Manuscript A

Markup specific to MS A

In many places where I have restored erased entries, the entry is only partly readable. In these cases the restored entry is supplemented from *G.



ÞY GEARE ÞE WÆS AGAN FRAM CRISTES ACENnesse .cccc. wintra 7 .xciiii. uuintra, þa Cerdic 7 Cynric his sunu cuom up æt Cerdicesoran mid .v. scipum; 7 se Cerdic wæs Elesing, Elesa Esling, Esla Gewising, Giwis Wiging, Wig Freawining, Freawine Friþugaring, Friþugar Bronding, Brond Bældæging, Bældæg Wodening. Ond þæs ymb .vi. gear þæs þe hie up cuomon geeodon Westseaxna rice, 7 þæt uuærun þa ærestan cyningas þe Westseaxna lond on Wealum geeodon; 7 he hæfde þæt rice .xvi. gear, 7 þa he gefor, þa feng his sunu Cynric to þam rice 7 heold .xvii. winter. Þa he gefor, þa feng Ceol to þam rice 7 heold .vi. gear. Þa he gefor, þa feng Ceolwulf to his broþur, 7 he ricsode .xvii. gear, 7 hiera cyn gæþ to Cerdice. Þa feng Cynegils Ceolwulfes broþur sunu to rice 7 ricsode .xxxi. wintra, 7 he onfeng ærest fulwihte Wesseaxna cyninga, 7 þa feng Cenwalh to 7 heold .xxxi. wintra, 7 se Cenwalh wæs Cynegilses sunu; 7 þa heold Seaxburg his cuen an gear þæt rice æfter him. Þa feng Æscwine to rice, þæs cyn gæþ to Cerdice, 7 heold .ii. gear. Þa feng Centwine to Wesseaxna rice Cynegilsing 7 ricsode .vii. gear. Þa feng Ceadwalla to þam rice, þæs cyn gæþ to Cerdice, 7 heold .iii. gear. Ða feng Ine to Seaxna rice, þæs cyn gæþ to Ceardice, 7 heold .xxxvii. wintra. Þa feng Æelheard to, þæs cyn gæþ to Ceardice, 7 heold .xiiii. winter. Þa feng Cuþred to, þæs cyn gæþ to Cerdice, 7 heold .xvii. gear. Þa feng Sigebryht to, þæs cyn gæþ to Cerdice, 7 heold an gear. Þa feng Cynewulf to rice, þæs cyn gæþ to Ceardice, 7 heold .xxxi. wintra. Þa feng Beorhtric to rice, þæs cyn gæþ to Cerdice, 7 heold .xvi. gear. Þa feng Ecgbryht to þam rice 7 heold .xxxvii. wintra 7 .vii. monaþ, 7 feng þa Æþelwulf his sunu to 7 heold nigonteoðe healf gear. Se Æþelwulf wæs Ecgbryhting, Ecgbryht Ealhmunding, Ealhmund Eafing, Eafa Eopping, Eoppa Ingilding, Ingild Cenreding, 7 Ine Cenreding 7 Cuþburg Cenreding 7 Cuenburg Cenreding, Cenred Ceolwalding, Ceolwald Cuþwulfing, Cuþwulf Cuþwining, Cuþwine Celming, Celm Cynricing, Cynric Cerdicing. Ond þa feng Æþelbald his sunu to rice 7 heold .v. gear. Þa feng Æþelbryht his broþur to 7 heold .v. gear. Þa feng Æþered hiera broþur to rice, 7 heold .v. gear. Þa feng Ælfred hiera broþur to rice, 7 þa was agan his ielde .xxiii. wintra 7 .ccc. 7 .xcvi. wintra þæs þe his cyn ærest Westseaxna lond on Wealum geeodon.
[60 BC]
AER Cristes geflæscnesse .lx. wintra, Gaius Iulius se casere ærest Romana Bretenlond gesohte 7 Brettas mid gefeohte cnysede 7 hie oferswiþde 7 swa þeah ne meahte þær rice gewinnan.
AD 1
Octauianus ricsode .lxvi. wintra, 7 on þam .lxii. geare his rices Crist wæs acenned.
Þa tungelwitgan of eastdæle cuomon to þon þæt hie Crist weorþedon 7 þa cild on Bethlem ofslægene wærun for Cristes ehtnesse from Herode.
Her swealt Herodus from him selfum ofsticod, 7 Archilaus his sunu feng to rice.
From frymþe middangeardes oþ þis gear wæron agan .v. þusendu wintra 7 .cc. wintra.
[Hand 8a: Her onfeng Herodes Antipatres sunu to rice in Iudea.]
& Philippus 7 Herodes todældun Lyssiam 7 Iudeam feoþericum todældun.
Her feng Tiberius to rice.
Her onfeng Pilatus gyminge ofer Iudeas.
[Hand 8: Her onfeng Pilatus to gymenne ouer þa Iudeas.]
Her wæs Crist gefulluhtud 7 Petrus 7 Andreas gehwierfede 7 Iacobus 7 Iohannes 7 Philippus 7 þa .xii. apostolas.
Her wæs Crist ahangen, from fruman middangeardes ymb .v. þusendo wintra 7 .cc. 7 .xxvi. wintra.
Her wæs Paulus gehwierfed, 7 sanctus Stephanus oftorfod.
Her se eadiga Petrus se apostol gesæt biscepsetl in Antiochia þære ceastre.
Her onfeng Gaius rice.
Her se eadiga Petrus se apostol gesæt biscepsetl on Rome.
Her Herodes aswalt, se þe Iacobum ofslog ane geare ær his agnum deaþe.
Her Claudius oþer Romana cyninga Bretene lond gesohte 7 þone mæstan dæl þæs ealondes on his gewald onfeng, 7 eac swelce Orcadus þa ealond Romana cynedome underþeodde. [Hand 8: Þis was þes feorðes geares his rices, 7 on þys ylcan geare gewearð se mycela hunger on Siria þe Lucas recð on þare boc Actus Apostolorum. ]
Her Iacobus frater Domini þrowode.
Her Marcus se godspellere forþferde.
Her Petrus 7 Paulus þrowodon.
Her Uespassianus onfeng rice.
Her Titus Uespassianus sunu in Hierusalem ofslog Iudea .cxi þusenda.
Her Titus feng to rice, se þe sæde þæt he þone dæg forlure þe he noht to gode on ne gedyde.
Her Domittianus Tites broþur feng to rice.
Her Iohannes se godspellere in Pathma þam ealonde wrat þa boc Apocalipsis.
Her Simon Petrus wæs ahangen, 7 Iohannes se godspellere hine gereste in Effesio.
Her Clemens papa forþferde.
[Hand 8: Her Symon se apostol wæs anhangen 7 Iohannes se godspellere hine gereste in Epheso. ]
[Hand 8: Her Clemens papa forþferde. ]
Her Ignatus biscep þrowude.
[Hand 8: Her Marcus Antonius 7 Aurelius his broðer fengon to rice. ]
Her Eleutherius on Rome onfeng biscepdom 7 þone wuldorfæstlice .xv. winter geheold. To þam Lucius Bretene kyning sende stafas, bæd þæt he wære cristen gedon, 7 he þurhteah þæt he bæd. [Hand 8: 7 hi syððon wunodon on rihton geleauon oððe Diaclitianes rice. ]
Her Seuerus onfeng rice 7 ricsode .xvii. winter, se Bretenlond mid dice begyrdde from sæ oþ sæ. [Hand 8: 7 þa geendode on Euerwic, 7 Bassianus his sunu feng to rice. ]
[Hand 12: Twa hund gæra. ]
[Hand 8: Her þowade sanctus Albanus martyr. ]
[Hand 12: Þreo hund gæra. ]
[Hand 12: Þreo hund gæ .... ]
[Hand 8: Her Gratianus feng to rice. ]
Her Maximianus se casere feng to rice -- he wæs on Bretenlonde geboren -- 7 þonne for in Gallia [Hand 8: 7 he ðar ofsloh ðone casere Gratianum 7 his broðer adraf of æðele, se was gehaten Ualentinianus, 7 se Ualentinianus eft gesanode werod 7 ofsloh Maximum 7 feng to rice. On þam timan aras Pelagies gedwyld geond middaneard. ]
Her Gotan abræcon Romeburg, 7 næfre siþan Romane ne ricsodon on Bretone. [Hand 8: Þæt wæs embe .xi. hund wintra 7 .x. wintra þes þe heo getimbred was. Ealles hi ðær rixodon on Brytene feower hund wintra 7 hund seouanti wintra syþþan ærost Gaius Iulius þæt land ærost gesohte. ]
Her Romane gesomnodon al þa goldhord þe on Bretene wæron 7 sume on eorþan ahyddon þæt hie nænig mon siþþan findan ne meahte 7 sume mid him on Gallia læddon.
[Hand 8: Her Ðeodosius se gingra feng to rice. ]
Her Paladius se biscep wæs onsended to Scottum þæt he hiera geleafan trymede from Cælestino þam papan.
[Hand 8: Her sendon Brytwalas to Rome 7 heom fultomes bædon wiþ Piohtas, ac hi þar næfdan nanne, forþan ðe hi fyrdedon wið Ætla Huna cyningæ, 7 þa sendon hi to Anglum 7 Angelcynnes æðelingas ðæs ylcan bædan. ]
Her Mauricius 7 Ualentines onfengon rice 7 ricsodon .vii. winter. 7 On hiera dagum Hengest 7 Horsa from Wyrtgeorne geleaþade Bretta kyninge gesohton Bretene on þam staþe þe is genemned Ypwinesfleot, ærest Brettum to fultume, ac hie eft on hie fuhton. [Hand 8: Se cing het hi feohtan agien Pihtas, 7 hi swa dydan 7 sige hæfdan swa hwar swa hi comon. Hi ða sende to Angle 7 heton heom sendan mare fultum 7 heom seggan Brytwalana nahtnesse 7 ðæs landes cysta. Hy ða sendan heom mare fultum. Þa comon þa menn of þrim mægþum Germanie, of Ealdseaxum, of Anglum, of Iotum. Of Iotum comon Cantware 7 Wihtware, þæt ys seo mæið ðe nu eardað on Wiht, 7 ðæt cynn on Westsexum þe man gyt hæt Iutna cyn. Of Ealdseaxon comon Eastsexa 7 Suðsexa 7 WestSexan. Of Angle comon, se a siððan stod westi betwyx Iutum 7 Seaxum, Eastengla, Midelangla, Mearca 7 ealle Norðhymbra. ]
Her Hengest 7 Horsa fuhton wiþ Wyrtgeorne þam cyninge, in þære stowe þe is gecueden Agælesþrep, 7 his broþur Horsan man ofslog; 7 æfter þam Hengest feng to rice 7 Æsc his sunu.
Her Hengest 7 Æsc fuhton wiþ Brettas in þære stowe þe is gecueden Crecganford 7 þær ofslogon .iiiim. wera, 7 þa Brettas þa forleton Centlond 7 mid micle ege flugon to Lundenbyrg.
Her Hengest 7 Æsc gefuhton uuiþ Walas neah Wippedesfleote 7 þær .xii. wilisce aldormenn ofslogon, 7 hiera þegn an þær wearþ ofslægen, þam wæs noma Wipped.
Her Hengest 7 Æsc gefuhton wiþ Walas 7 genamon unarimedlico herereaf, 7 þa Walas flugon þa Englan swa þær fyr.
Her cuom Ælle on Bretenlond 7 his .iii. suna, Cymen 7 Wlencing 7 Cissa, mid .iii. scipum on þa stowe þe is nemned Cymenesora, 7 þær ofslogon monige Wealas 7 sume on fleame bedrifon on þone wudu þe is genemned Andredesleage.
Her Ælle gefeaht wiþ Walas neah Mearcrædesburnan stæðe.
Her Æsc feng to rice 7 was .xxiiii. wintra Cantwara cyning.
Her Ælle 7 Cissa ymbsæton Andredescester 7 ofslogon alle þa þe þærinne eardedon; ne wearþ þær forþon an Bret to lafe.
Her cuomon twegen aldormen on Bretene, Cerdic 7 Cynric his sunu, mid .v. scipum in þone stede þe is gecueden Cerdicesora 7 þy ilcan dæge gefuhtun wiþ Walum.
Her cuom Port on Bretene 7 his .ii. suna Bieda 7 Mægla mid .ii. scipum on þære stowe þe is gecueden Portesmuþa 7 ofslogon anne giongne brettiscmonnan, swiþe æþelne monnan.
Her Cerdic 7 Cynric ofslogon ænne brettisccyning, þam was nama Natanleod, 7 .v. þusendu wera mid him. Æfter was þæt lond nemned Natanleaga oþ Cerdicesford.
Her cuomon Westseaxe in Bretene mid .iii. scipum in þa stowe þe is gecueden Cerdicesora, 7 Stuf 7 Wihtgar, 7 fuhton wiþ Brettas 7 hie gefliemdon.
Her Cerdic 7 Cynric [Hand 8: Westsexena ] rice onfengun on þy ilcan geare hie fuhton wiþ Brettas þær mon nu nemneþ Cerdicesford. [Hand 8b: 7 siþþan ricsadan Westsexana cynebearn of þan dæge. ]
Her Cerdic 7 Cynric fuhton wiþ Brettas in þære stowe þe is gecueden Cerdicesleaga.
Her Cerdic 7 Cynric genamon Wihte ealond 7 ofslogon feala men on Wihtgarabyrg.
Her Cerdic forþferde, 7 Cynric his sunu ricsode forþ .xxvi. wintra; 7 hie saldon hiera tuæm nefum Stufe 7 Wihtgare eall Wiehte ealond.
Her sunne aþiestrode .xiiii. dagum ær kalendas Martii from ærmergenne oþ undern.
Her sunne aþiestrode on .xii. kalendas Iulius, 7 steorran hie oðiewdon fulneah healfe tid ofer undern.
Her Uuihtgar forþferde, 7 hiene mon bebyrgde on Wihtgarabyrg.
Her Ida feng to rice, þonon Norþanhymbra cynecyn onwoc [Hand 8: 7 rixode twelf gear. 7 he timbrode Bebbanburh. seo wæs ærost mid hegge betyned. 7 þaræfter mid wealle. ] Ida wæs Eopping, Eoppa wæs Esing, Esa Inguing. Ingui Angenwiting. Angenwit Aloching. Aloc Beonocing. Beonoc Branding, Brand Bældæging. Bældæg Wodening. Woden Friþowulfing, Friþowulf Finning. Finn Godwulfing. Godwulf Geating.
Her Cynric gefeaht wiþ Brettas in þære stowe þe is genemned æt Searobyrg. 7 þa Bretwalas gefliemde. Cerdic wæs Cynrices fæder. Cerdic Elesing. Elesa Esling. Esla Gewising. Gewis Wiging. Wig Freawining. Freawine Friþogaring. Friþogar Branding. Brand Bældæging. Bældæg Wodening.
Her Cynric 7 Ceawlin fuhton wiþ Brettas æt Beranbyrg.
Her Ceawlin feng to rice on Wesseaxum, 7 ælle feng to Norþanhymbra rice 7 heold .xxx.wintra. Ælle wæs Yffing. Yffe Uscfreaing. Uscfrea Wilgisling. Wilgisl Westerfalcning. Westerfalcna Sæfugling. Sæfugl Sæbalding. Sæbald Sigegeating. Sigegeat Swæfdæging. Swæfdæg Sigegearing. Sigegear Wægdæging. Wægdæg Wodening. Woden Friþowulfing. [Hand 8: rice, Idan forðgefarenum. 7 heora ægðer rixade .xxx. wintra.]
Her Columba mæssepreost of Scottum com in Brettas to lærenne Peohtas 7 in Hi þam ealonde mynster worhte. [Hand 8: Her feng Æðelbriht to Cantwara rice. 7 heold .liii. wintra. On his dagum sende Gregorius us fulluht 7 Columba mæssepreost com to Pihtum. 7 hi gecyrde to Cristes geleauan. Þæt synd þonne wærteras be norðum morum. 7 heora cyng him gesealde þæt igland þe man Ii nemnað. þar syndon fif hida. þæs ðe man seggað. Þar se Columban getimbrade mynster, 7 he þarr wæs abbod .xxxii. wintra 7 þar forðferde. þa he was .lxxvii. wintra. Ða stowe habbað gyt his yrfnuman. Suþ Pihtas wæron ær gefullode of Ninna biscope. se was on Rome gelæred. His mynster ys Hwiterne on Sanctus Martines naman gehalgod. þar he resteð mid manegum halgum. Nu sceal beon æfre on Ii abbod, 7 na biscop. 7 þan sculon beon underðeodde ealle Scotta biscopas. for þan þe Columban was abbod, na biscop. ]
Her Ceaulin 7 Cuþa gefuhton wiþ Æþelbryht. 7 hine in Cent gefliemdon, 7 tuegen aldormen on Wibban dune ofslogon, Oslaf 7 Cnebban.
Her Cuþwulf feaht wiþ Bretwalas æt Bedcan forda. 7 .iiii. tunas genom, Lygeanburg. 7 ægelesburg. Benningtun. 7 Egonesham. 7 þy ilcan geare he gefor.
Her Cuþwine 7 Ceawlin fuhton wiþ Brettas, 7 hie .iii. kyningas ofslogon, Coinmail, 7 Condidan, 7 Farinmail, in þære stowe þe is gecueden Deorham. 7 genamon .iii. ceastro Gleawanceaster, 7 Cirenceaster, 7 Baþanceaster.
[Hand 8: Her Mauricius feng to Romana rice. ]
Her Ceawlin 7 Cuþa fuhton wiþ Brettas, in þam stede þe mon nemneþ Feþanleag. 7 Cuþan mon ofslog. 7 Ceaulin monige tunas genom, 7 unarimedlice herereaf, 7 ierre he hwearf þonan to his agnum.
Her ælle cyning forþferde, 7 æþelric ricsode æfter him .v. gear.
Her Ceolric ricsode .v. gear.
Her micel wælfill wæs æt Woddes beorge, 7 Ceawlin wæs ut adrifen. [Hand 8: 7 Gregorius feng to papdome on Rome. ]
Her Ceawlin 7 Cuichelm 7 Crida forwurdon, 7 æþelfriþ feng to rice [Hand 8: on Norðhymbrum. ]
[Hand 8: Her Gregorius papa sende to Brytene Augustinum. mid wel manegum munecum. þe Godes word Engla ðeoda godspelledon. ]
Her Gregorius papa sende to Bretene Augustinum. mid wel monegum munecum. þa Godes word Engla þeode godspellian.
Her ongon Ceolwulf ricsian on Wesseaxum, 7 simle he feaht. 7 won, oþþe wiþ Angelcyn, oþþe uuiþ Walas, oþþe wiþ Peohtas, oþþe wiþ Scottas; Se wæs Cuþaing. Cuþa Cynricing, Cynric Cerdicing, Cerdic Elesing, Elesa Esling, Esla Gewising, Giwis Wiging, Wig Freawining, Freawine Friðugaring, Friðugar Bronding, Brond Bældæging, Bældæg Wodening.
Her sende Gregorius papa Agustino ærcebiscepe pallium in Bretene, 7 wel monige godcunde lareowas him to fultome; 7 Paulinus biscep gehwerfde Edwine Norþhymbra cyning to fulwihte.
Her wæs gefeoht æt Egesan stane. [Hand 8: Ægþan Scotta cyng feaht wið Dælreoda, 7 wið æðelferþe Norþhymra cynge æt Dægstane, 7 man ofsloh mæst ealne his here. ]
Her East Seaxe onfengon geleafan 7 fulwihtes bæð. under Sæbryhte cyninge [Hand 8: Augustinus gehalgode .ii. biscopas. Mellitum 7 Iustum. Mellitum he sende to bodiende East Seaxum fulluht. ðar was se cing gehaten Sæbyrht. Ricolan sunu. æðelberhtes swyster. ðone æðelbyrht gesette to cynge. 7 æðelberht gesealde Mellite biscopsetl on Lundewic. 7 Iusto on Hrouecystre. seo ys .xxiiii. mila fram Dorwitceastre. ]
Her forþferde Gregorius ymb .x. gear þæs þe he us fulwiht sende 7 his fæder wæs haten Gordianus [Hand 8: And her Æðelfrið lædde his færde to Legercyestre, 7 ðar ofsloh unrim Walena. 7 swa wearþ gefyld Augustinus witegunge. þe he cwæþ. Gif Wealas nellað sibbe wið us. hi sculan æt Seaxana handa farwurþan. Þar man sloh eac .cc. preosta ða comon ðyder þæt hi scoldon gebiddan for Walena here. Scrocmail was gehaten heora ealdormann. se atbærst ðanon fiftiga sum. ]
Her Ceolwulf gefeaht wiþ Suþ Seaxe.
Her Cynegils feng to rice on Wesseaxum, 7 heold .xxxi. wintra. Cynegils wæs Ceoling. Ceol Cuþaing. Cuþa Cynricing.
Her Cynegils 7 Cuichelm gefuhton on Beandune, 7 ofslogon .ii. þusendo Wala 7 .lxvi.
Her Æþelbryht Contwara cyning forþferde, 7 Eadbald his sunu feng to rice. 7 þy ilcan geare wæs agan fram frymþe middangeardes fif þusendu wintra 7 .dccc. [Hand 8: Se forlet his fulluht, 7 leouode on hæðenum þeawe swa þæt he hæfde his fæder laue to wiue. Þa mynte Laurentius ðe þa was ercebiscop on Cent þæt he wolde suð ofer sæ 7 eall forlæton. Ac him com to on niht se apostol Petrus 7 hine hetelice swang, forðan ðe he wolde Godes hyrde forlæton 7 het hine gan to þam cynge 7 bodian him rihtne geleafan. 7 he swa dyde 7 se cing gecyrde to rihtan geleauan. On þyses cinges dagum Laurentius ercebiscop se was on Cent æfter Agustine forþferde .iiii. nonas Februarii 7 he was bebyred be Agustine. Æfter him feng Mellitus to arcebiscopdome se was biscop of Lundene 7 þas binnan fif wintre Mellitus forðferde. Þa æfter him feng to arcebiscopdome Iustus, se was biscop of Hrouecistre, 7 þar to gehalgode Romanum to biscope. ]
Her Paulinus fram Iusto þam ercebiscop wæs gehadod Norþhymbrum to biscepe.
Her Eanflæd Edwines dohtor cyninges wæs gefulwad in þone halgan æfen Pentecosten; 7 Penda hæfde .xxx. wintra rice. 7 he hæfde .L. wintra þa þa he to rice feng. Penda wæs Pybbing. Pybba Cryding. Cryda Cynewolding. Cynewold Cnebbing. Cnebba Iceling. Icel Eomæring. Eomær Angelþeowing. Angelþeow Offing. Offa Wærmunding. Wærmund Wihtlæging. Wihtlæg Wodening.
Her Edwine kyning wæs gefulwad mid his þeode on Eastron.
Her Cynegils 7 Cuichelm gefuhtun wiþ Pendan æt Cirenceastre, 7 geþingodan þa.
Her was Eorpwald gefulwad.
Her Edwine wæs ofslægen, 7 Paulinus huerf eft to Cantwarum, 7 gesæt þæt biscepsetl on Hrofesceastre.
Her Birinus biscep bodude West Seaxum fulwuht.
Her Cynegils wæs gefulwad from Birino þæm biscep in Dorkeceastre, 7 Oswold his onfeng.
Her Cuichelm wæs gefulwad in Dorcesceastre, 7 þy ilcan geare forþferde; 7 Felix biscep bodade East Englum Cristes geleafan.
Her Birinus fulwade Cuþræd on Dorcesceastre, 7 onfeng hine him to suna.
Her Redbald Cantwara cyning forþferde, 7 he ricsode .xxv. wintra. [Hand 8c: He hæfde twegene sunu Ermenred 7 Ercenberht. 7 þes Ercenberht rixode æfter his fæder. 7 Ermenred gestrynde twegen sunu. þa syððan wurðan gemartirode of Ðunore. ]
Her Oswald Norþanhymbra cyning ofslægen wæs.
Her Cenwalh feng to Wesseaxna rice, 7 heold .xxxi. wintra. 7 se Cenwalh het atimbran þa ciricean on Wintunceastre.
Her Paulinus forþferde se was ærcebiscep on Eoforwicceastre, 7 eft on Hrofesceastre.
Her Cenwalh adrifen wæs from Pendan cyninge.
Her Cenwalh wæs gefulwad.
Her Cenwalh gesalde Cuþrede his mæge .iii. þusendo londes be æscesdune; se Cuþred wæs Cuichelming. Cuichelm Cynegilsing.
Her ægelbryht of Galwalum. æfter Birine þam Romaniscan biscep onfeng Wesseaxna biscepdome.
Her Oswine kyning wæs ofslægen, 7 Aidan biscep forþferde.
Her Cenwalh gefeaht æt Bradanforda be Afne.
Her Middel Seaxe onfengon under Peadan aldormen ryhtne geleafan.
Her Onna cyning wearþ ofslægen. 7 Botulf ongon mynster timbran æt Icanho.
Her Penda forwearþ, 7 Mierce wurdon Cristne. Þa was agan from fruman middangeardes .v. þusendo wintra. 7 .dccc. 7 .l. wintra. 7 Peada feng to Mercna rice. Pending.
Her forþferde Peada, 7 Wulfhere Pending feng to Miercna rice.
Her Cenwalh gefeaht æt Peonnum wiþ Walas, 7 hie gefliemde oþ Pedridan; þis wæs gefohten siþþan he of East Englum com. He wæs þær .iii. gear on wrece, hæfde hine Penda adrifenne, 7 rices benumenne. forþon he his swostor anforlet.
Her ægelbryht biscep geewat from Cenwale, 7 Wine heold þone biscepdom .iii. gear; 7 se ægelbryht onfeng Persa biscepdomes on Galwalum bi Signe.
Her Cenwalh gefeaht in Eastron on Posentesbyrg, 7 gehergeade Wulfhere Pending oþ æscesdune; 7 Cuþred Cuichelming, 7 Coenbryht cyning on anum geare forþferdun; 7 on Wiht gehergade Wulfhere Pending, 7 gesalde Wihtwaran æþelwalde Suþ Seaxna cyninge. forþon Wulfhere hine onfeng æt fulwihte. 7 Eoppa mæssepreost. be Wilferþes worde 7 Wulfhere cyning brohte Wihtwarum fulwiht ærest.
Her sunne aþiestrode, 7 Arcenbryht Cantwara cyng forþferde; 7 Colman mid his geferum for to his cyððe. Þy ilcan geare wæs micel mancuealm; 7 Ceadda 7 Wilferþ wæron gehadode, 7 þy ilcan geare Deusdedit forþferde.
Her þeodorus mon hadode to ercebiscep:
Her Ecgbryht cyning salde Basse mæsseprioste Reculf mynster on to timbranne.
Her forþferde Osweo Norþanhymbra cyning, 7 Ecgferþ ricsode æfter him; 7 Hloþhere feng to biscepdome ofer Wesseaxan ægelbryhtes biscepes nefa. 7 heold .vii. gear, þeodor biscep hine gehalgode; 7 se Oswio wæs æþelferþing, æþelferþ æþelricing, æþelric Iding, Ida Eopping.
Her wæs þæt micle fugla wæl.
Her forþferde Cenwalh 7 Seaxburg an gear ricsode his cuen æfter him.
Her Ecgbryht Cantwara cyning forþferde; 7 þy geare wæs senoð æt Heorotforda, 7 Sancte æþeldryht ongon þæt mynstær æt Elige:
Her feng æscwine to rice on Wesseaxum, se wes Cenfusing, Cenfus Cenferþing, Cenferþ Cuþgilsing, Cuþgils Ceolwulfing, Ceolwulf Cynricing, Cynric Cerdicing.
Her Wulfhere Pending 7 æscwine gefuhton æt Biedanheafde; 7 þy ilcan geare Wulfhere forþferde, 7 æþelred feng to rice.
Her æscwine forþferde, 7 Hedde feng to biscepdome, 7 Centwine feng to rice; 7 Centwine was Cynegilsing, Cynegils Ceolwulfing; 7 æþered Miercna cyning oferhergeada Centlond.
Her oþiewde cometa se steorra. 7 Wilfriþ biscop wæs adrifen of his biscopdome from Ecgferþe cyninge.
Her ælfwine wæs ofslægen, 7 Sancte æþelþryþ forþferde.
Her gesæt þeodorius ærcebiscop senoþ on Hæþfelda, forþon he wolde þone Cristes geleafan geryhtan; 7 þy ylcan geare forþferde Hild abbodesse on Streonesheale.
On þissum geare Centwine gefliemde Bretwealas oþ sæ.
Her Ceadwalla ongan æfter rice winnan; Se Ceadwalla was Coenbryhting. Coenbryht Cading, Cadda Cuþaing, Cuþa Ceawlining, Ceawlin Cynricing, Cynric Cerdicing; 7 Mul was Ceadwallan broþur, 7 þone mon eft on Cent forbærnde; 7 þy ilcan geare Ecgferþ cyning mon ofslog; Se Ecgferþ was Osweoing, Osweo æþelferþing, æþelferþ æþelricing, æþelric Iding, Ida Eopping; 7 Hloþhere þy ilcan geare forþferde.
Her Ceadwalla 7 Mul Cent 7 Wieht forhergedon.
Her Mul wearþ on Cent forbærned, 7 oþre .xii. men mid him, 7 þy geare Ceadwalla eft Cent forhergeada.
Her Ine feng to Wesseaxna rice, 7 heold .xxxvii. wintra. [Hand 6: 7 he getimbrade þæt menster æt Glæstingabyrig. ] 7 þy ilcan geare Ceadwalla for to Rome, 7 fulwihte onfeng from þam papan, 7 se papa hine heht Petrus. 7 ymb .vii. niht he forþferde. Þonne was se Ine Cenreding, Cenred Ceolwalding, Ceolwald was Cynegilses broþur, 7 þa wæron Cuþwines suna Ceaulininges, Ceaulin Cynricing, Cynric Cerdicing.
Her þeodorius ærcebiscop forþferde, 7 feng Beorhtwald to þam biscepdome. Ær wærun Romanisce biscepas, siþþan wærun Englisce.
Her Cantware geþingodan wiþ Ine, 7 him gesaldon .xxx m.. forþon þe hie ær Mul forbærndon; 7 Wihtred feng to Cantwara rice, 7 heold .xxxiii. wintra; Se Wihtred was Ecgbryhting, Ecgbryht Arcenbryhting, Erconbryht Eadbalding, Eadbald æþelbryhting.
Her Hedde biscep forþferde, 7 he heold þone biscepdom .xxvii. wintra on Wintaceastre.
Her æþelred Pending Miercna cyning onfeng munuchade, 7 þæt rice heold .xxviiii. wintra. þa feng Coenred to.
Her Aldferþ Norþanhymbra cyning forþferde 7 Seaxuulf biscep.
Her Aldhelm biscep forþferde, se wæs be westan wuda biscep, 7 wæs todæled in foreweardum Danieles dagum in tua biscepscira West Seaxna lond, 7 ær hit wæs an. oþer heold Daniel, oþer Aldhelm; Æfter Aldhelme feng Forþhere to; 7 Ceolred feng to Miercna rice, 7 Coenred for to Rome 7 Offa mid him.
[Hand 3: Her Beorhtfriþ ealdormon feaht wiþ Peohtas, 7 Ine 7 Nun his mæg gefuhton wiþ Gerente Wala cyninge. ]
Her forþferde Guþlac se halga.
Her Ine 7 Ceolred fuhton æt Woddes beorge.
Her Osred Norþanhymbra cyning wearþ ofslægen, se hæfde .vii. winter rice æfter Aldferþe; þa feng Coenred to rice, 7 heold .ii. gear; þa Osric 7 heold .xi. gear; 7 on þam ilcan geare Ceolred Miercna cyning forþferde, 7 his lic resteþ on Licetfelda, 7 æþelrædes Pendinges on Bearddanigge; 7 þa feng Æþelbald to rice on Mercium, 7 heold .xli. wintra Æþelbald wæs Alweoing, Alweo Eawing, Eawa Pybing, þæs cyn is beforan awriten; 7 Ecgbryht se arwierþa wer on Hii þam ealonde þa munecas on ryht gecierde. þæt hie Eastron onryht heoldon, 7 þa ciriclecan scare.
Her Ingild forþferde Ines broþur, 7 hiera swostur wærun Cuenburg 7 Cuþburg, 7 sio Cuþburg þæt liif æt Winburnan arærde, 7 hio wæs forgifen Norþanhymbra cyninge Aldferþe, 7 hie be him lifgendum hie gedældun.
Her Daniel ferde to Rome; 7 þy ilcan geare Ine ofslog Cynewulf.
Her Æþelburg cuen towearp Tantun 7 Ine ær timbrede; 7 Aldbryht wræccea gewat on Suþrige 7 on Suþ Seaxe; 7 Ine gefeaht wiþ Suþ Seaxum.
Her Wihtræd Cantwara cyning forþferde. þæs cyn is beforan. [Hand 8c: 7 Eadberht feng to Centrice. ] 7 Ine feaht wiþ Suþ Seaxan, 7 þær ofslog Aldbryht.
Her Ine ferde to Rome. [Hand 6: 7 þær his feorh gesealde ] 7 feng æþelheard to Wesseaxna rice 7 heold .xiiii. gear. 7 þy geare gefuhton æþelheard 7 Oswald se æþeling; 7 se Oswald was æþelbalding, æþelbald Cynebalding, Cynebald Cuþwining, Cuþwine Ceaulining.
Her cometa se steorra hiene oþiewde, 7 Sanctus Ecgbryht forþferde;
Her Oswald se æþeling forþferde.
Her was ofslægen Osric Norþanhymbra cyning, 7 feng Ceoluulf to þam rice, 7 heold .viii. gear. 7 se Ceolwulf wæs Cuþaing, Cuþa Cuþwining, Cuþwine Leodwalding. Leodwald Ecgwalding, Ecgwald Aldhelming, Aldhelm Ocging, Ocga Iding, Ida Eopping; 7 Beorhtwald ærcebiscep gefor; 7 þy ilcan geare Tatwine wæs gehalgod to ærcebiscepe.
Her æþelbald geeode Sumurtun; 7 sunne aþiestrode.
Her wæs se mona swelce he wære mid blode begoten; 7 ferdon forþ Tatwine 7 Bieda.
Her Noþhelm ærcebiscep onfeng pallium from Romana biscep.
Her Forþhere biscep 7 Friþogiþ cuen ferdun to Rome.
Her Eadbryht Eating, Eata Leodwalding, feng to Norþanhymbra rice. 7 heold .xxi. wintra. 7 his broþor wæs Ecgbryht Eating ærcebiscep, 7 hie restaþ begen on Eoforwicceastre on anum portice.
Her æþelheard cyning forþferde, 7 feng Cuþræd to Wesseaxna rice, 7 heold .xvi. wintra, 7 heardlice gewon wiþ æþelbald cyning; 7 cuþbryht wæs to ærcebiscepe gehalgod, 7 Dun biscep to Hrofesceastre.
Her æþelbald 7 Cuþræd fuhton wiþ Walas.
Her Danihel gesæt on Wintanceastre, 7 Hunferþ feng to biscepdome.
Her Danihel forþferde, þa was .xliii. wintra agan siþþan he onfeng biscepdome.
Her mon slog Selred cyning.
Her wæs ofslægen Cynric Wesseaxna æþeling, 7 Eadbryht Cantwara cyning forþferde. [Hand 8c: 7 æthelbyrht Wihtredes sunu cinges feng to þam rice. ]
Her Cuþred cyning gefeaht uuiþ Æþelhun þone ofermedan aldormonn.
Her Cuþred gefeaht þy .xii. geare his rices æt Beorgfeorda wiþ Æþelbald.
Her Cuþred feaht wiþ Walas.
754 actually 756
Her Cuþred forþferde, 7 Cyneheard onfeng biscepdome æfter Hunferþe on Wintanceastre; 7 Cantwaraburg forbærn þy geare 7 Sigebryht feng to Wesseaxna rice 7 heold an gear.
755 actually 757
Her Cynewulf benam Sigebryht his rices 7 West Seaxna wiotan for unryhtum dædum buton Hamtunscire 7 he hæfde þa oþ he ofslog þone aldormon þe him lengest wunode 7 hiene þa Cynewulf on Andred adræfde 7 he þær wunade oþ þæt hiene an swan ofstang æt Pryfetesflodan 7 he wræc þone aldormon Cumbran 7 se Cynewulf oft miclum gefeohtum feaht uuiþ Bretwalum 7 ymb .xxxi. wintra þæs þe he rice hæfde he wolde adræfan anne æþeling se was Cyneheard haten 7 se Cyneheard wæs þæs Sigebryhtes broþur 7 þa geascode he þone cyning lytle werode on wifcyþþe on Merantune 7 hine þær berad 7 þone bur utan beeode ær hine þa men onfunden þe mid þam kyninge wærun 7 þa ongeat se cyning þæt 7 he on þa duru eode 7 þa unheanlice hine werede oþ he on þone æþeling locude 7 þa utræsde on hine 7 hine miclum gewundode. 7 hie alle on þone Cyning wærun feohtende oþ þæt hie hine ofslægenne hæfdon 7 þa on þæs wifes gebærum onfundon þæs cyninges þegnas þa unstilnesse 7 þa þider urnon swa hwelc swa þonne gearo wearþ 7 radost 7 hiera se æþeling gehwelcum feoh 7 feorh gebead 7 hiera nænig hit geþicgean nolde'. Ac hie simle feohtende wæran oþ hie alle lægon butan anum Bryttiscum gisle 7 se swiþe gewundad wæs. Þa on morgenne gehierdun þæt þæs cyninges þegnas þe him beæftan wærun þæt se cyning ofslægen wæs þa ridon hie þider 7 his aldormon Osric 7 Wiferþ his þegn 7 þa men þe he beæftan him læfde ær 7 þone æþeling on þære byrig metton þær se cyning ofslægen læg 7 þa gatu him to belocen hæfdon 7 þa þærto eodon 7 þa gebead he him hiera agenne dom feos 7 londes gif hie him þæs rices uþon 7 him cyþdon þæt hiera mægas him mid wæron þa þe him from noldon 7 þa cuædon hie þæt him nænig mæg leofra nære þonne hiera hlaford 7 hie næfre his banan folgian noldon 7 þa budon hie hiera mægum þæt hie gesunde from eodon 7 hie cuædon þæt tæt ilce hiera geferum geboden wære þe ær mid þam cyninge wærun þa cuædon hie þæt hie hie þæs ne onmunden þon ma þe eowre geferan þe mid þam cyninge ofslægene wærun. 7 hie þa ymb þa gatu feohtende wæron oþ þæt hie þærinne fulgon 7 þone æþeling ofslogon 7 þa men þe him mid wærun alle butan anum se wæs þæs aldormonnes godsunu 7 he his feorh generede 7 þeah he wæs oft gewundad. 7 se Cynewulf ricsode .xxxi. wintra 7 his lic liþ æt Wintanceastre 7 þæs æþlinges æt Ascanmynster 7 hiera ryhtfæder cyn gæþ to Cerdice 7 þy ilcan geare mon ofslog Æþelbald Miercna cyning on Seccandune 7 his lic liþ on Hreopadune 7 Beornræd feng to rice 7 lytle hwile heold 7 ungefealice 7 þy ilcan geare Offa feng to rice 7 heold .xxxviiii. wintra 7 his sunu Egferþ heold .xli. daga 7 .c. daga. Se Offa wæs Þincgferþing Þincgferþ Eanwulfing, Eanwulf Osmoding, Osmod Eawing, Eawa Pybing, Pybba Creoding, Creoda Cynewalding, Cynewald Cnebing, Cnebba Iceling, Icel Eomæring, Eomær Angelþowing, Angelþeow Offing, Offa Wærmunding, Wærmund Wyhtlæging, Wihtlæg Wodening.
758 actually 760
Her Cuþbryht arcebiscep forþferde.
759 actually 761
Her Bregowine wæs to ercebiscepe gehadod to Sancte Michaeles tide.
760 actually 762
Her Æþelbryht Cantwara cyning forþferde [Hand 8d: se was Wihtredes cinges sunu. ]
761 actually 763-4
Her wæs se micla winter.
763 actually 765
Her Ianbryht wæs gehadod to ærcebiscepe on þone feowertegan dæg ofer midne winter.
764 actually 766
Her Iaenbryht ærcebiscep onfeng pallium.
768 actually 770
[Hand 8d: Her forþferde Eadberht Cantwara Eating cinc. ]
772 actually 774
Her Milred biscep forþferde.
773 actually 775
Her oþiewde read Cristesmæl on hefenum æfter sunnan setlgonge; 7 þy geare gefuhton Mierce 7 Cantware æt Ottanforda; 7 wunderleca nædran wæron gesewene on Suþ Seaxna londe.
777 actually 779
Her Cynewulf 7 Offa gefuhton ymb Benesingtun 7 Offa nam þone tuun.
780 actually 782
Her Ald Seaxe 7 Francan gefuhtun.
784 actually 786
Her Cyneheard ofslog Cynewulf cyning, 7 he þær wearþ ofslægen, 7 .lxxxiiii. monna mid him; 7 þa onfeng Beorhtric Wesseaxna rices, 7 he ricsode .xvi. gear, 7 his lic liþ æt Werham, 7 his ryhtfædren cyn gæþ to Cerdice. [Hand 8c: To þysan timan rixode Ealhmund cing innon Cent. ]
785 actually 787
Her wæs geflitfullic senoþ æt Cealchyþe, 7 Iaenbryht ærcebiscep forlet sumne dæl his biscepdomes, 7 from Offan kyninge Hygebryht wæs gecoren, 7 Ecgferþ to cyninge gehalgod.
787 actually 789
Her nom Beorhtric cyning Offan dohtor Eadburge; 7 on his dagum cuomon ærest .iii. scipu, 7 þa se gerefa þærto rad, 7 hie wolde drifan to þæs cyninges tune þy he nyste hwæt hie wæron; 7 hiene mon ofslog; Þæt wæron þa ærestan scipu Deniscra monna þe Angelcynnes lond gesohton.
790 actually 792
Her Iaenbryht ærcebiscep forþferde, 7 þy ilcan geare wæs gecoren æþelheard abbud to biscepe.
792 actually 794
Her Offa Miercna cyning het æþelbryhte rex þæt heafod ofaslean.
794 actually 796
Her Adrianus papa 7 Offa cyning forþferdon; 7 æþelred Norþanhymbra cyning wæs ofslægen from his agenre þeode, 7 Ceolwulf biscep 7 Eadbald biscep of þæm londe aforon; 7 Ecgferþ feng to Miercna rice. 7 þy ilcan geare forþferde; 7 Eadbryht onfeng rice on Cent. þam was oþer noma nemned Præn.
796 actually 798
Her Ceolwulf Miercna cyning oferhergeade Cantware oþ Mersc, 7 gefengun Praen hiera cyning, 7 gebundenne hine on Mierce læddon;
797 actually 799
Her Romane Leone þæm papan his tungon forcurfon, 7 his eagan astungon, 7 hine of his setle afliemdon; 7 þa sona eft Gode fultomiendum he meahte geseon 7 sprecan, 7 eft was papa swa he ær wæs.
799 actually 801
Her æþelheard ærcebiscep 7 Cynebryht Wesseaxna biscep foron to Rome.
800 actually 802
Her Beorhtric cyning forþferde 7 Worr aldormon; 7 Ecgbryht feng to Wesseaxna rice; 7 þy ilcan dæge rad æþelmund aldorman of Hwiccium ofer æt Cynemæresforda, þa mette hine Weoxstan aldorman mid Wilsætum; þær wearþ micel gefeoht, 7 þær begen ofslægene þa aldormen, 7 Wilsætan namon sige.
802 actually 804
Her wæs gehadod Beornmod biscep to Hrofesceastre.
803 actually 805
Her æþelheard ærcebiscep forþferde, 7 Wulfred wæs to ærcebiscepe gehadod, 7 Forþred abbud forþferde.
804 actually 806
Her Wulfred ærcebiscep pallium onfeng.
805 actually 807
Her Cuþred cyning forþferde on Cantwarum, 7 Ceolburg abbudesse, 7 Heabryht aldorman.
812 actually 814
Her Carl cyning forþferde, 7 he ricsode .xlv. wintra. 7 Wulfred arcebiscep 7 Wigbryht Wesseaxna biscep foron begen to Rome;
813 actually 815
Her Wulfred ærcebiscep mid bledsunge þæs papan Leon hwearf eft to his agnum biscepdome; 7 þy geare gehergade Ecgbryht cyning on West Walas from easteweardum oþ westewearde.
814 actually 816
Her Leo se æþela papa 7 se halga forþferde, 7 æfter him Stephanus feng to rice.
816 actually 818
Her Stephanus papa forþferde, 7 æfter him was Paschalis to papan gehadod; 7 þy ilcan geare forborn Ongolcynnes scolu.
819 actually 821
Her Cenwulf Miercna cyning forþferde, 7 Ceolwulf feng to rice, 7 Eadbryht aldormon forþferde.
821 actually 823
Her wearþ Ceolwulf his rices besciered.
822 actually 824
Her tuegen aldormen wurdon ofslægene, Burghelm 7 Muca; 7 senoþ wæs æt Clofeshoo.
823 actually 825
Her wæs Wala gefeoht 7 Defna æt Gafulforda 7 þy ilcan geare gefeaht Ecbryht cyning 7 Beornwulf cyning on Ellendune 7 Ecgbryht sige nam 7 þær wæs micel wæl geslægen. Þa sende he Æþlwulf his sunu of þære fierde 7 Ealhstan his biscep 7 Wulfheard his aldormon to Cent micle werede 7 hie Baldred þone cyning norþ ofer Temese adrifon 7 Cantware him to cirdon 7 Suþrige 7 SuþSeaxe 7 EastSeaxe þy hie from his mægum ær mid unryhte anidde wærun 7 þy ilcan geare EastEngla cyning 7 seo þeod gesohte Ecgbryht cyning him to friþe 7 to mundboran for Miercna ege 7 þy geare slogon EastEngle Beornwulf Miercna cyning.
825 actually 827
Her Ludecan Miercna cyning 7 his .v. aldormen mon ofslog mid him 7 Wiiglaf feng to rice.
827 actually 829
Her mona aþistrode on middes wintres mæsseniht 7 þy ilcan geare geeode Ecgbryht cyning Miercna rice 7 al þæt be suþan Humbre wæs 7 he wæs se eahteþa cyning se þe Bretwalda wæs Ærest Ælle SuþSeaxna cyning se þus micel rice hæfde se æftera wæs Ceawlin Wesseaxna cyning se þridda wæs Æþelbryht Cantwara cyning se feorþa wæs Rædwald EastEngla cyning fifta was Eadwine Norþanhymbra cyning siexta wæs Oswald se æfter him ricsode seofoþa wæs Oswio Oswaldes broþur eahtoþa wæs Ecgbryht Wesseaxna cyning 7 se Ecgbryht lædde fierd to Dore wiþ Norþanhymbre 7 hie him þær eaþmedo budon 7 geþuærnesse 7 hie on þam tohwurfon.
828 actually 830
Her eft Wilaf onfeng Miercna rices 7 Æþelwald biscep forþferde 7 þy ilcan geare lædde Ecgbryht cyning fierd on NorþWalas 7 he hie to eaþmodre hersumnesse gedyde.
829 actually 831
Her Wulfred ærcebiscep forþferde.
830 actually 832
Her Ceolnoþ wæs gecoren to biscepe 7 gehadod 7 Feologid abbud forþferde.
831 actually 833
Her Ceolnoþ ærcebiscep onfeng pallium.
832 actually 835
Her hæþen men oferhergeadon Sceapige.
833 actually 836
Her gefeaht Ecgbryht cyning wiþ .xxxv. sciphlæsta æt Carrum 7 þær wearþ micel wæl geslægen, 7 þa Denescan ahton wælstowe gewald; 7 Hereferþ 7 Wigþen tuegen biscepas forþferdon, 7 Dudda 7 Osmod tuegen aldormen forþferdon.
835 actually 838
Her cuom micel sciphere on Westwalas 7 hie to anum gecierdon, 7 wiþ Ecgbryht West Seaxna cyning winnende wæron. Þa he þæt hierde 7 mid fierde ferde 7 him wiþ feaht æt Hengestdune 7 þær gefliemde ge þa Walas ge þa Deniscan.
836 actually 839
Her Ecgbryht cyning forþferde, 7 hine hæfde ær Offa Miercna cyning 7 Beorhtric Wesseaxna cyning afliemed .iii. gear of Angelcynnes lande on Fronclond, ær he cyning wære, 7 þy fultomode Beorhtric Offan þy he hæfde his dohtor him to cuene; 7 se Ecgbyht ricsode .xxxvii. wintra, .vii. monaþ, 7 feng Æþelwulf Ecgbrehting to Wesseaxna rice, 7 he salde his suna Æþelstane Cantwara rice 7 Eastseaxna 7 Suþrigea 7 Suþseaxna.
837 probably 840
Her Wulfheard aldormon gefeaht æt Hamtune wiþ .xxxiii. sciphlæsta 7 þær micel wæl geslog 7 sige nom. 7 þy geare forþferde Wulfheard. 7 þy ilcan geare gefeaht Æþelhelm dux wiþ Deniscne here on Port mid Dornsætum 7 gode hwile þone here gefliemde, 7 þa Deniscan ahton wælstowe gewald 7 þone aldormon ofslogon.
838 actually 841
Her Herebryht aldormon wæs ofslægen from hæþnum monnum 7 monige mid him on Merscwarum, 7 þy ilcan geare eft on Lindesse 7 on Eastenglum 7 on Cantwarum wurdon monige men ofslægene from þam herige.
839 actually 842
Her wæs micel wæsliht on Lundenne 7 on Cwantawic 7 on Hrofesceastre.
840 probably 843
Her Æþelwulf cyning gefeaht æt Carrum wiþ .xxxv. schiplæsta, 7 þa Deniscan ahton wæstowe gewald.
845 probably 848
Her Eanulf aldorman gefeaht mid Sumursætum 7 Ealchstan biscep 7 Osric aldorman mid Dornsætnum gefuhton æt Pedridan muþan wiþ Deniscne here 7 þær micel wæl geslogon 7 sige namon. þy ilcan geare Æþelstan rex 7 Ealchere dux micelne here ofslogon æt Sondwic on Kent 7 .viiii. scipu gefengon 7 þa oþru geflimdon
Her Ceorl aldormon gefeaht wiþ hæþene men min Defenascire æt Wicganbeorge, 7 þær micel wæl geslogon 7 sige namon. 7 þy ilcan geare Æþelstan cyning 7 Ealchere dux micelne here ofslogon æt Sondwic on Cent 7 .ix .scipu gefengun 7 þa oþre gefliemdon. 7 hæþne men ærest ofer winter sæton. 7 þy ilcan geare cuom feorðe healf hund scipa on Temese muþan 7 bræcon Contwaraburg 7 Lundenburg, 7 gefliemdon Beorhtwulf Miercna cyning mid his fierde, 7 foron þa suþ ofer Temese on Suþrige 7 him gefeaht wiþ Æþelwulf cyning 7 Æþelbald his sunu æt Aclea mid Westseaxna fierde, 7 þær þæt mæste wæl geslogon on hæþnum herige þe we secgan hierdon oþ þisne ondweardan dæg, 7 þær sige namon.
Her bæd Burgred Miercna cyning 7 his wiotan (bædon) Æþelwulf cyning þæt he (he) him gefultumade þæt him Norþwalas gehiersumade. He þa swa dyde, 7 mid fierde fór ofer Mierce on Norþwalas, 7 hie him alle gehiersume dydon. 7 þy ilcan geare sende Æþelwulf cyning Ælfred his sunu to Rome. Þa was domne Leo papa on Rome, 7 he hine to cyninge gehalgode 7 hiene him to biscepsuna nam. Þa þy ilcan geare Ealhere mid Cantwarum 7 Huda mid Suþrigium gefuhton on Tenet wiþ hæþnum herige 7 ærest sige namon, 7 þær wearþ monig mon ofslægen 7 adruncen on gehwæþere hond. On þæs ofer Eastron geaf Æþelwulf cyning his dohtor Burgrede cyninge of Wesseaxum on Merce.
Her hæþne men ærest on Sceapige ofer winter sætun. 7 þy ilcan geare gebocude Æþelwulf cyning teoþan dæl his londes ofer al his rice Gode to lofe 7 him selfum to ecere hælo, 7 þy ilcan geare ferde to Rome mid micelre weorþnesse 7 þær was .xii. monaþ wuniende 7 þa him hamweard fór, 7 him þa Carl Francna cyning his dohtor geaf him to cuene, 7 æfter þam to his leodum cuom 7 hie þæs gefægene wærun. 7 ymb .ii. gear þæs ðe he on Francum com he gefór, 7 his lic liþ æt Wintanceastre, 7 he ricsode nigonteoþe healf gear. On se Æþelwulf wæs Ecgbrehting, Ecgbryht Ealhmunding, Ealhmund Eafing, Eafa Eopping, Eoppa Ingilding; Ingild wæs Ines broþur Westseaxna cyninges, þæs þe eft ferde to Sancte Petre 7 þær eft his feorh gesealde; 7 hie wæron Cendredes suna, Cenred wæs Ceolwalding, Ceolwald Cuþaing, Cuþa Cuþwining, Cuþwine Ceaulining, Ceawlin Cynricing, Cynric Cerdicing, Cerdic Elesing, Elesa Esling, Esla Giwising, Giwis Wiging, Wig Freawining, Freawine Friþogaring, Friþogar Bronding, Brond Bældæging, Bældæg Wodening, Woden Friþowalding, Friþuwald Freawining, Frealaf Friþuwulfing, Friþuwulf Finning, Fin Godwulfing, Godwulf Geating, Geat Tætwaing, Tætwa Beawing, Beaw Sceldwaing, Sceldwea Heremoding, Heremod Itermoning, Itermon Hraþraing, se wæs geboren in þære earce: Noe, Lamach, Matusalem, Enoh, Iaered, Maleel, Camon, Enos, Sed, Adam primus homo et pater noster est Christus, Amen. On þa fengon Æþelwulfes suna twegen to rice, Æþelbald to Wesseaxna rice 7 Æþelbryht to Cantwara rice 7 to Eastseaxna rice 7 to Suþrigea 7 to Suþseaxna rice; 7 þa ricsode Æþelbald .v. gear.
Her æþelbald cyng forþferde, 7 his lic liþ æt Sciraburnan, 7 feng æþelbryht to allum þam rice his broþur, 7 he hit heold on godre geþuærnesse 7 on micelre sibsumnesse; 7 on his dæge cuom micel sciphere [Hand 1b: up 7 abræcon Wintanceastre. ] 7 wiþ þone here gefuhton Osric aldorman mid Hamtunscire, 7 æþelwulf aldormon mid Bearrucscire, 7 þone here gefliemdon, 7 wælstowe gewald ahton; 7 se æþelbryht ricsode .v. gear, 7 his lic liþ æt Scireburnan.
Her sæt hæþen here on Tenet, 7 genamon friþ wiþ Cantwarum, 7 Cantware him feoh geheton wiþ þam friþe, 7 under þam friþe 7 þam feohgehate se here hiene on niht up bestæl, 7 oferhergeade alle Cent eastewearde;
Her feng æþered æþelbryhtes broþur to Wesseaxna rice; 7 þy ilcan geare cuom micel here on Angelcynnes lond, 7 wintersetl namon on Eastenglum, 7 þær gehorsude wurdon, 7 hie him friþ wiþ namon.
Her for se here of East Englum ofer Humbre muþan to Eoforwicceastre on Norþhymbre, 7 þær wæs micel ungeþuærnes þære þeode betweox him selfum, 7 hie hæfdun hiera cyning aworpenne Osbryht, 7 ungecyndne cyning underfengon ællan; 7 hie late on geare to þam gecirdon þæt hie wiþ þone here winnende wærun, 7 hie þeah micle fierd gegadrodon, 7 þone here sohton æt Eoforwicceastre, 7 on þa ceastre bræcon, 7 hie sume inne wurdon, 7 þær was ungemetlic wæl geslægen Norþanhymbra, sume binnan, sume butan; 7 þa cyningas begen ofslægene, 7 sio laf wiþ þone here friþ nam; 7 þy ilcan geare gefor Ealchstan biscep, 7 he hæfde þæt bisceprice .l. wintra æt Scireburnan, 7 his lic liþ þær on tune.
Her for se ilca here innan Mierce to Snotengaham, 7 þær wintersetl namon; 7 Burgræd Miercna cyning 7 his wiotan bædon æþered Westseaxna cyning 7 ælfred his broþur þæt hie him gefultumadon, þæt hie wiþ þone here gefuhton; 7 þa ferdon hie mid Wesseaxna fierde innan Mierce oþ Snotengaham, 7 þone here þær metton on þam geweorce, 7 þær nan hefelic gefeoht ne wearþ, 7 Mierce friþ namon wiþ þone here;
Her for se here eft to Eoforwicceastre, 7 þær sæt .i. gear.
Her rad se here ofer Mierce innan Eastengle 7 wintersetl namon. æt þeodforda, 7 þy wintra Eadmund cyning him wiþ feaht, 7 þa Deniscan sige namon, 7 þone cyning ofslogon, 7 þæt lond all geeodon; 7 þy geare gefor Ceolnoþ ærcebiscep. [Hand 7a: 7 Æþered Wiltunscire biscop wearþ gecoren to ærcebiscpe to Cantuareberi. ]
Her cuom se here to Readingum on Westseaxe, 7 þæs ymb .iii. niht ridon .ii. eorlas up; Þa gemette hie æþelwulf aldorman on Englafelda, 7 him þær wiþ gefeaht 7 sige nam; Þæs ymb .iiii. niht æþered cyning 7 ælfred his broþur þær micle fierd to Readingum gelæddon, 7 wiþ þone here gefuhton, 7 þær wæs micel wæl geslægen on gehwæþre hond, 7 æþelwulf aldormon wearþ ofslægen, 7 þa Deniscan ahton wælstowe gewald; 7 þæs ymb .iiii. niht gefeaht æþered cyning 7 ælfred his broþur wiþ alne þone here on æscesdune, 7 hie wærun on twæm gefylcum, on oþrum wæs Bachsecg 7 Halfdene þa hæþnan cyningas, 7 on oþrum wæron þa eorlas; 7 þa gefeaht se cyning æþered wiþ þara cyninga getruman, 7 þær wearþ se cyning Bagsecg ofslægen; 7 ælfred his broþur wiþ þara eorla getruman, 7 þær wearþ Sidroc eorl ofslægen se alda, 7 Sidroc eorl se gioncga, 7 Osbearn eorl, 7 Fræna eorl, 7 Hareld eorl, 7 þa hergas begen gefliemde, 7 fela þusenda ofslægenra, 7 onfeohtende wæron oþ niht. 7 þæs ymb .xiiii. niht gefeaht æþered cyning 7 ælfred his broður wiþ þone here æt Basengum, 7 þær þa Deniscan sige namon; 7 þæs ymb .ii. monaþ gefeaht æþered cyning 7 ælfred his broþur wiþ þone here æt Meretune, 7 hie wærun on tuæm gefylcium, 7 hie butu gefliemdon, 7 longe on dæg sige ahton, 7 þær wearþ micel wælsliht on gehwæþere hond, 7 þa Deniscan ahton wælstowe gewald; 7 þær wearþ Heahmund biscep ofslægen, 7 fela godra monna; 7 æfter þissum gefeohte cuom micel sumorlida; 7 þæs ofer Eastron gefor æþered cyning, 7 he ricsode .v. gear, 7 his lic liþ æt Winburnan. Þa feng ælfred æþelwulfing his broþur to Wesseaxna rice; 7 þæs ymb anne monaþ gefeaht ælfred cyning wiþ alne þone here lytle werede æt Wiltune, 7 hine longe on dæg gefliemde, 7 þa Deniscan ahton wælstowe gewald; 7 þæs geares wurdon .viiii. folc gefeoht gefohten wiþ þone here on þy cynerice be suþan Temese, 7 butan þam þe him ælfred þæs cyninges broþur, 7 anlipig aldormon, 7 cyninges þegnas oft rade onridon þe mon na ne rimde, 7 þæs geares wærun ofslægene .viiii. eorlas 7 an cyning; 7 þy geare namon Westseaxe friþ wiþ þone here.
Her for se here to Lundenbyrig from Readingum, 7 þær wintersetl nam, 7 þa namon Mierce friþ wiþ þone here.
Her for se here on Norþhymbre, 7 he nam wintersetl on Lindesse æt Tureces iege, 7 þa namon Mierce friþ wiþ þone here.
Her for se here from Lindesse to Hreopedune, 7 þær wintersetl nam, 7 þone cyning Burgræd ofer sæ adræfdon ymb .xxii. wintra þæs þe he rice hæfde, 7 þæt lond all geeodon; 7 he for to Rome 7 þær gesæt 7 his lic liþ on Sancta Marian ciricean on Angelcynnes scole; 7 þy ilcan geare hie sealdon anum unwisum cyninges þegne Miercna rice to haldanne, 7 he him aþas swor 7 gislas salde, þæt he him gearo wære swa hwelce dæge swa hie hit habban wolden, 7 he gearo wære mid him selfum, 7 on allum þam þe him læstan woldon. to þæs heres þearfe.
Her for se here from Hreopedune, 7 Healfdene for mid sumum þam here on Norþhymbre. 7 nam wintersetl be Tinan þære ea, 7 se here þæt lond geeode. 7 oft hergade on Peohtas, 7 on Stræcledwalas; 7 for Godrum 7 Oscytel 7 Anwynd. þa .iii. cyningas, of Hreopedune to Grantebrycge mid micle here, 7 sæton þær an gear; 7 þy sumera for ælfred cyning ut on sæ mid sciphere, 7 gefeaht wiþ .vii. sciphlæstas, 7 hiera an gefeng. 7 þa oþru gefliemde.
Her hiene bestæl se here into Werham Wesseaxna fierde, 7 wiþ þone here se cyning friþ nam, 7 him þa aþas sworon on þam halgan beage, þe hie ær nanre þeode noldon, þæt hie hrædlice of his rice foren; 7 hie þa under þam hie nihtes bestælon þære fierde se gehorsoda here into Escanceaster; 7 þy geare Healfdene Norþanhymbra lond gedælde. 7 ergende wæron 7 hiera tilgende.
Her cuom se here into Escanceastre from Werham, 7 se sciphere sigelede west ymbutan, 7 þa mette hie micel yst on sæ, 7 þær forwearþ .cxx. scipa æt Swanawic; 7 se cyning ælfred æfter þam gehorsudan here mid fierde rad oþ Exanceaster 7 hie hindan ofridan ne meahte ær hie on þam fæstene wæron, þær him mon to ne meahte; 7 hie him þær foregislas saldon. swa fela swa he habban wolde, 7 micle aþas sworon, 7 þa godne friþ heoldon; 7 þa on hærfæste gefor se here on Miercna lond, 7 hit gedældon sum, 7 sum Ceolwulfe saldon.
Her hiene bestæl se here on midne winter ofer tuelftan niht to Cippanhamme, 7 geridon Wesseaxna lond 7 gesæton 7 micel þæs folces (7) ofer sæ adræfdon, 7 þæs oþres þone mæstan dæl hie geridon, 7 him to gecirdon buton þam cyninge Ælfrede. 7 he lytle werede unieþelice æfter wudum for, 7 on morfæstenum; 7 þæs ilcan wintra wæs Inwæres broþur 7 Healfdenes on Westseaxum on Defenascire mid .xxiii. scipum, 7 hiene mon þær ofslog, 7 .dccc. monna mid him. 7 .xl. monna his heres; 7 þæs on Eastron worhte ælfred cyning lytle werede geweorc æt Æþelingaeigge, 7 of þam geweorce was winnende wiþ þone here, 7 Sumursætna se dæl, se þær niehst wæs; Þa on þære seofoðan wiecan ofer Eastron he gerad to Ecgbryhtes stane be eastan Sealwyda, 7 him to comon þær ongen Sumorsæte alle, 7 Wilsætan, 7 Hamtunscir se dæl, se hiere behinon sæ was, 7 his gefægene wærun; 7 he for ymb ane niht of þam wicum to Iglea, 7 þæs ymb ane to Eþandune, 7 þær gefeaht wiþ alne þone here, 7 hiene gefliemde, 7 him æfter rad oþ þæt geweorc, 7 þær sæt .xiiii. niht; 7 þa salde se here him foregislas 7 micle aþas þæt hie of his rice uuoldon 7 him eac geheton þæt kyning fulwihte onfon wolde 7 hie þæt gelæston swa, 7 þæs ymb .iii. wiecan com se cyning to him Godrum þritiga sum þara monna þe in þam here weorþuste wæron æt Alre, 7 þæt is wiþ Æþelinggaeige; 7 his se cyning þær onfeng æt fulwihte, 7 his crismlising was æt Weþmor, 7 he was .xii. niht mid þam cyninge, 7 he hine miclum 7 his geferan mid feo weorðude.
Her for se here to Cirenceastre of Cippanhamme. 7 sæt þær an gear; 7 þy geare gegadrode on hloþ wicenga, 7 gesæt æt Fullanhamme be Temese; 7 þy ilcan geare aþiestrode sio sunne ane tid dæges.
Her for se here of Cirenceastre on Eastengle, 7 gesæt þæt lond, 7 gedælde. 7 þy ilcan geare for se here ofer sæ þe ær on Fullanhomme sæt on Fronclond to Gend, 7 sæt þær an gear.
Her for se here ufor on Fronclond, 7 þa Francan him wiþ gefuhton, 7 þær þa wearþ se here gehorsod æfter þam gefeohte.
Her for se here up onlong Mæse feor on Fronclond, 7 þær sæt an gear. 7 þy ilcan geare for ælfred cyning mid scipum ut on sæ. 7 gefeaht wiþ feower sciphlæstas Deniscra monna, 7 þara scipa tu genam, 7 þa men ofslægene wæron þe ðæron wæron, 7 tuegen sciphlæstas him on hond eodon, 7 þa wæron miclum forslægene 7 forwundode ær hie on hond eodon.
Her for se here up on Scald to Cundoþ, 7 þær sæt an gear.
Her for se here up on Sunnan to Embenum, 7 þær sæt an gear.
Her todælde se foresprecena here on tu, oþer dæl east. oþer dæl to Hrofesceastre; 7 ymbsæton ða ceastre, 7 worhton oþer fæsten ymb hie selfe. 7 hie þeah þa ceastre aweredon oþþæt ælfred com utan mid fierde; Þa eode se here to hiera scipum, 7 forlet þæt geweorc. 7 hie wurdon þær behorsude, 7 sona þy ilcan sumere ofer sæ gewiton; 7 þy ilcan geare sende ælfred cyning sciphere on Eastengle; sona swa hie comon on Stufe muþan, þa metton hie .xvi. scipu wicenga, 7 wiþ ða gefuhton, 7 þa scipo alle geræhton, 7 þa men ofslogon; Þa hie þa hamweard wendon mid þære herehyþe, þa metton hie micelne sciphere wicenga, 7 þa wiþ þa gefuhton þy ilcan dæge, 7 þa Deniscan ahton sige; Þy ilcan geare ær middum wintra. forþferde Carl Francna cyning, 7 hiene ofslog an efor, 7 ane geare ær his broður forþferde, se hæfde eac þæt westrice, 7 hie wæron begen Hloþwiges suna. Se hæfde eac þæt westrice, 7 forþferde þy geare þe sio sunne aþiestrode. Se wæs Karles sunu þe æþelwulf Westseaxna cyning his dohtor hæfde him to cuene. 7 þy ilcan geare gegadrode micel sciphere on Aldseaxum, 7 þær wearþ micel gefeoht tua on geare, 7 þa Seaxan hæfdun sige, 7 þær wæron Frisan mid. Þy ilcan geare feng Carl to þam westrice, 7 to allum þam westrice behienan Wendelsæ, 7 begeondan þisse sæ, swa hit his þridda fæder hæfde, butan Lidwiccium. Se Carl was Hloþwiges sunu, se Hloþwig was Carles broþur, se wæs Iuþyttan fæder þe æþelwulf cyning hæfde, 7 hie wæron Hloþwiges suna, se Hloþwig was þæs aldan Carles sunu, se Carl was Pippenes sunu. 7 þy ilcan geare forþferde se goda papa Marinus, se gefreode Ongelcynnes scole be ælfredes bene Westseaxna cyninges, 7 he sende him micla gifa, 7 þære rode dæl þe Crist on þrowude. 7 þy ilcan geare se here on Eastenglum bræc friþ wiþ ælfred cyning.
Her for se here eft west þe ær east gelende, 7 þa up on Sigene, 7 þær wintersetl namon. Þy ilcan geare gesette ælfred cyning Lundenburg, 7 him all Angelcyn to cirde, þæt buton Deniscra monna hæftniede was, 7 hie þa befæste þa burg æþerede aldormen to haldonne.
Her for se here up þurh þa brycge æt Paris, 7 þa up andlang Sigene oþ Mæterne, oþ Cariei; 7 þa sæton þara 7 innan Ionan tu winter on þam twam stedum; 7 þy ilcan geare forþferde Karl Francna cyning, 7 Earnulf his broþur sunu hine .vi. wicum ær he forþferde berædde æt þam rice, 7 þa wearþ þæt rice todæled on .v. 7 .v. kyningas to gehalgode. Þæt wæs þeah mid Earnulfes geþafunge, 7 hi cuædon þæt hie þæt to his honda healdan sceoldon. forþæm hira nan næs on fædren healfe to geboren. buton him anum. Earnulf þa wunode on þæm londe be eastan Rin, 7 Roþulf þa feng to þæm middelrice, 7 Oda to þæm westdæle, 7 Beorngar 7 Wiþa to Longbeardna londe, 7 to þæm londum on þa healfe muntes, 7 þæt heoldun mid micelre unsibbe, 7 tu folcgefeoht gefuhton, 7 þæt lond oft 7 gelome forhergodon, 7 æghwæþer oþerne oftrædlice ut dræfde; 7 þy ilcan geare þe se here for forþ up ofer þa brycge æt Paris. (7) Æþelhelm aldormon lædde Wesseaxna ælmessan 7 ælfredes cyninges to Rome.
Her lædde Beocca aldormon Wesseaxna ælmessan 7 ælfredes cyninges to Rome. 7 æþelswiþ cuen, sio wæs ælfredes sweostor cyninges, forþferde, 7 hire lic liþ æt Pafian; 7 þy ilcan geare æþelred ercebiscep 7 æþelwold aldormon. forþferdon on anum monþe.
On þissum geare næs nan færeld to Rome, buton tuegen hleaperas ælfred cyning sende mid gewritum.
Her lædde Beornhelm abbud Westseaxna ælmessan to Rome 7 ælfredes cyninges; 7 Godrum se norþerna cyning forþferde, þæs fulluhtnama wæs æþelstan, se wæs ælfredes cyninges godsunu, 7 he bude on Eastenglum, 7 þæt lond ærest gesæt; 7 þy ilcan geare for se here of Sigene to Sant Laudan, þæt is butueoh Brettum 7 Francum, 7 Brettas him wiþ gefuhton, 7 hæfdon sige, 7 hie bedrifon ut on ane ea, 7 monige adrencton. [Hand 7a: Her wæs Plegemund gecoron of Gode 7 of eallen his halechen. ]
Her for se here east. 7 Earnulf cyning gefeaht wið ðæm ræde here ær þa scipu cuomon, mid Eastfrancum, 7 Seaxum, 7 Bægerum. 7 hine gefliemde; 7 þrie Scottas comon to ælfrede cyninge, on anum bate butan ælcum gereþrum of Hibernia, þonon hi hi bestælon forþon þe hi woldon for Godes lufan on elþiodignesse beon, hi ne rohton hwær. Se bat wæs geworht of þriddan healfre hyde þe hi on foron, 7 hi namon mid him þæt hi hæfdun to seofon nihtum mete; 7 þa comon hie ymb .vii. niht to londe on Cornwalum. 7 foron þa sona to ælfrede cyninge; Þus hie wæron genemnde, Dubslane 7 Maccbethu. 7 Maelinmun. 7 Swifneh se betsta lareow þe on Scottum wæs gefor.
(891 cont'd)
7 þy ilcan geare ofer Eastron. ymbe gang dagas oþþe ær, æteowde se steorra þe mon on boclæden hæt cometa, Sume men cweþaþ on Englisc þæt hit sie feaxede steorra. forþæm þær stent lang leoma of, hwilum on ane healfe hwilum on ælce healfe:
Her on þysum geare for se micla here. þe we gefyrn ymbe spræcon, eft of þæm eastric westweard to Bunann. 7 þær wurdon gescipode, swa þæt hie asettan him on anne siþ ofer mid horsum mid ealle, 7 þa comon up on Limene muþan. mid .ccl. (hunde) scipa. Se muþa is on easte weardre Cent. æt þæs miclan wuda eastende þe we Andred hatað; se wudu is eastlang 7 westlang hund twelftiges mila lang oþþe lengra, 7 þritiges mila brad; seo ea þe we ær ymbe spræcon lið ut of þæm wealda; On þa ea hi tugon up hiora scipu oþ þone weald .iiii. mila fram þæm muþan uteweardum. 7 þær abræcon an geweorc. inne on þæm fenne sæton feawa cirlisce men on, 7 wæs samworht. Þa sona æfter þæm com Hæsten mid .lxxx. scipa up on Temese muðan, 7 worhte him geweorc æt Middeltune, 7 se oþer here æt Apuldre.
On þys geare, þæt wæs ymb twelf monað þæs þe hie on þæm eastrice geweorc geworht hæfdon, Norþhymbre 7 Eastengle hæfdon ælffrede cyninge aþas geseald, 7 Eastengle foregisla .vi. 7 þeh ofer þa treowa, swa oft swa þa oþre hergas mid ealle herige ut foron, þonne foron hie, oþþe mid, oþþe on heora healfe an. Þa gegaderade ælfred cyning his fierd, 7 for þæt he gewicode betwuh þæm twam hergum. þær þær he niehst rymet hæfde for wudufæstenne ond for wæterfæstenne swa þæt he mehte ægþerne geræcan gif hie ænigne feld secan wolden; Þa foron hie siþþan æfter þæm wealda hloþum 7 flocradum. bi swa hwaþerre efes swa hit þonne fierdleas wæs. 7 him mon eac mid oþrum floccum sohte mæstra daga ælce, oþþe on niht. ge of þære fierde, ge eac of þæm burgum; Hæfde se cyning his fierd on tu tonumen, swa þæt hie wæron simle healfe æt ham, healfe ute, butan þæm monnum þe þa burga healdan scolden. Ne com se here oftor eall ute of þæm setum þonne tuwwa. oþre siþe þa hie ærest to londe comon, ær sio fierd gesamnod wære, oþre siþe þa hie of þæm setum faran woldon; Þa hie gefengon micle herehyð, 7 þa woldon ferian norþweardes ofer Temese in on Eastseaxe ongean þa scipu. Þa forrad sio fierd hie foran, 7 him wið gefeaht æt Fearnhamme, 7 þone here gefliemde, 7 þa herehyþa ahreddon, 7 hie flugon ofer Temese buton ælcum forda þa up be Colne on anne iggað. Þa besæt sio fierd hie þær utan þa hwile þe hie þær lengest mete hæfdon. Ac hie hæfdon þa heora stemn gesetenne, 7 hiora mete genotudne, 7 wæs se cyng þa þiderweardes on fære. mid þære scire þe mid him fierdedon; Þa he þa wæs þiderweardes, 7 sio oþeru fierd wæs hamweardes, 7 ða Deniscan sæton þær behindan, forþæm hiora cyning wæs gewundod on þæm gefeohte, þæt hi hine ne mehton ferian; Þa gegaderedon þa þe in Norþhymbrum bugeað, 7 on Eastenglum, sum hund scipa, 7 foron suð ymbutan, 7 sum feowertig scipa norþ ymbutan, 7 ymbsæton an geweorc on Defnascire be þære norþsæ; 7 þa þe suð ymbutan foron. ymbsæton Exancester. Þa se cyng þæt hierde, þa wende he hine west wið Exanceastres mid ealre þære fierde, buton swiþe gewaldenum dæle easteweardes þæs folces. Þa foron forð oþþe hie comon to Lundenbyrg, 7 þa mid þæm burgwarum 7 þæm fultume þe him westan com, foron east to Beamfleote; Wæs Hæsten þa þær cumen mid his herge, þe ær æt Middeltune sæt. 7 eac se micla here wæs þa þærto cumen, þe ær on Limene muþan sæt æt Apuldre; Hæfde Hæsten ær geworht þæt geweorc æt Beamfleote, 7 wæs þa ut afaren on hergaþ, 7 wæs se micla here æt ham; Þa foron hie to 7 gefliemdon þone here, 7 þæt geweorc abræcon, 7 genamon eal þæt þær binnan wæs, ge on feo. ge on wifum, ge eac on bearnum, 7 brohton eall into Lundenbyrig, 7 þa scipu eall oðþe tobræcon, oþþe forbærndon, oþþe to Lundenbyrig brohton oþþe to Hrofesceastre. 7 Hæstenes wif 7 his suna twegen mon brohte to þæm cyninge, 7 he hi him eft ageaf, forþæm þe hiora wæs oþer his godsunu, oþer æðeredes ealdormonnes; Hæfdon hi hiora onfangen ær Hæsten to Beamfleote come, 7 he him hæfde geseald gislas 7 aðas, 7 se cyng him eac wel feoh sealde, 7 eac swa þa he þone cniht agef 7 þæt wif. Ac sona swa hie to B(l)eamfleote comon, 7 þæt geweorc (ge)geworht wæs. swa hergode he on his rice þone ilcan ende þe æþered his cumpæder healdan sceolde, 7 eft oþre siþe he wæs on hergað gelend on þæt ilce rice þa þa mon his geweorc abræc. Þa se cyning hine þa west wende mid þære fierde wið Exancestres. swa ic ær sæde, 7 se here þa burg beseten hæfde; Þa he þærto gefaren wæs, þa eodon hie to hiora scipum. Þa he þa wið þone here þær wæst abisgod wæs, 7 þa hergas wæron þa gegaderode begen to Sceobyrig on Eastseaxum, 7 þær geweorc worhtun. Foron begen ætgædere up be Temese, 7 him com micel eaca to. ægþer ge of Eastenglum, ge of Norþhymbrum. Foron þa up be Temese oþþæt hie gedydon æt Sæferne, þa up be Sæferne. Þa gegaderode æþered ealdormon, 7 æþelm ealdorman. 7 æþelnoþ ealdorman, 7 þa cinges þegnas þe þa æt ham æt þæm geweorcum wæron, of ælcre byrig be eastan Pedredan, ge be westan Sealwuda ge be eastan, ge eac be norþan Temese, 7 be westan Sæfern, ge eac sum dæl þæs Norðwealcynnes. Þa hie þa ealle gegaderode wæron, þa offoron hie þone here hindan æt Buttingtune. on Sæferne staþe, 7 hine þær utan besæton on ælce healfe, on anum fæstenne. Þa hie ða fela wucena sæton on twa healfe þær e, 7 se cyng wæs west on Defnum wiþ þone sciphere, þa wæron hie mid metelieste gewægde, 7 hæfdon miclne dæl þara horsa freten. 7 þa oþre wæron hungre acwolen. Þa eodon hie ut to ðæm monnum þe on easthealfe þære e wicodon, 7 him wiþ gefuhton, 7 þa Cristnan hæfdon sige; 7 þær wearð Ordheh cyninges þegn ofslægen, 7 eac monige oþre cyninges þegnas, ofslægen, 7 se dæl þe þær aweg com wurdon on fleame generede. Þa hie on Eastseaxe comon to hiora geweorce. 7 to hiora scipum. þa gegaderade sio laf eft of Eastenglum, 7 of Norðhymbrum. micelne here onforan winter. 7 befæston hira wif, 7 hira scipu, 7 hira feoh on Eastenglum, 7 foron anstreces dæges 7 nihtes, þæt hie gedydon on anre westre ceastre on Wirhealum, seo is Legaceaster gehaten; Þa ne mehte seo fird hie na hindan offaran, ær hie wæron inne on þæm geweorce; Besæton þeah þæt geweorc utan sume twegen dagas, 7 genamon ceapes eall þæt þær buton wæs, 7 þa men ofslogon þe hie foran forridan mehton butan geweorce, 7 þæt corn eall forbærndon, 7 mid hira horsum fretton on ælcre efenehðe. 7 þæt wæs ymb twelf monað þæs þe hie ær hider ofer sæ comon.
ONd þa sona æfter þæm on ðys gere for se here of Wirheale in on Norðwealas. forþæm hie ðær sittan ne mehton; þæt wæs forðy þe hie wæron benumene ægðer ge þæs ceapes, ge þæs cornes, ðe hie gehergod hæfdon; Þa hie ða eft ut of Norðwealum wendon mid þære herehyðe þe hie ðær genumen hæfdon, þa foron hie ofer Norðhymbra lond 7 Eastengla, swa swa seo fird hie geræcan ne mehte, oþþæt hie comon on Eastseaxna lond easteweard, on an igland þæt is ute on þære sæ, þæt is Meresig haten. 7 þa se here eft hamweard wende. þe Exanceaster beseten hæfde, þa hergodon hie up on Suð Seaxum neah Cisseceastre, 7 þa burgware hie gefliemdon, 7 hira monig hund ofslogon, 7 hira scipu sumu genamon. Ða þy ylcan gere onforan winter þa Deniscan þe on Meresige sæton. tugon hira scipu up on Temese, 7 þa up on Lygan; þæt wæs ymb twa ger þæs þe hie hider ofer sæ comon.
On þy ylcan gere worhte se foresprecena here geweorc be Lygan .xx. mila bufan Lundenbyrig. Þa þæs on sumera foron micel dæl þara burgwara, 7 eac swa oþres folces, þæt hie gedydon æt þara Deniscana geweorce, 7 þær wurdon gefliemde, 7 sume feower cyninges þegnas ofslægene. Þa þæs on hærfeste þa wicode se cyng on neaweste þære byrig, þa hwile þe hie hira corn gerypon, þæt þa Deniscan him ne mehton þæs ripes forwiernan. Þa sume dæge rad se cyng up bi þære eæ, 7 gehawade hwær mon mehte þa ea forwyrcan, þæt hie ne mehton þa scipu ut brengan. 7 hie ða swa dydon. worhton ða tu geweorc. on twa healfe þære eas. Þa hie ða þæt geweorc furþum ongunnen hæfdon, 7 þærto gewicod hæfdon. þa onget se here þæt hie ne mehton þa scipu ut brengan; Þa forleton hie hie, 7 eodon ofer land þæt hie gedydon æt Cwatbrycge be Sæfern, 7 þær gewerc worhton. Þa rad seo fird west æfter þæm herige, 7 þa men of Lundenbyrig gefetedon þa scipu, 7 þa ealle þe hie alædan ne mehton tobræcon, 7 þa þe þær stælwyrðe wæron binnan Lundenbyrig gebrohton; 7 þa Deniscan hæfdon hira wif befæst innan Eastengle ær hie ut of þæm geweorce foron; Þa sæton hie þone winter æt Cwatbrycge. Þæt wæs ymb þreo ger þæs þe hie on Limene muðan comon hider ofer sæ.
Ða þæs on sumera on ðysum gere tofor se here, sum on Eastengle, sum on Norðhymbre, 7 þa þe feohlease wæron him þær scipu begeton, 7 suð ofer sæ foron to Sigene. Næfde se here, Godes þonces. Angelcyn ealles forswiðe gebrocod; Ac hie wæron micle swiþor gebrocede on þæm þrim gearum mid ceapes cwilde 7 monna, ealles swiþost mid þæm þæt manige þara selestena cynges þena þe þær on londe wæron forðferdon on þæm þrim gearum; Þara wæs sum Swiðulf biscop on Hrofesceastre, 7 Ceolmund ealdormon on Cent, 7 Beorhtulf ealdormon on Eastseaxum, 7 Wulfred ealdormon on Hamtunscire, 7 Ealhheard biscop æt Dorceceastre, 7 Eadulf cynges þegn on Suðseaxum, 7 Beornulf wicgefera on Winteceastre, 7 Ecgulf cynges horsþegn, 7 manige eac him þeh ic ða geðungnestan nemde. Þy ilcan geare drehton þa hergas on Eastenglum 7 on Norðhymbrum Westseaxna lond swiðe be þæm suðstæðe mid stælhergum, ealra swiþust mid ðæm æscum þe hie fela geara ær timbredon. Þa het ælfred cyng timbran langscipu ongen ða æscas; þa wæron fulneah tu swa lange swa þa oðru. sume hæfdon .lx. ara. sume ma. Þa wæron ægðer ge swiftran ge unwealtran, ge eac hieran þonne þa oðru. næron nawðer ne on Fresisc gescæpene ne on Denisc, bute swa him selfum ðuhte þæt hie nytwyrðoste beon meahten. Þa æt sumum cirre þæs ilcan geares comon þær sex scipu to Wiht, 7 þær micel yfel gedydon, ægðer ge on Defenum ge welhwær be ðæm særiman. Þa het se cyng faran mid nigonum to þara niwena scipa, 7 forforon him þone muðan foran on utermere; Þa foron hie mid þrim scipum ut ongen hie, 7 þreo stodon æt ufeweardum þæm muðan on drygum, wæron þa men uppe on londe of agane, þa gefengon hie þara þreora scipa tu æt ðæm muðan uteweardum, 7 þa men ofslogon, 7 þæt an oðwand; On þæm wæron eac þa men ofslægene buton fifum. Þa comon forðy onweg ðe ðara oþerra scipu asæton, þa wurdon eac swiðe uneðelice aseten. Þreo asæton on ða healfe þæs deopes ðe ða Deniscan scipu aseten wæron, 7 þa oðru eall on oþre healfe, þæt hira ne mehte nan to oðrum. Ac ða þæt wæter wæs ahebbad fela furlanga from þæm scipu. þa eodan ða Deniscan from þæm þrim scipum to þæm oðrum þrim þe on hira healfe beebbade wæron, 7 hie þa þær gefuhton. Þær wearð ofslægen Lucumon cynges gerefa. 7 Wulfheard Friesa. 7 æbbe Friesa, 7 æðelhere Friesa, 7 æðelferð cynges geneat, 7 ealra monna Fresiscra 7 Engliscra .lxii. 7 þara Deniscena .cxx. þa com þæm Deniscum scipum þeh ær flod to, ær þa Cristnan mehten hira ut ascufan, 7 hie forðy ut oðreowon; Þa wæron hie to þæm gesargode. þæt hie ne mehton Suðseaxna lond utan berowan, ac hira þær tu sæ on lond wearp. 7 þa men mon lædde to Winteceastre to þæm cynge, 7 he hie ðær ahon het. 7 þa men comon on Eastengle. þe on þæm anum scipe wæron. swiðe forwundode. Þy ilcan sumera forwearð nolæs þonne .xx. scipa mid monnum mid ealle. be þam suðriman. Þy ilcan gere forðferde Wulfric cynges horsðegn, se wæs eac Wealhgefera.
Her on þysum gere gefor æðelm Wiltunscire ealdormon, nigon nihtum ær middum sumere. 7 her forðferde Heahstan, se wæs on Lundenne biscop.
Her gefor ælfred Aþulfing, syx nihtum ær ealra haligra mæssan; Se wæs cyning ofer eall Ongelcyn butan ðæm dæle þe under Dena onwalde wæs, 7 he heold þæt rice. oþrum healfum læs þe .xxx. wintra. 7 þa feng Eadweard his sunu to rice. Þa gerad æðelwald his fædran sunu. þone ham æt Winburnan, 7 æt Tweoxneam butan ðæs cyninges leafe 7 his witena. Þa rad se cyning mid firde þæt he gewicode æt Baddanbyrig wið Winburnan, 7 æðelwald sæt binnan þæm ham mid þæm monnum þe him to gebugon, 7 hæfde ealle þa geatu forworht in to him, 7 sæde þæt he wolde oðer oððe þær libban oððe þær licgan. Þa under þæm þa bestæl he hine on niht on weg, 7 gesohte þone here on Norðhymbrum, 7 se cyng het ridan æfter, 7 þa ne mehte hine mon ofridan; Þa berad mon þæt wif þæt he hæfde ær genumen butan cynges leafe 7 ofer þara biscopa gebod, forðon ðe heo wæs ær to nunnan gehalgod. 7 on þys ilcan gere forðferde æþered. wæs on Defenum ealdormon, feower wucum ær ælfred cyning.
Her gefor Aþulf ealdormon Ealhswiðe broðor 7 Uirgilius abbud of Scottum. 7 Grimbald mæssepreost. [Hand 6a: .viii. idus Iulii. ]
Her com æðelwald hider ofer sæ mid þæm flotan þe he mid wæs on East Sexe.
Her aspon æðelwald þone here on Eastenglum to unfriðe, þæt hie hergodon ofer Mercna land oð hie comon to Creccagelade, 7 foron þær ofer Temese, 7 namon ægðer ge on Brædene ge ðær ymbutan eall þæt hie gehentan mehton, 7 wendan ða eft hamweard; Þa for Eadweard cyning æfter, swa he raðost mehte his fird gegadrian, 7 oferhergade eall hira land betwuh dicum 7 Wusan. eall oð ða fennas norð; Þa he ða eft þonan ut faran wolde, þa het he beodan ofer ealle þa fird þæt hie foron ealle ut ætsomne. Þa ætsæton ða Centiscan þær beæftan ofer his bebod, 7 seofon ærendracan he him hæfde to asend. Þa befor se here hie ðær, 7 hie ðær gefuhton, 7 þær wearð Sigulf ealdormon ofslægen, 7 Sigelm ealdormon, 7 Eadwold cynges ðegen, 7 Cenulf abbod, 7 Sigebreht Sigulfes sunu, 7 Eadwald Accan sunu, 7 monige eac him, þeh ic ða geðungnestan nemde. 7 on ðara Deniscena healfe wearð ofslægen Eohric hira cyng, 7 æðelwald æðeling ðe hine to þæm unfriðe gespon, 7 Byrhtsige Beornoðes sunu æðelinges. 7 Ysopa hold, 7 Oscytel hold, 7 swiðe monige eac him, þe we nu genemnan ne magon; 7 þær wæs on gehwæðre hond micel wæl geslægen, 7 þara Deniscena þær wearð ma ofslægen, þeh hie wælstowe gewald ahton. 7 Ealhswið gefor þy ilcan geare.
Her on þys geare gefor ælfred, wæs æt Baðum gerefa. 7 on þæm ilcan gere mon fæstnode þone frið æt Yttingaforda, swa swa Eadweard cyng gerædde, ægðer wið Eastengle ge wið Norðhymbre.
Her gefor Denulf, se wæs on Winteceastre biscop.
Her feng Friðestan to biscopdome on Winteceastre, 7 Asser biscop gefor æfter ðæm, se wæs æt Scireburnan biscop. 7 þy ilcan gere sende Eadweard cyng firde ægðer ge of Westseaxum ge of Mercum, 7 heo gehergade swiðe micel on þæm norðhere, ægðer ge on mannum ge on gehwelces cynnes yrfe, 7 manega men ofslogon þara Deniscena. 7 þær wæron fif wucan inne.
Her bræc se here on Norðhymbrum þone frið, 7 forsawon ælc frið þe Eadweard cyng 7 his witan him budon. 7 hergodon ofer Mercna lond; 7 se cyng hæfde gegadrod sum hund scipa. 7 wæs þa on Cent, 7 þa scipu foran be suðan east andlang sæ togenes him. Þa wende se here þæt his fultumes se mæsta dæl wære on þæm scipum, 7 þæt hie mehten faran unbefohtene þær þær hie wolden. Þa geascade se cyng þæt þæt hie ut on hergað foron, þa sende he his fird ægðer ge of Westseaxum ge of Mercum, 7 hie offoron ðone here hindan, þa he hamweard wæs, 7 him þa wið gefuhton, 7 þone here gefliemdon, 7 his fela þusenda ofslogon, 7 þær wæs Ecwils cyng ofslægen.
Her gefor æðered ealdormon on Mercum; 7 Eadweard cyng feng to Lundenbyrg 7 to Oxnaforda, 7 to ðæm landum eallum þe þærto hierdon.
Her on þys geare ymb Martines mæssan het Eadweard cyning atimbran þa norðran burg æt Heorotforda betweox Memeran 7 Beneficcan 7 Lygean; 7 þa æfter þam þæs on sumera. betweox gangdagum 7 middum sumera, þa for Eadweard cyning mid sumum his fultume on Eastseaxe to Mældune. 7 wicode þær þa hwile þe man þa burg worhte 7 getimbrede æt Witham; 7 him beag god dæl þæs folces to þe ær under Deniscra manna anwalde wæron, 7 sum his fultum worhte þa burg þa hwile æt Heorotforda on suþhealfe Lygean.
Her on þys gere rad se here ut ofer Eastron of Hamtune, 7 of Ligeraceastre. 7 bræcon þone friþ. 7 slogon monige men æt Hocneratune, 7 þær onbutan; 7 þa swiðe raþe æfter þæm, swa þa oþre ham comon, þa fundon hie oþre flocrade, þæt rad ut wið Lygtunes, 7 þa wurdon þa landleode his ware, 7 him wiþ gefuhton, 7 gebrohton hie on fullum fleame, 7 ahreddon eall þæt hie genumen hæfdon, 7 eac hira horsa 7 hira wæpna micelne dæl:
Her on þysum geare com micel sciphere hider ofer suþan of Lidwiccum, 7 twegen eorlas mid, Ohtor 7 Hroald, 7 foron west onbutan þæt hie gedydon innan Sæferne muþan, 7 hergodon on Norþwealas æghwær be þam sæ, þær hie þonne onhagode; 7 gefengon Cameleac biscop on Ircingafelda, 7 læddon hine mid him to scipum, 7 þa aliesde Eadweard cyning hine eft mid .xl. pundum. Þa æfter þam for se here eall up, 7 wolde faran þa giet on hergaþ wið Ircingafeldes; þa gemetton þa men hie of Hereforda 7 of Gleaweceastre. 7 of þam niehstum burgum, 7 him wið gefuhton, 7 hie gefliemdon; 7 ofslogon þone eorl Hroald 7 þæs oþres eorles broþor Ohteres, 7 micel þæs heres. 7 bedrifon hie on anne pearruc, 7 besæton hie þær utan, oþþe hie him sealdon gislas, þæt hie of Eadweardes cyninges anwalde afaran woldon; 7 se cyng hæfde funden þæt him mon sæt wiþ on suþhealfe Sæfernmuþan, westan from Wealum, east oþ Afene muþan, þæt hie ne dorston þæt land nawer gesecan on þa healfe; Þa bestælon hie hie þeah nihtes upp æt sumum twam cirron, æt oþrum cierre be eastan Wæced, 7 æt oþrum cierre æt Portlocan; Þa slog hie mon æt ægþrum cirre, þæt hira feawa onweg comon, buton þa ane þe þær ut ætswummon to þam scipum, 7 þa sæton hie ute on þam iglande æt Bradan Relice, oþ þone first þe hie wurdon swiþe metelease, 7 monige men hungre acwælon, forþon hie ne meahton nanne mete geræcan; Foran þa þonan to Deomodum, 7 þa ut to Irlande. 7 þis wæs on hærfest; 7 þa æfter þam on þam ilcan gere foran to Martines mæssan, ða for Eadweard cyning to Buccingahamme mid his firde, 7 sæt þær feower wucan, 7 geworhte þa burga buta on ægþere healfe eas ær he þonon fore; 7 þurcytel eorl hine gesohte him to hlaforde, 7 þa holdas ealle, 7 þa ieldstan men ealle mæste ðe to Bedanforda hierdon, 7 eac monige þara þe to Hamtune hierdon.
Her on þys gere Eadweard cyng for mid fierde to Bedanforda foran to Martines mæssan, 7 beget þa burg, 7 him cirdon to mæst ealle þa burgware þe hie ær budon, 7 he sæt þær feower wucan, 7 het atimbran þa burg on suþhealfe þære eas ær he þonan fore:
Her on þys gere foran to middum sumera for Eadweard cyning to Mældune, 7 getimbrede þa burg 7 gestaðolode ær he þonon fore; 7 þy ilcan geare for þurcytel eorl ofer sæ on Froncland. mid þam mannum þe him gelæstan woldon. mid Eadweardes cynges friþe 7 fultume.
Her on þysum gere foran to Eastron Eadweard cyning het gefaran þa burg æt Tofeceastre. 7 hie getimbran; 7 þa eft æfter þam on þam ilcan geare to gangdagum he het atimbran þa burg æt Wigingamere; Þy ilcan sumera betwix hlafmæssan 7 middum sumera se here bræc þone friþ of Hamtune, 7 of Ligeraceastre, 7 þonan norþan, 7 foron to Tofeceastre, 7 fuhton on þa burg ealne dæg, 7 þohton þæt hie hie sceolden abrecan; Ac hie þeah awerede þæt folc þe þærbinnan wæs oþ him mara fultum to com, 7 hie forleton þa þa burg, 7 foron aweg; 7 þa eft swiðe raþe æfter þam hie foron eft ut mid stælherge nihtes, 7 comon on ungearwe men, 7 genomon unlytel, ægþer ge on mannum, ge on ierfe. betweox Byrnewuda 7 æglesbyrig. Þy ilcan siþe for se here of Huntandune, 7 of Eastenglum, 7 worhton þæt geweorc æt Tæmeseforda, 7 hit budon 7 bytledon, 7 forleton þæt oþer æt Huntandune, 7 þohton þæt hie sceoldon þanon of mid gewinne 7 mid unfriðe eft þæs landes mare geræcan; 7 foran þæt hie gedydon æt Bedanforda, 7 þa foran þa men ut ongean þe þærbinnan wæron, 7 him wiþ gefuhton, 7 hie gefliemdon, 7 hira godne dæl ofslogon. Þa eft æfter þam þa giet gegadorode micel here hine of Eastenglum (7 of Eastenglum) 7 of Mercnalande, 7 foran to þære byrig æt Wigingamere, 7 ymbsæton hie utan, 7 fuhton lange on dæg on, 7 namon þone ceap onbutan; 7 þa men aweredon þeah þa burg þe þærbinnan wæron, 7 þa forleton hie þa burg 7 foron aweg. Þa æfter þam þæs ilcan sumeres gegadorode micel folc hit on Eadweardes cynges anwalde. of þam niehstum burgum, þe hit ða gefaran mehte, 7 foron to Tæmeseforda. 7 besæton ða burg. 7 fuhton ðæron oð hi hie abræcon, 7 ofslogon þone cyning, 7 Toglos eorl, 7 Mannan eorl his sunu, 7 his broþor, 7 ealle þa þe þærbinnan wæron, 7 hie wergan woldon, 7 namon þa oþre 7 eal þæt þærbinnan wæs. Þa æfter þam þæs forhraþe gegadorode micel folc hit on hærfest, ægþer ge of Cent, ge of Suþrigum, ge of Eastseaxum, ge æghwonan of þam nihstum burgum, 7 foron to Colneceastre, 7 ymbsæton þa burg, 7 þæron fuhton oþ hie þa geeodon, 7 þæt folc eall ofslogon, 7 genamon eal þæt þærbinnan wæs, buton þam mannum þe þær oþflugon ofer þone weall. Þa æfter þam þa giet þæs ilcan hærfestes gegadorode micel here hine of Eastenglum. ægþer ge þæs landheres ge þara wicinga þe hie him to fultume aspanen hæfdon, 7 þohton þæt hie sceoldon gewrecan hira teonun, 7 foron to Mældune, 7 ymbsæton þa burg, 7 fuhton þæron, oþ þam burgwarum com mara fultum to utan to helpe, 7 forlet se here þa burg, 7 for fram; 7 þa foron þa men æfter ut of þære byrig, 7 eac þa þe him utan comon to fultume, 7 gefliemdon þone here 7 ofslogon hira monig hund, ægþer ge æscmanna ge oþerra. Þa þæs forhraþe þæs ilcan hærfestes for Eadweard cyning mid Westsexna fierde to Passanhamme, 7 sæt þær þa hwile þe mon worhte þa burg æt Tofeceastre mid stanwealle, 7 him cirde to þurferþ eorl, 7 þa holdas, 7 eal se here þe to Hamtune hierde norþ oþ Weolud, 7 sohton hine him to hlaforde 7 to mundboran; 7 þa se firdstemn for ham, þa for oþer ut, 7 gefor þa burg æt Huntandune, 7 hie gebette 7 geedneowade þær heo ær tobrocen wæs, be Eadweardes cyninges hæse, 7 þæt folc eal þæt þær to lafe wæs þara landleoda beag to Eadwearde cyninge, 7 sohton his friþ 7 his mundbyrde. Þa giet æfter þam þæs ilcan geres foran to Martines mæssan for Eadweard cyning mid Westsexna fierde to Colneceastre, 7 gebette þa burg 7 geedneowade þær heo ær tobrocen wæs, 7 him cirde micel folc to, ægþer ge on Eastenglum, ge on Eastseaxum, þe ær under Dena anwalde wæs; 7 eal se here on Eastenglum him swor annesse, þæt hie eal þæt woldon þæt he wolde, 7 eall þæt friþian woldon þæt se cyng friþian wolde, ægþer ge on sæ, ge on lande; 7 se here þe to Grantanbrycge hierde hine geces synderlice him to hlaforde 7 to mundboran, 7 þæt fæstnodon mid aþum. swa swa he hit þa ared.
Her on ðysum gere betweox gangdagum 7 middan sumera for Eadweard cyng mid firde to Steanforda. 7 het gewyrcan ða burg on suðhealfe ðære eas, 7 ðæt folc eal ðe to ðære norþerran byrig hierde. him beah to, 7 sohtan hine him to hlaforde. 7 þa on þæm setle ðe he þær sæt, þa gefor æþelflæd his swystar æt Tameworþige .xii. nihtum ær middum sumera; 7 þa gerad he þa burg æt Tameworþige, 7 him cierde to eall se þeodscype on Myrcna lande þe Æþelflæde ær underþeoded wæs; 7 þa cyningas on Norþwealum, Howel, 7 Cledauc, 7 Ieoþwel, 7 eall Norþweallcyn hine sohton him to hlaforde. Þa for he þonan to Snotingaham 7 gefor þa burg, 7 het hie gebetan 7 gesettan, ægþer ge mid Engliscum mannum, ge mid Deniscum; 7 him cierde eall þæt folc to þe on Mercna lande geseten wæs, ægþer ge Denisc ge Englisce.
Her on þysum geare for Eadweard cyning mid fierde onufan hærfest to þelwæle, 7 het gewyrcan þa burg, 7 gesettan, 7 gemannian; 7 het oþre fierd eac of Miercna þeode þa hwile þe he þær sæt gefaran Mameceaster on Norþhymbrum, 7 hie gebetan 7 gemannian. [Hand 9a: Her forþferde Plegemund arcebisceop. ]
Her on þysum gere foran to middum sumera for Eadweard cyning mid fierde to Snotingaham, 7 het gewyrcan þa burg on suþhealfe þære eas, ongean þa oþre, 7 þa brycge ofer Treontan betwix þam twam burgum; 7 for þa þonan on Peaclond to Badecanwiellon, 7 het gewyrcan ane burg þær on neaweste, 7 gemannian; 7 hine geces þa to fæder 7 to hlaforde Scotta cyning 7 eall Scotta þeod; 7 Rægnald, 7 Eadulfes suna, 7 ealle þa þe on Norþhymbrum bugeaþ, ægþer ge Englisce, ge Denisce, ge Norþmen, ge oþre; 7 eac Stræcledweala cyning, 7 ealle Stræcledwealas.
Her Eadweard cing forþferde, 7 æþelstan his sunu feng to rice. [Hand 7: 7 Sancte Dunstan wearð akænned. ] [Hand 8f: 7 Wulfelm feng to þan arcebiscoprice on Cantuarebyri. ]
Her mon hadode Byrnstan bisceop to Wintanceastre .iiii. kalendas IVNII, 7 he heold þridde healf gear bisceopdom.
Her forþferde Fryþestan bisceop.
Her for Æþelstan cyning in on Scotland, ægþer ge mid landhere ge mid sciphere, 7 his micel oferhergade; 7 Byrnstan bisceop forþferde on Wintanceastre to Omnium Sanctorum.
Her feng Ælfeah bisceop to bisceopdome.
Her æþelstan cyning,         eorla dryhten,
beorna beahgifa,         7 his broþor eac,
Eadmund æþeling,         ealdorlangne tir
geslogon æt sæcce         sweorda ecgum
ymbe Brunanburh.         Bordweal clufan,
heowan heaþolinde         hamora lafan,
afaran Eadweardes,         swa him geæþele wæs
from cneomægum,         þæt hi æt campe oft
wiþ laþra gehwæne         land ealgodon,
hord 7 hamas.         Hettend crungun,
Sceotta leoda         7 scipflotan
fæge feollan,         feld dænnede
secgas hwate,         siðþan sunne up
on morgentid,         mære tungol,
glad ofer grundas,         godes condel beorht,
eces drihtnes,         oð sio æþele gesceaft
sah to setle.         þær læg secg mænig
garum ageted,         guma norþerna
ofer scild scoten,         swilce Scittisc eac,
werig, wiges sæd.         Wesseaxe forð
ondlongne dæg         eorodcistum
on last legdun         laþum þeodum,
heowan herefleman         hindan þearle
mecum mylenscearpan.         Myrce ne wyrndon
heeardes hondplegan         hæleþa nanum
þæ þe mid Anlafe         ofer æra gebland
on lides bosme         land gesohtun,
fæge to gefeohte.         Fife lægun
on þam campstede         cyninges giunge,
sweordum aswefede,         swilce seofene eac
eorlas Anlafes,         unrim heriges,
flotan 7 Sceotta.         þær geflemed wearð
Norðmanna bregu,         nede gebeded,
to lides stefne         litle weorode;
cread cnear on flot,         cyning ut gewat
on fealene flod,         feorh generede.
Swilce þær eac se froda         mid fleame com
on his cyþþe norð,         Costontinus,
har hilderinc,         hreman ne þorfte
mæca gemanan;         he wæs his mæga sceard,
freonda gefylled         on folcstede,
beslagen æt sæcce,         7 his sunu forlet
on wælstowe         wundun fergrunden,
giungne æt guðe.         Gelpan ne þorfte
beorn blandenfeax         bilgeslehtes,
eald inwidda,         ne Anlaf þy ma;
mid heora herelafum         hlehhan ne þorftun
þæt heo beaduweorca         beteran wurdun
on campstede         culbolgehnastes,
garmittinge,         gumena gemotes,
wæpengewrixles,         þæs hi on wælfelda
wiþ Eadweardes         afaran plegodan.
Gewitan him þa Norþmen         nægledcnearrum,
dreorig daraða laf,         on Dinges mere
ofer deop wæter         Difelin secan,
7 eft Iraland,         æwiscmode.
Swilce þa gebroþer         begen ætsamne,
cyning 7 æþeling,         cyþþe sohton,
Wesseaxena land,         wiges hremige.
Letan him behindan         hræw bryttian
saluwigpadan,         þone sweartan hræfn,
hyrnednebban,         7 þane hasewanpadan,
earn æftan hwit,         æses brucan,
grædigne guðhafoc         7 þæt græge deor,
wulf on wealde.         Ne wearð wæl mare
on þis eiglande         æfer gieta
folces gefylled         beforan þissum
sweordes ecgum,         þæs þe us secgað bec,
ealde uðwitan,         siþþan eastan hider
Engle 7 Seaxe         up becoman,
ofer brad brimu         Brytene sohtan,
wlance wigsmiþas,         Weealas ofercoman,
eorlas arhwate         eard begeatan.
Her Æþelstan cyning forðferde on .vi. kalendas Nouembris ymbe .xl. wintra butan anre niht þæs þe Ælfred cyning forþferde, 7 Eadmund æþeling feng to rice 7 he wæs þa .xviii. wintre. 7 Æþelstan cyning rixade .xiiii. gear 7 .x. wucan. [Hand 8g: Þa was Wulfelm arcebiscop on Cantwarebyri. ]
Her Eadmund cyning,         Engla þeoden,
maga mundbora,         Myrce geeode,
dyre dædfruma,         swa Dor scadeþ,
Hwitanwyllesgeat         7 Humbra ea,
brada brimstream.         Burga fife,
Ligoraceaster         7 Lindcylene
7 Snotingaham,         swylce Stanford
eac Deoraby.         Dæne wæran æror
under Norðmannum         nyde gebegde
on hæþenra         hæfteclommum
lange þraga,         oþ hie alysde eft
for his weorþscipe         wiggendra hleo,
afera Eadweardes,         Eadmund cyning.
Eadmund cyning onfeng Anlafe cyninge æt fulluhte 7 þy ylecan geare ymb tela micel fæc he onfeng Rægenolde cyninge æt bisceopes handa. [Hand 7: Her Eadmund cing Sancte Dunstane Glæstingeberig behæhte ðær he syððan ærest abbud wearð. ]
Her Eadmund cyning geeode eal Norþhymbra land to him gewealdan 7 aflymde ut twegen cyningas, Anlaf Syhtrices sunu 7 Rægenald Guðferþes sunu.
Her Eadmund cyning oferhergode eal Cumbra land 7 hit let to eal Malculme Scotta cyninge on þæt gerad þæt he wære his midwyrhta ægþer ge on sæ ge on lande.
Her Eadmund cyning forðferde on Sanctes Agustinus mæssedæge, 7 he hæfde rice seofoþe healf gear. 7 þa feng Eadred æþeling his broþor to rice 7 gerad eal Norþhymbra land him to gewealde, 7 Scottas him aþas sealdan, þæt hie woldan eal þæt he wolde.
Her forðferde Ælfheah Wintanceastres bisceop on Sancte Gregories mæssedæg.
Her forþferde Eadred cining on Sancte Clementes mæssedæg on Frome, 7 he rixsade teoþe healf gear, 7 feng Eadwig to rice, Eadmundes sunu cinges [Hand 7: 7 aflæmde Sancte Dunstan ut of lande. ]
Her forðferde Eadwig cyng on kalendas Octobris, 7 Eadgar his broðor feng to rice.
[Hand 7: Her he sænte efter Sancte Dunstane 7 gæf him þæt bisceoprice on Wigracæstre 7 ðæræfter þæt bisceoprice on Lundene. ]
[Hand 7: Her gewat Odo arcebisceop 7 Sancte Dunstan feng to arcebisceoprice. ]
Her forðferde ælfgar cinges mæg on Defenum, 7 his lic rest on Wiltune. 7 Sigferð cyning hine offeoll, 7 his lic ligð æt Wimburnan. 7 þa on geare wæs swiðe micel mancwealm, 7 se micela manbryne wæs on Lundene, 7 Paules mynster forbarn. 7 þy ilcan geare wearð eft gestaþelad, On þys ilcan geare for Aþelmod mæssepreost to Rome, 7 þær forðferde .xviii. Kalendæ Septembris:
Her forðferde Wulfstan diacon on Cilda mæssedæge, 7 æfter þon forðferde Gyric mæssepreost: On þys ilcan geare feng Aþelwold abbod to þæm bisceoprice to Wintanceastre. 7 hine mon gehalgode IN UIGILIA Sancti Andree. wæs sunnandæg on dæg:
Her dræfde Eadgar cyng þa preostas on Ceastre of Ealdanmynstre, 7 of Niwanmynstre. 7 of Ceortesige. 7 of Middeltune. 7 sette hy mid munecan. 7 he sette æþelgar abbod to Niwanmynstre to abbode. 7 Ordbirht to Ceortesige. 7 Cyneweard to Middeltune.
Her forðferde Eadmund æðeling. 7 his lic lið æt Rumesige.
Her Eadgar wæs,         Engla waldend,
corðre micelre         to cyninge gehalgod
on ðære ealdan byrig,         Acemannesceastre;
eac hi igbuend         oðre worde
beornas Baðan nemnaþ.         þær wæs blis micel
on þam eadgan dæge         eallum geworden,
þone niða bearn         nemnað 7 cigað
Pentecostenes dæg.         þær wæs preosta heap,
micel muneca ðreat,         mine gefrege,
gleawra gegaderod.         7 ða agangen wæs
tyn hund wintra         geteled rimes
fram gebyrdtide         bremes cyninges,
leohta hyrdes,         buton ðær to lafe þa get
wæs wintergeteles,         þæs ðe gewritu secgað,
seofon 7 twentig;         swa neah wæs sigora frean
ðusend aurnen,         ða þa ðis gelamp.
7 him Eadmundes         eafora hæfde
nigon 7 .xx.,         niðweorca heard,
wintra on worulde,         þa þis geworden wæs,
7 þa on ðam .xxx. wæs         ðeoden gehalgod.
Her geendode         eorðan dreamas
Eadgar, Engla cyning,         ceas him oðer leoht,
wlitig 7 wynsum,         7 þis wace forlet,
lif þis læne.         Nemnað leoda bearn,
men on moldan,         þæne monað gehwær
in ðisse eðeltyrf,         þa þe ær wæran
on rimcræfte         rihte getogene,
Iulius monoð,         þæt se geonga gewat
on þone eahteðan dæg         Eadgar of life,
beorna beahgyfa.         7 feng his bearn syððan
to cynerice,         cild unweaxen,
eorla ealdor,         þam wæs Eadweard nama.
7 him tirfæst hæleð         tyn nihtum ær
of Brytene gewat,         bisceop se goda,
þurh gecyndne cræft,         ðam wæs Cyneweard nama.
Ða wæs on Myrceon,         mine gefræge,
wide 7 welhwær         waldendes lof
afylled on foldan.         Fela wearð todræfed
gleawra godes ðeowa;         þæt wæs gnornung micel
þam þe on breostum wæg         byrnende lufan
metodes on mode.         þa wæs mærða fruma
to swiðe forsewen,         sigora waldend,
rodera rædend,         þa man his riht tobræc.
7 þa wearð eac adræfed         deormod hæleð,
Oslac, of earde         ofer yða gewealc,
ofer ganotes bæð,         gamolfeax hæleð,
wis 7 wordsnotor,         ofer wætera geðring,
ofer hwæles eðel,         hama bereafod.
7 þa wearð ætywed         uppe on roderum
steorra on staðole,         þone stiðferhþe,
hæleð higegleawe,         hatað wide
cometa be naman,         cræftgleawe men,
wise soðboran.         Wæs geond werðeode
waldendes wracu         wide gefrege,
hungor ofer hrusan;         þæt eft heofona weard
gebette, brego engla,         geaf eft blisse gehwæm
egbuendra         þurh eorðan westm.
Her wearð Eadweard cyning ofslegen. On þis ylcan feng æðelred æðeling his broðor to rice.
Her forðferde ælfhere ealdorman.
Her forðferde se wellwillenda bisceop Aðelwold, 7 seo halgung þæs æfterfilgendan bisceopes ælfheages, se ðe oðran naman wæs geciged Godwine. wæs .xiiii. kalendæ Nouembris 7 he gesæt þone bisceopstol an þara twegra apostola dæge Simonis 7 Iudæ. on Wintanceastre.
[Hand 7: Hoc anno obiit sanctus Dunstanus archiepiscopus. ]
Her on ðissum geare com Unlaf mid þrim 7 hund nigentigon scipum to Stane, 7 forhergedon þæt onytan, 7 for ða ðanon to Sandwic, 7 swa ðanon to Gipeswic, 7 þæt eall ofereode, 7 swa to Mældune; 7 him ðær com togeanes Byrhtnoð ealdorman mid his fyrde, 7 him wið gefeaht. 7 hy þone ealdorman þær ofslogon, 7 wælstowe geweald ahtan. 7 him man nam syððan frið wið, 7 hine nam se cing syððan to bisceopes handa. [Hand 7a: ðurh Sirices lare Cantware bisc<eo>pes, 7 ælfeages Wincæstre biscop. ]
Her forðferde Sigeric arcebisceop. 7 feng ælfric Wiltunscire bisceop to ðam arcebisceoprice.
Her on þysum geare wæs micel unfrið on Angelcynnes londe þurh sciphere, 7 welgehwær hergedon 7 bær<n>don, swa þæt hy upp asetton on ænne siþ þæt hy coman to æþelingadene. 7 þa com þær togeanes Hamtunscir, 7 him wið gefuhton. 7 ðær wearð æþelweard cinges heahgerefa ofslegen. 7 Leofric æt Hwitciricean, 7 Leofwine cinges heahgerefa, 7 Wulfhere bisceopes ðegn, 7 Godwine æt Worðige, ælfsiges bisceopes sunu. 7 ealra manna an 7 hund eahtatig. 7 þær wearð þara Denescra micle ma ofslegenra. þeah ðe hie wælstowe geweald ahtan. 7 foran ða þanon west oþ þæt hy coman to Defenan, 7 him þær togeanes com Pallig mid þan scipan ðe he gegaderian mihte, forþam þe he asceacen wæs fram æðelrede cyncge ofer ealle ða getrywða ðe he him geseald hæfde, 7 eac se cyng him wel gegifod hæfde on hamon, 7 on golde 7 seolfre. 7 forbærndon Tegntun, 7 eac fela oðra godra hama þe we genemnan ne cunnan, 7 heom man syððan þær frið wið nam. 7 hy foran þa þanon to Exan muðan, swa þæt hy asettan him upp on ænne sið oð hy coman to Peonho, 7 þær wæs Kola ðæs cyninges heahgerefa, 7 Eadsige þæs cynincges gerefa togeanes him mid ðære fyrde ðe hy gegaderian mihtan, 7 hy ðær aflymede wurdon, 7 ðær wearð fela ofslegenra, 7 ða Denescean ahtan wælstowe geweald; 7 ðæs on mergen forbærndon þone ham æt Peonho, 7 æt Glistune, 7 eac fela godra hama þe we genemnan na cunnan, 7 foran ða eft east ongean oð hy coman to Wiht; 7 þæs on mergen forbærndon ðone ham æt Wealtham. 7 oðra cotlifa fela. 7 hiom man raþe þæs wið þingode. 7 hy namon frið.
Her ælfricus arcebiscop forðferde.
Her mann halgode ælfehg to arcebiscope.
Her Cnut wearð ge coran to kinge.
Her com Cnut agean to Engla lande. Sona swa he becom to Engla lande. he geaf into Cristes cyrican on Cantwarebyri þa hæfenan on Sandwic. 7 ealla þa gerihta þe þarof arisaþ of æiðre healfe ðare hæfene. swa þæt loc whenne þæt flod byþ ealra hehst 7 ealra fullost beo an scip flotigende swa neh þan lande swa hit nyxt mæge. 7 þar beo an mann stande on þan scipe 7 habbe ane taper æx on his handa afwyrpe up swa feorr on þæt land of swiðre healfe swa he swiþost mæge. Swa feorr begað þa munekas Cristes cyrican þa gerihta þe þarof cumað. Ne nan mann þarof nanes es þingeon þa ða heora ofer bates þæt eall of þam ber 7 of eaþcumað uð.
[Hand 10?: Cnut obiit. ]
[Hand 10?: Hic obiit Æþelnor archebiscop. ]
Her Eadsige arcebiscop for to Rome. 7 Harold cing (king) forðferde:
Her forðferde Harðacnut king.
Her wæs Eaduuard gehalgod to kinge.
Her forðferde Eadsige arcebiscop. 7 Rodbert. feng. to. arcebiscoprice.
Her Goduuine eorl forðferde.
Her forðferde Eaduuard king. 7 Harold eorl feng to ðam rice 7 heold hit .xl. wucena. 7 ænne dæg. 7 her com Willelm 7 gewann ængla land. 7 her on ðison geare barn Cristes cyrice. [Hand 11: 7 her atiwede cometa .xiii. kalendæ MAI. ]
Her Landfranc se þe wæs abbod an Kadum com to ængla lande, se efter feawum dagum wearð arcebiscop on Kantwareberig. He wæs gehaded .iiii. kalendæ Septembris, on his agenum biscopsetle fram eahte biscopum his underðioddum; ða oþre ðe þær næron þurh ærendrakan 7 þurh gewrite atiwdon hwi hi ðær beon ne mihton. On þam geare THOMAS se wæs gecoran bisc<o>p to Eferwic com to Cantwareberig þæt man hine ðær gehadede efter þan ealdan gewunan. Ða ða Landfranc crafede fæstnunge his gehersumnesse mid aðswerunge. þa forsoc he. 7 sæde þæt he hit nahte to donne. Þa gewraðede hine se arcebiscop Landfranc. 7 bebead þam biscopan ðe þar cumene wæran be ðas arcebiscop Landfrances hæse þa serfise to donde. 7 eallan þan munecan, þæt hi scoldan hi unscrydan. 7 hi be his hæse swa didan. Swa Thomas to þam timan agean ferde buton bletsunga. Þa sona æfter þysan belamp þæt se arcebiscop LANDFRANC ferde to Rome 7 Thomas forð mid. Þa þa hi þyder comon 7 umbe oþer þing gesprecon hæfdon umbe þæt hi sprecan woldon. þa angan Thomas his spæce hu he com to Cantuuarebyri, 7 hu se arcebiscop axode hyrsumnesse mid aþswerunge at him. 7 he hit forsoc. Þa agann se arcebiscop Landfranc atywian mid openum gesceade. þæt he mid rihte crafede þas þa he crafede 7 mid strangan cwydan þæt ylce gefæstnode toforan þam papan Alexandre. 7 toforan eallan þam concilium þe þar gegadered was. 7 swa ham foran. Æfter þysan com Thomas to Cantwarebyri 7 eal þæt se arcebiscop at him crafede. eadmedlice gefylde. 7 syþþan þa bletsungan underfeng.



MS. geodon <text>

  1. Altered from .lxvi. to .lvi. by erasure of x. *G has syx 7 syxti; BCD have .lxvi.; E has .lvi.
  2. Altered from .lxii. to .xlii.. *G has .lxii.; BC have .lii.; DE have .xlii.

From comparison with *G, the alterations to A must have occurred after G was copied. As all recensions, except E, agree on the length of Octauianus's reign, I suggest that the reading in E is faulty. I think that .xlii. is the better reading for the year of Christ's birth. <text>


Her has been erased, and 7 inserted over the erasure, probably by Scribe 8. Presumably he assumed that the annal number for this entry was following Scribe 1's space saving policy. <text>

  1. & inserted probably by Scribe 8a.
  2. Altered by erasure from þ to w.



Erased; se *G; Petrus se apostol C; apostol Petrus DE. <text>


The annal number has been altered to 45, and a new annal number 44 inserted on the line above in another hand (8?). <text>


The annal number has been altered to 46. <text>


The annal number has been altered to 47. The original annal number 47 has been erased from the top of folio 2r. <text>


For some reason this word has been split across two lines with senda immediately below þu. There would have been ample room to put the whole word on 2ra27. <text>


This annal number at 2rb1 has been altered to 84, presumable because 83 also appeared at the bottom of 2ra. <text>


This annal number has been altered to 87, and annal numbers 85 and 86 inserted above. <text>


original reading changed to him wærþ tiþod by Scribe 8. <text>

  1. This annal has been annotated with sic etiam in historia saxonica Petroburg by Joscelyn
  2. Original reading changed to Galwalas by Scribe 8.



This annal has been annotated with sic etiam in historia saxonica Petroburg by Joscelyn <text>


This annal has been annotated with sic etiam in historia saxonica Petroburg by Joscelyn <text>

  1. This word has been glossed with uel Patricius by Scribe 8, and Joscelyn has annotated this line (in the blank second column) with in saxonica histor. Petroburg. est Patricius non Paladius.
  2. This word has been glossed with to bodianne scottum fulluht by Joscelyn.


  1. sendon has been glossed with ferdon ofer sæ by Joscelyn.
  2. Ætla has been glossed with ætilan in lib. Petroburg by Joscelyn.



original reading Mauricius changed to Martianus in another hand, probably Scribe 8. *G has Mauricius; E has Martianus <text>


original reading changed to Æfter þan þæt lond wearð in another hand, probably Scribe 8. *G has Æfter wæs þæt lond; E has þan wæs þæt land <text>


7 Stuf in another hand. *G has Stuf; E has 7 Stuf <text>

  1. fea altered to feala in another hand, probably Scribe 8.
  2. Altered to Wihtgaræsbyrg in another hand, probably Scribe 8. *G has Wihtgarabyrg; E has Wihtgarasbyrg.



original reading changed to eall Wiht ealandby Scribe 8. *G has Wihte ealond; E has eall Wihtland <text>

  1. Altered to Bænesington. *G has Bennington; BC have Bensingtun; E has Benesingtun.
  2. Altered to geforþferde by the addition of þferde, in a later hand. *G has gefor; BC have gefor.



original reading .v. changed to .vi. in a later hand. *G, BC have .v.; E has .vi. <text>

  1. Altered to þusend.
  2. Original entry modified to .lxv. by erasure, only initial x now visible. *G has .xlvi.; BCDE have .lxv.



original reading biscepdome changed to biscepdomes by the addition of s in another hand. *G has bisceopdome; E has biscopdomas <text>

  1. The MS reads .ü.; *G has .v., BC have .vm..
  2. MS reads Penda; BCDE have Peada.



Inserted over a hole in the manuscript in a modern hand, possible Wheloc <text>


It is not certain whether cinges (inserted inter-linearly) was intended as part of the text or as a gloss. <text>


This erased text (in hand 1a) corresponds to annal 851 7 þy ... gefliemdon which similarly follows sige namon. <text>


Supplied from BCDE. friþ wiþ BC; wið frið DE. <text>

  1. The MS and *G read micel þæs folces 7; BCDE have (correctly)7 micel þæs folces.
  2. MS originally read com with man added in another hand; *G has comon.



Added in another hand (possibly 2c). þær þa wearþ DE and *G; þær wearþ BC. <text>


This annal number is the last thing written by in Hand 1. The remaining three lines of folio 16r have been left blank. This annal number caused a later scribe to erroneously add one to the entries between 892 and 940, obviously thinking that the first entry on folio 16v was for 892, and that the duplicated annal number 892 that followed should be 893. <text>

(891 cont'd)

Hand 2a starts here. <text>

  1. The annal number has been changed to 893 in another hand.
  2. bunaan.



The annal number has been changed to 894 in another hand. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 895 in another hand. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 896 in another hand. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 897 in another hand. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 898 in another hand. <text>

  1. The annal number has been changed to 901 in another hand.
  2. *G reads þæt he; the MS has oð he inserted in another hand over an erasure.



The annal number has been changed to 903 in another hand. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 904 in another hand. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 905 in another hand. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 906 in another hand. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 909 in another hand. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 910 in another hand. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 911 in another hand. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 912 in another hand. <text>

  1. The annal number has been changed to 913 in another hand.
  2. Hand 2c starts with this word.



The annal number has been changed to 916 and then to 917 in other hands. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 917 and then to 918 in other hands. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 918 and then to 919 in other hands. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 919 and then to 920 in other hands. <text>

  1. The annal number has been changed to 920 and then to 921 in other hands.
  2. Crossed out, presumably meant for deletion.


  1. The annal number has been changed to 921 and then to 922 in other hands.
  2. Hand 2e starts here.
  3. Hand 2f starts here.
  4. Hand 2e resumes here.



The annal number has been changed to 922 and then to 923 in other hands. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 923 and then to 924 in other hands. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 925 in another hand. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 932 in another hand. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 933 in another hand. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 934 in another hand. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 935 in another hand. <text>


The annal number has been changed to 938 in another hand. <text>


The remainder of this annal is in Hand 10, and does not follow the ruling on fos. 31v and 32r. <text>

Copyright © 1995, Tony Jebson <>, all rights reserved. Last modified 22/02/95.