tid
11529 P(ri)am w(i)t(h) pite þan past to his halle
11530 Myche water he weppit wringyng his hond(es)
11531 Hit was dole to the dethe þe duke to be hold
11532 Eu(er) hedyng in hert of the hegh treason
11533 Þat was cast for þe kyng of his kyd frynd(es)
11534 And for the losse and the lure of his leue sons
11535 Þat so dawly were ded   drepit for ay
11536 So worthy in wer and so wale knight(es)
11537 Þat he left was o lyue his lure was so hoge
11538 And now is nedfull for noye þ(a)t neghis at hond
11539 All my gold for to yeue þat I getyn haue
11540 Kepid in hurd holdyn full long
11541 And I vnsure of my self my sorow is the more
11542 Þus in pou(er)t am I pyght put vnder fote
11543 Þat mak(es) me full mad   mournes in my hert
11544 and yet this lure were but litle   o(ur) lord wold
11545 Þat I might leng in my lannd   my lyf haue
11546 Thus p(ri)am w(i)t(h) pite playnet hys doole
11547 On what wise for to wirke wist not hym seluyn
11548 He was forset vnfaire to folow þ(er)e wille
11549 Þat p(ur)post hom plainly to put hym to dethe
11550 Elan þat eu(er)more was egur of sorow
11551 Herd tell of the trety was takyn w(i)t(h) the grek(es)
11552 Þat noble on a night þat noman p(er)sayuit
11553 To talke w(i)t(h) Antenor toke ho the gate
11554 Sho p(ra)yet hym full pourly w(i)t(h) hir pure hert
11555 Of Menelay hir maist(ur) to make hir a frynde
11556 And proker hir pes w(i)t(h) his p(ri)se wordes
11557 Þat she might at þ(a)t myschefe to m(er)cy be takyn
11558 All grauntid the gome to þe gay qwene
11559 ffor to proker hir pes   pyne hym þ(er)fore
11560 Þan ho lowtid the lede   hir leue toke
11561 And past to the palis of the p(ri)se kyng
11562 W(i)t(h)in the tyme þ(a)t I tell þe tru sun of p(ri)am
11563 Glaucon was grauyn in a gay towmbe
11564 And the body of þe bold qwene broght vnto toune
11565 Pantasilia w(i)t(h) petie of hir p(ri)se maidons
11566 Hit was ordant of all men by oppon assent
11567 Þat Philmen the fre kyng shuld ferk hit hym w(i)t(h)
11568 And bryng on a bere to hir burgh home
11569 To be enterit in a towmbe as a triet qwene
11570 And laid by hir legis þat the lond aght
11571 Eneas eftir þis Eger of will
11572 Antenor also angardly fast
11573 To the grek(es) on þe grene girdyn on swith
11574 fforto trete of hor t(ra)yne as t(ra)ytou(r)s vnlell
11575 There met þai þo men þat I mynt first
11576 Þat were grauntid by the grete of þe grek(es) all
11577 ffor to mell in þe mater   meue till anend
11578 The towne to betray truly þai þoght
11579 And of Elan eu(er)more egerly fast
11580 Þai meuit vnto menelay at the mene tyme
11581 And had graunt of þ(a)t grete w(i)t(h) a good wille
11582 All hir gilt to forgiff and to grace take
11583 Than Agamynon as grettist þo grete for to wend
11584 Dyamed he demyt   doughty Vlixes
11585 W(i)t(h) tho worthy to wend to þe wale towne
11586 As in man(er) of message fro the mayn grek(es)
11587 When þai comyn into courtte the comyns were fayne
11588 ffor þai wise were of wit   worthy men bothe
11589 Þai hopit well the heldur to here of anend
11590 And the t(ra)itur þai trist of a true pes
11591 The next day onone as the night past
11592 By comaundeme(n)t clenly the councell was gedurt
11593 All the pepull to the palis of the p(ri)se kyng
11594 Were assemblit full sone set all aboute
11595 Vlixes full lyvely vpolofte said
11596 The grek(es) for hor greme vnto gre asken
11597 Gret som(m)es for sothe to hor sad harmes
11598 Bothe of gold   of good er þai go wille
11599 ffor the losse   the lure of hor lef pepull
11600 And amphimak the fre sun of the fyn kyng
11601 To be exiled for eu(er)more as Enmy of toune
11602 Neu(er) in plit to repaire to his pure fryndis
11603 Ne the Cite to se while hym selfe lyues
11604 This prokert full p(re)stly w(i)t(h) p(ra)yer before
11605 The t(ra)ytor Antenor to the tru kyng(es)
11606 ffor þat noble hym denyet naitly or þan
11607 When he proffert to p(ri)am pes for to make
11608 Lo how fortheris a freike w(i)t(h) a fyne wit
11609 ffor to kepe hit in close   carp hit no fer(e)
11610 To speike in dispite   Spedis nomore
11611 But hyndres full heghly   harmys hym seluyn
11612 Lo Amphimac the fre for his fell word(es)
11613 Was dampnet in dede þof þai du were
11614 Ellis the t(ra)ytor Antenor hade truly no cause
11615 ffor to procur his payne and his pale harme
11616 But god þ(a)t all giltis godely beholdis
11617 And wrangis in his wrathe writhis to ground
11618 Oft sithes in the same settis to fall
11619 A man w(i)t(h) þat mesure he metis till another
11620 To Antenor hit tid tellis the story
11621 An exile for eu(er)more efter a while
11622 Thurgh Eneas þ(a)t egerly exit þ(er)to
11623 As I shall tell full tite when the tyme ask(es)
11624 While thies kyng(es) were in councell þ(a)t comyn fro þe grek(es)
11625 W(i)t(h)in the palis of p(ri)se as the prose tellus
11626 There was anorible noise þ(a)t noyet hom full sore
11627 As a clamo(ur) or a crye of a cant pepull
11628 As þai satyn all samyn sodainly come
11629 Vne playne in the place þ(er)e þe p(ri)se met
11630 ffor doute of hor dethes tho doghty men bothe
11631 Were a ferd of the fare and the fell noise
11632 Lest the troiens for tene hade takon hom sone
11633 And dungen to dethe for dole of the knight
11634 Amphymac(us) the fre þ(a)t the freik(es) louet
11635 ffor ertyng his exile in ernest before
11636 Hit was aspiet full Specially   spird all abowte
11637 The cause of the crie and the cant noise
11638 There was no wegh in this world þ(a)t hit wete kowth
11639 Ne to meue in hor mynd what hit mene shuld
11640 The kyng   the councell cantly can rise
11641 Dep(ar)tid the pepull past to þe toune
11642 Bothe knight(es)   comyns and the court voidet
11643 The t(ra)ytor Antenor toke into counsell
11644 Dyamed he drogh furth   dughty Vlixes
11645 In a place þat was p(re)uey   no prese in
11646 To forther his foule wille þat no freike herd
11647 Vlixes to this othe vtterly said
11648 Why draghes þ(o)u on dregh þes dedis so ferr(e)
11649 Þat þ(o)u vs heghly hase het hold hit onone
11650 Þan talk(es) the t(ra)yto(ur) truly agayne
11651 Ou(r) goddis knowen full kyndly þe cast of my hert
11652 That no dede I desyre so depely in thoght
11653 As you(r) hest(es) to hold w(i)t(h) helpe of Eneas
11654 Lelly the lett þ(a)t vs long taries
11655 Is a statur(e) full stronge of a stithe god
11656 Þat ye shall lelly me leue   yow list herkon
11657 Diamede said duly þ(o)u do vs to wete
11658 Vs likes full lelly to listyn þi wordis
11659 Antenor þan talkis   told on þis wise
11660 Hit is lelly no lesyng leue if ye will
11661 There was a kyng in this cost þ(a)t the kith aght
11662 Hon(er)able auen(au)nd   Ylus was callit
11663 Her(e) foundit he first the faire place ylion
11664 After the nome of þat noble nemyt hit is
11665 Here he tild vp a temple of a trew godd(es)
11666 Of palades the pure as prouit is of old
11667 Whan the walles were wroght to þe wale rofe
11668 All clanly by course vncou(er)et aboue
11669 A selly þ(er)e sene was w(i)t(h) seremen aboute
11670 Gird to the ground fro the grete heuyn
11671 A ffygur full fyne festnyt in the wall
11672 Wond(ur)fully wroght by wit of a god
11673 At the end of the auter etlit to stond
11674 Eu(er) sithen for sothe to þis selfe tyme
11675 Neu(er) buerne was so big to beire hit away
11676 Saue kepers of the kirke for craft vpon erthe
11677 The mat(er) hit is made of / is most of a tre
11678 But no clerke is so corious to ken vs the nome
11679 Ne on what wise hit is wroght con wit shew
11680 But þurgh Palades þe pure god apperit þ(er) thurgh
11681 Soch trust haue þe troiens truly þ(er)in
11682 While hit keppit is in kirke or in clos walle
11683 W(i)t(h)in the cercle of þe Cite as said is of old
11684 Neu(er) the toune / shalbe takon w(i)t(h) tene of hor fos
11685 Ne care fro the corone ne the kynd aire
11686 Thus lelly beleuyn the ledis of þe toune
11687 And neu(er) dowtyn no dethe to dere hom w(i)t(h)in
11688 The nome of þis noble þ(a)t naitly is keppit
11689 Paladian the pure w(i)t(h) pepull is callid
11690 Than diamede the duke duly can say
11691 Iff thy saghes be sothe   sad to beleue
11692 All ou(r) labur is lost   ou(r) long sege
11693 If Paladian w(i)t(h) p(ur)pos may put vs away
11694 Antenor alstite amet to speike
11695 If ye m(er)uell so mekyll we make you no nend
11696 And high not w(i)t(h) hast ou(r) hest(es) to kepe
11697 This is truly the entent we tary so longe
11698 I haue comynt w(i)t(h) the keper   cu(m)past aboute
11699 The stature to steile stithly by night
11700 ffor a certain som(m)e of syluer   of gold
11701 And full p(re)stly þe p(re)st hase puruayet þ(er)fore
11702 When hit laght is lelly leue me for sothe
11703 Hit shalbe sentto yo(ur) selfe se seche hit no forther
11704 Þan hope may ye hertely to haue in a while
11705 The cite and the sou(er)an sese as you likes
11706 But kepis this in councell for cas þ(a)t may falle
11707 Þat no wegh in þis world wete of ou(r) cast
11708 And I will kaire to the kyng for a cause yet
11709 And feyne me w(i)t(h) fare to forther ou(r) werkis
11710 I will telle hym w(i)t(h) trayne þe trist of o(ur) ernd
11711 Is holly in his hond hengand aboue
11712 I haue knawlache in þe case   comynd w(i)t(h) yow
11713 What sommys in certayn ye sent you to take
11714 Thus w(i)t(h) lowtyng   leue the ledis dep(ar)tid
11715 The grek(es) agayne ar(e) gon to þ(er)e tentt(es)
11716 The t(ra)ytur full tomly turnyt to þe kyng
11717 His falshed to forther the fend hym distroy

The Ordin(au)nce of the trybute

11718 Than carpis to the kyng curset Antenor
11719 All the Cite to assemble hym seluyn before
11720 When comyn were the knight(es) comyns   all
11721 Thes wordes he warpit þo worthy vnto
11722 I haue comynt in this case knowith hit yo(ur)selfe
11723 To the grek(es) bus vs gyffe to graunt vs for pes
11724 Twenty thowsaund thrifty þrungyn to gedur
11725 Mark(es) full mighty all of mayn gold
11726 And of Syluer for sothe the same þai dessyre
11727 To whyte vs of whete qwarters þai aske
11728 C. M. þroly to thring in hor Shippes
11729 This opo(n)ly is ordant þo odmen betwene
11730 And specially spokyn to spede hom a way
11731 Be a tyme for to take   t(ur)ne to þe sea
11732 Gedrit was the goode   gon for to kepe
11733 To Sure men   c(er)ten þat sowme to deliu(er)
11734 And take sikernes sad the Cite to leue
11735 Of the grek(es) agayne for the grete som(m)e
11736 While this gode was in gederyng the grett(es) among
11737 Antenor to the temple t(ra)yturly yode
11738 Preuely the p(re)st puld into councell
11739 Thoantes me tellys the text þ(a)t he heght
11740 Þat was geeter of þe god þ(a)t the gome yernyt
11741 W(i)t(h) a gobet of gold a full gret somme
11742 And Thoantes betaght tarit no leng(ur)
11743 Thies wordes to the wegh warpit onone
11744 In a place out of p(re)se p(re)uely there
11745 Lo of gold   of good here a gret nowmb(u)r
11746 The to lyue w(i)t(h)in lykyng   thy leue ayres
11747 The god þ(a)t þ(o)u geetis gyff me þerffore
11748 Þat I may beire fro the burgh shall no buerne wete
11749 Thou art no farder in faith thy fame for to lose
11750 Þan I my lyffe / were leu(er) leue in þe plase
11751 Er any troiens w(i)t(h) truthe might telle suche a fawte
11752 Or soche a point on me put in p(ar)lament heraft(ur)
11753 Therfore p(re)uely by p(ur)pos Paladian þ(o)u send
11754 To hon(er)able Vlixes vtwith the toune
11755 If any fawte þ(er) founden be / we faithly may say
11756 The pure kyng Paladian p(re)uely stale
11757 And we excusit of skathe yf sclaund(ur) shall rise
11758 P(re)stly the p(re)st his p(ur)pos w(i)t(h)stode
11759 All the night w(i)t(h) noy till negh at þe day
11760 Till he caght was in couetouse   cumbrit hym seluensely
11761 Than grauntid he the god to the grym t(ra)ytor
11762 And toke hit fro the temple tariet no lengur
11763 Sent hit furth sodainly by a sad frend
11764 To Vlixes vtwith egerly þan
11765 Hit was noiset onon in the nowble towne
11766 Þat the kyng þurgh his comyng by craft hade hit goten
11767 Paladian the pure god pertly away
11768 And the troiens betrantid w(i)t(h) his triet wit
11769 A God of þis ground who graidly may trist
11770 Any lede on to leng as for lele true
11771 Syn this p(re)st þus p(re)set the pepull to dissayue
11772 As a kayteff for couetoise to cumber his land
11773 This poynt is not prynted in p(re)st(es) þat are now
11774 Hit leng(es) not so long tho ledis w(i)t(h)in
11775 To be cunbrid w(i)t(h) couetous by custome of old
11776 That rote is   rankist of all the rif Syns
11777 There is no greu(au)nce so grete vnd(ur) god one
11778 As the glemyng of gold þ(a)t glott(es) þ(er)e hertis
11779 Hit putt(es) the pouer of p(re)sthode abake
11780 And forges to the fend a forslet w(i)t(h)in
11781 Couetous men comynly are cald aft(ur) right
11782 A temple to the tyrand þat tises to syn
11783 When the Golde was all gotyn   the grete sommes
11784 Of qwhete   of qwhite syluer qwemly to gedur
11785 Into Myner mykell temple maynly was broght
11786 And put vnto pure men till payment were made
11787 Hit plesit to appollo the pure god aboue
11788 W(i)t(h) Sacrifise solemne besoght at þ(a)t tyme
11789 W(i)t(h) bestis   briddis britnet full mony
11790 And the carcas full clanly kowchit on þe auter
11791 When ffyre shuld be festnet in þ(a)t fyne offrond
11792 Two m(er)uellis on mold maynly were shewid
11793 The first was to fele no fyre wold be light
11794 Þat assait was full sothely of seremen full ofte
11795 Ten tymes be tyd tellis me the lyne
11796 Þat hit fest was on fyre   flappit out onone
11797 Vnto smorther   smoke and no smethe low
11798 ffor all the craft þat þai kowthe   the coynt sleght
11799 The secund for sothe I said you before
11800 When the bestes were britnet   broght to þe auter
11801 W(i)t(h) the entrell eu(er)more euyn vppo lofte
11802 Come an Erne þ(a)t was Eger Euer on a crye
11803 Light downe lyuely fro the low ayre
11804 Braid vp the bowels   bere hom away
11805 And showvet to the shippes of the shene grek(es)
11806 The troiens merueld full mekyll of þe mayne foghle
11807 All stonyed þai stode starond aboute
11808 Thai wist þ(er)e godd(es) were greuit w(i)t(h) a gret yre
11809 And wrothe at hor werk(es) but wist þai no cause
11810 Cassandra to councell þen call þai belyue
11811 To haue a dom of þ(a)t dede if the dere kowthe
11812 The first signe ho hom sayd sothely was this
11813 Þat appollo the pure god was put into wrathe
11814 ffor tene of his temple was trasit w(i)t(h) blode
11815 Of Achilles the choise þ(a)t chaunsit to be slayne
11816 Þat mys to amend is maist(ur) ye go
11817 To the corse of þat kyng in his cleane towmbe
11818 Light þ(er)e a lowe lyuely w(i)t(h) honde
11819 ffocche þ(er)e yo(ur) ffyre   festyn on þe auter
11820 And þat bren wull full bright in the brode temple
11821 Than passid the pepull to the pure þrugh
11822 As kend hom Cassandra þai kyndlit a fire
11823 Of the secund for sothe ho saide o this wise
11824 This towne is betrayed trist ye nonother
11825 And grauntid to the grek(es) by gomys of yo(ur) owne
11826 Calcas the curset þ(a)t comynt w(i)t(h) the grek(es)
11827 Bisshop of the burgh as I aboue told
11828 When he wist of thies wondres thies word(es) he said
11829 Yonder towne wilbe takon in a tyme short
11830 Þan the grek(es) hom graithet to a gret Sacrifice
11831 Thurgh biddyng of the bisshop   a bold p(re)st
11832 In hono(ur) of appolyne angardly thicke
11833 But in prouerbe hit is put w(i)t(h) p(ri)se men of wit
11834 Who þat sweyres to be swike he forsworne worthes
11835 Thus the grete of the grek(es) grymly þai sware
11836 ffast pes to afferme   flit of the londe
11837 P(ri)am on his part   his p(ri)se knight(es)
11838 Sweryn all swiftly   no swyke thoghtyn
11839 So wend he full wele þo worthy kyngis all
11840 Hade no malis in mynd ment at the tyme
11841 Þan hon(er)able Elan þat abill deliu(er)t
11842 Comendyng þat clere all w(i)t(h) cloise wordes
11843 P(ra)yng tho p(ri)se men w(i)t(h) pure hert
11844 Þat no harmys þat hend shuld haue of hir lord
11845 Thai heght hym full hyndly his hest(es) to kepe
11846 And his desyre for to do þo duk(es) ychon
11847 The grek(es) for gete noght of the grete trayne
11848 Prayd to p(ri)am for a gret vow
11849 ffor to hale in a horse hastely of bras
11850 Palades to ples w(i)t(h) / er þai passe furth
11851 And at Myners mayn temple make hit to stonnd
11852 This couet þo kyng(es)   the cause made
11853 ffor the palladian thai pullit fre of þe pure temple
11854 Þat þai Sayle might in sound   hor sute hoole
11855 Lest the godd(es) in greme gert hom to lose
11856 Bothe hor flete   hor folke w(i)t(h) a felle storme
11857 P(ri)am at þis p(ra)yer aperit not sone
11858 Ne grauntid not the grek(es) þ(a)t the gret 3ernet
11859 Eneas þan ertid Egerly fast
11860 And Antenor also the abill kyng to
11861 Hit is due to be done   doutles þai saide
11862 The sight is full solemne the Cite to haue
11863 Ay lastond to leng þat ledis may knowe
11864 Þat soche acord was here knyt w(i)t(h) kyng(es) for eu(er)
11865 The kyng affirmet the faitours   no fraud thoght
11866 Þaire dessire for to do demyt onone
11867 Þan payet kyng p(ri)am all the pure sowmes
11868 Of gold   of gay syluer   of goode whete
11869 All þai shot into ship on þe shire water
11870 And made hom redy to rode on þe rough ythes
11871 All the grek(es) hom gedrit the grettist   other
11872 W(i)t(h) Sacrifice solemne synging of p(re)stys
11873 W(i)t(h) prosession and p(ri)se puld furth the horse
11874 To a Side of the Cite and set at þe yate
11875 Hit was so borly of brede   of brem heght
11876 There was no entre w(i)t(h) ease abill þ(er)fore
11877 Þan the warpit downe the walle   the wale toure
11878 Bothe obreade   aboue brekyn the yates
11879 Tyll hit might entur at ease euyn as hom list
11880 Þan þe Citasyns w(i)t(h) song   solemnete grete
11881 Halit furth þe horse to þe hegh temple
11882 Hit is said oftsythes w(i)t(h) ser(e) men of elde
11883 The last Ioy of ioly men Ioynys w(i)t(h) sorowe
11884 Thies buernes of the burgh blyndit were euyll
11885 Þai halit in no horse but hor hard deth
11886 Oppression and payne pyte for eu(er)
11887 And ay lastond lur(e) for lakkyng of wit
11888 One Symon a sure mon assignet was þe kay
11889 Þat was of gou(er)n(au)nse graith by the grek(es) all
11890 To warp vp a wicket   waite on the tyme
11891 And the durres to vndo of the dregh horse
11892 But se first the Cite were on slepe fallyn
11893 And broght into bed as hom best lyked
11894 Þan the ffreike shuld frusshe out   a fyre make
11895 And light vp a low w(i)t(h) a light wille
11896 Þat the ost might haue entre euyn as hom liked
11897 And the bettur in the burgh bale forto wirke
11898 The same day sothely the Cite was takon
11899 To P(ri)am the p(ri)se kyng thai puruait a message
11900 Said hom seluyn wold saile samyn fro troy
11901 And turne vnto tenydoun   tary þ(er)e a qwyle
11902 P(re)uely the pert qwene by p(ur)pos to take
11903 ffor clam(ur)   crie of the comyn folke
11904 The m(ur)mur was mykk mykell of þe mayn pepull
11905 Lest þai dang hir to dethe in hor dull hate
11906 Hit plesit well p(ri)am þat p(ur)pos to hold
11907 ffor he hedit no harme ne no hate thoght
11908 To þe gawdes of the grek(es) gefe he no kepe
11909 But all semyt hym sothe the sawe of þo kyng(es)
11910 Þan the grek(es) by a grement gird into shippe
11911 W(i)t(h) proses and pres puld vp þ(er)e ancres
11912 Launchit fro the lannd to þe low sea
11913 And fayne were the freik(es) of þe faire towne
11914 Þai turnet vne to tenydon   tariet all þ(er)e
11915 Before the settyng of the sun sais me the lyne
11916 W(i)t(h) melody   myrthe   myche lowde songe
11917 And there taried on the town till hom tyme þoght
11918 When þe day ou(er)drogh   the derke rose
11919 All bownet hom bigly in hor bright wedis
11920 W(i)t(h) Silens full soberly was no soune herd
11921 And soghtyn furth to the Cite on a sop hole
11922 This Symon forsothe I said you before
11923 Þat hade the keyes to kepe of þe cloise horse
11924 When the buernes of the burgh were broght vpon shlepe
11925 He warpit vp a wicket wan hom w(i)t(h)oute
11926 Light vp a low the ledis might know
11927 Þan gedryt the grek(es) to þe graith tokyn
11928 ffrushet in felly at the faire yates
11929 Þat brokyn was on brede for the bright horse
11930 The knight(es) in the closet comyn out swithe
11931 Settyn into the Cite all the sad grek(es)
11932 Brentyn and betyn doun all the big houses
11933 The pepull w(i)t(h) pyne puttyn to dethe
11934 Buernes in hor bednes britnet all naked
11935 Þat hedit no harme ne no hate þoght
11936 Noght dred þai the dethe ne dere of hor fos
11937 Droghen vp durs dungyn doun yatis
11938 Brekyn into bildyng(es) britnet the pepull
11939 Wemen   wale children walton to grounde
11940 Hade no pyte of the poure put all to dethe
11941 Robbet þ(er)e riches reft hom hor lyues
11942 Gemmes   Iewels Iobbes of gold
11943 Pesis   platis polishit vessell
11944 Mony starond stone stithest of vertue
11945 Twenty thowsaund þroly þai þrong to the dethe
11946 Þat tyme in the toun as the tale shewes
11947 The dyn   the dite was dole for to??? to here
11948 Of men þat were murtheret at the meane tyme
11949 Kyng P(ri)am the pite p(er)sayuit onone
11950 The thridde rewerd   the russhyng of þe ranke sorow
11951 Of Eneas þat egerly ertid his harme
11952 He russhit vp full radly raght to his clothes
11953 Soche as happit hym to hent hade he no wale
11954 He highit of his halle hard to the temple
11955 There appollyne was on(er)ed he etlid to bide
11956 W(i)t(h)outen hope of his heale heturly he weppit
11957 When the derke was done   the day sprange
11958 The grek(es) by þ(er)e gydes of the great t(ra)ytou(r)s
11959 Entrid into ylion egerly fast
11960 No defence þai þ(er)e found in the faire place
11961 And dyden all to the dethe w(i)t(h)outen dyn more
11962 Pirrus to the p(ri)se temple p(re)set full hard
11963 Of hon(er)able appollyne as Antenor bade
11964 Ther(e) p(ri)am the p(ri)se kyng p(re)stly þai founde
11965 Abyding his bon   his bale dethe
11966 Pirrus full p(re)stly w(i)t(h) a p(ri)se swerd
11967 Brittened the bold kyng   his blod shed
11968 Þat the stremys full stithly stert on þe auter
11969 On seand the same mon the sou(er)ayn bet(ra)yed
11970 Ecuba the hon(er)able egerly slogh
11971 W(i)t(h) Pollexena the pert hir p(ri)se doughter
11972 But þai wist not I wis on no wise where
11973 ffor to hide hom fro harme þan happit hom to mete
11974 The t(ra)ytor w(i)t(h) tene vntristy Eneas
11975 Thies wordes þat worthy warpit hym to
11976 A t(ra)ytor vntrew how toke þ(o)u on honde
11977 Þat trew to be tray þat trist in þe eu(er)
11978 Thy lege   þi lord þat the louet wele
11979 And myche good hase þe gyffen of his gold red
11980 Thou hase led to þi lord þat hym lothe was
11981 His fomen full fele thurgh falshed of the
11982 And done hym to dethe dolefully now
11983 Þat thy selfe shuld haue socourd hade þ(o)u ben sad tru
11984 The burgh there þ(o)u borne was baillfully distroyet
11985 To se hit leme on a low laithis not þi hert
11986 3et haue pytie   compassion of this pure maidon
11987 Put hir in some place fro perisshyng w(i)t(h) hond
11988 Þat the grek(es) hir not get ne to grem brynge
11989 Ne defoule hir vnfaire   in filth holde
11990 The wordes p(ri)cket hym w(i)t(h) pite of þe p(ri)se qwene
11991 Pollexena the pert he puld out of þrong
11992 Hid hir in a howle vnder a hegh towre
11993 And keppit hir full close þ(a)t clere out of sight
11994 Telamon full tyte to the temple yode
11995 Of Myner the mighty w(i)t(h) a mayn fare
11996 And drogh out Andromaca þ(a)t in drede was
11997 Worthy Ectors wife   a wale maidon
11998 Cassandra the clene   keppit hom bothe
11999 And Menelay the mighty his myld qwene ??? Elan
12000 ffro the pales he puld of the p(ri)se kyng
12001 ffull glad of þ(a)t gay   of good chere
12002 As mery of þat myld as a mon thurt
12003 Þan the grekys full glad gyffon to red
12004 Ilion to ou(er)turne angardly sone
12005 And the bildyng(es) bete doun to the bare erthe
12006 All the cite vnsarkenly þai set vppon fyre
12007 W(i)t(h) gret launchaund lawes into the light ayre
12008 Wroght vnder wallez walt hom to ground
12009 Grete palis of p(ri)se put into askys
12010 W(i)t(h) flammes of fyre fuerse to be hold
12011 And all the Cite vp soght to þe sad walles
12012 In the burgh þai forbere byldyng(es) mony
12013 There as certain seignes were set vppolofte
12014 Of the t(ra)ytor Antenor   his tru fere
12015 Eneas also anger hom betyde

The counsell of þe Grek(es) after þe
Dystrucc(i)on of the towne

12016 When the Cite was sesit   ???chit serchet to þe last
12017 Agamynon the grekis gedrit to a counsell
12018 Into Miner mayn temple þo myghty bedene
12019 fforto speke of hor spede in a space þere
12020 Þen fraynet þe freke at þo fre kyngis
12021 Wethir þai couenand wold kepe to þe kene t(ra)itrus
12022 Þat betoke hom þe toun by treson to haue
12023 And þe gode þat    was getyn graidly to part
12024 Amonge men of myght þ(a)t most had disseruyt
12025 Þe onswar of all me(n) was openly þis
12026 Eu(er) þe couenand to kepe as þe cas was
12027 Þat betrat hom þe toun   hor truth hold
12028 And þe riches full ryf þat robbet was þere
12029 To be delt to þe dughti vppon du wyse
12030 As þai sothly disseruyt w(i)t(h) hor sad strenkith
12031 Aiax to elayn was a(n)gardly wrothe
12032 Demyt hir to þe deth w(i)t(h) dole at þe tyme
12033 ffor þe worthy in were þ(a)t wastid were thurgh hyr
12034 And mony kyng in þe case his counsell alowet
12035 Agamynon þe grete and his gomys all
12036 W(i)t(h) þe myght of menelay   þaire me(n) hole
12037 All þe here þ(a)t þai hade    w(i)t(h) helpis of othir
12038 Were byse fro bale deth þe burd for to saue
12039 ffor all þe cumpany clene were cast þ(er) gayn
12040 But vlixes eu(er)more egerly fast
12041 Declaret hom þe cause w(i)t(h) his clere voyc
12042 Þat þe grete by agrement g(ra)untid hir lyue
12043 Þe Emp(er)our agamynon angardly swith
12044 Couet Cassandra be cause of reward
12045 P(ri)ams pur(e) doghter pertist of wit
12046 And all grauntid þe grete w(i)t(h) a gode will
12047 As þes kyng(es) in counsell were comynyng to ged(ur)
12048 Eneas egerly euyn w(i)t(h) Antenor
12049 Put hym in p(re)se   profferit to say
12050 Þe dede of andromaca duli þai told
12051 And how Elynus Egerly ertid þe lordis
12052 To pursu for þe pes to þe pure grekis
12053 And how at praier of þ(a)t pure þe p(ri)se kyng achilles
12054 Was grauntid to be grauy(n)   gyuy(n) to his toumbe
12055 Þat worthi þai wilnet of wo to delyuer
12056 And grauntid þo grete w(i)t(h) a glad chere
12057 Elyn(us) egerly for ectors child(ur)
12058 Praiet to þo p(ri)nses and hor pur(e) mod(ur)
12059 And þe lordis to þo litill þe lyuys han g(ra)untid
12060 Namly pirrus þ(a)t p(ur)post to put hom to deth
12061 Assentid to þ(a)t sam w(i)t(h) a sad graunt
12062 Þen ordant afterward þes hono(ur)able kyng(es)
12063 Þat all þe worchipfull weme(n) of þe wale toune
12064 Þat left wer(e) on lyue haue leue forto wend
12065 Lause at hor lykyng no lede forto harme
12066 Þen p(ur)post þai playnly to pas oute of land
12067 ffro troy forto t(ur)ne   tary no leng(ur)
12068 But þe stormys were so stith   stiryng of wyndis
12069 More þen a moneth myght þai not pas
12070 Þen come þai to calcas þe cause forto wete
12071 Of þe wed(ur) so wikkid   þe wan stormys
12072 He said hom forsothe þe sayntis of hell
12073 Wer(e) wode in hor werkis for wreke of achilles
12074 Þat no der(e) for his deth was don 3et ynogh
12075 ffor he w(i)t(h) treson in þe temple vntruly was slayn
12076 3ow most sle ffor þat same 3o(ur) sayntis to plese
12077 Þat was cause of his cumbranse   keppit is on lyue
12078 Þen pirrus w(i)t(h) pyne put hym to serche
12079 Of polexena þe pert in p(ri)uete holdyn
12080 Þat was cause of þe cunbranse of his kynd fad(ur)
12081 And nothir takyn þat tyme ne tyruyt to deth
12082 Agaminon full graidly gos to Antenor
12083 ffraynyt at hym frikly of þat fre mayden
12084 He denyet hym onon þ(a)t noqwere he knew
12085 Þat comuly be keppet ne in cloese haldyn
12086 Þen wrathid þo worthi for wont of þe burde
12087 And tenyt full tit for tarying so longe
12088 Antenor after þis ang(ur) p(er)sayuiyt
12089 Þat þe kyng(es) ffor þat clere had caght hym in hate
12090 And þoght fully his faulshed folow to anend
12091 He besit hym barly þe burde forto seche
12092 Thurght þe cite hym selfe and ser me(n) of hese
12093 ffele dayes bedene or he þ(a)t der(e) fonde
12094 Till he aspiet hir w(i)t(h) spit by speryng of othir
12095 Doune in a dungion don forto kepe
12096 A tyme forto tarie of a tour(e) olde
12097 Þe losell to þe lady launchid full swithe
12098 Braid hir out bigly bi þe bryght armys
12099 P(re)sent þat pert to þe p(ri)se kyng(es)
12100 Agaminon þat gay gert forto send
12101 To pirrus þat p(re)sound p(re)stly onone
12102 And he cast hym þ(a)t comuly to cut into pesis
12103 ffull tite on þe toumbe of his tru fad(ur)
12104 As this lady was led tell hir last end
12105 Kingis comy(n) cantly þ(a)t cu(m)ly to se
12106 Þe pupull had pite   p(re)sit full þik
12107 To se þ(a)t louely be lost þ(a)t no lak did
12108 All þe folke wer vnfayn   of fyn will
12109 To haue reft hir the rynke for ruth þ(a)t þai had
12110 Hit had doutles ben done and hir(e) deth e woidid
12111 Had not calcas þe c(ur)sit carpit before
12112 Þat neu(er) þo lordis to hor londis lyuely schuld wyn
12113 Till ho duly wer(e) ded   dressit in pesis
12114 When þis burd was broght to þe bar(e) toumb
12115 Ho askewsit hir of skath   sklaund(ur) of his deth
12116 Þat neu(er) ho wist of þe werke ne in will þoght
12117 Þat þe dughti schuld degh till hit don was
12118 Þe kyngis and þe comyns had car(e) at þair(e) hert(es)
12119 To se þat fre be fforfaryn þ(a)t no faut did
12120 All þai sparit þat speciall to spill at þe tyme
12121 To periche þat pure pite þai had
12122 But ho doutid no deth in du ryght
12123 ffor hit laithit hir les þe(n) on lyue be
12124 Syn ho borne was a burd of a blod nobill
12125 Comy(n) of a kyng   a clene maydyn
12126 Hir was leu(er) in hir lond out of lyue pas
12127 Þe(n) be defoulit in filth w(i)t(h) febill of astate
12128 Or be led of hire lond w(i)t(h) a lede st(ra)unge
12129 Set vnd(ur) s(er)uage and sorow for eu(er)
12130 W(i)t(h) þe fose of hir fad(ur)   hir fre kyn
12131 And hir brethir had britnet   broght vnto end
12132 Me is leuer q(uo)d þat louely in my lond degh
12133 Þen be exild for eu(er)mor(e) erdond in sorow
12134 In othir prouyns   p(ar)tis pou(er)t to suffer
12135 In þronge and in þraldam þrepe w(i)t(h) þe world
12136 Þerfore welcu(m) I wis is my wale deth
12137 My maydynhed I merk to myghtifull goddis
12138 Accepte hit as sac(ri)fise   my saule to
12139 Þis holly w(i)t(h) hert her(e) I beseke
12140 When þe lady had leuyt of hir loud speche
12141 Pirrus w(i)t(h) a pale sword p(re)sit hir to
12142 Britnet þe burde brightest on lyue
12143 At þe tumbe full tit of his triet fad(ur)
12144 Gyrd hir in gobettis   on his g(ra)ue cast
12145 Hir(e) blode all aboute aboue hit was sched
12146 And strawet in þe strete strenklit full þik
12147 Hono(ur)able Ecuba þ(a)t was hir aune mod(ur)
12148 Segh hir doght(er) w(i)t(h) dol be delt into peses
12149 Scho welt into wodnes   hir wit leuyt
12150 And ran furth rauis ruthe to beholde
12151 Scho bete hom bitt(er)ly w(i)t(h) hir bar(e) teth
12152 And w(i)t(h) stonys in þe strete strok hom to g(ro)und
12153 Þis lif scho lad lelly þat day
12154 And myche gremyt þe grekis in hir grete ang(ur)
12155 Þai toke hir(e) full tit and teghit hir hondis
12156 Send hir sone by somme of hir(e) men
12157 Into the Ile of Aulida angardly swythe
12158 And stithly w(i)t(h) stonys steynyt hir to dethe
12159 The grek(es) for the grete graith here a graithet a toumbe
12160 Of a heght þ(a)t was hoge all of harde marble
12161 And broght hir to berenes as hom best thoght
12162 In mynd of þat mighty to myn hit for eu(er)
12163 The plase all of pen(au)nce the pepull hit calles
12164 The lede in hor langage þ(a)t lengys þ(er)in
12165 Duly to this day as demys the boke

The XXX. Boke of Stryfe of Thelamon
And Vlixes   of þe dethe of Thelamon

12166 All this tyme in þe toun tellis þe story
12167 Þe grekis wer(e) toged(ur) for þe grete stormys
12168 Of wyndis full wikkid   wawes of þe se
12169 No schalke went to schip on þe schir wat(er)
12170 Þe tor kyng thelamo(n) tide of hondis
12171 Before þe grete of þe grekis agamyno(n)   othir
12172 To vlixes in ang(ur) angardly speke
12173 ffor dole to þe duk of þe du goddes
12174 Þat was sesit in þe Cite at þe same tyme
12175 ffor paladian of p(ri)se was put to vlixes
12176 He wrathit hym I wis   to þe wegh saide
12177 Þat gyfte is to grete of þ(a)t god nobill
12178 And my seluyn for sothe haue s(er)uyt hit bett(er)
12179 And more worthi to weld for my wale dedis
12180 I haue besit me full boldly   my blode sched
12181 Our(e) folke forto filsyn qwen our(e) fode lakkid
12182 And in were w(i)t(h) my wepyn wond(ur)fulli don
12183 Ofte fellit our(e) fos w(i)t(h) my fyn strenkith
12184 Polinestor þe proud kyng I put vnto deth
12185 Þat was of riches full rif   myche red gold
12186 Þe sun of þe sam kyng I slogh w(i)t(h) my hondis
12187 Polidari(us) þe pert þ(a)t p(ri)am did kepe
12188 W(i)t(h) all þe gold   þe gode of his gay fad(ur)
12189 All þes meblis   mo thurgh myght of my selfe
12190 I wan vs in wer(e) thurgh my wight arme
12191 Þat has socourd vs w(i)t(h) solas in our(e) sad hung(ur)
12192 Þe fell kyng of frigie I ferkid of lyue
12193 And mony othir myghti me(n) of astate
12194 I haue ap(ro)prid to our(e) partis p(ro)uyns besyde
12195 W(i)t(h) my labur full longe and my lel wyt
12196 Þe Tore rem of targason   tyde aru(n)dyna
12197 Cepesyn I sesit   þe sid larris
12198 And othir ??? p(ro)uyns   plasis of p(ar)tis of troy
12199 Thurgh my wightnes I wysse   worthi achilles
12200 We haue wone(n) in wer(e) þe worchip w(i)t(h) hond
12201 And getyn to þe grekis þis ground w(i)t(h) our(e) help
12202 This Vlixes þ(a)t vtwith aunt(er)it hym euer neu(er)
12203 W(i)t(h) no course for to come as a knight shuld
12204 But w(i)t(h) falshed and flat(er)y feynyng of wordes
12205 And callis hym the cavse of cacchyng þis toune
12206 But w(i)t(h) treason   trauntis of his vntreu fare
12207 He fortherit neu(er) a fyge w(i)t(h) his fight 3et
12208 There we the toune shuld haue tane w(i)t(h) o(ur) tried strenght
12209 And haue wonyn hit in wer w(i)t(h) worship ou(r) seluyn
12210 All ou(r) lose hase he lost thurgh his lither dedis
12211 ffor to take hit by treason   trantis of hym
12212 Thurgh the craft of þ(a)t cursed / knighthode may shame
12213 And wary all ou(r) werk(es) to the world(es) end
12214 Thies wordes he warpit þo worthy before
12215 And þan sesit he of his saw   set hym to ground


12216 Then answard Vlixes   vtt(er)it his speche
12217 Wrothe at the wegh in his wille feble
12218 Said the Citie was sesit   the sad pepull
12219 Thurgh hardines of hym   the hegh wit
12220 But thurgh his wiles of wer   his wight dedis
12221 W(i)t(h) his gou(er)n(au)nce graithe   his gret help
12222 All the Cite for sothe   the sure knight(es)
12223 Hade sitton here full sound   hor selfe keppit
12224 Therfore telamon truly w(i)t(h) þi tried strenght
12225 Was neu(er) Paladian the pure god puld fro þe temple
12226 Ne the grek(es) had hit getten for gode vpon erth
12227 I hade knowlache by crafte of his clene v(er)tue
12228 While the stature was stithly stokyn w(i)t(h)in
12229 We were vnsiker of ou(r) selfe the cite to wyn
12230 Or to deire hit in dede the dayes of ou(r) lyue
12231 And I comynd in the case w(i)t(h) my clene wit
12232 W(i)t(h) the troiens to treate for takyng þ(er)of
12233 And so wan vs ou(r) worship   ou(r) will bothe


12234 Than thelamon þe tore kyng tenfully spake
12235 Grete wordis   greue all in grym yre
12236 And he þroly w(i)t(h) þrong wil þreppit agayn
12237 Till þai hatid in hert as any hed fos
12238 Þer Thelamo(n) truly told hym on hight
12239 Þat other duly schuld degh for his derf wordis
12240 Hit was tretid þ(a)t tyme þo tore kyng(es) bothe
12241 Schuld lynge in hor leute   light on a dome
12242 Of agamyno(n) þe grete   his gay brothir
12243 Menelay þe myghti as a mene frend
12244 Þes duly schuld dem þo dukis by ryght
12245 Qwiche wegh þe wale god is worthi to haue
12246 Þen speky(n) þai specially for sped of þo two
12247 And ordant vlixes more abill þer fore
12248 And worthy at his will to weld hit for ay
12249 for þe kyng w(i)t(h) his cast   his coynt speche
12250 Hono(ur)able Elan of ang(ur) delyu(er)yt
12251 ffro Thelamo(n) in tene   othir tore kyng(es)
12252 Þat demyt hir to deth on days before
12253 Þen Thelamo(n) was tenfull   t(ur)nyt into yre
12254 ffor þis god by þo grete was g(ra)untid vlixes
12255 Aganys reson and right as the renke thught
12256 Syn all the kyng(es) by course of the clene grek(es)
12257 Had demyt hit by dome duly to Thelamon
12258 Saue barly þo brether þat I aboue said
12259 Thus thelamon for tene in his tore angur
12260 Mony wordys out warpit to þo wale duk(es)
12261 And manast hom mightily as his mayn fos
12262 Because of the kyng   his kyd hate
12263 Þai keppit hom in company w(i)t(h) knight(es) enarmet
12264 Tho brether full bigly w(i)t(h) bold men ynow
12265 And Vlixes also w(i)t(h) angardly mone
12266 Onone come the night   neghit vppon hond
12267 And yche renke to þ(er)e rest as þai red toke
12268 On þe secund day sothely er þe sun ros
12269 The tall kyng thelamon tellis the lyne
12270 Was founden bare in his bed britnet to dethe
12271 And his body for bled buernes hit segh
12272 The noy of þ(a)t noble was noyset thurgh the ost
12273 And mykell dole for þ(a)t duke doutles was made
12274 To Agamynon gomys geuyn the wite
12275 And Vlixes by ordinanse all men saiden
12276 Gert the duke to be ded thus demyt tho lord(es)
12277 And his lyf to be lost thurgh hor lethur dedis
12278 Pirrus hade pite of the pure kyng
12279 He louit hym full lelly as his lefe brother
12280 Myche manast tho men in the mene tyme
12281 ffor the dethe of þ(a)t dughty as his ded fos
12282 Vlixes douted his dethe   dred hym full sore
12283 Stale fro þo stith men stilly by night
12284 W(i)t(h) his men in the m(er)ke for þe more harme
12285 Paladian the pure he put for to kepe
12286 W(i)t(h) dyamed the derfe þat was his dere frynde
12287 And halit on full hard vnto the hegh Sea
12288 Þan pirrus w(i)t(h) pite gert put into fyre
12289 The body to bren of the buerne Thelamon
12290 Consumet the course vnto cleane askys
12291 And graithit hom full graithly in a gay vessell
12292 All glisshen(a)nd of gold   of good stones
12293 And so cariet the corse into his kith hom
12294 Agamynon the gret   his gode brother
12295 Menelay the mighty   mo other kyng(es)
12296 Keppit hom full cloise for cachyng of harme
12297 Of Pirrus full p(re)st þat p(ur)post hom skathe
12298 But the t(ra)ytor Antenor tretid hom with
12299 Made þo kyng(es) to kysse   comyn to gedur
12300 He festid full faire all þo fre lord(es)
12301 And the grete of þe grek(es) w(i)t(h) gyft(es) hono(ur)yt

The exile of Eneas and Antenor

12302 The grete of þe grek(es) gedrit into counsell
12303 And spake in hor speche the spite of Eneas
12304 Said the traito(ur) vntrew hade his trowth broken
12305 ffor pollexena the pert he put into hidlis
12306 Thurgh whom Achilles þe choise kyng / chansit his end
12307 There þai demet þe duke as by du right
12308 All his lond(es) to lose   Launche out of towne
12309 He p(ra)yet hom full pitusly w(i)t(h) his pore hert
12310 ffor to graunt hym to gyffe of hor gode wille
12311 Tho shippes to shilde o þe shyre whaghes
12312 Þat paris w(i)t(h) past into the pure yle
12313 Of Sythera the samtyme he sesit the qwene
12314 And tym hom to takle   trusse for the sea
12315 To stuffe hom w(i)t(h) store of his stithe godis
12316 And fode for his folke to fille on þe water
12317 This grauntid tho grek(es) w(i)t(h) a gode chere
12318 ffawre mones at the most the mon for to lenge
12319 His fraght   his fode to fille as hym list
12320 And þan his godis to gripe   his gate halde
12321 Eneas w(i)t(h) anger was angardly heuy
12322 W(i)t(h) Antenor the t(ra)ytor vntrew of his werke
12323 ffor his dedis he was duly dryvon fro troy
12324 Thurgh the lady þat the lede lugget of þe toure
12325 He cast hym full cointly   compast in hert
12326 How to bryng hit aboute w(i)t(h) his bare wit
12327 To ert hym on exile eu(er) of the londe
12328 Eneas egurly after onone
12329 Assemblit in the Cite the sure men of troy
12330 All þat left were on lyue lengand þ(a)t tyme
12331 He said hom full soberly all on soft wise
12332 Now frynd(es) in faith syn fortune hath gr(a)unted
12333 Þat yow is happit so hard   yo(ur) hed lost
12334 Ye se well you(r) seluyn the sothe at yo(ur) egh
12335 Hit is no bote here to byde for baret w(i)t(h)oute
12336 Of fos þat are fuerse vpon fele sydes
12337 W(i)t(h)outen helpe of a hede   a hegh wit
12338 In case yow to comforth   counsell w(i)t(h) all
12339 Syn I banysshed am barly þis burgh for to leue
12340 Chose you sum cheftan   charge hym þ(er)with
12341 ffor wete other weghes þat wonyn besyde
12342 In castels and cuntres   In cloise townes
12343 Þat ye left bene in lond and lakkys a hed
12344 Þai will fall on you fuersly fong of you(r) godes
12345 Put you in p(ri)son pyne you to dethe
12346 Hit is sittyng me semys   you so like
12347 Tite for Antenor tally to send
12348 Make hym kyng of þis kith by comyn assent
12349 ffor to kepe you fro care w(i)t(h) a cleane wit
12350 In this lond for to lyue lenging to gedur
12351 Yo(ur) fos to offend   fylsyn yo(ur) lyues
12352 All liked the lede for his lefe councell
12353 Þai soght thurgh the Cite   sent for Antenor
12354 And he come to þe comyns w(i)t(h) a cant wille
12355 Eneas w(i)t(h) anger after belyue
12356 Wold haue dungyn hym to dethe   deiret þe fals
12357 ffor he was bigger in the burghe boldir of kyn
12358 Of ledys vppon lyue lelly þen he
12359 Þan ros þai full radly all the ronke pepull
12360 Somyn on a sop soghtyn to Eneas
12361 ffor to sese of his sute   his sad yre
12362 Syn hom happit so hard in hast þ(er) before
12363 W(i)t(h) hor fos to be felly ferkit to dethe
12364 Þat no deire ne no dethe shuld dull hom w(i)t(h)in
12365 To stir w(i)t(h) no stryue ne stroy hom no more
12366 Thies wordes to þe weghis warpit Eneas
12367 There is no lede vpon lyue may so long suffer
12368 Soche a t(ra)ytor for tene þat treason hase wroght
12369 And fowle w(i)t(h) his falsyng hase feblit vs all
12370 In dole to endure the dayes of ou(r) lyue
12371 W(i)t(h) his gyle   his gawdis the gay pollexena
12372 Þat was comyn of ou(r) kyng   a cleane maidon
12373 He made to be matrid þurgh malice of hym
12374 And I þat am outh outlawhit for eu(er) of þis lond
12375 ffro frend(es)   felowes þat me faith ow
12376 Þat wold haue leuyt here my lyue in lang(ur)   woo
12377 And haue counceld the comyns in hor case feble
12378 Thus am flemyt to flight thurgh his false caste
12379 Than the comyns toke counsell knight(es)   other
12380 And the t(ra)ytor Antenor from the towne flemyt
12381 Neu(er) the Cite to se ne his sute after
12382 And grauntid hym his gode   gate by a tyme
12383 Antenor full tite þan t(ur)nyt to ship
12384 W(i)t(h) riches full rife   relik(es) ynow
12385 Shot on the shyre waghes shalk(es) full mony
12386 And soght furth on the se w(i)t(h) the softe windes
12387 Tho pure men w(i)t(h) payne on the pale sea
12388 Met w(i)t(h) a menye   mart of hom fele
12389 Robbet þaire riches   refte of þ(er)e godes
12390 And myche torfer   tene tid of þair(e) hond(es)
12391 ffro tho ledis at the last s launsit þai were
12392 W(i)t(h) sorow   sad fight sailit away
12393 Till they come to the coste of a cleane yle
12394 Þat Gelanda aioynet was to the iust nome
12395 There was a kyng in þe cost þat the kith aght
12396 Hight Thetides truly tellis the writ
12397 Þat his p(ro)uyns   pepull peasably keppit
12398 Mony wintur Iwis   in wele leuyt
12399 There Antenor truly t(ur)nyt to lond
12400 W(i)t(h) a few of his feres as fell hym by chaunse
12401 On a plentious place pleasaund to se
12402 There fildes were faire fresshe wat(ur) in
12403 And wodd(es) to wale w(i)t(h) wellis full clere
12404 There aboue on the bonke he bild vp a towne
12405 By leue of the lord þat the lond aght
12406 With riches full rife   relik(es) of troy
12407 Þat he broght in his barge to the ??? bare yle
12408 Þan he wroght vp a walle wightly abowte
12409 W(i)t(h) toures full tore the towne to defend
12410 Þai cald hit a coynt nome comyns   ??? all
12411 Menelon by mouthe mighty   other
12412 When hit knowen was the case w(i)t(h) comyns of troy
12413 Of the plentius plase   plesaund of lyue
12414 Mony weghes thedur went   wond in the toune
12415 And replenisshed the place   the playn londis
12416 The kyng was full curtas þ(a)t þe kith aght
12417 Myche louyt he the lede   the lell pepull
12418 ffor the wit of the wegh   his wale dedis
12419 He was chosyn w(i)t(h) þat choise chevest of councell
12420 And wele louit w(i)t(h) the ledis of the lond all
12421 Now t(ur)ne wyll I tite   take þ(er)e I leuyt
12422 To the grek(es) agayne in the gret toune
12423 Cassandra the clere the kyng(es) owne doughter
12424 Þat abode in the burgh w(i)t(h) bale at hir hert
12425 Hir mod(ur)   hir myld Suster martrid to dethe
12426 Myche water ho weppit wailyng in sorow
12427 Hit was ruth any renke þat rioll to se
12428 When ho sesit o sither   sorow abated
12429 The kyng(es) into councell callit hir þan
12430 To spir of hor spede spekyn hir to
12431 Þan p(ur)past þai plainly to pas out of lond
12432 The maidon to tho mighty men(er)ly saide
12433 Hom shuld happon full hard in a hond while
12434 Agamynon the grete shuld grymly be slayn
12435 W(i)t(h) meneye of þ(a)t mighty þat& he most louet
12436 And othir fuersly be flemyt   fallyn into ang(ur)
12437 All happit hom to haue as the hynd saide
12438 As I shall tell you full tite   tary not long
12439 This thelamon I told of þ(a)t t(ra)yturly was slayn
12440 Two sonnes of hym selfe sothely he hade
12441 Þat he wan on his wyfes as þe writ sais
12442 The first of þo fre faithly was cald
12443 Emynent the mighty w(i)t(h) men þ(a)t hym knew
12444 Of Claustra the clere qwene clennest of other
12445 Antissas þat tothir tellis the story
12446 Ethimyssa his make to the men bere
12447 Thies were gyuen to the gou(er)n(au)nce of a gay kyng
12448 Heght teucra ful tru as the tale shewes
12449 Tho noble to norisshe in hor nait yowthe
12450 Till þai waxen were of wit   of wight dedis
12451 And abill vntill armys as þ(er)e astate wolde
12452 Then agamynon the grete and his gay brothir
12453 Asket leue at the lord(es)   the lege kyng(es)
12454 ffor to wend to the wat(ur) in hor wale shippes
12455 And t(ur)ne out of troy   the toune leue
12456 But the grek(es) to þo grete grauntid hit noght
12457 ffor þai hadon hom in hate   in hert straunge
12458 ffor the dethe and the deire of the duke thelamon
12459 Syn Vlixes w(i)t(h) vtteraunse auntrid to flight
12460 Yet þai grauntid þo grete the gate to the sea
12461 And abide on the buernes in hor big shippes
12462 Till all barges were boune   buernes w(i)t(h)in
12463 And draghen furth to the depe as hom due thoght

The XXXJ. Boke of the passage
of the Grekys ffro Troy

12464 Hyt fell thus by fortune þe fairest of þe yere
12465 Was past to the point of the pale wintur
12466 Heruest w(i)t(h) the heite   the high sun
12467 Was comyn into colde w(i)t(h) a course low
12468 Trees thurgh tempest(es) tynd hade þ(er)e leues
12469 And briddes abatid of hor brem songe
12470 The wynde of the west wakket wackenet aboue
12471 Blowyng full bremly o the brode ythes
12472 The clere aire ou(er)cast w(i)t(h) cloudys full thicke
12473 W(i)t(h) myst(es) full m(er)ke mynget w(i)t(h) showres
12474 fflodes were felle thurgh fallyng of rayne
12475 And wint(ur) vp wacknet w(i)t(h) his wete aire
12476 The gret nauy of the grek(es)   the gay kyng(es)
12477 We put in a p(ur)pos to pas fro the toune
12478 Sore longit þo lordis hor londys to se
12479 And dissiret full depely doutyng no wedur
12480 Þai counted no course of the cold stormys
12481 Ne the p(er)ellis to passe of þe pale windes
12482 Hit happit hom full hard in a hond qwile
12483 And mony of þo mighty to misse of hor p(ur)pos
12484 Thus tho lordes in hor longyng laghton þe wat(ur)
12485 Shotton into ship mony shene knight(es)
12486 W(i)t(h) the tresowre of þe toune þai tokon before
12487 Relik(es) full rife   miche ranke godes
12488 Clere was the course of the cold flodis
12489 And the firmame(n)t faire as fell for the wint(ur)
12490 Thai past on the pale se puld vp hor ancres sailes
12491 Hadyn bir(e) at þ(er)e backe and the bonke leuyt
12492 ffoure dayes by dene   hor du nyghtis
12493 ffull soundly þai sailed w(i)t(h) seasonable windes
12494 The fyft day fuersly fell at the none
12495 Sodonly the softe winde vnsoberly blew
12496 A myste   a merkenes myngit to gedur
12497 A thoner and a thicke rayne þrublet in the skewes
12498 W(i)t(h) a nugson noise noy for to here
12499 All flasshet in a ffire the firmame(n)t ou(er)
12500 Was no light but a laite þat launchit aboue
12501 Hit skirmyt in the skewes w(i)t(h) a skyre low
12502 Thurgh the clat(er)and clowdes clef to the heuyn
12503 As the welkyn shuld walt for wodenes of hete
12504 W(i)t(h) blastes full bigge of the breme wyndes
12505 Walt vp the waghes vpon wan hilles
12506 Stith was the storme stird all the shippes
12507 Hoppit on hegh w(i)t(h) heste of the fflodes
12508 The sea was vnsober sondrit the nauy
12509 Walt ou(er) waghes   no way held
12510 Dep(ar)tid the pepull pyne to be hold
12511 In cost(es) vnkowthe cut down þ(er)e sailes
12512 Ropis alto rochit rent vp the hacches
12513 Topcastell ou(er)t(ur)nyt takell(es) were lost
12514 The night come onone noye was the morewas
12515 All the company cleane of the kyng Telamon
12516 W(i)t(h) þ(er)e shippes full shene   þe shire godis
12517 Were brent in the bre w(i)t(h) the breme lowe
12518 Of the leymond laite þat launchit fro heuyn
12519 And euyn drownet in the depe duk(es)   other
12520 Oelius Aiax as aunt(er) befell
12521 Was stad in the storme w(i)t(h) the stith windes
12522 W(i)t(h) his shippes full shene and the shire godes
12523 Thrifty and þriuaund thretty and two
12524 There were brent on the buerne w(i)t(h) the breme low
12525 And all the freik(es) in the flode flot(er)and aboue
12526 Hym seluyn in the sea sonkyn belyue
12527 Swalprit   swam w(i)t(h) swyngyng of armys
12528 3et he launchet to lond   his lyf hade
12529 Bare of his body bret full of water
12530 In the Slober   the slicche slongyn to londe
12531 Till the derke was done   the day sprang
12532 There he lay if hym list the long night ou(er)
12533 And than wonen of waghes w(i)t(h) wo as þai might
12534 Þan sum of his sort þat soght were to lond
12535 Laited þ(er)e lord on the lannd syde
12536 If hit fell hom by fortune the flodes to passe
12537 Þan found þai the freike in the fome lye
12538 And comford hym kyndly as þ(er)e kyd lord
12539 W(i)t(h) worship   word(es) wan hym to fote
12540 Bothe failet hym the fode and the fyne clothes
12541 Thus þ(er)e godd(es) w(i)t(h) gremþ w(i)t(h) þe grek(es)þere goddes fore
12542 Mighty mynera of malis full grete
12543 ffor telamon in tene tid for to pull
12544 Cassandra the cleane out of hir cloise temple
12545 Thus hit fell hom by fortune of a foule end
12546 ffor greuyng þ(er)e goddes in hor gret yre
12547 Oft sythes men sayn   sene is of olde
12548 Þat all a company is cumbrit for a cursed shrewe
12549 Now of kyng(es)   knight(es)   other kyd duk(es)
12550 Þat past of this p(er)ell in pes to þ(er)e lond(es)
12551 I will tell how hom tyd while I tyme hade haue
12552 And how fortune full fell forget þ(er)e end

The XXXIIIJ. Boke of the Lesyng þat
was made to kyng Nawle and of
dethe of his Son Palomydon

12553 Thys ylke tyme of the toile tellis the story
12554 There wont a kyng on the coste in a cuntre of grece
12555 Hight Naulus to nome a nold man of age
12556 He hade lannd(es) full long   of leue brede
12557 And the grettist of Grise of ground   of pepull
12558 After a Syde of the sea sothely to telle
12559 Was a party a p(ro)uynse pight full of hilles
12560 W(i)t(h) roches full rogh ragget w(i)t(h) stones
12561 At the full of the flode flet all aboue
12562 By þe bourdurs aboute bret full of rokkes
12563 This noble kyng Nawle hade naite sons two
12564 At Troy in the toile the toun for to wynne
12565 Comyn in company of the kyd grek(es)
12566 And fuerse men in fight fell of hor dyntt(es)
12567 The first of þo fuerse and his fre ayre
12568 Was palomydon þe pert a p(ri)semon in werre
12569 And the yonger of yeres yepely was cald
12570 Othe w(i)t(h) all men abill of dedis
12571 Palomydon the pure a p(ri)semon of armys
12572 W(i)t(h) anauy full noble fro Naulus his ffader
12573 Past w(i)t(h) a pepull prowd of aray
12574 And t(ur)nyt vnto Tenydon as I told haue
12575 The grek(es) for his gretnes   his grym knight(es)
12576 Ordant hym Emp(er)ou(r) by opon assent
12577 And agamynon degrated of his degre þan
12578 Þat charget was a for cheftan of þo chere all
12579 Þan palomydon w(i)t(h) paris put was to dethe
12580 W(i)t(h) the birre of his bow as I aboue red
12581 But ay ledis w(i)t(h) lesyng(es) louys to noy
12582 In baret to bring   buernis to hyndur
12583 So happit hit here þat harmyt the grek(es)
12584 And mony doghty w(i)t(h) dole vnto dethe broght
12585 To this noble kyng Naule naitly was told
12586 Þat Palomydon his p(ri)se son put was to dethe
12587 Vntrusy by treason of his trist frynd(es)
12588 And noght in batell on bent as a buerne noble
12589 Thai said diamede the duke had don hym of lyue
12590 By ordin(au)nse of Vlixes to vtterauns for eu(er)
12591 Thus lytherly þo lyghers lappit þ(er)e tales
12592 And forget a faint tale vnder fals colou(r)
12593 Thai said Agamynon w(i)t(h) gawdes   þe gay dyamed
12594 Menelay w(i)t(h) malis   mighty Vlixes
12595 Thies ffoure in hor falshed had forget a l(ett)re
12596 And writen hit in word(es) by þ(er)e will all
12597 The tenure to telle truly was þis
12598 Þat palomydon the pure had p(ur)post a nend
12599 ffor to treite w(i)t(h) the troiens in t(ra)yn of þe grek(es)
12600 Þat no whe shuld hit wote till hom wo happit
12601 ffor a gobet of gold to gripe of þe Cite
12602 All the Grek(es) to be gyle   to ground bring
12603 Thies letturs þo ledis lete forto bynd
12604 To a buerne on the bent in batell was sle slayne
12605 Þan Vlixes the lord litherly þai saide
12606 P(re)set to a p(ri)ue mon of palamydon the kyng
12607 And of gold he hym gaf a full gret soume
12608 ffor to wirke o this wise as the wegh bad
12609 Þat he wold bogh to the bed of the bold kyng
12610 And hade at his hed þ(a)t he haue shuld
12611 Þan he fot hom of florens a full fuerse soume
12612 The gome grippet the gold   his gate held
12613 T(ur)nyt to the tent of his tru lord
12614 Presit to þe pelow   put hit euyn vnd(ur)
12615 Þan the freike in his fare fore to vlixes
12616 And said all duly was done as the duke bad
12617 Þan Vlixes w(i)t(h) vtteraunse vne at the tyme
12618 Gert britten þe burne w(i)t(h) a bare sword
12619 Þat he no talis schuld tell of treson was cast
12620 Þen þe letters on þe laund to þe led boundy(n)
12621 Wer(e) foundy(n) w(i)t(h) a freke of þe fyn grekis
12622 And red to þo rynkis as þe roll saide
12623 Of þe cast by þe kyng   knawen w(i)t(h) all
12624 Þen þe grete of þe grekis   þe gay kyng(es)
12625 ffull heghly in hate hadyn þe p(ri)nse
12626 Wightly þe wale kyng wan to his tent
12627 ffund a bag full bret all of bright gold
12628 Happit at þe hede of his hegh bed
12629 Vne the selfe and the same sowmet before
12630 As the ledis in the lettur on the lande fond
12631 Þan þai p(re)set palomydon w(i)t(h) a proude fare
12632 As a t(ra)ytor vntrew þat treason had wroght
12633 But the freike hym defendit w(i)t(h) a fyn chere
12634 W(i)t(h) batell on bent barly hym seluon
12635 To trye out the truthe w(i)t(h) his trist hond
12636 On what buerne so was bold þe batell to take
12637 And when no freike was furse to fight w(i)t(h) hym one
12638 Of all the grek(es) so grym thurgh the gret oste
12639 Þan Vlixes the lord w(i)t(h) his lefe wordes
12640 Askewset the skathe   sklaund(ur) w(i)t(h) all
12641 He plesit the p(ri)nce   purgit his fame
12642 And the folke w(i)t(h) his flat(er)y falsly dissayuit
12643 Yet thies lyghers vnlell w(i)t(h) hor laith speche
12644 Saidon the same kyng sone aft(er) þis
12645 Þat dyamede þe derfe   doghty Vlixes
12646 To palomydon in p(ri)uete p(re)sit to gedur
12647 Þai toldyn hym full truly in hor trayn feble
12648 Þat doune in the dongyn of a dry pit
12649 Was a gobet full grete all of gold hid
12650 Of tresoure of the toune for takyng w(i)t(h) fos
12651 Yf hym self wold assent þe soume forto gete
12652 In p(ri)uete to part þ(a)t no p(ri)se wyst
12653 Onon at þe nyght þo nobill þai saidyn
12654 Wold boune to þe bonke barly hom seluy(n)
12655 All þe gold forto gripe if hym gode likid
12656 Þen þe sou(er)an assentid w(i)t(h) a sad will
12657 Dred no dissait of his der(e) kyng(es)
12658 Past furth to þe pit p(ri)uely all
12659 Vne aboue to þe bordur   bodyn þer(e) all
12660 Þen þai fraynet qwiche freke þ(a)t schuld first ent(er)
12661 And palamydon þe p(ri)se kyng put hym þ(er)to
12662 Cast of his clothis cantly   wele
12663 And his hose in hast highit hym doun
12664 When þe p(ri)nse was past to þe pit bothum
12665 Þe burnes on þe bonk bet hym w(i)t(h) stonys
12666 And euyn dang hym to deth in þe derk hole
12667 Left hym þ(er) lyond   lurkit to þair(e) tentis
12668 Þus told was þe tale   full tru made
12669 To þe nobill kyng nawle of his nayt sone
12670 Lappit w(i)t(h) a ligher in his laith hate
12671 Þat derit mony dughti   drepit for ay
12672 Naule þen onon for noy of þis tale
12673 W(i)t(h) othe his othirson ordant belyue
12674 Þe greis forto greue   to ground bryng
12675 ffor þe sake of his sone vppon sum wise
12676 Hit was told hym for tru in tyme of þe wynt(er)
12677 Þe grekis w(i)t(h) hor grym ost wer(e) gon to þe se
12678 In sound forto saile   seche to þair(e) londis
12679 W(i)t(h) all þe tresour of troy   þe toune leuyt
12680 Be any wise in þis world wend hom behode
12681 By þe cost in þe cuntr(e) þer kyng dwellit
12682 Þen þe kyng thurgh þe kyth comand his me(n)
12683 ffair(e) fyris   furse to ferke vppon hillis
12684 By a side of þe se þer(e) þai saile most
12685 On þe mowntans mony in þe myrk nyght
12686 When þis done was in dede as þe duk bad
12687 Þe grete nauy in þe nyght come onon after
12688 Segh þe fires so fair(e) fast at her(e) honde
12689 Euyn bounet to þe bonke barges   othir
12690 fforto rest in þe rode of þe rugh ythis
12691 Letyn sailes doune slide slegli   fair(e)
12692 Rut euyn to þe rokkis w(i)t(h) a rank will
12693 Þer wer(e) spaudit   spilt in a spase litill
12694 Two hundreth hede schippis in a hond qwile
12695 All drownet with dole dukis   othir
12696 W(i)t(h) all þe gold   þe gode þ(a)t þai gety(n) hade
12697 Þe remnond þ(a)t rode by þe rugh bonkis
12698 Herd þe rurde   þe ryfte of þe rank schippis
12699 Þe frusshe   þe far(e) of folke þ(a)t wer(e) drounet
12700 And held hom on hofe in the hegh Sea
12701 All the skathes thai skepe of þo skir(e) hylles
12702 Among whiche menye to myn hom by nome
12703 Ther(e) was Agamynon the gret   the good dyamede
12704 Menelay the mighty   mony other kyng(es)
12705 Thies passet the p(er)ellis of the pale ythes
12706 Houit on the hegh Sea held hom o ferr(e)
12707 This Othe I er said the od sun of Naule
12708 Dissiret the dethe of the derf kyng(es)
12709 Agamynon to grefe   the gay dyamede
12710 And to hynd(ur) hom in hast   hit hap might
12711 And þai past to þ(er)e p(ro)uyns   no payn þole
12712 This Othe w(i)t(h) ournyng ordant belyue
12713 Letturs by a lede þat he leell trist
12714 To Agamynon gay wif gert hym to bire
12715 Þat Clunestra was callid as the clause tellus
12716 To hir he certifiet sothely in his sad lettur
12717 Þat Agamynon had goten to his gay spouse
12718 Of P(ri)am a p(ri)se doghter p(ra)yset full mekull
12719 Hir he broght in his barge to his burgh hom
12720 Þat faire forto feffe in his fre lond(es)
12721 And ho mvn douteles be ded   done fro hir right
12722 Þan he counseld clunestra er þat cas fell
12723 To be war of þat wegh   wait on hir seluyn
12724 The lady leuit the lettur þat the led sent
12725 And þonkit hym þroly w(i)t(h) þonke in hir hert
12726 She compast by course in hir clene wit
12727 How this vilany to venge   voide of hir harme

Off the dethe of Agamynon and þe
exile of Dyamede by þ(er)e wyuys
ffor this lettur

12728 When this worthy of wothe wan to his rem
12729 Out of p(er)ell and pyne of the pale ythes
12730 Clunestra that clere come hym agayne
12731 His worshipfull wife w(i)t(h) a wale chere
12732 Resayuit hym w(i)t(h) reu(er)ence as renke to his owne
12733 W(i)t(h) a faynond fare vnd(ur) fals thoght
12734 This Clunestra the clere as the clause tellus
12735 ffor lacke of hir lord laiked besyde
12736 Whill he faryn was to fight in a fer lond
12737 Sho spilt hade hir spousaile sparit ho noght
12738 And lodly in hir law the lady hade synnet
12739 Eugest w(i)t(h) his Iapis hade Iustilet hir w(i)t(h)
12740 And getyn in his gomyn on the gay lady
12741 A doghter þat was dere in hir derne play
12742 Nawther comyn was þ(a)t kyd mon of no kyng riche
12743 Ne duke þ(a)t was doghty ne no derfe erle
12744 Yet ho heght hym to haue hole at his wille
12745 All the rioll rewme w(i)t(h) rentt(es) ynow
12746 This Clunestra vnclene cast w(i)t(h) hir loue
12747 By assent of hom selfe sone at þe night
12748 The bold kyng in his bed britten to dethe
12749 All Slepond to Sle w(i)t(h) sleght of hom bothe
12750 And so fell hit by falshed fer in the night
12751 When the bold in his bed was broght vppo(n) slepe
12752 Þan entrid this eugist euyn as hym list
12753 And w(i)t(h) a thricche in the throte throtlet the kyng
12754 When this duke was dede   done into graue
12755 Clunestra at kirke couplit onone
12756 This Eugest w(i)t(h) Ialite to hir iuste spouse
12757 Of Mechenar she made hym maist(ur)   syre
12758 This Agamynon the gret hade a gay sone
12759 Consayuit of Clunestra þ(a)t cald was Orestres
12760 He was yong   yepe of yeris but lyte
12761 Kyng taltill hym toke for trist of his lyue
12762 And send hym full sone to a sure frynd
12763 Ydimi(us) for doute lest the derfe qwene
12764 Mortheret hym w(i)t(h) malice in the meane tyme
12765 He was keppit full close   w(i)t(h) cleane hert
12766 And worshippit on all wise as þ(er)e wale son
12767 Ayre to þ(er)e herytage aft(ur) hom seluyn
12768 This othe I ere said od son of Naule
12769 To Egea aft(ur)ward egurly send
12770 The dere wife of Dyamed dernly a lettur
12771 Gert the lady beleue on a laithe wise
12772 He hade p(ur)uait a prowd wife of p(ri)ames doght(ur)
12773 This Egea the gest sais was a iust lady
12774 To Polento the p(ri)se kyng vne a pure doghter
12775 Kyng of Arguen cald in in cuntres aboute
12776 And hade a brother full bold   barly no moo
12777 ffaire on hir fad(ur) syde as fell hom by chaunse
12778 All the lond(es) full large of the lefe kyng
12779 Polente of p(ri)ce þ(a)t was hir pure fadur
12780 Lefte to þo litle as his pure leue heires
12781 Þan partid was p(re)stly the p(ri)se rewme of argon
12782 Betwene Assandrus for sothe   his sust(ur) Egea
12783 This Egea aioynet to hir iust spouse
12784 Dyomed the dughty w(i)t(h) hir due part
12785 Assandrus forsothe sais me the lettur
12786 W(i)t(h) dyomed deruly dresset to wend
12787 To the terage of Troy w(i)t(h) a tore ost
12788 And er þai comyn to the company of þe clene grek(es)
12789 There all semblet were sothely at þe same tyme
12790 Þai pastparted by a p(ar)ty of þe prouyns of Boys
12791 There thelafus þat tyme was a tore kyng
12792 There þai bowet fro þe barge to þe banke syde
12793 To solas hom a season w(i)t(h) sum of hor pepull
12794 Thelaphus w(i)t(h) tene toke his to her
12795 Þat þai light on his lond   no leue hade
12796 He fore to þat folke w(i)t(h) a fell chere
12797 W(i)t(h) a company clene kyd men of armys
12798 There faght þai in fere w(i)t(h) a fell wille
12799 And kild of þ(er)e knight(es) to þe cold erthe
12800 This assandrus I said you / w(i)t(h) a sad weppyn
12801 Mony dong to the dethe of his derf knight(es)
12802 There at Thelaphus hade tene   t(ur)net belyue
12803 Caght to a kene spere cuttyng be fore
12804 Caupit euyn w(i)t(h) the knight kyld hym to dethe
12805 Þan dyomede w(i)t(h) dole drogh hym vp sone
12806 Hade hym fro horse fet w(i)t(h) helpe of his knight(es)
12807 And myche water I wis weppit þ(er)fore
12808 This was clerely the cause of þ(a)t knight(es) dethe
12809 Yet his suster þat I said sothely was told
12810 Þat Diamed w(i)t(h) dethe had done hym a way
12811 ffor to wyn by his wiff all the wale rewme
12812 The lady for the losse of hir leue brother
12813 Myche mo(ur)nyng ho made in hir mynd þan
12814 Hir hade leu(er) haue lost all hir lond hole
12815 Þan hir brother ho best louet of buernes olyue
12816 Thus heuet þat hynd to hir hed lord
12817 ffor tithing(es) hor told were of hir tru brother
12818 And the lett(ur) w(i)t(h) the lesyng þ(a)t the lede send
12819 Naulus the noble by his naite sun
12820 Ho assemblet hir suremen in a sad oste
12821 And warnet hom wightly the wat(ur) to kepe
12822 And dyamede on þe depe / dryue from þe lond
12823 Thus the bold kyng was banisshet fro his big yle
12824 All will of his wone his werdis to laite
12825 And Sythen into Salerne he soght on his way
12826 There Teucro the tall kyng / tan was for lorde
12827 Þat was Brother of birthe to þe bold thelamon
12828 To Teucro was told of Thelamons dethe
12829 That Dyamede the duke had dernly conspiretfor diseyset
12830 W(i)t(h) Vlixes the lorde þ(a)t hym of lyue broght
12831 Gert take hym full tite in his tore angur
12832 But he stale fro þ(a)t stithe stilly by night
12833 Wan into watur   away past
12834 Demaphus the du kyng   dughty Athamaz
12835 On suche wis w(i)t(h) þ(er)e wiues were wernet þ(er)e lond(es)
12836 Þan come þai to cartage w(i)t(h) care at þ(er)e hert(es)
12837 There the noble duke Nestor naitly hom toke
12838 And welcomyt tho worthy on a wise faire
12839 W(i)t(h) all hor company clene as þ(er)e kyd ffrynd
12840 There p(ur)post þo p(ri)se men w(i)t(h) a prowde oste
12841 Thaire owne lond(es) to lacche   the ledes qwell
12842 But the noble duke Nestor onon to hom said
12843 Ames you of malice but a mene qwile
12844 Sendis fro you(r) seluyn to yo(ur) syde londis
12845 Tretis hom truly all w(i)t(h) tried wordes
12846 Hetis hom hertely to haue all hor hert wille
12847 Of ffredom   ffranches fret w(i)t(h) hom so
12848 And all yo(ur) will shall ye wyn   no wegh harme
12849 So hit happit þo hynd in a hond qwile
12850 To com to hor kyngdomes   hor kyth home
12851 W(i)t(h) fauo(ur) and frendship of freik(es) w(i)t(h)in
12852 And were welcome I wis to wyues   other
12853 Eneas / þat afterward auntred to leng
12854 In Troy for a tyme as I told haue
12855 His gold   his godis to gedur into ship
12856 And his fraght on the flode fully to make
12857 Ofte faght þ(a)t freike   folke of the Cite
12858 W(i)t(h) Enmys enerdand in ylis aboute
12859 When the toun was takon   t(ur)nyt to ground
12860 The kyng   his knight(es) kild to the dethe
12861 There come out of castels   of cloise townes
12862 ffro the bowerdurs aboute þ(a)t hom bale wroght
12863 Pilours and plodders piked þ(er)e good(es)
12864 Kyld of þe comyns   myche care did
12865 Eneas þan aft(ur)ward egurly counseld
12866 Syn he was banysshed fro the burgh   bode þ(er)e no leng(ur)
12867 Þat þe pepull by p(ur)pos p(re)stly shuld send
12868 ffor Dyamed the dughty w(i)t(h) his du helpe
12869 To fight w(i)t(h) hor fo men   forther þe lond
12870 The troiens full tite token his red
12871 Sendon for the Sure kyng in a sad hast
12872 Where the fre might be foundyn   fet hym to troy
12873 And he come to þat cuntre w(i)t(h) a cant wille
12874 All the ledys of the lond lyuely were fayn
12875 Þat were helples hard stad   þ(er)e hed lost
12876 Yet Eneas was also euyn in the toune
12877 Noght faryn w(i)t(h) histhe flete ne the flode takyn
12878 Þan þai busket to batell þo bold men in fere
12879 Armet at all pes w(i)t(h) abell to werre
12880 Þat were left vppon lyue logget w(i)t(h)in
12881 Seuyn days sothely sothely sais me the lettur
12882 Þai faght in the ffild w(i)t(h) þ(er)e fuerse enmyes
12883 Dyamed full dughtile did w(i)t(h) his hond(es)
12884 And mony britnet on the bent of hor breme fos
12885 Mony toke he þat tyme and to toune led
12886 And hongit hom in hast vpon high galowes
12887 The fyfte day of þe fight so fuersly he wroght
12888 Þat no buerne was so bold his birre to w(i)t(h)stond
12889 But all fled of the feld   fongit were mony
12890 And ay hongit þo harlott(es) as þai hent were
12891 Bothe on galous full grym   on gret trees
12892 Þat none left were on lyue in the lond sone
12893 Owther captains of castels or kepars of tounes
12894 Herd suche hardship happyn to falle
12895 Of freik(es) vnfayre that fore to þe Cite
12896 And all the cost(es) full clene keppit hom away
12897 And neu(er) did hom no deyre ne no dole after
12898 Whan Ene hade all thing ordant at wille
12899 His Shippes on the shyre wat(ur) shot full of goodes
12900 Relik(es) full ryfe   myche red gold
12901 W(i)t(h) Anchises his choise moder chese into flete
12902 And halit furth hastely to þe high see
12903 As hym demyt was by dome by duk(es) before
12904 He not wist in this world what wayes to hold
12905 Ne what cost ne cuntre come vnto lannd
12906 At the last as o(ur) lord wold he light into hauyn
12907 After in Itaile as aunt(er) be fell
12908 Tegh vnto Tuskan   t(ur)nyt to londe
12909 Now what worthe of þat whe   his wale godis
12910 ffro he tuskan had takyn tellis hit not here
12911 Of his wond(ur)full werk(es) who wilnes to know
12912 Go loke at the lede þat his lyfe wroght
12913 Virgell full verely þos vertus can tell
12914 In a boke þat buerne of þat bold made
12915 Þat Enyodos w(i)t(h) noble men is to nome cald
12916 The Dere Wife of Dyamed of his dethe herd
12917 How he t(ur)nyt vnto troy   the toune keppit
12918 Of his ffrikenes in fight   his fyne strenght
12919 Ho dout hir full deply for drede of þe kyng
12920 Lest he raght to his rewme w(i)t(h) a roid fare
12921 Kyld all hir knight(es)   comyns by dene
12922 And hir seluyn ou(er)set   sesit the londe
12923 Þan Egea full iointly w(i)t(h) hir ioly knight(es)
12924 Toke counsell in the case   comynt to gedur
12925 The lady by lettur þan louely send
12926 ffor Dyamede þe derfe þat was hir du lorde
12927 Þan he t(ur)nyt fro Troy to his triet rewme
12928 W(i)t(h) myche worship his wife welcomyt hym hom
12929 And his Arguens also all were þai fayn
12930 Othir kyng(es) of þe kith / þat comyn fro troy
12931 Þat were put fro þ(er)e p(ro)uyns repairet agayne
12932 Recounseld to þ(er)e cuntre comyns   other
12933 And were welcom I wis to wyuis   all
12934 Þan þai Byld vp hor Burghes   hor big tounes
12935 Þat were enfeblet before for faute of þaire hedes
12936 W(i)t(h) the Tresore of troy   the tore relikes
12937 And other riches full rife and restid hom þan

Here Begynnes the XXXV. Boke how
Orest toke vengianse for his fader dethe

12938 Agamynons hawne sone abill of 3eris
12939 Þat ydumi(us) the der(e) kyng duly had keppit
12940 ffor ferd of his fos þat his fader slogh
12941 Eugestus w(i)t(h) Iapis shulde Iuge hym to dethe
12942 Was waxen full wele   wight of his hondis dedis
12943 XX.ti wintur I wis the wegh was of age
12944 And forther by foure / fuerse of his strenght
12945 Þan hon(er)ed hym þat od kyng w(i)t(h) ordur of knight
12946 Gaf hym of his gold   his gay stedis
12947 And hight hym of helpe w(i)t(h) a hede pepull
12948 Orestes þat on(er)able oftymes p(ra)yet
12949 To ffilsyn hym w(i)t(h) folke his fo to dystroy
12950 His cuntre to keu(er)   his kid rewme
12951 And to deire for the dethe of his dere fader
12952 The kyng grauntid agayne w(i)t(h) a gode wille
12953 A thowsaund þro knight(es) þrepand in wer(e)
12954 He assignet for hym selfe to his sad helpe
12955 And so luffet was the lede in þe lond þan
12956 Þat asmony able men after was grauntid
12957 Þan Orestes full rad w(i)t(h) his ronke knight(es)
12958 Come to the Croeze the cuntre w(i)t(h)in
12959 There forenses the fre kyng fairly can dwell
12960 He was neghbur full negh to þe noble yle
12961 Ther(e) Agamynon the gode gou(er)n(au)nce hade
12962 And was Enmy full euyn to Eugest w(i)t(h) all
12963 And held wer(e) w(i)t(h) þat wegh winturs full mony
12964 This fforenses w(i)t(h) fyne will faithfully p(ra)yet
12965 Þat he might ryde w(i)t(h) þat Orest   his ranke oste
12966 To Ioyne w(i)t(h) Eugest for his vniust werk(es)
12967 W(i)t(h) þre hundrith þrifty all of þred knight(es)
12968 And he þriftely w(i)t(h) þro hert þanket the kyng
12969 And so busked the bold fro the burgh sone
12970 Hit was the moneth of May when mirthes begyn
12971 The Sun t(ur)nyt into tauro taried þ(er)e vnder
12972 Medos   mountains mynget w(i)t(h) floures
12973 Greues wex grene   the ground swete
12974 Nightgalis w(i)t(h) not(es) newit þ(er)e songe
12975 And shene briddes in shawes shriked full lowde
12976 Orestes full rad w(i)t(h) his ranke knight(es)
12977 And forenses the fuerse kyng faryn of toune
12978 Þai meuit vnto Messan w(i)t(h) þ(er)e men hole
12979 All refusit hom the folke of þe fyne plase
12980 When he segh þat the Cite sate in defens
12981 He besegit hit full sadly vppon sere halues
12982 Þat no buerne of the burghe durst to bent come
12983 And so keppit he the close of his clene Cite
12984 He had answare of Appolyn abill be fore
12985 Þat he his fomen shull fell   his folke wyn
12986 And his moder for hir malice mart(ur) to dethe
12987 ffor all the helpe þat ho hade   the hegh walles
12988 This Eugest w(i)t(h) Iolite a Iournay was gone
12989 To fecche hym sum frek(es) w(i)t(h) hor fyn helpus
12990 Of Bachelers   bowmen the burgh to defend
12991 Orestes full radly the renke hade aspiet
12992 What way þat he went as weghes hym told
12993 He p(ur)past hym p(ri)uely in pathes to lye
12994 Knight(es) at his comyng to kacche hym olyue
12995 Þat mekill were of might   of his men qwelle
12996 The Cite he assailet w(i)t(h) a sowte ofte
12997 Þat the folke to defend failit / o syther
12998 Thai werit of þ(er)e werke the wallis to kepe
12999 And no buerne of þe burgh þ(a)t aboue stode
13000 The XV.tene day fuersly he felle to þe toune
13001 He toke hit full tyt   tomly he entrid
13002 W(i)t(h) all his company clene of kyd men of armys
13003 He comaundit his knight(es) for keping the yatis
13004 ffor repaire at the port or p(re)syng the yatis
13005 He past to the palas of his p(ri)se ffader
13006 There caght he Clunestra þat closit was in
13007 He put hir in p(ri)son p(re)stly to kepe
13008 And all the rebellis full rad rappitto dethe
13009 Þat were assent to þe slaght of his sure fader
13010 The same day sothely the Cite was takyn
13011 Eugeste w(i)t(h) Iolymen aioynit agayne
13012 The Cite for to socou(r) w(i)t(h) his sad help
13013 Noght warre of the weghes þ(a)t waited his harme
13014 Past furth thurgh the pase w(i)t(h) his proude knight(es)
13015 A busshement of bold men breke hym vpon
13016 Kild all his kant men kaghtyn hym seluyn
13017 His hond bounden at his backe hym to burgh led
13018 The secund day suyng sone in the morne
13019 Orestes his renkes radly comaundet
13020 Bare to the barre bryng hym his moder
13021 Hir hond(es) bounden at hir backe bigly w(i)t(h) ropes
13022 Than he wentto þat worthy in his wode yre
13023 And the pappis of the pure puld fro hir brest
13024 With a knyfe þat was kene cast hom away
13025 And w(i)t(h) the swing of a swerd swappit hir to dethe
13026 He comaund the corse cacche vp onone
13027 And hurle w(i)t(h) a horse to the hegh feldys
13028 And cast hit as karyn vnto kene foles
13029 There the lady on the lond lay for to rest
13030 Till the flesshe of þat faire was fret of the bones
13031 To draghen be w(i)t(h) dogges   othir derfe bestis briddis
13032 Eugest he adiuget for vniust werk(es)
13033 Nakid thro the noble toune onone to be drawen
13034 Þan in hast for to heng vppon hegh galowes
13035 W(i)t(h) all the traito(ur)s vntru þat he toke þ(er)e
13036 Thus he vengit the velany   the vile grym
13037 Of the dethe þat hym deiret of his dere fader
13038 Thus the lady was lost for hir lethur dedis
13039 Þat vnhappely for hor(e)dam hastyd to sle
13040 Agamynon the goode the grettist of kyng(es)
13041 And most worthy to wale while the world last
13042 ffor ho keppit not hir klennes w(i)t(h) a cloise hert
13043 Thus fell hir by fortune to haue a foule end

How Menelay was wrothe ffor br the dethe of Clunestra

13044 When Menelay the mighty   his men all
13045 Were comyn out of care of the cold ythes
13046 W(i)t(h) hon(er)able Elan þat was his aune wif
13047 To the cuntre of Crete þ(er)e the kyng dwellit
13048 Hit was told hym full tyte of his tru brother
13049 Þat done was to dethe w(i)t(h) a derf t(ra)itor
13050 And how Orestes full rad w(i)t(h) a roid fare
13051 Hade marterid his moder for malice þ(er)of
13052 All the comyns of Crete   the kyd lord(es)
13053 On the lady to loke longit full sore
13054 ffor whom the grek(es) so grymly were to ground broght
13055 So Eger were all men Elan to se
13056 ffor to waite on þ(a)t worthy went þai belyue
13057 Then the Senio(ur) full sone w(i)t(h) seasonable windes
13058 Cairet fro Crete w(i)t(h) his clene nauy
13059 Meuit vnto Mecayne w(i)t(h) his men all
13060 And faire Elan his fere ferkit hym w(i)t(h)
13061 To Orestes his aune cosyn angardly send
13062 Noght to rest in his rewme ne by right haue
13063 The heritage of auncetry aft(ur) his fader
13064 ffor the murthe of his moder he martired so foule
13065 Þan the grettist of grise were gedirt þ(er)fore
13066 Bothe of kyng(es) full clene   of kid duk(es)
13067 To attens þ(a)t abill toune angardly mony
13068 ffor to meue of þ(a)t mater   make þ(er)e anend
13069 Then p(ri)nses full p(re)st and the pure king(es)
13070 Saydon Orestes be right shuld re??? his lond(es)
13071 And be exiled for eu(er)more as orible of dede
13072 Þat so doggetly had done w(i)t(h) to his dere moder
13073 Þan alleggit the lede to þe leue p(ri)nses
13074 All the dere þat he did vnduly to hir
13075 Was barly by biddyng of his bright godd(es)
13076 Þat enformet hym before of the fete euyn
13077 The duke of Atthens full derffe dressit to say
13078 ffor the right of Orestes radly he proffert
13079 To proue w(i)t(h) his person   his pure strenght
13080 To the boldest in batell w(i)t(h) his bare hond
13081 Þat he had right to his rewme   no renke ellis
13082 And all the dedis were he dyd were done vppon reason
13083 Evyn wroght by the wille of hor wale godd(es)
13084 There was no buerne w(i)t(h) þ(a)t bold the batell to take
13085 The right to derayne w(i)t(h) the ranke duke
13086 By counsell of kyng(es)   comyn assent
13087 Thai qwite claymet the qwerell   qwit hym þ(er)e all
13088 And as right to his rewme restorit hym agayn
13089 Þan þai coroned hym kyng of þ(a)t kyd yle
13090 In the Cite of Syre set hym olofte
13091 All the ledis of his lond lelly were fayn
13092 And he wrothe as the wynde to his wale em
13093 Idum(us) the derfe kyng   his dere cosyn
13094 fforenses the fre þat hym faith aght
13095 To Macanas þo men meuit all somyn
13096 And accordit þo kyng(es) in the kith euyn
13097 Menelay the mighty   his mayn nephew
13098 Orestes the renke of hor ranke yre
13099 This accord was knit   in course made
13100 Þat Orestes the riche kyng radly shuld wed
13101 Ermonia the maydon his owne myld cosyn
13102 His Emes doghter full dere duly to wyf
13103 Made was this Mariage þo mighty betwene
13104 W(i)t(h) Solenite   Sacrifice the Cite w(i)t(h)in
13105 W(i)t(h) ffastyng and fare of þe fre pepull
13106 And lyuet furth in Lykyng a Long tyme after

The XXXVJ. Boke How hit happit
Vlixes aftur the Sege

13107 Vlyxes the Lord that lurkyd by nyght
13108 ffro the Cite to the se as I said Er
13109 When Thelamo(n) with tene was trayturly slayn
13110 All bar(e) in his bed   blody beronen
13111 With two schippis full schene þ(a)t þe schalk hiret
13112 He come vnto crete as þe Course fell
13113 All his nauy full nobill naytly wer lost
13114 And refte fro the rynke as I rede schall
13115 Telamon tor son toke hym with hond
13116 He refte hym his riches   his ronk schippis
13117 And wold haue honget þe here vppon hegh galos
13118 But hit auntrid vlixes vne forto skape
13119 Thurgh wiles   wit wan of his hondis
13120 And past of his pouer to pou(er)t ynugh
13121 Of all his wallond wele walt he no gode
13122 And þof he passit w(i)t(h) pyne þe pouer of hym
13123 3et happit hym full hard in a hond qwile
13124 The nobill kyng Naule naytly hym toke
13125 And p(ur)post w(i)t(h) pyne to put hym on lyue
13126 ffor the tale of the treson I told 3ow before
13127 Of the p(ri)se kyng palomydon his aune pur(e) son
13128 But thurgh wilys   wit he wan of his daunger
13129 Vnpairet of his p(er)son / p(re)uely he stale
13130 By what Iapis or gen aiuges not here
13131 Þat he skope fro þe skathe of thies skathell men
13132 But full pore of his p(ri)de   in plite febull
13133 To Idum(us) the du kyng doutles he come
13134 Þat had m(er)uell full mekill of his myshap
13135 And welcomyt þat worthy on a wise faire
13136 He spird hym full specially of his spede feble
13137 ffor to tell hym the truth how hym tid hade
13138 Þat he grauntid the gret w(i)t(h) a good wille
13139 His dissyre for to do   dressit to say
13140 Soth hit is s(ir) kyng   so ye well know
13141 After the takyng of troy me tid for to haue
13142 Mony shippes full shene shotfull of godes
13143 W(i)t(h) relik(es) full rife and red gold ynogh
13144 Mony s(er)uand(es) me suet   sad pepull als
13145 Knight(es) in my company   kid men of wer(e)
13146 So went I to watur hade winde at my lust
13147 Past to a port pleasond   faire
13148 Þat w(i)t(h) men of þat marche murna was cald
13149 Þ(er)e launchit I to lannd I a litle for ese
13150 Restid me rifely ricchit my seluyn
13151 Non hedit me w(i)t(h) hething ne no harme did
13152 Nowther barge ne bote ne buerne vppon lyue
13153 Þan toke I my tide t(ur)nyt to ship
13154 Hade wind at my wille   the wedur calme
13155 To colofages I flet   my feres all
13156 And þ(er)e restid in the rode as I red toke
13157 Whan I hade lengit qwile me list / I launchet on swithe
13158 And all the calme ou(er)cast into kene stormes
13159 ffull wodely the windes wackont aboue
13160 A myst   a m(er)knest mynget w(i)t(h) rayn
13161 Þat wilt vs in wer(e)   ou(r) way lost
13162 Knew we no costis for cauping of ythes
13163 Ne no lond on to light þat vs lefe was
13164 O sither vnto Cisile I sailet at the last
13165 There me happit full hard in a hond qwile
13166 The same tyme in Cicill somyn þ(er)e were
13167 Two kyng(es) þ(er)e were þat the kyth aght
13168 Bothe were þai brether   bold men of hond
13169 And fell men in fight þ(er)e found I my part
13170 Stigeta a stuerme man   stalworth was one
13171 And Ciclopla the secund so were þai cald
13172 Þai fell to me fuersly   my folke slogh
13173 Robbet my riches   reft me my gode
13174 Spoilit me dispitiously sparit me noght
13175 Two sons for sothe of the same kyng(es)
13176 ffuers men in fight   fell of hor dintt(es)
13177 Kyld of my knight(es) kid men a hundrith
13178 And sesit my self   my sur(e) felow
13179 Alphenor a freike þat me faith aght
13180 In a castell full cloise keppit vs bothe
13181 And put vs in p(ri)son p(re)stly to gedur
13182 Poliphemas the pert had a p(ri)se suster
13183 ffairest of fetu(re) fresshe to be hold
13184 Clere as the cristall   a cleane maidon
13185 Whan Alphenor the freike faithfully can se
13186 He was lappit w(i)t(h) loue   lusty dissire
13187 Negh wode of his wit went in þe plase
13188 Sex mones þat mighty made me to leng
13189 As p(ri)soner w(i)t(h) pyne in his prowd castell
13190 Þan pite of my p(er)son p(ri)kket his hert
13191 He deliu(er)t me lowse   my lefe felow
13192 Alphenor the freike þat fallyn was in loue
13193 This poliphemus me plesit   putto me þan
13194 Giftis of gold   greatly hono(ur)yt
13195 Alphenor in ??? faithe foundit full ofte
13196 The woman to wyn   away lede
13197 So he spake of his spede þ(a)t speciall vnto
13198 Þat onone in the night þ(a)t noble he stale
13199 ffro the sou(er)ain hir Syre   soght w(i)t(h) hir furth
13200 When hit come to the knowyng of hir kid brother
13201 Polphemus prudlyprestly p(re)set hir after
13202 W(i)t(h) knight(es) full kene kyd men of hond
13203 He fell on my folke   fele of hom slogh
13204 And my seluyn w(i)t(h) a sowte asailet full hard
13205 Þan I fell to defence w(i)t(h) a frike wille
13206 My seluyn to saue and soco(ur) my pepull
13207 The ton Egh in the toile tynt he belyue
13208 And I shot to my shippes   the shalke leuit
13209 W(i)t(h) myche labur at þe last I launchit to se
13210 Soght out of Cicile w(i)t(h) sorow þ(a)t I hade
13211 W(i)t(h) myche noy in the night my nauy to stere
13212 To the Ile of Aulida I auntrid to hit
13213 There found I before the fairest on lyue
13214 Two sister full semly þat me sore greuit
13215 Thai were ladies of þe lannd   of lore wise
13216 Of Nigramonsy ynogh nothing hom lakked
13217 The craft of co(n)iurac(i)on þo cu(m)ly did vse
13218 W(i)t(h) Spretis   exp(er)yment so spend þai þ(er)e lyf
13219 Who so light(es) in þ(a)t lond fro the low sea
13220 Þai haue no power to passe fro þ(er)e pure art
13221 And who þ(a)t bowes not bainly þ(er)e biddyng vnto
13222 Þo shene wull forshape vnto shire bestis
13223 Neu(er)more to be men vppon mold after
13224 Ne the lond for to leue in hor lyf tyme
13225 The wiser of tho worthy to wale hir by nome
13226 High Sirces for sothe so was sho callid
13227 And Talipha þ(a)t tother of þe tried suster
13228 This Circes my seluyn set on to loue
13229 W(i)t(h) charmes   Inchauntmentt(es) ho cherisshed me so
13230 Þat me wissit no wile away for to passe
13231 A twelmond   two wek(es) twynnet we noght
13232 W(i)t(h)in a yere full yeu(er)ly þat yepe was w(i)t(h) child
13233 Consayuit of my selfe   a son hade
13234 Þan I p(ur)past to passe w(i)t(h) pepull a few
13235 And cast me by craft   conyng þ(er)fore
13236 Of me þe worthy was war   my wille knew
13237 And sped hir full specially my sped for to let
13238 W(i)t(h) wiles   wicchecraft my way for to hindur
13239 But my Self of þat sciens somwhat I can
13240 Well enformet of the feate   hir fare marret
13241 And all hir note of Nig(ra)mansy naitly distroyet
13242 Þan I wan fro the woman w(i)t(h) wyles ynow
13243 W(i)t(h) a lite þat me left were launchit to see
13244 Past ou(er) the pale ythes   p(er)ellis full mony
13245 Into the cuntre of calaphe cast w(i)t(h) a storme
13246 There the qwene w(i)t(h) hir qwaintis qwaitid me to cacche
13247 Held me w(i)t(h) hir   my hed knight(es)
13248 Also longe as hir list / w(i)t(h) hir loue bounden
13249 But hit noyet me noght for hir noble chere
13250 That ho made to my men w(i)t(h) myrthes   ioye
13251 At the last fro þat lady I launsyt my selfe
13252 By wiles   wit   wo þ(a)t I tholit
13253 Hir craft   hir conyng by course I distroyet
13254 And saf w(i)t(h) my soudiours slippit hir fro
13255 Þan I sailet forth soundly on the Sea occian
13256 W(i)t(h) hom þ(a)t I hade and happit to light
13257 In a nyle þ(er)e a nold temple naitly I founde
13258 Of a god þat w(i)t(h) gomes was gretly hono(ur)et
13259 There answare hade all men after þ(er)e wille
13260 Both certayn   sothe þ(a)t soght forto wete
13261 At þat orribill I asket angardly myche
13262 Of dethe   of deire as destyny willes
13263 And other ferlies full fele I fraynit of hit
13264 There spird I full specially in spede for to here
13265 When dethe hade vs drepit   ou(r) day comyn
13266 And we went of this world what worthe of o(ur) saules
13267 To all thing he answarit abilly me thoght
13268 But of ou(r) sawles for sothe said he me noght
13269 Than went I to wat(ur)   a winde rose
13270 Shot furth my shippes on the shyre ythes
13271 To a perellus plase past I fro thens
13272 And sailet þurgh a sea þ(er)e Syrens were in
13273 ffro the navell neth(ur)ward noght but a fisshe
13274 And made as a maiden fro þe myddes vp
13275 Bothe of face   of feturs as a fre woman
13276 The songe of þo Syrens was selly to here
13277 W(i)t(h) a ledyn full lusty   likyng w(i)t(h) all
13278 The myrthe of þaire mo???thes musyke was like
13279 As to here out of heuyn the high song of blisse
13280 There folis þat faryn by fer cost(es)
13281 Þat heron the melody so mekill are masit in hert
13282 Lettyn sailis doun slyde   in slym fallyn
13283 Nowthir stightill þai stere ne no stithe ropes
13284 So synk(es) in hor sawle the song of þo bestis
13285 Thai haue no dainty of drynk ne of dere meites
13286 But derkon euon down on a depe slomur
13287 When the Sirens this sene sone oponone
13288 Þai wyn to the wale ship   walton all vnder
13289 And the folke in the flete felly þai drownen
13290 Þai dump in the depe and to dethe passe
13291 My self in thies Sirens sothely was stad
13292 W(i)t(h) my felowes in fere   my few shippes
13293 And w(i)t(h) crafte of my conyng I keppit vs wele
13294 Þat no wegh þat I wist hade wille for to slepe
13295 We faght w(i)t(h) hom felly and flait hom so
13296 Þat a thowsaund w(i)t(h) threpe we throng vnto dethe
13297 And noght hedit hom w(i)t(h) heryng for harme of o(ur) selfe
13298 ffro thies perels I past   no payne tholit
13299 But me happit full hard in a honde while
13300 ffull swift to þe swolgh me swinget the flode
13301 But fyftene forlong failit I þ(er)of
13302 ffele of my fraght were before past
13303 Draghen into the depe drownet belyue
13304 The more halfe of my men with hor   my mayn dyntes shippis
13305 There tynt I full tite   t(ur)nyt away
13306 Þan I soght by the sea to Senyse I come
13307 Ther(e) a ferlyfull folke I fond   a cursid
13308 Thai mvrtherit my men w(i)t(h) hor mayn dyntt(es)s
13309 The most parte of my pepull put to þe dethe
13310 Þai left me but lite þat on lyue were
13311 Þai toke vs full tite teghit ou(r) hond(es)
13312 And put vs in p(ri)son pyne for to þole
13313 All the godes þai grippit of the gret vessell
13314 And robbed vs full radly right as hom liked
13315 At the last þai me lausit by leue of o(ur) goddes
13316 W(i)t(h) a few of my felowes þat me fore w(i)t(h)
13317 No gode þai me gaf but graunt of my lyff
13318 And lete me go w(i)t(h) my gyng on þe gray water
13319 Thus in pou(er)t   payn I past on the sea
13320 W(i)t(h) myche baret all aboute the bourders of Inde
13321 At the last in this lond light am I here
13322 Naked   nedefull as þ(o)u now sees
13323 Now I told haue the torfer þ(a)t me tid hase
13324 Syn I t(ur)nyt fro troy of tempast   other
13325 Idimi(us) the du kyng þat his dole herde
13326 Hade pite of his pou(er)t   plesit hym mykell
13327 Moche gode he hym gaf of his gold red
13328 And refresshit his fflete w(i)t(h) a fyn wille
13329 When the kyng oute of Crete cast hym to fare
13330 Two shippes full shene shot full of godys
13331 And of syluer a sowme sothely w(i)t(h) all
13332 The kyng of the cost kyndly hym gaffe
13333 Þat might Suffise the syre forto saile home
13334 Þan he p(ra)yet hym full p(re)stly þat he passe wold
13335 To Antenor on all wise þat ay had dessyred
13336 Þat was a kyng in his coste   couet full mekyll
13337 Vlixes of long tyme on lyue forto se
13338 Þan laght he his leue   the lord þanked
13339 Past vnto port puld vp his sayles
13340 To Anthenor the tore kyng t(ur)nyt belyue
13341 And he war of þat worthy welcomet hym faire
13342 Mykell cherissht the choise kyng w(i)t(h) a chere noble
13343 And welcomd þ(a)t worthy as he wele couthe
13344 There were tythyng(es) hym told of his triet realme
13345 And of Penolope his owne pure wyf
13346 Þat had keppit hir full cloise as a cleane lady
13347 W(i)t(h) myche worship   wyn þat hym wele lyked
13348 Thelamoc his tru sun tything(es) had herd
13349 Þat his fader in fere was ferkit to lond
13350 W(i)t(h) Antenor the tru he trussit hym thedur
13351 And all tything(es) hym told of his tried moder
13352 How Enmyes were egurly entrid his rewme
13353 ffor to hold hit w(i)t(h) hond   w(i)t(h) hole strenght
13354 Þan Vlixes full lyuely the lege kym p(ra)yet
13355 To kaire in his company w(i)t(h) knight(es) a few
13356 His fomen to fell w(i)t(h) his fyne helpe
13357 And he assenttid full sone sowmet his pepull
13358 Past into port puld vp þ(er)e sailes
13359 Hade wind at þ(er)e wille   the wat(ur) calme
13360 Sailet to the Cite somyn In the night
13361 Eu(er)y lede to the lond laghtyn þ(er)e gayre
13362 Þan hurlet into howses all the hed knight(es)
13363 By the ledyng of a lede þat the land knew
13364 When þai fomen were fast fallyn vppon slepe
13365 There brittnet þai the buernes in hor bed naked
13366 And none left vpon lyue þat hom lothe were
13367 Whan the day vp drogh   the derke voidet
13368 Þan the past to the palas of the p(ri)se kyng
13369 Bothe the sou(er)ayn hym selfe   his syb frynd
13370 And were welcom I wis on a wise faire
13371 A what wise was Penolope proude at hir hert
13372 And gladly ho grippet to hir gode lord
13373 Þat ho had depely dessyret on dayes before
13374 In sound for to se mony sad winttur
13375 The pepull of the p(ri)se of þe prise toun p(re)sit full thicke
13376 ffor to loke on hor lord longit full sore
13377 Gret gyft(es) þai hym gaffe of gold   of Syluer
13378 And moche worsshippit the wegh all his wale pepull
13379 He was enhaunsyt full hegh in his hed toune
13380 And so treated w(i)t(h) Antenor þ(a)t Thelamoc his son
13381 Nauca the noble doghter naitly can wed
13382 Of Tyde Antenor as the tale saise
13383 There fourmyt þai a fest on a faire wise
13384 ffele dayes to endure as hom dere thoght
13385 Antenor full tyte þan t(ur)nyt to his rewme
13386 And Vlixes w(i)t(h) lykyng leuyt at home
13387 Mony dayes he endurit all in due pes
13388 And had rest in his rewme right to his dethe

The XXXIJ. Boke of Pyrrus and of
his Passyng ffrom Troy

13389 Now of pirrus by p(ro)ses I p(ur)pos to telle
13390 When he t(ur)nyt fro Troy how hym tyd after
13391 To Achilles the choise he was a chere sun
13392 And Dyamada doutles his own du moder
13393 She was a doghter full dere of the derf kynge
13394 Lycomede a lord þat he louyt wele
13395 Two worthy had the wegh to his wale graunsers
13396 Bothe kyng(es) in hor kythe w(i)t(h) corone anoyntted
13397 This lycomede by lyne was a leue ayre
13398 To Ascatus the skir(e) þat skathill was in elde
13399 He was of winturs Iwis waxen full mony
13400 Ournond in Elde eger of wille
13401 He hade hate in his hert to þe hed kyn
13402 Of Pirrus p(ro)geny and p(re)stly to hym
13403 What causet the kyng to his clene yre
13404 Tellis not the trety ne trespas of olde
13405 This Ascatus w(i)t(h) skathe skerrit of his rewme
13406 Pelleus w(i)t(h) pouer þat the prouyns held
13407 Of Thessaile truly as the trete sais
13408 And ai waited w(i)t(h) wyles þe wegh at his come
13409 Pirrus w(i)t(h) pouer to put vnto dethe
13410 After the takyng of troy and the tried godes
13411 Pirrus passed furth to þe pale ythes
13412 He was stithly be stad w(i)t(h) stormes on þe sea
13413 And for wothe of the worse warpet ou(er) burde
13414 Mikill riches   relik(es) reft fro the toune
13415 W(i)t(h) long labur at the last he light in a hauyn
13416 Þat Melaus the men of the marche callyn
13417 W(i)t(h) his shippes alto shent sheuerit the helmys
13418 And the takill to torne tynt of hor godes
13419 There lengit he a litill his ledis to refresshe
13420 His cogges   his cables of crakkyng to ricche
13421 And his tacle to a ??? tyre þ(a)t he tynt had
13422 There hym happit to here of his harme ??? first
13423 How his graunser w(i)t(h) greme was gird fro his right
13424 Pelleus w(i)t(h) pite þat persit his hert
13425 And how he p(ur)post hym plainly pirrus to sle
13426 By his speciall espies if he spede might
13427 Pirrus heivet in hert for his hegh chaunse
13428 And myche dut hym for deth of his derf graunser
13429 Pirrus hym p(ur)post o pas in the night
13430 Þat no wegh shuld be war ne his werke know
13431 When pelleus of his prouyns put was by strenght
13432 And skapit fro askathes þat hym skathe did
13433 ffor ferd of the freike and his fell sones
13434 He went till a wildernes   wond þ(er)e full longe
13435 This Askathes the skathill had sket sones thre
13436 The first was lycomede the lord and his leue ayre
13437 Þat was graunser in degre to the gode pirrus
13438 And suster for sothe of þe same lycomede
13439 Hight Tetid as I told haue / tomly before
13440 Þat Pelleus in his p(ri)de purchest to wyue
13441 And was moder to the mon mighty Achilles
13442 There were sones vpposyde semly men two
13443 To Askathes full skete skethill of hor hond
13444 The ton freike of the fre philmen was cald
13445 The tothir mon of þo mighty menalipes heght
13446 Thies keppit hom in company w(i)t(h) knight(es) full mony
13447 Till þaire cosyn wold come fro contre of troy
13448 And put hom þan p(re)stly pirrus to sle
13449 ffro the Cite the same tyme sothely to tell
13450 Of the toune of thessaill as the tale shewes
13451 Was a buyldyng on a banke busshes w(i)t(h)in
13452 By a syde of the sea set in a holt
13453 Betwene the biggyng on þe buerne   þe burgh riche
13454 Was a wildernes wide   wild best(es) in
13455 Byde a syde of the se thedur king(es) wold come by custom of olde
13456 ffor to hunt at the hert by the holt sydes
13457 Hit was of long tyme beleft   no lede there
13458 Ou(er)growen w(i)t(h) greues   to ground fallyn
13459 There was kaues by course of þe kid walles
13460 And monyh holes in the howses w(i)t(h) hurdes aboue
13461 Ou(er)growen w(i)t(h) greves and w(i)t(h) gray thornes
13462 Euyn thestur and thicke thricchet of wode
13463 W(i)t(h) anentre full nyous narow olofte
13464 Goand downe by a grese thurgh the gray thornes
13465 In þis logge w(i)t(h) his lady lurkit pelleus
13466 Eu(er) in doute of his dethe durst not appere
13467 Oft went þat wegh to the water syde
13468 The Sea for to serche if he se might
13469 Pirrus w(i)t(h) his pepull   his p(ris)e shippes
13470 Come by the coste to the kyd rewme
13471 When pirrus w(i)t(h) his p(ra)y   his p(ri)se knight(es)
13472 Hade mightely at Melapsa mendit his geire
13473 He turnyt vnto Thessaile his tene for to venge
13474 Of the skath   the skorne Ascat(us) hym did
13475 His beya beayell aboue on þe buerne syde
13476 On his modur halfe þe myld þ(a)t I mynt first
13477 Wisly to wirke he his writ preuyt
13478 Two spies full spedely he sped hym to gete
13479 Triet men   tru tristy with all
13480 Thos he sent to Assandra a sure mon of olde
13481 A trew mon of Thessaile / þ(a)t he trist mekyll
13482 A ffreike þat his fader faithfully louet
13483 And mekyll was of a might in the mayn towne
13484 There þai wist all the werke   the wild cast
13485 How the p(ur)pos was put Pirrus to sle
13486 Þan þai lurked to þe lord lyuely agayne
13487 Made hym wise of the werke þ(a)t þai wiste hade
13488 Þan Pirrus full p(re)stly p(re)sit into shippe
13489 To t(ur)ne vnto Thessaile truly he thoght
13490 But a tempest hym toke O the torrit ythes
13491 Þat myche laburt the lede er he lond caght
13492 Þan hym happit in haste thurgh helpe of his godd(es)
13493 To hit into havyn w(i)t(h) his hoole flete
13494 ffro the towne of Thessaile to telle hit full evyn
13495 Eght furlong I fynd   fully no more
13496 The hauyn þat he hit to / was hard by the cave
13497 There Pelleus in pou(er)t p(ri)uely lay
13498 Pirrus wery of the water   the wild ythes
13499 Launchet vp to þe lannd to laike hym a qwile
13500 Romyng on the roces in the rough bank(es)
13501 fforto sport hym a space er he sped ferre
13502 Hit happit hym in hast the hoole for to fynd
13503 Of the cave   the clocher þ(er)e the kyng lay
13504 Þan he glode þurgh the greues   the ??? gray þornes
13505 To the hed of the hole on the hext gre
13506 Sore longet the lede lagher to wende
13507 Sum selkowth to se the sercle w(i)t(h)in
13508 When he come to the caue þen the kyng rose
13509 Wele his cosyn he knew   kaght hym in armys
13510 By the chere of Achilles he chese hym onone
13511 So lyke was the lede to his lefe fader
13512 ffuersly the freike fongit hym in hond
13513 Whiche myche weping   waile wo for to here
13514 Þan he told hym full tite þe tene þ(a)t he þolit
13515 And the skathe of Aschates þ(a)t he skapt fro
13516 Pirrus heivet in hert for his hede graunser
13517 And so þai past fro the pitte to þe pure bonke
13518 Pirrus full p(ri)uely persayuit onon
13519 By a spie þat especially sped forto wete
13520 Þat hys Emes full egurly etlit to wode
13521 fforto hunt in the holt(es)   hent of þe dere
13522 Menalphes the mon   his mayn brother
13523 Policenes full p(re)st prati men bothe
13524 To Askathes the skathell þai were sket sons
13525 Þan Pirrus full p(re)stly put of his clothes
13526 Toke a roket full rent   ragget aboue
13527 Cast ou(er) his corse cou(er)t hym þ(er)with
13528 Gird hym full graidly w(i)t(h) a grym swerd
13529 W(i)t(h)outen whe to þe wod went all hym one
13530 As he glode thurgh the gille by a gate syde
13531 There met he tho men þat I mynt first
13532 The sones of the same þ(a)t hym sle wold
13533 Thai fraynet at hym freckly who the freike was
13534 Whedur he welke in the wode wete hom to say
13535 Pirrus said hom full sone hym selfe was the of grice
13536 W(i)t(h) his company carefull comyn out of troy
13537 Wold kaire to his cuntre   his kythe hom
13538 And þ(er)e ship was to shent in the shyre wawes
13539 ffast by at the banke of the bare Ile
13540 And all drownet in the depe saue duly hym selfe
13541 ffyue hundreth in flete w(i)t(h) the flode lost
13542 Thus I skope fro the skathe w(i)t(h) skyrme of my hond
13543 And w(i)t(h) wawes of the water wagget to bonke
13544 Halfe lyues on londe light I my none
13545 The salt water sadly sanke in my wombe
13546 Þat I voidet w(i)t(h) vomett(es) by vertu of godd(es)
13547 And wayu(er)and weike wan to the lond
13548 Thurgh the slicche and the slyme in þis slogh feble
13549 There tynt haue I truly myche tried goode
13550 And now me bus as a begger my bred for to thigge
13551 At doris vpon dayes þat dayres me full sore
13552 Till I come to my kyth can I no nothir
13553 Iff ye haue ferkit any fode to þis frith now
13554 Bes gracius for godd(es) loue ges me som part
13555 ffolow vs þan furth þo fre to hym saide
13556 Thou shalt haue meite for a mele to mirth the w(i)t(h) all
13557 Þan se þai besyde in the same tyme
13558 A grete herte in a grove goond hym one
13559 Menalpes full mightely meuit hym after
13560 Left pirrus in playne w(i)t(h) his p(ri)se brother
13561 There the freike on his fowle folowet the hert
13562 Thurgh the lond(es) on lenght w(i)t(h) a light wille
13563 His broder þat abode w(i)t(h) the bold pirrus
13564 ffell vnto fote   his fole esyt
13565 And hym selfe on the soile set hym onone
13566 Þan Pirrus full p(re)stly puld out his swerd
13567 And the lede on the launde out of lyue broght
13568 Than tite come the tothir and no trayn thoght
13569 Pirrus gird hym to ground   to grym dethe
13570 Thus britnet þat bold the brethir his Emes
13571 And went on full wightly   his way held
13572 Þan he met w(i)t(h) a mon of þe mayn kyng(es)
13573 And fraynet at hym fuersly where the freike was
13574 Here at hond ys þat hery the hend to hym saide
13575 Þen he gyrd to þe gome w(i)t(h) a grym swerde
13576 And slogh hym downe sleghly by sleght of his hond
13577 Pirrus full p(re)stly þe(n) past to his schippe
13578 Araiet hym full riolly all in ryche clothis
13579 And come in his course þe kyng forto mete
13580 Þen he fraynyt at þe freke in his freshe wede
13581 Wat whe þat he was wete hym to say
13582 Pirrus to the p(ri)se kyng pertly onswart
13583 I am a pur(e) son of p(ri)am þe p(ri)nse out of troy
13584 P(ri)soner to pirrus þ(a)t pertly me toke
13585 Aschatus fraynet þe freke on his faith þen
13586 Were is pirrus þ(a)t proude þ(a)t prowes has done
13587 He is wery of þe whaghis þe whe to hy(m) sayde
13588 And her(e) romys on þe rocis to rocis to rest hym a qwyle
13589 Þen þai drogh to þe dike þer þe duk lay
13590 And comyn by course to þe caue euyn
13591 Pirrus swappit out his sword swange at þe kyng
13592 Wold haue britnet þe burne in his breme yr(e)
13593 Þen come tetid full tit toke hym in armys
13594 His graundam full graidly grippit hym onone
13595 Mod(ur) to þe mon myghti Achilles
13596 Wyf as I wene to worthe pelleus
13597 And doght(er) to þe duke þat he der(e) wold
13598 Þes wordis scho warpit þat worthi vnto
13599 Der(e) cosyn and derfe w(i)t(h) draw now þi hond
13600 Þow has britnet my brether in þis brode wod
13601 Þat wer(e) þi nemys full nobill nayt me(n) of will
13602 And now aschatus w(i)t(h) skath wold skirme to þe deth
13603 Þat is my fad(ur) so fre and þi first graunser
13604 Þen pirrus full pertly to þat p(ri)se saide
13605 Has not þi fad(ur) full foule flemyt mynayell
13606 Pelleus of his promys þi nawne p(ri)se husbond
13607 Let cal vs þe kyng fro þe caue sone
13608 If he will spar(e) hym to spill I spede me þ(er)to
13609 Pelleus come p(re)stly praid for þe kyng
13610 Hit suffis he saide þe slagh of his child(ur)
13611 Þe bold þ(a)t wer(e) britnet on þe bent syde
13612 Þen acord was þer knyt þo kyngis betwene
13613 ffull frenchip and fyn festnyt w(i)t(h) hond
13614 Þer þai setyn on þe soile þo sou(er)ans toged(ur)
13615 The two kyngis full cant and þe clene qwene
13616 And pirrus þe pert knyght prudly besyde
13617 Aschatus þen skepe furth w(i)t(h) his skir(e) wordis
13618 Þat was kyng of þe cost by conquest tilþe(n)
13619 I am febyll and vnfer(e) fallyn into elde
13620 Any rem forto rewle or to ryde furth
13621 My sons now ar(e) slayn   slungyn to ground
13622 Þat I had p(ur)post þis prouyns playnly to haue
13623 Now lengis þer no lede þ(a)t by lyne aw
13624 Þe soile and þe sept(ur) sothly to weld
13625 but pirrus of prowes pertist in armys
13626 Deruyst   derne my nawne der(e) cosyn
13627 I releshe þe my ryght w(i)t(h) a rank will
13628 And graunt þe þe gou(er)anse of þis grete yle
13629 Pelleus hit plesit   playnly he saide
13630 Andy my ryght I renonse to þat rynk sone
13631 ffor it was playnly my p(ur)pos þ(a)t pirrus schud haue
13632 Þe terrage of tessayle and þe tryed corone
13633 Þen rosþos þai full radly raght vnto horse
13634 Wanen vp wightly wentyn to towne
13635 Pirrus full prestly a prati mo(n) sende
13636 Bade his Nauy come nere negh into hauyn

Off the Coronyng of Pyrrus
and of his dethe

13637 The sou(er)ayn hym selfe when he segh tymeAsthatus to all men
13638 Aschatus to all men afterward send
13639 Thurgh the Cite fro hym selfe   the syd lond
13640 Þat yche lede to þe lord lyuely shuld come
13641 W(i)t(h) hono(ur)   homage after þai were
13642 Proffer vnto Pirrus as þair(e) p(ri)se lorde
13643 ffayne were þo freik(es) and the folke all
13644 And swiftly þai swere swagit þ(er)e hertt(es)
13645 To be lell to þe lord all his lyf tyme
13646 The Secund day suyng as said is of olde
13647 He was coroned to kyng in þ(a)t kithe riche
13648 By assent of the Senio(ur)s   the sure knight(es)
13649 In þat sou(er)ain Cite w(i)t(h) Septur in hond
13650 Þan be fau(er)   frenship þat fell to hym after
13651 He enhaunset his hed heghly aboue
13652 All the londis and the lordship þ(a)t longed to Gryse
13653 And his cuntre keppit in couert   pes
13654 To the last of his lyf as a lord shuld
13655 Here I turne from my tale   tary a qwile
13656 Till hit come me be course to carpe of hym ferr(e)
13657 When Idumi(us) was ded doghty of hond
13658 Þat I told of tomly in tymis before
13659 Two sones of hym selfe suet hym after
13660 In his realme for to reigne as his right ayres
13661 Merion a myld   mighty was one
13662 And laertus by lyne was his leue brother
13663 This Merion hade maistri but a meane qwile
13664 The lond to laerte he leuyt as kyng
13665 And after course of ou(r) kynd closit his dayes
13666 Telamocus the tall son of tryet Vlixes
13667 Þat Nausica had þ(a)t noble nam vnto wife
13668 Doghter of the du kyng doghty Antenor
13669 He gate on þat gay vne ??? a gode sone
13670 Þat def dephebus duly was denyt to nome
13671 Now I pas will to pirrus by proses agayne
13672 Of his dedis o deme   his dethe after
13673 Ascatus þe skete for skath of his sones
13674 Miche wat(er) he weppit of his wan chekis
13675 Gert bryng hom to burgh birit hom faire
13676 In a p(re)cius plase so pirrus comaundit

The Poete of fortune

13677 Wen amon is at myght   most of astate
13678 Cloumbyn all þe Clif to þe Clene top
13679 Has riches full ryfe relikis ynow
13680 All þe world at his will weghis to s(er)ue
13681 Þen fortune his fall felli aspies
13682 Vnqwemys his qwate   þe qwele t(ur)nys
13683 Lurkis in lightly with lustis in hert
13684 Gers hym swolow a swete þ(a)t swellis hym after
13685 So pirrus was p(ri)se pruddest of kyngis
13686 Had wellth at his will þe worthiest of grice
13687 A longyng vnlepfull light in his hert
13688 Gert hym hast in a hete harmyt hym after
13689 Ermonia þe myld þ(a)t myghti dissiret
13690 Elanes aune doghter abill of cher(e)
13691 Þat orestes þe rynke richeli had weddit
13692 by Mariage of Menelay as I mynt haue
13693 So he sped hym be spies   spense of his gode
13694 Þat þe lady fro hir lord lyuely he stale
13695 Toke hir to tessail fro hir tru maist(er)
13696 Orestes þe riche that regnyt hir with
13697 Pirrus w(i)t(h) that proude p(re)sit to þe temple
13698 Weddit þat worthi   as wif held
13699 Þen orestes full ryfe had myche rank sorow
13700 Schamyt w(i)t(h) þe schalke that schut of his wife
13701 And so deruely hym did der(e)   dispit
13702 He had playnly no power pirrus to harme
13703 To his reme forto ride   reue hym þe qwene
13704 But he cast hym by course if a case fell
13705 To venge of his vilany   his vile schame
13706 Þen pirrus by p(ur)pos prestly con wend
13707 Into delphon a day as þe dule bad
13708 In hono(ur) of apolyn þat abill to seche
13709 And worchip w(i)t(h) wyn as a wale god
13710 W(i)t(h) sac(ri)fice solemne   othir ser(e) halows
13711 ffor offens of his fad(ur) þ(a)t felli was slayne
13712 W(i)t(h) paris þe pert knyght as preuyt is before
13713 In a parell of prise on a proud wyse
13714 He dight hym to delphon w(i)t(h) dukis   othir
13715 In his palais of p(ri)se prudly he leuyt
13716 Worthi Ectors wif þ(a)t þe whe had
13717 Andromoca in drede and hir dere son
13718 Lamydon þe litill þ(a)t ho left neu(er)
13719 And ho boundyn w(i)t(h) barne w(i)t(h) þe bold pirrus
13720 And Ermonia þe myld maynly was ther
13721 Þat he had weddit to wyue   in wrong held
13722 Wen pirrus was past þis proud in hir yre
13723 A mon vnto menelay myghtily sende
13724 Bad hym t(ur)ne vnto tessail in a tore hast
13725 Andromoca to dere   to deth put
13726 ffor pirrus of þ(a)t pert was p(re)stly enamurt
13727 He had no daynte w(i)t(h) dalianse his doght(er) to loue
13728 Þe whe at þe wordis of his wale doght(er)
13729 T(ur)net vnto tessale w(i)t(h) a tore ffare
13730 He wold haue britnet þe britnet þe burd w(i)t(h) a bar(e) sword
13731 And schunt for no schame but hit schope fair(e)
13732 Andromaca for drede of þe derf kyng
13733 Lamydon hir litill sun laght in hir armes
13734 Hyghet out of halle into hegh strete
13735 Made anugsom noyse þ(a)t noyet þe pupull
13736 W(i)t(h) wepyng and waile wo to beholde
13737 Þe folk for þe fray fel to þair(e) arm(ur)
13738 Cayrit after þe kyng in a cant hast
13739 Þen fled he for fere fell to his schip
13740 Past to his prouyns of p(ur)pos he failet

The Dethe of Pirrus
by Orestes Slayne

13741 Orestes full radly of the Renke herd
13742 Þat Pirrus by p(ur)pos was past into delphon
13743 He assemblit of Saudiors mony sad hundrith
13744 And met hym w(i)t(h) mayn in the mekill ile
13745 There Pirrus w(i)t(h) payne he put vnto dethe
13746 Slogh hym full sleghly   slange hym to ground
13747 And britnet þat bold w(i)t(h) a bigge sword
13748 The(n) Pirrus the proude was puto vnto g(ra)ue
13749 Orestes by right raght to his wif
13750 And led furth the lady to his lond hom
13751 Pelleus full p(re)stly and his pure qwene
13752 Tetid full tite tokyn Andromaca
13753 Hir litill sonne Lamydon leddon hir w(i)t(h)
13754 Þai t(ur)net out of tessaile for torfer of other
13755 To melapsa þat menye meuyt to gedur
13756 Was a Cite full sure þ(er)e soiornet þai long
13757 Till the lady was deliu(er) of a loue sone
13758 Andromaca þ(a)t dere þ(a)t duly conceyuit
13759 Of Pirrus the p(ri)se kyng as his pure wife
13760 The child w(i)t(h) cheremen Achilides was cald
13761 Wex   wele threvan in winturs a few
13762 The corone   the kyngdome kyndly he gaffe
13763 To lamydon the lord þ(a)t was his leue brother
13764 The abill sone of Ector heire vnto Troy
13765 And in Thessaile he was takyn for a tru kyng
13766 Thus Achilles acherit his owne choyse frend(es)
13767 Thurgh his p(ro)kuryng p(re)stly all his the pure Troiens
13768 Þat the grek(es) hade getton at the great toune
13769 Were deliu(er)t yche lede   lause at hor wille
13770 And thus I hyt t(ur)nyt as I tell in a tyme sherte
13771 Now is lamydon lord   the lannd hase
13772 Bothe the corone   the kyth and a kyng noble
13773 Of Tessaile truly þ(er)e the toyle rose
13774 Þat by Eritage of auncetry ayre vnto troy
13775 Here the prosses of Pirrus I putto anend
13776 Of other maters to meue þ(a)t in mynd falles

Here ys a meruayle of a lady
by nyg(ra)mansy

13777 When Troylus the tru knight was t(ur)nyt to ground
13778 By Achilles as chaunset of þat choise kyng
13779 As ye fynd may before in the       xx boke
13780 The mighty kyng Menon mainly Achilles
13781 Gird to þe ground w(i)t(h) a grym hurt
13782 Þat the myrmydons þaire maist(ur) masit þai toke
13783 And bare to his bastell on a brode Shelde
13784 As for ded of þe dynt dressit to lye
13785 Þan hit happont in a hond qwile this hed kyng be slayne
13786 By the myrmydons vnmonly murtherit to dethe
13787 Whose body as the boke sais was beriet in the toune
13788 By Troiellus truly in a toumbe riche
13789 This Menon the mighty hade a mayn suster
13790 The fairest on fold þat any folke knew
13791 Ho soght to þe Cite sythen hur one
13792 To the toumbe of þ(a)t tried truly ho yode
13793 Toke the bones of hir brother as the boke sais
13794 Closit hom full clanly in a clere vessell
13795 All glyssonond of gold   of gay stonys
13796 Evyne ymyddes all men m(er)uell to se
13797 Waynyt vp to the welkyn as a wan clowde
13798 And neu(er) apperit to the pepull in þ(a)t place efte
13799 The folke for þat ferly faithly hur heldyn
13800 A Goddes full glorius for grace þ(a)t hir fell
13801 Or a doghter þay demyt of a due god
13802 So þies gentillis a iugget   for iuste held

The XXXIIJ. Boke of the dethe
of Vlixes by his Son

13803 As Vlixes the lorde lay for to slepe
13804 W(i)t(h)outyn noise on a night in his naked bed
13805 He was drecchit in a dreame   in dred broght
13806 Þat all chaunget his chere   his choise hert
13807 He segh anymage full noble   of a new shap
13808 ffaire of ffeturs   fresshe of a fre woman
13809 Or ellis a goddes full gay as the gome þoght
13810 He dessyrit full depely þ(a)t depe forto hondle
13811 And þat bright for to bras in his big armes
13812 But hym thught þ(a)t ho þroly þrappit away
13813 And ofer fro the freike foundit to kepe
13814 To þat noble onone ho neghit agayne
13815 And spird at hym specially what he speike wold
13816 I wold dele w(i)t(h) þe damysell þe duke to hir saide
13817 To know the full kyndly as my clene luff
13818 Þan the lady to Vlixes as þe lede þoght
13819 Said hym full sone all in sad word(es)
13820 Now full hard   vnhappy is þi hegh lust
13821 Þat þ(o)u couetus vnkyndly to couple w(i)t(h) me
13822 Hit is nedfull w(i)t(h) noye onon aft(ur) þis
13823 The tone dauly be ded by domys of right
13824 Þan hit semyt to þe sou(er)ain þ(a)t þe sure lady
13825 Had a glaive a full grym grippit in hond
13826 And a boue hit ho bare on the bright end
13827 A Grydell full gay gret full of fiche
13828 Corius   crafty clene to be holde
13829 Þan hit semet for sothe þ(a)t þe selfe woman
13830 Wold haue faryn hym fro but first ho hym said
13831 This is assigne for sothe of a sure Emp(er)ou(r)
13832 And the coniuncc(i)on vniust is Ioynit vs betwene
13833 Is care for to come w(i)t(h) a cold ende
13834 Than waknet the wegh of his wan slepe
13835 Myche dut he his dreme   dred hym þ(er)fore
13836 Anone as the night past the noble kyng sent
13837 ffor Devino(ur)s full duly   of depe wit
13838 When þai comyn were to court he the couse case told
13839 Of the note in the night   the new dreme
13840 All wiston tho wise by the weghis tale
13841 He shuld duly be ded of his derfe sone
13842 Hit fell hym by fortune of a feble end
13843 Þan Vlixes the lege kyng of his lyf ferd feerd
13844 Telamocus he toke his tru sone
13845 Stake hym in a stith house   stuerne men to kepe
13846 Wallit full wele w(i)t(h) water aboute
13847 Thus he keppit hym full cloise   in care held
13848 Þat no whe to hym wan but wardens full sure
13849 Hit tid as I told haue in tymes before
13850 Þat Vlixes w(i)t(h) a lady in a lond dwellit
13851 High Cerces for soth as I said ere
13852 He hade a child w(i)t(h) þ(a)t choise was a chere sone
13853 Þat Telamacus telagoni(us) in his tyme truly was cald
13854 And none wist hit I wis but his wale moder
13855 Þat consayuit of the kyng   a knave bere
13856 When the ffreike had the fulle of xv.tene yeres
13857 He fraynit at the fre who his fader was
13858 In what lond he was lent   if he lyue hade
13859 Sho laynit hit full long   list notto telle
13860 ffor the sake of hir sone lest he soght furth
13861 This milde of his moder so mainly dessiret
13862 Þat ho said hym o syther all in sothe wordes
13863 Þat Vlixes the lord was his leue fader
13864 And enfou(r)met hym fully of þe fre rewme
13865 Þat the worthy in wonet as a wale kyng
13866 Thelagoni(us) of the tale truly was fayne
13867 And depely dessyret the duke for to knowe
13868 He p(ur)post hym plainly to pas ou(er) the sea
13869 The sou(er)ain to seche and he so myght
13870 The mon at his moder mekely toke leue
13871 fferkit to þe flode in a felle hast
13872 The lady hir leue son lyuely can p(ra)y
13873 To hie hym in hast hom to his moder
13874 The buerne vnto bote busket onone the
13875 Past ou(er) the pale and the pale ythes
13876 So long had he laburt   the lord soght
13877 Þat he come to Acaya þ(er)e the kyng dwellit
13878 There arofe he full radly raght to þe bonke
13879 Past to the palais of the pure kyng
13880 There were kepars full cant at the close yatis
13881 Þat no buerne was so bold þe brigge for to entre
13882 Þai denyet hym onone ono kyn wise
13883 ffor thei kepe wold the comaundeme(n)t of þ(er)e kynd lord
13884 ffast p(ra)yet the p(ri)nse all w(i)t(h) pure wordis
13885 Of ffrenship   fauou(r) and in faire wise
13886 ffull stuernly w(i)t(h) strenght þai stourbet hym þan
13887 Bere hym bak on þe brigge bet hym w(i)t(h) all
13888 Telagoni(us) full tyte tenet þ(er)with
13889 When he suffert the sore in his sad yre
13890 He nolpit on w(i)t(h) his Neue in the necke hole
13891 Þat the bon altrobrast   the buerne deghit
13892 W(i)t(h) the remnond full rad he rixlit vnfaire
13893 W(i)t(h) gronyng   grym gert hym to stynt
13894 Cast hom ou(er) clanly at þe cloise brigge
13895 The noise was noyus the noble court þurgh
13896 Bold men to þe brigge bremly þai yode
13897 Telagoni(us) to take and tirue vnto dethe
13898 Þan he braid to the buerne on þe brig sone
13899 Ou(er)raght hym full radly roidly reft hym his swerd
13900 ffaght w(i)t(h) tho fuerse men felly agayne
13901 Tyll fyftene were fay of his fell dyntt(es)
13902 And he woundit full wickedly in wer(e) of his lyf
13903 Þan the ruerde wax ranke of þ(a)t rught fare
13904 Vlixes full lyuely launchit on fote
13905 Hopet his sone / was at slippit þat set was in hold
13906 And put downe his pepull as he past furth
13907 To the noise oponone neghit þe kyng
13908 Vne wode of his wit for the wale crye
13909 W(i)t(h) a dart vndull þat the duke bar(e)
13910 Segh his ment to be mart w(i)t(h) a mad childe
13911 Þat hym self neu(er) had sene ne for sothehe selfe knew
13912 In offens of the freike w(i)t(h) a fyn will
13913 He drof at hym w(i)t(h) þe dart derit hym but litle
13914 Telagoni(us) full tite toke hit in hond
13915 Cast euyn at the kyng w(i)t(h) a cant will
13916 Rent þurgh his ribbes at the right syde
13917 Woundit hym wickedly to the wale dethe
13918 Þat he dusshet euyn doun of his ded hurt
13919 All ffeblit þe freike fainted of strenght
13920 Wex pale of his payne in point for to end
13921 And weike of his word(es) weiuerond in speche
13922 Ho spird at hym hom specially as he speike might
13923 What wegh þat hit was / woundit hym hade
13924 So hit meuit to his mynd in his mekill noye
13925 Telagoni(us) full tite at a tulke asket
13926 Who the freike was in faith þ(a)t fraynit his nome
13927 The said the lord was Vlixes þ(a)t he lost hade
13928 W(i)t(h) a dart to the dethe   deiret full mony
13929 When telagon the tale of the tru herd
13930 Þat his fader was fey of his fell dynt
13931 He brait out w(i)t(h) a birr(e) of a bale chere
13932 And said alas for this lure þat I lyue shuld
13933 I haue faryn out of fere lonnd my fader to seche
13934 Me to solas in sound as a sone owe
13935 And now I done haue to deth / in my derf hate
13936 Þat my solas   socou(r) sothely shuld be
13937 W(i)t(h) fainttyng   feblenes he fell to þe ground
13938 All dowly for ded dole in a ded swone
13939 Whan he wackont of wo he wan vpo fote
13940 All to rochet his robis   his ranke hore
13941 ffowle frusshet his face w(i)t(h) his felle nailes
13942 Þan he fell to þe fete of þe fre kyng
13943 And told hym full tyte þat Telagon he was
13944 His son þat on Circes sothely was getton
13945 Þat þ(o)u gate on þi gomyn as vngrace felle
13946 And if þ(o)u degh of this dynt by destany þus
13947 Our(e) goddis graunt me þ(a)t grace þ(a)t I go w(i)t(h)
13948 And no leng(ur) to lyue in no lond after
13949 When vlixes þe lord lyuely p(er)sayuyt
13950 Þat he to Circes was son þat hym self gat
13951 He fauort hym more faithly   frely comaundit
13952 To sese of his sorow and sobur his cher
13953 Þen for Telamoc þe tothir son tomly he sent
13954 And he come out of kepyng to his kid fad(ur)
13955 Wold haue britnet his brothir w(i)t(h) a bare sword
13956 fforto dere for þe deth of his du lord
13957 3et vlixes on lyue as þe led myght
13958 W(i)t(h) gronyng and greue gert hym to stynt
13959 bad þe lede schuld hym leue as his lofe brothir
13960 And cheris hym choisly for chaunse vpon vrthe
13961 Thre dais in his dole þe dughti con lyue
13962 And then lefte he þe lif   þe lond bothe
13963 In þe cuntre of acaya þer he kyng was
13964 Ys he birit in a burgh   a bright toumbe
13965 And Telamoce his tor son takyn for kyng
13966 ffull sesit of þe soile w(i)t(h) septur in hond
13967 And telagon his tru brothir tridly hono(ur)it
13968 W(i)t(h) myche worchip   wele in his wale court
13969 Tit a 3er was full yore yarkit to end
13970 And a halfe er þ(a)t end happit to fare
13971 He made hym knyght in his court   couet to leng
13972 All his lyf in his lond w(i)t(h) lordchip to haue
13973 Þen letteris had þe lede fro his lefe mod(ur)
13974 fforto high hym in hast   his home laite
13975 So lefte he þe lond of his lele brothir
13976 Soght hom to Cerces w(i)t(h) solas ynogh
13977 Miche worchip had þe whe of his wale frendis
13978 Gay giftys and grete qwen he go wold
13979 At þe partyng was pite of þo pur(e) knyghtis
13980 Miche wepyng   wail wetyng of lere
13981 And so þe bold fro his brothir into bote 3ode
13982 Into aulida afterword abli he come
13983 To his moder full myld þat hym mykell louyt
13984 Als fayne of the freike as þe fre might
13985 Myche solast hir the sight of hir sone þan
13986 To se the lede vppon lyue þat ho louet most
13987 Wend the wegh hade bene walt in the wale stremes
13988 Euyn drownet in the depe hir dole was the more
13989 Or ellis fallyn in fight w(i)t(h) þo felle buernes
13990 At the slaght of his Syre in the syde lond(es)
13991 There Were fey in the fight of the felle grek(es)
13992 Eght hundrith thowsaund þro throngyn to dethe
13993 And Sex thowsaund besyde all of Sad pepull
13994 The Sowme of the sure men þat þe Cite keppit
13995 Sex hundreth thowsaund seuyn hundreth   sex on þe last
13996 Whan Eneas was Exiled euyn were his shippes
13997 Two hundrith full hole all of hed vessell
13998 The troiens fro the toune þ(a)t t(ur)net w(i)t(h) Antenor
13999 Were two thowsaund full thro thrifty men all
14000 And fyue hundreth fer þat folowet hym after
14001 All the remnond of renk(es) þat ragh fro þe toune
14002 W(i)t(h) Eneas afterward Etlid to see
14003 The worthiest to Wete þ(a)t in wer(e) deghit
14004 I shall nem you the nomes vponone here
14005 Bothe of grek(es) er I go and of gret Troy
14006 And who dight hom to dethe w(i)t(h) dyntt(es) of hond

Thies Ector slogh w(i)t(h) hond of kyng(es)

14007 Thies hon(er)able Ector auntrid to Sle
14008 Er the doghty was ded all of du kyng(es)
14009 Achilagon a choise kyng he choppit to dethe
14010 Protheselon in prese he put out of lyue
14011 Myrion the mighty he martrid w(i)t(h) hond
14012 Protroculu(n) / Prothenor / the p(ri)se knight sloght
14013 Othemen also abill of p(er)son
14014 Polexenu(n) / Paralanu(n) / Polibeton also
14015 Kyng Philip þat bold britnet w(i)t(h) strok(es)
14016 Tedyum in the toile he tyruit to ground
14017 Durion of his dyntt(es) drepit was there
14018 Phephu(n) palamydon / the fuerse in the feld slogh
14019 Xansipu(n) the sou(er)ain w(i)t(h) a Sore dynt
14020 Leenton the Lord on the laund fellit
14021 Humeriu(n) the herty hew to the dethe
14022 And famen the fuerse fey w(i)t(h) his hond

Thez Paris slogh in the ffeld

14023 Paris palamydon put out of lyue
14024 And ffrygie the fell kyng fonnget to dethe
14025 Antilagon also after forsothe
14026 Achilles the choise kyng hym chaunsit to sle
14027 And Aiax afterward abill of dede

Thies Achilles Slogh in the ffeld

14028 Achilles w(i)t(h) his choppes chaunset to sle
14029 Emphemu(n) the fuerse   the p(ri)se Emphorbiu(n)
14030 Austeron the stith out of state broght
14031 Lygonu(n) the lege kyng Launchet thurgh dint
14032 Ector the hon(er)able oddist of knight(es)
14033 Troiell w(i)t(h) treason   the tru kyng menon
14034 Neptolomon w(i)t(h) noy of þ(a)t noble was ded
14035 Thies brittenit þ(a)t bold or he bale dreghit

Thies Eneas Slogh

14036 Eneas also auntrid to sle
14037 Amphymak the fuerse w(i)t(h) a fyne Speire
14038 And Neron the noble w(i)t(h) a nolpe alse

Thies Pirrus Slogh

14039 Pyrrus the pert kyng put vnto dethe
14040 Pantasilia the p(ri)se qwene p(er)test of Ladies
14041 Kyng p(ri)am w(i)t(h) pyne Polexena his doghter
14042 Thies worthy to wale as werdes hom demyt
14043 Were martrid in man(er) as I mynt haue
14044 Now the proses??? is plainly put to a nend
14045 He bryng vs to the blisse þat bled for ou(r) Syn

